Lt Baptist Church KliG(ilt VALLEV ft John Willis Jr., Pastor ? , . jiu Liyht I i.jtiio mlllW W WIT in ? 070 Oil >001 tllul. ft -suiuioj WI100L Wa ft* gu lendent. ft tVoi slap Service. Ser f:ne pastor. MZbTU. Janus Rich, Direc I .1 orship Service. Mes W'jie pastor. Mai? Bible --tiid.v anil choir ftm ?Teachers meeting. Km? Prayer service in a ?VNOI XC KMKXTS folks Service each third tight at 8 o'clock. ? John's Church i watnesville Rev. Lawrence Newman, I Pastor L (lf Catholic Masses fur |f,trrn North Carolina Iciille?8:00 and 11:00?St. phurth p?9 15? Immaculate Con Khipel. L(r ? 10:00 ? Artist ?dg (Summer only), t C ;ty?8.00?-St. Joseph's ?j ? 8 00 ? St. William's la?11:00 ? Our Lady of K.i: ? 10 00 ? St. Francis lairview BaDtist I Church I PLOTTS CREEK ller. Carl Cook, Pastor By School?10 a.m. Claude ? Superintendent. Bn by the pastor?2nd and Bday mornings and 1st and Bday nights. Salvation Army MOUNTAIN MISSION DISTRICT Drawer 629 Tel. GL 6-6718 MAX PATCH ROAD Major Cecil Brown, District Of ficer. Lieut. Glenna West, Assistant. Lela Presnell, Assistant. Blanche I.owe. Secretary. Jean Frese, Children's Worker. ACTIVITIES Preaching services, Sunday Schools, y. P. Legion, Bible Classes. Ladies' Home League, Home visitation in all Centers. CHURCHES: Max Patch ? Headquarters. Sheltun Laurel, Lit tle Creek. Bonnie Hill, Sleepy Val ley, and Timber Ridge. Clyde Church of God THOMPSON COVE The Rev. John Bourns, Pastor SUNDAY? Sunday School 10 a n). Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. Young People's Service Friday 7:30 p.m. Tlocky Branch Free Will Baptist Church The Rev. V F. II) rd. Pastor SATURDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Evangelistic service with visit in ti minister. SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School. Lum Boone. Supt. 11:0U a.m.?Morning Worship. Sermon by pastor. 8:00 p.m.?Sermon by the pas tor. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m. Prayer service. Christian Science Service The Christian Science lesson sermon will be read Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock in room number 11 on the l'irst? floor of the Ma sonic Temple. A Testimony Meeting will be held each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Public i- invited. Guidance for Family Living FATHER EXHORTS HIS SOX TO JyKKP THE EAWS OF LIKE WHICH HAVK SEItVKO HIM WELL tpfnn Prwrrlnt 'i: >1:~0?' IEWMAN CAMI'BELI TARE tlif rules of life, if I diligently, will load us t the most of our lives ? | nv we n< ? 'I not t>e rich in m l goods to he happy. We it. lie | in I his woi Id's but riih in love and hap non. that wise man of old, s h".v his condui t was by his father, King David. Ihnuhj he helpful to lis. have been shocked in re* uTths to read or know the vicious behavior of t ups el children. Accord- I h accounts, many of these lets lei not come from the i Some were children of I nho lived in comfortahle j and were considered good, j citizens. were from broken homes, j the father, perhaps, had h his family or his actions ,ls-d the mother to sepa oai him or divorce him. arried people may not be ' tether, but, surely, when 're children to consider, l"vf for them and the hp- that they need both should make the parents h enough to try. and keep to make adjustments the home may be main read the words of Solo* 1 ?'7; 17:1; r> 1 1-1',: 11:10-11. quietness therewith. I li.i n an house fvi1 1 of sac rifices with strife,'' we read. Strife in the home is often the cause of chil dren's niistichuviui. A home may he filled with children's laughter and fun. which the parents may I share, hut underneath there is a quietness that soothe s. It may he a very humble home, but where this quietness is, there is peace arid happiness. The other side of the picture is shown in Proverbs. Verse lit of Chapter 19: "A foolish son is the calamity of Ins father: and the contentions of a wife are a con tinual dropping. ' A foolish son is one who does not reciprocate his parents' love or recognize their wisdoi And what is worse in a home ' an a contentious person whether it be I wife or husband -one who is ir ritable and scolding and a curse. J instead of a blessing, in the home. Solomon pays the greatest and most beautiful tribute to a good woman to be found in all litera ture in the last chapter of his Proverbs. "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life." I Then he recounts her activities: I MfcMORY TERSE krcp flu/ Inihi l .s com mauilm' ill ? ?M? for**** ? KM providing goon ioou aim uvumki, /or her family, which meant weaving cloth las our pioneer mothers flid, making it into com fortable garments i. Rising in the early morning to send husband and children off to work or school with a good meal: stretching out her hands to the poor. "She openeth her mouth with wisdom: and in her tongue is the law of kindness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praiseth her. . . . Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain; but a woman who feareth the Ix?rd, she shall he praised." Such a woman reminds us of the poet I.ord Tennyson's words in his poem. Th< Prmcsx. "Hap py he with such a mother; faith in womankind heats in his blood, , and trust in all things high comes easy to him." In a home with such parents, oven if a man trip and fall," as | the poet says, he wilt not be lost, I but will return again to the i paths of righteousness, avoiding ? evil, clinging to that wluch is | good. If we carefully read the words | of Solomon's, written so many J years ago. but still full of wis. j dom for us of the modern world, ] ! and if we mrmoi ire them and I try to follow them throughout our ! lives, we will not only be better I citizens, but better Christians, and surely our conduct will be i pleasing to Cod, our heavenly ' Father. l.i th* r? sake ol the Church lf, which needs his moral \ and material support Plan to go to church regu 1 larly and read your Bible dailv. s. | Book Chapter Varaaa A Sunday Matthrw IS 17 \ Monday Matthew IS 10-14 s. Tuesday Mark 9 J J 40 \ Wednesday Genesis 4 19 > Thursday . I.ukr 6 70-26 \ Friday Matthew r? 19-24 . Saturday Kevelation 21 1-7 \ i i i TC\\ H. M. Allen. Jr. Allen's ("reek I'hone 6-6562 Allison Construction Co., Inc. ? Asphalt Paving ? Balsam ltd. GL 6-5621 Allison & Duncan Oil Co. Suppliers of Sinclair Products Dial GL 6-3921 Hazel wood He I k - Hudson "Home of Better Values Central Cleaners "Superior Cleaning and Pressing" Church & Montgomery Nts., Dial GL 6-3671 Waynesviile, N. C. Charles' Shell Service Balsam Koad Hazel wood Charlie's Drive-In Owners ? Charlie Woodard and Jimmie W illiams Complete 24-IIour Service IWIIIlKftWJ '-W?. iiW-WWHII ' '?> l I HPI mnimmiLU UWmiULHI .nui ?- nil IUI...I1U,, \V. II. Dillard's Guilder's Supply & Hardware Co. "Complete Line of I'.uildins Materials" .Main at Academy I'hone 6-3113 Farmers Kxchange "Dealers in Quality Seeds" feeds - Fertilisers - Insecticides Asheyille ltd. I'hone 6*5X>j Farmers Hardware and Supply Co. "Quality and Service At Reasonable Prices" Depot Street