1EBLWANT (want ad i rates Lf type, - eenta per word, k fbar-e 40 cents. ? size type, .3 cents per ? minimum charge 60 L size type, 50c ; ?column inch. Ements will be published En; to desired schedule Kt extra charge. E advertisements should be Irted immediately. The ?aiseer will not be re Ele for more than one I ft insertion. Idvertisemevts are ? l* ADVANCE. Cash must Lany orders sent by mail. ? must be in office be I4:30 a. m. on day before Etion to guarantee to be Et ad section. ' L wish to Insert a want ad | m 0-5301. pecial Notices ?. Draperies - Furniture Itrv. Also Fabrics. At the ' Decorating' Shop in Can apposite Canton Motor 17 Phone Canton 2312. Mar 20-tf j HUMENTS see Haywood 1 (Dt Co.. next to Farmers ge on Asheville Road. 11. rl, manager. Dial C!I, 6- I tf ORLESS sanitary septic failing. call Canton 3274 Plumbing Co. J 19-tf SELL LOTS, small tracts 1 nng. houses and business y. Small down payment. Inance balance. C. A. CL 6-5424. M 1-tf ~ X FTRNWCES?Free lies. No down pay i Three veare to pay. - natic Heating Com GL 6-3291. A 12 tf -Many of our customers W starting their Christ ly-Awavs with Kaiser's tore. Why don't you? _ Sept 2 tf . ssioual Services ~~~ r I0NAL PIANO TUNING, wd repairing. Paul Shep inton, N. C. Tel 5123 S 14-tf HAVE on duty two re mechanics. Open 6:30 530 p.m. Norman's Ga - 6-5661. S 2-tf - . ? i FRAMED to your or wal oak finish, leaded ierry stain, mahogany her stains and colors. It 1" to 4" wide; prices * >le. H. C Wilburn, 903 ' Phono GI. 6-5523. O 21-2B I For Sale FOR SALE ? Seed rye, barley, winter oats, winter peas, vetch, rye grass. A.S.C.R. orders filled or fertilizer, seed, and lime. Parton Feed Store. 6-4581. S 9 tf FOR S ALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $8 00 up. Kurt Cans, Jeweler, 207 Ma'n St A 5-tf FOR SALE: Lots, small tracts with small stream. Houses, business property. Small down payment. You name the terms. C. A. George, GL 6-3124. Jly 8 tf rOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES?8/4 Hemlock Framing, 4/4 Hemlock boards, 4/4 Locust boards, 4x4 Locust Posts, 4/4 No. 3B Common Hardwoods, dry. Slabs and strips cut into wood. Warner Lumber Co. Saw Mill, Lake Logan Road. A 16-tf ??OR SALE?Team of good work horses (harness included). Weigh over 1G00 lbs. each. See Richard Trull at Barber's Orchard. J 19-tf '()R SALE?Apples for jelly, can ning and eating. Z. L. Massey, call 6-4509 Waynesville. S 30 tf FOR SALE ? 5 - room house, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, big living room, wired for range. Not year old. Near Dayton Rub ber. Phone C1L C-3310 or see Bill Bryson. S 30 tf 'OR SALE ? Registered Heagle puppies and trained Beagles. I>ogs boarded. Ox-F.ar Cove Ken nels CL 6-5141 tO 14-tf 'OR SALE?1948 Ilailey-Davidson "74" motorcycle. A-l condition, good tires. S25U.OO. GL 6-4591 or GL 6-4088. O 14-18-21-25 SPINET PIANO BARGAIN?For a reliable party, a beautiful Spinet piano, never abused. As low as $10.00 monthly and two years to pay. Write Central Discount Co.. P. O. Box 7193. Ashevillo. N. (\, for further information. O 18-21-25 "OR SALE?Fresh molasses. F. C. Kalhbone. Upper Hvatt Creek GL 6-4020. O 21-25-28 "OR SALE?-Manchasler Terrier, black and brown. Call GLen dale 6-5412. O 21-25 50 OLDSMOBILE 88 Rocket. Needs small repairs Ilydramatic. radio, heater, good rubber ? $495 00. Dial Asheville 3-6181. O 21-25 iF.VERAL DAIRY TYPE HEIFERS that will freshen in the spring. Will sell or swap for fat type. V. R. Rhinehart, Rt. 1, Waynes ville. O 18-21-25 VOOD FOR SALE?Call Patrick's Cafe GL 6-9115 or George Pat rick 6-6532. O 18-21-25-28-31 N 1-4-8 ?looking for Best choice H Used Car I Bargains? B1 9*1 * better choice?and better buys? from a successful dealer I TAYLOR MOTOR CO. Bwad St. GL C-3591 ??tori$ts...this man may |VE YOU MONEY R. N.Johnson, Kemper Approved Imuran?* Advisor, ii saving money for many of your friend* through skillful inaurance planning- and ?ubetantial policyholder dividends. His service includes auto, fire, ell forms of property and casualty insurance and bonds Call this Kemper Approved Insurance fftar I' CAl L OR WR,TE J*"1 ??na Mutual Insurance !' ? GL 6-5441 S<^>^ lU*?WMlNS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY ^^,w*urpit-T\ some 1" and larger any quantity I from 1 bu. to truck load $2.">0 per box or $2.00 per I * bu. in your container. Also I Staymans and Rome Reau- ,i t?es for ct?oking and Golden ti Delicious. Rolling Hall Ap-; a pie Orchard. O 21 tr MOB1LEHOMES ? L SKI) TRAIL- " F.RS?TRAILER INSURANCE? n PARTS & ACCESSORIES ? * SAVE at RIMER S. the south's' 2( largest and most modern Mobile- j ' home Center. Brand new Mobile homes. bath with tub and show. ^ er. sleeps 4, only $2295. Used 1 models from $495. We trade for ^ furniture. Pay on easy monthly payment plans. 5 Acres of mo- ' bilehomes, all sizes, many floor plans, all at LOW. LOW Rimer prices. Open evenings. Wed. P through Sat. til 9 closed Sun days. RIMER. INC. (The place ? s< with the up-sido-down signi 3 Mi. N. of Greenville, S. C. Hwy JJ. 29 O 25 J. FOR SALE ?1 Four room garage *? Apt Hillside Terrace. GL 6-3178 H O 25-ti ! MARY FRANCES KETNF.R of n' Hazel wood has two tickets lor p the Strand Theatre at the Moun- g taincer otlice. 1] GEESE?Purebred white F.mden p breeders-. No housing needed. ri Good weeders. F.at mostly grass. Will start to lav in Feb. R. J. Fowler, Phone C-4530 O 25-tf ? ????????? R For Rent }? FOR RENT?Two-room apartment, |( furnished. Southern exposure. ? Adults only. Rates reasonable. q Call GL 6-4165. S 23 tf ,, STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT? R Exeellent for furniture, imple- (> ments, machinery, etc. Large or P small amounts accommodated. C Call GL 6-3001 or 6-5414 This, tf (1 FOR RENT ? 5-room unfurnished n apartment. 211 Hazel Street, p Phone GL 6-4764. S 13-tf ,, FOR RENT?Two 4-room apart- 1 ments at 310 Brown Avenue. '' Contact Jack Grant in shop at * back. O 18-21-25-28 v : 1 FOR RENT?Three-room furnish- tl ed apartment. Close in, $35.00 ti per. month. 5 t< Two ^bedroom unfurnished apart- 7 ment. $40 00 per month. Call ti 6-4331. O 21-25 a ? ? 1 ' '. 1 " - ??." - -? 1 ' j j FOR RENT?Furnished apartment.1 2nd floor. Three rooms and bath n Electric kitchen. Garage. 307 Haywood St. GL 6-4985. | , ! o ""OR RENT?One four-room apart ment with bath. Location 215 N. '' Pine Sf. near Wellco Shoe Corp., R Hazelwood. Telephone 6-4128. P O 21-25-28 N 1 >1 ?"OR RENT?Comfortably furnish- g ed. heated apartment. Call GL v 6-6312, Mrs. Sam Stringfield, 103 n Walnut and Main Streets. j y O 21-25-28 S( FOR RENT?Large four rooms and * bath, upstairs apartment with ^ heat furnished. Wired for elec- n trie stove. Private entrance Ca' 6-5504 after 6 pm Mrs. Nobl" Garrett. Jr. O 25-2P t> The Arctic Tern flies about 22.- v 000 miles each year between the a arctic and the antarctic. * H ; '' . Ill ?V VI PLUMBING I AND HEATING ti GCARANTEED WORK AT a REASONABLE PRICES v Either Contract Or a By The Hour tl DIAL GL 8-4169 FARMERS ? HARDWARE & h SUPPLY CO. 416 DEPOT STREET Lost & Found OST^^!\>!TTn?lP^iinMano^Tpr! largo light brown doc, wearing chain collar, and rabies tag No. 119. Named Tippy. Reward. Call GL 6-4975. I) 21-25 i::s Kl DDI.I'll C \KSWK1 1. of Hazelwood has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the .Moun taineer office. .'OTH K OK PROPOSKII Ollltl. NANCE OF THE TOWN 0* WAYNES VI I.I.I TO EXTEND ITS CORPORATE LIMITS. All persons owning property ithin the area hereinafter de ?ribed, and all qualified voters re iding within the area hereinafter escribed, proposed to be annexed > the Town of WaynesviUe. and II qualified voters residing witli 1 the corporate limits of the Town f WaynesviUe, will take notice lat the Mayor and Board of Alder ten of the Town of WaynesviUe ill meet on Monday. November 2. 1954, at three o'clock P. M. at te Town Hall in the Town of WaynesviUe for the furthqr con deration and adoption of an or inance for the extension of the uporate limits of the Town of WaynesviUe to include within the lid corporate limits the following I oundary or area, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the resent corporate litie of the Town I WaynesviUe on the North side f Eagles Nest Koad at its inters action with the Westerly margin I Sulphur Springs Hoad. and runs fence with said margin of Sulphur prings road to a point in the outherly margin of Eagles Nest .oad, and runs thence with the outh margin ot Eagles Nest Road 1 a Westerly direction to the cor er of the Harry Hyatt residence roperty; thence running with the asterly boundary of the Hairy [yatt line In a Southerly direction bout 400 l'eet to a point in the aul Hyatt property line; thence mining with the Haul Hyatt Bill revost property line to Plott 'reek; thence down said Plotts reek in an Easterly direction to iichland Creek; thence down Rich ind Creek in a Northernly direc ion to the Walter Hyatt North ast corner; thence with the Wal ?r Hyatt line in a Westerly direc j'n to the East margin of Sulohur prings Road; thence ill a Norther y direction, with said margin of iulphur Springs Road to the pres nt corporate line; thence with the resent corporate fine to the BE I INNING. All owners of property, and all | ualified voters in the territory, ereinabove described will take' otice that a meeting will be held y the Mayor and Board of Alder len of tile Town of Waynesville at lie usual place of meeting of said kiard at the Mayor's office in the 'own Hall in the Town of Waynes ille on Monday, November 22nd, 954, at three o'clock P. M. for he purpose of hearing objections o the passing of the ordinance ex ending the corporate limits of the 'own of Waynesville to include the irrilory hereinabove described, nd said property owners and qual fied voters residing in said area l-oposed to be annexed will take otice that if a petition shall be led with the Major and Board of kldermen on or before three 'clock P. M on Monday, Novem ier 22nd, 1954 duly signed by at ?ast fifteen per cent of the quali ed voters residing in said area roposed to be annexed, requeui ng a referendum on the question f annexation, the Mayor and loard of Alderme of the Town of Ifa.vnesville will cause to be sub litted to a vote of the qualified Otcrs of said area hereinbefore de rribed and proposed to be annex d, the question as to whether or ot said territory shall be annexed nd unless such petition by fifteen er eent of the qualified voters of he territory proposed to be an exed shall not be filed, or unless a eferendutn shall be called by the oters of the Town of Waynesville nd the vote east adverse to said nnexation. then the Mayor and loard of Aldermen will proceed a pass an ordinance as provided V Statute annexing to the tornor te limits of the Town of Waynes ille the territory hereinbefore de rribed All residents and qualified voter* 1 the Town of Waynesville will ike notice thai If they have objec od to the annexation of the ter itory hereinbefore descnbod to le corporate limits of the Town f Waynesville, if they file with the lavor and Board ot Mdennen on r before Monday, ^November 22 964 at three o'clock P. M. a peti on signed by at least fifteen per ent of the qualified voters resid ig within the present corporate mits of the Town of Waynesvillo. fiat the question of annexation will Iso be submitted to the qualified oters of the Town of Waynesville j t a special election to be called lerefore, as provided by statute. Done by order of the Mayor and oard of Aldermen of the Town of faynesville at a regular meeting eld October 7, 1954 ' This October 21. 1954 1 SUE HJNKUCY Tow-n Clerk. 412?Q 23 N 1-i-Ui ? ? f H / Want ads brtnf quick results " ? ? FII.MS ? CAMERAS , ? FINEST DEVELOPING KAISER'S Camera Shop Trade-In* Easy Payment* I REAL ESTATE MART FIIA and G1 LOANS HOMES FOR SALE Ninevah. 11-? acres, 4 rooms bath. I furnace, wired for electric stove, insulated. 1 year old. S3.750.00. Fairvicw Road, 4 rooms, bath. 1 1 acre land. $5,500. Balsam Road. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. I.arce lot. $25,000. Asheville Rd.. Modern, new, 6 rooms. 1-acre. $22,000. 2 car aa- I raise. Grandview llts. Modern 2 bed rooms. SI 0.000. Brown Ave. 7-room brick house, 2 | baths. $18,000. A riifinis l.:irr#? lilt Oarage. $10,000. Tate St. I .at 130 x 115. 4-ronm \ home Furnace. $8,000. (laii'lHiMxI. Small house, large lot. *5,000. ?\llens Creek Kd. 6 rooms. corner . lot. $5,500. \ Hyatt's Creek Kd. .5 rooms, mod ?rn. 111 acres. $7,500. I.akc Juualuska. 240-ft. lot on Lake Shore, 2 bedrooms, garage.' S16.000. ^ I.OTS N. Main St. 100x187 ft. $2,500 Near High School. Priced right. One acre, near Dayton Rubber, j $1200. | * FOR RENT 3-rooin apartmeut. Love I.ane. Furnished $40 per month. I'nfurn isbed $30 per month. 2 rooms over Food Store. $20 mo. t CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY 110 Main St. Dial GL 6-5441 i i ? Wanted WANTED: To buy good used furni lure. Haywood Furn. Store, Main St., Waynesvllle, N. C.' Phone 6-3641. Apr 8 tf VANTED ? Listings on houses, lots, farms and business proper ty. We especially need smalt modern medium priced houses. The L. N. Davis Co., Dial GL 6 3301. S 9-tf M FCS AND ERNEST SF.TZER want to contract or day labor? hlock or stone work, painting or carpentry work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dial G-6300. S 13 tf > ANTED Someone to clean out or dig well. Also to buy 8 can milk cooler. Call at night, GL 6-5607. O 18-tf IK1.P WANTED Reliable woman white or colored, for house work in nice home in Miami Good salary. For details apply N. C. Employment Security Office, Stretcher Bldg., Waynesville. O 21-25 VANTED low hides .11111 c.ill hides, also .scrap iron, radiators and batteries. Rchulhofer's Junk Yard. Dial G1 G-4541 (> 25 D IB VANTED Man to do general farm work, such as milking, driv ing truck or tractor. Call G-5G07. O 25-tt VANTED?Woman of girl to do general housework three morn ings each week Dial (11. C-4043. O 25-28 RAY'S SHEET METAL SHOP ? Warm Air Healing ? Install and Repair Guttering ? Services and Cleaning For All Makes of Furnaces. Wall Street Dial GL 6-6331 ______________ : ?___ \> \ Stops Clogged SlLlk Gutters m* STEELCO Gutter Screen , J Covers Gutter [ Ji\I I "Keeps Leaves Out of Your Eaves" X I __ LOW COST ? Easily Installed AUTOMATIC HEATING CO. GL 6-5291 Waynesville Big Washer Buy Mayteg!? Sen's temoua lltjtu wuhlng perform en ce *t e low, low price. W lew Cewe pevenat I I STiTT $139.95 J ROGERS ELECTRIC COMPANY Dial GL 6-6351 Main Street l.AWSON GLENN SUMMERROW of llazrlwood has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Moun taineer office. r t'se Want Ads tor Quirk results. 1 _ c ? 5 Mr. Home Owner! I Let Us PAINT Your House Now (Inside 01 i Out, or Roth) . , . And Pay Later ? Take lTp To 12 J Months To Pay! ? Low Interest Rates ? ; t Free Estimates "No Job Too Bit ? None Too Small" Cline-Bradley Co. ! DIAL GL 6 3181 ? IF YOU I)ONT KNOW INSURANCE, KNOW YOUR AGENT nrniS^H : C?t low co$l form Bureoe ou'o insurance ? save up to 25% . Standard, nonassess able policy . .. quick, friend ly claim* service. Second largest mutual auto Insurer in U. S. fX INFORMATION, RHONt AL MARSHALL flazelwood, Dial GL 6-3644 a I GARRETT PCRNITURE CO, INC. \ Main Street T^OtePj^' 1 I y<-^* Don't ge? caught UNDER INRURFD. Make certain today's insurance is equal to today'? replacement coat. For a check-up ju?t phone? Kll.PATRICK ? PELMET REAL ESTATE GL S - 2?Sl NOTICE FOR BIDDERS FOR SIDEWALKS The Mayor and Board of Alder nen of the Town of Waynesville rill receive bids until four ?'clock I'. M. on Friday, October 19, 1954 for the grading, laying and 'onstruction of sidewalks to the ex ent of one thousand lineal feet on 'igeon Street, and fourteen hun Irod and eighty lineal feet on the Vllwood Road. Sidewalks to be four inches hick, five feet in width, with two nches of crushed stone base. The ;ection at the edge of the street o be ten inches thick, four inches ibove street level and six inches kIow. Three driveways on Dell vood Road and three driveways on Pigeon Street.'They shall he pour >d six inches thick. Concrete mix shall be one part cement, two of sand and four of stone. Bidders' bond or deposit requir ed. and performance l?ond required Right to reject any and all bids reserved. This 21st day of October, 1954. TOWN OF WAYNESVTLLE By: CI C FERGUSON Town Manager. 2481?O 21-25 Own Your HOME! Buy A Hoinr?Build A JHomr KHA and GI LOANS Sales ? Rental* IIEAR DREW PEARSON ON WHCC SUNDAY AT 6:15 P. M. CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE ANT) REAL ESTATE AGENCY 110 Main St. Dial (JL 6-5-111 ,, a. "mm , a t t k n t i () n yoini; men Membership in the National Guard Ik valuable to you in many way* ? why not investigate the oppor tunities offered by Tank Company 120th Infantry today? Just fall GL 6-3312 or visit the Waynesville Armory. FIRE INSURANCE BOTH LOWER COST AND THE BEST LOCAL AGENCY SERVICE CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY CL 6-5441 110 Motn St. SYLVANIA T. V. For SERVICE A REPAIRS On An* TV Set Call GL <5-5011 Haywood Electric Service LINER REAL ESTATE . AND INSURANCE CO. GL 6-4331 131 Main St. FARM BUREAU IBBuSm Metnl IvtMNkiU C?. ' >rt ^ -_______?____ I ________________ ' ??? THEFLOP FAMILY . By SWAN ?*r^? I il ^1 TS! r ?'-'-F,.'. , ~-T ThEITia-WN w? HAVJE" *??!?*? *T?*' . ?ow ,Tjrae>: Pow?^LrT>Tl. . ~T*j- A.'"*1 ? y ?K vV/ ^ t??''i-'(.' ^SMTXZj i ,jm>I ;. '' I? MYRTLE RIGHT AROUND HOME By DUDLEY FISHER wv?B6s vooff mask f TLJ^ UKC lUTOUEWOE ?PTV wWtslVOUSOTOA WASO.??iOE ) / I w.v'w SAMP SO* / CO iQUI TrftjK IWuESC A9g \cy A I