GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUNDAl ?1 ~~ _ First Baptist Church HAZELWOOD. X. C. The Her. John I. Ki/rr. Pastor "A itros'ine church in a progreo. airr town." SUNDAY? Sunday School?9:45 a.m. Jerrr Rogers. Supt Morning Worship ?. 11 00 a m. Sermon b> (he pastor. Training Union -6 SO p.m Frank Saunders. Director. Eyenins Worship 7:30 p in Sermon b> the pastor. Announcements and Aetirttiea The W.M.S Circle meetings for Tuesday al 7:30 p.m. are as fol lows: The Annie \rm strong Circle meets at the pastorium The Kdith Klalock Circle meets in the home of Mrs Uo\ Wright The Fannie Heck Circle meets in the home of Mrs Lucille Hla 1 I. AM... II..11 ..ill 1,. ,... ilKK. >II*?. filial i li ?iii "in ??i hostess. The Ann Judson Circle will meet in the home of Mrs Carl Norris. Mrs Lawrence Ray is eo hostess. The new circle, which is an af ternoon circle, will meet In the home of Mrs Frank Marrison Mrs KsSie Bryson will he co-hostess The time of this meeting is 2:30 p.m. The Brotherhood will mec| at 7 00 p.m Monday at the ehtirch The speaker will he announced < Sunday. f Wednesday a| 7:30 p.nt is our mid-week Bible Study Hour and < Prayer Meeting Weekly choir practice will follow The Board of Deacons will m*'el Thursday at 7 30 p.m at the 1 church _ .. ? ? 1,1 Grace Church in the Mountains EPISCOPAL The Rev. .lames V. Perry. Heetor Telephone (>l. ( St'NDAY - 9 .10 a m Suiidai School Aues 2 - 1H 10 45 a m Vuiscri throiiKh church. 11 oo .tin MiomioK I'i.imt and sermon 12:00 noon CiilTt'e Hour <i 00 p in Parish Suppei at Par- ' tsh House MONDAY 10 30 a in \ 11 Saints Comutun ion Service * 4:00 p in Continual ion Class at Rectory 'I I'ESDAI 3,00 p.in Rotiiiia - Tate Auxili- j arv Chapter Mi el hut at Parish Utilise. 7 30 p in Mai itaret Marshall Auxiliarv Cliaptei Meelinc at Par ish House WEDNESDAY 7 30 p in Choir pract ieo BOO p.in Youth I.eaQUe nieet inK S \TC1U.),\V It): 15 a.m. Episcopal Radio Proeram "Another Chance" over Station WIICC* Woodland Baptist Church MFDFOR* I \RM COMMUNITY The Rf?. (i. H . Jameson, Pastor SUNDAY? !) 4;*> a m Sundae School, Var dy Fugate. Snpt 1100 a.m. ? Morning Worship. Message h\ the pastor 6:45 p in Training Union Har den Stephenson, Director. 7 45p m Kvenini: Worship Me?stifc> b\ the pastor. WF.D\f?SD\Y 7 00 pin. Mid-week Prayer Ser vice. Christian Science Service The Christian Science lesson sermon will be read Sunday niorn ine at 11 o'clock in room number 11 <>? tl|< first floor of tlie Ma sonic Tempi'' A Yeottniwii Meeting will be held esrb Wednesdav evening at R o'clock Public is Invited. The Dignity of Work ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Bueschtr Scripture?iToverb* C:C-11; 15:84, 87; 15:11: 14:83; 13:19; 18:9: 84:30-34. ?? ? ?? ' - - i r- ? "(Jo to the ant, thou ahiggard; consider her ways, and be wise; which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her incut in the summer, ami gathereth her food in the harvest." Proverbs 6:0-8. "How long wilt tliou sleep. O sluggard" when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep". Yet C little sleep, u little slumber, s< shall thy poverty come as one that traV' elltth."? Proverbs 6.9-11. ' "The hand of the diligent shall 4>ear rule; ' but the slothful shall be under tribute. ) The slothful man roasteth not that which ? he took in hunting; but a diligent man is precious."-?Proverbs 12:24, 27. "I went by the field of the slothful; it was grown over with thorns; nettles cov ered the fare thereof, and the stone wall Was broken down." Proverbs 24:30-31. MEMORY VERSE?Proverbs 22:29. Crabtree Methodist Charge Rev. A. It. Davis. Minister CltAIV-TH EE SIM) W 10:00 Church School, Joe Palilier, Supt 11 fMt Morniuu Worship, '"ho po?tor will brini! the luo.ssiijst 7:15 MYK I'hiljp Da\ is aiII lji\?? thr piiHtram. DAVIS CHAI'FI. *i \n.u 1000 ChiuVh School () I. Vales. Supt 715 MYF at the Crabtree hurth, FISCHER'S CHAPEL SI'\ I) AY lo oo Church School Robert ocklell Sopl 7:00 MYK in the church Karte ll* r\ . AIT. /ION il'MIW - 10 00 Church School Mcrschcll Koacrs. Snpt. 7 15 MYK ;il the Craht rcc ? 1111 r f 11 , East Wayncsville Baptist Church WOOIM 5NO OlllVK riu- Kcv. Ilolicrl sho|ic, Jr., l'astor "Conic ye, and Id us ijo up to lie mountain ol Hie laird. to the house ol the <tort ol .laenli; and lie wit teach us His ways, anil we Will \\iiIk in His paths: for mil of /ion shall wo' forth the law. anil the word of llie I.mil front Jerusalem." SUN PAY? 10 00 a in.?Sunday School. Karl M.islihorn. Sufit. 11-00 a.m. Worship service. Si'r 111 on In the l'.istor, 7:00 o iii Song Sen ice ami Worship Service. Sermon by I lie pastor. WKONV.Sl) AY 7:00 p in " Song Service and Prayer meeting, llihle study in the Itflllk III Ajts, i'lUI) AY 11 00 p ni till 0 0(1 pin The men will work on the Sunday School rooms \lso work attain on Satur day morning. II \oii are not attending Sunday School o. Church anywhere, tie in i lie yini lo come Worship yvilli us \ isitoi's ire welcome. Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hull III:1 | Main St Waynrsrillr Program lor tin' nook In-ginning Stindai Oct :tI SUNDAY H iHI p ni Public address In llonrv II t'urtiss. refiroscnlativc ol Walclitovver Soc on (hi- -^iit< Jerl "Aro Y"u Ituled h\ Kate'" 4:IS p.m Wntchtouer Bible study Subject "Christians Live riif Truth". 11 Ksn\s 8 0(1 p m Hook Study Bible ("lass Subject: "The Knduring Qualiti of Ibr New World KIOJ1AY - 7:30pm Service iitcotini! Sub net "The Ikisiiv ol Ml Nations" 8.30 pin. Theocratic MiniMry School Inst ruction talk on "His tory" Do 11 wood Methodists To Have Revival A scries of revival meetings will begin al the lb IIwood Methodist / Church Wednesday, October 27 at 7:30 p.m and will continue thitiugh the Sunday evening serv ice. The pastor, the Rev (iradv Bat- 1 ringer w ill bring the messages each I evening except Friday at which time the congregation will hear the Rev. T A. Rolen of Del I wood. Peachtree Baptist Church MAGGIK VAI.I.KV The Kev. John Willis, Jr., Castor St'M) \Y - 7 :10 a.m. - - Tim Gospel Light Hour over Kadio Station \\ WIT? 5 Canton 070 on your dial. 2 |> m Sundni School. Claude p Trnntliam, Snpl. 0I 3 p.m Worship Service. Ser mon l>\ pastor on 2nd, 4th and 5th ? ' o] Sundays. 8:00 p in Prayer Services eon- n] ducted 1>\ ltev. liul'e Finger. |( WF.DY'F.SDAY 8:00 p in. Prayer Service, FRIDAY? 8 00 p.m. Bible Study. SATCItDAY 84)0 pm Prayer Services in a liome. ? First Methodist Church WAA NKSVII.LK. \t Corner Haywood and Academy. The Itev. lairl II. Rrendall. Minister SI \l) \Y 10 00 a.m. Church School W. S. Kobcrts. General Superintend- ' out Classes and Departments for all ages. f* The nursery is open for children under -is until twelve o'clock. 11:00 am Morning Worship. Sermon In file pa-tor Subject: . "Treat Yourself to A Yew Start " ' 8:00 pin MYF will meet tor Supper followed lie a period of S worship and recreation 7:30 pm Fvening service with ? special music and I lie second ser mon li\ I lir pastor in a special S series on "Confident Living." The topic. "Get lint ol Your Inferiority 4 Complex' The Church Of The Nazarcnc Opposite The Court llou.se on Oepot Street -y The Itev. l>on I Conrad, Pastor I'lione <?!. ti-filtlO SUNDAY? 1 0 45 .1 in Sunday School. It \ * Jeffries. Superintendent Sunday school's foe crow mips too, x Those who come and those who don't. Tench the ones who come, in Classes; \ isit those who can't or won't 11 00 a m Morning Worship Message by the pastor, i li 45 p mi \ \ I'S Sen lee Mrs . Hose Kelly, president Everyone will take part in this service, in eluding special singing, and testi mony The .1 tutors will enjoy the Flan- t neI graph stories from the Bible, y Mrs Conrad in charge of this group 7:45 pin Evangelistic set-vice Sermon hy the pastor Hcvival continues through this next week with services each eve ning at 7 30 If y ou have not at tended this meeting. We urge you , to attend Yon are missing a great time We want you to come and bring a friend along, and enjoy the blessings of the laird with us. Wayncsville Presby terian Church Thr RrV. M. R. W'illiamvitn. r.i-lur Edgar N. Plo't, Supt. of Sun (lav School. SUNDAY? Sundax School, 10 00 o'clock Morning Worship 1100 o'clock. Sermon suhjeet: "The Hour ol Decision' '' There will he 4 Congregational Meeting following thr morning hour of Worship All member- ot the Church are requested to be present Senior High Fellowship meet ing at 1 30 p.m. A It ??A i -A- I A ?-S- ? First Baptist Church W\ VNISVILLF I tir IIpv; T. I'. Koldnett, I'astor ?pi ABUNDANT TRIUMPHANT # GLORIOUS (jESUS OFFERS YOU VICTORY^ L'NDAY? 0:45 Sunday School. There is a lave and a welcome here for those f all ages. 9:43 to 12 00 The Nursery is DC 11. 11:00 Morning Worship. Ser ion. "The Demand of God." by te pastor. Music under the direc on of Charles lsley. (>15 to ft 50 The Nursery is H>n. 15 Training Union. 7:30 Evening Worship. Sermon Wake Up and Pray" by the pastor peeial niijsic by the youth choir. UKSI)\Y ? All circles meet , KDNKSD\Y - 3:30 ClyrubChoir Practice. 4:15 Junior Choir Practice. 0 30 Youth Choir rehearsal. 7 30 Midweek Prayer Service, ft 15 Senior Choir rehearsal. IIURSD \5 3 15 Junior It A.'s meet at the hureh 7 30 Y W A meet . Fines Creek Memorial liaptist Church The Krv. Thomas Frwitv, Pastor UNDAY? Sunday School 10 o'clock every '.uttday Floyd Fisher, Supt. Morning Worship 11 o'clock, crnion by the pastor Morning Worship every 2nd and 111 Sundays; 7 10 p m Training ITnion every ?nnday eight Vlfltivw Choir practice and Prayer meet ng at 7 :1(1 p m. i'ocal Citizens ORAM) RAPIDS. Mich i A|? ? ?rivate ?iti/ens being able to peak their minds at ciiv council neetiligs surprised a Dutch mayor * hen he visited Orand Rapids. .lonkheer Rene .1. O 11 Knell, payor of Uamstede. The N'etber anils told Orand Hanids Mayor leorge Vehlntan. also a native of Che Netherlands "You provide seals for your ?.iti/ens and sa\ they have a voice n your proceedings In my coun ty. it a spectator sa\^ anything at t city council meeting, he is os ortcd out to> a policeman." One I' S railroad used more Ttan three million tons of coal last , car IT-T7TTT - I I II Kll/I'II'M \r$ A P Ai ewsfeatures l HOOSfc a screwdriver to fit the slot of the seres and keep the tip ground., A worni or rounded tip will slip out of the slot ami damage the screw head. A tip too wide will mar the wood around the screw haad. Red Bank Baptist Church Rev. Will Pharr, I'aslor SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School. Don Smathi'is. Supt. Walter Bryson, Associate Supt. 11:00 a.m.?Message by Pastor j every 2iul and 4th Sunday. 7:00 p.m.?Training Union. John Trull. Director. Gordon Sniathers, Assistant Director. 8:00 p.m.? Regular monthly sing ing every 2nd and 4th Sunday. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Bible Study. Prayer meeting and choir practice. We invite all who will to come and worship with us in any of our services. Hazelwood Methodist Charge The Rev. L. E. Wiggins, Pastor Till. FRANCIS COVE CHURCH SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sermon by the pas tor.. :. - .] 11:00 a.m.?Sunday School. R II Boone. Supt. TIIE HAZELWOOD CHl'RCn SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School. W. J. Nichols, Supt. 1.1:00 a m.?Sermon by the pas tor. MONDAY 7:30 p.m.?Quarterly conference at the Francis Cove church. Dellwood Methodist Charge The Kev. C.rady Barringer, Pastor DELLWOOD Revival Services will be held at the Dellwood church each evening i through Sunday at 7:30 o'clock The pastor will preach. SUNDAY? 10:00 ? Church School. Taylor Ferguson, superintendent. 11:00 ? Morning Worship. Jon athan Woody will be lay speaker at Laymen's Day services Sunday. 1 TUESDAY? 7:30?Choir practice. ELIZABETH CHAPEL SUNDAY? 10:00?Church School. Jack Ar-. rington, Superintendent. 7:00? MYF. WEDNESDAY? 7:30-?Prayer Service and Adult Choir practice. 7:30.?Youth Choir, directed by Jimmy Galloway, will practice. THURSDAY? 7:30?WSCS at the home of Mrs Maggie Grasty. MAPLE GROVE SUNDAY? 10:00?Sunday School. Leonard Leatherwood, superintendent. 11:00 ?- Morning Worship. Joe' Davis will be lay speaker at Lay-' men's Day Service. WEDNESDAY? 7:00 MYF and the children's' choir. ' 7:4a Adult and youth choir. Use Want Ads for quick results. U,he ooloen Ue*t II?Hill iTITr II iMiMilir - ? Rebuilding thr t< u pli "Sees! thou a man diligent in his business' he shall siadfl kings; he shall not stand before mean men -Proverbs Rlfl Antioch Baptist Church The Rev. M. H. Rab.v, Pastor SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School. Ray , Milner, Supt. 11:00 a.m.?Worship Service. 7:30 p.m.?The Church will meet : with the West Canton Church for. the Bptismal Service, from the An tioch church. THURSDAY-? 7:30 p.m.?Prayer meeting at the home of Devoe McElroy. Everyone welcome at all serv ices. Church of Christ East on Highway 19A-33 Across From KEA Building Bob Rigdon, Minister SATURDAY? 9:00 a m. ? Radio program, WHCC. ''The Gospel of Christ". SUNDAY? 10 a m.?Bible Study. 11 a.m.?Worship Service. * 7:30 p.m.?Worship Service. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Bible study. Richland Baptist? I tic Ucv. Edgar IVilliyfl TIUJ'KSIJ \"i 7.30 j> Meeting tffl t-ei's ot' I tic church 9:45 a m?Sunday Sdufl Moore Supt, 6:45 pm. ? Trairic?B Esther M,. f.ibsor 7:4 5 : H Sermon by the Pa=tor WEDNESDAY? '"dH Bible stud- from Roaktfl Free Methodist? The Kcv. Itu-.sell M. Flifffl Telephone '.I. (-SlH Assembly and Oak Stfl Waynmillr. I SUNDAY? I Sunday School 1 -A Morriir Worship. IliA A'ourg I'eoplt -(".ice.fl Evenin 1 listi ? 7 30 o'clock. Mi<l-\re.-k Prayer r.fdA lie-day 7 30 p.m For Used Car # Bargains that will open your eyes Come see the beauties we're getting, because Buick sales are soaring! ^ TAYLOR MOTOR CO. Haywood St. GL An open letter v to our employees? t 1 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OCTOBER 24th. 1954. Dear Fellow Employee: The mark oi a great team le its performance under pressure. The individuals on euch a team respond and rlee to whatever helghte of effort are demanded to meet a given challenge. You met the challenge whU h faced ue during the recent hurricane emergency. Thle letter is to pay You public tribute. Words seem weak when used to describe your deeds of service. I cannot praise you too highly and especially you members of our line, service and engineering organisations. Nor can I forget those crews fron outside our company who shared your hazardous work. You sacrif"-' ! personal comfort and time to achieve As near-miraculous fob of restoring service so quickly to such a widespread area of destruction. I am proud to be one ol your associates in fills company. T ? spirit of loyalty and perseverance you have shown will be long return, bered. My thanks to every one of you. Sincerely yours. President & General Manager. (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT

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