do TO CHURCH~ SOMEWHERE EVERY' SUNDaI Crabtree Methodist Charge Rev. A. R. Davis. Minister CHABTREE SUNDAY? 10:00 ? Church School, Joe Yalmer. Supt 7:15?M YE at the Ml. Zion vhurrh. , DAVIS CIIAPEL Si \I)A\ 10:00 ? Churrh School. O T. Yates. SUpt. tl 00?Morning Worship 7 15- MYK at the Ml Zion ? hurch FINCHEK'S CHAPEL T-i \n\N 10 00 Morning Worship 11 00 ? Church School Robert X'ockrell. Sopi. 7 00 MYK MT. ZION SUNDAY 10 00? Church School Herschcll linger*. Supt 7 15 MYK The Church Of The Nazarenc Opposite The Court llmise on Depot Street The Rev. Don E. Conrad. Pastor , Phone ?.l. 6-6310 'BCNDAY? it 45 a in Sunclav School. II \ VePTries. Superintendent 'Teen-agers learning how to live Kind life - and grownups - trying: They need a friend to point the way j Hut they won't stand for prying." 11 00 a in Mornine Worship .Message ?by the pastor. li 45 N Y I* S Service Mi's Rose Kelly, president. Mrs Paul ine Warren will lie in charge ol this service The Young People will yy.nit to attend (his meeting since it wilt be of interest and help I" them. Come and bring a friend yvitli you f> 45 p.m Junior Service Mrs Dnrothy Conrad. Director VII children under age 12 are invited to come and enjoy the Klanhel graph Bible Stories, and the sing ing of choruses 7:30 pni Evangelist ic service Sermon to the pastor. Our Revival closes yy itli this, service. We have had a wonderful meeting and the Lord lias certain ly blessed Wt- trust that you can he with us in these, closing nights of this campaign. Fines Creek Memorial Baptist Church The Rev. Harold l ow nsend Pastor SUNDAY? Sunday School 10 o'clock every Sunday'. Floyd 1'isiior, Supt. Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor. Morning Worship every 2nd and 4th Sundays 7 30 pin Training Union every Sunday right SATURDAY Choir practice and I'rnyei meet ing at 7 30 p.m. Free Methodist Church 1 lie Rev. Russell M. Elder. Pastor Telephone CI. 6-35117 Assembly and Oak Streets, Waynesy ille. SUNDAY? Sunday School. 10HO a in. Mornirp Worship. 11 00 a.m. Young People's service 7 00 Evening Evangelist ii Service, 7 30 o'clock Mid-week Prayer meeting Wed nesriay, 7 30 p.m Per capita consumption of sugar in the United States averages one hundred pounds |?cr person per year. ?? '? The Splendor of Self-Control ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By A fred J. Bueschcr S?Tlf?nre?Proverb* 14; 15:1-5: IB; 20; 25:29-55; ? ? 1 "lie that Is slow to wrath is of gieat undi't MiirHihjT; iHit he that is hast y ??f 'pint exaltHl: folly," wrote Kinj; Solo mon I'roverhs 14:29 He Miat is slow to anper is better than the mighty; he that ruletti his spirit than lie that takcth a city." I'roveibs It! 32. "Look nouth organizations ol the WMS will meet. The monthly meeliut! lor all officers and lead ers in I lie Sunday Seliool and Ti'ainiiijj I nion w ill lie held al I his lime Visitors are always welcome to worship Nvitli is Our church is small commit to appreciate you I art. enouuh to serve you Grttcc Church in the Mountains I'.PISCOPAI. I lie Iter. James V. Perry. Iteetor Telephone NY 10 a m Itihlc Study 11 a iii Worship Service. 7 HO p.m. Worship.Service, N\ I DM SDAN 7 HO pm Itihle study. Pell wood Methodist Charge Tin- Iter. (irmly Itarrineer. Pastor DFI.I.WOOl) VVSCS Mission Study on India. Pakistan and Ceylon will begin Monday evening at I-ling s Chapel 7 Mil o'clock St N DAY ? 111:1)0 Church School Taylor Pei Alison, superintendent. 7:30 Fvetiing Worship .with i sermon hy the pastor TtKSD.YY 7:M0 Chojr practice. WFDNFSD\Y 2 (Ml W S.C.S. at the church 111/ \it! hi rHArn, I IH ItSDAY 7:30 W.S t'.S. at the home (it ! Mrs. Maggie (irasty StM>AY? . 111:1)0 Church School Jack A r- ' riiigion. Superintendent. ! 1:()() Morning Worship with sermon by the pastor 7 0(1 MYF v. FDNFSDAY 7:30 Prayer Service and Adult Choir practice, lilt ItSDAY 7 30 Youth Choir practice. 1 MAI'I F OHOYP SINDAY 10 00 Morning Worship, Church j Loyalty Day Sermon hy tile pas tor, Our Joyous Privilege'. 11 Oil Sunday School Leonard I.eatherwood. superintendent. tYKDMSDMi 7:00 MYK and the children's! chojr practice. 7 45 Adult and youth choir. Rocky Branch Missionary Baptist Church The Rev 15 to 8.30 The Nursery is; open. (::15 Training Union. 7:30 Keening Worship. Sermon "God and Kmergencies." by the pastor. Special music by the couth choir. MONDAY 2 45 William Wallace Sunbeam Band meets at the church 7:30 Deacons meet TCUSD\Y - 7:30 W M S meets in the Church Parlor. The Lottie Moon Circle has charge ol the program and they are responsible for the (lowers in the church each Sunday during the month of November. WFDNKSDAY - 3 30 Junior G A's meet .it the church. 3:30 Cherub Choir Practice. 4:15 Junior Choir Practice. 0:00 Workers Council covered dish supper (1 30 Youth Choir rehearsal. 7:30 Midweek Prayer Service and church conference. 0J5 Senior Choir rehearsal Salvation Army MOUNTAIN MISSION nrSTHIH Drawer 670 Tel. GI. 6-6718 M AX r \TUII ROAD Major Cecil Brown, District Of lirrr. I.irut. Glenna Host. Assistant, l.ola Presnell. Assistant. Itlanrhr Uowc. Secretary. ?loan Ffrso. Children's Worker. ACTIVITIES: Preaching services, Sunday Schools, Y P. I.egion Bible Classes. I..idios' Home League. Home visitation in all Cenlers. CHURCHES: Max Patch ? Headquarters Shelton Laurel, Lit tle Creek. Bonnie Hill. Sleepy Val ley. and Timber Ridge. Woodland Baptist Church Mi ni ORO VARM COMMI'VITY The Rev. G. W. .lameson. Pastor S \TURDA> 7 00 p nl Church conference and officers and teachers meeting. SUNDAY? 0 41 a m Sunday School, Var m Evening Worship Message by the pastor. WEDNESOAY 7 Oft p m Mid-week Player Ser vice. Richland Baptist Church The Rev. Edgar Willi*. Pastor SUNDAY? 0 45 a m ?Sunday School. Allle Moore. Supt. 11:00 a m. Morning Worship Sermon by I he pastor I 6 45 p m ? Training Union Everett Cutshaw, Associate Direc tor. in Charge. 7 45 p m Evening Worship and song service. WEDNESDAY? 7 15 p.m -Prayer Meeting and Rlhle Study from Rook of E/ckiel FRIDAY? 7:30 p.m. -W.M.U. meets at the i honig.ot - Mrs. JoosMoore. Jr. Bethel Methodist Church "Bethel on the Pigeon" The Kev. L. B. George. Minister , Church School opens at 10 o'clock. There are classes for all . members of the family. M. C. Nix j i- the General Superintendent. , Morning Worship will begin at eleven o'clock. The services are planned to give guidance and in- ( spiration to all who come for . worship The choral and con gregational "music is under the di- ( reel ion of Miss Maud Worley. Gud ger Worley is the organist. Youth and Intermediate Fellow ship will meet, for their worship ' services and recreation at 7 o'clock. This will be followed b\ a business session. Boy Scouts meet at the church Monday at 7:00 o'clock. Choir rehearsal each Wednesday evening at the church at 7:00. All members of the choir are asked to attend. Christian Science Service The Christian Science lesson -ermon will be read Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock in room number 11 on the first floor of the Ma sonic Temple. A Testimony Meeting will be held each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Public is invited. Long's Chapel Methodist Church LAKE Jt NAI.l SKA The Rev. Don Payne, Minister SUNDAY? Church School begins promptly it 9:45. Classes and departments | for all ages. S. E. Connatser is; [leneral Superintendent. Morning Worshrp service at 11:00 a.m. with the minister deliv ering the sermon entitled. "Dis agreeable Christians". Special music by the choir under ! direction of Mr. C. G. Klopp. MYF meets at the church Sun-! day evening at 6:00 for recreation and worship The program of study and worship will begin at 7 w ith Vivian I.eatherwood and John ny Reeves in charge. Youth Choir rehearsal will be: held on Wednesday evening at 6 45 at the church, under the direc tion of Mrs J. B. Soesbee. Adult Choir Rehearsal will be held at the Church on Wednesday! evening at 7:30 under the direction 1 of Mr. C. G. Klopp. Cove Creek Baptist Church The Kev. Carl Cook, Pastor 10 a.m.?Sunday School. Mrs D. C. Davis, Superintendent. Sermon by the pastor 1st and 3rd Sunday morning and 2nd and 4th Sunday nights. Che <5o\i>ctt (Test 1 J)ll , s/' III' ? ilfl S' I lit till! ? "He that is slow to anger is better than ihe mighiy and bl ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city Proveifafl Red Bank Baptist Church Rev. Will Pharr, Pastor SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School. Don Smathers, Supt. Walter Bryson. Associate Supt. 11:00 a.m.?Message by Pastor every 2nd and 4th Sunday. 7:00 p.m.?Training Union. John Trull. Director. Gordon Smathers. Assistant Director. 8:00 p.m.?Regular monthly sing ing will be held Sunday November 7. WEDNKSDAY? 7:30 'Bible Study in the Book of Luke?first parts. Choir practice. We invite all who will to come and worship with us in any of our services. First Methodist Cil \\ mnksviuTB < hi in ll.iv wiMid jnd vfl The Kcv. Karl II (til Minktfr | SIM) AV |ii i>?> ?Cl.u::';. Srffl S S I -fl nil I ui.iv. 11 in I I I Sup H Hill I I I I I topu Pril I nil Km in lit KiwrgJ The '55 FORDS ctre coming v !With your choice of 32 great models! Smm lh*m November 12 WHO killed CockPobih? PasSENGER BUSINESS on some of our local trains is as dead as fabled "Cock Robin". Who killed it? No one, intentionally^ Ir died a natural death because more and more people who once needed and used these local trains switched to travel by private automobile or highway bus. As long ago as 1939 new diesel-powered air conditioned trains were put in local service on various parrs of the railway. Their runs exceeded 2,000 miles daily. But local travel continued to decline, and some "locals" were carrying fewer passengers than train and engine crew members. Passengers carried by the Southern havf , ?rpCd from 8,8?0,000 in 19(6 to 2,r:. decrease. And we were more , ?5 million in the red on our local passenger operations last year. don t want to get out of rlie na sscnccr feel"1^ W3nf m?re Passcn?tTS Mi.f we do ?C ! af 'r ,s ,n your interest as well as ours to mate losses on operations of anv kind thit c 0lltlived theis usefulness. We would like spend this money on constantly improMi1 ?sc services that arc needed and ,m used. y Jjjf) SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTE? WASHINCTON, O C.