I < I ?ris\n , p ' m . ? Kt> People Than fAHE WVVXESYILLE iVToriYTA ^ 2^ ^I)iN 1AINEER *' '" Adw"te 1,1 Cmita." Iernor Umstcad Paid Last Visit To wood In June, As He Attended ication Of New Canton Library Hurt"- on pages 3 and 6> Hf Govei Umi Kjurhou al 9:10 Sunday ^Epread quickly in Hay Kroup- gathered for Sun K and < hurch serv u > Kayuo'ij pastors prayed Hub "1 the deceased y,o\ Hi-n prayers at the morn ? - congregations wor H j stunned mood at the Hhe death of their chief H public appearance Gov Bstcjd made in Haywood Bay. June 21, when he ? tlif Library at Canton. I. the speaker !<>>' the ? program, which drew a Hcatm.: SaU.UUU build ?run: I instead said: it ?buildings as tliis that lr straight thinking and ? high tribute to the Rob Brho mack' the build: B>r Umstead spent sonie ?Haywood prior to the Bk pi imary in the spring He did nil! make a spi cell Bereii spent the time ? ids and talking to the I Hodgi s w is a Hay w ood ?out fur in ok. ago. w lion Bakmu the rounds oi see ?rospective senators for legislature. He followed ?procedure two years ago. ! Big the members of the j Bd gelt.'i g their \lews on ? matters. and in so do-) Bble to find for w hat coin - ? Senator would bo best Lrd Unit Lspected Rrmory ires on pace 1. section -> snual liilcral inspection (svilli's lank Company. ifantr\, North Carolina Guard, was conducted at r> last Thursday night b> 1 officers headed by lirig. ton S. Parham of Morgan itant commander of the I Hickory" Division, tine the inspection \\ a - oseph C Matthews ot lh" rmy Inspector General's tnt. Ft. MeFherson, Ga. . the afternoon, the cont h> sic a 1 lacilities at the tore inspected ?including vehicles supplies, admin records and the building itirsday night, men were ^ in rank- and questioned I to their own duties and military subjects. Various Ifroups were also visited Inspecting officers, during rpart of the drill period. Bh a formal report on the P will not be made for peks, Tank Company of P that comments made by wtor.s indicated that the 1 I again receive a favorable Samuel \. Carswell is! jPr of Tank Company, afth Division, formerly ! Mh North Carolina and I*, recently became an all-! I outfit. ,nders To Meet j"' County Highlander* a dinner meeting at 7 ln<*day at Spaldons Res- j 161 L. E. DeV'ous w ill pre-1 le *ther FAIR ' either ? Fair and wme* "ner tday. Tuesday, gen- j lr and mild. Waynesville tcmpora ompil,.d by the State Tost Max. Min. Pr. 43 20 .03 40 32 .17 4ft IK SO 19 , I Fwl'/K p ? PI TllE OATH of governor of North Carolina will be, administered to l.utlier Hodges, after the funeral services of Governor I instead ! Tuesday afternoon. 1 L'M.KAL services for the late Governor William B. I instead will he held Tuesday afternoon, near Durham. Funeral Services For Late Governor Set For Tuesday 2 Bus Stations Get High Rating I'mo bus stations in Haywood neared the prefect grade in sani tation. according to the official reports by the State t'tilities Commission. The Wavnesville station was given a rating of 99. and Canton 9X, in the current report of the Commission. Sylva received a 97, for the only other high rate in this immediate area. Permits To Bum Brush Available The ban. on burning brush in il tjrwood iias been lifted, it was an nounced this morning by K. K. Caldwell, county forest lire war den. Any persoii wishing to burn brush can get a permit front any issuing agent. Warden Caldwell ,said. The warden was warmly compli mentary ol hi- praise for the man ner in which Haywood citizens had cooperated dui ing the critical lire season. "i'eople in Haywood are ex tremely fire con-tious, and have proven by their cooperation in the past few* weeks that 'it can be doiie.' We have liad only two small fires in the county. Olie was lour tenths of an acre, and the other about an acre and a half. \\V appreciate the fact that the people have been extremely care ful during this dry season While all danger is not over, we feel thai with continued cooperation. 1 and using every caution with fire J that our losses in forest lires this year will he kept to a minimum." Ferguson Thanks Voters For Big Democratic Lead Frank 1). .Ferguson, chairman ol the Haywood Democratic Execu tive Committee, tossed a huge bouquet to the Haywood Demo crats, as a result of the Tuesday majority. Ferguson said: "As chairman ol (Sre Ferguson?Page til (h v. William B Cmstead. 59. a former I S representative and 'scnaror- who supposed many Now Deal measures. died in Wails Hos pital in Durham at 9 10 a.m. .Sun day <>t a heart ailment. The lifelong North Carolina Democrat who rose from a tobacco farm to prosperous Durham law yer. con ressman and governor in losing only one election in 30 ; \ear.sv was regarded as a middle ! of-the-road governor. Mrs. I instead and their only child. a 12-year-old daughter. | Merle Bradley Unt.stead, were at the hospital when the governor died ot what his physician said was heart failure and bronieal pneu monia. The governor suffered a heart attack two days after he was In augurated on Jan. 8. 1953, and was in Vi alts Hospital almost a month, lie returned to the hospital from the capital in nearby Raleigh last Thursday alter a severe eold. ag gravated his heart condition. j LHistead vva. defeated in 1948 for the C S Senate by the late J I Melville Broughton. Uinstead was ? trvnig for a full six-year term to, the Senate seal to which Gov. (freeg Cherry had appointed him , vear earlier on the death of Sen (See t instead I uneral?I'jRe 6i Election Board Warm In Praise Of Poll Workers ?The- Haywood Board of Elec tions. alter making the canvass oi l the Tuesday vote, announced their' ' deep appreciation for the effic iency ot all election workers. We did not have even one hint of any wrong-doing in any pre cincts," W <; Byers. chairman of ti.c hoard said, as he complimented the manner in which all precinct ; workers handled their job on Tuesday. " The manner in w hich the elec-1 Hon was conducted hete-in Hay wood was highly cmtnendable. and 1 makes us proud of those we nam-! ed to carry on the duties as regis trars. and judges," the chairman continued. The board was also proud of the extremely low number of absen tee-ballots cast ?41 out of the 69 issued. The board members are Byers, chairman: John Carver, and Char lie Hawkins. Mrs. J. B. Silcr Serv ed as clerk. Snow Fails To Put Forest Fire The deep-burning forest lire atop Woterrock Knob is snovnap ped, but wardens feel file fire is still smouldering. Five inches of snow prevents the ' fire fighters from getting to the 2'j-aere scene in the,high Balsams to check on the tire which is burn ing about ten feet below the sur face. according to It, E. Caldwell. ; county fire warden. The heavy siu^w in that area of last Tuesday has melted down to j live inches, but Warden Caldwell feels the slow smouldering lire continues. A lire lane lias been built around 100 acres iii the area, and with the snow covering the surface, fire j fighters feel that the smouldering embers will be confined within the area which is cut oil from the rest of the forest In tlie lane which was cut by a bulldozer. Warden Caldwell said the blaze began when hunters, or hikers stopped at the top of the thickly wooded area for a lunch. "We found empty tin cans and pieces of coi nhread where the campers stopped for lunch,' the warden said. Caldwell Was not too optimistic that the smouldering tire would be extinguished anytime soon, since there arc places under sheltered rocks where rains and snow cannot reach, he said " It will take just about a flood to soak down ten feet through the humus which has been building up for many, many years on top of the 5400-loot mountain 1 peak. Patrons Of Yule Club To Get $20,000 Next week will l>r "cash week" for about 223 people who have Christinas Savings Club accounts at First National Hank. Checks totaling between $20,000 and $22,000 will be issued, mostly by mail, starting the 15tli and com pleted by the 20th, according to Miss Jackie Sue Messer, cashier of the Club plan This Saturday, the 13th. marks the end of the current club plan, and one week later, the same plan will begin for the 1955 Christmas season. The cheeks will vary from $25 to $250. The 225 accounts had paid on them the sum of 50 cents to $5 per week for the past 50 weeks There are no charges for the sav ings system, and according to Miss Messer. 85 per cent of those start ing the savings plan have carried it on through to completion. Patrons deposit into the plan that sum each week which they designate at the beginning of the plan. Next November the amount deposited during the 50 prceeedlng weeks will be paid out in a check. Grid Contest Also Delayed Because of the postponement of the Waynesvillc-Marshail foot hall same from Friday till to night, results of last week's Mountaineer football contest will not be determined until Tues day and will be announced in Thursday's paper. This derision was made in preference to judging the con- ' test on only II games. ? / County, Towns Plan Joint Program On Disposal Of Garbage; Survey Set Committee Named To Study Plan Cooperation between the county and the towns ot WaynesvUle, j lia/elwood. Canton, and Clyde to ? deal Willi Haywood's eyer-growitt? ' garbagd disposal problem is in pro-peel as tin' result of a joint meeting held at the courthouse j Thursday night At this special session were two representatives from the North Carolina State board of health, i mayor and aldermen from the lour towns, county commissioners, and ! members of the county hoard of health Alter a discussion on the use of sanitary land fills and the shows ine ol a lihn oil the subject, a mo-j | titan was made by Willis kirkpat rick of Canton, board of health! member, that a six-man committee | he named to make a survey of present garbage-disposal facilities in llavwood County. (initials adopted this motion I and named Mr. kirkpatrick as chairman of thy committee. Select ed to serve with liint were G. C. Ferguson of Way nesvillc, Henry Seaman of Canton, Frank Under wood 01 Ha/elwood, Bruce Sellars of Clyde, and Frank Davis, of the county hoard <>t commissioners. When this committee, has com pleted its survey, a report will be made at another joint meeting ot town and county officials. Principal speaker at the meet ing Thursday night was C. W White Of Raleigh. (fireetor of the (See (iarhage Disposal?Page til Baby Beef Sale To Draw County Buyers A number <>i Haywood County civic organizations and business (inns arc expected to bo among j tlio buyers at 1 tic annual Western North Carolina Baby Hoot Show and Sale at Enk.i Wednesday?at which time 21 nioinbers of the , 4-11 Club and 20 members ol the", EE A in Havwood County will put-' tlioir animals on the block. The show at the Hominy Yallov Horse and Hound Pavilion will be f held Tuesday and the sale Wed-: nesday. The event will feature the an nual exhibition of Herefords, (See Bab.v Beef?Page (i? Burley Tobacco Demonstration Set Friday Morning A but ley tobacco stripping and sorting demonstration will be held a! 9:30 a.m. Friday at the Moun tain . Experiment Station, it has been announced bv County Farm Agent Virgil E Hollnway. Roy H. Bennett, tobacco special ist from N. C. Stale College, will, diseuss stri|)|)ing. tying, packing, and preparing hurley for market and proper handling on the mar ket in order to realize the highest possible price. Mr. Holloway urged Haywood burley growers to attend this dem onstration at the test farm Friday i ' since it will he the only one, held in lie county Ibis year. Kr.l'KFSF.NTINC; HAVWOOD'S I (M I! TOWN'S at a merlins Thursday night to dismiss the cvrr growing problem of garbage disposal in the county uere Frank Underwood. Ilazel wood alder man: (). C. I'ernuson. Wavncsville (own manager: Mayor H, J. Stone of Canton and Mayor G. K. I'ish of Clyde. (Mountaineer Pliolo), IMSri'.-AJNO K.MWAHl LAND I ?!.. ... i method of garbage disposal at III, courthouse Thursday nicln mrt l>r. S. H. (about, Haywood County health officer; C. ( Francis, chairman of county commissioners: Donald I . Ashtoii of ? RMtikit? NU, nwkwi^T^itti) t\ H. V\hit. o' lialt-icli. Im-.uI of the inst-ct and rodrrtt^cuntritl division of tin- \orlli Carolina stair Hoard <>( Health. < Mountaineer I'lioto), Construction Will Start This Week On New Haywood Health Center Three Cars Overturn; Man Injured Three traffic accident s which have occurred in lliis area in the last several days resulted Irom the same cause cars being driven i too close to the shoulder of the road, leaving the pavement, aim overturning. At (> p m Saturday. as Hoy li ed Davis of Canton started to pass a parked car on the narrow, graveled Wellstown Road, the shoulder gave way, causing Davis' car to overturn three and a half times Davis suffered deep facial lacer ations, but ids brother, Gene Davis, escaped injury Damage was estimated at $4(MI to the car. a 1946 Kurd coupe, by State Patrolman V.'K Hrysiin. Last week Ray ford Collins, of WaynesviJIc overturned Ins 1946 buick on the Howell Mill Road white attempting to pass an oncom ing car, according to State Patrol man Harold Dayton. Damage was estimated at 5>250 In a third accident which was (See Three Cars?I'aae til Work mi the new 11 a> wood Coun I) health ( i ?liter on 11 ? till w.-ty 10A 23 lid w n o Wayhesville and Lake Jiinaliiska will start this week. Clarener M Morrison u* Shelby, general contractor on the job, in to) metl The Mountaineer Saturday. Mr Morrison wrote that one of his foremen t) c Connor, will arrive in Wavuesville to start re cruiting. a labor force for the pro ject Ml Workmen will lie hired from this area it (hey al'e available, Mr. Morrison said He added that a large part of the materials also will be pui < hased here \1r Connor a veteran of more than it" years iii the ronstructin business, has supervised the build in'; of a number of structures in North Carolina and surrounding states including several pnst ofl let buildings. The new health tenter will have at least 3.500 I'ert of fjoor spare and possibly more d several pro posed additions ate approved I.ami on which the slfiieture will be hi rated was purchased from 1., K Sims and adjoins |g business building 011 the bike road. The Count) tiimniissioneis vot ed to allocate funds for the health renter following a eounty mass meeting last spring when over whelming approval was voiced fori lite project. Veterans Day Dinner Set For Thursday The, Rev. T. K. Hobinclt p.t--?? >i* ol the First Methodist C'hun:h, will be tlic principal speaker al a Vet erans' Day < Armistice 1 ).<> i dint' r at 7 p m. Thursday at Central Flo incntary School, sponsored by tin V\"a\nesville American Lectori i'o . (Jold Star parents will again hi honored by the Legion. according to J H. Russell, Jr.. past post com mander, who is in charge of the program. Parents who do not have trans portation to the school are re(|UCst? ed to call Mr. Russell at the post Oftite or Attv. J. 11. Howell, Jr., present post commander. Mr. Russell explained that tiio lei m ''Armistice Das " baa btCH 'dropped nationully because the armistice at the end of World War I brought no real peace, but w a followed by tw<i major conflicts - , World War II and the Korean "police action." All veterans in the Waynesvilir ilea are invited tn attend the din* ner, Ire added. Highway Record For 1954 In Haywood (TO DATE) Killed . . . ; 3 Injured.... 52 (I'hbi Information com piled from Hrrnrda of i Slate Iliabuaj Patrol.) Official Canvass Of Vote Shows Just Minor Changes The official returns of last Tuesday's election showed only .1 slight variation from the total published by The Mountaineer on Thursday. In some instances then was only one vole difference he tweOn the official fi: lire and that of the Unofficial as carried b\ Tin Mountaineer. In other iiistaiici - there were slightly more. The official returns as filed with (ho clerk of court, showed .1 If Siler still leading the lieke? with 5687. followed closely by .fule Noland. Register of Deeds, with 5082 The- ofTiciai returns ; were as follows: Kilt HOI.1(11 (II; Thai) D Urytton. Jr. I)1 5620 stati: siwti: Will \Udf.irrf Di .5484 David I fill I I* 5053 Mrs. Owen If' 1577 K. K Parker 1573 KF.PKI si N I \ 11\ I .l?M i s Honors il)i 54(17 tto>s Kilpabk-k <H 1747 Sill l( 11 I I i i d ( niplx ll I)' 5859 i l.iiuU' Ihonipsiiu I. 1090 KCIilSTKK OJ 1)1 I l)S .lull- Nolaiid '!)? ' 5882 ( I.I NK Ol < oi.nr ?I II. Silcr 19) 5887 ? I \\ < ol I.K IOK If) v .in Modtord iD) 5854 (Src l.lrition?Page 8) 'Clothing Closet' Meeting Planned Wednesday Night A comimmi!\ meeting to lish a "Clothing Closet-' for need} children and adults in Wa.\ uesville and surrounding area will he held in the courtroom at the count} Courthouse at 8 p.in, Wednesday. The meeting, w as original Iv scheduled to be held at the Kiwnni Scout llift. hot was moved to the courthouse to accommodate a larg er crowd. Mrs. Roger Walker, chairman of the teinpoiary planning commit tee, pointed out that a community ' Clothing ( Josef is a permanent project in nt.inv localiHc sponsor % < (1 by 1 Fio Junior Worn art's Club in cooperation with the North Car olina State Department of Public Welfare . Since WayitesvillC docs not have a .tumor Woman's Club, a council i? leiiu fu med to serve as spon op VIi - Walker said. All church, civic, and fraternal ii' .'li/alions ai e tn ?'? <1 to send ri'pre-enlatives to the nieetim; \\eilt . ? ?!., in. lit Persons already contact] d lia\i been enlhusiaMie it-1in pi ? a i 1 Mi Walk or addi?<! 1 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Effective Immediately We Will lie Unable To Show Proof* of Ads Received in The Mountaineer office after I'. M. Wednesday and 12 I'. M. Saturday, This act ton was nceessarc in order thai subscribers might ?'?(. their paper in the regularly scheduled mails. We hope you will understand our reasons for setting up the deadline and help us fneet this new schedule with your usual tine reoperation. The MOUNTAINEER

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