Toys For This Christmas Have High Education Value The practical trend'? in toys for! tliit Christmas, which all authori ties aftrcc will help to make "how- j to-do-it" experts out of America's children, scores as high for educa tional value as it does for fun. This is the considered opinion of Melvln Friud, president of the Toy Guidance Council, an organization whirh sets up panels or retailers and child guidance experts who join in recommending toys they consider besj suited for children of all ages. "The fine selection of American made toys ready for the '54 Christ mas season will set an all time rec ord for durability and creative play value." Mr, Freud *aid. The Council is high in its praise of tovs which stimulate artistic and imaginative play. There arc many of this type. Among them are tool kits with blueprint-, for making' household articles, sampler styled needlework kits and wood burning kits which can be used to create designs on rork, plastic and metal ^ lie foil as well as leather. A revival of interest in Indian handicraft is evidenced by a vari ety of bead weaving kits, tom-toms and masks. Opportunity for the I youngsters to .create their own, jewelry designs is furnished by other kits. Farming, storekccpinR. nursing/ motor car maintenance and virtu-; ally every form of adult activity is) roprisented by working models of tractors, small scale "retailing units" stocked with miniature size cans and packages of nationally famous products, and knock-down, hut easily assembled scale models of automobiles and airplanes. New styles in wheel toys are' replicas of real road graders, steam shovels and what have you. Tri-j cycles reflect the "adult touch" which means learning, with, in some instances, the addition of tow bars. New thrills in musical toys in-, elude precision tuned Swiss type; musical bells, an electric piano, a j professionally styled trumpet, sax- , ophonc and glockenspiel. Young interior decorators have I kits with color related factors to! look forward to this Chri.s%oas, to learn all about home decoration The Toy Guidance Council fur nishes many retailers with eon sunior leaflets for free distribution in which all types of playthings are classified as to age suitability. Toys Treat Children To New Thrills Santa takes a Riant step this j Christmas toward fulfilling child-1 hood's "Dreams Oil' Grown Cp | Glory," by eoing all out to help j youngsters "Do It Yourself." Chief engineers of his collection, now being displayed in Toyland, are the Toy Manufacturers of the USA., who aimed at producing toys that would make "plajing grown-up,"*the happiest of all the pastimes of the youngsters, more fun than ever before. And they Jiave succeeded re markably well Parents will find It easier to choose gifts to fit all ages, personalities and special Interests And they will be happier about their choices, for the toys really teach The children won't have to Im provise when they want to play store, try housekeeping, engage in make be!ie\e business, even make wheel toys that really roll, or ex periment in decorating their mod el homes. Even aspiring young doctors and nurses will have a chance to prac tice on "dolls"?or themselves, In a minor and safe and instructive way?with actual working props like hand-aids and stethoscopes. Broaden Their Horizon This, say parents who have had a chance to preview Toyland 1954, Is all to the good. For it echoe* their ow rtj enjoyment of the adult "do-it yourself" projects which have broadened their own horizons, and actually meant savings for them Application ot the principal to "TUB Home takes on a hai'l'v glow of heartfelt Christmas cheer" that ran bp raptured to live throughout the >ears uhen dad is equipped with a camera to record it all on movie (ilm. IT'S COMMON KNOMLEDWF TIIAT JI'MO-R is a better model railroader khan dad, yet he too will enjoy the eift of the newest in rleetric train equipment he'll plan lor Son this ( hristmas. Fus ing for this eloquent picture are some of the new stale dimen sioned Lionel workable models. children's playthings means learn ing more about growing up In the way children most like to learn namely b> doing In addition to this happy new trend in toys, there's more good news for parents of concern to the Christmas budget. Toy- will cost no more this year than last, and possibly a little less And while to\y that dominate the field are overwhelmingly in the "do-it-yourseii and "make-it-jour self" categories, the traditional long time favorites, are back iVi the market with del; lew toiicl . that' make them* safer and more attrac tive. Teddy hoars and .cuddly'toys gel delightful new treatments. Tri cycles stilt have t'lirec wheels but have "tow-bars" added in some in stances. Dolls i'ange the gamut of personality preferences, hut many have complete wardrobes added. Sleds and wagons arc streamlined and treated to new dashes of col ors'. Stimulate Imagination building blocks, in fact the tra ditional ton-iruction toys, have been subjected to much more im aginative treatments which present challenges more fitting to the mod ern child's mind. Among the wheel toys are knockdown models of real sports cars, for the youngsters to assemble themselves with a school driver, and set in motion. Even replicas of dad's car wash kits are available to keep them clean and perhaps learn to help pop with the family car. What u.sed to be doll's houses in which the girls could just place furniture where it belongs, have become real home making kits. The furniture can be assembled in a variety of arrangements. One kit j features the opportunity to experi ment in home 'toy home' decora tion. with an assortment of fabrics and wallpapers to stimulate cre ative effort without disturbing room walls. Toy makers and manufacturers j of nationally distributed products have cooperated this year to pro-, dure store keeping and housekeep- ' ing kits that will by no means be restricted In interest to the girls ' Just try to keep junior from par-j tieipating in setting up shop, even helping in the ?'kitchen" with these available and usable toys. I)o It Yourself toys become "learn-it-vourself" playthings in many fascinating ways this year. There's an atomic energy set with , a miniature uranium lab, with which even dad will have fun. Explore Outer Space There's a miniature planetarium set which makes it possible for the I youngsters to explore outer space. There's an all electric "radio sta \ tton" that goes a long way toward safely teaching something about j electronics. New games bring familiar TV stars into the home and in some .instances are designed to teach children geography and history . For the very young the "do-it yourself" principle is applied to even the rattles which encourage the infant to make his own pleas ant tinkling noises, create his own eye exercising patterns and color combinations. The modern emphasis is on "do-it-yourself" or "make-it-your self". The ingenuity of the Toy Manufacturers of the U.S.A. has brought Santa his most exciting toy collection in years. Grooming Aids For Men Aitractive Gift Possibilities Rich in gifting inspiration is \ the wide variety of aids to good , grooming specially coinpoundcd for men. These range all the'wav from ai FRESII AND CLEAN and ready to eo! Doll's faded blue denims are zippered for quick 'n easy sudsing come wash day. Mauy dolls olTer ronstume changes. TIMF. TO WASH dolly's hair? No problem when >ou can blow it dry in minutes with this new non-electric blower. wooden shaving bowl or bottle of I toilet water to a deluxe travel Kit, ! fitted out with everything a man , needs to keep him looking his best; at all times. Whether chosen as a modest "main event" gift all {roaming aids Immediately become part of the day-to-day life of the favored man and serve as constant i, minders of the thoufilrtfulne, i the person who gave sift. Definitely on the masculine iiv the new scents that have 1>?. produced in toilet waters, afU: shaving lotions, and colognes n,*v "m?nwZfl ? ??J APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 bedrooms. living room kitchen and bath Kitchen equipment and water furnished. SIO per month. 1 bedroom, living room. kitchen and bath. Kitchen equipment and water furnished s:!0 per month. Excellent Neighborhood. CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY 1 lit Main St. Dial (.1. (>?."> I tl CLOSE - 0| SALE COLEMAN OIL HEATERS 7.">,000 KTl*. 6 Room Size Regularly Priced $119.0.7 ^ A CLOSE-OUT I 17 YOU SAVE $30*00 - r>.),000 IJTII, 1 Room Size Regularly Priced $110.0". ^ CLOSE-OUT 17 YOU SAVE S20*00 LIKKKAL TRADK IN A1 LOW \N(K(i\ YOUR OLD HI \ I Lit - EASY MONTHLY TERMS DArCDC ELECTRIC KUllCK) compani Dial (.1, ?>-f>:;".l Miiii IHEIGHO SANTA! IT'S TIME FOR TOYS FROM STOVALL'S 5 - 10 & 25c STORE! J WE HAVE TOYS FOR ALL AGES FOR BOYS & GIRLS AND GIFTS FOR GROWNUPS TOCl I Use Our Convenient Lay - Away Plan DAISY AIR RIFLES S4.95-S5.95-S6.95 Duns ;59c to S1.9X Holster Sets SI.00 - S1.9.'? KEMCO RADIO STATIONS $0.95 Sends & Receives Voice & Code l'p To Mile. ? FOOTBALLS ? SJ.59 - $2-59 - Sg.SO FOOTBALLS PI MP TRUCKS BASKETBALLS LOO TRUCKS BASKETBALL GOALS TELEPHONE TRICKS GI NS K HOLSTER SETS JEEPS AIR RIFLES TANKS CORK RIFLES CATTLE TRUCKS COWBOY HATS ANTIQUE CARS COWBOY SPURS AIRPLANES ROY ROGERS RANCH SETS WRECKER TRUCKS FORT APACHE (100 Piece*) ARMY TRUCKS MARX SERVICE STATION TRACTORS BULLDOZERS TRAINS ROAD GRADERS ELECTRIC SETS REMCO WALKIE TALKIE - - - - - $2-98 m EEA H RING 1 i in: EVER 1 I'OI'l I.Alt \ 24 Inches | Tall MAMA DOLL $4*9 She V . . I Sleeps! She Cries! \1,S() ? WE HAVE WALKING DOLLS I'KKU) TDK ONLY ?l.95 ? $7.9.') ? MANY OTHER ITEMS IN STOCK J TEDDY BEARS 98c SJ.98 $2-98 DOCTOR and NURSE KITS i \ MAKE-UP KITS . .SINKS DOLUS IRONING 1JOARD& DOLL SUIT CASES IRONS TEA SETS W)LL < I'OTHb COOKING WARE DRESSER CANNISTER SETS I>OI-I \ STOVES MARX KtttHB?. REFRIGERATORS l BIO,- FOR BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS ' ifi'iM KS !!! !! !)ISfi logs tk.Kl Kehs aoi.r sen ] TiitSL G BRICKS In i HOVts HlM Kmtj liNhhK TOY^ CXA1 < \.SH KfcfiS monopoly y , ^"'NMJOOKS rwinMAB BINGO puzzles )iAM ty I ^ fipXBg sK?in BOOKg rAtlLE I sT11FKD AMMAb jBASKETBAliTGOALs Z ~Z~Z~sj3 STOVALL S 5-10&25 STORE MAIN STREET R \\ MOM) STO\ M l- & A. I). HARRISON, OWNERS