WANT AD RATES * she type, 2 cents per word. rl im charge <0 cenU. -? size type, 3 cents per ? minimum charge 60 ? is size type, 50c coluirn inch. faementa wit! be published feeding to desired schedule rat extra charge. In advertisement* should be or ted Immediately. The ntalneer will not be re gf \e (or more than one H et Insertion. ADV*RTISFMFNTS ARF H m ADVANCF. Cash must gpany orders sent by mail ids most be in office be 1#:30 a. m. on day before eatton to ruarantee to be ?nt ad section, on wish to Insert a want ad GL. C-5301. Special Nolices [ONUMENTS see Havwooaper to report a news item. The eporter asked for a check on the polling of a name but Woolridge -villained it would be several min itrs before he could furnish it. "My book is on the ground." le said. A telephone lineman, he was ?ailing from atop a pole. The Virgin Islands produce about 1.000 tons of cane sugar a year. FOR SALE Two bedroom home?Large li\ ing room, den, beautiful kitchen, carport, and util it v room. Large corner lot in Grand view. Price $10,500 ? With $8,600 already fi nanced. South Clyde ? New .'5 bed room brick and perma stone construction. Large utility room and carport. Lull basement. Located on a large lot with a wonder ful view. Let us show you this fine home. Price $16,000, with $10,000 al ready financed. Nice two bedroom home. Extra large lot ? Hazel wood. $5800 ? Terms. FOR RENT Saunook community ? Three bedroom home, 3 baths, also maid*s room with hath in basement. Hrick construction ? Auto matic oil warm air heat. Many fruit trees, grapes and large garden. Heauti ful swimming pool in back. Available March 1st. $85.00 ier month. Farm homo with large gar den. Hyatt Creek. $20.00 per month. LINER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE CO. Dial GL 6-4331 Main Street vou CAN SI SUR|...ip irk VAtbstinghouse Sold In Waynesvllte Only Al MASSIF I I KMTLKE CO. AUDREY RETURNING TO STUDIO RADIANTLY HAPPY are Audrey Hepburn, Oscar winning actress, and her husband, Mcl Ferrer, as they return to London from their honey moon in Rome. Miss Hepburn is scheduled to start work in England on a film version of "Ondine," her Broadway hit. (International) . lural Firetruck . ] THEBES. 111. (APt ? Fire pro 'eetion is assured rural residents, t The Thebes Men's Club has pur- i ?hased a fire truck and w ill re- j ( ?pond to the out-of-town calls 1 j while the village truck stands by j j in town. The club is in debt $5,500 for ; 1 its second truck. The first one was j. destroyed bv fire in a wheatfield. ' ( Dads Sentenced LYNCHBURG, Va. (AP) ? Two >oys, aged 11 and 12, were brought >efore Juvenile Court Judge O. R. rundiff, charged with burglam ng a grocery store. He ordered an nvestigation. Their fathers said they didn't enow the boys were out that night, ludge Sundiff gave the dads 60 lays in jail for neglecting the boys. I * CQIl u? woo THPsT VvJAWJ, u n pi'V i p F^W?Lx-- I cs ' \irx MYRTLE RIGHT AROUND HOME By DUDLEY FISHER ^ SO? TJ^AV'S I > TUE ?AV COR VV > AUCMtNCe.' ) ~Xzir V <5 VE IT U (TO 'A ? A SNOW ON top of tp at one - ano i wkswt not i Be asls to aer x bach wet?e fop ) a we?