SENATOR SAM ERVIN SAYS tinurd from Page 2) n angry sea. last autumn the North coast was lashed by heavy high gales in a terrific lich has been dubbed Hur azel. One can appreciate wrought along the North coast by Hurricane Hazel sees the resultant wreck Long service who has been a voluntary ve observer of the United eather Bureau for 55 of ears. Mrs. Jessie Taylor jrt knowledge of the tides js of the Atlantic coast in hport area. As a result of |ert knowledge, Mrs. Tay )ble to give advance warn le approach and course of ie Hazel. Her action in so idoubtedly resulted in the saving of many lives. Mrs. Taylor visited Washington last week to receive the award which she so justly merits. Her charm and heroism captivated all who were privileged to meet this most gracious lady. All North Caro lina is proud of her. The United States Weather Bu reau made an award at the same time to Keuben Frost, the mcler ologist in charge of the V\ ilming ton Weather Bureau office, for his efficient work in connection with Hurricane Hazel. FIRST GROUP VISITS During the past wees Washing ton witnessed the first of the visits which school children from over the Nation make to the Nation's Capitol each year. These visits are sure harbingers of spring. We were delighted to receive the first group from North Carolina, which con sisted of 39 boys and girls from Central High School at Charlotte. When one is privileged to know the enthusiasm and the intelligence of such boys and girls, lie has con fidence that the future of our coun try is in safe hands. COMMITTEES HI SY As one of the 15 members of the Senate Committee on Armed Ser Just Looking Around (Continued from Page 2) I had with a certain family. The , wile had indicted her husband for non-support, and the man was put in jail. At the trial she told that her husband was a good provider until I put him in jail. Imagine that when the man was arrested on a warrant she had signed. "Anyway, about a week after the husband had been turned loose, the wife called me late Saturday night to come out and make her husband go to bed. The fellow was drunk and would not go to bed. I told her I would have to get her to sign a warrant, but she did not want to vices. 1 spent most of the past week being "briefed" by the Secretaries of the Army and Air Force and the Chiefs of Staff of these two branches of our national defense. It is like going to school again and hearing lectures. I must confess, however, that we spend many more hours on Committee than students spend in school. i Hearty and Economical Main Course Dishes By ALICE OENHOFF TODAY we utter some substan t'al yet not heavy main dishes that are on the thrifty side but don't suggest it! Baked Spareribs with Apricot Bread Stuffing Is one such recipe For 6 servings, prepare 2V? qt 12 in Oread cubes, 3 tbsp. melted fat, I ?a c chopped cooked apri cots, 'h c raisins (washed > and tsp salt Have ready 2 lb. of spareribs. and cut the strip In half Dip in a mixture made of 6 tbsp flour, tsp salt and % tsp. each pepper and paprika Place stuffing between the two strips of spareribs and tie together with string Place in baking dish and bake, uncovered, at 375* F. for 1V4 hr. Lamb Casserole To prepare a good lamb cas serole for 6-8 servings, brown 1 lb. boned lamb shoulder that has been cut In I-in. pieces and Vi c. sliced onions in tbsp. fat in heavy saucepan or skillet Add 2Vt c. hot water and 1 bay leaf Cover and simmer 30 mln? or until meat is almost tender. Add 2 tsp salt and Vg tsp pep per Then add 1 c each finely diced carrots and finely diced po tatoes and 2 c. canned tomatoes Continue cooking 30 mln longer, or until vegetables are done Remove bay leaf Add 2 tbsp. (Copyright. 1966 King ] do that. She just wanted me to come on out and put her husband to bed. In fact, she called three I times. "I had to tell her over and over I could not do a thing without a warrant, as long as he was behav ing. Then she told me her husband was nice as could be, just drunk, sitting in a big chair, and just i ornery, not wanting to go to bed. "I told her she better let well ' enough alone and let him stay in 1 the chair, and forget about him I ; going to bed. If he was happy stay- j ing up all night in a chair, and was quiet, and not bothering any- j one she better let it go at that, i quick-cooking tapioca gradually , to meat mixture and mix well ; Measure into 1-qt. baking dish, adding water 1' necessary to make 6ft c. of the r ixture. Bake In hot oven (450* F.) 5 min. Then stir well and bake 5 min. longer. ( Place on top of meat mixture 9 unbaked baking powder bis cuits rolled ft-lnch thick Con tinue baking 12 min., or until biscuits are browned. Flaked Fish Casserole graces the luncheon or supper table sfhartly. To prepare 6-8 servings, mix 8 egg yolks with small amount taken from 2 c. milk Add re maining milk, 2 tbsp. quick cooking tapioca, lft tap salt, dash of pepper, ft c. finely cut celery and 1ft tsp. scraped on ion. Mix well In saucepan. Place over medium heat and cook until mixture comes to a boll, stirring constantly. {temove from heat. Add 2 c. flaked, cooked fish and 2 tbsp. chopped parsley Add very rrad ually to 2 stiffly beaten egg whites, folding In thoroughly Turn Into greased 2-qt cas serole and cover with ft c but tered bread crumbs Bake at 350* F until brown- about 50 min. Feature* Syndicate, Inc.) OVER THE COUNTY ? 1 j (Continued from t'age 2) that is 1 2/3c per lb. Also another eustomer had a "Ballens Dew" ? balance duel of so much. "One Par Broge Shoos" for Burden Smith was $1.75. "1 Ox Yoke" was j 75 cents. But "1 Goos Oxen" 50c,1 is something "beyand" us. She got mad. and hung up the phone and that's the last I've heard of the couple and their troubles." ?, ? .? / States Receive Red Cross Gamma Globulin Supplies Shipment of 500,000 cubic centi- 1 meters of the blood derivative ; gamma globulin to state and terri-j torial public health officers was announced today b> the director ot the American Red Cross blood program. Dr. David N. \V. Grant, program > director, said shipments mark re-1 sumption of Red Cross distribution of GG for use in combatting mens-1 els, hepatitis and infantile paral ysis. Approximately 1,000.000 CC's is expected to be available this year, he added. The Red Cross first began GG distribution in 1944. as a measles immuni/er. Kur the past 4wo years, however, tUcafted Cross GG sup ply was contributed to a national pool under control of the Office of Defense Mobilization, and ODM was responsible for distribution. On January I, ODM relinquished control and returned to the Red Cross the balance remaining of its' contribution to ibe pool. ? Dr. Grant emphasized that the Red Cross allocation plan will con tinue to .utilize facilities of state arfd territorial health officers, who will determine methods of distri bution and use in their areas. Ninevah WMU To Sponsor Singing A singing will be held at tlx Ninevah Baptist Church Saturday March 5, at 7.30 p.m. The program which is beinj sponsored by the Woman's Mis. , sionary Union of the Church wif feature a number of well knowr singing groups from this section A cordial invitation is extendec by the group to all singers and t< the public to attend the program. In keeping with the Red Crosi policy, he said, no charge will b4 made for Hed Cross GG to person: receiving it. ? _L ' - . Want ads hrlng quick results ir "76et&e*tfalt #&&&*? & lid snaps on, psofT lids 3 \ '????? / saucer? I filled with creamy B ? M m A V BB a! ? fl nfl ?B^ a^B i M-m-m ?that fresh, creamy Sealtest Cottage Cheese now comes in these especially designed "Susan" Bowls! They're of long-wearing, satiny-smooth plastic. In 7 glowing pastel shades. With many exciting uses ... for cereals,' soups, desserts?as refrigerator containers?for parties, with the saucers holding snacks... Enjoy Sealtest Cottage Cheese often?the purest, freshes*, creamiest cottage cheese you ever tasted. Get some today from your \ store or Sealtest milkman. And be sure to get a whole set of 7 bowls. \ * i X ^ A 'SUSAN" BOIa/LS COME IN COLORS ?"<-oe^ X,. A desert sand coral dove grey ASSOCIATES '?' V \ chartreuse ? aqua almond green citrus yellow XPRES6iy FOR SEALTEST \ ? |VL? , \ ^ a;' / ?x 'I appreciate the rare beauty of these lovely "Susan" Bowls, as \ ?cted by America's leading designer. You'll be entranced with \ vS1^ A* * * TAf "* A X "* '?'^modern design .. . fashioned of truly modern materials! \ DOZENS OF EXCITING ^Ao ^ A V, USES FOR "SUSAN" BOWLS fw ccrtah, sups, salads, duserts! heap with hors d'oeuvre when yon entertain! c?"t*tn! lids become saucers for indrndud serving ef party snacks! oih or auitcll colors of 'ids and bowls'- ' ' ' ' H ? Revolves on ball-bearing base! ? 7 ? _ ^ plus 1fie coupon If ? Perfect party set! only V K |1 from Susan Bowl lid | ? ? Big! Spacious! Full 15V4* diameter! M Complete mailinX instructions g en every coupon. f | a^ ? Holds 7 bowls! . d^l ' HURRY! Send for your Sealtest saw Ul IL . * >? M U2Y SUSAN today! ? Worth many limes ils cost! ? ? 1 - BBB IW-f&lu Sir if km S&mfflm MMm* ^.^OUWuoicr LOW PRICES ? every ,)ay ^ ^ [tj ^ \ t ) |f yjj I>LUS B0NUS OLI) VIRGINIA APPLE SAUCE 2 25* Hake Kite SHORTENING 3 lb Can 73c PUIhbury's CAKE MIX ........ Pkg 33c .Hold Medal MACARONI.... 2 8-02 Pkgs 25c SANTO COFFEE Lb Pkg JQc PURE LARD 4 lb Ctn. 00c ?' ???? IN. ?. I. WAFFLE CREAMS Pkg 25^ N. B.( . Peanut Butter PATTIES Pkg 25c Duke's MAYONNAISE Pint Jar 29? CARTON BHMrtn TpMATOES ^^2 29c (iolden Ripe BANANAS .... 2 lbs 20c No. 1 Irish POTATOES 10 lbs 4gc Golden Cello F'kgs. CARROTS 217C PINTO BEANS . 2 lb Pk9 25c Lean Horn*less STEW BEEF lb 59c I'ork Shoulder ROAST . lb 39c ii lilue Ikinnet OLEO lb 29c Dixie Crystals SUGAR 10 lb Bag 95c LIBBYS FROZEN FOOD FISH STICKS 8-oz Pkg 39c: CHICKEN PIES 2 8-oz Pkgs 45c BABY LIMAS 2 10-oz Pkgs 45c ORANGE JUICE 2 6-oz Cans 0"|c Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 2 KH-oz cans 23c Phillips TOMATOES 2 303 Cans 23? CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES Lb. Box 53*