Lower Crabtree Pn&AM p. .u Farmers ,dusy Harvesting Crops 1$? MM. MILIAR* FERGISOV CMmwUgf Reporter it is rather a busy time tuner? our farmers right now. Silo filling, tobacco harvesting and haying time, but since the product and the weather are good the labor is a pleasure and a privilege The W.MAJ. of the Cuabt.ee Rapt 1st Church met last Saturday at the church fpr their regular meeting. Mrs. Furtnan Noland presided. Mrs. Elmer Greene of l^ake Junaiuska, was a special guest. Beginning next Monday, the society will obaer/e the Week of Prayer program each day through Friday in connection with the membership revival conducted by the Bev. Tom Bray of Shelby, ench evening through Sunday September 18. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Davis and son. Richard, returned Tuesday 11 om a two weeks vacation at Cape ! !attera8 and Maateo. where they saw "The Lost Colony." Mr. and Mrs. H. H. lioll have .?turned from a 10-day trip in the north, where they attended a liiblo conference in Chicago and \ isited friends in Lawrenceville. 111., and Colymbus. Ohio. They were accompanied by their bouse c nests, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Holt and daughters. Louise and Susan, of West Palm Beach. Fla who have returned to their home. Our sick list this week includes Mrs. Julia Haney, a patient in Hay NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. 11 \ YWOOD COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by NORMAN HANNAH (widower), dated 7 day of May. 1953 and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 86 at page 116, in the Office of the Register at Deeds of Haywood County. North Caro lina. default having been made by the indebtedness thereby secured by said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos ure. the under-signed trustee will 1 offer for sale at public auction to 1 the highest ' idder for cash at the 1 Courthouse door in WaynesvUle. North Carolina, at noon, on the L'9th day of September, 1955, the property conveyed in a Deed of . Trust the same lying and being in ' tho County of Haywood. State of North Carolina, in Waynesville Township, and in the Ctty of Why neSl'ille and more particularly des- j < rlbed as follows: BRING Lot No. 21 of Liner Park ^ subdivision. East Waynesvtlle. North Carolina as per survey and map of W. H. Terrell, C. E. made , (fctober, 1946, and recorded in Map Book "IT Index "L", page 3, Hay- a wood County Registry to which ' map and record reiference is here- ' by made for a more particular 1 description. Being the same prop- 8 erty conveyed by Andrew J. Han- ( nah et UJf. to Norman Hannah by ' Warranty Deed date May 7, 1953. and recorded in Book ? page ?, Office of Register of Deeds of Hay- ? wood County. North Carolina. i But this sale is made subject to 1 all outstanding and unpaid taxes I and municipal assessments. This the 29 day of August, 1955 I PEARL LESLEY JOHNSON Trustee 2562?S 1-8-15-22 "~TT~ ? . j, 11 i ~ r7~" i wood County Hospital, and Sara Noiand. a patient in an Ashevillc hospital. Mrs. T. G. Highfill of Lincolntora was called home this week due to the illness of her mother, Mrs. T, L. Kirkpatrick of Lake Juraluska. at the home of hfr brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. T Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ferguson were hosts la^t Sunday to a family 1 dinner. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kirkpatrick and daughter. Miss Patricia, of Fines Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kiri? Patrick and son. Dean, of Knka, : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkpatrick of Waynesvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirkpatrick. Don, Larry, Vivian and Jere of Lake Junaluska. Mr. and Mrs. .lark Kirkpatrick, Bettie and Dgnnie Ray of Fines Creek, j Mr .and Mrs. Milas Kirkpatrick and son. Ronnie. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis and sons, Wilburn and Edwin, of WaynesvlUe. and Miss Brenda Justice of Newport News, Va. Mrs. Woodrow Brooks gild child ren of Candler spent Sunday with Mrs. Brooks' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vinson Davis. Spending Labor Day weekend with AJr. and Mrs. Weaver Haney were their children, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Haney and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Hcrschel Haney of Newport News, Va.. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tabor and family of Harrimon. Tenn. A 1/c Wade MeClure arrived home last week from North Africa. After a 20-day leave with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley MeClure. he will report to Sacramento. Calif, lor reasignment. Mr, and Mrs. Wiley MeClure spent the weekend in Atlanta as ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the Es tate of B. Frank Howell, deceased, late of Canton, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file the same duly certified, with said Administratrix in Canton, North Carolina, on or before the 25th day of August, 1956, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thrrt on. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under signed Administratrix. This 22nd day of August, 1955 NELL K. HOWELL Administratriv oi the Estate of B. Frank Howell ' 1561?A 25 S 1-8-15-22-29. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION1 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT VORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD (TOUNTy rOWN OF WAYNESVILLE PlaintifT -VS /1FGIMA EBERSOLE, If she be ilive. and her husband, if any, and f she be not .ilive, her heirs at aw. if any, by whatever names hey may be known, and any and ill persons claiming by, through >r under Virginia Ebersole, and HAYWOOD COUNTY Defendants TO VIRGINIA EBERSOLE, if ihe be alive, and her husband, if my. and If she be not alive, her heirs at law, if any. by whatever names they may be know.n and any and all persons claiming by, through or under Virginia Eber role: You will TAKE NOTICE that a pleading as above entitled asking relief against you lias been filed in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, and that the nature and purpose of said ac tion is to enforce the tax liens igainst the real estate listed in the lame of Virginia Ebersole upon he tax books of said County and Town for the years 1950 through l J You will further TAKE NOTICE .hut you are required to make de 'ense of such pleading not later 1 han the 12th day of October, 1859. j ind upon your failure to do so the , larty seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the re- I ief demanded id the Complaint. This 23rd day of August, 1955. J. B. SILF.R Clerk of Superior Court 1559?A 25 S1-8-15 ! Homecoming ? Event Planned For Eagt Fork f Homecoming service* will be held at the East Fork Baptist Church near Cruso Sunday, Sep.t. 11 beginning with the Sunday School hour at 10 o'clock. A picnic style lunch will be served on the grounds at noon. During the afternoon a sRigin.T wiU bo held. The singing groups who are expected to participate are the Melody Five of Sylva, Swannanoa Jubileers of Swnnna noa, Haywood Harmony Quartet of Waynesville. Sanford Quartet and Sanford Trio of Clyde. VTebb Trio and Shelton Trio of Wayne* vdlle, Rhymer Sisters and Nelson Duet of Canton and many others. The pastor, the Rev. Oder Bur nette. extends an invitation to the singers and the public to attend. guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kidd. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kirkpatrick ( of Canton, entertained with a birth day dinner last Sunday at Lake Logan for their mother, Mrs. W. C. Kirkpatrick. Only the immediate family was present. Miss Margaret Noland, daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Noland, left Tuesday for Greensboro College | where she is a senior this year. I Miss Kathleen Hoglen, daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. Zimmery Hoglen. entered Blanton's Business College Tuesday. Kenneth Harks and Buford No land, who spent Labor Day week end with their families, have re turned to Henfield, N. J. Mrs. Tayior Meuiora or iron Duff has been added to the Crab tree-Irort Duff schobl cafeteria j staff. Mrs. Sallie McSlroy. who has spent the summer with her son-in | law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ferguson, has returned to her bome with another son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vinson Bryson of Asheville. ? ????? Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ferguson spent Sunday with Mr. Ferguson's sister, Mrs. Fannie McElroy. of Enka. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walker have moved into their new home on the Crabtree Road. I NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, October 3, 1955, at 1L.00 o'clock A.M . at the Court House door in Town of Waynes vine, N. C? I will offer for sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and premises, situate, lying and being in Waynesville Town ship, Haywood County, N. C., to wit: BEGINNING on a stake In the Northeast margin of Haywood Street at a point 289.9 feet from the Southeast margin of Welch Street, and runs thence with the line between Lots Nos. 8 and 9, N. 56' 12' E. 120.4 feet to a stake: thence along the back lines of Lots Nos. 9. 10, 11. 12 and 13. in a Southeasterly direction 125.9 feet to a stake: thence with line between Lots Nos. 13 and 14, S. 56? 21* W. 133 feet to a stake in said margin of Haywood Street: thence with Street margin N. 33? 29' W. 125 fet to the BEGINNING, and being Lots Nos. 9, 10 and 11, 12 and 13 in Block "B" of the C. A. George property as per plat re corded in Map Book "C", Index "G", Haywood County Registry. Sale will be made pursuant to the power and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by that Deed of Trust dated July 27, 1954. executed by Louis Chandler and wife. Hilda Chandler, and re corded in Book of Deeds of Trust 93, page 149, Haywood County Registry, to which instrument and record reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions 1 thereof, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured. This August 30, 1955. A. T. WARD, Trustee. I 2563?S 8-15-22-29. Linder Awarded Bronze Star With Oak Leaf Chaster IIARRY UNDER IJarry Linder of Clyde has re ceived notification from the adju tant general of the Department of the Arnaj^that he has been award ed the Bronze Star Medal and Oak Leaf Cluster as the result of his service with an armored unit in the North African campaign during World War II. ?'* . ? ' The medal and oak'leaf cluster I were awarded, according to the ci tation, for Mr. binder's "exemplary conduct in ground combat against the armed enemy during the Al geria-French Morocco Campaign in the North African Theater of Oper ations while assigned as Private First Class, 41st Armored Infantry Regiment." During World War 11 Mr. Linder also received the letter "V" device (to be worn on the Bronze Star Medal, signifying that it was awarded for valor), Distinguished Unit emblem with bronze cluster, American Defense Service Medal, ; European-African - Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with two bronze_ i stars, one silver star and arrow- ] head (for beachhead landing); the 1 World War II Medal, and Belgian < Thickety Area Community News Miss Rowena Robinson, who is employed in Wilm ngton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Roy Robinson. ? She was ac companied by a friend. Lawrence | Crawley, also of Wilmington. Cpl. liarley E. Wright, Jr.. ar rived" Sunday- from Korea, where he has spent the past J 5 months wit.h the U. S. Army. He is being discharged this week at Fort Jack son. S. C. I Cpl. Max G. Robinson of Camp I-ejeune spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parham. Sr., Miss Norma Hope Cabe and James Parham visited the former's daugh ter. .Vli.ss Virginia Parham at Watts Hospital in Durham the latter part of the week. They also visited Mrs. Parham's brother. Ray W. Cabe, who has been quite ill in Duke Hbspital. He is reported to be much improved, and expects to be able (o leave the hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hersehel Haney and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Haney and daughter, Deborah Jean, of New port News, Va., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett William son attended the graduation of their daughter. Miss Jewel Wil liamson, at Watts Hospital, Dur ham, Thursday. Miss Williamson returned with them and will spehd several days at the Pisgah Dining Room before taking regular work. James Parham, , who has been doing missionary work in the state Of Washington during the summer, and visiting his uncle, Carroll Cabe, in Moretz. Calif., is spending several days at his home here, be fourragere. Mr. Llnder works as a laboratory technician at Moore General Hos pital five days a week and at Hay wood County Hospital on week ends. " '? i" ' T Revival Services ? Will Begin Sunday At Rocky Branch . Revival services will begin at Rocky Branch Missionary Bapti;! ? Church Sunday. September 11 and i continue tkroguh the following j Sunday each evening at 8:00 n.m j The Rev. Clyde Collins, pastor of East Sylva Baptist Church, will be 1 bringing the messages each eve ning. The public is cordially invit,: ed to attend these services. The j fore leaving Monday to enter the Baptist Seminary at New Orleans. La. ? Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wilson had an their guests over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tabor and children of Harriman, Tenn. Mrs Christine Keith and son. Jackie, arrived Friday from De troit, Mich., to visit her parents, Mr. and Mi's. N. V. Medford. Jackie expects to remain with his grand parents for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Rhinehart and son, Phillip, spent Monday with relatives in South Carolina, i The regular meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice of Rockwood Church will be held the third Thursday, September 22. at the home of Mrs. Nathan Wilson. The meeting was changed from the second Thursday as pre viously announced . The Wesleyan Service Guild will meet at the church al 7:30 p.m. the same date. An organizational meeting for a home demonstration club in Tbick ety community will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Jacobs Wed nesday evening. Miss Mary Corn well, Haywood County home agent, will be present to discuss plans and assist in the organization. All women of the community are in vited. i i ( Mrs. Earl Robeson of Newport News, Va? is spending a few da^s with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moore, due to the illness of her mother. ' Upper Crabtree Community News i By PAIMCIA MESSER Coramiuiity Reporter Our community would like to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Rathbone and family, who live on Liner Creek. Woodie Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. Crof Best, is home spending a few days with his parents. Mr. Best will return to Flint, Mich., where he is employed. Miss Lillie Jane Sanford is home for a few days with her par ? Rev. W. G. Rhinehart is pastor of the church. NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH jCAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. MARY EDITH MILLER, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES S. MILLER,' Defendant. The above-named defendant, James S. Miller, WILL TAKE NO TICE that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, by the plain tiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the ground that plaintiff and defen dant have lived separate and apart for more than two years next pre ceding the bringing of this action: and the defendant WILL FURTH ER TAKE NOTICE that ho is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County at the Court House in Waynesville, North Caro lina, within twenty days after the 7th day of October, 1955, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 1st day of September. 1955 ' DIXIE CAMPBELL Ass't. Clerk Superior Court 2564?S 8-15-22-29. Faloney Gets Call BALTIMORE. Ml |j tile Faloney, former Ms veisity quarterback ed pro football in Cuj a second lieutenant at 1 Force Base. Other t<g, land players at ilolli^ Uanulak and Ed Fulk ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cil? Miss Sanford is empty Bell Telephone Compn lotte. Gay Bradshaw anjl it spent last w cekend in \ Mr. and Mrs. Don a home to spend a lew ( their visit they \sili reti Mich., where Mr McB ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Bill 1 South Carolina, ant via Walker and Mary llawf Farmers in our coma been busy putting up t filling silos | STARK BRi Fruit Tree* p Dwarf Fruit Trees | Shrubs p Shade Trees p Add $1,000 or M The Value of Yoai Let me show you at photographs of Stark Leader Varieties. No c SPECIAL lc SAL BEING HEL S-WAY Cl'ARANTl ALL SHRIBS A 1 FRF.E ESTIMATE LANDSCAPE Wm.A.Wilkl 132 Hill St. Wi television o*, ?20995 ! Just wait till you see the pic ture an KCA Victor * famous Oeersbn "All-Clear- picture tube! It'* the Huts/, cletrrsl picture in 21-mrh TV I 4 M? 4M* or sennet* break the smart, clean linea of RCA \ictor's exciting new "l'n Mechanical Look'* ? TV'? first, complete ee-Mylinc. Moody Dii 1*111 ?i (nr llWainiv/ ???%? 908 N. MAIN GL 6>fi*71 ? ' : THE LAKE JUNALUSKA GOLF COURSE * ANNOUNCES FALL RATES GREENS FEE JJ.OO PER DAY GREENS FEE AFTER 5 P.Nf. 75c LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT JOHN DRAKE mmmmm"V*??? t You don't need a "BUNDLE" to wian up this BONUS-BARGAIN Sometimes, a bargain is measured by how little you pay. Sometimes, it's measured by how much you get. Hut here's one that's a whopping bargain by both measures. Because right now ? for the leastest money of the year you can buy the mostest Huick in history. That, Mister, is because we're adding a profit-sharing bonus allowance on top of the long trade-in allowances we've been making all year. And when we say the "mostest" Buick, we mean the. most-wanted Buick ever built ?the one that has broken every record in the book?outselling by far all other cars except the two most widely known smaller ones. We mean the Buick that brings you the most for your money in terms of mighty V8 Power ?of real family-size room ?of bold fresh styling. The one that gives you the most buoyant ride ever born of alheoil springing. And we mean the only car blessed by the smooth magic of Variable Pitch Dynaflow* ? world's first transmission built on the siyitch-pitch principle of the modern plane's propeller. ' Come on in. We're ready and waiting to make you the deal of your life on the most thrilling Buick ever. *Vtriable I-tub D) natlou is the only Dyne flow Bnitk builJs today. It is standard on Roadmaster, optional as modest t>' cost on other Sates. ? # #? 4 1. Bonus Trade-In y Allowance -biggest th our history / v / ^ / 1 ? ??-7 / "4, ? s I Z. Bonus Buy -because Buic/c is the -thrift of the year in sty/e, u power, performance, uafue If -s:?.. h""' * '- 'A 3. Bonus Resale , -because u Quick, o/wys seseks 6igh-6/ings you mote if** JA money when you fade it in '' f >2431" 4 f H the whopping hig oHowsncc j ? I O we. '//moke on your present cor t2-Door, 6-Passenger, Buick Special Sedan, /vtode I 4d, illustrated. Any state and local taxes, addt>ono. I Prices m6y vary slightly in adjoining communiMss 1 A wide variety of extra-cast equipment and acces i sories available at your option. I J Thr?// of the ye$rfQ &utck? Biggest-selling Buick in History! _ WIIM twPBUB JOT mi MUCK WIU MM m?W ? i -? \ """"riSIHZr1*" TAYLOR MOTOR Cfl AIKCONPITHWt.K DIAL GL ?-??X HAYWOOP

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