' ^'ANOAAI) pty Y i?.p~*-u-a/o ^Co P Loi'isvlLl%?K* rifil * ? v'f3; V | jl p The Waynesyille Mountaineer Q> H^ood Cun,y At T?e Ea,,fn ,?trance 0f The Great Smoky Mountaina WJ XJXJXV | I | ^NhSVILLE. W. C., THIKSUAY AKTEKNOON. NOV. in ,oii "mm. 0 ?? ?? In Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties ' tcond Injunction Stops County Farm Sale I** * * * *? * * ? ?? * * ? * * J inth Tobacco Festival Termed One Of Finest\ I I liM'i'l'ii?in n*?a????ini i??? ? iiffe ner In ^Contest Cove walked away with honors at the ninth an icco Festival and Home [this week. imunity took first place f contest; first place in |o show, with Mrs. Ray Inner, ana to climax the fiung saw their entry Fn for 1955?Miss a senior of WTHS. 1 daughter of Mr. and f Palmer. Lday festival attracted Ms at all of the events, tag room only on Tues lu crowds packed, the fs top place in the CDP he second time the com |s won the top honor, in 1949, which was the Lf the county-wide con r blue-ribbon communi year were: Thickety, re, and Upper Crabtree. Fed $150, with Ratcliffe I a $25 bonus for being (he four. ribbons, and checks for .j It to West Pigeon and | *k, with Saunook and jetting white ribbons j i. wncement of the CDP tre made by Jonathan I Bruce Nanney. k county chairman of ?aster of ceremonies. r the CDP contest were Festival?Page 4) J Clerk ised Of t Of $115 ?we. 40, night clerk at t Hotel in Waynesville, largcd by Sheriff Fred tod Chief of Police Or i with the theft of $115 otel late Tuesday night Wlnesday morning. "Bourtt stolen, $101.72 deposited in the hotel | tok Williams, a guest at ind an employee of the -urb Market across the i the LeFaine, The re 's taken from the hotel tr. "s first missed early morning when tele 11" the hotel went un- i He was last seen at an ' ?aurant at 4:30 a.m. !nt whereabouts are un officers believe he may to Florida, Pictures * Carried ?pletion Impossible to publish *" 26 blue ribbon* this issue. ..Only ? being published but * will be published as p* Permits. J^nee Is being given **? They are being 'warn the top of the " Photographs. ??each booth will be * second section of ' This was a time Wece of reporting. ?? excellent word-pic "b booth. l nfi and 0001 todai k ?**? *"b snow and t little warmer ... nrta>r. diminishing ?Pd cooler. J^ynesvllle tempera d b> the State Test Ma*. Min Pr. 58 40 .28 5? 19 ? W 17 .10 CONGRATULATIONS gro to Zemry Mfsstrt cen ter) chairman of the KatclifTe Cove CDP, winner of the top 1955 honors, with a $175 check. On the left is Jonathan Woody, and on the right is Bruce? Nanney, mayor of Canton. The two made the an nouncements of the judges' decision Tuesday night. (Mountaineer Photo). Sheffield To Head County CDP Council For The Year R. C. Sheffield, of West Pigeon, will serve as chairman of the county CDP council this coming year. He was elected along with other officers on Tuesday night. Sheffield succeeds Jack Kay, who served as chairman this year. C. L. Allen, Aliens Creek, will serve as vice chairman, and Robert Robinsbn, secretary, and Mrs. Walter Rhodarmer, of South Clyde, treasurer, while Mrs. James Medford, of Ratcliffe* Cove, will be the reporter. The directors are: Jonathan Woody, chairman, R. C. Francis, vice chairman, Mrs. Raymond Caldwell, secretary, and W. J. Stone, treasurer. Other members include: Richard Bradley, Troy McCrack en, Phyllis Hartman, Bob Francis, Mrs. Mark Ferguson, Miss Kate Robinson, Mrs. J. M. Wells and Mrs. Kenneth Fry. 40 Merchants To Sponsor 'Golden Harvest' Program Some Offices To Close Friday For Veterans Day Postoffices in the county, the Haywood County Public Library, Health Department, Welfare De partment, Waynesville employ ment office, and Southern Bell Telephone business offices in Way nesville and Canton and the state tax office at the courthouse will bo closed Friday in observance of Veterans Day (Armistics Day). Mail will be put up at the post offices and lobbies will be open, but windows will be closed and no mail deliveries will be made. Although the library will be closed, the county's Bookmobile will run as usual. County banks also will be open. C. E. Grenell, Lake Junaluska photographer, left yesterday foi his winter home in- Daytona Beach. Florida. Starting next Tuesday and con tinuing indefinitely the Waynes ville Merchants Association and 40 cooperating business concerns will award varying amounts of money each Tuesday at 4 p.m. at "Golden Harvest" drawings. No purchases are necessary. Par ticipants in the contest need only go into one of the sponsors' stores, obtain a ticket, put his name and address on it, and leave it with the merchant. All the tickets from the 40 con cerns will be put into' a hopper and one will be drawn each Tues Winners will receive certain per centages of the pot?ranging up to 50 per cent. Tickets will come in several colors ? with each color representing a specific percentage of the pot?which will vary each week. The first pot will be $500. Ticket holders must be present to claim their prize, but those ab sent will receive token awards. Participating merchants in the "Golden harvest" program are: Western Auto Store. Stovall's 5-10-25 cent Store, Belk-Hudson (See Merchanta?Page 4) Stolen School Cheese SwappedFor Whiskey Two Canton men are in jail because they swapped 60 pounds of government cheese, taken from the Patton Avenue school lunchroom, for some liquor. Besides swapping the stamp ed cheese for liquor, each man is charged with passing a forged check for $27.50 and faces that charge, it was learned today from Sheriff Campbell, who re turned Monday with the two men from Portsmouth. Va. The men left the county be fore their liquor-cheese case came up in the July term of court, and the sheriff arrested them Monday on a capias. The forgery charge came later. Botn men left here and went to De troit. r.nd then to Portsmouth. William Ray Clonts. 24, and Ed Chapman. 28, both of Can ton, waived a hearing when re turned here and" were bound over to the fall term of Super ior Court which convenes the 21st of this month. Willie "Lightning" Davis, a colored bootlegger of Canton, told officers he got the cheese in a swap deal with the two. Davis is now serving a sentence on the roads for selling liquor. He was tried last July. Mrs. Meador Takes Top Burley Prize Mrs. Hoy Meador of KatclilTe Cove nearly scored a clean sweep in the tobacco show at the armory Tuesday by rapturing three out of four first places and winning $57 in prize money. She won $25 for first place in the individual exhibit of 12 hands, $12 each for first place prizes in the lugs and leaf classes and $8 for third place in flyings. The other first-place ranking in the show was won by Charlie R Liner in flyings. Other winners in the individual exhibits were: R. Glen Francis, second, $20; R. C. Francis, third, $15; Sam Liner, fourth, $10.00, and W. C. Chambers of Crabtree, fifth. $5. Other winners in the various classes were: Flyings?Will Leatherwood, sec ond; Mrs. Meador, third, H. F. Francis, fourth; R. - C. Francis, fifth. Lugs?If. F. Francis, second: Mrs I) n I."- 1- ? Prisoner Gets Well Seasoned In Escape Try Hubert Hall, 26, Haywood Coun ty man serving a prison term at Gates Prison Camp, recently had a salty but unsuccessful \ime try ing to make his escape, according to an AP dispatch from Raleigh. Hall, working in a boxcar un loading salt in a prison truck, lay down on the flodr of the truck bed and had other prisoners throw salt over him. When the truck was loaded, the guard noticed Hall was missing. The guard played a hunch, order ed the salt moved and uncovered a well-salted Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Snyder of Bude, Miss, and their son. Tommy Snyder of GalTney, S. C. and T. M. Snyder of McClain, Miss, are visit ing Mrs. Marguerite Welsh in Clyde. - *?. v^. * i antia, mu u, odlll Liner, fourth, and R. C. Francis, fifth. ? Leaf?H. F. Francis, second; R. C. Francis, third; Sam Liner, fourth, and Mrs. R. C. Francis, fifth. Mrs. Meador grew approximately (See Tobacco?Page 4) 3 Accidents Reported By State Patrol Three traffic accidents ? none involving serious injuries ? have been reported by the State High way Patrol. A dog was blamed for one ac cident which occurred at 11;30 p m. Wednesday just north of "The Narrows" section of the Crabtree Road. The driver, Billy Albert Justice, 24, of Center Pigeon, told State Patrolman V. E. Bryson he was driving north on Highway 209, (See 3 Accidents?Page 6) TOP WINNER at tobacco shows in Haywood County during the past eight years has been Mrs. Roy Meador of RatclifTr Cove, who has won more than $400 in prise money during that time. In the 1955 show this week, she won a total of $57 by taking first place in the individual exhibit, leaf and lug clauses, and third place in flyings. She was assisted by her son. Tommy, sixth-grade student at East Waynesville School. Mrs. Meador averaged 62 cento a pound at the auction market with her 1954 barley crop. (Mountaineer Photo). rAiB* Lutlofi rii.iir.n, 01 luiu'liiie i ?ve, a siuucni ai waynes ville High, was crowned as the 1955 Tobacco Queen at the annual Tobacco Festival Program at the courthouse Tuesday night. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer. (Mountaineer Photo). A $25,663 Reported Raised To Date For United Fund m t_ A r AA l J 1 A _ il a doui was aaneu 10 tin United Fund campaign this week, as several committees made re ports on their activities. Mrs. Raymond Caldwell, office manager, said that the total now stands at $25,663, against the quota of $38,841, over 66 per cent. A number of groups were get ting out this weekend, thgy re ported, to clean-up the remainder of their assignments. 'Some of these were in the industrial, busi ness and rural divisions. Dave Felmet, campaign chair man, said that the later reports were indeed encouraging, and that he believed the goal would be met by the time all the workers com plete their assignments. "We have had many obstacles to come up since the campaign be gan," Felmet said, "but I find the workers are determined to make a clean-sweep of assignments as early as possible." The United Fund program em braces 25 agencies, including the WTHS band. Scouts, polio and 23 other worthwhile causes, the Unit ed Fund leaders pointed out. Legion To Honor Area Gold Star Parents At Dinner Gold Star parents of the Way nesville area will be the guests of Haywood Post 47 of the American Legion at a Veterans llay dinner Friday night at Timbes Brothers WWNC Restaurant. Senator William Mcdford will 108 Listed Plaintiffs [n Complaint A second court Injunction, serv >d just a few hours before the 140 icre county home farm was to go >n the auction block, halted the icheduled sale Wednesday morn ng. The commissioners were lerved with the papers between 2 i.m. and 5 a.m. Wednesday morn ing. with the sale slated for 10 a.m. Officials estimated that several thousand people visited the farm Wednesday morning expecting to attend the sale. The three commis sioners, and Grover C. Davis, county attorney, went to the farm, and at 10 o'clock announced that the sale had been stopped by the court action. The complaint, listing 108 plain tiffs. asks besides the injunction to stop the so'*, recovery of $3,500 from the commissioners for "rea son of the improper and unlawful sale of the livestock, equipment, and machinery used in connection with the Haywood county home farm." The injunction was signed by Judge J. Frank Huskins, who is holding court in Boone. The hearing in the matter is now set for Monday, November 21st, 10 a.m. here before Judge Dan K. Moore of Sylva. 'Thls*ts the same day and hour which th< two-week term of criminal court Is slated to begin. A bond of $1,000 was posted with the clerk of court in the case The bond was signed by Noland Pless, Turner Cathey, Kelly How ard, Guy S. Cook, and Pauline pless. Cogburn and Cogburn, attorneys for the plaintiffs, signed the com plaint which seeks four things: the sale of equipment and live stock: for judgment requiring the defendants to pay the costs, and fourth, for "such other relief as the court may see just, right and proper." The new complaint, similar in some details as the one which Judge Zeb Nettles signed in Sep tember, and later disolved by Judge Moore, points to the statute creating the county home, the ex penditure in remodeling after a fire in 1953, and the removal of the inmates to private nursing homes. . In paragraph nine, the complain! sets out "that the defendants are now seeking to dispose of said county home property by pretend ing to sell same at public auction on Wednesday, November 9th with out properly advertising said prop erty for sale in either of the news papers or over the two radio sta tions in Haywood county; as a re sult of which the intended pro ported sale will be a sham and said sale will be held without the (See Court?Page 4) be the principal speaker. Miles Ferguson of the Legion post is In charge of arrangements for the meeting. About 50 postmasters of the 12th district will meet here Saturday night for their semi-annual meet ing of the N. C. Postmasters Asso ciation, with state officials of the organization attending. . The dinner meeting will be at the Towne House, 7:30, with R. G. r* m ? ? 50 Postmasters Of WNC To Attend Meeting Here Hawn, district manager of tnc post office department, Charlotte, the speaker. Mrs. Effie Brickhouse, Columbia. N. C., Ls the state president, and James T. Martin, of Liberty, is secretary-treasurer. Both plan to attend the meeting here. Joe Ray, Murphy, is district president. Enos Boyd, postmaster of Wayneavilie, will be local host to the group. Highway Record For 1955 In Haywood (TO DATK) Killed .... 3 (1954 ? 52) Injured.... 83 (1954 ? 51) Accidents 159 . Loss.. $68,605 (This Information com piled from records of State Hick way PatreU weatherman Slipped; Snow Arrives Late Somehow the weatherman has rotten completely confused this week. By tradition, lie should have ordered today's snow for the annual Tobacco Festival, which closed last nlrht after a two day prorram. In the past he has come up with some nifties?especially in 1950. when three inches of snow blanketed floata In the Tobacco Festival parade that year. Or, falllnc to spoil the To bacco Festival, he could have saved all his white stuff for the four county football rames achrdnled Friday. He certainly went all out in putting the damp er on Waynesville games for two weeks in a row earlier in the season. As it is, the weatherman hasn't spoiled anything much, but It's too late to relax. He may try again tomorrow. (The snow appeared to be general throughout the county. At the same time snow was fall ing in Waynesyille, it was also reported coming down at Canton and Fines Creek. Highway Patrolman V. E. Bry (See Weather?Page 6) The United Fund Campaign Has Started ? Give Generously For The 25 Agencies|| ? - ?-...i* AMI i Plhif r.... . ^ -

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