ijiptW Church IS rM gTwuto *- ? r Gospel Light r^ w wiT to fzLa&L **JZ School. Wll ^-fStotendent. p Service. Sor gj^loee Rich. dlreo LfortblP Service. Me? teptoof r^pjKu, study end choir r^Mfhert meeting, r^yer service to ? eech third R,t 8 o'clock. Church l? valley pk Willie, Jr^r-toe ?_ xh? Gospel Light Ljjo station WWIT? KTyour dial. I ? Sunday School. Eton, SupU let end f School?2nd, K^hip Service. Ser | pastor. 2nd, 4th end Lprayer Services con tt. Rule Finger. I grayer Service. -Bible study. ( -Prayer services In e Baptist Church p.C. Hicks, Pastor -Sunday School. Hen It, Superintendent. t-Preaching the sec itk Sundays by the pas -Training Union. The bh, Director. ^Preaching the fifth the pastor. II _ Mid-week prayer ?Branch Free | ?gptist Church B-tnday School Lum ?.Morning Worship. | Komon by the pastor, j ?ftiyer service. Fines Creek Methodist Charge M. B. Lee Pastor Fines Creek Methodist Church Church School, 10 a.m. Frank Rathbone, Superintendent. Worship Service, 11 a.m.' 2nd and 3rd Sundays. Fellowship in music and medita tion 7 p.m. 1st Sunday. Pine Grove Methodist Church Church School, 10 a.m. Charles Duckett, Superintendent. Worship Service, U a.m. 4th Sunday. Worship Service, 7 p.m. 2nd Sunday. Riverside Baptist Church The Rev. Paul Grogan, Pastor FRIDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Lesson Study for teachers taught by Lynn Cham bers at homes to be announced. SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School. Paul Erwin, Superintendent, In charge. 10:45 a.m.?Junior Choir sings. Edgar Burnette, director. 11:00 a.m.?Sermon by the pas tor 2nd and 4th Sundays. 7:00 p.m.?Training Union. Edgar Burnette, director, in charge. In vitation to everyone is extended. Training groups for all ages are available. Also a Bible Class. 7:45 p.m.?Evening Worship 1st and 3rd Sundays. 7:4$ p.m. ? General Assembly Program 2nd and 4th Sundays by various groups. TUESDAY? 7:00 p.m.?Prayer meeting at the church with the pastor in charge. 7:30 p.m.?Choir practice. Junior Sorrells, Chorister. WEDNESDAY? 9:00 a.m.?WMU Quilting. Mrs. J. H. Reece, hostess. Covered dish luncheon at the noon hour will be served. SATURDAY, Dec. 24 at 7:00 p.m. Christmas program. Church oi Christ East on Highway 19A-23 Across from REA Building Bob Rigdon, Minister Phone GL 6-893* "Speaking the truth in Love? Eph. 4:15. SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Bible Study. 11:00 a.m.?Worship Service. 7:30 p.m.?Evening service. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Bible study. THURSDAY? 7:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.?Radio program, "Mid-week Bible Study." WHCC. SATURDAY? 9:00 to 9:15 a.m. ? Radio Pro gram?"The Gospel of Christ" ? Radio Station WHCC. You are invited to worship with us. "The churches of Christ salute you" Romans 16:16. Who Is My Neighbor? ?US ANSWERS THE LAWYER S QUESTION IN A PARABLE Scrivture?Luke 10:Z5-37. ! ftUN CAMPBELL W every reformer W, was criticised by ?ority in the religion ?1 that time. He had priests, Pharisees, ?other church bigwigs yere hypocritical in ?nee upon observing ?s of religion, while ? necessity for virtues ? pity tor the poor and V Him for it, and B>ned to catch Him in ?that they could claim w or other criminal B**yer, we read, came ft an apparently in ?tion. "Master, what ? inherit eternal life?'" gered him, "What is Hje law ? how readest ?tnan answered, "Thou Lord thy God with by, looked at the suffering maift and also went on his way. These two should have been the poor man's helpers, but they were not willing to risk going to his aid, possibly for fear the robbers might return. Then came a Samaritan (a race despised by the Jews), and he interrupted his journey, went to the man, bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, recog nized household remedies. He set the man on his own steed and took him to the nearest inn. He gave the inn keeper money to care for the man, promising that if the landlord paid out more than he left with him, he would repay him on his return journey. "Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among thieves?" Jesus asked the lawyer. He an swered, "He that shewed mercy on him." Jesus said to him, "Go i B , MEMORY VERSE I K? j tfle Lord thy God icitA all thy heart, and with I Beinik 00 "v ttrength, and wit* all thy mind; I ^Wbor ? thyaelf."?Luke 10:t7. | ?t, and with all thy 1 ?th all thy strength, 1 m thy mind ; and thy | ? he had answered cor- I ? added: 'Thia do, and I Btr was not satisfied, I ?to Justify himself in 1 ?>? "And who la my 1 ?" told the beautiful 1 ?the Good Samaritan. 1 ? a certain man going I ?'a? to Jericho, was 1 ? thieves, who not only I ? * his money, but 1 ? M his clothes and l leaving him half I ? tame by, saw the I ?*? and instead of go- 1 ? and trying to help 1 ? *? on the other 1 ?j*4 A Levite. an as- 1 temple service, came I and do thou likewise." | The place Jesus described as the spot where the man was at tacked has had a reputation for robbery for 2,000 years, even to I the present time. It is half way I between Jerusalem and Jericho, a desolate place honeycombed by a I labyrinth of caves.?Henry B. Tristram. You will notice that the lawyer, I in answering: the question, who I was neighbor to the wounded I man, ignored the hated word I Samaritan, merely saying, "He that ahewed mercy." Christ an- I swered the question. "Who is thy neighbor," tor us all. No matter who is in trouble? I his (or her) race, color, creed, when we are kind and helpful, I filled with love and pity, we are following in our Lord's footsteps, and His command to the lawyer, "Go thou and do likewise," applies to all of us who believe in Him. -- ? c-hriatiAn Education. | ?f Chriat la the U.S.A.. and uaad by pennteatOA | ^tbutfS by King Featurti Syadlcale ^ The sure and nimble touch of the hands of a T-? 0 - ? ? O great pianist is the result of hours of daily practice I " ?"T oyer a period of years. The great and thrilling I I music which he creates is the product of daily de- I votion to his art. J I Every fine accomplishment in life requires the I THE CHURCH FOR ALT same daily devotion. If your house is neat as a pin, I ALL FOR THE CHUTirM I if you have a lovely garden, if your office is well- I ^ Church the latest run and efficient, you know that it takes hours of I i, 1, and I daily care and devotion. ? | "on, CkUroH^ZriT^U:i W'!^' ? I can survive There are I " fUnHun I .. So with prayer. Prayer is one of the highest I everY person should attendsound r#a*on8 *??r ( * gifts a man has. But if it is to become more than a I own sak^^For^'ch ')*r?ah>Z I spasmodic and superstitious cry for help, it too re- I ssaJe ?i his commun* yhani#^f^*nk* '3) For ,h* \ J quires daily care and devotion. It takes practice! I "'?d* I The Church stands ready to help you and your I 'ar,y and read your Bib'? dai?Ygo to church r*?u- I > children know the great joy which comes to a man J fuand,y Book CkMter vllaiaaa 437 Main St Dial GL Hlil ? ? Smoky Mtn. Self-Service Grocery Free Delivery Balsam Road Dial GL M5U Turner's Store "Never Bay Before Tea Try TaiauV The WaynesviDe Mountaineer A Complete Newspaper " 11 WaynesviDe Auto Parts Wholesalers ef Standard Parte A Aeeeamrtea 208 Haywood St Dial GL f-Mtl WaynesviDe Radio Service Waynesville's Leadin* Radio and TV Birvtea 118 Miller Street DM GL t ill