Monr aboi'T ' ' ? A Mrs. Xhittz kft (Continued from Pare 1) wood toawrty, the daughter o(' the late Thomas Leroy and Natwfr jMiit abeth Katcliffe Franeia. 'Mr Otoe band. James E. Kluttr. a.tlaWVe of Stanley County, died In 1930. Mrs KlUTtz had taugM h* the Albemarle schools and the Met ho dist Children's Home at' Winston Salem. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. H L. Burgin, Jr. of Wayjgesvllle; four grandchilren; three siiters. Mrs. Homer West. Mrs. Ed ^Flneh er, and Miss Mary Francis, all of Waynesvirie; apd t\yo brothers, J. Harley Francis of Waynesville, and W. J. Francis of Belmont. Arrangements were under the di rection of Garrett's Funeral Home. rm-mwz-mmm YOU CANT ams MftTH A &"SMSP produce gWater volume in^tESS time then any other junior-size food mix- . er's. Thumb-tip control in handle. Halter-puard beater ejector. Convenient heefreirr MARJJN electric: co. GL 6-3341 Main Street I MORE ABOUT CofC iCantlnird from Pur 1) tors for eeeh of the five divisions, iwlth one present dlrortoP termed ? ''carry-over" i r '? Ttve elate Jt nominees ?nci their business affiliation are ps follows: Merchants division: . Dick Bradley, Clitf-Bradley Co., carry-over. * Two to be elected fikjm: Elmer Hendrix. Smoky Mountain Self Service Grocery. J. C. Jennings. Belk-Hudson's De partment Store. J. Euel Tiylof,N TaVidr Motor Company. , W. L. Turner, Turner's Store. Roy Wrigl*., Carolina Power and j Light Company ? Civic and professional: Henry Tuttle, Pet Dairy, carry over. Two to be elected from: Glenn Brown. Attorney-at-Law, Morgan, Ward Sc Brown. , . Paul Davis, The L. N Davis Company. Charlie McCulston, Southern Bell Telephone Company. James K. Stringfield, M.D.. Stringfield Clinic. J. H. Woody, First National Bank. Tourist Bureau: Carl Henry, Twin Brook Resort, carry-over. Two to be elected from: Paul Hyatt, The Piedmont Hotel. Jim Kllpatrick. Kilpatrick-Fel met. Oak Park Motor Inn. John Queen, Jr., Haywood Motor Inn. Bob Winchester, Waynevllla Mot or Court. Charlie Woodard, Charlie's Place. Agriculture Development: Virgil Holloway, county agent, carry-over. Two to be elected from: John Carver, Haywood County Coop Breeders Association. Harvey Dulin. Haywood County Farmers Coop, R. C. Francis, Farmer C. D. Ketner, Farmers Exchange, Farmer, James Kirkpatrlek, County Audi tor. Farmer, Industrial Council: Charles Underwood, Underwood Novelty Company, carry-over. Two to be elected from: Jack Elwood, Retired Industrial ist. R. E. Fultz, The Dayton Rubber Company. John Giles. Giles Chemical Corp oration. Leo Leslie. Wellco Shoe Corpora tion. G. C. Thompson, Smoky Moun tain Fertilizer Company. * 1 Two resolutions were passed by Yule Programs Are Planned At Crabtree By MRS. MILLARD FERGUSON Community Reporter Christmas programs are being planned in the churches of the Lower Crabtree community. The Crabtree Methodist and Hyder Mountain churches will have their program on Friday night, Decern, ber 23 and the Crabtree Baptist will have Its program Saturday, December 24. The WSCS of the Crabtree Meth odist Church met Monday night in the dining room of the church. Mrs. John Kirkpatrick presided and Mrs. Joe Palmer gave the program. Mrs. B. F. Nesbitt was hostess The Crabtree charge official board will have a regular quarter ly meeting at the Mt Zion Church, Monday night at 7 o'clock. Sam Noland is suffering from a foot Infection caused by a nail puncture. Mrs. McElroy has received word that her mother, Mrs. Monroe No land, who has been hospitalized since joining her husband in Ana conda, Mont., is much improved. Ray James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud James, and Earl Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs Jesse Lowe, left Monday for Detroit, Mich., where the board: one to the firemen of Canton. Clyde, Sylva, Hazelwood, Waynesville and Enka for their part in combatting the Cnagusta fire on November 30; and the sec ond resolution to the owners of Unagusta an expression of grati tude for the manner in which they had expedited plans for operating Plant No. 1, and getting other plans under way for re-building Plant No. 2. President Richard Bradley said a Joint meeting would be held be tween the present board and the newly elected board on January 10th. Riverside WMU Has Meeting With Mrs. Erwin By MRS. J. EDGAR BURNETTE Community Reporter The WMU of the Riverside Bap tist Church met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Erwin. Mrs. Erwin presided and Mrs. Frank Sorrells gave the secretray treasurer't report. Mrs. Erwin conducted the de votions, assisted b; Mrs. Ellis Par ris. Mrs. Roy Edwards was in charge of the program on "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." Taking part were Mrs. Erwin, Mrs. Claude Singleton, Mrs. J. H. Reece, Mrs. Corrells, Mrs. J. Ed gar Burnett, Mrs. W. H. Hargrove, Mrs. J. P. Ledbetter, Mrs. Jim Metcalf, and Mrs. Parrls. Pollyanna gifts were exchanged and refreshments were served. v Virgil Haney, who has been in Memorial Mission Hospital since receiving an injury last Friday, is reported to be improving and hopes to be at home this weekend. He received a broken bone over the eye while working with a team of horses. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Rogers and children of Lake Junaluska were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hub S. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Calhoun spent the weekend with Mrs. Cal houn's sister, Mrs. Cowan Bate man in Robbinsville and a brother, Arnold Calhoun in Mountain Creek. Cass White, father of Mrs. Gar 0 , j / i they hope to find employment. Kenneth Parks and Buford No land, recently of Salem, N. J. are now working in Anaconda, Montfc Eugene Wood has been discharg. ed from Moore General Hospital and is now with his family. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Whitesides of York, S. C., were weekend guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Reeves. 1 land L. Warreit, Sr., tlieil Twidiy at hU h?me In Murphy. Attending the funeral' services today were Mr*. Tulln Rogers of Enka, Miss Roseanne Warren of Asheville, Mr. and JVtfra, Grady Warren1, Peggy Sue Warren Claude Warren, G. : L. Warren, jr., G. L. Warren, Sr., I Mr. anR Mrs David Vance, Mrs. Ted Inman and Ray Warren. ? | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harkins spent a week's vacation motoring to Dallas, Texas to visit the letter's nieces, Mrs. E. A. Brock and Mrs. Ernest PeweM. They stopped at points of interest en route. The adult group of the Riverside Baptist Church was in charge of the general assembly program Sunday evening. The Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Green showed film, "The Star Shone," which concerns the Lottie Moon special Christmas offering given by the Woman's Missionary Unions of the Southern Baptist Convention. *4 Mrs. Thomas Erwin is entertain ing today at a quilting for the Woman's Missionary Union of the Riverside Baptist Church. The Cecil Home Demonstration Club held a mint workshop Wed nesday with Mrs. J. Max Burnette as hostess. Attending were Mrs. Roy Edwards, Mrs. Bartley Brown, Mrs. J. Edgar Burnette, Mrs. Har mon Erwin, Mrs. Jim Metcalf, and Mrs. Hugh Rogers. Luncheon was served by the hostess and twenty pounds of mints were made. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oxford and MORF ABOUT Children's Clothes (Continned from Page 1) a month -to work in the Closet is asked to contact Mrs. Stanmyre.' The Loyal Order of Moose is as sisting with collection of clothing and John Shelby of Central Clean ers is contributing the dry-cleaning work. MORE ABOUT United Fund (Continued from Page 1) The directors re-elected Wed nesday for a three year term in cluded: W. W. Rowland, Lawrence Leatherwood, Lee Davis, Kim Par ham, Miss Mary Sue Crocker, Hye Sheptowitch, Joe Palmer, Robert H, Erancis, Mrs. Raymond Cald well. Dr. John Penny, Mrs. John Carver, John N. Johnson. Mrs. Dave Hyatt. Dwight Beaty, Walter Francis, Ned Tucker and Ken Fry. children of Charlotte were recent guests of Will Menry. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Buckner and family of Gastonia spent the weekend with the former's sister, Mrs. Lockie Grooms. Mrs. Maggie Clark is visiting her son, Bill Clark, and his family in Newport News, ya. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Warren, Jr., spent Sunday with relatives in Hayesville. ' Rockwood Church To Have Special Program Sunday The annual Christmas program will be presented at the Rockwood Methodist Church Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The program will consist of some of the best loved Christmas carols and readings. ?' Two scenes will be portrayed, a home scene, and the familiar Nativity scene. Members of the Young People's and Children's departments of the church school will make up the cast and the choir. Miss Melba Willis and Mrs. Ray McDowell are directing the program, with Mrs. Jarrett Williamson in charge of the music. Mrs. Loy Lee William son is pianist. The Rev. L. II. George is pas. tor. The public is invited to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Rhinehart and son, Phillip, visited relatives in South Carolina over the week end. A daughter, Nelia Anne was born to Mr. and Mrs. Max Yarborough Saturday, December 10, at Memor ial Mission Hospital. Mrs. Yar borough is the former Miss Lola Ford. Two new dwellings are being erected in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hipps are completing a new home, and Mr. and Mrs. David Burch have begun the con struction of their house near their j Mrs. U L Shipman, the^l Miss June Burrell, vtas^B Thursday cm with . laneous slower ?n,.n of Mrs .lurrcH WiUui* Mrs. Donald Barth co-ho^| number of lovely gifts. W^H sented and the hostess se^B froshnrnts afterwards. 1 lie Woman's Mionnary^B of Oak drove c hureh wilf^B Christinas meeting at ihr^| Mrs. Frank Kurd Mnndj^l with Mr> Troy Ford ^B hostess. After a devotional ail business meeting. n,e J Christmas partv w, gifts, and revealing thel Pals w ib i" 1 i'i\(-(i vi are urged to attend. The WSt'S of Itockwoofl met Thursday with Mil Whitted lie program u^| direction of Mrs. M 1. was appropriate lur the season Tiie January meeting with Mr;- .larrett Willui^H Pfc. Fi nest lord w ho l^H pleted Hi months service i| hits art iv? d in -nettd u '.10-t^H Willi relate.' h'-imc takn^B assignment :!.? y..t? < ^B at ehes. a.;. |^H turns in plates that it half a mile >et be only from where it started. KURT CANS ? "The Store of Fine I I I I ELCiN "Petites" ;| I .Smart for Christmas., and So Small In Price! J MARlfMC ft, So Hwt ond Mftort. A OoA7< \^i(7mI doiMy wore* of occorocy \ lor her. Th? porfott, 0ilt. MRUCINT lowoty Aorol potab odora #Jft7? *? now iMrtM iw?>?r 47 cot*. Htgfc to) cryitoL iiuian Now oodorn fly ling ... SfiRfl Nowor twolWr tbod wotch 4 J creation. Nylod COfR. RAMON A ( BCO rooNcr coco . .... ^ datlgn. Matching gold *49" AHod wgwdw bracelet K roM.iM.Mtgo;, , PAY A LITTLE r AT AH \ CJ^ ) Owereefeed Unbreakable 4. \P/ DURAPOWfR TIME j | i * mainspring FREE GIFT WRAPPING ^ ^ GIFT BOXED FREE! The Samsonite $13.95 Card Table la gift-boxed lor you, ready to (lee at no extra coat! it coats so little to give the one gift that makes dinner, games, parties all fun and no fuss Samsonite Card Tables s1315? * matching spring-cushion chairs only fS.95 each They'll find a new uee for your gift every day of the week when you give a Samsonite card table. And your gift will last for years and years, because it's got these features: i ? tubular stool cum ft ruction... ? stain-rotistant upholstorod top that wipes cbfn with a damp cloth... ? smooth, oosy, compact folding... ? stunning colon that blond perfectly whh any docoH GARRETT FURNITURE CO. Main Street WaynesvVie % PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE AT RAYI FEATURING CHILDREN'S WEAR Infants' - Boys' And Girls' Thing BARGAINS IN GIRLS' COATS Sizes 1 to 6x $7.95 Coats $?.95 $9.95 Coats $0.95 k $12.95 Coats $0.95 K Sizes 7 to 12 $9.95 Coats $0.95 $10.95 Coats $y:95 $14.95 Coats ? $??.95 $16.50 Values' - $ J 2*95 BIG SAVINGS FOR YOU Attractive Baby Thi J $2.98 Dress Sets ? 5fl $2.95 Bootee Sets ? sfl ? Stretchie Knit Creepers?I $2.98 Value sfl $3.95 Diaper Bag ? sfl $l?8Diapers,l| Boys' Sizes 2-to-7 Jackets Quilt Lined Winter Weights $3.95 Values $^.33 Jnfi $4.95 Values $3.95 $5.95 Values $/|.95 $4.95 Group Wool Plaids ? $0.00 FOR JACKETS SIZED 6 to 18 SHOP UPSTAIRS BOYS' DEPT. i w T i ? ? BOYS' OVERALLS Ages 1 to 6 BLUE DENIMS $1.29 Group ? $ J .00/ $1.59 Group ? $ J .29 $1.59 Pastels - $ J .39 , $2.49 Blue Bell CORDUROYS DAVY CROCKETT $2.95 Fringe Pant?$2.66 $3.50 Jacket $2.99 $2.95 Plain Pant ? $2.19 $1.69 Shirt $1.39 Small Sizes ? Downstairs Large Sizes ? Upstairs We Have Cowboy Suits GIRLS' DRESSES Sizes 1 to 12 $1.98 Values - $1.66 $2.98 V alues - $2.50 I $3.98 Values - $3.33 $4.95 Values - $3.99 $5.95 Values - $4.95 $6.95 Dresses $5.95 OPEN FRIDAY N g ?? Grandmas'And Grandpas ? I WILL ENJOY SHOPPING AT RA^ , The Selection is- Large ? Prices Reason IGHT UNTIL 9:00 I YOU WILL SAVE IN THEJ CHILDREN'S DEPT. AT | | ?' mm