leSMtEM# hue w*? WANT AD RATES ZVM per watiL .t !?*? Waa* ?***??* per word rate. mial ?fa? type, s rente per wocfl, minimum charge 60 eenta This size type. 50c P?r column inch. Advertisements WIU M pnM'?bed accordtng to de-red aa ' re ate _ "'Uwot extra charre. Srr*n ta advertmeaseate ihoold be ehaerted Immediately. The ?lomtaliieer win not be re T"?* tor more than one Incorrect Insertion. ADVERTISEMENTS ASK CASH IN ADVANCE. Cash most accompany orders sent by mall, want ads most be In office be ?m. ?" *?T before publication to rnarantee to be hi want ad section. ^,h ** ? W,B* ad Wal OL 6-5S61. Special Vntirft^ LENNOX FURNACES?-Free estimates. No down pay ments. Three years to pay. Automatic Heating Com pany. GL 6-5291. A 12 tf FOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange on Ashevllle Road. H. B. Angel, manager. Dial OL 6 8H1. If I AM YOUR BLAIR Product Rep resentative. Will appreciate your business. Lawrence W. Carver, Rt. 3. Box 94. GL 6-8509 M 28-31- J 4-7 TOR ODORLESS sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. Rlnkle Plumbing Co. J lB-tf ECONOMY LOAN COMPANY is now under new management. C". E. Epps. Office located 143 Mai" St. M 31 J 4-7-10 FUEL OIL ? t*a!l Lee Oil Co. for prompt delivery of Super Refined Cities Ser vice Fuel Oil and Kerosene. Next to Le Faine Hotel. Phone GL 6-3091. N 17 tf DOGS BOARDED: Separate sleeping quarters with outside runs. Weekly rates. Ox Ear Cove Kennel, GL 6-5141. Feb. 23 tf Professional Services . PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING, voicing and repairing. Paul Shep herd, Canton, N. C. TeL 5123. 31441 MRS. FRED CALHOUN. Hazel wood, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. The Detroit Tigers lost 28 games and won only 15 by one-run mar gins last year. "We led the Ameri can League in runs scored," says Manager Bucky Harris, "but we evidently didn't score enough." FOR SALE # Lot on Highway at Saunook. Approximately 1 acre?$1500 ?Terms. Lot in Fairview Heights. Over 1 acre. $3,000?Good Terms. Pigeon Valley 3 bedroom home. Large car peted living room with fire place. Beautiful electrically equipped kitchen with built-ia cabinets. Priced at $14,500 with $6,000 financed on G.I. Will trade for place of lesser value. LINER Real Estate & Insurance Co. REALTORS 131 Main St. Wayaamrflh GL 6-3331 7 ? Wanted WILL BUY OR RENT Organ or piano. Phone GL 6-3264. M 28-31 J 4-7 WANTED: Middle age woman to do house work six days each week and man to do yard work two days each week. Call GL 6-3640. M 31 tf WANTED?White hotel maid June 15 to Sept. 15. Write age, educa tion. Job experience to P. O. Box 250, Waynesville. J 4 WANTED?Man or woman wanted to handle McNess Products full or spare time. Opportunity to make $40 a day. No experience necessary. Write McNESS COM PANY, Dept. C., Candler Bldg.. Baltimore 2, Md. J 4-11 COOK, man or woman, and other kitchen help wanted for season. Also housekeeping help. Apply after Monday, Terrace Hotel, Lake Jun*luska. J 4-7-11 CONSOLIDATION LOANS PUT ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS INTO ONE LOAN ONE PAYMENT ONE PLACE Yon may even get ADDITIONAL CASH ECONOMY LOANS. INC. 143 Main GL 6-8574 WATKINS' SPECIALS $10.00 Cash Rebate On Each Sale! MOLDSMOBILE 4-dr Ml AC Power Steering ... WW M CHEVROLET *|| AC 4 door sedan * ? ? ?* gj CHEVROLET 4-door ?000 M CHEVROLET *AAE 4 door sedan M CHEVROLET (I AJC Bel Air 2 door *IUW MNASH 2 door enne Hydramatic W33 MOLDSMOBILE 88 OlfAC 4-dr. Fully equipped* ' * Power steering K CHEVROLET MltB Pick-Up WW K4 FORD COUPE eriE Good Tires fW M CHEVROLET etfte 2 door Power Glide *w3w M MERCURY tRAR 2 door sedan wWO C| CHEVROLET MM ? I 2 door sedan #090 81 EE.*. 5846 Nro"0 me 4 door sedan gQ FORD 2-door $395 JQ HUDSON *4 AC ^*? 2 door sedan _ f'W M A PLYMOUTH " MQE Tw 4 door sedan **3*1 11 CHEVROLET *AAC ^ ? Pick-up. Good tires f"W 47 ?SZ? 5228 flfS*. 5126 * A CHEVROLET A1AR W 2 door sedan r - *1** SO PLYMOUTH *| AC W 4 door sedan * ? ?* WATKINS MOTOR CO. Dial GL 6-3595 Dealer No. 1412 For Sale FOR SALE ? New two bedroom home, hardwood floors, furnace heat. Located Grandvlew section. Call owner at GL 6-8558 after 3:00 A 2#-tf FOR SALE: Motorists: Tour All state Insurance Company agent In Waynesvllle Invites you to compare AUstate's features, ad vantages and low rates with any other auto insurance! Get de pendable Allstate auto insur ance today. See or phone Bob Brannon, your Haywood County Allstate agent. Just a block down from the Courthouse in Waynesvllle, located at 217 De pot St Phone GL 6-5512. Jn 30-tf FOR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely .reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $8.00 up. Kurt Gaas, Jeweler, 207 Ma'n St A 5-tf FOR SALE: Lots, and small farms. County Home, Rat cliffe Cove, and Health Center. Maggie. Hillside Terrace, Balsam Road. Chrest George, 6-5424. A 16 tf FOR SALE?General Chef electric combination refrigerator and stove. Price reasonable. Call GL 6-9122. M 17-tf WE BUY AND SELL Milk Cows^ ! We buy cattle for beef. Call Jones Market, GL 6-8371, GL 6-8503, F 23 tf COLLIE FOR SALE?Five months old registered male collie pup. $25,00. Tel. GL 6-8636 or write Box 550. M 28-31 J 4 FOR SALE?Three bedroom house, beautifully landscaped. Near town, high school, grammar schools. Call GL 6-5337. M 31 J 4 Its RIMER. INC. for MOBILE HOMES and trailers, at LOW PRICES! LOOK. Brand new two bedroom, only $612. down. $62.80 per month; Used late model Ad miral. 31 ft. tandem, $2195; New 42 footers $3995; 45 ft. Deluxe, incl. automatic washer, $4895. New vacation trailer full price. $995; Top dollar for your furni ture on down payment. Open Monday thru Friday until 9. Closed Sunday, 'onj ' h 3 W IH (The world famous upside down sign) 3 Mi. N. of Greenville. S.C. Hwy. 29 N. J 4 SACRIFICE SALE? Labge Orien tal rug (does not fit owner's room) used very short time $75.00. L. F. Rates. Cor. County and Glendale R