> ? fro ' ?'f: ? % ; . ? - ] \kfi f C-' \ 1%, ?. ft ,-V. -A " . , Vv.v' ' \ . . . , . ' ' ? :i ? 4 -? '* * ? 4 " 'f/V-f \ I ? ? a ? n ??_ KF TODAY'S SMILE The Waynesville Mountaineer *????? i 3 n Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At T he Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park D a 71st YEAR NO. 47 14 PAGES ~~ Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 11, 1956 $3.50 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties s ii . . . . Recreation Campaign Off To Excellent Start ?**? * * * * ***'** School Storage Building Approved Over $5,000 Reported By Noon Today; 200 Workers Covering The Community The recreation fund had soared to above the $5,000 mark at poon today, as some 200 workers began to turn in reports on the $50,000 goal for a recreation center. "I have never seen anything as fantastic," said breathless Chairman Jonathan Woody at noon. "We had to call in more help at the center here to take the pledges and make reeords of the cash." Woody the general chairman of the 6-man committee, said "everyone is cooperating 100 per cent. The ministers of the com munity made mention of it from their pulpits Sunday." "Thus far. we have not had a single person to turn down buying at least one share in the project," the chairman continued. Each share is $10. Many people are buying a number of shares. One worker reporting into headuarters said it was one cam paign that he had really enjoyed working. "The reception was won derful," he reported, "and everybody seemed happy t^> take one or more shares." Chairman Woody rang a rote of realism, when he summed up the successful morning by saying, "We still have a long way to go ? apropximately $45,000. But with this type of enthusiasm and cooperation we will make the goal." The six associate chairmen with Woody were working hard at the headquarters. They are: John Hiidenbiddle, Richard Barber, Elmer Hendrix, Charlie Woodard, and Harry Whisenhunt. Thr committee has announced that work on a modern swim ming pool will begin just as soon as the goal of $50,000 is reached. At an instructional meeting Thursday night, a large crowd of workers attended and talked over the general plans for the campaign. Headquarters for the campaign are in the building next to" the Park Theatre. The telephone is GL, 6-5430. Woody said reports will be made over WHCC at 6:10 daily as to the standing of the campaign. A GOLD MEDALLION was presented to Reuben B. Robertson, Sr., yesterday at Haywood County Day by Jonathan Woody, left. The medallion was inscribed on one side "Champion's 50th Annivers ary", On the other side, "Reuben B. Robertson, Sr., Haywood's First Citizen and Best Friend". (Mountaineer Photo). (Other pictures paces 3, 4; and pace one of section two.) V Record Crowd At Junaluska For Haywood County Day A record Haywood County Day crowd honored industry at the annuel event at Lake Junaluska or Sunday. 1 Distant thunder at noon sen! ?onw Of the crowd injo the large auditorium for the one o'clock pic nic, while others stayed outside under the trees for their picnic. The threatening rains did not come. Hundreds of members of Cham pion's "Old Timer's Clifb" attend ed, with buses bringing in scores of them to the auditorium. Special picnic tables were set up for the "Old Timers." Reuben B. Robertson, Sr., presi dent of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company, was the speaker on the program which got under way after the group singing un der the direction of Glen Draper. Rev. Frank C. Smathers, district superintendent, presided, with J. W. Fowler, Jr., superintendent of the Assembly opening the pro gram. Adm. W. N. Thomas gave the address of welcome, while Ned J. Tucker recognized other indus trialists attending. These included: R. L. Prevost, president of Una gusta Manufacturing Company; Julian Stepp, district manager and Roy * Wriglit local manager, of (See Haywood County?Page 4) ; Sales Tax Take Shows Increase t Sales taxes in Haywood County for April 1950 totaled 042,004. an increase of approximately $10,009 over the same month of 1955 when the total was $32,748. This represents a sales increase of approximately $350,000, This report has just been made by the monthly publication of the North Carolina Merchants Asso 1 j ciation. Haywood HDC Scrapbook Wins A Blue Ribbon Haywood County Home Demon stration Clubs won a blue ribbon with their scrapbook at the an nual Farm and Home Week pro gram at N. C. State College, Ra leigh, last week. The scrapbook was prepared by Mrs. Steve Plemmons of Saunook. county HDC historian. Contents of the book included clippings of Mountaineer news items and photogrophs on home demonstration club activities. Plans Are To Begin Wednesday Work is to start Wednesday morning on the $75,000 admini stration building for the Board of Education, just to the rear of the courthouse. Lawrence Leatherwood, county superintendent of education, said that the part of the building to be used for storage will be complet ed within 60 days by Jerry Liner, general contractor. The storage unit will have 4.000 square feet on the ground level floor, off Depot Street, and 2,000 square feec on the next floor. Supt. Leatherwood said that the office space for the board of edu cation will be completed provided the additional $15,000 is available at the time. "If the additional $15,000 is available at the time, we will go right ahead and complete the proj ect. if not, we will at. least have the storage area to put right into use,"' Leatherwood said. The storage area can be built for the $60,000 which is now on hand, the school executive explained. Jhe building will be of all con crete and steel construction, and the heating for the structure will be provided by the boilers in the court house. Since the sale of the old Cent ral Elementary school, the depart ment has been "pushed" for suf ficient storage space for supplies, Leatherwood pointed out. 4-H Dress Revue Set Wednesday At REA Building The annual 4-H Club dress re- 1 vue will be held at 2 p m. Wednes- 1 day at the REA building, accord- 1 ing to Miss Jean Childers, assist- 1 anat home demonstration agent. Approximately 30 girls are ex- < pected to enter the event, Miss 1 Childers said. A junior and a senior winner ' will be picked at the dress revue, i and the latter will represent Hay wood County at the state dress ? revue during 4-H Club Week at 1 Raleigh in July. Forage Field Day . Cancelled Because ! Of Dry Weather The forage and livestock field ] day, scheduled to be held at the ( Mountain Experiment Station , Thursday, has been cancelled be- , cause of dry weather, according to \ M. R. Whisenhunt, director of the ( experiment station. The event probably will be held | at the farm in August, Mr. Whisen- < hunt said. ( Th field day was planned to dis cuss the forage and livestock re- , search program. Its accomplish ments and its goals. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nichols and their children, Barbara and Jack, Jr., and James Douglas Nunn spent the weekend in Winder, Georgia 1 a> guests of Mrs. Nichols' brother- I | in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. I James R. Whitley. S/CAPTAIN AND MRS. JAMES P. HENRy have replaced Major Cecil Brown at the Salvation Army's Mountain Mission on Max Patch. Major Brown retired yesterday at ceremonies during the annual Singing Convention at the Salvation Army Citadel. Cruso School j Contracts Set . For Signing , The formal signing of contracts j is all that stands ln the way of , starting construction of additions j to the Cruso school. The State Board of Education has approved . the expenditure of $52,921 on the ' school, adding a cafetorium, kitch en. heating plant and making other renovations. ( Lawrence Leatherwood, county superjntendent of education, said ; tpday that work would begin just , is soon as the contracts could be , >igned. Jerry Liner has been i awarded the general contract; Har- i ry Hyatt, the heating; Farmers Hardware, the plumbing; and Mar- i tin Electric Company, the electrical i work. Henry Foy is the architect. The Cruso school was one of sev eral approved last week by the State Board of Education. Highway Patrol Arrests Soldier Wanted By MP's A soldier wanted at Ft. Jackson an charges of auto larcenry and heing AWOL was arrested by Cpl. Pritchard H. Smith at midnight Saturday on the four-lane highway just west of Canton. The soldier, identified as Wil liam B. McGee, 18, colored, was irrested as he was trying to thumb i ride eastward. He had only eight ?ents in his pocket and was said to be heading for his home in Chicago. I McGee told the patrolman he had stolen a car at Ft. Jackson ?arly Saturday morning and aban doned it near Chesterfield, S. C. Cpl. Smith said McGee was a walting court marital charges on another charge of auto larceny when he left the South Carolina post. Henrys Replace Major Cecil Brown At Max Patch Senior Captain and Mrs. James P. Henry have been appointed as District Officers to replace Major Cecil Brown in the Mountain Mis sion work for The Salvattno Army upon her retirement yesterday. Captain James Henry was born in Crozet, Va., and attended the public schools in Charlottesville, j He is a graduate of The Salvation Army Officers' College in Atlanta, j Cia. For a number of years he travel led throughout the 15 southern states as an evengelist. Later, he I served on the teaching staff of the Officers' College in Atlanta. He served at the citadel Corps in Roa noke, Va., and was Commanding 4 Officer during the war years in Concord, N. C., in charge of three Boys' Clubs and two Corps. a He, with his wife, was transfer- , red in 1945 to Kington, where they 1 served eight years before being transferred to their present ap pointment in Asheville. I Captain Henry was given the j Distinguished Service Award by { the Junior Chamber of Commerce i as the outstanding "Young Man of , the Year" in Kinston in 1948, and honored with the same award by t the Junior Chamber of Commerce ? in Asheville in 1954. j He is a 32nd Degree Mason, a member of the N. C. Conference t for Social Workers, a member of the Lions Club, a member of the Board of Directors for the Ashe- t ville Lions Club, and served as ( vice-president of the Kinston Lions (See Henrys?Page 6) y Chamber Directors j To Meet Tuesday | The Board of Directors of the ' Chamber of Commerce will hold * their regular limnthjy meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the ' Waynesville Town Hall. , ?i 1,360 Receive X-Rays In Waynesville And Canton (See picture on Pare \ Section 2) A total of 775 persons received free chest X-rays at <tie state's mobile unit at the courthouse in Waynesville during the first two days of operation here. The figure for Friday was 325 and the total for Saturday was 450. At Canton, 322 persons were ex amined Thursday and 263 Friday ?for a total of 585. The town's total for Saturday has not yet been reported to the Health Depart ment. Not counting those examined at Canton Saturday, the county's total at the end of the week was 2.451. The Haywood County Health Department is urging that all county residents over the age of 15 have the chest X-rays made to detect unknown cases of tuber culosis. Department personnel say TB can be cured if detected in its early stages. There have been 15 eases of TB in the county thus far this year, and 32 cases during 1955, accord ing to Health Department records. The Weather Partly cloudy and moderately warm through Tuesday with a few afternoon or evening thunder- J showers. , Official Waynesville tempera ' ture as reported by the State Test T Farm: Dale Max. Min. Pr. June 7 78 45 June 8 Tt 48 June 0 84 48 .48 Juae 10 81 53 .09 Among the Haywood IndutrlllMa attending Hay Wood Coanty Day Pro tram yesterday included, left to right: R. L. Prevoot, president of I'ugwta Manufacturing Co.. A. L. Freedlandrr, president and general manager of The Dayton Rubber Com pany; Julian Stepp. district Manager of Carolina " Power and Lifht Company, and Reuben B. Rob- ' rrtson. Sr.. president of The Champion Paper and * Fibre Company. p (Photo for The Mountaineer .by Clifton Metcalf). fi I Freedlander Farm Making Turkish Tobacco Pay Off | The interest in aromatic tobac ? shown by A. L. Kreeoianaer 01 le Hazelwood community, Hay ood County, was mastly academic ist year. But not anymore. R. H. Crouse. State College ex "nsion agronomy specialist, says tat Freedlander wanted to find ut whether or not he could grow good quality tobacco on his soil, ?nd if so, whether or not farmers i hit section would like to pro uce aromatic tobacco. Freedlandcr's trial crop of round one-half acre last year was ) successful, however, that his irm manager. Wayne Garrett, is , tanning to grow 2'2 to five acres lis year. He's planning to follow ie latest production practices rec mmended by the Extension Serv *. Crouse says that several other irmers have become interested in reducing aromatic tobacco after dtnessing the well-conducted dem nstration on Freedlander's farm, fc says some of them vow it prov d to them that this tobacco is a ood cash crop if planted on the ight soils and is fertilized, harvest d and cured according to its specl c requirements. 4 2,000 Honor Maj. Brown ? Ai Retirement Ceremonies i ASC Gets Allocation 01 $2,800 The Haywood County ASC office las received an allocation of $2,800 rom the state to be given to farnv ;rs who have not yet received any issistance under the ACP pro tram. The ASC will start issuance of hese funds starting Friday, June 5, on a "first come, first served" >asis. Mr. Ferguson said. ' The ASC official explained that his assistance can be used for a vinter cover croo, to seed alfalfa, trass and clover meadow or pas ure, and to apply lime where ?eeded on any land on the farm. Mr. Ferguson said the county VSC office hopes to get another housand dollars id the next 10 lays to use In the present spring >rogram. These funds, like the (2,800 allocation, came from other s ?ounties In the state which have I noney left over from their spring VSC program. Mr. Ferguson pointed out that J he county's major allocation of lunds was exhausted in April. He added that the 1057 program r will start not later than September s I. t i Mrs. Charles Edge and her sons, t lohnny, Bobby and Tommy, have [ returned to their home at Clyde c after a week's vacation in Florida. ? Mountain people whom she has o served for 22'-ii years gathered to tl pay homage to Major Cecil Brown h yesterday as she retired as head o of the Salvation Army Citadel at d Max Patch. A number of those present brought gifts. | A totai of 2,000 attended the annual sing held on the mountain ( in conjunction with Major Brown's retirement. Conducting retirement ceremon- u ies for Major Brown was commis- 0 sioner William J. Dray, Salvation e Army territorial commander, who n presented a retirement certificate. Words of appreciation for Major 1 Brown's work among the moun- t tain peoples were expressed by 0 Ruby Presnell, representing young people of the area; the Rev. Pete Hicks, a native of Hurricane sec tion, who' represented Haywood County ministers; Capt. James llipps of Charlotte, representing j, Salvation Army officers, and Tom i Stokely, representing Salvation p Army soldiers and friends. fe (See Major Brown?Page 8) ii RUSSELL E. EULTZ has been elected president of the United Fund, succeeding Dr. J. E. Fen der. who resigned because of the pressure of multiple duties, Fultz said that he would announce within a few days the chairman for the annual fall campaign here. He is manager of plant ac counting at Dayton Rubber. Highway Meeting Set Friday Representatives of the 14th Di vision of the State Highway and Public Works Commission will meet with the Haywood County i Board of Commissioners at J he Courthouse on Friday at 2 p.m. Purpose of the session will be to 'liable the local officials to pre ent their problems to the state ?epresentatives. Farrady Green, chairman of the ounty commissioners, has request id that all interested county resi lenta attend la order to bring up heir problems personally. The last meeting here was held ver a year ago. The members of he state commission attempt to old a meeting each month in one f the ten counties making up the ivision. Jrabtree, Fines Creek Grange Meetings Set Two Grange meetings are sched led in the county this week ? ne at Crabtree tonight and anoth r at Fines Creek Wednesday light. ? \v Grange members will meet with W. Ferguson, Grange organizer, d discuss the organization's ac Ivities for this summer. MR>. PATRICK RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. J. C. Patrick returned tome Sunday froin St. Joseph's lospital where she has been a >atient. Mrs. Patrick's friends will le glad to know that she is much mproved in health. David Hard wick Joe Russell DELEGATES selected by Hay wood Post 47 of the American Legion to attend the 19M Boys State at Raleigh, July 7-14. are David Hard wick, son ?? Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hard wick of the Balsam Manor Apartments, and Joe Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rus sell, Jr., Ml East St. Both boys are students at Waynesville Town ship High School. Haywood Folk Participate [n Farm-Home Program / i Home Agent Mary Cornwell, six nembers of county Home Demon t rayon Clubs, and Assistant Farm tgent Eugene McCall returned ler# early Friday after attending he annual Farm and Home Week irogratn on the N. C. State College ampus, Raleigh. In the group of HDC women were Mrs. R- J. Fowler of Fair view, president of the county council; Mrs. J. Edgar Burnette. county music chairman; Mrs. Paul Robinson of the Beaverdam club, Mrs. Mack Edwards of Aliens Creek, and Mrs. Welch Singleton and Mrs. Hugh Terrell, both of Bethel. t.'?1?_ **? Iius. rumn a?iu mi a. nuuuiMiu participated in the Western Dis trict'* state report, given in the form of a pageant, with exhibits :>f recreational features and craft (See Haywood Folk?Page 6> Highway Record For ' 1956 In Haywood (TO DATS) Killed 2 (1955 ? 1) Injured .... 41 (1955 ? 37) Accidents... 94 (1955 ? 76) Loss... $30,706 (1955 ? 539,479) (This brfon?aUea riw?Hil from records ef State lllik a

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