Canton High Campus ; Cuffnotes By JIMMY HEGLAK ? i , ? ' the Black Bears took then f if tit visit ory Friday night over AaheviUc Befool, 46-6 Tlx* first and tec OH4 teams played a very good gatne and Charles Duke kicked the ?%? points for all but two of thg touchdowns CHS is looking forward to another victory this ' Friday night when they meet Blue Bulge here. * The band performed well dur ing the half-time by presenting a ?l?w featuring scenes from the "Old West" The band, under the direction of Wayne Press ley, is giving excellent performances at the football games. The Industrial Arts class has had two practice teachers from Western Carolina College, who are expected to remain until De t.? ? cember 15th They are: Mr. Hog ' era from Swannanoa and Mr. Lopes from Black Mountain, sen 1 lors at Cullowhee. have been do j "'g " grand Job under Mr Bridge ' man's supervision. The Kev. Clayton J Lime spoke to us in assembly on Friday morn ing. He brought his dog which gave a show of its ow n. Kev. Lime presented an interesting talk and read some poetry which was en tertaining. His talk, on a contrast of man to animals, was an inspir ing message. ? Mary Welte and Emily Stone, co-editors of "Bear Tracks," Doris Teague, "Who's Who" Editor, and Sarah Jane Allen, Kermlt Hyatt. Bonnie Hall, and Ernest Steppe of the business staff, will attand ihe I Kottor's Koundtable at WCC this ( Friday. It is sponsored by the i Asheville Citizen Times and WCC. ' < i The Beta Club journeyed to j. Mar* Hill for the convention on . Thursday. Next week 1*1.1 bring I the results of that trip. I 1 i He looking forward to more < news from CHS next Thursday. WCC To Have Outstanding Lyceum Series This Fall The fall quarter lyceum series! for Western Carolina College has ' been announced by Mrs Lillian B. ( It I Buchanan, chairman of the lyceum committee "I Sol 1sti dl Zagreb." Yugoslav ?hamber orchestra, will appear in Hoey Auditorium at C..'l p m. Tues iay, October 16, as the first fea ure of the season. This group is composed of fourteen string artists jnde.r the direction of Antonio lanigro. and contains t?u compXe dring quartets, both recognized at, foremost in Yugoslavia. Having been widely acclaimed in Europe. Ihey are now beginning their first American tour. Saturday. October 20. the United State.- Navy Band will present two 1 performances at WCC. one at three 1 p m. and the other at 8:15 in the I evening High school band- < throughout Western North Caro- ' Jina have been invited to pe^orm < at the afternoon concert and re- < main as guests of the college for c the evening concert. Commander s -.narles Brendler, conductor of ifce t Navy hand, will select a number of high school musicians from the r afternoon concert to perform with t the Navy Band in the evening < The Robert Joffrey Theatre ? Dancers will appear in Hoey Audi- 1 orium Thursday evening, Novem xt 1, in the third feature of the KTies. Joffrey is America's newest lance celebrity, and as a choreog apher-producer has assembled a ast of youthful performers of rec-1 ionized talent. He has staged his ?olorful ballets in Europe, in many ections of this country, and in elevision shows. Airs, Buchanan explained that ?ollege students are admitted free if charge: however, a nominal ?harge must he made for others, ind the public is invited to attend hese performances. Many Exhibits Staged Saturday At Thickety Fair A wide variety of home and garden exhibits were featured at the third annual Community Fair held at the Thickety Park Satur day. The fair is one of the CDP pro jects promoted each year, and a number of the people participate in the displays from year to year. Arrangements were under the general direction of Mrs. Lloyd Parham. Sr., the CDP chairman, W. S. Jimison and their commit tees. A pet show was held Satur day morning (or the first time. In connection with the fair, and there was a special exhibit for the children 'in which they dis played various kinds of hobbies, handmade articles, and collections. Blue, red and white ribbons were awarded for first, second and third place respectively. Winners in the pet show were: Sharan Frady with her bulldog, blue; Howard Robinson, kittens, blue; Robert Alan Fletcher, Mex ican Burro, blue; Robin and Earline Cabe, Spitz and cat, red; James Kay Dotson, dog. blue. Judges were assistant county ag ents. Bob Tippett, Albert Ramsey, and W. S. Jimison. BY SHOPPING AT ENSLEY'S 1 ? WAYNESVILLES NEWEST AND MOST MODERN SUPERETTE! uibj. ... f.i ir? i /> i c..i I ?f uuir in v uim |i FRYERS 31?lb Lean U. S. Choice STEW 49^ lb * nun i ui PORK CHOPS 59' "> l,ay'is Cioverleaf BACON 49clb ^fruits ^Vegetables wks Golden Ripe 21<> Size Florida BANANAS ORANGES 2lbs 23c 39c dz No. 1 Idaho POTATOES 10 49 FROZEN FOODS Chicken. Turkey and Tuna POT PIES 25c each South African Rock LOBSTER TAILS 10i oz ggc IJirdseve FISH BITES 8 oz Pkg 29c ? ? ? i a. T" ** ?? a FLUFFO or CRISCO 3 ib> Cqn 89c Murray's l-arge Vanilla Wafers 25c Box Clo-White BLEACH 2for 25? i eiiow-Eij en BEANS 2 lb Pkg 29c Sweetheart SOAP Hath Size ^ Bars 43? Take Your Discounts Across The Counter Don't Pay More FOR STAMPS ENSLEY'S SUPERETTE I^GEON STREET ALCOHOL Full Pint 2for 25c ASPIRIN TABS IOOh ? 5 grain 14c 620 CAMERA Wilh Flash Att. S0.75 Hot Water Bottle 2."> Y?ar (iuurantee $J.98 HAIR DRYER Keg. $6.95 Special $CJ.95 Reg. $5.00 New All Leather BILLFOLD $3.79 1 QT. BOTTLE Keeps Hot or Cold SJ.89 CARA NOME SPECIALS $1.00 HAND LOTION Special 50c $1.25 Cleansing Cream Special 79c $1.00 BUBBLE BATH Special 50c mmmmammammmmrnrnm ? ? ai.t ? 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See yourself looking younger as your chin "line tightens, eye puffiness diminishes', wrinkles seem to vanish. As you sleep, Contour-Lift Film works to "lift" contours that are losing elasticity. Filmed on lightly before make-up, it seems to banish lines and wrinkles. Along with this thrilling "face lift," you'll get free of extra charge, an introductory bottle of Helena Rubin stein's new Special Throat Formula. Quickly absorbed, this scientific dis covery supplies the finest oils to the throat to help smooth out crepiness. Vitamin Complex (A, D and E) com bats dryness while a special astrin gent clarifies slack outlines. ? Together, these two marvelous prep arations are a new lease on youth and beauty for face and throat. f $2.00 Desert Flower HAND & BODY LOTION . . . $1-00 ELECTRIC BLANKET .... $18-95 Visit Our Fountain ? LUNCHES 50c SSI! l(jj| /~i"\ ^ /p/to of one-jB ?'''?^^\ llXtlll \ f 4S "*"""''" fepi ASPIRIN |/j ^.^i^'TOOTHBRUSHEsX ll"?""Z || .-^ j| ? Pjre 5 grain tablets. 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