Newly Formed Lions Club Carrying On Many Community Proiects For Town Betterment The Hardwood Lion's Club, one of the most active civic organizations in the community has an impressive record of serv ice for its two years of existence. In addition to working with the State Commission for the Blind. VblHi it does in coopera tion with other Lion's Clubs throughout the State, the Hazel wood club has a number of proj ects of its own especially de signed for young people This year the club sj>onsored the junior Industrial Baseball team which developed into cham pions of the area. To get the team started the Lions raised MOO for uniforms [ftr the boys through the sale of light hulhs. J. C. Burrell and Gene Hyatt headed the work Throughout the winter months the club sponsors a get together for young people Saturday nights lit the Hazclwood School Refresh ments are served and chaperons furnished In cooperation with other Hazel wood organizations the Lion's Club has helped develop the play ground at the Hazclwood School. The Lions raise much of their money for charity through the sale of club calendars, which list all club dates, birthdays and an niversaries of club members and other im|K>rtaiit dales in the com munity. The community welfare com mittee. headed by Gene Wyatt, has bought new clothing for needy children and through Dr. Warren Kitts a number of chil dren have received dental treat ment at no cost Future plans call for a beau tification program for the Town of llazelwood. a dental clinic at the county health depart ment. the furnishing of trans portation. when needed, to the Cancer ('Utiles at Ashevllle and Syiva. and the organization of hohb.v rluhs for boys and girls. The Hazclwood Lion's Club was organized November 9. 1954 with Clyde Fisher as president. Pres ent officers are Glenn Wyatt. president. Charlie McOall, 1st vice president. I)i Warren 11. Kitts. 2nd vice president; Jack Bass, 3rd vice president; W K Cope, Si . Secretary; llcishcl Caldwell, treasurer; L o w r y Gaddv. Lion tamer; Kyle ('amp bell, tail twister John Smith and Clyde Fisher, directors, I year, and Kalph Sumiiicrrow and Wal ler Shcrrill, directors, 2 years The club has twehly-ono mem bers. LOOKING down thr street and (hr llazrlwood school, with an enrollment of over MOO students. 'I his school has just had a new addition, and a general modernization program It has the larg est auditorium in the township. The playground ia just to the baek of the building. Southern Bell Has Plant In Hazelwood; Carries Big Stock For All Area Telephone equipment ranging from an infinitesimal screw (o a l>3-foot pole is rallied tidily at Southern Hell's plant storeroom at the end of llazclwood's West Alain Street Here the day's work begins for the installers ana repairmen, the men who will disconnect tele phones, book up new ones, add extension lines, investigate trouble calls, arid handle the dozen and one services which the public usually thinks of as "the 'phone business." The warehouse was erected at a cost of approximately $18,000, and contains about 1500 square feet of space in addition to ga rage room for 10 trucks. It is used as a supply base for the entire Waynesville - Uazclwood area?if your telephone number begins with GLendale 6. your phone made its first local ap pearance at the storeroom. ltows of brightly colored mod ern phones must be kept avail able. to suit the hoinemaker's latest interior decorating ideas The newest colored lnstrumeifts have matching spring cords. Whole telephone booths, com pletely set up, are stored there too, along with intereommunica (ion units, miles of cord, reel* of v ire cable, spare tools?even di rectories for the installers to de liver to their new customers Workmen are now putting in a gasoline pump at the ware house. so that I he company t rucks may refuel before they leave for the day's assignment. Total cost will be in the neighborhood of $:{,<>(>() The 21 employees of the ware house share in the company's benefit plan. They receive paid vacations, sick benefits, disability benefits and otiior compensation, and have a pension plan. Welled- Corporation has affili ates in tit) other countries Twice in the five years in which it has competed. Hazel wood has won a cash prize in the Finer Carolina contest. The Finer Carolina Program i? part of Carolina Power and Light's three-fold program foi area development, ELDER JAMES SIMMON OS, pa>tor of the Mormon churrh in tiazelu ood. Mormons Start Church Services In Hazelwood The Mormon pioneers of 1830 vtent 1500 miles to the moun tains of the west to establish themselves. Today in the mountains of Western North Carolina there is a new generation 0f Mormon pioneers. During the past year missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints followed up a 1'947 effort by re turning to Haywood County and today the church, located in Hazelwood, has 27 members. The pastor is Elder James Simmonds who, with his wilg'. had been converted to Mormonism in 1947. Barely a year old. the church lias high hopes of soon building a chapel. Already the membership has formed -several active organiza tions. Sunday School is conducted in the ilazelwood American Legion Hall for both members and non members of the Church. The Relief Society is the wom en's organization of the Church. Founded in 1842. it is today the eldest women's organization in the United States. Its purpose is two-fold: the educational and spiritual development of the women of the Church; and social service in the interest of the in dividual. the family, and the com munity. Monthly work meetings are conducted during the sum mertime, with weekly meetings held in the winter. The Church lays strong em phasis on the training of its youth. Spiritual training and so (lal and educational opportun- 1 ities. A varied program of cultural. ( spiritual and recreation activity is provided for the young men and women from 12 to 24. in the Mutual Improvement Association. The program of the Boy Scouts of America is taught, drama is en couraged; dancing is a major ac tivity. and sports sponsored by the Church also find prominent place in the activity of this or ganization. ?; 1 " . . -? " . ? The Southern Railway has been serving Hazelwood for about 70 years. Haw materials and manufac tured products entering and leav ing Hazelwood via the Southern Railway total about 6,000 tons. MORE ABOt l 4 Projects (Continued from Page 1> hall team which bears the name of the sponsoring club. The town is very proud that this year the little Lions of the Jun ior Industrial League copped the Western North Carolina pennant. Equally worthwhile, if some what less glamorous, was their purchase and installation of trash containers for the business sec tion. Litterbugs are deprived of an alibi by the presence of these handy cans. The Lions are also working on the project of augmenting the facilities in the school gym nasium. IT'LL hi: CHOW DOWN in minutes. as mem bers of a church group take advantage of Hazel wood's picnic area. Outdoor suppers are a favor ite among: the townsfolk. WE WILL ALL HAVE SOME THING TO SING ABOUT WHEN WE WIN FIRST PLACE IN THE FINER CAROLINA CONTEST LET S GET TO WORK AND PROVE WE CAN DO IT! IT WILL TAKE EACH ONE OF US ? WORKING HARD ?BUT WE WILL BE PROUD OF OUR EFFORTS. HAZELWOOD WILL BE AN EVEN BETTER TOWN! RALPH'S CASH GROCERY LET'S ALL JOIN HANDS AND WIN FIRST PLACE IN THE FINER CAROLINA CONTEST WE KNOW THAT WE HAVE A GOOD TOWN IN WHICH TO LIVE AND WORK ? AND. NOW. WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO LET ALL OF CAROLINA KNOW IT. LET'S ALL GET TO WORK TOGETHER. i 1 - C. N. ALLEN & CO. 201 MAIN STREET , HAZEL WOOD