AKTIU'K J. 'DOBBINS' GREKN, of WaynesvlUe. who turned In the flnt perfect score in history on a Mountaineer lootball con test 'a*1 week, looks over the selections for this week's contest, ho pi in to win another first prize of J15 in rash. Mr. Green says he pitched lour years of baseball for WTH8 and 12 years for a Wayncsville semi-pro team, but adds he didn't play much football "%ecau.se it wasn't allowed then." (Mountaineer Photo). Saturday Set As National 4-H Achievement Day Nearly 2.156,000 4-1! Club boy* and girls will be honored for out standing accomplishment* on Na tional 4-H Achievement Day, Sat urday, November 10. Sharing theii recognition will be more than 357. 000 men. women and young people who serve as volunteer local lead ers of about HO.iltH) clubs through out the country State 4-H club Leader I- H HarriM t>ays it is hoped that every county in the nation will observe this day in a way to bring recog nition and credit to the 4-H pro gram llarrill says that in the past year many 4-H'ers have completed individual projects in farming, hnmemaking. community service, and other activities. North Carolina boys and girls have produced and conserved food, feed, and Alter, sewed and cooked, improved and beautified their homes; made their farms more effi cient; stressed personal health and safety, protected our wildlife; and cooperated in a wide variety of community services llarrill says these projects have done much to improve family liv ing through adding sources of in come. introducing improved prac tices. Increasing the family food supply, and conserving valuable natural resources. In 192(1 Lt. (later Uen.i James IV I >00little made the lirst all-blind flight at Mitchcl Field. Long Is land. STRAND THEATRE PHONE 6-8351 THURSDAY, NOV. 8 I AST DAY To SEE DANE CLARK^1 mumi i?Mf^ CRAIG Kin ?twart r?m VB||I ? - . ?MM h tv. UK I FRI. & SAT., NOV. 0 & 10 IK)lTULE FKATI HK I 1st Hit MINE FRANCIS ? LOUIS CALHERN 2nd Hit -?VISTAVlSIOH W mot?m Mcrvm f iui nmn mujst I fou COVER I TECHNICOLOR ( fl MKS VIV1C* JOHN | | CAGNEY LINDFORS DEREK I ?* (M KEM1 CtUIMlKB hMi I ?<i>?.i.a!iw tarnau* I I Hbn?>WIML| I OmkM-OHIMICWN f ? JP I ALSO Cartoon and Chapter 9 ?fvinjf of The Rocket Men" SUN., MON. & TI ES., NOV. 11, 12 & 13 **I)ue To The Sophisticated J Nature of This Picture It Is Recommended For Adults Only." SEE "THE BAD SEED" Starring NANCY KELLY PATTY McCORMACK ; PARK Theatre Program LAST TIME TODAY THURSDAY. NOV. 8 i "CATERED AFFAIR" SlarrinK BETTE DAVIS ERNEST HOKUNINK -rr?? nun \\. nuv. ?? DOUBLE FEATURE "CRASHING LAS VEGAS" Starring < LEO OORCEY and the \ BOWERY BOYS ? Plus ? "ARROWHEAD" (In C'inemaScope and Color) i Starring CHARLTON HESTON JACK BALANCE ? SATURDAY. NOV. 10 DOUBLE FEATURE "ARROWHEAD" (In CinemaScope & Color) Starring CHARLTON HESTON JACK PALANCE ?PLUS? "THE NAKED HILLS" (In Color) Starring KEENAN WYNN ? SI N.. MON. & TUES., NOV. 11, 12 & 13 "TEA AND SYMPATHY" (In CinemaScope & Color) Starring DKKORAH KERR JOHN KERR ? NOTICE! ? This picture is not suitable for children and due to the fact that Children will not understand or enjoy it, but would only disturb those who wish to enjoy it, we will not admit children under IX yrs. except with their parents. 'Bad Seed' Playing At Strand Sunday Has Unique Plot The ftlm that U reportedly the bin shocker of the year. "The Bad ; Seed," opens Sunday at the Strand Theatre, it promises to deliver one j of the most daring themes ever to i be presented on the motion picture screen?whether or not "evil" may or may not be inherited. The film repeats the same shock ing theme as the original book by Uilllam V4 , U ..-.1 aJ.. it uuaiii iuai ? ii anvi inr niam ?<m^ tatlon by Maxwell Anderson, and filmgoers reportedly can expect the entertainment shock of their lives. "The Bad Seed" advances the idea that a had woman's evil can lie Inherited by her daughter, and it Is this shocking realization that compels Nancy Kelly, portraying the mother, to act as she does The ending, which can't be told, has been one of Hollywood's best kept secrets It was actually Aimed be hind locked doors. Park Service Promotes Ranger James B. Light Announcement is made of the promotion and transfer of James H: Light from the position of As sistant Chief Hanger, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, to the ixisitlon of Chief Hanger, Natchez Trace Parkway. After a short period with the U. H Forest Service and the Indian Service, Mr. Light entered on duty as Park Ranger in the Great Smokies in 1932. He has served in the Great Smokies as Ranger, I).strict Hanger, and Assistant Chief Hanger for a Deriod of 24 years. Mr. Light is a native of Ohio and attended the University of Minnesota from which he re ceived the degree of BS in Forestry in 1929. Bethel Baptist Church The Rev. Thomas F.rwtn. Pastor SUNDAY? 10 00 a m.?Sunday School. Ma jor Burress, Supt. 11:00 a.m. ? Morning Worship. Message by the pastor every 1st and 3rd Sunday. 7 00 pm. ? Baptist Training Union. Arthur Lollis, Director. 8 00 p.m. ? Evening Worship. Message by the pastor every 2nd and 4th Sunday. WEDNESDAY? 7:15 p m ? Mid-week Prayer Service and choir pravtice. FRIDAY? 7:15 p.m.?Weekly meeting of the Sunday School Teachers of Beth el and Mt. Zton Baptist churches. Mary visitors attend ind all are invited to come. The name of "spa" for a water ing restort is derived from Spa, Belgium which is a fashionable resort for medicinal waters. j Waynesville DRIVE-IN THEATRE First Show At 7:00 P. M. THURSDAY, NOV. 8 'PEARL OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC" (In CinemaScope & Color) Starring VIRGINIA MAYO DENNIS MORGAN -Plus Selected Short Subjects ? FRIDAY, NOV. 9 "RED SUNDOWN" (In Color) Starrtnt RORY CALHOUN MARTHA HYER ? SATURDAY, NOV. 10 DOUBLE FEATURE! iAf"P unuoi iv^yviN Starring KENT TAYLOR MARIAN CARR ?PLUS? "PONY SOLDIER" (In Color) Starring TYRONE POWER ? SUN. & MON.. NOV. 11 & 12 "ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK" Starring BILL HALEY and his COMETS A. I.. JOHNSON, left assistant to the personnel manacrr at Thr Dayton Rubber Company, Joins in a round-table discussion on industrial prob lems at the Battery Park Hotel in Asheville last week. Others are, left to right, Herbert E. Boyd, foreman of the spinning department at American F.nka; Donald Schrnch. foreman of reserve stock and shipping at Oorham Manufacturing Company; and Robert J. Burt, foreman at General Electric Company in Hendersonville. Recordings of dis cussions on typical industrial problems are made and later printed for industries to refer to throughout the L'. S. Opinions of panel members may serve at some time to solve a problem in employee relations where no set answer would apply. Mr. Johnson eame to the Dayton Rubber Company in February, 1955, after being released from aetive duty with the Air Force. He is a graduate of I-ce Kdwards in Asheville; attended Asheville-Biltmore College and graduated from the University of North Carolina. I So This Is New York By NORTH CALLAHAN I With political activity reaching a new high here, 1 dropped in to the main offices of both parties to sec how they wvre clicking. From the lobby of the big hotel to the upper floors where the real work is done, huge posters of ike and Adlai, Estes and Dick meet your eye. Ike has the broad stnile, Adlai seems on the verge of a quip. Estes looks a little tired and Dick appears grim. The halls are cluttered with people trying to get in or out of the campaign swim. Kooms are Ail ed with clacking typewriters, busy telephones and temporary em ployes who seem to be important now, if never at any other time. Lesser candidates^ in this head quarters. seem almost smothered by the bigger fish. The whole thing is a kind of madhouse. But it's American democracy at work. _?3 A story is told tliat Bob Hope wanted very much to catch a piano from here back to California but his agent found that all the seals on thu particular plane were al ready reserved. Not daunted, he and Hope entered the plane. It was full to the brim. The agent made a speech asking if anyone cared to wait for the next plane No re sponse, Would some one take $25 to wait for the next plane, the agent desperately asked? And who volunteered to do so? Why Bob Hope of course. Stopped by a news stand to buy a newspaper ? a good habit for everyone, by the way?and found that I had to fumble for the coin. L mumbled something to the little old lady about having marbles and chalk in my pocket, and she came right back with, "Please take jour time. Don't worry about it. Life is too short." As I went away, it seemed to me that she had given nve better advice than do most wise men. ??3 The late Thomas J. Watson, Sr., i head of IBM, was known as the i world's greatest salesman. I could i well believe it too when I inter- : viewed him, for he made me feel as if 1 were doing him a favor, when actually it was the other way around Now h#? i*; and with | him went one of the Riants of our I industry. He was a religious man, j too, and much latHMtra in public j affairs, being credited by some as I lieing the one who did most to | make Dwight Elsenhower pre.si- \ dent of Columbia University, later j of the United States. Mr Watson' made famous his favorite slogan, | [THINK His company's house or igan was so named Its current is-1 sue is a thing of beauty for it gives an excellent portrayal of the ! life of the eminent man. Truly.' Thomas J Watson was a man who! walked with kings but did not lose the common touch. Gotham gatherings: Erroll Mil ler. the pianist, does not drive a car in this town for fear of ac cidents. So in two months, he has been in three taxi wrecks . . . this Elvis Presley madness has hit New York and no one can explain it, any more than they could the same craze for Sinatra and Dean . . Eartha Kitt. singer, who was born in South Carolina, not only is a hit at the Plaza Hotel here but has an autobiography coming out . . . Lisa Kirk switches from there to the Waldorf for her songs ? an unusual event in the same town ?except that both are Hilton hotels . . . Hiawatha. Oliver La Earge says in American Heritage, was not a romantic hero but found ed in the 15th century a "League Juvenile Genius LAURENCE. MASS. (AH)?'Ten year-old Phiflp Kochman has solv ed the vexing problem of holding a hand-operated egg beater firm by inventing a suction cup which may be attached to the base of the whipper. He has placed it in the hands of a distributing agency. Another of the sixth grade gram mar school boy's inventions is i household utility tool which serves a-- a spoon, a pickle fork and a lifter of milk bottle tops. of Five Nations." which influenced the formation of our Constitution and the United Nations . . . "If you want to know the value of money," said Benjamin Franklin, "go and try to borrow some." . . . all mar riages are happy, says Joe Smith. It's the living together afterwards that has the problems ... a local museum put on a display of the ?Id cigar store Indians, and I no ticed that one was not of the usual sort. It was a figure of an Indian princess in a rhythmic dancing pose. Smoky Mtn. DRIVE-IN THEATRE Ilalsam Kd. Dial (?L 6-5416 TOURS. & FR1.. NOV. 8 & 9 "HOW TO MARRY A m MVT T w TT>n#l 1V11LL1U1N AlttL (In CinemaScope and Color) Starring MARILYN MONROE BETTY ORABLE ?PLUS? 5 COLOR CARTOONS ? SATURDAY, NOV. 10 DOUBLE FEATURE! "THE CHARGE AT FEATHER RlVER" (In Color) ?PLUS? "JUNGLE GENTS" Starring LEO GORCEY and the BOWERY BOYS ? SUN. & MOW. NOV. 11 & 12 "THE LAST HUNT" (In Cinemascope & Color) Starring ROBERT TAYLOR STEWART ORANGES Now y0u c^n drive youp car with Pe?ce o* ?*>i"d ... if you hove the new Traveler* Family Automobile Policy. It offer* mony odded benefit* at no oddltionol co*t. for complete details . . . see THE L. N. DAVIS CO. | Main St. WaynesviUe Bethel High School Blue Demon Tales By DOROTHY MASON We are very proud of our foot-' 1 biJl team for betting Franklin last i> Friday kignt. We will have our J homecoming game with Sylva at | 1 p.m., Friday. The Homecoming Queen and ; court are as follows: queen, Fran- | oes Frizzell; maid of honor, Edith Pressiey; senior attendants?Cath erine Hall and V'ernita Sheffield; junior attendants ? Libby Messer and Glenda Wells; sophomore at tendants?L< rna Norris and Mari etta Smith; freshman attendants? , Doris Howard and Linda Phillips, j ? 1 We Seniors are looking forward ] lo our visit to the Champion Paper ?nd Fibre Co. November 8. Some it us are especially looking forward :o the guidance programs. Several Seniors have taken Scholarship tests. We hope for the jest. The students went for the Junior Red Cross drive in a big way. "Sudd" is a mass vegetable ob >truction of plants and grass which form peaty blocks. These some ames block navigation in the Nile llivcr. ? You can get all the benefits of ^ CLEAN f OIL HEAT with ESSO HEATING OIL Esso Heating Oil gives you clean, comfortable heat. You can depend on every tankful of Esso Heating Oil to give you tops in burner performance. OIL HEAT IS BEST... ' For information, call your local authorized Esso Heating Oil Distributor. I vSSOJ ESSO STANDARD OIL COMPANY YOUR LOCAL ESSO HEATING OIL DISTRIBUTOR IS Haywood Esso Distributors HEATING OILS DIAL GL 6-5056 NIGHT PHONE GL 6-8271 ! Now At RELIABLE JEWELERS Ey ^UBH y 23 JEWELS \9 Mr mnnffiiSSM J 18 KT. GOLD vHHpP^ffp ' | JJJJLLJJ j | 1 ? 6 PRECISION ' / fPffl! 1 1 11 I I'-llg*^^ P? ADJUSTMENTS |M FIRST LADY "B" ?3 (j^) U L C) V A J? HflL ?nbreatiaDle mainspnnf ?-y^ . C\/? / S|| Kjk *59.50 jMBk fnJ |p!jL 2 J Jtwus ? IN '?l" GOIpl' First in Beauty! Only Bulova?working closely with the world's foremost watch designers?could create in 18 Karat Cold such a beautiful series of fine ladies' timepieces. I First in Quality! Only Bulova?the world's leading high precision watch manufacturer?could create this supremely --- ? e e in t' - y* 1 _1 1 !? 1 . ? ? dependable scries ot nnc la rvarai cmia laaies timepieces. First in Value! Only Bulova?the world's largest producer of fine timepieces?could create an 13 Karat Gold watch so beautiful in style, so superb in performance, so unmatched in quality? a watch w ith so many luxury features at such a modest price. Reputation ? I 4 ffi ?8 | ?! ?TJ Guarantee roifFricv?v\Mu nir *numr ZttT* 1 .1

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