First Baptist Church WAYNESVILLE The Rer. T. E. Rob inc. k, Pastor SUNDAY 'S?Sunday School. The Teach ing Ministry. Mr. Glenn W. Brown is superintendent . 9:45 to 12:00?The Nursery is * open. 11:00 to 12 00?The Sunbeams 'meet. 11:00?Morning Worship. Ser- i mon, "Better Than Money", by the pastor. M..-U Jieooiion sxf iUUOH. UI1UCI IJ1C uu tvtiuu ut Charles L. Isley, Jr. i ' 6:15 to 8:30 ? The Nursery is open. 6:15?Training Union. I 7:30 ? Ev ?ning Worship. Ser mon, "The jignity of Man" by j the pastor. MONDAY? 2:15 ? William Wallace Sun beams meet at the church. TUESDAY? ! 7:30 ? W.M.S. meets in the Church Parlor. The Pearl Johnson circle has charge of the program and they are responsible for the flowers in the church each Sun-* day during the month of Novem ber. WEDNESDAY? 3:30?Junior G. A s. meet at the chur^^ 7:3j^PUidweek prayer service. 8:l^?Youth and Senior Choir ? rehearsal. THURSDAY? '? 3:15?Junior R. A's. meet at the church. First Baptist Church HAZELWOOD, N. C. The Rev. John Ivan Kizer. Pastor "A Growing Church in a Progressive Community" SUNDAY? Sunday School?9:45 a.m., Tal madge Woodard, Superintendent. Morning Worship ? 11:00 a.m. Sermon by the pastor. Training Union ? 6 30 p.m., Frank Saunders, Director. 7:30 p.m. ? Evening worship. Sermon by the pastor. 8:15 p.m. ?- Youth Fellowship. Miss Barbara Chase, Director. Announcements and Activities The nursery Will be open during all services Sunday. We are equip ped to care for children of all ages. WEDNESDAY? 7:00 p.m.?Weekly Bible Hour with studies in the Parables of Jesus. Choir practice will follow at 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY? 7:30 p.m.?The Boosters Bible Class will meet. Visitors are always welcome to worship in this fast . growing friendly church. We are small enough to appreciate you, large enough to serve you. Church ol Christ East on Highway 19A-23 Across from REA Bulldint Bob Kigdon, Minister Phone GL 6-893'i "Speaking the truth in Love? Eph. 4:15. SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Bible Study. 11:00 a.m.?Worship Service. 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.?Worship Serv ce at Tuckaseigee. 7:30 p.m.?Worship Service. rUESDAY? 8:00 p.m.?Bible Study at home n Sylva. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Bible Study?Church o milling. Radio Programs SATURDAY? 9:00 to 9:15 a.m. ? Radio Pro gram?"The Qospel of Christ" ? Radio Station VVHCC. "The churches of Christ salute wu", Romans 16:16. The Church Of The Nazarene Opposite The Court House 118 Depot Street The Rev. F,. Stanley Hammond, Pastor SUNDAY? 9:45 a.m.?Sunday School. H. A. Jefferics, superintendent. 11:00 a.m. ? Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor. 7:30 p.m.?Evening Service. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m ?Prayer and Fellow ship meeting. Everyone is cordially invited to all services. Fines Creek Memorial Baptist Church The Rev. I'aul Grogan. Pastor SUNDAY? Sunday School?10 o'clock every Sunday. Floyd Fisher, Supt. Johnny Rathbone, Associate Supt. Morning Worship ? 11 o'clock every 1st and 3rd Sundays Evening Worship ? 8:00 every 2nd and 4th Sunday, Training Union?7:00 every Sun day night THURSDAY 7:00 p.m.?Prayer Meeting. Seventh-Day Adventist Tabernacle 106 Beech Street HAZELWOOD Elder J. O. Wilson. District Pastor Dave Wiggins, Local Elder SATURDAY? 9:45 a.m.?Sabbath School. 11:00 a.m.?Worship. Sermon by the pastor. Welcome. ___ ' - j The Lord's Requirements NOT BURNT OFFERINGS, BUT JUSTICE, MERCY AND HUMBLENESS Scripture?Micah i; 6. Bjr ?EWMAN CAMPBELL MIC AH from whose book to day's lesson is taken, was one of the lesser prophets. He lived at the time of that greatest of all prophets, Isaiah. He was a coun tryman coming from an obscure \jUage in the lowlands of Judah, ^B|his small book may have oMr written somewhere between 726 and 701 B.C. Nevertheless his words are quoted frequently and are famil iar to all Bible lovers. The first three chapters of Micah are pri marily given to denunciations of the sins of his time. Rich nobles, worldly priests and greedy aristo crats were the objects Of his wrath. Judges were not just and accepted bribes; the rich op pressed the poor. It was a com mercial and money loving age. and Micah, knowing this, tried to bring his people back to God. We today are not free from these sins. Too many make a 'fetish of money and are not al shares and their spears into prun. ing hooks; nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." We are still looking and hoping that this prophecy will come true in our own time, although the present world conditions are not hopeful, for the near future, at least, when as Mieah says: "tlicy shall sif every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it." Later in this same, chapter. I Micah sees the disasters that were to befall his country. But even if Judah is conquered and taken prisoner, and its people exiled to Babylon, even so the Lord will bring triumph out of catastrophe. What are God's requirements of His people? What can we do to please Him? "Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come be MEMORY VERSE "He hath shewed thee, O maii, what is yood; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."?Micah 6:8. ways ethical in their means of i gaining it. Bribes are taken in our day too, we read in our news papers. For this reason Micah's words will have meaning for us, too. What does God require of us? We all know in our hearts what is good. Why don't we prac tice it? In the chapters assigned to our lesson, however, Micah saw hope in the future. "But, in the last days it shall come to pass, that th? mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. * "And many nations shall come, and say. Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths; for the law shall go forth of Zion. and the word of the Lord from Jeru salem.'' The Lord shall rebuke the 1 strong nations so that they "shall ?' beat their swords into plough-11 fore Him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old ? "He hath shown, thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" To be just in all our dealings with others, not judge any harsh ly. but to try to understand them and treat them with loving kind ness. Even little children can be cruel, and this is a point to be talked about by the teachers of the younger children. They too can be taught to be just and merciful to their playmates and schoolmates. To be just, merciful, humble before God our father. It seems simple, doesn't it? However, how difficult it seems to us to follow it! We need a world-wide revival of true religion, the promise of universal peace which the prophet hoped for as we do today, 2,500 years later, and the need for humble and sincere attitudes to ward God; not outward shows of religion. Rused on copyrighted outline* produced by the Division of Christian Education National Council of Chun he* of Christ in the U S 4 . and u?cd by Deiiiuaaioa.' Dutributed by Kin* Feature* Syndicate I IWith the fowl of the air it is instinct! God has provided I many of His simplest creatures with an inate sense of harmony, J and of purpose. I But with man it is an ideal . . . still far from realization! 1 Nations and individuals have usually sought their own ends, |] and little less than attack by a common enemy has ever brought lj them to united action. ^ Today, the challenge for harmony and brotherhood is ^ stronger than ever. We know now that the very existence of civilization depends upon a peaceful world. Our greatest hope is the Church, which throughout the ages, has unceasingly taught the need for moving together toward a common goal. And only the Church has pointed the Way toward that goal. Join forces with the multitudes in every land who seek the highest goals. Worship with them the only Prince of Peace. And, believing with all Christians in the might of Right, work toward our God-promised destiny. ill THE CHURCH FOR ALL ... lu Si ALL FOR THE CHURCH \ 1 '1 A| I vi i . .jhi ;? l| U values. Without a ; kl V. . / nor civilization I II M can :iur\fl'. c- There are four sound reasons why I II ? every pereon should attend Services regularly e M and support the Church They are (1J For his ll I? B own sake (2) For his children's sake (3) For the i II sake of his community and nation (4) For the m sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral I H j and material support Plan to go. to church regu- I Ml larly and read your Bible daily. 11 ?!? Uay Book Chapter Versej lill Sunday Paulina 91 1-15 Wednesday I Allison Construction Co., Inc. ? Asphalt Paving ? Balsam Rd. Dial OL 6-5621 Allison & Duncan Oil Co. Distributors of Phillips 66 Dial GL 6-3921 Hazelwood Belk - Hudson "Home of Better Values" The Book Store , and Haywood Typewriter Co. Dial GL 6-3691 Central Cleaners Authorized Agents for Cravenette Water Repellent Church Si Montgomery Sts., Dial GL 6-3671 Charles' Shell Service Dayton Thorobred Tires Hazelwood, N. C. Uial GL 6-8033 l ? Charlie's Drive-In Owners ? Charlie Woodard and Jimmie Williams Complete 24-llour Service Enloe & Heed, Distributors Gulf Oil Products Luke Junaluska, N. ( Dial OL 6-83419 Farmers Exchange "Dealers in Quality Seeds" Feeds - Fertilizers - Insecticides Asheville Kd. Dial GL 6-5335 Firestone Home & Auto Supply Store ? Factory Recapping ? Bill Cobb Dial GL 6-3071 Kurt (Jans J K W EUR "Something from the Jeweler's is Always Something Special" Haywood Huilders Supply Co. "Where There Is A Material Difference" Depot Street Dial GL 6-0051 Haywood County Farmers Cooperative ? Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizer ? 216 Depot Street Dial GL 6-8621 Haywood Electric Membership Corporation Asheville Road GL 6-8666 * ? , Haywood Esso Distributors, Inc. ? Heating Oils ? Day Phone GL 6-5056 Night Phone GL 6-8^7:5 llazelwood Ksso Service I rady & Ilinds Five Points Dial GL 6-8020 K. It. Kibbe, Jr., Consignee Texas Petroleum Products Furnace Oil. Crystalite, Gasoline, Motor Oils Kailroad St. Dial GI. 6-8591 Moody - Rulane, Inc. "For Complete Gas Service'* 902 N. Main GL 6-5071 ?v T. S. Morrison - Foard, Inc. Farm Euipment, Hardware, Seeds & Feeds 405 Depot St. Dial GL 6-8386 Clyde Kay's Flower Shop "Say It With Flowers" 414 S. Main Dial GL 6-5375 Rogers Electric Company Sales and Service of All Electrical Appliances 437 Main St. Dial GL ?-?351 Smoky Mtn. Sell-Service Grocery Free Delivery liaKam Road Dial GL 6-6560 Turner's Store "Never Buy Before Vou Try Turner's" Waynesville Auto Parts Wholesalers of Standard Parts & Accessories 136 Main Street *Dial GL ?-8676 The Waynesville Mountaineer A Complete Newspaper Waynesville Radio Service Waynesville's Leading Radio and TV Service 116 Miller Street Dial GL f-5331 : 1 ew % AAu i Jt ? . L't . -d. ?

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