? > '? V - ? ' ? ? I n ? ? T / TODAY'S SMILE rH-3 The Wayne syille Mountaineer , P Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ? ? ? 71st YEAR NO. 103 24 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLE. N. C.. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 13, 1956 33.50 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties United Fund Campaign Here Goes Over Quota By $635 CHARLIE WOODARD (right) shows John N. Johnson the final figures on the United l und Campaign here, which went over the goal of $31,297. H'oodard is campaign chairman, and Johnson heads the industrial division, which gave about $15,000 to the current fund. (Mountaineer Photo). ? ' ? . . > ? 25 Families Remain On 'Aid' List Twenty-five deserving families remained on the Welfare Christ mas list this morning, according to Mrs Sam Queen, superintend ent. Jhe list originally had 70 names. Among the families remaining on the list were some "very pa thetic ones" Welfare officials pointed out ln one instance, a 9-vear.old boy faces a bleak Christmas unless someone remembers him, His mother is ill. and cannot work, and his father is in a hospital several hundred riiles away. The little fel low has not had too many things to enjoy in his life, and for this Christmas, the outlook is even darker. A number of groups and individ uals have checked by the Welfare office for the names of those who need help, and are planning to take care of the specific needs of them. The Welfare office has a list of the needs of each group, as well as details as to addresses. Mrs. Hugh Lcatherwood. a ease worker at the Welfare Depart ment, urged all groups planning to give assistance to needy families at Christmas to check with the of fice Mmte to avoid duplication. groups proceed on their own, sortie families may receive aid from several sources while others get none, she explained. DRAFT BOARD SEEKS MEHAFFEY Anyone knowing the where abouts of Robert Lee MehafTey is asked to contact the draft board at the courthouse. f ? r?F C "c '< . B 9 SHOPPING DAYS to Christmas -M. 4 The Weather ^ FAIR AND i COLDER Mostly cloudy, mild nnd windy with occasional showers, turning colder late today, with showers possibly changing to snow flurries. Friday, mostly fair and cold. Official Waynesville temperature *s reported by the State Test Farm. Date Max. Min. Prec. Dec. 10 58 24 ? Doc 11 53 10 ? Dee 12 ... .... 59 50 1 30 Postoffice Lists Schedule Changes The Waynesville post office will be open all day this Satur day. next Wednesday, December 19, and Saturday, December 22, according to Postmaster Knos Boyd. After the 22nd, the local post office will resume its Wednesday and Saturday afternoon closings, Mr. Boyd said. Van Wells Returned To Soil Board Van C. Wells of West Pigeon has been reelected for another three years as a supervisor of the Haywood County Soil Conserva tion District. Mr. Wells, who is the present chairman of the soil supervisors board, received the highest vote , on the ballot w hich included three | other candidates ? R. 11. Boone. J Watson Howell, and Delitiar Reed. Mr. Wells got 84 out of a total of 138 votes. This figure repre | sented an increase of 50 per cent over balloting last year. The ballots were counted by John R. Carver, chairman of the i county board of elections; ,J. A. Singleton, and D. J. Boyd. Other members of the soil sup. : ervisors board for 1957 will be | Mr. Boyd, treasurer, and Joe i Davis, secretary, ? ? - ? . ' ' ? Engineers Want Rain To Finish Sewer Line Check Engineers checking the 5-mile trunk sewer line have set up re cording gauges in several manholes along the line They have rt-cords of the flow in the line at all hours ! of the day for every day. and are i now w aiting on the next big rain ; to see what difference that might ; make in the flow. The general belief has been that | there is a certain amount of sur i face water entering the line, w'hich aods to the cause of the periodic overflow. Gauges have been set up in Haz elwood. near the Ice Plant, in Abel's pasture and nearer the Lake. The aldermen of the two towns and officials of the Lake ordered a survey made by an engineer firm to see what caused the overflow, and for recommendations for cor recting the over-loaded line at times. Santa Due Back Here On Friday Santa will be back to town Fri day on three different occasions? 10 to noon, then 2 to 4 in the af ternoon and 6 to 8 Friday night: when the stores will be open. Santa came to town in a parade on the 23rd. On Saturday he will be here from 10 to noon and also 2 to 4 in the afternoon. Woodard Is Elated Over j Completion The United Fund quota has been passed by $633, according to Char lie Woodard, campaign chairman. The fund this morning was $31,932, with the quota being set at $31,297 several months ago. Chairman Woodard said several individuals had called him that their money and pledges would be in by Friday, and he felt that it would mean several hundred dol lars more. The ratio now shows the campaign was 102 per cent subscribed. The chairman was all smiles to day over the results, and was warm in his praises of everyone w ho con tributed and worked on the current campaign. Russell Fultl, president, was happy this morning also, as he heard the figures of the quota be ing reached. He pointed out the "magnificent job of Woodard and ail his assistants in staging the campaign so successfully." Chairman Woodard and Mrs. Raymond Caldwell, clerk of the i I F, were compiling the records to day which will show the total gifts foi each division of the United Fund organization. Woodard said I he felt the list would be ready for publication by Monday. The Industrial Division, headed; by John N. Johnson turned in j about $15,000 to the campaign, it ; was reported by Woodard this ' morning. Presbyterians To Push Plans For Educational Unit The First Presbyterian church plans to call for bids on the first I unit of their expansion program; soon after January 1, Joe E. Rose, chairman of the building fund 1 said. The general expansion program - calls for an expenditure of more; than $100,000. The first unit to be built will be I educational facilities, and will have about 2,500 square feet. Rose said. I The unit will be on the ground : floor, and extended back along! Walnut Street, and adjoining the; present structure at the end. j The over-all plans call for an: enlarged sanctuary, plus the edu-l cational facilities. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barr are plan- I ning to leave Saturday for St. Pet- ; ersburg. Fla. where they will spend j the winter months. School Holidays Set For Section School bells will stop ringing here at 3:10 Wednesday. Decem ber 19 for the holidays, accord ing to C. K. Weatherby, prin cipal. Classroom work will be re sumed on Thursday. January 3. at 8:30, he announced. MARION COWARD of Spring Creek, the oldest living man in Madison County, set a new record at llavwood County Hospital recently when he underwent an appendicitis operation. With him is his son. M. C. Coward also of Spring Creek. (Mountaineer I'hotol. 99-Year-Old Farmer Has Operation For Appendicitis A record was believed set at the Haywood Counts Hospital recent ly when a retired tanner, Mar ion Coward of Spring Creefc. who is going on Sit. underwent an op eration far a ruptured appendix. Performing the operation was Dr. Boyd Owen, surgeon, assisted by Dr. Thomas Stringfield and Dr. James Fender, Mr. Coward was reported in a ! critical condition today at the j hospital. ' His son. M C. Coward who is 72. said tliat his lather was in good . health before he suffered a rup ; lured appendix. In an interview this fall. Mr. Coward, who celebrated tiis 98th birthday June 7. said that he hopes lo live the age of 10.1 because I tiis mother. Rmily Jane Bryant,.! | lived to be that old Born in Transylvania County in 1858. Coward lived in the Fines Creek community lor a number of years before moving to Spring I C.cek For a long life. Mr. Coward ad ; vises others: "Live close to the Lord ? and you'll live loi get-.'' | New Gift Shop Opens In Clyde The new Hiltwood Craft Shop, situated on the four-lane highway I at the western entrance into Clyde, | opened for business t his w eek. The new shop is owned and op I crated by Mr. and Mrs Otha Hall and daughter. Jacqueline, of Can-1 ton, and is managed bv Mrs M. K. Hall of Canton The shop wilt carry a complete line of crafts, jewelry', pottery, china, and other gills Ministers Will Have Service In Christmas Issue The annual Christina* edition of The Mountaineer, which will no to press at noon Saturday. Dec. 22, will carry a feature whieh was so popular last year ?"A Christmas Service." The service was prepared and written by five ministers of five denominations of Waynesville. The service this yCar will be handled by the same five min isters who had such an impres sive one last Christmas. The issue of the 22nd will have many Christmas stories, pictures and greetings as in the past. Pair Held In Stabbing Of Goodson Edward E. Tittle, 24. of Hazel wood and Lewis C. Knsley, 24. of Clyde, are being held in Haywood County jail on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and inflicting permanent and serious injuries in connection with the stabbing of Charles F. Goodson, 28, of Candler early this morning. Deputy Sheriff Gene Howell said Goodson was cut three times by the two men during an altercation at the home of Sam Johnson on the Ashevitle highway. Mr. Howell said that Goodson was cut severely twice in the re gion of the ribs and once on the neck. One of the chest cuts nar (See Two Held?Page 8) SIDNEY TRUESDALK (riehtl, of the Canton law firm of Robinson and Truesdale, was rr-elect rd president of the llaywood County Bar Associ ation at a merlins Monday. Other officers named were William Millar of Waynesvillr, secretary treasurer, and James Ilardin Howell of tVaynev vllle librarian. In addition to eleetinr officers, the bar association also completed the calendar for the January civil term of court, which will be presided over by Judge I' C. Kroneberger of (?astonia. This will be the judge's first olTicial visit to the Haywood court since his recent ap pointment to the Superior Court bench. (Mountaineer I'hoto) ? Four Innocent Teen-Agers Shot By Fines Creek Farmer Irritated By Firecrackers None Of 4 Seriously Injured An irritated Lower Fines Creek farmer, unnerved by the shooting of firecrackers along the highway where he lives, last night fired a shotgun into a pickup truck con taining five teen-aged boys, wounding four of them ? none seriously. According to Deputy Sheriff Gene Howell, none of the boys riding in the truck were guilty of shooting firecrackers, but wer6 re turning to their homes in the Fines Creek and White Oak com munities front a trip to Waynes ville. The deputy said the bovs stop ped their pickup truck to exchange drivers, and were shot a short time later by the farmer, who was standing about 50 yards aw ay near ttis barn. Mr. Howell identified the four boys who were lilt by the shot gun pellets as Stanley Rathbone. J. R. Justice, Ray Fisher, and Tommy Davis, all students at Fines Creek High School, who were wounded in the head and up per ?part of tin. body. Rathlxhie was admitted to Hay wood County Hospital last nigjit. but was discharged this afternoon. A fifth boy in the group, Ronald Fish, was not hit. The farmer (whose name is be ing withheld pending the comple tion of the Investigation by the Sheriff's office, and the placing of 'a formal charge against him), ad mitted firing the shotgun blast. ; but contended that one of the boys | in the truck, threw a firecracker at him Deputy Howell said, however, that "there is nothing in our in vestigation at, present which eon firms this claim." Mr. Howell said that two other boys ? aged 13 and 19 ? have confessed to shooting firecrackers while walking along the highwav last night. Other firecrackers were set off in the area last night by persons riding in ears, according to the two hoys and neighbors in the vicinity. Mr. Howell pointed out that the shooting of firecrackers is pro hibited here by both county and slate laws. Eight C. of C. Directors Will Be Elected Soon Ballots were mailed Wednesday to members of the Chamber of Commerce for voting on eight di rectors for the coming year. The ballots must bo back in the office of the organization by 5 p.m. Tues day, December 18, it was an nounced by C. G. Thompson, presi dent The eight members are tor live groups or divisions, as follows: Agriculture ? a 3-year term, vote for one ? Pink Francis, Joe Cline. Civic and professional ? vote for three. One will serve 3 years, one 2 years and the other 1 year. William Millar, Tommy Boyd, Dr. Phil Medford, George Williamson, Harry Whisenhunt and Frank Kiggs. Merchants ? vote for one, a 3 year term ? J. C. Jennings, Bob Wilson. Tourist group ? vote for one, 3-year term ? George "Mo" Kim ball. J. C. Patrick. Industrial development ? vote for two; one for 3-year term, other; 1-year term ? Roy Reed, Roy Wright. Henry Tuttle. and R. E Thomas. The nominating committee wilt serve as tabulators and announce the results Thursday, Dec. 19. The reason some groups have more than one director to elect is due to the resignation, or moving away of some on the present board, it was explained. The newly elected board, and present board will hold a joint meeting on Tuesday, January 8. at which tirtie a president, vice president, and treasurer will be elected. The board employs the secretary and executive vice presi dent, I THIS P.WEI. TRUCK, halted on Cove Creek ^fountain by Cpl. I'riteliard Smith and Patrolman Harold Davton of the State High way l'atrol yielded I'll) gallons of moonshine and led to the arrest of three men and a woman from South Carolina. Here at the rear of the rourthouse (from left! Jay Kirkpatrick and Cpl. Smith unload the liquor, preparatory to pouring it out Monday afternoon. At right is Sheriff Fred Campbell. Program Announced For WTHS Christmas Concert (See Open House story. Page 1. Section 2> 1 The program tor the annual ?Christmas concert at WaynesviUc Township High School gym at 8 p.m. Friday night has been an nounced by Charles L Isley. direc tor of. music at WTHS. The first part of the program, entitled '"Christmas and Santa." will feature selections by the or . chestra, the band, and the chorus, I The orchestra will open with "Christmas Festival Oveiture": the chorus will sing "Carol of the ! Hells"; the hand will play "Kli doph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." and then Wayne Deitz. -econd grade student at Central Elemen tary School, will sing a solo, "San la Claus 1> Coming to Town The chorus will take over next tor six songs; "Silver Bell-" "Christmas Song," and "Whit? Christmas" with solo by Glenda Kavenson; "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" by Debbie Welch and Maxinc Rog ers, first-grade students a' Hazel wood School; "Mister Santa, and "Deck the Halls with Boughs ot Holly". "Frosty tlie Snowman" by tin orchestra?with solos by Debbi? Welch, Maxinc Roger-, and Bett> Rowland-?and "Sleigh Ride" by the band will conclude the first part of the concert During the intermission program various acknowledgements will be made and senior awards will be (See Concert?Page 8> REEVES XOLAND IMPROVING D. Reeves Noland is reported im proving at Memorial Mission Hos ! pital where he has been a patient for the past two weeks He ex pects to* be released from the hos pital by the first of next week. Haywood County Employment Up By 8.02 Per Cent Average employment in Hay wood County (luting the second quarter of 1 !),">(> was (>.8*2, ac cording to a report by the North Carolina employment Security Commission. This figure represents a gain of 8.02 per cent, the commis sion reported. Total wages paid in llaywood ' County during the seeond quar ter of the year reached S7.558. Named For The County ! Haywood tax listers have been | named, and will begin work Jan f ii iry 1. it was explained by Bryan Medford. tax collector and super I visor this morning. ' The lister*'are Clyde. Spurgeon Byers; Crabtree. Mrs. Bob Fisher; Cecil. Mrs Clyde Caldwell; Cata loocheo, Mark Caldwell; East Fork. Bryan HcatherJy; Fines Creek. Mrs Carl Rogers; Iron Doff, V I!. I)avi> Ivy Hill. Albert Slier; Jonathan Creek. Mrs. Fred Allison; Pigeon. Mrs. David Kdwards: White Oak. Mi s Francis Teague, Waynesville. Mrs. Ruth Kelly' and Mrs. Bob Williams; Beaverdam, Vaughn By ers, Marie Smathers and Fred Wil liams. . Boosters Club To Install 1957 * Officers Tonight Officers for 1957 wil be install ed by the Boosters Club at its an nual Christmas party and dinner at Hare!wood School tonight. Officers to be installed are: ' John Moore, president; Lawrence; Davis, the retiring president who becomes vice president; Bill Green, secretary, and Bill Free man. treasurer. New directors are Dr. Warren KitLs. George Bischoff, and Roy! ; Wright. The program, which begins at | 7 p.m.. will be under the direction ; of Dr. R. Stuart Roborson and Mr. ; Bischoff, and will feature Christ-1 I urn music. _ ' i Highway Record For 1956 i In Haywood (TO DATE) Killed ..... 4 (1935 ? 3) Injured .... 99 (1955 ? 85) Accidents.. 181 (1955 ? 172) Loss ... $64,700 (1955 ? $78,929) (This information compiled from records of Stato Ui<k nay Patrol.)

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