EEEEE THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER "Open House' Set Friday At 7 For New Rooms At High School Here i New Rooms To Be Shown By Students And Faculty A large number of parents of the 1.500 students of Junior and High j School here, together with other i patrons of the school, are expected i to visit the five new classrooms, library, study hall, and audio-visual education room Friday night from 7 to 8 p.m. The "open house" will be held I just prior to the Christmas con- | cert to De given by the band in the gym. The concert will begin at with Charles Isley, direct ing^* C. E. Weatherby, principal, said all 49 teachers of the faculty would be present, and in their home rooms for the open house event. Sludents will serve as guides to ; their parents, taking them directly ! to the parts of the building they wish to see. The new rooms were made from the auditorium. The study hall, seating about 150, is next to the hallway at the front of the build ing, and the library occupies the srace formerly used as the stage of the auditorium. The former audi- ? torium has been converted into tvo classrooms. The second floor of the "old auditorium space" has been con verted into three classrooms, ac commodating 35 students each, and a large audio-visual education room, about 40 by 80 feet. All the floors in the new class rooms, library, study hall, and I audio-visual room have tile floors. i The hall floor in the front of the ' building was also tiled. The project was started last summer and completed early this ; fall. Tbe contract price was a little more than $22,000. M. H. Bowles, superintendent, said that the gym would be used for an auditorium as much as jvac tical, although far from ideal. The bleacher seats are used for all ? gatherings in the gym. , i The puma, panther, cougar, cata ' mount, mountain lino. American lion are all the same animal. ? ^ V M A GENERAL VIEW of the modern study halt at WTHS which is one of the six rooms made from the auditorium. The study hall is on the lirst floor, and will accommodate about 150 students, who '?Mil study under strict supervision. This hall will he open for inspec tion Friday night, 7 to 8 p.m (Mountaineer Photo). uSee picture of new classroom | an page 5'. ajm^\"jsro tjrci ? *v. a THE NEW LIBRARY at WTHS is what was origin ally part of the stage of the auditorium t here are eight study tables in the library which joins the study hall, hut only students which required reference study are permitted to study here iiy stead ol the study hall. This library is about 400 per rent larger than the old unit. (Mountaineer Photo). Wayward Geese Fail To Realize When They Are Well Off; Leave Good Home, Now Several Missing ' Geese sometimes act a lot like people, and set into trouble, all because the.v cannot realize when they are well off. For 11 years, a goose had j found plenty to eat, and had received gentle care on the farm | of Mr. and Mrs. John Plott. The veteran goose, because of her age, was the leader of 11 other geese ? three of them her 6 month-old goslings. The other eight were about 3 to 4 years old. Everything was lovely about the Plott farm?plenty of water l to swim in. and an abundance of food from the Plott barns. Then out of the bright blue yonder one morning, some strangers flew over?geese, that is?and the apparently contented Plott geese could not resist the . temptation and lure to join the travelers and "see the world." So ofl they took from the Plott farm, all 12 of them, with the old 11-year in the lead. tVhat has happened to eight of the flock is a matter of guess work, hut it is believed that some hunter's aim was mighty good, and the eight ended up roasting in some oven. The other t0ur made it to bake Junaluska where they are now making their home on the waters there. Just how long they will be there is uncertain, because hav ing: once tasted, a bit of travel, they are likely to take off any time for parts unknown. As for the Flotts trying to get them bark to the farm, that poses a big problem first in catching them, and then in keeping them, since all four geese are excellent fliers. Yes, geese are sometimes very much like people, they don't know when they are well off. Try on Man Acquitted In Hunt Death G. H. Bridgeman, 52-year-old Tryon real estate 'man, was freed of a manslaughter charge at Bre j vard Tuesday in the hunting ac cident death of Charles Berry Bal lard last November 21. Superior Court Judge l\ C. ' F. onenberger of Gastonia, sitting | as a justice of the peace, ruled no probable cause following a i hearing. Sheriff K V. Dillingham said after the hearing he saw no reason to continue pressing the prosecu tion. The 34-year-old Ballard of T.ur ! key Creek, Buncombe County, died in an Asheville hospital aft er he was wounded in a thigh Nov. 20 while on a deer hunt in , the Pink Beds section of the I'is gah National Forest. Witnesses testified today Bridge man said he Tired at a deer and ! was going to the animal when he heard Ballard call, then come to ward him. Bridgeman fired more ; shots to summon help, they said. Bridgeman did not testify. A coroner's jury a week after , the shooting decided it did not k?;ow who had fired the fatal shot. Sheriff Dillingham issued the warrant following receipt of a re port on a State Bureau of Investi gation ballistics examination. The testimony today was how ? ever, that int. slug that struck Ballard went throigh his leg and i| was not found. Nothing Sells Like Newspapers THIS WEEK'S BEST SELLERS FICTION Peyton Place, Grace Mctalious. i I>on't Go Near The Water, Wil-, liara Brinkley. Auntie Mame, Patrick Dennis. ! The Tribe That Lost Iks Head. Nicholas Monsarrat. A Certain Smile, Francoise Sagan. NONFICTION The Nun's Story, Katliryn Hulme. Profiles In Courage, John F. Kennedy. Men To Match My Mountains, | Irving Stone. This Hallowed Ground, Bruce , Cation. The Outsider, Colin Wilson. THE BOOK STORE Dial GL 6-3691 Main St I ' ^EZaZZsELBZ ^ ? CIGARETTE LIGHTERS ? PENS AND PENCILS ? COSMETICS ? CANDIES ? TOBACCOS ? CAMERAS ? STATIONERY ? TOYS ? HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS! CURTIS DRUG STORE EXPERIENCE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE MAIN STREET WA YNESV1LLE % i. 9 d V * , Z*A-Z*<\ ?* \ **A 9*?i -?F<3 9F FjiGSMmE9 It's piumb-line straight and T-Square Sheer IT'S THE NEW SHEER LOOK ^ Ever hear of a style show for home appliances? ^ntakes every r> (j Well, here's your chance to see one ?in our showing of'57 Frigidaire ? H Electric Ranges and Refrigerators ?the "thinkingest" ranges and the "handiest" refrigerators ever devised. All new. inside and out ? all wit h 0*4 the amazing Sheer Look that makes every corner count, gives that 0 t1 ''built-in" look. i l A complete line to tit every family and budget, choice of many colors. w ^Jir Coirte in today! > ^ ? Frigidaire Electric Range at a Budget Price Only 30 inches u ule but a king-size oven ? Full-quality Range with every basic cooking convenience. Simple Malic Oven Control ? Oven "Bake" Light ? 5-position ? Super-size oven ? Rotisserie optional. Only $2.."?U a week after small I ^ Model fl 120 57 Frigid aire Food Freezer Refrigerator | 60-lb. Zero Zone Freezer ? Plan-A I)oor ? Roll-to-You I Shelves ? Safety ' Seal Latch, Porce lain Hydrators and many other top-lifte features. Only a week after small down payment Frigidaire Electric Range with finest Oc Luxe features "Thinking Panel" includes Conk Master and Heat Minder Controls * > Speed-Heat Ihjit' I Deep-Well Ther 1 mizer? Sear-Speeil i Radiant uhe Broil er ? Roll-to-You Oven Shelf ? Life time Porcelain in 6 colors including white. Kotisserie optional. Only $.1.00 a week ?fter 3tnall dciwn payment Frigidaire Refrigerator Low Cost-High Quality Iitg Full -Width Re niovable Shell es ? Dap Full-Width Porcelain Hydrator ? Sliding Chill Drawer ? Super Storage Door with Butter Compart merit ajid big Removable Shelve* ? Full-Size Super Freezer Chest. Only $2.50 ' a week after s "'til down pay meet | OPEN thf^rsn^end TIL 9 1 MARTIN COMPANY ' ), v ? j,