Bh.frit'---fr Published ; Weekly by. The Progresi ; Printing Compan. THEO. If. COOPER. Editor Hud Proprietor. THF PROHRFSS: saW to be in the hands of the Jjeraocrauc National Committee. It was i Mr. (Jromweli s own them correctly, Mr.viutchin can action which raised the issue .! in publish my signed statement and the campaign., let the people decide for them ; "It is true also that when; Mr. selves who has been misrepre Roosevelt made his attack upon sented, and who has lied: Now Delavan Smith the World called the facts are as follows: attention to certain statements On the day of the speaking at which Mr. Roosevelt must have Hobgood r by Messrs.; Kitchin, known to be false or misleading Dunn and '. Travis, I told . Mr. and appealed to Congress to end Kitchin if: they (the -'speakers) all scandal by a full and impartial would discuss the county politics, myself as nearly as I can remem- : , Our big line of Christmas ber them, and if . I fail to state Goods is now ready for your in spection. Presents for all: ; for SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: On Yar , . , ... -Sis Monti- -. . Thra Month. . ,.. . ll.W . .76 . .40 I the little folks and the grown-up folks, and at prices that . will make you smile. Call and . do your buying before the rush be gins. Harrison's Pharmacy, . Entered at tb PoBtoffie M Enfield. N, acond-claw mail matter.' . . ; , - - 1 C ai I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1908. Taking a Holiday. As the date of the next of The Progress falls , on ; Christ- investigation.,, If this be treason, let Mr. Roosevelt make the most issue of it, Had a Gose Call. , Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel; .Vaughn, Miss;, says: VFor 1 T .. 1 - I ana snow irora tne county severe cough, and i consumption records ' (which of. course t they seemed to have its trrin on , me. did ... not . nave with them; tnat when a friend recommended Dr. tnere nad peen no crooKeaness m ir Ws Npw nkpnvprv t Wursm mas day we will omit: the issue habit of ; inaccurate, statements me past administration . 01 tne taking it, and r three ' bottles wuuvj .i.uauo,, . .vvi..jr anectea a complete cure. rne funds had been ' used for. the fame nf this , lif Ra vino- rmvh in of next , week. ; We do this order that our office force . may take a ; much needed rest We shall be on deck again with our issue of January 1st .and hope to causes of his grievance. run uninterruptedly for another year. make it impossible to accept either his judgments or his con clusions.: In; his message he does not state correctly even so simple a matter as the pretended The World's Reply to Roosevelt. That the high office of Presi- dent of the United States has been grosslyNdishohored by the man who now occupies the place, can hardly be doubted : by the most charitable citizen ? of C. the country. . That the present occu- - pant has stooped to things very unbecoming to one holding such a high position, can , not be - doubted by a mere school child. Sich was neveri in the history of the country, happened, and we hope the country, will never be ' so unf ortnnate as to have another like unto him.; The New York .World, in the course of its answer to the President's reference in his special message to Congress last "The1 World? has never said that Charles P. Taft or Douglas Robinson made any profits, what ever. Mr. Taft denied that he was concerned in the transaction in any . way, which denial the World ' published and I accepted. It would have been equally glad to print Mr.. Robinson's denial could it have succeeded in obtain ing brie from him, as it frequent ly attempted. The World has no evidence that he was associated with Mr. Cromwell,' and would accept his word to that effect; for Mr. Robinson is an estimable gentleman of high character, whose reputation for veracity, is infinitely better than that of his distinguished brother-in-law. If the World has libeled any body we hope it wilj be punished, but we do not intend to be intim idated by Mr. Roosevelt's threats or by Mr. ; Roosevelt's denuncia tion, . or .by. Mr; ; Roosevelt's power. ' no other living man ever so paving and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer is world wide. Sold at W. E. Beavans' drug store. 50c. and $1. 00.. Trial bottle free. North Carolina. . Halifax County. ;. ' TRUSTEE'S SALE. .by virtue 01 power vested in me by that Deed of Trust made OPERA. 'HOUSE- One Night, December 24th. JED CARLTON presents N ' BEATRICE GORDON in a WAS SHE TO BLAME" A dramatization of BERTHA M. CLAY'S beautiful story "A BITTER ATONEMENT" A Complete Stage ProductionSpecial tent Cast. Scenery Compe- 'till If there is any humor, in your make-up you will laugh - rou cry. f your heart, has a tender spot this play will reach it Seat on sale at Harrison's Pharmacy. Curtain will be held' until: 9 p. nou benefit' of ; the people, .that would be with them. Mn Kitchin requested : me to put the statement in writing and sign it, which l did. Alter l had signed it, Mr. Kitchin pre dicted that. I would be off the ticket before sunset. In - reply to him, I said never while the sun shines. Now these are the conditions to me on .the 13th day of Decern- GENERAL MERGHANDTES : ANT) upon wnicn i agreed to come ort ber, 1905 by H . B. Bulluck, of the Independent ticket; and I am record in the office of the Regis- willmg for all true thinking peo- ter of Deeds for Halifax County, Geo. B. Gurtis & Company, pie to decide for themselves who has been misrepresented or slan dered; : .Yours truly. ,S. D. Bradley. The Wonderful Soil. While Wall Street throws itself mto ;. spasms, fihance becomes disrupted, banks totter, mills close and railroads go into receivers' hands, the green old earth proceeds plaid ly about her settled mission of supplying things to eat to troubled human- road, , thence South FARMERS' SUPPLIES. o4gents for the well known Hack-; ney Wagons and Carts, Isaac A.. Sheppard and Richmond: ( Stove Company's, New Home Sewing Machines none better, x :-: x County of Halifax, and State of North Carolina, to wit: Begin- Just rcceived Grload Land PlaSr fr PeannFfi. Swamp, J. J.' Draper's Corner, thence North 2 degrees East 220 poles to a pine on the county 84 degrees m ; dook in r at pages vol. to which reference is made I shall on the 9th day of January, 1909, sell to the highest bidder r for cash af public auction in the Town of Enfield: the following described tract or parcel of land, lying, being, and situate in the I I ity. The common soil is; the West 50 poles to center of two most wonderful asset that this persimmon and four pines, thence country has. It knows no panics, South 2 degrees. West 184 poles week, in its Tuesday edition hss grossly , libeled the United States is troubled by, no scares, main- to a willow oak on swamp and i h fatWfno" ' a . las does this President, who tains no relations with manipula- thence down' said -Breaches "Mr. Roosevelt 'is mistaken, besmirches ' Congress, bulldozes tion and jobbery. And ; dunng bwamp to tne oeginning, and tt rnnnr: tmi77.iA th WnrM '' judges, assails the integrity of the last nscal year it yielded : to containing sixty (bU) acres more "While no amount of C billings! courts, slanders private citizens, the nation,, directly and mdirect- ftate on his part can alter our and who has shown himself the ly; new wealth valued at no less determination to treat him with most reckless, unscrupulous dem- than $7,778,uou,ouo. judicial impartially and : scrupu. agague whom the American peo- Ihis magnificent result is the lous fairness,; we repeat, what pie ' ever- trusted with great more remarkable in that it came we have already, said, that the power and authority, . : at the end ota period of unusual Congress of the United ' States i: we say this not in anger, but depression. It was in no r sense should make a thorough investi- n sincere sorrow. The World an accident. Secretary Wilson's 1 , ' . t... . la "'' m .'1' i ' " ' j t t . Y 1' it l I gation of ; the whole Panama &as lmmeasuraoiy more respect report snows tnat tne wonaeriui , transaction, that the full truth I for the office of .President of the growth in the value 01 the the American 1 United States than Theodore country's farm products has pro- Roosevelt has ever shown during ceeded steadily for a decade. , If the years in which he has main- this value is represented by the -may be known to .people. -((.."Tne eWorld fully appreciates the compliment paid to it by Mr. . Roosevelt in making it the sub juct of a special message to the Congress of the United States. The world likewise appre- . dates .' the 1 importance of Mr. Roosevelt's statement when he declares to Congress that ; the proprietor of the World ; should be prosecuted for libel: by the governmental K authorities, and that' the Attorney-General has under consideration . the form under which the proceedings against Mr. Pulitzer ' shall ; be brought." ' : "This is the first time a Presi dent ever asserted the doctrine of Jese majeste, or proposed, , in the absence of specific legislation the criminal prosecution ? by the government of citizens who criticized ; the "conduct of the or less. Time of sale, 1:15 o'clock; place of sale, in front of post office, This the 8th day of December, 1908. J. C. Branch. Trustee, R. C. Duun. Attorney. Ladies' Furnishings, j The Foundation of FORT U N E. I tained a reign of terror and vili fied the honor and Honesty of both public officials and private citizens who opposed . his policies or thwarted him in his purpose, "So far as the Wprld is. con cerned its proprietor may go to jail, if. Mr. Roosevelt succeeds, "as he threatens; but even in jail, The World will not cease to be a fearless champion of free speech, a free press and a free people' t Mr; Bradley Replies to Mr. . Kitchin. index finger 100 in 1899, it would be represented by 125 in 1903, by 143 in 1906, and 165 in. 1908. This means an increase by two- thirds in the course of nine years, an increase represented by over $3,000,000,000. Some of the individual figures are staggering -2,643,000,000 bushels of corn, hay worth $621,000,000, dairy products valued at nearly; $800, 000,000, animal products . of - all sorts; to the amount of nearly $3,000,000,000. This was , the work of one year. The secretary says that in . the last , ten years Hobgood, ICC.'. Dec. 9. Mr.. Editor:.. '-. - V - - Will you please allow'me spdee in your paper to state the facts in the controversy, between Mr. Kitchin and myself? v . Mr. Kitchin said in his reply to We have recently opened ' a Ladies' up-to-date Furnishing Store. From now we'll keep a large line of ladies' ; readyTto- wear goods, such as tailor made suits for ladies, misses, . and children, and a full line of silk, wool, and cotton; underwear. uur suits were oougnt . late m the season and continue to come from , fourteen ; manufacturers twice and three times a week. Leading colors are blue, brown,- London smoke, green, -garnet, and striped covert cloth in all shades, as well as blacks; ;The regular $18 to $30 suits now $10 to 20 We! have suits I 000, It is no more" courtesy of :; the stumF,that has , dubbed : the far merthe baclcbone of American prosperity. " Men - whose ; labors latest silk and satin lined. Our ladies tell us the material in these suits cost" more than what we are selling them for. We have all . the leading colors and styles of ladies, misses,, arid The habit of saving, formed early in life, is the foundation of many a fortune. Thrifty people patronize the savings bank and prosper. The Department of savings is a special feature with this old bank. , It has . many large deposits; It has many small deposits, and all draw the same rate of interest, 4 per cent.. Do not postpone the opening of a savings account simply because of the: smallness of your first deposit. All things, you know,', must have their beginning. This strong- bank is at . your service; government or the conduct' of my former article, "that he desir- yieW ir times' the wealth taken . ... , A individuals who may have had fed the truth established, and let from the mines an the oil-fields ro 4nphiniiir f. uxL i kt Dusmess dealings with the gov . emment. Neither the King of Great Britain nor the German Emperor would venture to . arro- . gate such power to himself.' John Adam's attempt to enforce the - sedition r law destroyed the Federalist party in America. ' Yet Mr; Roosevelt, in the absence of law, officially proposes to use all the t ower of the govern ment to cripple the freedom . of the pres3 on the pretext that the government itself libeleJ and . he is ment! . "It is true that - the World printed the public ' reports con cerning tha I'anama Canal affair, which ' resulted from William Cromwell's appeal to the District all true thinking people, decide the matter for themselves; Now Mr. l-ditor. if Mr. Kitchin sincerely desires the truth estab lished, why did he not state the facts as they are in full? He knows the whole truth the matter, because he had my signed statement, and he knows what he said to the voters in Scotland Neck on the day of the election. Instead of doing this, he per- sued the course of a brave man, has ' been and said, Bradley and his authori se govern- ty seek to misreDresent him. Now I want to tell Mr. Kitchin that it -was not my purpose to misrepresent, or injure him in any : way, I : simply wanted to let the people know that I was not acting the hypocrit. Attorney's office ' during-the In as much as he (Mr: Kitchin) xecent campaign to prevent the failed to slate the facts in full I publication of a story which wa3 ' shall endeavor to give them together, who furnish a third I' of all raw. materials used in1 all industries, and who feed so large a part of the human race, deserve almost any adjectives.; That the power of this country to support population is practically unlimited is not the least significant testi mony of these-amazing figures. -Richmond Times-Dispatch; Where Bullets Flew. David Parker. , of Fayette. N, Y. , a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg. says:.' lhe good ilectnc-Bitters have done is worth more . than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. , 1 then tried Electric Bitters, and they cured me, I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well."; 50c' at W. E. Beavans' drug store. - . to $17.50.' our customers say we beat the city prices. . Spiers Bros, ,Weldon, N. C. of Enfield ENFIELD, N., C. yWrtL 1 1 1 9 TmkT'nfSrtt1Thi OFTHEMGIil will have no terrors for vou if vou keen a biax of i2ii's Croup and Pneumonia Salve in the house. Croup relieved in 15 minutes. Pneu monia, Bronchitis, etc. cured in 6 to 8 hours.thc only remedy that provides strong external stimu lation and stimulating vapors for the bronchial tubes, nose and throat, at the same time. Delay is dangerous; have a box ready in the house. 25c. 50c and $1.00 JARS. AT. DRUG STORES OR BY MAIL. VICK'S FAMILY REMEDIES CO, ' 'CHIXNSnonO. K. C

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