I r.NANSVU.LE, N, C. .J , c yf r". CO'"t , I'or r !or a f a ot trim' c .it. J oe r i i- rr of 1 .t.uoke I" pid& i;.- Jui'-e ro slier iJ onf oi.-" or -nii' '3 of f o "y and this i firs'- e ,villa as. i ' "S Judo ' term. ' nmerland , is foreman e f a 1 Jury for", the term: ' e Parker delivered an. Inter 3 una forceful charge to the y. He gave a resume of , the oiical orin of the grand Jury , r bat!c to the old Saxon laws -te owe to England 'the of a great underlying prin- that insures personal liberty i.iy. Juue P'arkcf emphasized ' the , pose of the grand jury as being wo-fold. To bring the criminal to v itice and to protect the citizens f the state. "You are a separate .1 independent body acting apirt this court, and it la your duty . v v-ntoot thp freedom Of Me CU-I' ' a of the state." The Grand!' y,lq J I OUIK ! '. 1 11 UCau vi v. ri'es ana no i , . . t i, i ion of this w L . rulu'gs 111 , . exoLptbyi 10"" connection with the tobacco and "The safety, good order and M(J to jec,; ot- .i.ity of the county depends on committeemeft for 'the, com l ,j faithful, fearlesness and jnunltie. NoOcea will be mailed m- 3 of the grand Jury," the , un-out, to all farmers, in theoounty f.i ful member of the grand Judy Saturday1, 'J, ; '.'(' . merits tli comtempt of the citizen- " Meetings will be held at the ship of the county. --.."' 5 lowing placed: Beulaville; Chinqua mip 3 - ' ,.'r.in WniiflPP. Rtw Hill. Maenolia. TSricflv Judr 3 ParKr '-dennea crime as; that v hich mischievlous- ly affects the property and rights of otheri, that whi. h brings disor r, tbiA wiiiLh i.icourages 'im moraUty, and uuf i lhfulness of the officers 'cf the t mnty or steto. General i' 'motions were given on finding a true 1- '1. " i - ' i'Decial tn,," "Is, was laid upon the re;," of the c-' was i . y r f Ue guardians ,, s rnJ the grand Jury ' i invi utigate every in tl" county, "and Di.mu.ujr 3 t'', Uiny c ; fi'te i ttie tcne"b ' thereof, j , . . . !s have developed in the " 'i li t it guardian have a to the trust it is your been fin duty to see tt t'irse are 'being carried on v Juiije I jury to study , tion and soe 1' operated w.'.ii.i er must be at, irid the bu i i over 25 miles 1 'as made to V. !i the f.f.hwn 'i a l:fe ev-y ,'irollna, and operty is to the law. 1 to the i IjUS qucs y vi 're being t e 1 ie driv a old driven iprein t 13 t . I ! ill s til rs ' ,u i".-"s ! oi 3 i'l North ;!,! () worm . of J every 21 .nurs in the s' e. The 1'iry was .niArueted to iu . t'Erate the V-os'c he g done by e Just:, icfl i i.i t' " f mm ty as requi'cd by 1 m, to inspect . , m.lilir buililu . If" r rf r ' e county, l"sc 1 mue f',r t ,e o d the depot pt pi." he moneys i j'e end that r :' 1. !d on all p' pppi'rities Jm e Tnil t I 1 1 Ht e i y foui.d b1 the t i r i a r " 1 ui t ' ia t!ie , e is . -t i Ti ' ! I tubers naniea.ror i Red Cross Chapter , , , , - , . .p , . a- Officers of the Duplin.,,, County chapter of th Americanized Cross have , been' chosen,, for,.. the,t New Year, as follows: , .. -j i I'.s. Henry L, Stevens, Sr, hon oiiry chairman;- J...E: Jerrltt, chairman; 'Mrs.' Ion'-aad' Boney, vUe-chtt-man; 1,' J. ', .Bowman, traf surer;' Mrs,., Harvey., . Boney, secretary. -y,.',. f,rr-,-"." Committee .chairmen '.arpi Mrs, J.r- S. "Westbrook; publicity; Mrs. Norwoor ' St. Boney,1" Junior f Red Cross and roll caflT. Dr., Guy V,V.' Gooding, first aid; Dr4 C. H. prblte produbtion; Mrs. J." P. Robinson,' j. ' r-tnistrator Mrs. 'Owa Fussctf, Elsa Farrioi'.-R, i3 Homo l j , w tristrufcior'. " ; Tue' new, national "' officers tn- clufi Franklin tf. Roosevelt Pres ident! Charles Evans Hugesji vice-president,- Herbert , Hoover,: J'vlcej president, James Crawford Biggs, (a. North Cjto linian, counselor; T. Jefferson- 'Cooltdge, '.treasurer; Mabel T, Boardman, secretary. ' 'National executive officers" nro: Jah.es t,:'"Fiesdlrr,Hrnest-'P.t-Blclt-nelt, and ' James J KL - McClintoelt, vice-ctlairracn. , . , Cottbrfand tobacco : 'H.i " -' , 0! i - , Vn- ..3 i re, , i . '.',-! county. " Aeat clendon.an- ' muuiiwi w-J - ' .- I meeungs- win u u uiiuuBuuu. ' "'Lxl - n : n Warsaw, Fais6n, ' Maysville, ,B. F. Grady, Keoanhville Outlaw's rtt ge and Oak Grove...' . , . v , Mr: McLendon says that It is his hope that every farmer in their re : anor.tlvA nmmiinlHAH will attend i these1 Meetings. - r i, BculavilleSchbol Now'vUle.lwt Thursday and teft - the Has Adequate Water Beulaville 'strhool at l'pst has-a water -pump Sufficient. to -fupply the needs.; County Hupermieiiutsin .omnloted on ' the t" i Tnotnn tnrhine installation of; a' Johnston, turbine t . ...mn n h n . thai lias a capacity of 40 gallons 10 uw unu - ntR. rne. JonnsuHi.Kuuuj' m highly mechanized and the latest thing in modern pump equiymtiut. - Installation W - the pump "was Commenced about fchree months a. go when the contract was let to T W. Calllhan, or vwummgwm. Tho cost was $450 for digging the well and 5750 for the pump, ;a A plan for the organization of Eastern- North Carolina Truck Grower's Association beganv f to take shape Wednesday at the of fices Of the Coldnboro Chamber of Commeree."'i Representatives from all sections of Eastern Carolina and from-the Southern Division of the Railway Express s Company were to complete the final shaping of the policies Of the -organization. gprretarV W. C. Penmark out- j v.ith" the lined in his address now 10cm u i iv, .n f ir fn chants and business men sought to Liuaie a Uiouur iiiuiin-v - , try produce and- more especially tal grown by the average truck f, mers throughout this vsecUon. Ti roopp'it'fn with" officials from , , " p i. . coi 'panii"3, ii ., ni Ky; .-rime it ,h i und co.nity agents it was t ilu v uu 1 ba fiiii: 'TOMMY'; TOLDV... THIS . ONE ' Mr. Tommy Gresham of War-' saw, was in a great hurry to get to Kenansville in tlm for court' ' 1(18 1 Monday. He arrived a little late' nnd with his face' sv little, red, and: his coming thus, at- , tracted some attention; .On In; quiring, it was learned that . it ' got so cold in Warsaw Sundajr ' night that the gas froze' in Tom my's gai,tunk and he , bad : to thaw lt.oiit before he could get his car to run. ' " ' ' .. , , Weekly Meeting i Tie iienahsvilie-Warsaw Rotary Cluh held Its regular' weekly meetr Ing Tuesday might at Wti' Plac(S at Weaver'a-Bridg& f'The''- grmiiJ, with their wives, enjoyed an oyster roast served at, the new establish ,meat.t.' V!"'i,'-'l ,'i"' ''. '-"! FiiidfMi1ii;WaUace Woman UhcbnscioUs; i Death FpuiicKIs IBeiiiglmvestigated JL totaf'6f lMXfi,' . 4 , i,- Last ;year the "Bsulaville school ;'pd ttf50xl-ft..gyrnnnsiumaw.ew1tt?ma-cei-offi!-eM &tZ n. r ncre tract for playground, Almo3t 1000 pupils are In attend ance at we tseuiavme , "y'. v?Hlch includes the Potters Hill school Just five miles away. J. M. Hardy is principle of the ' school and has under him 25 teachers not Including tha agrieultural,t ,,t home economics: and music. teacher.: The Beulaville -ranks as one. of . the largest rur'a schools in the world.. - . " . 'o i i , Kenansville Shivering ; At 14 Above ; s . ' ''ntAA tnr&ottioi ottAotteri Kenana- Yi w"" " , , nebDla shiverlntr and thinking that it must be the bottom. But Sunday saw th6 second visit. o Old Man Winter and- thdsl' time he knocked the Mercury for a Maker in the second round to the tune of 14 abbve Zera That ls the record reaching? down this winter and we hope that the record stands for Jhe . -- -- --, , Tuesday a fire broke out at the Sarecta Negro .School and burnpd off abouft half ttha rodf, however,, thov continued to carry , on - the worii.. w """sii"-? at about ?100., Bupi. eowrnaa Baiu, and was fully covered by insuranco. any "town- from 30 to 60 days prior to shipping date and could contact the dealers and sell his produce direct Instead of through; aibroker.fn thte matter .the expen, ee of brokerage and the low" prices caused quite Often by - a glutted market would: be eliminated. There will be no surplus pf produce v on any 6n market lesulting in it be ing 'dumped. ' , I'-' 1 The local nrokersr wiu ne to an advantage in .being able to make drop shipment of the proauce au Sf TJ" tern of shipping carload lots to a ... i-jk Yj.. distributing point' and from . there reshipping in small lota to ,- , the smaller" towns would be eliminate ed. Drop shipments can be made" direct from the producer instead of voing through a lnr&e - broker in. i.vXork, Daltlmoie, Boston etc: In ether words the new set-up will .tlclc d'TPCt -Bcrvu o nnw pro- lne'.idi.r ud consumer i i uiu uuc ! tomfprniP(!ry. It ii. h"1" 1, J'r. Mot n . i, t' ,t : 1 1 I ' m v 11 i , t in a ulir mn, t i r Dup ( i, ! 1 i- I""'5 Wm, Jc Ii, Penney '. : Laid To Rest Here r William Joseph Penney,- son of Mr. aad t Mrs. E. R. Penney of Kenansville died at his home here Friday morning, January 25, ' at 8:25. He shad been lit bad health since Christmas, but returnee uto college after the holidays hoping to regain his. health and, parry on his Work there. On Friday, January 18th he, returned hoihe to be with bis parents here and one week lat er answered the call jto Home Over There. 4V"W'f ?fa ' - i Joe Penney ; was 'jprn in Wake County near ;Apex,.i(JAugust 8th, 19JT and has, flince-lived in War saw, and,Kenansville.He graduat ed ?with sflrst- honor from "the Kenansville .,; High t School last spring, ' and. entered Wake Forest College, last fall to propare himself for the medical: profession. He had endaared- hlmsef to llhe hearts of the people of Wake forest that he bad been chosen as tscout master of one of the 2 Boy Scout Troops there, Joa had always been a great worker iif the Boy. Scout move ment. He first Joined, the Warsaw Troop and later moving to Kanans viHe became -one .- of j the charter meiAbera of the All gtar Troop of Duplin County, Troop 50 of Kenans ' - (Continued' Oo Back Page)' ' ; 'i As far, as can be. learned there has .been no ; new "developments at the time ef iwritinar Jn. ths Brad- still seeking to learn through fing- erprints the-Identity of the person or persons impUcatedjJta' (he birth of a baby found In fthe garage where Miss Winnie Bradshaw, 62, was' discovered in an unconcious condition Sunday ''after1: she . had been missing from .. bar room in Wallace for five days. '( " -"fi Miss Bradshaw left i her ' room Tuesday, January 22, at 7:30 p. m. and, did not return for.he night. It was presumed, (jhat she was spend ing; the - night with neighbors as she was accustomed to do.; About noon on the" following day she had i not shown up and the family- of her uncle, J. .RJ Baines with whom she lived, gave out the alarm and. began searching for her. i s " "Wallace officers were called and thei sheriff's office in jK.enansvuie notified.-" It .was the .opinion of members of the famiy that she had been kidnapped.' She was discover ed in an unconcious condition Sun day about , 2 o'plock ", by Jlnmy Foyl,es."" gh' was f oupd hchlnd. a feed box' lying, against the wall in an' outbuilding behind, the home of Lukjt -Boney ill Wallace; The ropm, in which .she .was lying 'wasj-eper ated'by ft-.petition and bejmid. the petition was found a fully, devolop ed T)aby '.weighing about : geven pounds. ,s A .1 A'cotoners Jury returned a verdict?-after SitUng several hours On the. Case, that the babycame to its death from exposure. s The birth was declared to have beeh,. a normal bne. . ' ' J. f ' .- Bo Bowden" Dorsey. k assistant warden and .fingerprint expert of the Central Prison , in c. Raleigh, found, the body of the child, wrap pedin an older childs'coat. The in fant anneared to weigh six or sev en pounds, he said. It had a scar JU forehead. It appeared to be fully developedv, In the, room which is at the-fear of -tho garage", were also found some j women's clothes smeared with, blood, and ' shoes which were indentifled as belong ing to Miss Bradshaw., who was barefooted wljen she was discover ed Sunday afternoorii, ' ; Frcm a bottle of disinfectant m . b d from theieadpost' SSiffi Nd in the Cap- i. 21. in -, ; j.uAKiu.r , Vw - . , j a which he- expoefs to comparef with prints taken bv Sherriff D. S. Wil liamson of DuplW County. Witnesses were questioned 8tthe taring by Solicitor. J. A., Pqwers, of Kinsto who is attending Super inr .Court at Kenansville this week, Amone-.. tbem; in addition to Cap- L tain Dorsey, were Graham Pope and O. C. Blancltard. .They were members of one ' of 'the Mparties which have been searching,' for Mini Bradshaw, and testified only to 1- -ivinf? been called to the build (r..ii":i.ued On Ea (. ! 'T')V' Duplin. Federal- Howsin ;; T o Get Started; G0nisnittee;:-aCfeeCtp3 Here Monday; ::&lBtoM MOM N POP CLUB MEETS MONDAY- - An Old Time . Candy Pulling, that Is exactly what we are planning to have on the pro gram next Monday night at the Mom Si Pop' Club : Meeting. Som9 Items of - business' win be: ' attended to and a inspirational will be given' by a prominent speaker of the county. His sub ject being "Youth and how they are thinking today" . ' The Mooting opens at 8:00 and closes at 10:00. Songs, and a good ' get-together handshake , will start things out. ' The last hour will be given to candy pull ing and games. Ail parents and lovers of children are Invited , to attend. Monday Feb. 4th at Community Building in Kenans ville, , . . o r-, -. ;. France and Italy reach full ac cord; Reich annoyed. 0f Infant Boy. Scouts Again Active InKenansville ... ,.; . . ' 0' ' 4" tho nnv Srcut work over Dup- Un County was discussed at the L ,ar meetinK of the Warsaw- i ansvme n0ts Kenansville Rotary Club iast Tues- day night and the sponsorship of tho . Troop 50 of Kenansville was ordered. Troop 50 has been in existance for two years and dur-J., lue that time has produced a mod el Troop of All Stars. Of the eight i : i v... ' in an IT.no-lp ' Sccut Three others are Life Scouts uic T -17 nf th requirements. Four members of the! .1 . .V.a nil n'aaanil tVlrt Rlari old Troop will be reregiaterea ana nine new members. The old mem- bers are as follows: Joe Penney, deceased, vturwood Murray, Beecher Sitterson and J. O. Bow man, -Jr. The new. members are: tt 'nn .- l-lif FttI ' A lrlHo-n "3; wrrn0M Dobson Ees Se?nJr! SwaTd Svkes. Fountain Taylor,. Buddie WiUiamson and J. M, Kennedy, Jr. The old .troop cominittee was re tained with addition of two new members. The Troop Committee now is: J. E. Jerritt J. Q, Bow man, C. F,. Qutnn, R. C Wells and F Wi Mcgowan.L This committee held a meeting following the meet ing' of the Rotary Cluh and elect ed Rev. F. L. Goodman , as Scout master and Mr; C. H. McSwain as Assistant Scoutmaster. The- Com- mittee is calling for a niass meet- ing in the court house next Friday evening at which time the commit- tee will give instructions tq the of- Dry Leaders Send Petition To County's Assembly Delegates V -' During the past week, Senator f'D.'Johnson and Representative R. LI Carr who are representmg raajoritjfr;aney seerajjip.'viui. iu Duplin County in vfhe legislature put our tate andjieople te.the e in Raleigh, received a . petition pease .another elcJoa Just ito signed by a large number of the dry voters of KenansviUe asking them to continue-the fight against j tho repeal ef. any o the present 11 quor taws, ana urging mem uim some action to take to Insure en forcement -of . the present- ; laws, w, want liquor kept ,ouUof our autus. , - -, This is lust a befirinmns. ana it-isi iroi. ir uio vomia wi . ,., .,. i hoped thV. Jeople all oVer''. the who care whether r not gt the ff V wpresentaUvea ,n,th? legis coS and steRho are interest- way of pur wayWard sister' states. Wture-Cftn bejpreVailed upon to.. , rdZne ot the stateil -UI SSZ let our repreauuLituveii tvuuyv, uut . -v . --,:'and by jJe Hme.thmext jegmia-,, It seems almost incredible,' said turacomes around,, out people a prominent Duplin citien. that men who have been sent to Raleigh to carry out th3 will of the people woud introduce a measure into legislature asking that the people " insect., umjrM ? . ..- By L. i-.McUmoi'H " County Farm Agent isli Lint week the TIMES gave ypu a ntnrv :in i'Snmtrff'i'" t'aatflrtff 'by Mr. McLendon. THiS-VeeTr'thd 'afL ticlo deals with means oi? 'control ling tobacco bed insects. This. ar ticle is very timely and farmers in Duplin should read it tajefpy directions ror i;oniroiiiiig iul:(i r On Tobacco Beds the canvass on a tobacco bed it 'the Federal Housing Admm.str - . is a'groat harboring place for aU i.tion. Mr, alphrE, Hallock ot the On account or.tas warmtn uroier kinds of insects, some of which are injurious to the small t'doacco plants ' The tobacco bed tnat is not in sect proof is very warm during cold days underneath thecanysftji; although there maybe large cjacS, or holes around tbe logs surroun ding the bed. This makes an ideal place for insects to collect and protect themselves rqm:the , cold, i Most of these insects, jode,. by laying eggs in or upon the soil which, hatch into grubs that live for a certain time in the soil, getting- their food from., the roota of plants growing In the soil, parti cularly is this true of the tobacco flee biiEr. Oftentimes farmers get a good! stand of tobacco plants' and while" very smnll they dissappear. ft 'A . great many instances mis is una- sed by the grub of the adult insect will be present to discuss the pro seen under the canvass eating the jject One has .been nrg-niby. tbs -r:- Si roots of the mall tobacco' plants. Astieville offices..- , ui . k ,-j...ift U i REMEDY To prevent this distribute evenly over 100 square yarda of tobacco bt&fit to 2 pounds of :Napthaten or moth balls finely pulyerieij. This will not injure the plants but will drive away the adult insects and kill the small grubs in the soil -OTVian thnco ttrn YYtatarinlfl PVftTlfl. lrate tne fume being hea,vier tnan penctrate th8 gQU and in. w,s manner kill grub3. The-a-; feove materlal3 may be secured d , or direct from manuiacturera. . , o . "Z STZ.ZZ t xrTtZZ ent of the Beulaville School an- school would be closed for the week be cause of the presence of Flu in the community. It was feared that large number of the student body would be kept away this week' by sickness. Beulaville is the 'largest sch001 ln Dutlin county having a Iut 1000 pupils in attendance fleers and scouts as to what they can expect from the committe'e and what will be expected of the organization and plead for the co operation of the parents and friends in the putting across , of this program. Scout . Executive Pennington will be invited to M present and have a part of the pro gram. The public and especially all scouts and parents of scouts are urged to be present. It is honed that . Troop ' 40 ot Warsaw will be revived in the near future and R0ary Club is working that end. - -vote cn what tiey plain stated in- 1933 was Aheir desire by 180,000 dring bear testimony to the ,fU the states which now- have hquor '.ttln. Hir1 nf.. It and .vWili soon be seekinit some sort ot con- J" - - i nave learned the oondltioa teat exists in other 'states . and win thank God that We stood fireri.'For the Sake of th coming generations itlons' you just can't -afford to' quit' 'get -their narte Before the public,-""""-' .","," lor toget aquor where." they anjea. TMrt rtaeuner our it at will.- Those who kiioWl' , i; " " jngi net' tier e: yedne'sday t',"', 'Appoints Advisory ; : u ... . T5Bej4staJ tttcfipt Hie chaifmaii- shif-lh4 0uvra4tyhm f-" J " Asnevme pi;jji'yf Jrt"'","v ,s 1 ' eatfirdliy and, . jqu.eated, otttJ,r. j jernu mi no auLupt "ii"" sibiUtv and Mr. Jernit agreed. Mr:-Jerfltt Uas aWfiinted a com- .ccmmlMt.ana ItdsllflV.'ia meei. -' ji ' i 4-v. v -Aiift ' hmiao nt j Kenansville for the purpose of set tine a date' for a county-wide mass t Mr-.. JfiTrttt ip tyety enhU8iati'-1 over thCi .pEOgpefits- fdip&tt ceunty. i and is' going to .urge everyone who own homes to make an effort, to t Ao dnte-'r'epairin'fei,a1iff TffSh5d'eIjng ' lnidntha-t-fr't!ofeJ "". ' Last week4ei;-?PIMfiS -crrid '- a news story on the proposed pro- gam for .DupUtyvV nfeetffig to be'cajlc: 'KnlleVl. soon it iA. hoped Mtet a rprMenUtive, c& thft... cbmtffttilie ' apointedbjrj jr,. , isVepesentaiive"'of The en-' tire county'and every member 13 urged to attend tea meeting Mon da'jHttfr 'exfet ' mm ' -of -"jneetinif . ' will be MnwinfieiS iiyHnem. through . letted Those ;::6h me cbifiinitte'e are- , ' '' ' " Aubrey Harrell,. Wallace; Hugh Wells, TeapheH;.)C. G. Murray(Rosf" Hill; L. Pale,, .Magnolia; ..J.-- W' T'homj: soiri, arsaw; , red Baattki..-. Bowden'; JcVhn'ie,iJri.tton,CaJypr' , so; Pete 'DaVis, Beaitaftkvs;n14ar-. . vin -Simmons,' Outlaw's Brjdgei.Rv , S. Grady, and Thad Kornegay.'B? F- Grady; -C. S. Thomas, -"Sasectar : t J. .Sandlln..4and L 'N Millci'!"- Beaoiavilla, J. , L.. Quinjn, Chinqua plni'Carl Smith. HaUsyille;. JP. T. Fouhtain, Fountain's Store; 4., 11. Rose, Wallace; Dr! J. b. Sobiijson, , Wallace; Mrs. HarVeyB6ney",Rosc. Hill; L. L. MtLendon',:"K&ansvlile; Mrs.,T. . M.) Froertian', KettarisrvTllt?;' ' Pr. WWtWo Kenansville; Benato? ' Rlve.,(flahiWCn,oiWarsaW(. tt)r. sVrtjugham, Pife WJJllams- and Dr: Farrior.'of Warsaw-j Dr-.Bil Cari - ;;and.jphlaV,c-.,Hill; Ear. . MOrton, of FaisouL vpr. tuinn. . Magnolia j1 ''fors-" , WUIlans,'t Powers and-wysong, Waue,Ir. Kfne,dy .t nf Rpiilavillf .,-TlrVtariAen. Chin ... quapin, Dr. Gooding, KenarTsViflG f C. W. Surrat -WWasWi Mrsj-iO.;P. Hininan, afld Jghn,M.PiercfV War 'kaw ;"R M? Browder, Wallace ;l.-K. : Hagoos, CHihquabin;"N. H., Carter,,. i ; Wallace, " Mrs." " C. H. McSwaui, . Kenansville .L and Weorgc. vloyd,. .. Mrsk Boney, PIea4a,, .. For Feefcle Minded ,- - -. " -; r t i ThefSuperih.Wndsnt of. Public Welfarer in North CarpUni 5ebe- -ooming-rvery: ! hiuch Interested., in asking- the Stat6 Legislature -to en large VCaswell .'.''frainmg " .jjohqpl. Statistics recently ; gathered c ehojv hat,t;i50 cases jn fifty- cqunties. ftre'-urgentiy. f 1ft need yof.inatyj;u- , Uonal care:-In Duplin County alone, ;. we--hare -found sixty, "children andi. Tn' e"- " f "J. 'f?"- 1-'", y'v- iu"H " "v Vs- Lenden ?- i focba .mPdc4. i 7- , ,, j -j.-i i '.me C. Bonev - . . -r " f ' - ana? i5 . 7 W i"' 'f" rVlffl Owney Tt.'.'. jR'grSdyJcaused'yith,Pa''t-. . trevof, Mjiss' KafteHne PickersJ)tt. ra- Row.H la tejntv'ngAh fourth f fcisf f SfS ir.JI ll.-'.'- r . W t i , jii-y, ' J ( , . ose f w . U 1'. ;,,iiui';i IK" ' ., r- M . ,;u i ,. v.iaj.ii ...... I.. .. IK " in: -i f. :'''1 - 1 v i

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