y-A COUNTRY J. ' , DEVOT 2JD TO J: I EST'- OF T? t'Ci'-.i PF' -3. j ITiiEnvto coyfcRs DUBLIN JJKE a roof T. rULllSHED EVERY THUKSHAV FEBRUARY 21, IMS- JfJIZIBER 21- if -i 11 I 1 J I'M 1' "'I r wee f !1 d Gjr rofeps, Monc; tiut . f t nry ',f.,iHitiif . nnd "J; I of the Tobacoo. Section Of the' It . A . will address a mess ineetlng-l ; pMvftfg lntni6ttonal inethod aiid j prweoures win bT: lorwuraeu 10 the5 State ,' ' Ctirrictmim Bunding lirnittee WrftaleleK' In addition to'the program Sffittdy to Char'' dc!,tiT'jEducfttiHt.;)-,hich all the ,aoB5s of.;ihe'!Qiw.liave been tjw.urB auu ram- CiHf eren'cel Series Iqfttee wo-klti;QD..'le gathering together aK4.( 'yiaing of -. in structional fnateiiall all' aub jepts'ob both Elementitry and High Sohopl Curricul-'-' CALLING j to Emergency t POINTS IN -1 tooCTou lit y In aft emergent' and someone lias to ball a doctor quickly five ttflngii shpuld be 'born In mind for the doctor's, benefit. If be 1 jflven the propel Information before going on ilie scene of an accident first aid tsw be render 'ed much more quickly. , , " ;The Red. (Jross advises the ,fpibwings,-;, 4,-, 1. Who is callldg., ' . 2. location of accident. T 8.-Who is hurt, 'man, woman, child, age black, white, ', 4. Nature of Injury, cuts, ro-" ken ltaibs,'etc. ' f , , .m, ,,. ' WANTS TIMES : t AT AN PRICE te. college. . 7 . r AuditortnaI.CM ' .enanavjuet on f.rg shbal.bBaUed( about n meeting is ti outoowt :t).WHeay ,ftfflHoon for ithf thexiddle 6ifitowhr the pur-, meetings held in Washington MfeoHntldjplConferenqe.i V8'posa of more tally, Wnindlnk- out hich'the agHCUltUl-aJ adminl.sclurtyea rt-Wta.l80 thlal mm atHAv. hmmllffl nrafl Ma. I ..... J oo tn?EPilJ'T..i',.i'..::J 1-' . -.w ..rrrafy "i t of tobacco groWers-r;the dcV Prof eofial v Study . -tw . rvopfl ' ' . uWflnH ! . 1 .on lead by Governor Enri J duringrs.ch the subject 'of. i'or. by state Wvlsion i of iristruc last weett navmg yy acter EducaUon" througn tn puo- tin., Rprvipei fin,mtw ;Vy;prderei41d ' 1 too 'obi readers "' tike N the TIMES? Our circulation manat ger, R. S. Grady, received a let-! ter'frdrii a friend tjiis week after, having sent him n. sample copy , of the paper. The friend lives in another tote-, and .he ..wrote to Mr, Gardyj: Received a copy of the ' TIMES ' and tvas' certainly fthriUed to hear from my old home .county.' I dirfe "not know , such a paper, was being publish-. Ued in- Duplin. It brought back many id, memories tome. Am I on the sample list; If so please put: my,, name on the regular , list and send me buij- 1 don't vcare if It costs $5.wr per year 1 want the..JIMESi,'1 " , Another Dupllnlto in Washing ten City - received a copy Of the .TIMIJS sent him by a friend and -tiiemenuy asaumi. TATifr- scjnoojp. nas oeen unt-.-ynNwuf ieftthe ma 4feiljq.'tiifc t ei aETA crop, and tne commuiee icu "inent.thefce. This program ot rro-1 , jrj.- tjv ing 'inembertf-)f'm;friWtBW'a;(iari'''f . sUmulating IcreaUve Model lSUSSeS ' - visory committee seieciea 4a. work among the teaccers or -inej- insiaLing tnis .wefi1,waa w- chiay"wttine'view Ji Aonry io crop was desirable.-; SiS,,.'; , , pvr-iftApnnV' thj efficiency f- class Sinct;botBi groupsonargea, -tna,t l Poaim instruction ithhi theTschpols - The State SchooJ CtomissidnJbStt the uthar did notit represent thA0fttieTottntybut)ikewtte: with qtHte'-'recelitiy InSthict' climty true , sentiinent o tno .1 rowe.r9-We Mr to-the'buildlngi of theiSUpt. to dispose ''au7'ujscardd Kocretary. WaJlape,.whO.JKil bep,lrUlftttntemplatod,i,11w.,)Stsei , wldeiModel'"T" btiS6s7'elther 'atpnblic Aahviiia Eaturdy-,4eoiUed tocpTOelifcUi. st!adv. iCornmitttoes I'of'-fttfctiow nr thMtiA fMa.i!S Vnteikw; and e8:ifor,himlfi'am4-;HuWteWiertnd pindlpells hre ht w6rk bendlhg Upoh wh'lch p!& Is deeu-V Immediately wrot home for snn, wnoraiwiMiPU mic.vk-kh" -i coneenng mna"eonipiiing mi orvis -ea-xo ce eonausive or the ;tnost fall .at which- theiadyiBory'flommftrjio (at!eliateftrisng''"ottt"t)f, the' satisfactory1 reatllt'Supt. "Bowman tec was named, : will; lasBonjpansi. p)fet(skJn4e6nfeWnces dlscu Uthtts'thafan eff6k wfirbn made lira,. 1 f . ?' v j :smSf'awtoas- tnteWstint orfgij'firstto dispose fit this qVilpnient The meetirigi will be held ih the" inalproJefetS whteK h&Ve' iabveiopctil tlir6uglt'privftt4 sale,: bur that if Frank Thompson gymnaSliiniat'II tiy tMMbribmi': 'lchs.'3w cthi''saUB-(ia'toUie.wtt1i o'clock i the marning'.'.DtetailB febehectSiWRh',tbeif''especlb class 'the fPompt response frotn pros- wic ketydufe and-wHl"be Hii1 rftfert sittfa!tln Thfts -inTfaterfelifl'bective jpurjhasfira;'thell'b'usses will J iutcr?Watdfi'thS ipaWmSI't!: I!mmrf fa' the' hear future be of i 3 ioDithis tttmounoejpent.r,' nigeA by tUeveoiirsevofi study Pr,tffredrt public auction. , at j.ome inry "pi"iiace al "is je-1 ductipn-i!rttlej1'seyK..diflig-nated tlnte-ad'placetiiaitiis. uliiiii 'new riinjT3 to scnooi mstnets atter tne more ae- ide levvinsf theuH 53 1-9 per I th.pfftcie.crfiCountyvSuperinten t .pcnalfy pfirmwutdf-by 1 the 1 dent wbsraBwuwiU again i.be rr-Smith Act Instead of ... the 25 1 evaluated by a. central produjsttan,; Purpose Of Better Program Qiitliiied; By Jliitteb AtMassMeietinffHereMbhclay Pbwer'Line Project 4 To Washington City ' , , , o , . i P. E'- Shoulern, , agricultural teacher' at the B. F. Grady School has received word from the State Committee on Rural Electrification that the proposed line from Wea ver's Bridge through Smith's Township, and Outlaw's feridge communities has been approved by the' State committee and forward ed on to Washington City where It will receive consideration. ',;,.. : f V; .'-," O- i.. ;: " Russell Garner Badly Injured In Wreck Representative Sees Credit ExtensiQn Basis For Providuii? Property Improvements, Givinj? Employment to Labor and'.' -PutttnIdle ! Capful io Work, ; " ate people to' see to It that his name- was : put on . the regular maiUng list, ir; ri DEATHS .. o - " - MRS. EMMA CASTEEN Funpral services foTM". EmmoM Casteen were held at the grave in Chinquapin last Thursday after noon. The deceased was 51 years &ld. She died at her homo in Rose Hill ' On i' Wednesday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Mr .Booth. The deceased is survived by Mrs. Lee Maready, of Chinquapin, Wm. Casteen, age 16, Dn Kenan Cas teen, of Leasville; Ceyphus Casteen, Chinquapin; J. Wesley Casteen, South Carolina;, Mrs. Dora Batchelor, Burgaw; Mrs. Kinston and Mrs. As a result of a wreck in Beula ville last Thursday night Randolph Garner is in a Kinston hospital suffering a broken arm, injured chest and several bruises and lac-, erationa. j Garner was ridiner with his two hrnthers H. I. fiarner and Russell Mary Parker, Garner. They were headed towards Janle Yarboro,. of Pinetops. Kenansvllle, and according to re-1 o- , ports, a truck owned by H. U Ken-1 WILLIAM ALONZA BRANCH nedy was parked on the road with ' William Alonza Branch, age 76, no lights. Garner, approaching the ' died at his home in Calypso last truck was blinded, according to Friday. Funeral services were con his statement, by another truck , ducted at the home and burial parked on the other side of the I made In the Calypso ceinetary. He road with lights burning. In an ef-s survived by his wife and several Tnrt tn ml the tfiiKlr ho Was far.- Cniiaren. ing, end his car crashed into the rear of Kennedy's truck knocking w e i..w..neW ,hhh. - , on March 6th, to the isa crop w wu;..ir Irfifldlcton wUf go to, Wash r cpnt.,Vlvied last reason, ,.k and commjttoe Sujoh Biiaterial as aeem'u a atrineeht remilatiot to be Jof jaufficientiyaluotta Justifyj their imposed along with the proposed 1 selection will be carefully. comptl- . I 1' J 4.. i..Jl.thA,I.. increase jioasejacrege. . County Farm Agent , Miljendon is urging,.arerynfanneJr.inrDupUB County, who possibly jaa,n,i attend this speetlng.' . .r.t '' mil ... ,i i8 ' . ' I Faison NeVS.;;, ''"Mrs Marshail Wiliama was! the guest, of Aeson). Mr, Roland Wil liams of Dunp," several days o tlapt. week. " , ' ' " Miss' Sallie',HllI'was"a,ibuslJiasfl vlsitbr to Godsbdro Monday. ' ed and .edite4.nfQrrrt dlstrtbution among the entire tpacUingj.persqn nej, jp the County ..?! . desired. toiwposeof UiiV'lnckrive property-a early as jpossibM, that the proceeds of aama might-be agr iiKed :t() the. lmpnjvement I and ' eiv Jagemenit MS our ''transportation pmnLiTh State 1 Schdei Cohlmls: siaoidias agreed .that the proceeds fiwa the salei-of. .-these Model- "V busses may.- be expended - m tthis w-.'.,., '.4'1-v, , Mrfe. Middletoh Asked Bssell Unconscious and damaging I nie car cuiisiueruuiy. nu uiic vihu To Make Radio Talk Mrs.: JSenry Middleton,i)? aeutri tjonlsl; far pnpiiri.jftjhf6Ueen Invited to speak pyer. the - radiot as?? 'MrSrobert,KrRldrl4;'rif-'ldjae- .4s ihe gdeSt'iof v her ' parent .and M'rs.-T.- W. Smith.'1-" . 1 ton, Mr Mr. tad- Mrs: Koiigald' lffewVm V cniiaren J opic or ciuD Meet TThe 88116-84-88,11018.,. bB& 'Baij Club held, a very Jnterestingj.neet'" big tuesdaf night' KnMthe lbcar school cafeteria; The program was featured Ed Pflw'd C. H. White, tured by a ; talk, by ; Rptarlon Pflwell' of Wtfmuigiori. f nd Dri Tntnrert to'Ralfeitfh' SlindaV.'-11 I Mrs.-- Hilliard -'SosH" of 'Wlndtfln alem! is visiting "fcer parents Mr. andIMrs..A.'.WOaloesj.' ' W':J, . i Mr., and -Mrs. Frank -Tdylori of Gold8boro. were. taer; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Z.--A. -Gibson Sunday. ; Mrs.- Et -B. Lewis, ' Mrs. Dougald Newton" and' .'Mrs; . . Benjatnln Daughtry, guest of Mrs. Lewis, Motored to Goldsboro Monday , , The first pf, a series of stjidy Class- ia, th r Woijfisn's Auxiliary ,Mr. Powelitis..Jttt ich.argBivjit fthe Health !the -Rotarian Jake Ing; anaounded insrtoa City where, she will talk for fivifmfniites' on, her vegetable gar den. , ,.. ir' , 1 OfficersiyiakeRaid' . ..itfegrro Arrested DetfutieS Dale and Powell raided a bootleggers 6utfit near. Scott's Btdre . '..Monday, afternoon .... and saught-orife Negro, John Sbeelsat work running off a charge in a one barrel .capapjty, still, even barrels Of m'ash and - seven gallons of wbiskwfere confiscated. ( -'f Deputy': Dale,, maintaining his reputation asa runner, chased the Negro , through a briar. patch and a good, distance through the woods qerore ne. caugnt mm. uaie am not ELIZABETH PATIENCE . BLANTON Elizabeth Patience Blanton, wife of Edgar Foe Blanton, died at her. home in Magnolia lost Sat urday. She, was, buried h Sunday. edeceased wasearjiojd 1 was hurt. ELABORATE PROGRAM FOR . . . Vh GRADE COUNTY RALLY -'---? ;'T ; - .7. 7"T'"i'r', ' ' The County Superintendent 'an nounced April 5th as the date for observing the County wide Sev enth Grade Educational Rally. An elaborate program based on Char acter Education is being worked out for the occasion. We can't blame oin1 ' ancestors Too many luxuries may not be; for. everything for wnat we are; good for us. but who is to decide we. did a little of the damage our as to what too many are ? selves.. - : ,J - . ' Wie purpose of 4he- moderniza tion, and improvement -icampalgn,.: now being launched in Duplin ; County as p.art.ofi ,th.e National $ Better Housing Prngram, -. is to overCome ' the ,many iU,, effects of 5 years 'of -stagnation ih thb build ing industry, according to TMr. HallookcField':- representative of the - Government who' sptfke at a mass meeting held -hare 'Monday. "As the direct result of this vir tual collapse of -the building in dustry," Mr. Hallock went on to explain, "quite a large percentage of the structures in the county are greatly in need of repair. The same is-true,: of course-; throughout the country. Many properties have reached a point where it is hardly worth -making a'nyef for) to salvage theitu-Many a'r-e close to the "border line. Prompt action will arrest the obsolescence. Therefore; the Dup- uii iuuiuy nuuaing. urogram pre sents a very practical aspect. It is prompted by nothing short of necessity for it is not within the meaning of good judgment to al low these-prop'erty values to con- Itlnue to-depreciate. ' "There are, of course,'' Mr. Hal lock continued, "many other very good reafsons "why '"this' program should be carried forward.-'lt will dp much, to rehabilitate reai-estatc values in ,thig;;cjty.. and i-tt' will be enipSyrhdht ttndp putting more money Into circulation. Funds that ' " - j,wk3JU, yvruvmvaMV , I - . . . . ... . . , . " J ' - Alhert RniihR colored, died in his laie now-lying idle In the banks of home in Warsaw and was buried j the community will be drawn out this afternoon in the Warsaw ;and Pnf t0 work1 in- manner that colored cemetarv. Rouse was 54 1 could scarcely be. exceeded for years old. First Aid Training Progpyft sored by the. Atlantic qoastrytine Railroad. In a very, Jmpresslve manner Mr. Powell discussed !the value of First Aid Training among adults tn ;all walks' ttf- Uffe'. He pre sented a most remarkable compar ison as to the. number pfrfragedles pd).cap'uaties jfom .?jattroad Bar- yjee fturjmj .yje, .lewesT-a- as compared,, w,'ith; -fte,en ptrtwenty years ago, Detore . the - first aw let with Mrs? A-GibSostudy- yujrB oelore , . -Elaimifv -Thc-god Lifwifrl, J f IfPPchpd as aowt of .Gibson heading the study, J. Strottd; tg, pfUJreei-a: the A. C. L. Safety Program,., Th speaker gave five' points? that . tpent fasE we'ceVd With his should bp nown,ito,levlypB . in tMi ,.r . ' V"., time of an accident v or -tragedy Mi, HenrV'gVdVVWiUtam 14 Becomes necessary to caU;i i nlman hiotorAl -tn?,"Raleigh a doptpr .the. peippn, Railing; shpuid' pe't at'Wmlngton, Rotary Cfub bad invited members, of .this, club ft Wend wmt. wt Wlhh- sCT to waott to arma., He clatms cWi?.tb4,,.whsti to. ,:Jjtfa.a. fef arb m f v, rto rfaJiMn ni. nw;k n,kJt tbat fast feet are more to be de- ed the Hauptmann -tjriaijrtroUld be' reseat anftsj)eak. .,, j.y For the meeting, next week T;the (jiuD nopes to have apqigpne pres ent to discuss . and Penderlea project. i it .J'lK. it Exams Fo Post'r ,: -Master At Warsaw To Be Held Mar. J51ii ;, Civil service examination will 6e" held soon tor thd Ppst.-Offic r. according toianppunce.-, f 9- s.- ,y,m vby-fflrs.,Wils9iv. Post "t County and here. - ' " ." 29 .of Wayne Cou 4uva ;Y'i' ,'., near m mina ana give me, iQtiow- ibe-'-prope- Mnrtns mg inrormaiion to tne.qocior: IM- wttrrtnei be at Warsaw, tais week. Th examination' will Toe com- uiu au appiiujvuons .must cie guests in Rose Hill 'Monday,,.""5 P,ae talking) ( 2.). . : IftnnT.Inn nf . fhfl nffiHpnf fH,uirfn -ra. H. I. Rand(;iph,rs, J. n Mrs. Rdv Cates and Mrs.onitfii, cTuldW dge; (1 riatunc U Fais,5n were hostesses to the of Injury; (5 ) what(ls eingflone me Club Wednesday afternoon I fori"le f"0"'- ' ' , . o club room. -4 Following r, Powelrs talDr1. ; rs. I. hi Faison, chairman ol 1 JSIiUega . a most informative ric an Home. Gavri a most inJ 1 difiUijion .'outlining the health -g paper"' cn Inferior Decw I program, ds it is at present being- stressing particularly, Rugs carried on primarily throughjthe sanojots t the county. He gave a resume of the Health Department's findings with rdperence ttfthe more p.fidomirt;ant ontaloiis'and.; inv fectuous''die"ases more prevalent a-' moijg firt IJuplin. Copnyi popula-1 tioh 6.11'd discussed the latest pre ventative methods . in stamping out eachi of these more previtleht t ', . - Among "the 'dhiidren examined ' "tl. cbools,Dr. Wfiilc " 1, ', I h -,1,,,",in'j fact have Kf'4n ,i ' : 1 onn, C0; decpvel i ' '. ' ; ' 1 ' ..25"'i(V ( ' i . ! ' ' , . ) pm-i t; ' I ' 1 f 1 1 fy- t ,. S :.'. ri-'i !) 'urtams. Mrs.: James Thamas an interesting paper on 'l1- i r ' ' 1 ' ' ' Ismpd jfts fpriin, .MVs., . Crow. .- '' t . " : ' ' ' fl-Ml Williams made a ,Ung talk on Rome.' '.1 r rvcl , a .Jpft QpiJ. hid course. Beat Ford Under Two Bonds Charged Setting Store Afire George Hamer Named Scout Executive of Tuscarora Council sired than fife arms. Marriage Licenses ' The. following jnarrlage licenses have been, issued by Register Out- Jaw recently: v ,..- 11 '1 WHITE -0 Ai George Hamer, who is now as sistant editor of thje Alumni Re view of the University of North Carolina, was elected Scout .Exec utive of the Tuscarora' Council of Boy Scouts at a meeting of the executive committer held in Golds boro. last Friday night. Mr. Hamer taught school for four years before .Feb. 18, Willie Brock, 24,' and Docla Ezzell, 18, both of, Duplin. Uakjng the work at Carolina. He is ieo; io, uonam rtoweu, 20 ana rtir ftXfiPiitRrt nnrl: on. flic Commission 'in yvesVine-. ' ton Ciy bf close, , of business.- onjKmma Marcli rth.- - 1 ' V HSuplin. .,heidi Maty' Agnes Guy, 15, of Duplin. 1 Feb. 19, ' -James B. Chmmings, 35 and Elva Williams, 20, of pup- rorrtRFTt - . 15,,, Wi M. Dawson, (42 of Ttieima ttaynor, Wavne Countv. 1 , '-Feb., 15, E. ,C. Chestnutt, 31 of Duplin and Lottie. Carr, . 30, of ayria. , , . , , ; s , Feb. 16, Nathan Moore, .; 23, : and Jane Miller, 1 20, ' both of a graduate of the 'diversity of Carolina" with A. B.! degree. He is 26 years old, and is married and has one . .child. Originally he halls from South Carolina, and he and his family are. moving to Goldsboro immediately and will take up the work left vacant Bince the resig nation of W. E, : Pennington", who gave up this work , to take over the Pythian Orphanage at Clay ton. Duplin County scouters will "Beat" Ford, Albertson Town Ship woman, was placed under a $500 bond for appearance at the next term of court here and a $500 peace bond by Magistrate Sitter son in a hearing held here Monday evening on a charge of attempting to burn the store of M. B. Holt in Albertson. . Mrs. Ada Ford Smith, known as "Old. Beat Ford' of Duplin's most, unique, characters She' is about seventy years old and Uvea ih an old broken down house about -three miles frbm Kornegay's store on the -Seven 'Springs' roadi "Beat'f lives the life of a hermit, raising chickens, dogs, cattle,"etc. Her .attitude. towards people is not so good. Characteristic of the. old lady is a remark She made, in' the sheriffs office here Monday when she was telling about her, animals; "I lika animals' milch better than people, had rather have them' a round for they eaJVt talk and tell damn .lies Jike people ' do.'" The flow of. the English -language from her tongue is, unbeatable' when it practical value. "In my Qpinion, the NaUonal Housmgr Act Porgram, which makes it possible' for local banks and Other approve" 'rtaahqial in stitutions to laton'' on :extteamly reasonable terms ' ' 'for rieeded re pairs, and Jmpcovements isr one of the roundest (recovery measures' that hjs. eyei:. been .enacted. I am Sure everyone ,w(ll . welcome the campaign we are organising Jocal iy. , ' ' " . ' .. . ...... N ; . . - - .. , . -p-Oi. r. .-: ' . Delegation Attends Liquor -Hearing . Representative dry Dupiinites were, in Raleigh yesterday, in full force to attend the bearing before Senate Judiciary Committee No. 1 better on the -proposed Hill" liquor bill. A is one fjarge1 delegation If dm all sections of the county ' attended. , , . , - -A, 1 ' ' ' The hearing , was in . the Senate Chamber, and the cause of the drys lead by'former Gpveriior and .Unit ed States Senator"' Canier9h Mor rison. After "the hearing the .com mittee went 'into executive session and decided 'to defer action on the bill.. The examination wfll'Tbe March 8th. ' ;V , Feb. 20. Frank Brown -45. 1 Lou Stokes, 35, of Duplin. be especially interested in Mr. Hamer for the troops of the coun- county are under Control of that 60,1 1 council. - .! Chinquapin Presbyterians Ad To .Church ' Members " of , ' the , Chinquapin Presbyterian ' Church -are meeting' with' much success id 'their efforts to Have a' Sunday School buildhig' added;ato -their ehnrcS: The" ef fprta" of Rev. WVCJ Smith; togethf with his bulldbig-' feommittee',,f' eldefa, deacons- 'fend 110 members, aire bearing ' fruitag'e' iaTteir '''seviial months of 'continuous- work'' on the project. ' "' -j Las'tj&e'ce'mb'e thp. congregation decided to.'rawe.eri'ough'jmoney yj build adequate '.Sunday ' gchop! j facilities 'and set their ', goal ( $1300. .This amount was" ? soon , . 1 t -v'i th tie help of 'tie' Home ! s Lnard. To date $1100. of o 1 li'i', rs have been paid and '11 !,i s pre now ofter aii Ution- comes to using profanity. With all her peculiarities the old lady leads a most interesting life to the cur ious observer, ; She , owns- quite a bit. of property and . the fire trouble grew out of a dispute over a certain corner of land iocated lacross the road from Holt's store. .'neat'' claims' that Holt is. tres- yaoaiun on ner property ana on a suited In many improvements. Mr. Smith is a good carpenter 'as well as preacher. The work of building the Sunday School addition. , has been supervised by him and he has 'done a good deal of the actual carpentry work. . , The officers of the Chinquapin, Vou can't Jearn how to ride a bucking horse . hy , watching '-another cowboy tame one. - Yon- have 1,0 be thrown a few'.-time. -," " - ' 'pledges .'to complete the project. 'New pledges are coming in land It js 'bjped, that the building will be cpmpiecd n .early Spring. ' The structure is two -story, and is. connected .tp, the. church at the rair.vThe first .floor, iWhlch has been practically completed, ! com posed of a large entrance hall, pasJoVa atudy, ...two. large rooms anyone primary. room, 'The seeond floor almost completed is composed oT. three , large-rooms,' ; two; small .and Joe Williams, the building premise rooms.fana a large nau, , , ; committee; Joe Wood, Dr. Landen, 1 nurneo, TUB ..aauiuon W"l roneve juucu - wr Vi pinlrott A ,n Thlmwm ' ami l.J congestion and give the classes Grovsr Quinn, Elders: Jim Futrell.l: ' I held no idea you' had, the Im pudence to speak to me after' act ing as you have regarding that corner of my land up there that you havenised for a filth and junk yard since yon 'come 'u'p here. Please reserve your- good -morning for your, kihfolks,' visitors & as sociates. I. ought to have-shattered ypui;. idlfttio jskuli. when I aw 'you puu up .my cofnej; yardsjBtickexact- wuiver 01 occasions sne nas post-i iy wnere .my a, oies, rwn.jOUt & ed notices warning' people to keep!wnere ypu 'aaw, it,, .measured by off it The particular laftd referred ! yur own' surveyor you .pulling to Holt claims he has a title to.' 016 back f the end, of the measure . In the evidence brought but fcrtHe j,back fr0m thb-starf.4lt " is with trial one witness . 1 testified t that PaBure 1 nrana you to your face "Beat; sad IT Holt trespassed 'orl her land she would kill hitn with church who have given their untir- an ax or anything she could. Also Ing efforts to the causa are: 1 Dr. witnesses said she. made a .state Jl P. Landen,'; Jim Futrell, i Joe Hrjent t6 the effect that three ,other Wood, Barnes Avcock, Bruce Judge, stores . ha'd been burned , on the neak liatf,')gue it win be better for you fc. Stroud to- leave what is mine alone.. . fciv . i-v'.-' 3ig Boaty Smith'- r... Holt's Atore..iwas sut 1 afire eany srnaay. morning by aomtionei Mr private rooms for their study. Chinquapin Church for six years, cons and his untiring etrorts nave re- ! Joe WllUams,'Bruce Judge, Barnes lHoU ?flved he1.f0il0,rinJr "S181 1. j t tit t. 'ered letter which Beat Ford ad mitted she wrote: ) Mr. M. B. Holt! V", . and that Holt'a wirnld beJP-lmS Hgbtwbod under the, side of ' . x ''; " - fit and' setting fire to the... wood V v ,1- . T -lOwen Strourl'saw'tne fira soon f on the date or Sept. 18, 1934 ' ter it was set aha ' qulokly" called Rev. Smith has been with, the. !,.-,' n nr m.w.hw to.' ered letter which Beat Ford Holt and extinguished it before any damage was done. Blood hounds were secured and put on a trail that led to Beat Ford's horaa

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