IV IXE, N.'f PUBLISHED I . THURSDAY, TntXSDAY, APRIL 1935 'Q7 c:. ,.Uc Coast Line railroad Hon with iU - eastern j 3 has secured permission j interstate Commerce km to issue on snorc no-i , ed freight fates on straw- ' urn ST. "TS j ns Ul the east ana new 1 nd east of .;FiUsuurg sffalo. N. Y. . - - :on, which amount to J iy 30 per cent, will be iT3-ii ,4 At was an-. 3 at the general office, in m. - ' ,1 nn unusually good yield ex- j ud, t'.se reduction is -expecieu , .r.ve berry grdwers thousands of, ,rs. The crop, from early tndl f ms, is seml-officlally estimated " .V0.000 crates, and, if good wea r continues, shipments, are ex 1 to be started about April i 1 Jt will be considerably r " an last season's yield as . i v j considered an"off year," ) - t adverse wewter conditions. L . e last service inaugurated a few y u s ago, which allows th grow er to place v berries on the New York market the second morning f'er shipment, vwlU be offered. It was also pointed , out that, since' the reduction appUes, t U of the marketing territory. It will encourage a much wider dletTlbu. tion and will serve to . keep the surplus off the, big markets, such as New York.. , In addition the last service and sales will "allow, the producer to p: t his product oir tbft, market tn excelli nt condition as a ireult of riif rigeration which; is . recognised fry the' market and' result In, 1., -htly higher prices, averaging a b.mt one sent per basket,' It , was t- i. " o. ' As an example of the reduction i 1 the tarriff r last 'season's rate 1 '-i"ire to New York was 83 1 "ird crate.- Under . i "1 be CM j..... i.:.ie - from the ton i......., "rv area to New York was XJ Antique r".urwV;Bar' i 3 while, the "new" one is Hayes Wood. '" . i- t 9 cents, effecting k reduction of J Moonlight on th Hudson L ).l cents. The crate Tate basis ap- na James, ea to one of 32 quarts, weighing- Ctt to the Hunt, Tapsr-HerscheU , ivjnds and shipped- in mini- Fierce. ui car lots of 224 crates or 12,- MRS. W. S. SMITH, .In&tntotor -) pounds. Last year's car load , ;Usher-4-Emory Qulnn, wr -Har-i "28 crates. J 1 ;'ry FlynjL -: ' -i , w , Recorders Court Recordera court convened Mon day and completed'the weeka work that day. The following cases were (imposed of: " ' ' ' ' i Booker T. Williams; assault wit deadly weapon. Nol Pros'v f i Willie Uoyd Moore was give 00 leave. "!,.-' days on the roads for larceny. . s Woodrow -Joseph Was Sentenced Hugh Jerrltt Smith charged with . to six month on .the roads for be assault with deadly weapon, Prayr l tag drunk; and, disorderly and a er for Judgment continued on pay-, pubjic nuisance. .-. mont of costs. ; , . West Murray was given 12 moft- I id Davis, charged with assault for . assault on female. Notice of Ji deadly weapon. Judgment sus' appeal given. . ft-nded on payment of cost. ; - James A. Mosley was sentenced A plea of. assault with' deadly , to 6 months for ' possession of weapon was 'accepted by the state .whiskey, for the purpose, of sale. " In the case'of Vernon Batchelor. - Paul Robinson waa given 10 He was given a suspended sentence months for larceny.. Style Show, Auto Exhibition Dinner, & Music In ICinston - Klnston, April 3rd. ' . Chevrolet Dealers 4n Eastern Carolina, in-conjunction with the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com rrece is presenting an exclusive wing of the new 1935 Chevrolet i i Knotts Warehouse next Monday ! id Tuesday. The exhibit will open mday, April 8th, at one o'clock , h Mayor Dal Wooten ,of Klns t !, officially opening the show, i-ptly at four o'clock Chevrolet 1 entertain all children, at a !. ' ' ' t pight-thirty the most bril ttyle show ever to be held In i Carolina will be staged by uarvey oun , v."t""j will conclude the program gin m.a iw u.o. ' was mailed out on Friday mondng. ,av "niovles with music A home was found for the girt on n all day. IZ . Chev-.the following Sunday. Mrs. Earvey auty Q'een will be chosen' Boney spent a good portion of her 1 rviam will be capped at, time on Monday answerirg re ' i, v. irnt,.m Carolina -quesU. Before the week was over . j - , . r of Commerce dinner ' 1ft' hlv Hall of tjueen Bireei Cliurch With United ntor Robert M. LaFol- i, ...... m TnnaH a r T v t '18 8u ia wi i - - H.nn I I " ' t -wt- .A to'of- -r brot. Ty I ; savings To Present Music Recital , , , . - chinauaoin. Anvil Srrt JL Music Rec.ta..'wiU be given in the owm 12th., 1935 at 8:00 P.M. by the music students of the High School.. Thepubllc Is cordially invited. This is the first musical program to oe renaerea since uio sbulldtag. Wis erected several years ( '1 ., , 1 . - ' . 1 . ' I Vcopy of the program la sj fol- J iows: - . v - . t .The Robin's Return Edna Jam- es; Duet An American Tune, urn- ily BradshSw, Evelyn- eavenaugn. Melody in u'sara nmy rwn. er. , ). . , i, . Reading Immortal Music, Her schell Pierce. . ' ' Twilight VUlpns lhtt Hollings- worth, Evening Chimes Shelton Qulnn. '. Song DoUs - .Lulla.by, Three Girls. - , - " t. Duet Girl's Brirads. Margaret Hayes Woodj Sara. mily ParkeTf. - Playlet Candle Ligbts.". An (He English Song ; DoVie Cavenaugh., , ' FrUky. Kittys-Worth Lanier. - Worward . March Two Little Dancers, Doris-Judge. , , ' SwinglngT-Cliffora SmtUi. What They Love Elizabeth Ca Venaugb. 1 . ' An Easter Hymn, Fairy Be Maisie. Lanier, j, . i-r; i'" ! "A Dream Journey; When Motnef Sings at Twilight NeaUe Shoiar. A Boat Song Hardy Royal Parker, v ' 1 Uvely Stepper, little Miss. Daf fodilDora' Houston Pickett' - ' Song, Funny IJlttle Fellow Her schell and H ' Fierce , ' " Fairy Oneen '-e lanler. VTr ,'' t lnk onei-. of e months and fined 10.0ft.,' 1 " , v Ed. : Newkirk waa- sentenced to 18- months for larceny and receiv ing and assault with.deadly wea-.the pon. ' -. ',, .' ' Duplin County that said petition .-Alone Edwards was given 8 be forwarded j at once to tb,e State months for .lumnyar-rV'VLVw'.w.,-lIlshwii'ajidj Public Works Com 'OsborneJ MoWey, charged ' with Inussion with request for a bearing assault, on female. Nol pros with ' be. the biggest ;event of Its kind ever, held in Eastern' Carolina. Klnston and Chevrolet Motor Com pany, he said, are barring no ex pense and guarantee a pleasant time for everyone who attends. S3 REQUESTS FOR YOUNG GIRL yANTINGIIOME Week before last the TIMES car ried a notice that the Welfare de partment desired to place a young m,. rpnrFa $TirZZr requesu rrhS In addition to plac-UId reached 33. in addition reatucu oa. m - i-- ( ing the young girl anotner wiute A. Lk.. 'B stkA1 &. . . . gin were pracea as a reoua u. announeeriicnt. rwa thP TTfF.3 ret results? r- : I Ask Mra. Toney. t I Trenauters 1 t 8 cent noM I 4..;"',:. 4,2.0 bids e 7.3 Fes.; SeedL "-.' t j , g -j' , 4 The t, ' a blanks fori see lot. a. 1 5 fa the County Agent'! 0. . and all ..Mng to make" a plication soiJ .do jp at once. ,V V'S r- "pi. AH faiim-rs aj'jslyinf f.r more than Zi must be wjs-otej by the Prt ' . lion CrsC'.t Aasorla- tion bofure making plication for loan.' ' ; . ', -The a ' ' at of inoflpy that can' be I owed oiii f -.' rent fcrop y -r acre are an f ws , tobacco f "1 cotton i, . cr4 $1.40; f srHi4 t . ' frbm v 1 ;w il A hi e Is en on -tit t be free . 0nl ,f y fro H s,l . j. mcs r Vave- f - the year be sign- : liens en .age Isrej.' en ty these no is j ,rop No K. aninwil tut HMtiilt ir farmtnr inc, iements. . J . , ... , WJLpA 1 J. 1 1 Cc.pl c tion . ' The board ,a( couniy commig sibners met Monday and dispensed with the usual routine business and-i f . . the foflbwiny resolution which was forwarded la the .State rtichwav anil Public Work Corn mi ri Kaipicd uia .same aav ResoluUon . y a- . ii tue l ty cum- iiairw - .gioT.thegrg. .citing - ana paving ui -reaa in saw couu-1 y . wekTeBd wer (200,00. was dis- ..b.nBHn t.: unmiuw -in hwiullnil n ntT nf mmiMiwm that riav). . . . . ..... ...... i nlng at the Duplin-Wayne coun- ty BnA near Grady's Cross'Roads ' . I" . . ..--w.-t .1 and .running, , as , last surveyed, Dy Outlaw's Bridge "School and Holt'f Store - to Alvln. on highway Num. ber 11 near i the ,. B. F. Grady schools r. - s Now therefore, be It resolved by board of commissioners , of. on said petition early as possible. mis April ISC,-1833. ' . - John D. Robinson. Chair.'. i. I Miller, , $ r',, Fred. .J.-Bears." ti- .AN EXPKNSrVE RIDE Quincy, Mass. Buying a cat for 75 cents from a Junkman, William' H XymV , proceeded to take a spin. It was -.an expensive" "ride, however, as he was. arrested one block from his home and ' fined S100 for operating dm, uninsured automobile. ;'.,,-. .0 . . ATTEMPTS RESCUE; DIES Jacksonville, m.-8eeing a men apparently Asleep on a rail in ther path of an approaching train, 1 attempt to puU the man, to safety. Gilua, however, was struck down, and killed by the locomoUye whlchil aecapuatea me - - man, Ajeorge Fernades, 5. ' Senators see hope of arms trea ty as result of German .draft. A ,V, , o ' i Great nations are . vieing for BUpreamacy In the air, ' P. D. May New Assistant . i 1 mi D a , , , i . ' ii " 0 " " t r Five years agq , the i office of County farm agent in North Ca- ( cultural county, From that time on ' pieted his course there in 1926 and rollna was not considered so ; lm-, the adminlatrat) )n began' loading f gince that time has beer, with the tVoe'o weT 2K5;thft"tortnW t0day 016 CiFederaT Government inspecting 81; in North Carolina had I Farm Agent U the b-.b- around fruit and vegetable, along the At flght on their hands to convince which practically all tanning Is lanc Seaboard rom Florida to their boards of county commission- done. In Duplin county U I Mc-T Mslne. His coming to county era that the office should be re-lxendon .who has been fcsrvlng the ;wiU, be a boost to the truck grow ,,a ,f rfurim Hennuninn ' nryn.r- fnithfuiiv. has i'.at a- ers hce most ' of ,. his .experience of an expert more than they ,. . ' . - attlusa whilst. iA rtthpM it. ' ?a11 - - -- I L. 9IUUEU iOIIU UIV WilbV wwr I ihed. t- ion oi.i,iAni iiMMlt hint, ' .office and immediately the office morning as assistant county farm child. He expects to move his fa te of county fa- i agent became rec-j agent, working under Mr. I'cLen- y to KenansyUle Just as soon as Ca!zed as o e of the most lm- Schcil r t Doughty , who will con chool in War-' ay afterneon. vpage. -i A, j.,.. ,j I ... -ft- '. 'IIoise ! duct t saw It. t RfA atnrv i'. .". ' or ....Fgrir'niTif ul" ii Trirrimi i 'i tors of the Warsaw High School 'at Us , December lnAprU with to -IenhsvHle Wants 1A the regular meeUng Tuesday even bacco growers n IpJupUn County,! A11 mg in the local school cafeteria. at' least .that What hundreds of tiutm are reeJu'l for; tobacco pari- . . 4-u r I ty checks, came in ast week and tha county - o veritable ; mm "nt'a 'off tee was r' 1 y I ' I C'ristmas itretr' -m' .nptoy'ri the Vlt Tow,u,h,P' "rmeat0 J?n?,th' Unfc foVSFed- f00 f""1 Glbaon Townahips au. tor tne ea d t eVeryone ,ta signing '".,. v !!'' i 1 i iti am - nalrincr )na (tnmmlaa nnAi 1 nf with a irunr n:.) " -T 1 . ?Bax oral Governme liast Friday sr. imt hut that' lover. $200.' 0 . " -w.lC:., Vw were a wan county "f0? . - - oneui naraiy get in' holliu-uir f diatanee oe Ml?. Mc--, - ...A .. ji -.: , ' also. , . , During the three day the coun- ty agent's office disbursed, appro-, xlmately $195,000 to rttarmers get their checks cashed. People in while. $11,000 Aiore is yek,to. come, KenansviUe feel that it is the logl making total of 20.0O0u, , foe a banking insUtu . Checks ranged in all dehomina- Uon are holding high hopes tions with the smallest being S10. jwmething will be done about and .the1 largest single check u-soon. - -drawn for $3800.00 t;.i.5: 0 ailment of 30 per cent of the to bacco crop orr approximately 2,876 acres; ' And these tobacco . acres cannot : be planted in any other crop except . one half of it may be planted in. feed or food crops for home consumption only.'-- ; . Following this Influx of money Into Duplin on the eve of the open ing of .the Berry Market business trend should move upward, rapidly in alt parts -of the county imme diately. ' - 'v i OLD CLOTHES WAN1TEDJ; "f I - o ;;.r.ti.. MrsHarvey Boney of the Coun ty Welfare- Department, stated this week 'that she is having quite a number of calls from needy in our county for old clothes. Mrs. Boney stated' that she would like to get some to give to those who are not nble to buy them. Any one havnig any 'clothes of any - kind i Wilt do a good deed by turning them over to the Welfare Depart ment. -aJv- . New air lines will span Alaska In seven hours. - 1 . . portant county of flees, ta an Agrl - the point of.hum endurance. .His .work baa - been. L - !. hn him bo this "r,. h. . CHVAH OT1 flMlfltjUttL - . , , wi mm - - - County! -raised on a farm -ar La-! 'Amur , M ;work vt:terdaV . don. 'itr. May is a'grasl I- 3 New" Tobacco t dtn. - Growers In County ! ' The time for making applfc cation for" special, base .eon-' tract for tobacco has expired,' . aiwonlln t nai , MHMiniuwmMili by County Agent ' t' .I Me-i : SSJft debyP?hUe 'Eatern.Baptist Ass'n. Konntiiirllln nfriw.' .' " "' - ' : " f amurm made annlieaMon for1!: - suecuu mwe contrapM.. iiww contracts are for the man who Is - entitled- ,to grow -tobacco , Jt--. A. ,1 , ...11. . wi.--4. ; i . t I 1S8 new regular ' contracts' were" made out 'also this yea 4 nnnging tne total nsw'tonaoeo " growers in Duplin County for 1885 up to SS8. i . r , . - .1 - . ' J lL;Vt Wells Celebrates Birthdays Clerk of Gourt R. V. Wells cele- bra ted his birthday Tuesday even'' tag with a dinner at his home, t , I Of Diipl 1 V f - 1"f " JJ,JJ( aiui, ou any , xuvy SlU, ' i . t " ' -J 1 ' : . , , y' 'P bank! : T!"V T ; Mnnsra oo somemmg io give our J?""'? CP1 ' blinkl jtlon. . "".- ' . -at I. -.?::t. t cenumnfcoaay4Athe nun ymweUcslr alt tb reuntya buk.," Z u.Zl - " , ness. that is ccmsidertn that the . , " BViaWMnV . LUJVUW JHNU : WUD. could hardly get a check cashed. Farmers . were forced , to fif-n to tawn, of th ountv ,n Mrs' Wa 111 ta fin 111. .1. m w uuUwu r mm Grady School Boardi The County Board of Education TO PRESENT OPERETTA held its last meeting, before the . Rose Hill, April 2. Beginning new board takes office. Monday i the commencement series of pfo Routine matters were attended, to grama, .the local schoo will.pre and the vacancy on the B. F. Qra- lsent "Mother Goose and Company,' dy School Board, caused by the re-,: an operetta, in the school auditor cent death of W. G. Kdrnegay was ium on Friday evening. With care filled. Mrs. Sallie Smith Wallace ful. supervision and colorful . cos of Smith' Township, was appointed tumes, this operetta is expected, to to the board. The Grady board will be one of the best ever presented meet soon and, organize. , here., Teachers directing the per- This was the last act of the pre- formance are Mrs. D. C. Mosteller, sent board of education before the Miss Mildred Boney, Mrs. Joel newly elected hoard takes office; Harden, and Miss Elizabeth For next month). : . . ;-: ,'ii:iiw we epiunty, Council r. V'-- 1 r4''wii'-'" ''.w-y:tKr'f A CountV Council of Social Sr- vice . Agencies was ' organised i in KenansviUe last Friday moraine when representatives from all sec tions of the county gathered In the Court House at the call of Mrs. Harvey Boney, County Welfare Agent Mrs. W. B. Ayc . Aycock, a na- Farm Agent . n N., C. State, College, having com- .SS? With the addiUon to the County Rent's force it will now be posaf- ble for he or Mr. McLendon to dl aWe more Ume to ejctension work in the county. r. may b uwrnea ana naa.aoe frricsncr Murdercr ri; Whila V orking Side C; Oh Clxahi Gang J h u red a 7 Extraordinary Session Aharon Baptist Churh i -V April 9,1935 PROGRAM. V -Worship - Rev. J. L. 10:00 Powers. 10:15 The Church. In Relation to Christ Rev. -A. J. Smith. 10:45 The Chutch in Relation to the World - Rev. E. N. Johnson. " 11:15 . Music Recognition of Messengers, etc. - Members. 1 --', 12:00 - The Church in Relation to the Kingdom of God - Rer. M. O. Alexander, General Missionary of State Board. A 12:30 Noon Recess. ' . ; - . 2:00 Worship Rev. W. P. Page 9 ; ::.. ) 2:10 The Church Teaching the m't-Word Rev: Chas. -Howard. ! , 2:40 :- The Church Training Its , . .Members' - Rev. R.'c. Foster. 3:10 - Church Trusteeship - Dr. F. Marshburn. -.. 40 - Adjournment ' o v . Rotarfans Entertain Forensic Winners The Kenansville-Warsaw Rotary Club entertained the" forensic vic- oi ine ciuo presiaea ana preseiiieu the following guests': Misses Fran- Brooks, Amelia jFatnor, isva Carter.. Uohel Qrady ftnd Wooten Herring. stodeOU and Mr.Tripp, membeBr , tne Wtr)law tt6my . Misses Brooks sstf Farrlor and . - , Messrs urady and Herring repre- llu, vM i-tiw t SUte-wtde triangular debate. :... ... j. ....... .. . . j ' .. winnine notn tne amrmauve ana t mtZet TTkZ. -..ZZLZ should' adept1 poHey ertendipg th. . t , J.r..:JLl- , - . . f xeams,- OlSCUBBOa I Or a lew minute the question ' giving pointers oa both the affirmative and negative aides. The program was concluded ' by Miss Carter who gave the reading with which she won the school hon ors: "Sweet Girl Graduate." ' ' Rotariaa Jimmy Jerrltt told the club of some of Minnesota's out standing schools. Each guest was given the' floor and expressed their appreciation he e2 periVice vypmers tive ot4)uplin .attended the meet-i ibg and explained the purpose of u. , i. ii.. vc WW. , , w t brlng together their work under a county head to make for better service and less overlapping. 1 .' ' 1 Officers elected at the meeting Friday are as follows: ' ' Presldentr Faisoa McOowanjj V presldent, Dr. G.V. Gooding; Sec retary-Treasurer, Mrs. J. C. live say. Committees: Publicity,' Bob Grady, Gay Wells and Mr. Butler; Membership Committee, Mr. jos tle, Dr. Qulnn, -Mesdamea Tommle Gresham, N. B.1 Boney and Jojin Freeman, Program Committee, Dr. Gooding, Mesdames RiVert Jdhn son, Ni B." Boney, Harvey Boney and H. 1a. Stevens, Jr. tl VI, ' Mrs, 'Harvey Boney was asked to appoint a committee from each township to meet with the Council at, the next meeting to be held April 56th. , ' ,rf 5 o- Washington. Figures from the .u"r'. .:7'r: - - . rZ7 - .i Z 1 ,a T every secUott .of ,the world, with the excepuon of Europe, .during ' i 1.- v I Joe Home, white prisoner,'1' age - ' 24, serving a . four to twelve year term, for highway robbery, was' " killed by a fellow-prisoner. Charlie Green, white, last Thursday morn- ::; ;; f. tag while they were at work side ... '( by side on( a, rca4 14 this .cqynty 5 ' aboui. ten miles east JC Kevans- ' ville. .,.J Hornb and Green had toeen.. .at. i . ' . ;v outs for some time and Green , i made a statement to ne .of the giiards, according to reports,, that - - ' he was going to kill Home that ' day. The guard lightly passed, it , up. '... ..:: v- J .. ' Green and Horae were" working , j ' side by'siSe about nine o'clock In , ' ; the morning 'when Green sudden-1 ,'',, ., u ly hit Home on the Ttead .with the .'- - ' side Of Jan axe blade! Home's skull - ' v Was ffttctlired. 'Be was fushed 'to "J, - ' , a Gtoldsboro hospital where he died , . at 3:30 in the afternoon never re-'' ' gaining consciousness. - -.- - v t , Horne was serving a., f ourv to -" ' ). twelve year term for jjlghway.rob-.t. ' bery. having been convicted and ... . sentenced Tn High Point about two B t ' , J -and one half .years., as''Hc,,WJ,.'..'''.f-;''''T.li:., sent to the Duplln'pri8on. camp'"a -.j.j.: " -o ' ..'r -.i , Green was sentenced'td' SO years c In a Greenville court 'for murder. ' '''i.i:ir He has been in Duplin some .over -a a year. He was immediately. car-t.;fc-i.-j v ried to the State prison in, Raleigh. ine nature oi me quarrel was., .. .;...( not learned. l" -!-.' -h Opens Electric . . . ; Shop In Warsaw ' , A. T,. Wrench and Robert M. Her ring, Jr.. of. Warsaw opened .the ', , , ' Electric. Service Repair Shop- there " ' i i , : in the building nex -door to Froz-: ' ? en .Delight ace.Cream.JParlorl ou . .. -, :' '':;. Monday of this week, , . Mr. Wretich has 'been with .the, ( i, local office of the Tide Water Pow-' v ; j ec Company. , for the past . 15" Clintosp where be.; bad' been-in. the electrical business kiaseises;" -Mr. .-Herring contracted.'' house wiring .in Washington City for a time. and. spent a year in the wir nig business in LaGrange. . Botb Mr. . Herring and Mr. Wreneh "are graduates of electrical ' schools ' and are licensed electri cians. They are familiar with. a.U Wiring- requirements of tbe..'$wie Water Power Company , ami the Nations Code Authority.: '.Their work is done on a guarantee basis. -tee basis. Electric Service Shop, phone 68, will engage in a general elecjric,- ,. business,- doing all 'kinds 'of repair-' nig, radio, refrigerator, house wir ing, by the Job or contracting . In their, experience la the electri- ' cal business, neither man has ever had a Job turned down on them by inspectors, which is a record worth mentioning. Their work is highly recommended. Marriage Licenses The following marriage licenses were issue by Register Outlaw dur ing the past week. f White Herman Edens, 22 of Wayne County and Ethel Florence Parish 20, of Pupl Cojjnty. Norman Anderson, 22 and Alma Whaley, 17, both of Duplin. Lena Heath, ,22and Mary Eason, 18. both of Duplin. t tlnkn A A mamm QO J 1 1. V '"' "t. ' " ot county. . waiter C. Brown, 36, and Elma Jones,. 30, both .of Duplin. " .Aimer Pe)rce, 22 and frene Hen derson, 18, both of Duplin. Colored James Powers, 38 and Sudie Tur ner, 33. both of Duplin. ' Jesse Ezzell, 26 and Hattie Mac iCarr, 15,, both, of Dupltn, . I jrae norace uannerman, in, nd, Marie. Boney, 18, both of Dup lin.- , . Adolph Southerland, ,22 and Phoebft Qreen, 21, both of Duplin. George McNeal; 25 and Eloise Turlington, 19, both of 'Sampson ' County. 11 ' O ' . ITNHCRT IN TRAIN SMASH Punxsutawney. Pa. Stopping t his locomotive and expecting to bee the two occupants of an auto mobile into which bis train, had" Just smashed, either dead or badly injursd, the engineer was astonish-' ed to find Mr. and Mrs.'Mlchacl s Kasun unhurt on the pilot of the engine. 3ft yards from-where-the - helped down from their precarious Ka8un drove hFto car HB., lu wn power to . for , ;

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