'Dr: L'jav visited his father, Mr. H. N. Boa- tic Saturday p. m. ,; Mrs. Powers has organized B. Y. P. U., at the Hallsville Bap tist church, which begins Thurs day night, We sure hope it will M successful. ' Mr. and Mrs. i Davis : Blatock spent Saturday p. m., with Mr. and Mrs .Leon Blalock. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter MlUer and children and Mrs. f Joe Bumner went to Kins ton shopping Satur day. Mr. Carl Smith made a business trip to Kenansville Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Albertson Ladies of Kenansville and Duplin County will be treated to. an-, un usual opportunity next Wednesday afternoon when tne wn Company. In coopemUor, with e Kenvinator Company. WU1 conduct a cooking school in the w wm of the Warsaw Drug Co"1 Kelvinator department The school will open at S o'clock and will be under the direction of Miss Mar garet Doughty, Home Economtat Mr. Sheffield of Warsaw Drug Company especially invites the ladiesof this section. Miss Dough tv is an economist of wide exper ;,. nd wiU demonstrate many new schemes for cooks and will and Mr. and Mrs. James Albehtson Offer neipiui nu66owu" r I . viaiieu jmr. ami -v ning meals. ... and family Friday night ' ' Oneef the high, points of the; Everyone enjoyea we aance giv- Marden Wilson, from Char chool wUl be a demonstraUon of en in HallsviUe Saturday night ,otte and mu Juita Wilson, from h- newest discoveries in the pre- Mrs. Sidney Smith spent ; --oua. snent Saturday with naratlon of frozen desserts and week with her parents, Mr. Mtnelr tater Mrs. C. E. James. ! alads In the electric refrigerator, airs, j. vr. xwuawjr, "-' Kelvlnator's famous "cooking with Also Mr. and -Mrs, Raeford Wells cold" idea has grown in popularl- of Teacheys. fLon users of electric refrlg-! Miss Davis Miller spent Satur- erators everywhere and the result- day night with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- aiU illlUvi vi wuMaaaw Miss Iita Mae Wade spent Sun day with Miss Aldene Hlnes. Mr. Ralph Veach and Miss Reba Winstead visited Mr. and. Mrs. . TTT pJZ.t nrMi,R8lrter Sunday evening. Mrs. El- lTlflJ. I Us Stokes was a visitor alsa ; Banvy mum spcui owjimj noon in Hallsville. Mr. and Mrs. J .L Sumner visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller of Beulavllle, Sunday afternoon. - Miss Nannie Wade spent Sunday with Miss Mildred Hlnes. . day evening. Mrs. W. F. Lanier was hostess to several of the ladles at a quilt ing party Thursday afternoon, at ber home. She served cake and tea. , Mrs. Billle Whaley spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kit' Hunter. , Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Lanier and family spent Tuesday in Kinston. ' o BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nethercutt a son on Sunday, March 31. Mrs. Nethercutt was be fore ber marriage Miss Sallie Hugh Lanier. Friendship News ' tored up to Sunday, M;r Faisoa and Calypso h 31. , " ing progress in desserts and salad freezing has made this new branch of the culinary art an extreamly interesting and important one. - - o " -. ; Stream-Lined Pots And Pans Vogue For The Kitchen ! The same elements of beauty r: - - ,i ...winV. ummpn and narmony m seek in gowns are the same which more and more are ruling the de- sign of kitchen appliances accord ing to Mr. Sheffield of the Warsaw Drug Co., local Kelvinator dealer, who has been notified of the ap pointment of Count Alexia de Sak- hnnffskv. famed engineering styl ist, as consulting stylist of Kelvin- - a tor Corporation. ' Count Sakhnoffsky, whose auto mobile illustrations in Esquire magazine have gained wide recog nition of his streamline principles ! of design, has applied his ideas of Misses Ethel and Nellie Thomas, from Rose Hill, spent the day with Mr,- and Mrs. C. E. James, 'frs' vt. We ar all glad to hear that Miss Ruby Swlnson has returned home after several months In the. Sana torium. Glad she is recovering so rapldTy.V- 't-F-l Miss Mattie Swlnson, Jane and Martha was a visitor of Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Godbold and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mlnton. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. James spent Sunday in Magnolia with Mrs. I James' father and mother. .' " siater,' Mrs,"A. W. Vouj for the week and. ' '' Mrs. H. D, Sloan visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brin- son.(,-Kiy:-'''.' : ;' ;.'.'-t' '. . Miss Pauline Raynor spent Sun- March 19th, at their day with Miss Margaret and Avin BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT : : Born to Mr. and Mrs.; Robert Usher, a son Robert Lee Usher, Tuesday, home. recent Greenville vi:iilor. Miss Lena Smith is slowly improving- from a serious illness. , MrL Lvlton Maxwell, a student SNOW HILL ITEMS . o C ;';'.. ' ,: ; Quite a few of the citizens of our community have been business visitors in Kenansville this week. Mrs. Glennle Outlaw, of Wash ington, D. C, spent the week end with relaUvea In : the Snow ; Hill section.' " :'.' , Mrs. Emma PoweU ' has J been spending a few days with her son, Mr. Germon Powell, of Kenansville. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Waller and family attended a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mor ton Holt last Sunday. ' I . '' ,Y1. The.birthi'lny dinner v . iriven at the home of lir. i 1 at Duke University, Durham, spent a. E. James Sunday was in ' a part of last week nere wim nia of Miss Annie James, M ins l parents. v ' , ! James, Llna Ray James, , y Miss ABnle Taylor, teacmng at bro Jaraes, Mrs. A. E, James, I Hill sell James and Mrs. J.W.fciui'uy. . The number , present .were lift Kinfiton shoppers Baturday In-. Everyone enjoyed tho dinner verv eluded Misses Celia Maxwell, Helen 'much. ,.. t , ' ,. , Tankard. Delilah Whitehead, Mrs, q. M. Turneri Mrs. Herbert Jones, Lyltcn v Maxwell ' and Mrs,' H. E. Maxwell, NOTICE. i Mae Wilson. '? Mi Mra Arnold Hunter spent Sun-.Bosrue, N: C ' was 'a 'Pink oay aiternoon witn eaxa, j. n.. visitor at tne weeic ena. Southsrland. .i-'V.:- '';;- f 'i' -Mr. and , Mrs. Jim" Lanier spent Sunday with Mr. Bill Pickett t -i: : Mr. and Mrs. , Jim Southerland spent Monday night with .their daughter Mrs. F. N. Brinson. ; ' Miss Lola Raynor visited Mrs. Lila Bell Davis Sunday afternoon Bessie- Korhegay were guests in BleneA wU1 aDolv for a narrtnn tnr h Mr and Mrs. David ? Fountain home Of Mrs, N.-O. Davis Sun- ffiKnVi and Mrs.Jessie Lanier andMlss day - v.,- , county CoiTrt of Duplin County. Virginia Lee Bradshaw -.-made vo.Jr;'H.A;'-Eardduglf',B8M "aroilcant will make aDDiienl business trip to Kinston Friday, ters and Miss Esther Uva-LM9 . . .. " "v .- lencv j. u. n. liiarincrnaus. tiovpr- attend our ' Sunday School ' each' over 'the Week end.""t ' V I Sunday morning and : Ing each Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Outlaw, and, dar Fork Baptist Church, r, with- relatives. Mrs. W. a' Kornegay and Miss.n, whomsoever that the under- o J-v I -2J v V - i iency:-j. o. jumrmgnaus, uover- lw'rSf-' ''i-i.-anor.ff Nprtb, Carolint 6h the 19th Prayer meet- Mr. Wallace Williams,- of Keys- "4ay of" April 1935 ' - -night at Cew, Vllle, Va;; spent the weeH end heC Any persons' opposing'r8aidi par- children visited in the home of her brothers. Messrs Ransom and' Irv ing Kornegay Sunday. ." ! &ui several of our Snow Mill xnenas attended the play 'Pilgrim Fathers' at Outlaw's Bridge Saturday night and report a nice t;ime. . : . Our Sunday School Supt, Mr. Coy Hill, attended the Union meet ing Saturday and reported a nice time also that the next .. Union , I" - L" !Jo wUl pleaso filc their protest on i, Messes Es- nr hitirei Hftld dntn : v- - v I J UT nnrl MM ' liT 'I'MlorrXln i Biwnr MimnRV wirn an r m nil ivi rM. - thoii jt anivhin m r kjii -' , - . ... i . ,-ki i . , j . . iW.N.Thigpin. Iwer8 wumlngton shoppers Satur- 'f ' . ' "n KlUas ..Virginia;; Bradshaw spent" day;'. .t1' r.!t&$fT-p .the week end at her Home near I , Mr. and Mrs.-M. P. Whaley and Wallace. r'-vtAi-iMn 'ffe. Pieford Whalev. of Kinston. vlsit- MiM Annie Ln Ctrev arient thn a uih,i.i oimj... , - " - . IVHUIV0 , IV. . u Muuuaj. . " ' - week end with Mrs. Beatrice Brih-j Mr. and Mrs. Ike Stroud 'spent son. i -" - 1 'Sunday at Beulavllle. 'r Mrs. J. O. Pickett and Mr. and , - . p , ?, , " f Mrs. Ossie Lanier made a business Robert C. Wells, Attorney ,Apr.-ll-2t-R..C. W. MeeUng will be held at Snow H1U .trip to Wallace Saturday. - church the fifth Sunday in June. Mr. ana Mrs. u. t. Cypress Creek News Mr. and Mrs. Alton Scott, ( of ,pent Sunday with Mr, Scott's Store spent Sunday with. Mr. Scott's sister, Mrs. S. J.. Wal ler. . - c - , ) Little Miss Lena Kornegay gave DmW 3n.lr aw a WoMdV w nu.- inn.. hA m.. , . JBLMW MIWA v. v. ; nr. uivvci juiiicr hob tav kucd i. j Tama of M, Joseph Smith Sun day, ,4. f Messers Roland and Mark Lanr-. . rr j : .. . ' : ston spent Sunday afternoon with). Mr ' J !5..'Baturdey evening on the occasion Misses Aldene Hines and Elma ,rom ""T TO wuaVul 0f her eleventh birthday. Carroll. - i neM J" mother. Uttle Susie Ellen Sandlln Is M.r; JoJ? ?gra-'f w"tne rt Taft. were business visitors in Mt spending a few days with heP ; of Miss Polly EzxeU Sunday after- mve Saturday. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. c,,., noon. ' Mr- Taft Herring and children Smith. I Mr. and Mrs. , Foye Goodman vMtej her (ather Mr. A. j. gcott Mr Tnhn ww vrh nnt was w guesi oi r. iu ; 0f Scotfa Store Saturday, r -i Sunday afternoon with Miss Mary Lou Bostic. They also visited Mr. C. Brown Sunday. M- BnH . . Ede-ar Outlaw Mr. Arnold Mobley spent Sunday friday shopping in Kinston. and Mrs. Joe Sumner Sunday , "ernoon with. Mr. Joe Brown, Jr. Mrs. I. T. Bishop and daughter, night. Miss Lina style with notable success to such, B.aock spent sun- varied products as automobiles, air- -y, "" nintiM. electric irons, women a , with - her dresses, foundation garments, sus penders and teakettles. It is favorite contention that pots and pans should have the same sweeping beauty of design that a woman appreciates in her gowns and her automobile. A woman should not have to experience a .lnnrimr dnwn . feeling when she Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spooner, of Wilmington were the week end walks into her kitchen, and should ' w Sn, , ... a a AW a v IaaIt I have tmngs arouna Miss Peggy Rlcherson, of Wllm- ' as trim and speedy as the rest of lngton WM the week end guMt of her world. Mrs. Vistula Moore. "The appointment of Count Sak-i Mr jjrs. G. K Pickett honsffsky as engineer for Kelvl- gpent Sunday in Mt Olive. . nator Corporation is anotner e- Norwood Cale, Dewey Caven ' ample of the sincere effort which augj, George Linden are home Kelivnator always Is making to for the spring holidays. AU are keep its proaucts aneaa oi vuo from p j c in both appearance ana penorm- We are all very glad to hear Mamie, snent Sunday that Mr. wasn iszzeu, . wno pan Mn Mr jrying Bishop, been confined In bed on account of , some of our folks attended the sickness, la getting along nicely, 'Declamation Recitation contest at Mr. Ronald Royals spent Sun- b, p, Grady School Friday night rioif BftArnnAn with Miu lJiniA j m i of Miss JoseDhlne Carroll SulWavi""' " 1 ' i tuzzeii. :, ''necav. of Woodland are visltine Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilkins Mia- Tren Outlaw. spent Sunday with Mr. ana Mrs. J. C. Brown. Mr. Ralph Langston spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Myrtle James. ' Mr. Elmo Register spent week with his parents,' Mr. Mrs. George Register. 0 ' Edwards and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Josuah Jones and G.V.Lanier. . Children, of Beulavllle, visited Mrs. Mr. W. H. L. Pickett spent the' Jones' mother, Mrs. J. W. Murray week end with Mr.- Albert Wood 8unday.t' w? v ' " 1 neat Catherine Lake. . . . - , j Mr. Lewis Gurganus and Mrs. i has fHnn1a . vum xjuivoli, nwui null", vaio vruigouus, u& uiu wvuuii, :Zty 'Sht and Mondaywith Mra'were married at, Jacksonville, N. Effle Lee Pelrce near Catherine C, Sunday. Lake. Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Brinson, Mr. '13 "pending the week with Mr. and John B. Brinson made a business' Mrs. Joe Raynor of this section, trip to Kenansville Tuesday, I Miss Rosle Hunter and Mr. Joe Mrs. L. B. Brinson died at her Kayao' accompained Mr. and Mrs. home Monday afternoon, April l.'A- E- Jones to Clinton on a busl She is survived by one son, one neaa trlP Saturday, grandchild, and one ; stater and ; Mr- M- J- Thomas, Mr, Joe Ray three brothers. -fnor, Mr., Elbert James and Mr. , - r. 0 ' ;. (Russell James . motored over-: to Jacksonville Saturday evening, Mr. George Lanier was the guest 1 evening. Chinquapin News J Miss Ennie Mobley, of Richlands, Ra C. Bowden jW i WARSAW. N. C, Radio"" Repairing . LICENSED RADIO EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED . CABIN NEWS Teachey News Items ance," Mr. sneiiieia saia. to p""'--ed out that the 1935 Kelvinator models now on display at the local company's showroom represent the latest achievements in both cabinet design and mechanical perform ance. Sales reoords In Kelvinator showrooms all over the country further indicate that these new models in all proability will enable Kelvinator to establish a new high sales record for 1935, HALLSVILLE NEWS " Messrs Ralph Veach and Nor man Bostic made a business trip to Warsaw Saturday morning. " Mr. J. K. Bostic, of Dublin, visit ed in Hallsville Saturday. - Miss Ruth Jackson and little Roy Winters, of Rocky Mount spent the Week with relatives here. " Among those shopping in War saw Saturday were; Mr. and Mrs. Alston Carroll, Mr. Bud Carroll, and Miss Elma Carroll. Mrs. Joe Sumner visited Miss Mary Lou Bostic Friday. Miss Mary Ruth Williams spent Saturday night with Miss Doris Miller.. - - Mr. M. N. Bostic ,of Burgaw, Miss Delia Kennedy spent last the Thursday night with Miss Opal and Baker, rv V, , vSi w, i v Miss Graee Bakeiv Miss Delia Mercer spent, last Thursday night with Miss Daphne Blizzard. Mr. Earl Smith and Mr. Cady Mercer went tn Wilmine'tnn. N. C. B. Berrian and H. eviho Miss Verdla Baker visited Miss Novella Kennedy :, last - Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. G. P. Rhodes, Miss Char lotte Greshanv Miss Elver Gres- Fink rllll Happenings Miss Eunice Reaves, of Golds- o i boro, and Miss Eunice James, Mr. Miss Ruth Turner and ' Mr..'.Kellom James, of Penhook, motor Frank' Parrott, of Klnton, were over to Chinquapin Sunday. ,. iruests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. How-! Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hood and ard at Goldsboro recently. ;--v;--'-v. children, of Goldsboro, Mrs. Kat- Mr. Flavens Williamson was a tie Reaves and children of Plkeville Quick Service All Kinds of Electrical Repairing Messrs M. C. Boney, of New York, were wel come visitors In town last week.;; Mrs. Marvin Barnes spent Fri day with her nantnta. Mr. and Miss Lossie Aycock spent last, Mrs. Joe Rlvenbark. aJtaJST ' MiM Melva Forlaw is home re and wis. Delia Mercer and .'. Jr q uaPuu I covering from an appendix oper-' Mr irrsnk nw th maat Miss Ruth Brown and Mr. Louis'atlon. . , Wood sDent Saturday afternoon mi t. - of Mu Beaale Davenport Satur- Wallace. " L."! "u '1 i" 7. """ :V afternoon. air. juoerc oanaerson ana hiss Mary Chinauanin Mr. Norw6nl Cale was In Wallace JZi .r'XJ1 yl i teke Miss Davenport's boy neLcltaoMDta. l!ntar?atphy,,,defec!" the. afternoon they "JrMTjohn BO.UC, -Sfa- their friend Miss Ti a !-- Mr, Skuison visited his . . ioih ween euu ai rviuwue. ;;; Placed? en thoufd coffee , b served? Miss Grace Baker, Mr, Adolph , Amen oanaerson ana Miss the Spring holidays with her par-; Pottar ad MiaTMirnavennort unTyt0 1" to take Miss Davenport's boy Lou Jean. Muddy Creek News , oil' -: .,.:.: va,; ".;;; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lanier spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .Ray Lanier. ' ,v;V-; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hunter visited Mr. R. H. Lanier Sunday. sister, Mrs.. Sam Jones, of Beula- Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Boney vUle 8unday night. a vaa. vuu ,' W4 . JXUB Boney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I V. Brooks, Cary, N. C. What U the proper - placing for silver? Mrs. D. F. Baker visited ' Mrs. 1 Jannle Kennedy Monday. . - Mr. Charles - E. Baker. Miss f. ".Noveila KennedyMis. Ev'a Ken are glad he is Improving. : The Baptist - observed ; special Home and Foreign Mission Pro gram 8unday, March 31, Those Mr. Sidney Hunter and family ! taking part were! Catherine Bland, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. JPn; en Robinson, 5 China; Ray Bachelor. Miss Beatrice Mobley spent Sun day at Snead's Ferry with Mrs. Oscar Brown. Miss Senora Lanier entertained visitors from Deep Bottom. Satur- YOU COMMAND OUR SERVICES 4 ' Mi I I 4 WE HAVE come to consider our part In i the life of the com muplty that of a public servant The innumerable small services . we are ' able to perform; , the advice we can ottet regarding financial problems; our interest in community development; all rs expressions of the part we have chosen to play to you and ' to our community. , r ' - , v ' ' An Insitutlon Founded Upon Public Confidence . ' r, AU of our accounts Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - ' . y. RESOURCES OVER tl9M)0,000 WARSAW " ' WALLACE Polly Mae Dixon, Africa; Elwood Fusell, Cuba; Howard Rlvenbark, India; Lucile Norrls, Mexico. Special music was furnished by the Junior ,aasa.:f.vv':f;s(i;!4,.- Miss Meriam Wells, of Wallace, was the guest of Misses Charlotte and Eloise Wells Thursday night " Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Forlaw nedy. Miss Delia. Mercer, Mr. Rob Jones visited Mr. Frank Baker and Miss Lizzy Griffin Sunday af ternoon. . Mrs. Claude North and daugh ter, Miss Shannie North, of Wilm ington, spent the week end at Cab in. Mr. and Mrs.,, Harvey Baker visited Mrs. Baker's sister, Mrs. Coy Kennedy Sunday. . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Brinson, of Cedar Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Janla Kennedy visited at Cabin Sunday. spent vel day. with Mr. and mrZnt nTinrtTw thTwr Mrs. E. O. Forlaw last week . - 'n A-Z Wlaa WIMfmI Rlmnharli'. o , " iwiiuou,i vum ouiiuay. ing Club enjoyed picnic at the riv- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanderson and chUdren attended the funeral ser- ! er Thursday afternoon, t v Those 1 1. " .; ?. present were as follows: Mesdame. p nZ ' ntZZ W. C Fussell, ; J, B. Kllpatric, O. n after- Er'sn her C V RJvenbark Mr, Vasaie Kn mother' Mrs. Bal Sanderson, and ,ni.VdM,dR , Miss Mazle Rlvenbark, of Hope-"' w , """" . weU, Va,, spent the week end with " ' ' - " : ' -. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. (Co. spent Sunday at Rocky Point Sorry to say, Mr. and Mrs.' d I'M. Holland's Uttle son, Holland, Jr. has diptheria. 'w' I Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wallace and children, of Seven Springs, spent 'Sunday, March 24, with Mr. and Rlvenbark. Friends of Mr. Mover McMillian are glad to know he la at home a galn. - - . Messrs. R. W. Wells. Sevmour Cedar Fork News Mrs-.. A. R. Wood, Mrs. R. E Brinson, Mr. C. L. Sloan and Mrs. McMUlian and Manuel McMillian. Kinston an rmirtohnm Xjof Greensboro, were welcome vis- - Mr. and Mrs." W. M.. Thigpln v.itors in town Sunday March 81. . land children spent Sunday with and Mrs. Dick McLendon Mrs. J. a. Pfnkett. , h. J; Mr. Mrs. B. W. Pickett Is spending a few days with Mrs. L B. Brin son; r: , -'. ,: ;;;.".;- Mrs. H. D. Sloan spent Saturday night with her sister Mrs. LB. Brinson. , ... , . Mr. R. L. Sloan, of Columbia, 8. DOES Y EfJTERTAIfllfJG j BE St, GUEST ; bttrtaislaf EthuwtU Tasle Ssniags ' DMsritlaas HsMishoM Mstt sslag Fasa Bayiag aagit Pius Mesas sad ladses " BtfrltwatloB ' We have nude arraagemeoa to conduct a new kind of school for tbs benefit of our friends and cunomeri. Don't confuse this with ordinary cooking schools, .because it Is a glamorous, ftsdaating program dealing with problems of cuter tainiog which come into every woman i bis. ' - ..The school is conducted by a noted Home Economist, trained in the famous Kelvin Kitchen at Detroit and she will bring you, out of her wide aud varied v experience, doceas of helpful suggestions which it would be difficult for you to get in any other way. Some of the subjects of interest are listed at the left, so you ' can see how wide a 6eld is covered in this Hostess School and how much effort we have put iotq making this a really complete Hostess School. Remember the : date, the time and the place. Be our guest. s H DATE, APRIL 10 TIME, 3:C0 P.M. PLACE, SIIOVIX C, and Mr. C. L. Hoan, ofMary- Mn and Mrs, Rivers Rouse mo- land, S. C, were t e guest of their Ff7 aroav 1 J ; t-:".4:-: 0D(n

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