&g0 m- at " i - ' - n splendid garden reports Duplin Club -.Members out the fall, winter' , and were forwarded to State i t In Foods and Garden In , H this week. . -. a v hmers in Duplin are: Mrs. J. I -ir Rock Fish Club,, First I i-a. J. L. Miller. Miller '. "ond prize; Mrs. Zack Wll ,, E. F. Grady Club,., Tblrd s'an i Mrs. Willie Mercer, Mil- Cib, Fourth prize. a f .jt prize winner will re v i r CO and. the second winner : : X These winners wiU also com i i with other contestants .out the state for fe prize . :, ) which is ! ; offered i i l.-t reoort fro'j i y com' J. 1 e U-i d anJ fourth i winners t 51 receive attractive t merclal zes. y ," ' . v . ' ' " a report rJf the first ' ' -s follow: , Uy Year-f 'i Garden 1o ITy l.-ily-Ey Mrs. . R. . Wart. "Seek T "I '; i.e I" J, N. C, Fh-. '.Um It Is well to find an excuse foi i lug tUlngs you enjoy and there la at least a"0 0I4e ,or growing a year-round garden. It has meant much to the health of my family welt as saving u 'much money. ' e vegetables you buy may not be and are w picked young ei.oceh or they may be picked too young. i; ..- . We have one acre in our garden. We prepared the . soil good before renting by turning twice mad then i ked the. ground well.' Our nest 5 .nl food" is stable manure. This i s broadcasted over the garden. : I M vegetable crops, . for the t part, belong to -the leafy - p of vegetables and 'require i u X or heavy fertilization - in - - promote rapid v growth i -ntlal for high quail- (sncro"" "re late ... - . ;Hg ,, i raa. i. , . ch-Uge, mustard. U. tender-green, which i us mustard spinach, ruta- t , t id the proverbial collard a.i t . '.p, . F ch ..although unpopular wl'h s .all boys, is one of our best leafy vegetables for f all use.- Ours was ready to use within M days and was not hurt By e cow.w--An during the winter we had a nice variety oi vegeu:- in rive our neignoors misi, ;rlned. variety of, t.MMinii fruits tender that i we might have a serving of three I w'th.wtemVns ! tertained their husbands at a fish or four vegetable, everyday, "d1 Xrt7TtoeWor Friday evening from 5:00 to one or more servings Of mill, vveig Nat0nal Championship." pi3 tTcteck. , , , - learn m our ciuu -i m.- ,mA tlMlth we SnOUld' t ninv: rood neaim wv have it least three serving of yeg eUblesf dally; a leafjrvegetable, a starchy one, and another, prefer ably of the root family.' Miss Mary Thomhs, State Food Specialist, and our county Home Agent recom v mends these foods M a good sour ce of vltamms,an4 alsot,,they sup ply us ' with mineral matter And roughage. " ' , In early January we started our spring garden and now have grow ing, cabbage," lettuce, Alaska peas -(according to Mr. Morrow's advice. I am following his garden plan for Eastern N. CO onions, beet, c"" . sunday. You are extended a spec-.ward Maxwell, Hugh' . Maxwell, rots, -mustard, Irish potatoes, eel-, lnvtat,oa to attend these aer-J Misses Pennle Smith,, Viola West ery. corn, squash,, egg pwnt. totvice. Preaching wiU be held atlbrook. Hestef and Ruby. ; Mae radish, parsley, ioes ,leyHi. beans. We have spent 50. for seeds., we usea me r" """ I held at these churches one hour be We spent only 14.00 f or fertilizer,. f w nour f preaching. The and nave boiu, w .. -7 iar 'worth -of vegetables.. If we count" the amount saved in money U 1 pur garden the figures would ma into hundreds as we are a fan y of eight.. . , I love to go into the garden In I'd nrnlng when things are ov ( 1 with dew, .and the earth 1 so good, to decide which to 1 1. aner. I think of my city , h (Tacouraglng it. must j clde at a market, when the Vs have lost tlnelr flrm i, not to mention the flavor, ' vihlch ones to buy. . , . ri33 MArca: green HONGlbED - pie-cutting was held In honor I"ad?re Green in the lobby V.. Cuirn's store, Friday, h. Invited guests included it of honor, Miss Green, L. Ferrell, Mrs. C. E. "i E. U Qulnn, Miss . ' .' 1, l.:.'ssers Joe Qulnn, s 1, j, O. Bowman,- Jr., t !--t , . om- " 7 VferDeyWins Blliht Livestock : - i Contest GOES TO STATE WIET. ; IN JT0NB -U ii , , ii I Topping the list in district live stock judging .contest held at Rocky Mount recently, Alton Smith a member of the Warsaw voca tional Agriculture Department, un der the direction of J. D. Miller, local teacher; ; won the right to compete to the State F. F. A. con-, test to be held at Raleigh some time in June. !,.,.u L- VM' , Each year vocational agriculture students, numbering more than five thousand,; compete in a series of eliminations- contests throughout va state, whereby sixteen winners e picked, who later will assemble t the state contest at Bute Col 1 1. The four high scorers In this cou neat co -Mtse the team that win later re' nt North CaroBna in Kansas I y at the American Roy nl Live.:. :k Exposition, which Is h 3 1 is October..-, - 5 "tbtae livestock contest are spon sored by the N. . C Department of Vocational Agriculture, in co-oper- ation with the Future Farmers of ; America, to stimulate a wider range of interest among the farm ers and farm boys in growing good livestock.: Much stress has been laid on a well balanced program Of agriculture, and the live-at-home campaign. And It is a well known fact that no farm program Is well rounded out without the addition of plenty of good livestock and poultry. It n the. aim of the Vtw catlonal Forces in promoting these contests to stamp out, in so far as possible the various classes of scrub animals" and poultry J now commonly found on many farms in North Carolina. ' ' ' ' The state and national ton' (V"' t rf Jii'" 'Inf'll'X f " HvesUiwii l , j ,- " ' Dairy-' cows, fceef ' cows, K. j, Horses,': 8heep; Poultry and the identification of meat cuts. ; E.ch boy Judges all of the-above classes and a composite score is kept, The' high scorer-at The American Roy al is then declared National Cham-',, pion.- . - - xne American noyai snow is uie finest of iU kind in the United States and possibly the entire world. It is a great stimulus for to make good Judges. )., . ... . 7 m to this I ' J1J 9 . . .T. .., valuable prizes are given the . : . . . . . years scholarship to any agricul ture 'college in America. It is to be hoped that Alton Smith, who rep resents the Warsaw Vocational Agriculture Department In the' fi nals will ' come through in good style and place on the final team, i . - . , : o - ' ' Presbyterian Services , . .Sunday ' imivK nnnnMAM. Paster 4 b...4... sii vnimr nun, rr'.Tm at GiWMr. Andrew Patemm. Mr. Jieur- Hallsville at n:ou ana.ai otan - fQrd fct j.30 Sunday school wlU be public i invited. Cypress Creek; News Mr. Haywood WilUams has made his home In Rose HIU where he will auctioneer strawberries uus season; Mrs. Haywood WUUams has gone to live with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hemie retrce near Catherine Lake. Mr. and Mrs. David James en tertained at a peanut shelling Mon day night. ' - Mr .and Mrs. Demle Halao of Mill Swamp visited relatives : of this section Saturday, night -and Sunday. . , . 1 Mr. and Mr,. Joe' Raynor nad children visited Mrs. Raynofs mo ther near Richlands Sunday. V ' ,r Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Maready of, Mill Swamp visited Mr .and Mrs. Russell James Sunday, ' ' Mr .and Mrs. A. E. James, Mr. Haywood ' Williams and Mr. N. Brown made a- business trip to Wilmington last Saturday, Mr. O. J. Hunter of cypress Creek accompanied Mr. Joshua Jones of Eeu'avllle to see his bro- oumlther. Mr. Albert Jones near Foun tains Cross F.or-!s Sunday. Sunrise C:: In Kcr llzming A special Sunrise Service will be held in KeranayilSe Park Sunday morning at aout S:40 A. M. Music will be furnished by. the male Quar tet, s , , '; .-- ' x- ' We p.t r'"ning this" year to 4 rive Dtteaut of the evenU that took place on we. Kesur,recuuu Morning. The Grave and the three Crosses will be seen by the morn tag group and the different per sons who were connected with that event will be seen, carryir? out their parts. - The scene of t!e pad- he audience that It will have a sa-l cred effect and the three1 crosaesf will be seen against the sky line. : r The people of Kenansvllle and of the community are Invited to wor ship with u in this service. . ' n ii v '' Our Easter Creed;? Now is Christ risen front, the dead' hd become the first fruit of them that slept; For since by Chinquapin, iasi ween ana reports ;. entertained a numaer of ma inenas The weatner man nas surety puu maa came death, by man came al-1 that;. Mr. Hardlson Ja wgetUng 8t a barn notching.; - , : . ' ted s last one this season. Just so the resurrection of the, dead. I along so well ' His condition is ;: little Julia Scott and Griggs) when everything looked lovely for For as In Adam all die, even sa in 'much worse and bejls confined. to Dickens have beep chosen: mascots a Cine Easter, Just when merchants Christ all be made alive: Christ the first ' fruits , afterward they that are ChrisVf 4 eontAf . -Then cometh the end when He ball deUvev'up the Kingdom of m , H u. fc.y. ail ettemles ' reigntn e nam put " euenl'0" iinitor Hia fHt. The 'last enemy that shall he destroyed is death. 1st Cor. 15th Cbapt, ' .;t muddy cnrsic i mLm Margaret Wood: Mr. and Mrs. Gorman ""V -Mrs. Bertie Southerland, Floyd and. Ray I Bnnkarlanrf ; villtMl MM. AdonhUS Thigpen of Chinquapin Sunday af- ternoon,',''1. j'JCi'.'j,- Mr .and sirs. O. V. Lanier and son Vernon spent Sunday Mrs. Lanlera mother, Mrs. Bailie Strapton of near cyprew ineen, ; Mr.' fend Mrs. ' Stephen Raynor tnd cdten-' attended the birthday i met- at Mr. Enoe Lanlers Sun- . .' J..: r 1 "Km ' !b "viallu.g Uev kduchter, &u. J- H. Jnekson of Kenansville thta weelf ' . -: Misr Ruth Pickett visited; Mtss Annie'Rae Thigpeay Sunday.. 1 Mr. and Mrs. MaJton Lanier and Mr. and Mr. Berry. Raynor made business trip to Klnstoit Satur- -..day. - . , - J R P, Grady Wives ; Entertain Husbands " The members Of the B, F. Gradys 'womans Demonstration Club en The afrairaa new ai axweuB j... a. u : liuihnuat weather tne uan were ineu u w, mill house. Iced ten was ' served also. Mr. Hugh Maxwell returned thanks. A nice Ume was enjoyed by all.''' r I; ' i . r : The following were presents Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Shoulara, Mr. and Mn ' Walter Smith, Mr and Mrs. Troy Smith, Mr. and Mrs; S. R. Chestnut, . Mr. and Mr. K.- J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallace, Mr. and Mrs Zack .WilUams, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wallace, Mrs, Floyd Heath, ,""v Potters HiU News Mr .and Mrs. -A. O. BosUc and Mrs. Lettie HaU attended the birth day dinner of Mr. G. W. Shepherd, of middle Sound Sunday. - . Mr. Herman Smith wrecked his car last week while passing Mr. n"1' - were Injured. ut Mr. Smith s car was seriously damaged. The Spring Revival will begin at t h e Limestone Chapel Advent 1 ' T' . 'T ChrisUan church. Thursday evening Wayne County that aegro was April 18th and continue through ftwnd dead In Sunday. April 21. Everyone is in- Cal ypso. Jr vlted to. attend. Mnf to report, has been dead appa- Mr. 2nd MrsOdell Eaaon werently 80 days. Coroner Smlth was the guest of Mr. Carrie '7. 4" . ..(".--, identified at the time of writing. j. 1 Mrs. Q. - It. Qulnn 'and children r 1 oruieu nor mi.,.- were the guest of Mrs. Quinn's f a-' and great-grandchildren. , . '- ' ' The Maysville Home Demonstra ther,' Mr. Jim Taylor Sunday af-l Mr. C. Houston was the guest of tlon club gave their husbands, ternoon. : - ' I Miss Inez Qulnn Sunday I sweethearts and children a fish fry Miss Thelma Bostlo spent the' Messrs Perry Hall and ! BatUe rand picnic ' at helr ., community week with Mr. and Mrs. Eddjc thljrpen Were the guest of Misses building, April 2nd. Thigpen of Beulaville. ' ' lOseM and Dessle Edwards Sunday. ! ' Mesdame D. O. Thompson, S. Funeral services were held at the h ' Miss - Ronnie Qulnn entertained N. SulWon-from Mt Olive visited Sand Hills ; Premltave - Baptist .at a quilUng party Monday after- Mr, Q. W. Beat Friday. t church airirv afternoon for Mrs. noon. The following were her guest asmmsBnx a Julia Houston. Ehe was one of our oldest and t ' 't lnved rentdents. She was 82 ye. !. ' e i ""1 I bv two seras I 1 3 well as Cc.l x ... Tcvn T. ' A BIP-t I Of.t'ie t herB y D , i( li for .. : "ear vk:h, f t 1i 'j. Wy T pnl .-c i held l.i t Kotwe i . TMbk j tho V" ' ting . Monday r ' f the Voters nansvflle . Is 6efr In ' " the t House - on 1 22nd, 19S5, f nominating or and" Com a of Kenans - e, years, '' n, as' luw al-ed-at three town, will be County Court H9S5. .., , Ice thai only qated at this r on the tick-; -M', As: , 4 -. i r t" J Mayor. ' e meeting v. et to be v Done by 1. E. i ' cut. Clerk, " -J- t-r.'- ' ilm Wor?e Earl Hr: 4 4 Mrs. j Harvey . Ttnnau worker, vUitedL Ear) Hardlson-, of Jhrlst'his bed,.., , f ' , Woodbr litems ft- Mr .and Mrs. wiutejavoua were . m antiuit. tit , Mr.; and;. Mrs. L. M ir.7 . . , f . jtim. Whitfield SunUuy afternoon. :.; ' - j: rsflimuMj'miHMim u .attended the funt.aj services , oc,. (the infant or Mr. ana urs, JumeBt Houston near , ivfinfiiisvlUe Sunday er of the mill, kindly extended to afternoon.- 1 . - ''r Vithe ladies the privilege of. having Mrlwu Alphia visited Mr Wl- tie Stroud Fridav ternoon. V t . -Mr. Donnle .U Barnett nd Miss Mary Ruth roud were, the guests, of I ... s ier Westbrook Saturday af term u, . , -, Mn .and Mrs I He,tt Chambers, Mr And Mrs. V; Ji Stroud,, Mrs, fiJPearl Wallace. Mr. Donnie,!! -"rt'"u Stroud were the guests of Mrs. Nel- "tf" "'"'""'v - Everyone t Wry t4 know that Mr. B1U Herring, v iio)iu a stroke r tiu' worse- - Mr. Stephen improving from his spell of' sick ness:" . i. f Mr, Wilhe Stroud and daughter Mary Ruth were the guests of Mrs. Ev Blalock- Tuesday afternoon. V Miss Viola. Westbrook was -the guest of- Mr. Jamie Smith Friday afternoon.'1'!'. . ' ' - -' Mr. Donnle Lewis Barnett was the. guest- of Miss Mary Ruth Stroud Sunday. During' the after noon! theyxi went to Kenansville stockade-on a sight seeing trip . Mr-Harvie luszeue la apenenng a i few. weeks with Mr. Sam Mas- sey. - '5? The -crows have been-eating the chickens of Mr. Will Stroud's late- ly.j. f. A'i Mr." Donnie Barnett visited his first cousins, Mr. and. Mrs. An drew Jones Friday afternoon. Their plan-was to go fishing to the South West Mitt Pond but it rained so hard-, until they ,couldn carry out their plans -i '.,!'??,!.''" - meat ing last Tuesday afternoon In the home of Mrs. Joe Hilt Wallace, which was held by Mrs. Fairer. Mft'jOllver Herring had: a barn notching Saturday.' Jt great num ber of people attended. c Oil O SRJT WMIWIV rwivwu .' Dpny Turner Thursday afternoon. Mr; Eva Blalock visited Mrs ' Mr. Park Holmes and Mr. Leon Heath made a business trip to Ken ansville Friday morning. '1 - Mrs., Billy Barnett and son Don nle ' and daughter Katie -? visited Mrs. Jagold Stroud Thursday after noon,. . ' ' Mr: and Mrs. George Dunn went to ' Mount Olive shopping Satur- - 0' ' .. Negro Dead Month Found Near Calypso As we went to press thia week Sheriff Williamson was Investigate . L , CI 14 I 1 .... .Jgg 1 , Ii.. . Misses Inea and -Vendetta Qulnn, Mesdame Edmond Brown, DenJ, -,,f-ni win nnhum - r. - al people from here attend- fed t..i fciiow at Beulavlilo High Dr. Geo. Howard To! j Speak At Kenansville , The closing " exercises oi , me i Lrrys?rit m. with the operetta of the Elem-, entary Department On Sunday enlne. Anril21at.latthe.amehow 7:48 p. m, the Class Sermon will i be preached by Rev. F. B.. Joyner of Faison, who is also "pastor; of the local Methodist Church; Con- tinulnir with the hour of 78 pt m. throughout, the Senior Class will have their,Night ; Thursday,-;1 the 25th., and the climax will ebme i with the Graduating Exercises on the evening of Friday the 26th. At! this time Dr. George Howard, Pro i feasor of Education at the Unlver-i ; miy ca worui tjaronna wiw .uouvcr ' the address. To all. these exercises the public is corauuiy .invwea. Jt. rVliraoy WeWS ?' 'laiize, a t 1 .' "i. 1 1 1 1 0 '' :' j ' Mr." Paul Wllkms of Oak Grove scent last Saturday hurht and Sun- rtv with Mr mmnrA nll. "'! . bast Friday, Mr- Benh.e Outlaw f of the Senior Class of B. F; Grady. High School ; 1 Misses Kattle Pear) Wllkins spent (jasx oaiuraay nignt wun reianves , ; In Oak Grove. . - - j vm. ia: t.-., , Tbe Home DemonstraUon Club ... n v:.menKJemJWine unuiy cum- .v... well's, MU1 Pond last' Friday ev- ening Mr. Durward Maxwell own- ntertainments,there, at anytime, MUsrLola Westln of Deep. Run spent last week With friends in the B. )p, Orady community. " j. lMrfc. w. B. Joneg spent last week &i with her nelce; Mr, D. r. Kor. I negay 0f jnil. 1 - iMii' Mr -fi!. Smith unent Uat maaelt rlne Whitehurst.' Martha 'Griggs and Carr -f - v., ., I . Mr. sJtul Mrs. Carl H. Walker ana j Misses ' Martha Griggs, - Kathetihe whitehurst end 'Sarah' Carr went of Warsaw spent last Sunday with thelr uncle, Mr. Frank Wilkin. ening. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill spent Mrs. Tankard and the Misses last Sunday night with Mr. and Tankard of Bath were here Sun Mr C B. Herring of Bethel. day. a guest of Miss Helen Tan Mr. P, E. Shoular's farm class kard, of the school faculty, had its meeting at Mr. Bill Good- Rev. Harold J. Dudley, Presby Ings last Thursday night. They all terian minister of Kinston, deliver enjoyed a fish fry after the meet-ied the baccalaureate sermon to ing. . the graduating class of the local Mr and Mrs. -A. J. Dickson and school. Sundav afternoon. It was Mr .and Mrs. Alton Scott the mas-' ' cota parents, entertained the B. F. Grady Senior Class anorns home room teacher, MUs Sarah Cattj oa ' weiner roast at tne CWf last Friday evening. After enjoying a "hearty feed," the crowd went to Mrs; Scott's home and had a big time. Last Tuesday evening, Mr. Boo Maxwell attended a banquet, giv en by the East Carolina Merchants Association in Kinston. ' The baccalaureate sermon of B. F. Grady high school wan. preached last Sunday afternoon by Rev. C. B. Maahburn, pastor of the Christ ian church in Farmville. Rev. Maahburn delivered, a very inspir ing ; mAtajuifl'A ad the suhtact. j "Sportsmanship." " Special music I WAR mine- hv Misses Bessie Korne- Imv MaW IV Smltk mnl Ttlrlv BJ J -- - j - man, Victoria Kornegay and Sarah . Carr. Mrs. Gat Kornegay and Misses Bessie2 Kornegay, Lucille Cruch, and -Tessie Smith went to Kinston last Saturday afternoon. , o , Maysville News The Maysville Home Demonstra tion Club met and held theia April mfino' with Mrs. J. M. Holland ' Friday afternoon, April 12th., 1935. Plans . were made to attend the federation in Kenansville, April 19. One new member was added.- Ice cream and cake was served by the hostess. ' . On the sick list here are Mrs. Mabel Faulk, Miss Belle Grady and Mrs. Lela Wells with flu. Mr. R. a Pate with pneumonia,1 Mr. o: W. Best with rhumitism and the chil dren of Mr. and Mts. C. S. Jones. On Sunday. April the- 14th the children and relatives .ana inenas of Mrs. Joe Hlnes met and cele- n.u v.i-l..u .,lk school Thursday evening. A large number attended -cnoir Tir at th hnnut of Mr. and Mrs. U'M. Bosto Wednesday ev - ening. tic Mold Reported In - .. v. . i . - . . . . , . i tiA Nftt MIirtiniT i;; I Ww , - . t.J. IJUiivastui vvavv - - ; q' ' ' i Some worry and apprehension is, twin feir over ' the . .strawberry, crop u Duplin as a result of the coW weather, Tne berries would be retiring north at a rapid pace now jf the weather man bad not' fooled" u,.. Agent Mclendon says -that there j, little need to worry. The crop & better berries will be a lit- late At first the nemes wmeu. . . k white spotted but a few good ' The disease Is first noticed, by a - warm days will eliminate this and the expected good crop will mater - Wonthor Man Pll lis A Fast One, Ice & Snow were, getting jubilant over pros- IpecU.of a fine Easter business. the weather ups and turns winter ume ; sw, ytcumcbubjt uuii found heavy, coats of frost in pla- ces , where , the wind was not so a,h h hhh wan not t .. ,. . m OTwhth mtv fiurrtea of " ening. put. weatner propneis yei hoia h,ope for.a warm week-ena. -TO- Pink Hill, News : MesUames J. 11." Jones, T. A. Turner, Ike Stroud, Alton Tyndall and Miss Ruth Turner visited the Azolea Gardens at Wilmington Monday, r P. T. A officers Installed recent ly were; President.; Mrs. S. M. Lee; Vice-president, Mra.T. A. Turner; Secretary,'; Mra,v; Melvta: t Jones; Treasurer, Mr. Hi E. M'siwe. l U' 'A '-ttfc'JlfcVMiie-wefe.! MI. JHHI un. . UCMO.MlU 17ZZZiZ-ZFl !'Kii - Commerce in Kinston Tuesday ev- weu attended. ! Miss Ruth Turner "left recently for Greensboro and Charlotte to Bpend some time. At Charlotte she will be an attendant in the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Motte, a former classmate at Queene-Chiivaro Col- lege. Mr .and Mrs.. J. B. Gray and daughter of Wilson and Mr. and , Mrs. Thomas Heath of Kinston ' visited relatives here Sunday. I Mesdames Annie Jones, T. A. Turner, J. J. Smith, Ike Stroud,' Floyd Heath and Miss Lula Tyn dall attended a meeting of the Wo mans Auxiliary of the Presbyter-j ian church at Smith's Chapel Sat urday afternoon. j Honoring Members of the school faculty and others, . Mrs. Jones Smith entertained at four tables of contracti bridge at her home here Toasday afternoon. "Attractive novelties were pre sented Miss Doris Turner and Mrs. ' J. Melvin Jones for High Score' and floating prizes respectively. Mrs; Smith was assisted by Mrs. Ike Stroud in serving a salad' course with tea. Players making up ( the tables were; Misses Doris Tur-, ner, Rosa Lee Saied, Ruth Wil-. Hams, Cell Maxwell, Mary Ward, ' Ruth Hough, Jessie Wetherington, Pauline Robinson, Mesdames Jas-I per UmiU. Ike Stroud, Floyd Heath, Ebora Ptttman, Floyd May, Melvin ' Jones. Mrs. Horace Tyn dall and the hostess. ':-',;., :' .0 Fountainsboro News Mrs. ZilUe Hunter of Cedar Fork spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Edwards. J Mr. and Mrs. O. W. WUliama l anent Sundav at Mr. Ira Edwards. Misses Ruth and Vera Edwards Messrs Tom, Paul George, John the Sharon Baptist church of Chin Edward Lanier and Wiley, Bryan quapln last Tuesday, went to the show at Wallace Sat-! - Messrs. Carl Smith; Luther and urday. ' . . Will MiUer made snstwnss trip Mr.' Norman Dail, Miss Naomi to Kenansville Saturday. Edwards wen. for a short ride Sun-1' A very large number attended day P, M ) 1 preachnig at the Hallsville. B&pt- - Miss Isobel Brlnson has returned 1st church Sunday and. "-Sunday from Kinston hospital where she night ha undergone' an operation, She Messrs John .Wesley Veach, Ro has had very many friends to vis- land and Mark Langston of near, It her. t- ' ' t Warsaw were the guest of Misse Misses Josephine, Lacy and Ed- Mary Lou Bottle, Aldene Hines and na, Brlnson of Cedar Fork . were ' Elma Carroll Sunday evening. . 1 visitors of Miss Goldy Mabley Sun- day. ' - - k v .- , .. - j ,. 0 ' r - Bv t, X. MclJCN." "V B,ue mold on .tobacco 1 been reported on looacca ovum m uuhi County. This disease is r that is very easily transported f- -one : bed to another by the wfnd or any object that may come in contact with diseased planU and come in contact with other plants: It does its most serious Injury to growing planU during cool, damp weather, :. more especially so if the cloth is . left on the bed or the bed is shad-' scortched, yellowish appearance and as the disease progresses in its destruction of the leaves tney do- come covered with blue v spores wh'ch r seed8 the plant disease growing on the tobacco plant leav-, ' es. In case the disease is 'not ly killed except the bud leaves,; which leaves the plant unsatiafac-1; tory for transplanting to-the field; i: There is no preventive for, the ) Blue Mold and the only remedy of proven worth is jninshme and. During warm sunny days the bed cover, should be removed and v plants exposed to direct sunlight. '' Caution should be used in replac ing the cover at night if there la any danger of frost With thia tntjitmnnt Nilrstn Af Hodft. WlmiM ' be applied to the bed immediately ; upon the appearance of the df sease. " ' . It will pay tobacco growers to . visit their tobacco beds' at least once each day if not more often to apprehend the disease and not let ' it spread before any measures are : taken to prevent ft. Hallsville News Mlaa DeBa Kennedy Spent Jaat Thursday night with Miss Doris Miller. '" ' .-- ' " Mrs. Leon Platock spent Batur- infclltLwlth IP -Mrs. 'I)Wi Blalock: 'r Messrs H. N. Bostic and Ned Houston made a business' trip to Kenansville Saturday morning. The Auxiliary meeting was held at Mrs. Neal Smith's Saturday af ternoon, A vary large number at tended. A delicious course of chicken salad sandwiches, pickles, iced tea and) eakft were served. Mr. Joseph Brinkley of Chin quapin and' Miss Mcy Miller vis ited Mis Etma Carroll Saturday P. M; Quite a number from here at tended the Primary Operetta "Pe ter Rabbit" at Beulaville High School Auditorium Friday night. 1r. Bill Quinn of Chinquapin was visitor of Miss Fannie Mae Miller Saturday night. Miss Llna Blalock visited her sister, Mrs. Edd Houston Satur day evening. Mrs. Carlton Bostic of Dubbin, N. C. spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Ned Houston. Mr. Hobson Scott spent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith. Mesdames James, Harry and Charlie Miller and Walter L. Wade visited in Hallsville Saturday night Misses Minnie Wade and Doris Miller visited in Hallsville Satur day P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kennedy spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Houston. . Miss Mary Lou Bostic spent Sun day with Miss Elma Carroll. Miss Doris Miller spent the week end with Miss Minnie Wade. Miss Aldene Hines spent Sun day With Miss Vera Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and children visited relatives near Mag nolia Sdnday. Mr. Leslie Turner was the guest of Miss Mary Grace Sumner Sun day afternoon. Rev .and Mrs. Lonnie Powers and daughter, Mary Ellen spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Alston Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Alston Carroll and Mr, Ray Carroll and Misses Elmn Carroll, Aldene Hines and Macy Miller attended the Association at n- f Mr. Rom Jsrrnan visited In town J Monday.

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