Ty C.'JlTUt Weahtogtooir-Wltn aature WOV lag In to help extinguish the cot ton surplus, as she has already en hot, catUa and to a leaaer ax. tent wheat, probabilities tor trouble In the future (or cotton growere In thla country, ara ot dlmlnlahed, : but lncTeaaeii.-a:?'K-":vVA..! The point la that tba dust storms ' in the big. cotton producing arena of Texas and Oklahoma mora than half of the cotton railed in the United Statea la grown waat ot the Mississippi, despite the prevailing opinion to tha contrary have al ready boosted the price of cotton. Pressure-,' on AAA la expected to continue kan at around 12 cents, despite te desire to drop them gradually1.- U ot which means that the price of cotton will be main tained at tola high level next year. So far, so good, hot unfortunate ly It is Impossible for the United States to keep such a altuatloa a secret. If this country could only da what Russia did a few years back with wheat, it could make a killing on cotton perhaps next year.,.- ' ':'.' The Russians, it may be recalled, circulated stories that their wheat crop had failed, back in the days of,. Secretary of' Agriculture Hyde and tha farm board. - The farm board began baying- wheat, and the Russians began T eelUhg. Hyde thought they ; were selling abort, and actually denounced them in public speeches for anch a nefari ous practice. But the Russian de : llvared the wheat Whereupon tha price collapsed, tha Russians having been the only wheat farmers to get a real price for their product, and tha money for that coming ont of tha United Statea treasury. But tha whole world knows about crops in the United Statea. Down in Brazil they know about the duat atorma that ara wrecking cot , ton clop ; prospects west of the Mississippi. They know about the agltjuon to continue tha 12-cent loans -which means an artificially maintained 12-cent price next year. .And they know in BraslI they can produce cotton at a profit at 0 cents a pound I Big Brazilian Crop 8o naturally Brazil will Increase her cotton acreage next season by every square yard possible. This "possible" amount la far from triv ial. Tremendous overnight expan- alon ia impossible, of course, but Brazil's agricultural experts fig ure that ' only- about one-tenth of ; tha land capable of producing cot ton always witn tne ft centa, in eluding profit, In mind la now an der cultivation. So that the real problem ia labor. But there Is enough labor for much mora expan sion. So it can safely be assured that there will be a big increase in the Brazilian crop. Over in England the cotton spin ning people know about these duat atorma, and about the prospect of the United States, maintaining the 12-cent price. Some of their big villa have made the change in their looms so as to ' spin the Brazilian cotton. More of them now are ex pected to do so. They will naturally figure they can buy Brazilian cot ton cheaper than United States cot ton. !.;,,: : iVv'.vl'i''' Over in tha Japanese puppet state there are now 80,000,000 acres of cotton. Very small so far as world figures go, but there also the facts about the situation in tha . United Statea ara known, and may be expected to have results. Sim ilarly in Egypt and India. All of which point unerringly to tha ' probability that throughout ' the world there will be a mad rush Ito take advantage of the situation. This promises eventually . to leave : the United Statea treasury holding . tha bag, owning millions of balea of cotton for which It paid 12 cants a pound, when the world market will be around 7 or 8 centa at the most, and 6 centa in all proba bility. - But this is only part of the trou ble. Johnson and Johnson have already announced their plana for setting up cotton mills in Brazil, tha idea being not only to get cheap er cotton, but to get away from the processing tax. Products of this mill would , be need In: place ' of ' goods formerly exported from .the American... mills. ' ; , ' : , t" Army Is Stirred ' ; '; .v' Army and navy officers are ter ribly concerned over the bill Just passed by the house, and soon to ' be considered in the senate, - for taking the profit out of war. They assure ... everyone who will : listen to them, In , private, that It will also take national defense out of war, which might be - very serious . indeed to tba nation In the event of a. conflict. ::'r?V":iv:-;' Tba pacifists ball the bin as: A bill to keep the United States ' out of war by providing in advance that there will be (1) profits for none, and (2) confiscatory taxes for all, so that it win be to every Amer ican's Interest to keep the United States, at peace." ; Army and navy experts say that It should be called: - ? "A bill (1) to transfer1 the war munitions Industry now In the Un'tpd States, and which might ba I '-':J here, to foreign soil, (2) 10 ij a ia f J t ) COt-.,'.. t bat uut i . .epesl the military strategy: fens la a Tigor- , .,i OO I i Sok' ! f wot ue.., oldest law that the t oua offer ' Goai ! I a $2,000,000 bonus to Ens-- u. i ace, by screams of the r !, by complaints of soldier- 1 . lobbyists that "these boys f ' t and risked their lives wh.:. jrouteera were making mil-llo-i," the house voted down every c . '.lng amendment, passed thai bill, and privately hopes the senate will write some sense into It i;. i Tax on Profits -; Mora anrloua. 'from a prepared- neaa standpoint Is the tax provlalon on profits. Half of all proflte np to 0 per cent and then 100 per cent la the house provision. Suppose, say army and navy officers, the du Ponta had been faced with such a altua tlon at the entry of the United Statea in the World - war. would the ' have dared expand : their plants'! Suppose, Instead of a pre liminary period or nearly i inree yeara during which the alllea were buvlne all the muniuona tney couia get and which naturally , caused tremendous expansion of the on ; Pont, Bethlehem and other muni tions plants, the United Statea had been Involved from the first with such restrictions on earnings as are now proposed. .;. :illi:ti'J"i The point made by the army and navy men is primarily that no man- ufacturer would dare expand : ma plant to take care of a war need. He would not be able to make enough to scrap the plant after the war, and he would have to take nis chances, with government auditors on depreciation charges. Altogether ha would be much safer If bia plant were located on foreign soil, where it wonld be welcomed as an element of military strength. So that the natural development would be for foreign countries, to benefit even in . time of peace by the training of their wwkmeriMn the making of munitions, and in time of war by the possibility of big profits, which these foreign govern ments could tax to their heart'a con tent and still leave something for the manufacturers. . fc; ...,. s4-s ;S? Nearly every one agrees that tha proposed law would be repealed as the first act of congress after the next declaration of war. Critics are not much worried about that What really worries them Is the prospect of American ' business enterprise moving abroad wholesale to escape such conditions,' thus not only de priving the United States of this element of strength, but actually providing It for potential enemies. S Long Session ' ' Congress is not going to be rushed to an early adjournment It will be with ua for a long time yet Almost surely until August This Is true despite all the flat predictions by leaders that ' the "must" items will be rushed .through, and everything else will be aban doned. Many things may be "aban doned." But they will not, be aban doned because of the time element They, wilt be abandoned, if at all. because actually they are not want ed. Careful examination of the left overs at the time of adjournment will reveal the truth of this state ment ,',. Utility heads got all pepped np a few days ago at this list of "must" measures. It did not Include the public utility holding company bill. Now, despite all the statements, the probability of the moment Is that a holding company bill affecting" the utilities will be passed. It win ot be passed In the form desired by president Kooaeveit it win oe mncn more moderate. It win actually be what aome of the utility chiera fa vored aa much aa ten years ago. Soldier Bonus Naturally, the soldier bonus was not on the "must? hat The Presi dent does not want that . But If anyone thinks that it Is not going to take a lot of the senate's time, he Just does not know very much about the senate. Especially, as the best predictions now are that tha bonus legislation, after passing both bouses, and being vetoed, will be passed over the veto by the bouse and then fall of passage In the senate. ' - ' L . - 1 X This unofficial program calla for two separate considerations of tha measure by .the aenatel 1 v That la not all. Very few admin istration leaders are optimistic enough to believe this congress will adjourn without giving the soldiers something.; which means that time must Intervene after a aufflclent demonstration of strength to fright en the. White House, and after a sufficient', demonstration of weak ness to frighten the American La glon f oKia 1,1 compromise to -,. be worked out The President has let It be known to a few friends on Capitol' Hill that he Is willing to go to a compro mise of about 11,200.000,000. The, bonus- leaders know that, and will move heaven and earth to obtain It If they find that they are going to lose out on tha mam fight Incidentally, there ia nothing on the "must" program about the AAA amendments, nor about the growing movemedt : to : rescind the ; cotton processing tax. Nor the corn and hog processing tax. Flat prediction is hereby made that there win be a lot of oratory in the senate on both before, the final gavel taps. , Copyright WNU airvlMt Llew.id'. Hid: AIwayi: TslEarei . Eur: -a IV'Uct. Washington. Germany's new mil itary program, which ' defies the Versailles treaty, renews the old problem ot Bhlneland fortifications, and again brings Into the news a fertile valley which has so often been an economic and political fron tier. V ' , - - According to the terms of the treaty Germany was allowed to re tain the left bank of the. Rhine pro viding it was completely demili tarized. Military occupations of thla zone (from 1918 to 1030) by American, , French ' and British forces v Insured . Germany's - fulfill ment 'of. her. agreement .. vttj.v ;. "The Rhine has always played an Important, part In European poll tics," says the National Geographic society.'. "A glance at the map shows many of the most famous Bhlne towns standing on the left bank of the river. This is because the Bhlne was once a frontier of Soman civilization, and it was on the west' side that Roman strong holds i; were ' established. Today, starting near Its source, the river marks . the boundary first between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, thenJ Switzerland and . Austria, Switzer land and Germany, and finally Ger many ana rraoce. A'.'-S.,'!f Important Waterway, "Flowing from south to north, the Rhine Is one of Europe's chief wa terways. With Its numerous tribu taries It drains one of the- moat Famous German Boy Choir Visits America The oldest and most famous of boy choirs, the Dresden Ereuachor, as they arrived, at, New York recently This choir, whose history dates back to 1200 la composed of 60 boys ranging In age from ten to nine, teen years. They will make a tour of tha United States. . ,, . - " .i-.v - i Lights 6F: New York B71. l stevenson . Corloua things happen In the City of the Sevea Million. For Instance: Ira Wolfert, dramatic critic of the North American Newspaper Alli ance, with bis wife was awaiting the opening curtain of "The Sim pleton of the Unexpected Isles, when a. friend touched Mrs. Wolfert on the shoulder and asked her if she had lost her purse. ; Hasty In vestigation showed that she had. The friend explained that she had boarded an Eighth avenue subway train and happened to see the purse under the. seat Opening it aha found Mrs. Wolf ert's name. Know ing where her friends would be, she followed them: to the Guild theater and made restoration and saw the play with the Wolferts. Incidental ly, the purse contained an the cur rent funds of the family, -l' " After all this time, Tv found an ally in the crusade against red fingernails. ; He is William H. Al len, secretary of the municipal civil service commission. He holds that red fingernalla remind him of the "blood of a dead horse." He has Issued no orders against such fem inine adornments in his department but refuses to give dictation to the five or six stenographers who serve him, If their fingernails are that deep redV Also he regards fresh air and, exercise as better than make up. Hla attitude has caused quite a lot of talk among the girls In his department.' But there is a notice able paleness of both fingernails and faces. 'i!'::;lt-?fX'.y:;ixri,:' h a ' M:Vir-'..f.!..5;,l'r;' In the opinion of William P. Mai ooney, who has Just completed two years as head of the sta? liquor control board, New ' Xork . has "the most liberal and the best enforced liquor law of any state In 'the Union. There are defects, of course, he admits, holding that perfection In handling liquor will, never' be reached. . ' Incidentally, Chairman Mulrooney la a teetotaler' and al ways has been, That after 87 years in the police department, he should be in the liquor business Is a constant surprise to hlsn. Ia t' e dens ". rope, a ints the I thus c ping, a let for t Nether'. fed regions of - rich In minerals an 1 lvated. 'It reach i aat opposite London, I with British snip ing a natural out y, Belgium, and the - "Cant.i ; i the Bhlne from the Rhone, t i . arne,-and the Dan ube. It i i 'liable without Inter ruption f, i : asle to the sea, a dis tance of i ) miles. Ocean-going steamers ci.a ascend as far as Co logne, v. hore cargoes . are trans ferred to river boats, : but only small craft can navigate the upper Rhine above Spires, ( Sji ; ; "Since the Versailles treaty the Rhine has become an International waterway open to ships of all na tions. - C f k "Although It rises in the Swiss Alps and enters the ' North sea through Netherland territory; to the Germans the Rhine Is their national river. It is firmly woven into their history, their art their music, and their literature. A boat trip down this stream Is: a Journey through Germany's past as well as her pres ent i 4 :iwiKj:ft,tv-y: ; Medieval Stronghold., "The Rhine enters the BIft val ley at Basle, flowing north between tin ranges of the Vosges and the Black forest At Mains, where the Main enters the Rhine, the slopes of tha Taunus, hills turn the river westward until it reaches Bingen. Between Bingen and Bonn it winds through the narrow Bhlne gorge be neath high cliffs adorned with aa- last two years,; the state has - col lected $43,000,000 in liquor, licenses, Not so long afc' i news broke that an lnvestlgaw. ,had disclosed that a downtown financial club had run afoul of the liquor laws because the stuff that went : into the ' high balls: and was served " straight, lacked authority. ' There : waa . no prosecution, however. Chairman Mul rooney explained Why. The guilt was not on the house committee or those connected with the bar. It seems that the night watchman and porters liked their liquor, and to conceal ; their takings, had added water to the bottled goods. ;. . An announcement by William Fel lqwes Morgan, Jr, commissioner ot markets. Indicates that a colorful bit f metropolitan life la to come to an end at last The announce ment concerns push-carts of which BEAT STELLA WALSH Helen Stcpii a, a h!j;h school lass from Fulton, 1 ., 3 feated the here tofore unbeati o Ete'Ja Walsh In the 50-meter f 1 of the A. A. U, women's track e l Cuil meet at St I-ouIa, - , ' ., , ; I SBd t s i ti e t a of ti e . i, t e Lai. a I too i t i the 1 l '-mans c; s. i i the occk : . it ... : . ty the an: i i - it was be'U i i 1 t ;an division. Ca a t r 1 .'.'iilce across the LUiie U i s old fortress of EhrenbrelUltin, a a important stronghold since media. yl days.- -.,.' ' ; "Bonn Is famous as Beethoven's birthplace, and as the seat of an ancient university. Beyond Bonn the Bhlne swings north and then west through a wide plain. . Cologne (Koln), third city of Germany, Is a busy port, trading In grain, wine, ores, coal, and timber. , ,. Above a sea of city roofs soar the twin spires of the Cologne cathedral, each nearly as tall aa the Washington monument "Industry and commerce crowd ont natural beauty along the low er Rhine. Dusseldorf is an Impor tant manufacturing town, noisy with factories and great ateel and Iron works. It is particularly noted for its dyeing Industries, and also as the birthplace of Helnrlch Heine. Dnisburg, at the point where the Ruhr Joins the Rhine, la one of the most extensive river porta, in the world. . It Is a chief center of the German steel Industry, and com mercial gateway of the coal and iron shipping out of the Ruhr, In cidentally it was once the home of Mercatort the great map maker. 'Coal smoke and machinery have failed to destroy the legends of the past Siegfried was supposedly born at Xanten, near the Netherlands border, and at Cleves. Lohengrin, the knight of Wagner's opera, res cued the beautiful Elsa." . there are about 4,000 scattered all over the city. Instead of allowing them to continue to park : in. the atmeta.. Commissioner . Morgan -Is planning on putting the merchants under cover, and thus making, small shopkeepers of mem. ,- ' . . Th start accordlnr to cresent plans, is to be made on Park ave nue, between One Hundred Elev enth v and One Hundred Fifteenth streets, about June a. The New Tort (Antral railroad runa above ground there and the railroad ele vated structure Will serve as a roor fnr 407 atalla. each 7 bv 8 feet Tha coat will be $200,000 and In return the city wu receive ojxi a wees rental from each merchant e. bu smdicM wnu atrvue. ? Reach Alaska Town in . ; Four and One-Half Day ; Chicago. Nome, Alaska, In the shadow of the Arctic circle, la TflOO miles from New York and Atlantic seaport cities. Surface transporta Hon time is 84 days, but now it la possible to travel from New York to the little city near the top or tne world in far off Alaska in four and one-half days, announces United Air Here's the new schedule: Leave New York on United plane at noon, arriving In Seattle In time to catch a ateamer for Juneau, Alaska's cap ital. There one boards a Pan Amer ican . plane flying ; over the Gold Bush trail, and in a few hours the passenger is at the farthest north city under Uncle Sam's flag. Snake With Hind Less ' It Found in Nebraska Omaha, Neb. A snake with two legs was brought to town by Henry O. Palmer from his farm at Louis ville. He says snakes with legs are not rare, but they do have them sometimes. The fact that these may properly be called hind legs makes the reptile particularly worthy of notice, in its captor's opinion. ' The snake Is a spreading viper, one ot the nonvenomous kind. It la two feet long and its legs are about five Inches from the tip of the tall. They don't amount to anything to speak of, because they measure only a little more than a quarter of an Inch, but. nobody can deny that th-y "9 l-.:i. -. , '. ' : By JACK LH VI 12 Si McOllirc Nwnnr ayndlcai. - WX4U knrlc. . MIKE DBLANEY of the plain clothes detail flicked at his immaculate ; civilian ault w"h a wblak brush. - "Going out deep tonight, Mie J fie question waa tossed at him in fik 'y carelessness by Lieutenant f '. ::.. ' w-i-'','iij v ; '1 Un- Ann "to dinner," replied the plain clothea man,."and no gaga from you." . VH;; Lieutenant Reese looked np from the flimalea, reporta and "Wanted" circulars he had been perusing, and bia large face beamed. "Ann's a swell kid, and no fool in. But--ever ,'been , in Dijon, Mlker . v "Dijonr queried the plain clothes officer. His lean, clean-shaven face came alive with a happy memory. '"Yon mean Dijon in France Sure, I waa there. Right after the war. ..whyr ; . 4' t r '' ' "Ever ' meet the Bluebeard of Dijon?" asked the lieutenant, with out humor. 0 Mike Delaney - eyed, the - ofllcer auspiciously. , , .''-!, 1 "What you getting atr he want ed to know before committing him self. ' . v - just this, the lieutenant thrust a paper towards him. "First pickup order we ever got from a foreign country, f And them frogs go for rewards, too.: See the figure? .Fif teen hundred American dollars re ward for the Bluebeard of Dijon." Mike vomer read hurriedly. ; rXbej-K'&1' o tatak. this mug's let this town,?' he said to the lieu tenant -. " " ' ;. - " "Yeah," agreed the desk officer without enthusiasm, "but they have been trying to trail him for five years. . No chance plckln' him now. Killed a lotta women, didn't he? . I dldn'tread it carefully' :,' Mike Delaney was reading;' aloud "Wanted for Murder. Nicholas Lamalre. .The Bluebeard of Dijon. Killed six women and fled before collecting ' insurance . for last vic tim..' The trail of thla man has been followed in Spain, Italy. Aus tralia, i Hawaii, s and ; Trinidad where It waa lost five yeara ago. Recently a letter was received by a Dijon ' acquaintance, mailed ' ia your city by the subject of this cir cular.' -No photograph of Lamalre is available. "When last known in Dijon where he spent the greater part- of hla life In the restaurant business,' be .was 6 feet 9 Inches tall. 1 Weight 160, pounda. Dark hair and - eyes. . His . appearance has undoubtedly changed consider ably but he may be readily, identi fied by a triangular scar, result of a knife wound, two inches below the point of his right . shoulder blade, v He may be employed in a restaurant In your city and he may be the proprietor of a restaurant of the better type." . ' Delaney paused In hla reading. The lieutenant observed : "How you going to identify him from that de scription after these years? Got fat by now, if be works In restau rants. ' . - 1 ; , . Delaney was still thinking of Dl Jon when be reached the sidewalk. Suddenly he laughed aioua. , It -was 7:30 when Mike Delaney presented, his broad shoulders in the doorway of a neat suburban tot tage. ' V' "i!il:r:::is- : : Ann Morgan met him at the door. ; "Late, Mr. Delaney. s Fifteen min utes late. Give an account" Mike Delaney said nothing. He usually went tongue-tied for the first few minutes in Ann Morgan's company anyway.' - When his little coupe waa , nosing through down town traffic again,) and when Ann had cuddled comfortably close to him. he said half musingly tv ' ' ."if we had fifteen hundred dol lars we could get that bungalow in the Sunset addition and make a good, big down payment to the real estate people " , v . "Mike Delaney," the. girl Inter rupted him, '"quit worrying about that bungalow." - " The subject ended there. Ann was dreaming her dreams; Mike waa dreaming ' hla.1' Both dreams were very similar when he piloted her : through the garishly lighted doorway of a downtown, restaurant Gilded letters on the restaurant window announced that the place specialized in French cooking, When the waiter brought aoup and turned with a dexterous flip of hla napkin to leave the booth, a aharp ejaculation from Mike De laney brought him about swiftly. ,. Mike Delaney was holding by the tall suspended above his plat the soup-drenched body of a dead mouse. "I'll show It to every customer la the place," be spluttered. . , "M'seur, M'seur " . stammered the waiter, but before the servant could control his quivering vocal chorda , he waa brushed roughly aside by the head waiter, ... "Please please," he begged, ": will see the management; Please. Fifteen ; dollaire,, twenty dollalre please no noise, mister." Eventually Mike Delaney allowed himself to be placated by none oth er than the proprietor. Aa they walked -toward another restaurant Ann said :. ."But you I t t 1 :. I ' ;, e v -t t' . ' ) r A." ri it, i v.j . wi.i 1 in fii'i I -n i Waiters, head a i proprietors that rr t have rehearsed a 1 . of money ranging iurm ' up to the original f . , Mike Delaney'a pocket i ' tain fell On the serlo-coi; Ann and her escort on the ' seeking another eating bo It waa as they were ari'-''- the sixth restaurant that Aw . gan turned an amazed and 1 pression upon Mike Delaney. "Jf that's your way to get t fifteen hundred dollars you say need,' I can assure you, Vr. i laney, we no longer need If She stepped into a taxlcab pn at the curb and was gone. Saddened, alone, Mike -ix-i. entered still another restaurant The act proceeded..,1 The l 1 waiter came and went ; And t there was a bitch in the play. i irate, -C pig-eyed : gentleman c; crowding to th booth. ; ... i "Ah." said thla one,: tne i i mouse trick." He filled the booLl with his bulk. , Mike DeUlny to' t and seemed to be estimating hi chance for a fast getaway. ' But the proprietor had another idea, 'Call the police, Oscar," he aald over bis shoulder to the hover-; ing, alarmed waiter. "And you.; wise guy, sit down." He pneneti - Mike Delaney back, into hla seat It's the old, what you call, shake down trick," resumed tha cafe pro prietor viciously, "and you go to Jail for It" . A' uniformed policeman was el bowing bis way through a knot of curious restaurant patrons near the booth, a . 1 1 ' - "What s wrong? the officer aaked. anu xoen nv WW nuw vnnuc, J-ua , nollceman'a wondering gaze trav eled from Delaneys face to tne now almost purple one of the cafe own er. " ,;S.r;'V,.;;..'..fv'.jV' ..;'..,: "You've seen that trick before,"" Delaney was saying slowly and with' a menace In bis voice that the cafe man did not miss, v "Top' ve seen it In Dijon, f ' A gang of carefree American soldiers' used to p'ull it there to get a little cash," At the word Dijon the eyes of the fat man suddenly glinted. "It's a lie. . Dijon I do not know what , it means. ; Arrest that man. officer arr" but hla voice tral? off It was. hla turnnow to 1 furtively for an avenue of e' ?k V and hurry off hla s Instructed Mike Delaney, at the , lice headquarters a few rnlnu.. -.s. later. "I want 'to see that scar be fore X go take Ann to dinner, re turn some dough I collected and do some heavy explaining." Traditional Life Span - ' of 70 Passed by Many Revolutionary . conclusions about why people Jive , longer than, they ( did a generation ago and may be expected to five still longer in the future are suggested by new studies of : death-rate statistics In Great ' Britain by three Scottish mathema ticians, Cot A: G. McJCendrlck, Dr.. r rt Vn-maAlp mnA T9 ., S T. f Ktnlay,. all of Edinburgh, saysrthe' Provtdence JournaL , h i : ? U : ' :. " One conclusion is that the chief cause of how long an individual lives Is what kind of constitution Is acquired during the first 10 to 15 years of life. Another is that living to be ninety or one hundred promises not to be Improbable In stead of the traditional limit oi three ' score; and ten. y;''-. '(.', Sanitation : and ; medical science have . greatly . decreased deaths among children and young people, so that th percentage of middle aged people "has been increasing. There has been no direct evidence, however, : that the old people are living any longer or that the maxi mum span of human life is length ening. Many experts have suspected. In deed, that this life span migit de crease,, as one result, of , keeping alive many children who ara natur ally weak and cannot be expected to live long anyway. . The new Scottish Investigation is the first' evidence that this pi";"l mlstic conclusion may-, be- wrong. British children born in each dec ade since 1840 are found to live a little longer than children born In the previous decade, Nothing seems to influence thin except the year of birth, which Im plies that what happens to chil l: i under fifteen seems to be the ' " factor in- living long or dying Extensions of the same c tions to future decades Imp' ; substantially Increased per of the people now being bot u ; expect to live beyond nlin 'y. ' The Whiky Intnrrect ,. Gen. Henry Lee, former r tlonary officer. Virg'nliNl and congressman, was ot t President Washington to c the 15,000 sold! T3 sent to I vania' to qnell the ao-cnllr I -rebellion. It end 1 wi '' ; ! shed but at a cost to i .i- i government of $1,r ). er Masnzlne. ' . iV i II !

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