.V4.": ' "' i "j te ! t ct f. 'I'cii k v .. .' I l i : 4 ,r . " - . i ' 1 i ou Jtot eli, i C n i ty i , li 1 , UI ( i ni;h is a very food rir-.mn o on t e 1 1 of tlie i : . , ' . ! oi.-iciitiS and the panmii but d-.'v represents approximate'y one i: .ml of C12S1 s in sud county i" u r t -) stated time. It is viuuy i i t. -i t that every case of ctmii4..ica;.e disease, no matter how r ' I, be, reported.to the ellalth D' 1 tmnt in order that the mc 4 1 1; in- stltuted to protect the cl ....niinity from the spread of dangerous di seases. Even so-called ' "midl dl seases" like whooping courh, meas- les, etc, cause ..very mand deaths in wis wan every year, Tneseju- are neither necessary nor , babies. : 7,, seases safe for V.u-V 00 m 1.14 tr . T .-.. Chapter 263. public Heal h Laws Bec.o-.- u snau Detneouiy f every parent, guardian or house- older, in the order named to noti- " ' .1. . . 1. mi -fy the County quarantine, off leer . , of tha name, address, including the .- name of the school district, of any person in their family or house hold about whom no physician has been consulted but : whom they have reason to suspect of " being afflicted with whooping .cough. a,'a1 lw if .Until recently vaccines in use as t. .-y:i:.f'':-'v- . preventive agai & st whooping What is whooping cough? cough were of little value. The re- .t Whooping cough may be definedg. vaccine developed by Drl U;' - - as an acute contagious disease . caused by the bacillus pertussis g,t Scn00l Medicine has proven jjr Jovner spoke to the class ! caused Ms death. He was born In . and characterized by Inflammation u5e)f a 8ure preVentive provided ! oll 1 Abundant life "It la Duplin County February 6, 1884 of the upper respiratory passages m d tlme-:toti;:tto mad fancies Of and has spent his life in the coun and a series of spasmodic; coughs sufflcient for development of pKJ! e Speaker, "but ty as $ successful farmer.; -; which end 1 ui long drawn insp.ra. u antibodies In bodies of those tte Abundant Life toone that to''. He , was Carried to Miss Nora lion or wnoop. , r j inoculated. On account of the grad-'centered on "Ood The life that Brown who survives him with two What are Its symptonsT jtial development of protection, iUCloofc, easy now is a temptation sons, Edward and William. Three The disease is very hard to dia- ,Use is confined to prevention and wnich should be shun for it ls the ' of his children have proceeded him nnnna in 44. Advlv d.q rta at 4hA J . V A A . ... w m n . . . i .w , first symptoms are usually those of a cold in the chest. For A week . v or so there are ..no spasms of s coughing and no whoop, but the at- tacks of coughing grow harder as - t time goes on. The whoop which f.?!Le2BZ n6t begin for two or perhaps three """"i"" r sickness. It is more prevalent in - " 1..- ,r .4.i..,...J . JI1UI1U14J. VUJ141Ullg IU11UW114B DL.aoi.iB ..7 01 wnoopmg w not inirequeni.- in ' certain seasons of the year, with each cold or,cough.there may be a . return of the characteristic whoop ' ,, for a varying .'period of time. The , disease is much? more dangerous to infanta than to older children. More than. BO; per cent of ? the Hnthi from whonntnir onnvh iwmr ---- --- - in children under three years or age. Pneumonia is the chief complW' canon ana is usuauy me cause oi deaths in infants or young children havln? this disease. How Is the dlseas transmittedt' The infectious .material exists in -the secretions of - the. nose and j throat in the early stages of the disease, and for a period of time. after the whoop appears. The dl; seascls transmitted from one per-' fM i 1 : ( . ,i or by r 1 1 1 , ..i.a of the r i ( e 1 'cii u liiil- 1 . 1 j i . ' y. 1 4e i"'.u',.i t ..1 1 . 1, t t is t ie tni'e t t-V4-.-1 t; e f.- ' i litre end the faut . ',,!, u f jni t tee to four t 1 yi, tut s i!K - .4iea r. 1 y be i i 1 i g as sixteen days after ex I'. . . I.'.iw iiiiiy the license be con- trc!'df In times of epidemics, when whooping cough becomes pvaVnt in the community, very you- j chil dren should be kept at home. No other children should be allowed to visit the 1 home unless they have an older child has been exroaed to I rTTM hm .JJJAZ " ?"r..; " - should keep him away from young-1 chndreni'la Ul(, fml!v by 83nd. to relatives or friends ' " " .,,. . .wucro fc i nave not naa me aiBease. t . ,,,, should stay away for at least two ' ,,' nr tii Be is well again. Children ill from the disease should be isolated, and remain in quarantine for a period- of three weeks aftef the develop ment of the characteristic whoop. Specif lo Measures Vaccination in iiui icuuiuiucuucu I"", tive in contacts or threatened ex posure, Therefore, In face of the splendid results obtained by use of- said ; vaccine and prevalent ; of- whooping cough in Duplin County at present I recommend that all tek' f1 r J" hUdre to -family physicians for protection aga,"8t t88-.: ; y J "Jlc,v iii j :.t Cit - jJUCIiai - XX CC Llil Vfi ., I n ... A .i!Mr HUllSVIiie AUAHia iittiiBvllle . Andil 23. The Wo-, mans Auxiliary wilt hold its meet-h ing Saturday afternoon at 3 :36 at tne church. Special feature of the- i,mv h thnf discussion Of li uj0 Subject of Religious Education. a v. linld- will laari the llO- juih. a4 ... j -- - - vntinnnl nroirram. and Mrs. a. J. Judge will have charge of the pro- gram. The subject .. or nomes . wm be discussed by Mrs. Ralph, I4n. am nf th indies of the church are urged to be present for 'this meeting. - ; ' ; ' o 1 . - .? i Nearly all. Mecklenburg cowon growers are signing contracts to, reduce their cotton acreage cent for the present season. fc--.-tost-- ' 1 , V w iJ 1 .n Sun : y- j r or:!e of t e i 1 t e town 1 1 ted a x "-Mt -i l at toon r'uce 1 t First tuttUr 5 . " teed. 1 1 r ."rewnted as'1 i, 1 4.1a McLen-, J . nd and Ek-t.nor C Td; I ard 1 1 I. -1 T.rnck- L.jiv. 1 finnM. Mary, h, C..u uiie Jerrltt UK. i-r of J Salome, Doris L cm; Peter, Carl- ton Dobson; JuLn, Leecher Sitter-' j 1. ; V ft. " " Th Wi. went centred m . -o- P "V -P F! JVHCr I-V. X' i- 4 IlCav Ccr.cn At Ken'sville. KenansvlUe The sermon for the Senior Clas$ at KenansvlUe was preached by Rev. F. B. Joyner of the local Methodist Church Sunday night in the high school auditorium, In spite of the downpour of. rain ihere was a good crowd present for the service. Music was furnished - way to a narrow ure. vnoose uoa Rnd Hi- way, f or the way of sin ta ajwayg , narrow life. MK Joy Ber heid i, the class the tfcal- ot the Jfterself ' and ad- and plead that they look to we after' self and prepare to lay a.,foUndatlon upon which such Mtf couW be nobly built Glorify Jobhat you Lve by being tha .Tinat nd vnu can be tha best only as you are willing to let Jesus .direct yourlife l WV "i , , ., q :x ; i --'V ..1r.:A t J30V DCOUl VOUfl -, . ; v TI-a- A In 1.1 "i to" 1 fit ! iiv nt t 1 ;, irr.?V f loving, father and husband, and a , ' - '-o ''"' , '. ' ' ' friend to all and ho will be much : . . KenansvUle . " : r . mlssed-in. to-mmttiiitjr. KenansvlUe. April 25. Th BW't'v&t.S. ' . '."".. 1 "' Scput Court Of Honor was held lnPresbvtCian-YoUniS' ihd ficout room Thursday evening., ' . . -..4. . or last ween. ine couuijr vuou- 'man and the local chairman were ooui pnaicui iur u -t Clifford and ; Horace Aldridge were riven their Tenderfoot rank and the following were examined, and awarded then- Second Class . Rank: Edward Sykes, Buddie Wll- Uamson, Arnold Dobson and Stuart Davis. Davis. -'l W lasT, " ........ 'r .... - .i.':.v..j ... ... , (Sconcing tzo - Poullac owners tell an amazing economy . . atory how tho big Pontiao uses less gaa and oil than the small, light cars they have owned . . how the sealed chassis reduces - repairs , ... how fine car quality keeps the Pontiao thrifty all Its long life. $o follow ' your natural desires and buy the most beautiful thing on wheels. Wonderful eco-rn-v plus very low price make It one of the dl cars in the world to buy and own. ,le Scout re, ..aemenl i i found that he had met ; requirements and that irthy of the Eagle Scout i court therefore recom . t o the National Council of ts in America that J. O. , Jr., be awarded the rank ; Scout. When this applica 4 been approved by the .1 Council, and the badge i 1 1- ?id, a fitting ceremony will : 1 ...l and J. O, ' will beglven ) i -je Badge. . -J. O .Bowman, 'Jr. is sixteen ;s.rs of age anq has 'been in the !f,: t work for nearly three years, o is a senior in high school this 'V r end is graduating this week ;wuh second honors. J. O. is a boy ! who ls worthyvof such a rank and " " carrying on nis scouting with the young members of Troop fin. At. present he In Senior Patrol leader for toe troop. J. O. Is the neennd DUDlin Countv hov to have ftwarded the Eagle Rank, and the only Uvig Eagle Scout in the county. Joe Penney, a fellow member of Troop 50 has the honor of being the first Duplin County Eagle Scout.'' . ; JcIin William Judge Dies Near Charity .KenansvlUe .. John W. Judge died at his home near Charity Crossroads Saturday morning at .6:00 and was burried Sunday afternoon at 3:00 in the Judge Cemetary near Chinquapin. Mr. Judge had been sick for about w me grave, xne lonowing pro- tners and sisters survive and live in the same section of the county; J -..H. Judge, W; O. Judge; S. E. Judge? and B. P. Judge, , Mrs. J. D.- Evans Mrs. T. J. Brown and Mrs. J. . Fv;Dixon. Z""' ''.s. wert' services were V held ' t the home by the pastor Rev. Frank Goodman -PasCr of the Halls- vIIia ..4 r.hiv.h nt nrhlh Mr. Judge was a member, assisted by Rev. W .C. Smith of Chiaaua- .pin, and tlie interment was made . iiji-jii' the familv burviiur nlot. ".. ; . 5 uv ,Juage .was lauiuui. Mr. , Judge was a,, faithful, .and r. i A i. iu ni:... People At Mt. Olive Vv kenansville " - The Presbyterian Toung Peoule nf wnminnton : Presbytery i held their Eleventh Annual Meeting in the Mount' Olive Presbyterian Church today wllhabout 180 young people in' attendance. Reports, of K"' . .. . A Vnfrul Motor fatu4 .--.-V i-i '.-,. r i i ; ..t Olive presid.. . ji - i Special musical i a v- ere of 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court rendered by the quartet t v-1 1 res- house door of Duplin County,, Ken byterian Junior Colk-e et I " ax- ansville, North. Carolina, offer, and ton. The members of the quartet sell to the" highest bidder for cash were, 1st Tenor 'and director, Ed- the following tracts of land lying win Key, 2nd Tenor, Nellson, Rus- and being In Duplin County,. State Sell, 1st Bass, Nell (Slnclare, 2nd of North Carolina, . and . bounded Bass E. B. Carr and Mid Morgan and described as follows to-wit: at the piano. Special solo was sung Beginning at a stake in Juniper bii Nellson Russell. . '. Branch and running thence E. 69 V Rev. Lawrence Kessler led the poles to a stake; thence N. 143 ppl devotional periods. The speakers of es to a stake at the road;1 thence the day were RevC. H. Prltchard, S. 50 W. 150 poles to a stake; of Atlanta, Ga., and Rev. R. C, thence S. 170 poles to a stake; Clonte, of Wilmington. Mr. Pritch- thence N. 80 E. 30 poles to Juniper; ard spoke on 'Life that measures thence up Juniper to the beginning, up to Jesus's Requirements." He containing 112 i acres, more or less, said that one must grow" ke ' SCOND TRACT: X eertata tract Jesus, "Flow" in His ,wiU and of land consisting of 28 acres and "Glaw" through : the ? indwelling heing the same jands described ta chM.t rm . h.. nh. a certain deel from W. X. Potter stacles that one Ms to overcome manHnnlnff i nw..ritu Pnvortv TmntMnB; nrt OnnnalMnn .. offering challenges for u. to give our best As we over come these we will reach the'mark: ':xiU Officers WUI be elected for two years instead of one as has been the. custom. The following officers were elected for the new,, year: c' , M r President,. Colin Shaw Smith of , Williams and L. A, Beasley. Corn Mount Olive; Vlce-Pres. BilUe Per-;nUJMioner.,.to vL, due, of Wilmington; Secretary, to,a .R?f1SjS5 EmelU Farrior, Warsaw; Treas. , Ids of Duplin County, Jn Book Mary Mathig Turner. Clinton. The I180 at W mch, feren Annual Meeting fo the year 1938 ita hereby had for scriptlon by will be held in the Warsaw Pres-. byterian Church. Cash Prizes Of fered X Of r ami KeCOrdS - u o . Prizes valued at more than $1,000 are offered North Carolina 4-H club members who keep a,c curate farm records this year in the national farm account contest The contest, sponsored by the International Harvester . Company, is designed to stimulate a greater interest in the keeping of accurate farm records, according to .L. R. Harrilt 4-H Club leader-at State College.;"i-r('.vi1;--;';'-.i.:Ke-:i:. k To county winners will go prizes worth $10, and the State winner will receive $100. The latter will compete in the sectional contest for which a $250 prize is offered. The national winner will receive an award valued at $500. - V. ' The records may be kept in any suitable farm record book, which shows a complete inventory of all farm possessions at the. beginning and the end of the 12-month period, a record of money receiv ed and paid out during the year and what the receips .and expen ditures were for, and , a . balance sheet showing how much money the farm made or lost f .V . r . The records, will be judged on the following points; completeness, accuracy, and neatness, 50 paints; analysis and suggestions for chang es in the farm plant to increase earnings, 50 points . 'Any bona fide 4-H club mem ber who la taking an active part in club work, this year ls eligible to enter the- contest, Harrlll said. Those wishing to secure more details about "the contest may ob tain them from county farm or home demonstration agents. Jersey Cattle Sale , An auction sale of Jersey heif ers to be. used in 4-H calf club work will- be held May 3 at Wow ler's sales stables, five miles west of Charlotte on State Highway No. 27. . Twenty calves, selected from leading - North . Carolina Jersey herds, will be on ' display. The selections were made by A. R. Morrow,. Iredell County farm a gent; Kope Ellas, livestock man ager of the Morrison Farms In Mecklenburg ' County; and J. W. Hendricks, superintendent of the Piedmont, branch i station farm near Statesville. . - i'-.-v.,.'' . A reasonable price will be plac ed on each calf, said R. H. Ruff ner,. of State College, who to help ing sponsor the sale, so that the club members will have opportun ity to select an animal suited to their, needs. rfiifrS 'Dead I. O. Scbaub, director of the State College Agricultural Ex tension Service, will speak prlefly just before the sale Starts. . . j , fl1 .-5'., NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale confrered In the under signed by a judgment rendered in the Superior Court of- Duplin Coun ty at the March Term, 1935, in a Civil Action entitled: Zack Wil liams against R. E. Koonce and wife, the undersigned will on Mon- V MAXWELL'S! MEAL .Makes Bread Good to the last Crumb FOR SALE by the - - Following leading Merchants: ' , C. E. QUINN, '. ' : KenansvlUe"' . - day, ay 20th, 1.. t the hoar Zck Williams, recorded in the OtttCe Or register OI JJeeua Ui uup U County, in Book 88, at pag 439, ,to ,cl corded copy reference w u". r 'mptrfr - i THIRD TRACT; -A certain tract of land conslsUng ot 51 acres and being fully described in thejirst J IZ r"T FOURTH TRACT: A certain 28 acre tract described as the second tract In a certain deed from H. D. Williams and L. A. Beasley, Com- orded in the office of Register of Deeds of Duplin County, in Book 180, at page 84, to which recorded deed reference Is hereby had for description of said lands by metes and bounds. FIFTH TRACT: Beginning to the middle of the road on the Barfield line, thence with the road N. 55 E. 62 poles to Potter's line on the Public road; thence with his line S. 31 poles to a pine stump; thence W. 38 poles to a stake; thence with Barfield's line N. 6 poles to the begnlning, containing 4 1-2 acres more or less. SIXTH TRACT: Ascertain 39 acre .tract of land more "or less, be ing the same land as shown by deed from Durham Potter et al to Zack Williams, recorded in the of fice of Register of Deeds of Duplin County, in Book 67, at page 106, to which reference ls hereby made for a description by metes and bounds of said lands. SEVENTH TRACT: Beginning at the mouth of Reedy Branch and runs up said branch as it meanders 90 poles to a pine on the ditch; thence S. 55 poles to a pine; thence S. 85 W. 36 poles to a runner oak; thence S. 41 W. to the back line; thence with said line S. 47 E. to a sweet gum, corner; thence N. 44 E. 25 poles to McC. J. Smith's cor ner; thence N. 9 W. 1 poles to a pine; thence N. 18 E. 104 poles to a short leaf pine; thence N. 115 poles to a stumpy oak; thence N. 30 W. 95 poles to the canal on Great Branch; thence down said canal to the beginning, containing about 139 acres, more or less EX CEPTING FROM THE FOREGO ING tract that part sold by Zack Williams and wife, Emma Williams to Offte Smith, which is about 124 acres, more or less, which excep tion is fully understood and agreed to by parties of this instrument. Advertised this the 15th day of April, 1935. N. B. BONEY, Commissioner 5-9-4t N. B. B. : -' : o SALE OF VALUBLE FARM . PROPERTY w,- , -o . Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by B . A. Bell .. and Wife,'. Levada . Bell and Nancy L. Hatcher, on the 26th da'y of February, 1926,. and recorded in Book 276, Page 104, we will on Saturday, the 4th day of May, 1935 It o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in Duplin County, KenansvUle, N '.C, sell at public auction for cash to the high est bidder the following land, to wit: . That certain tract or parcel of land containing 7.41 acres, more' or less, situate lying and being on the Wilmington-Goldsboro Public Road and on the Clinton Falson Public Road about one mile from the Town of Falson, In ' Falson Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, . and bounded on the N. by the CUn-ton-Faison Public Road, on the E. by the Wilmington-Goldsboro Public Road, on the, 8. by the lands of the Mallard Estate, and , - PACKERS ".: ' " - '' Warsaw , , 7, - -- -- -- -- -- - r.TTTTVTWinrVV 'I -. I of t -roi 1 v in!; . ' tbf !!' 9 mli es to a N. i.j 1 the S.jv xv. 40 r Cllnton-i said road . the beglnn. acres, more i This land i unpaid taxes. This sale 1" the failure of Levada Bell a to pay off a debtedness sei of Trust A deposit of 1 required from th: sale,: Tburthe 28th dav 'i '..-" INTERS1 CORPORATION, tee, Durham, N, C. May-2-4t ITC- NOTICE OF COM , SALE OF L Under and bv virfn,- ment o fthe SUPERIOl Duplin County, made 1 Barnhlll, Judge presiding i a tain civil action entitled Le( H. Watkins et al Va T. J. 1 and Foy Brown, et al, do judgment Docket ?i paj the .' undersleTierl rami. will at or about the ho o'clock PUM., on Monday, I 1935. at the court, houm KenansvUle North Carol! ror cash to the highest bit, r I public auction the following ( crihAri trnnf n.ivul .n i to-wit: Beginning at a stake on t ditch of Poly Branch, Joe Br ant's Deceased Corner and ru thence Us line (New line) nor 85 cast 99 poles to a small bi gum, .his corner -. on bi line; thence with said line So. 27 east 47 poles to a white i. bush (not found) thence so; 8 west 120 poles to a water o. . (not found) at the run of Poly branch ditch j thence up the run ditch of said branch as It mean ders to the beginning, eonta -Ing 32 acres, more or less. , Advertised this the th dav , - April 1935. ' H. EDMUND ROGERS and A. J. BLANTON, CommiasU. ers. Mav 2-4t A. j. i EXECUTOR'S NOTICE lib' i .';'.-..'. Having qualified " before tin Clerk of the Sunerior Duplin County as Executor of th iasi win ana testament of L. H. Pridgen, deceased,, latei of sai f County, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned at Mount Olive, N. C, on or before the 20th day of April, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate are urgently requested to make prompt settlement '.-', This the 15th day of April, 1935." ( ALBERT S. GRADY, -J Executor. 5-23-6t A. G. ' j.1 ... FILMS DEVELOPED Kodak FUras Developed, Eight Ex posure Rott and Eight Prints 40c. Southern Art Co. - - KEN ANSVILLE, N. C. ARCHIE'S NEV! . PLAE . " ; ' -f , IdeuIaiiUe ' BETTER EQUIPPED. FOR S7.lt- VlCE KAT AND DRINK WITH US LET US OAS AND OIL YOUR CAR. . YOUR PARTONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED EXPERT DRY CLEANING ' modern Equipment - s QUICK SERVICE SATISFACTORY WORK Mercer Dry CI c " . Known For Better CI. . : ',:, . BEULAVTLLE ,-' paul T::or:rsoN " v Richlands " f . grants' ' '; , Kins ton ) ZZZZ173 4i-:'-j : U P. TYKBAIX . v L. C. TURNER ' Pink I'-l . Pin HU1. A UN XV AZ C - T":3rnt up and guaranteed byw ; v j ...

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