p. i e- .nee" i Hill .-.l3t:S Sng. 1 'i9 ! Mrs. H. D. end with I Gresham, ' Dr. an 4 . Rocky I at the week I i lufv - and T. Mrs. J. T. visitJng Mrs. - . ' . y East Bend. ;ard Hlnes of j The folio" ; : .1 ltf las Cornelia Warsaw Ec'.. i Weaver of V- v.lngton were guests turned to tK.i of Mr. mi Mr-F. P. - o. e V Monday. - , .,.. n.. Kr. and Mrs. Wilbur way w ' a Tvtnt. TJlIinir. Mr. and K '"Vsfll tAtaa Sn Faison, Ota,- Magnolia. S of Mr. and Mm. Jonn camvma T . . Mfaad , Maria D. Lofton a teacher C. Cheek Mebrane. , ' , spent Sun ' . i i ineland CoUege, 'Salemburg . Mr atui Mrs. Robert S. Orr,-of J. P. La'; ? t the Easter nonoays wi maxton were the week ena guesis Mr. uari i m. Misses Betty and Bowden f Mr and Mr8 parents, Mr. Wagstaff v iriL. - " utra nr , V lit- Sr. j mix.:. ' . o'" TfAnaiinvlHf? '. cunt iuim v - . "i Mrs X t are spent rents la father 8 1 Mr. ar ; , rs of the Mr. and y have re- spent Su h to spend Carl Ezsi.l s" Grace Tal- Ezzell. Ross, Wash-' Mr. and 1 Lucille Freeman and son Jin 1 t . L ten. liiss Fanny George Lucas, spent : i I y fie , t the ned . s. ment 'J i?.nnle . rl KOg- , Norwood i Teachey, y Wood, An , Mattle, Lee n-U, . Dorothy nJison, Estelle Johnson. Mattle i.iveiibark, Rebec-, . :uguerlte Teachey, Teachey. The scholar !, given yearly by the vh riub. was awarded . Rouse. Announcement . of the awarding of 200 ele certificates., s "ay evening,' Dr. A. X iter o fthe First Bap i h of Goldsboro. -deliver i Hccalaureate sermon.; The r presented the transforms t took place when Jesus nrt in the dirty fishing -boat. 1 by Simon Peter. Dt. Smith 4 that property takes on we i.niitv of its ownership and ile realm of life might be- tiacred by the right use oi , tv. talent and powers. i .'tilor class exercises were held on Tuesday evening. The program was presented -in the form of s one-act play, "The llosy Pathway." The class present was Miss Estelle Harrell, the valedictorian, David W .Rouse, and the salutatorian, William Blanchard, The. senior play, "Wild Ginger," directed by Miss Margaret McArthur and Mrs. 1 L .H. FusseU, was ' Successfully presented on Thursday s evening. Tlie high school orchestra furnish ed music on this evening. Marshalls . for .'commencement were the highest ranking students in the junior Class; Misses Eunice Kargaret Williams, Edith Ward, Velma Jones, Harold Ward, 8hes- ; ter. Rouse and Oscar A." Beach. :" Hie week end in Qoldsboro visiting relatives. Misses Ann and Fanny Monroe jKenansvllIe e.: and I.,., a ! ,hter Ru' ., j .e Wagst?".f Sunday with Potter a near D. Langston Mr. and Mrs. d Mr. Charlie -ss visitors in i afternoon. . id son, James y witb her gston. - Ariiu j. t v o Lee I a- .! rounluin v . i rj-becca t. ! i- -.1 co-' i i , it" o: .1, to ti v hi noon. ; .. . . in-,.' Tav Tamnla nf" Kinston ' Mrs. Joitn I was a visitor in town Monday. "( Potter, spe t Mi.mi a a. Beit and L .H. sister Mrs. J. I Misses Ann ana 'au,, , "---- Frid ln Goldsboro. - nTaSWSS1 Founts ' ro New, iMim Raloh Best and pam,rrW"'y . rv. . t - . . 4 nJ, suturdftv in Wllmimr-1 Saturday were as follows: Mr, ana (Too Lai I r Last weK Berry spent Saturday in winning ' .Amelia1 . . h,t -t.lnvd Padexick lOn. ' : . , .i tiJ. TJ.irlattl n. vM. rtomrhtpr n.. u. Oirfiml Rot uid Jack IHrnWi "iu J uuev, i unuuuuuo wj uuu y o 1 wMhfr hotow Hodges ,CarV WUliams. Narcie Sunday, April 14th. ' - -Stovr Wlm. Sallle Gibbs Prldgen, Mr Und Mrs. O. W.Edwards with relauves in Asnianu, ,. ,, i.nn Dninn':.i ,n . .nint . B&tnniav In Mr. C. B. Eller spent the week '"-jt , 1 T p fl t can to do' ta in Ti'.y tubiicco i i 4 I -: r ' ! i t' a i a-l i '. s if 1 i t f -e r f i . r 1 -v!"Hthe"l-6" i ' ft- .1 con i. . i i -ure t j id of i ( E .Ar- Mr. C. B. Eller spent eweeK ""TKf'.'.- f rHv. end at the home of Mr. ana . mi,. rai: , ftmi. Awards in Korth Wilkesboro. . , l1 xae weelt ena wlto luelr ",tr t'.J C Cheek spent Monday in Kaieign. rena wjuiams ogvoiuuuiv -------- - Mrs. W. B. Aycock of. Raleigh guesta of Miss Estelle Williams ; Miss Isabel son has just re . "L : ! ir,rt mi.. Ti!HtBii rf,tiirnd with ' turned from tt a I .ipltal, after be- WaS HOB KUCBfc III UOI WVUHUi pw , . t U P. Best Saturday. - her mother for several days visit Mr. Clinton Shuford. mncipai.witn ner. of St Paula School was the week - Mr- MrS: a.'L. Humphey t - ! I Snow Hill News Items ' - f 0 k, - " Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kornegay "and little son Billy spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Kornegay. Among the visitors at Mr. Ed gar Outlaw's Sunday were Mrs. Erolngr Kornegay and children and Mrs. Lola Kornegay and children and Mrs. D. L. Bennett" , Mr. Remus Outlaw filled the V0niiar unnointment near Seven Springs Sunday, P M. - v, Mrs .Lemuel Powell is visiting her sister Mrs. Chancy Smith near R. P. Gradv school. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thlgpen and children attended an Easter egg end guest, of Mr. and Mrs. J. MiUer. Miss Annie Ross Williams, Dr. J. M. Williams and Mh. B. D. Wil liams spent Sunday in Durham, visiting at the home of Mrs. E. D. Williams.' - - Rev. Geo. W. Blount spent Mon day in Wilson, visiting his mother, Mrs. C. E. Blount Mr.- aiuI Mrs. H. C. Cooper of Raleigh were week end guests of Mr. and-Mrs. B. F. ttooper, wen Cooper returned home witb .them for a visit mim TRdna Britt rbf Sanford is viRiMnar Miss Nellie Grey Maathis Uaton Mallard. Jr.. or tunsion spent Monday with James Herman Hlnes. ' ' ' Ur nnt Vn. Joe Vines. Mrs. Rati Rrvant and Miss Virginia Bry an of Wilmington. Miss Fleming atirt vir. wimam Teachey at tucn- mond were guests of Mrs. W- J, Iflddleton FridSv. . t Mr. L Mann of Raeford was tne guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Fri- Mesdames W. E. Hlnes and W. P. Bridsres. and Misses Elizabeth and ' Martha Hlnes spent . Friday Goldsboro. Mrs. H. U Stevens. Sr -is vis iting her bhother, Mr.: Ed Walker in uoiosnoro. - - - Mrs. P M. Browder of. . Wallace and family spent Tuesday in Golds- Mrs. J. C. Brock spent Tuesaay in Mt Olive. In Mt Olive. J Mrs. Walter C. Erown Wednesday Ir .and Mrs. Biano riciieit spwin jn i, ' . . Sunday ln Chlnquapen guests oil Fountaln8Doro club members Mrs. ti. . Hioan. (will meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Mr. and Mrs. Wilson bnouiars : wedneJuV afternoon for a anu wuson, jr. oi " h r eiUB. meeting. Miss Margaret Prldgen of Calypse , 'f Mra. F Jl. Browaer or. wauace "Jt"- "uw . ..... i . im.Mj.H I Mph" Annltf C: ShftAlftv i . 1 -. Irian ir.l. vJ ai1n rUtn I MLIBB Mt.Jfl.HS VtUIUCiW UA HUH WtJ ine operated on for appendecltls and U getti. ? i j fine. - Mr, Tom Leu. -, Miss Kutn t,a wards and Mr. 6. i Mrs. Paul Lan ier attended the show at Wallace I A Shower was given to Mr. and mil Mr. Charlie Brown of Norfolk were guests, for the week end.f Mr. and Mrs. U. rarKe rnogen. Mrs. J., c. Carroll or wnmmgion was the guest of her. mother, Mrs. W. M. Bo wen last weeK.. , . v and Mrs. Bland Pickett spent Wednesday and Thursday in CoA Way, S. C. visiting relatives.'- Mrs. J. L Dufenbery returned with them for a visit. ' , ' ' Mr. ;and Mrs. A. L Humphrey, Arthur Lee, and Sarah, spent Sun day ln Zehilon. 1 -: '. , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Roeers of Oharwl Hill were week end' euests Of Mr. Rogers mother, Mrs. Walter A .Carter. - .' . Mr. David Powell,' student at Wake" Forest College r spent " the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvas J. roweii. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. '.J, C. Russ were visitors to Goldsboro Sunday. . , Mr. and Mrs. Claude B .Best and family and Mrs. Bettie C. Best spent Sunday in Wilson, guesta of hunt at Long Ridge Sunday p. m.ipent the week end with her sister u oitii mm wn liraav i anu v.,ftuv".ivw . -( children of near Bethfel apent a Margarei uooper ox -ml. while Saturdey at Mr. Edd Kornc .-uuvo Bpeni uie ween w wim ncr , ... ....... '. vnttRaw hMi H" T . PnnnA, Sy &, .. .. j ..''. '- Kin... T....n.j MamaVmm ; Un S. M.-Waller naa Deen - huiutikhw a mcmwi ,i guest in the home of her son, Mr. , the Calypso school faculty spent Di B. Waller, ior a lew uayo, t.. jnuuw, mi. Mrs. Bertha Bmith, rrom moss.iuiu . n,: u. r iir, . i Hill, is spending a while with her niece Mrs. B. F. tierrmg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell and children spent Sunday P. M., with her brother Mr. waa Kornegay. . v Miss Violet Kornegay spent last Wednesday night with Bttle Miss F.mllv Waller. - ' - Miss Busie snutn visitea XMeita i Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sloan enter tained friends at a pea shelling Friday night , Mr .Vernle Bryan was a visitor at Mr. Z. J Jones' Sunday. - - Mr. George Lanier visited Miss Sadie Edwards Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Williams and family spent Saturday after noon in Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Fountain and family spent Sunday evening" ; at Fultures Landing on an oyster roast Their guest with tnem was Mr. Charlie Matthews. Mr. Paul Lanier and Miss Vira Edwards were the guests of Mr Tom Lanier an Miss Ruth ' Ed wards Sundav. . ' Mr. George Lanier spent Sunday P. M.. with. Miss Sadie Edwards. Mr. Norman Da 11 was the truest of Miss Naoma Edwards, - Mr. Harold Lanier and Miss Hlara Man Southerlund attended the musical Recital at Chinquapin r rmajr uigui . Mr. Ravmond Brown and Miss Opal Jones spent Sunday, .morning at tsetnienem wnurcn. Mr .and Mrs. Gordon -Thlenen were the cruests of Mr. and Mrs. N. v. mountain. rale of t" ve 1 "- ) to u I 'or 1". ' "jo!! " or . 1 r i t'.e ai ..". :: f.aoii!d te i to U" n four to t .i 1 1 acre. 1 Ms mixture W 1 & . j cnt.rol hook won.-is. r'ur:' r can be had by plowing up V a I nt beds and kiii.rg all psunta inn. tUately after setting in com pluted. , v rnpaMnn . ... How . much - milk should be fed a young calf? AnawKr! Feeding for the first week should be from six to ten pounds a day, depending upon tne size and vigor of the calf. A safe rule to follow is to feed one pound of whole milk lor eacn ten pouuun of live weight This amount snoum be increased from one to two pounds during the second week if the animal has . a gooa appeme and does not show signs of indiges tion. Care must be exercised, how ever, lu .making this increase as over feedine will cause scours. Af- tar thA BMwtrwi weeK tne . wnoie mlUt may be gradually changed to sklmmilk at the rate or one pouna a aay. -. , nnuiinnt At what &ere should young chicks be removed from tne heat? . , . ' H. . fivt'j'e c . . . t i ! to f::. v. As f - -f fr.a " - t f f,r I r If -'S C I ve f ff l v . cro i 1 1- ve r rtiU.s 1 1 . ' al ! . i-l-' t, j . e . t !ne ; r- t tri( ' e V H f-n" . s 1 f-j-n r . i'(e!.t- GUAR of i . n in t' e i r or t i LD i ifl 'ni . I ir cent I'A-.- .ior l'.J niim-'sof 2 J iercenti i.r.;i.'.t. la e-.'.rc-ii'e ci 3, double Uiis a-i"oi 1 may be needed. Rust causH-s a marked decrease in boll size, seed we'ht and lint produced. The reduced si?.e of the bolls alone cut down the yclld 28 per cent la severe cases last year, Rust also results in a snorter sta ple, weaker fibre, and lower grade lint, Moore and Rankin stated. ' The disease is most prevalent in the northeastern counties where peanuts and cotton are grown in rotation, but it is also touna over ; MAPLE NEWS ': To LatA For Last Week)' . Mrs. John-Potter, of Near Mae nolia, Is spending - the week .with her sister Mrs .Carl Ezzell. - . Mr:, and Mrs. J. A. Gradv and saiss ousie snuui vimtou iuiw ReTd Korrlgay last Tuesday night ilr"5 110" . i n,,ti. w f ar ruiU in Goldsboro Saturday. ' .. .. . ., Vrlaa TT!nnia lT.lrfflntl law's Bridge, visited at Miss Ad- die Outlaws last week, r We had a nice egg hunt at Snow Hill Sunday. - .Mrs. S. M. Waller and Mrs. D. S Waller . visited Mrs. Edd Kornegay Thursday P. M., or last week. The Class Day and Commence ment exercises at B.- F. Grady were well attended. One of our lit tle girls from Scott Store, Little Miss Julia ScoU, Acted as one of the mascots. Miaa Eunice Paircloth BOent the ween ena witn Mrs. iumma Harm ann of near Ijunn FlnM PlMiroh: Mr. J. P. Langston gave a Barn Raising Saturday afternoon. Those who attended were:: Mr. . Charlie Wagstaff, Mr. Jake Hill, Mr. Carl Ezzell, and Mr, J. S. Wagstaff There are manv children verv ill with Whooping Cough. . Mr. and Mrs. . Juston . Houston and children scent the week end .with, Mr. and Mrs. J. a. Wagstaff. a t... I Mra .Tk Hill and Mrs. W. B. and ehUdren visited at Mr, John Falrcloth Were visitors in Kenans Goodaons Sunday. v"le mouuay MAM .WARSAW, N. O. .; .. ALSO tr.PAirt AND CZ"V JEWELRY AND L.l . . I 4 I . Jeweler " . , ''.' KENAKSVI1XS, N. O.- Anmirnr- "a 4 . USUSl thing chicks may be removed from heat whi thev are fullv, feathered, that is, If the spring weather is normal..Where the aays are warm. but the nights are exceptionally rnnl t ha heat should be continued iiBi.il the nlirhts are normal.; To take away all heat.wouia cause nnnaidpraWft trouble in the flock and weaken its resistance ,to dl- The owner must use care fni ludirment in . this matter-' as there is no arbitrary limit to the removal or heat to our i iany f::i::nb3 in duplin county: ' . we Invite you to visit our' store when at the County Seat - ' s ' ' We carry a complete Hue of General MerchanC je, ' Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware and Groceries. Eoe our line of Fprlng Dress Goads. " We bve on hand ready for delivery, line of Fam . ous EOVSTEB and V. C. Field Tested Fertilizers an 4 Arcadian American made Nitrate of Soda, . A full line of field and garden seeds the very best "i tra can buy. , , ' i Carry full line of building materials, Brick, Lime and ;; Cement. - - j 1 . " WE EUT AND SELL COUNTRY PKCDUCH ' 1 Our prices are reasonaMe. Come to m us. We e,' ' predate your t.ssiness. - - c. "r w T 7 " T M ' I L i KENANSVILLSVN. O. . ' ' . ' " THIS IS THE GREATEST 0 f r ;Rat':o: R6pr: LICENSED A : ALL WORK C-M ' --j mr ' "' SI - - V I 0 '" rp YOU EVER ATTEUDEID j, ixuf lb o Qui AU Kinds of I C.CZ3 . . In the do net Mhnve. the Nesco ' PmAurtt. Week Bok- .:' inn KAt.nll four Dleces for ' 39c. This is cr marveiouj vaiue - ' for the money . '. '. In ho panel below, the Nesco Products, Week - Kitchen Sit s-ecioMy priced for Nbjco Week. All tl.ree pieces U-49 ... In lower left corner, rieico Drip Cc.e Maker marked down to $,1.1 1 kr tl.is sole. . , . In the lower right corner a stm y, weur- reiiating, galvanized pail. A leader ct 37c. 5 AT PRICES YOU CAN AFTOHD TO PAY Through courty lh 'ion .i I .-li!-a and S-fi ina C . pany w or B ''! 'I ' t 9'' s- T1"" B!l ' 5 fi"'rt h ' mill 4 tor lh t . it n tf .n Pi-o.iu.ti ov,U . k tt-a b i r- tMk- 1 t r'.ov or ailrair . 9 , - ! in pjiul bolow. And a.-f't - .ut the , doe M;;y r. si ttt ."r.y li,. n. Vou era cord.t.Hy (n vfod to com ja and jtnmffia oM ifatnl i.'iuirruitid obu. . OUR CARS ARE GONE OVEIl CC" :?I our c:io? crroRE ti.jy a:.. rur on If 1 T-?"f1