A .3 HEIl'STC-7 i Eo Without My Gar ' a. 3. L. Miller, Beu , N XV lller Club -ijond Winner. , nt Southern farm paper ; director along with other t directors advocated "A r farm uue ia.AW.-:.;.JCTM ,... mmtt. nA .MM nn ..tkia T Mail tha amrtla mil ! ... . re I read the article my i quickly , ran back and lied a few of the things I t would make for a happier s i'e not only in 1935 but any i mely, a year-round garden i farm family aupplimented i mty of canned fruits and blea, . also,' those that we 1 have stored. cr reading the article men-. 1 above I found that my .ma- How delightful they are when serv ed to decorate a cabbage salad. : All during the winter I had plen ty of canned vegetables and fruits to tnake our meals more palatable. ' Some writer has said, ,"Happl ness Is the goal sought by .every earth, and there is no better place to find it than on the farm." ' I quite agree with, this statement and am adding that one source of happiness on any farm is a well planned vegetable garden. Cypress Creek News - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey James and children, of Burlington, N, C, lion had not carried me astray and Mrs. Joshua James, of Beula j far eyeq though my vision had ville spent the week end with Mrs. i. been so broad as the advoca- J. W .Murray. , , ' a of the article i - - Mr .and Mrs. Robert Batchelor I entered the garden' contest of Cypress Creek spent the week t as soon as our home agent end with relatives at Pen Hook, c u!d get the report blanks out to V ' Miss Ruby Jones entertained at y club. When the agent called an egg-hunt . Sunday evening. The r volunteers to enter the state number present ; were forty-one. vrden contest, i' ennolld at once, j Everyone enjoyed the egg-hunt. -j ..at as soon as. X could enrolled a Miss Pennie Mabely, of the Rich ; ",v others in this-contest as I was lands section, visited Mrs. Joe Ray t: termined that our club would jnor this week end., i uake a good showing In any un-1 - Mr. Luther Brown and Mr. Wil- ortaking.' ; "; ',' iliam Jones, of Mill Swamp visited My garden, ia 90 X 150 feet or at Cypress Creek Sunday evening, about 2-5 of an acre. I have en- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gurganus joyed watching the plant grow,, visited Mrs. J. W. Murray Sunday. Mr. waiter James, Mr. Kaieign But what Joy in sharing them with my neighbors. .) In September I planted turnips, James, Mr. Oscar Grady and Mr. Luther Grady of Seven ' Springs of them to ' my finrt nithftPM. tn rvnhr I niant- ( visited Mr. A; E J ames Sunday. ed broccoli and mustard, I . had I Som of the farmers in this sec vegetables all through the winter."1 ...ff!?.;'';,-1. Mr. Clifford Batchelor, Miss Pen nie Mabely and Miss Rosie Hum ter motored over to Catherine Lake Sunday evening. ' ' Mrs. Alice Sloan, of neafFoun tains Cross Roads, visited Mrs. J. W.Murray Sunday evening. : Mr. Frank Whaley, Mr. Chester Maready, of Mill Swamp were the guest of Miss , Hettle and Tressie and gave- lots friends. .( ' Jt s i , At each club meeting I read Mr. Morrow's report and had the club members discuss just which vege tables they had growing in their gardens. This seemed a great help toward making our club programs more Interesting. ' In February I started my spring trarden bv Dlantiner Irish notatoea. ... - . ... Id.m. ... cabbage, ana garden ;- peas. ini"' duj cuiB.. , March I finished my garden byU -Mr.-A. E. James made a business planting onions .tomatoes, pepper, trip to Wilmington Saturday. - collards tender-greens, v turnips, I Mr. J. P, Jarrett was the guest and radishes.-We have been Serving; of Miss Ruby Jones Sunday even' radishes since the first of April. lng t - 1 ' J 1' A miniature Ford V-8 to tho first boys or girls cn- -svcring' these 3 questions : - 111 If l r" I - -.'HAM - 7 Here's your dunce to get a miniature 1935 lord V-8 abto , lutely free! Aa exact replica of the big smart car itself goes to each of the children sending or bringing in the answers, to the questions above. These models are made of durable material, beautifully finished in the 1935 Ford V-8 colors and equipped with genuine rubber tires. If you want "on of these handsome Ford models get your answers in now! Jlczd end ktb&ihzsz eaij udes! t Any child under 12 years of age may enter, , , v Write neatly brief answers to the three question , .' listed aboTe and sign your name and address. " )v, V j Bring in your answers as soon as possible . ' :. before all the prize automobiles are gone. . . ' ' 0 The first boys or girls bringing or i sending in the answers will receive, free, an exact f miniature model of the 193 Ford V-8. .. .. i f ;: Prises will beawerdedatotrshowroomlmnief !jtclyupoapreen- . ' Ution of your enswers, sccompsnlcd by your nsme end address. . . i hi a peanut si.. . a- the hit.ii s dtty lilit '. - Kathleen lu- Mr. and Mrs. Albro James visit-'Smith and V. ed Mrs. James' mother Mrs. Delia Gurgahus Saturday and Sunday. l lPotters Hill NewsS The following were the guest of Mrs. Emmitt Thlgpen at a quilt ing ; party Tuesday afternoon: Misses .Ines and Vendetta Qulnn, Mesdames L. H. Qulnn, Ellis Tur ner, J. W. Qulnn and Z. J. Qulnn. Everyone is glad to know that Mrs. Albert Miller is well again after a short illness. " " ax.scd 1 j were Muu . Miss Lena janie Worley.v-. ' The following members of the school faculty have returned to their homes: Miss Helen Tankard, Bath; Miss Mary Ward, Seven Springs; Miss Pauline ; Roberaon,' Wendell; Miss Ruth Hough Nor wood; Miss Rosa Lee Saied, Green ville; Mtas Ruth Williams, Rocky Mount; and Miss Delilah Whitfield, Moss Hill. ;:'-;xS. Miss Kathleen Roberson of E. C. T .C, Greenville' spent the Easter holidays here as a guest of Miss Pauline Roberson. Visitors here Friday evening to H. Kerr included: Marie Lassister, Snow Hill and T. Mr. Archie Hall attended a dance given in the Johm M. Hargett gym hear Hon. J. Mondav eveninsr. ' I Marie Laaaisl Messers C. L. and Don Qulnn W. Mewbern. Jesse T. Heath. W. went to Grifton Thursday on a B .Douglas, Sheriff Churchill and business trip. . ' i John G. Dawson of kinston. Large ; crowds attended the m,. Ransom Holland spent East- cnurcn services given ai umestone ' er th his family in Petersburg, unapei uus weea. v Miss Inez Qulnn was the guest of Miss Rannie Qulnn Sunday. . - .' ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Heath attend- T t IT j.w. 1, j,. Hi UK I.UUW" ' """"" "- " cmi, twb, . g H1U Sunday afternoon. Macy and Rannie Qulnn and Er- " l,,rnr und UM.h. man WiUiams have returned to selle Jones, Messers Barnle, Don and OraUo Qulnn, Cagey Hous ton, Raymond Turner and Andrew Howard went to a weiner roast at Seven Springs Saturday evening. Mrs. Cyrus Hall was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thigpin, of Beulavllle Sunday, ' " " - Miss Ruth Batts was the guest of 'Miss Pauline Bryan this week end. , 1 - ; - Miss Be mice Weston spent Sat urday night with Miss Zattle Qulnn. . - ' , , Miss Macy Quinn was the guest of Miss Thelma Lee Jones Friday night ," ' . Messers Perry Hall and Battle Thlgpen were the guests of Misses Dessie and Ozell Edwards Sunday. Mr. Archie Hall was the guest of Miss -Ruby Summernn Sunday. c Messers Barney Quinn and Gor don Weston went to Kinston Sun day. ' . . . - i A large crowd ' attended the Easter Program given at Lime stone chapel Sunday evening. News Items Louiaburg ollege, Louisburg, af ter spending Easter here with their parents. ' l ' Mr. and Mrs, Charlie SandUn and family of Raliegh were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jones Smith Sun day. " , ' i'r--'. . Out of town folks here for the Rouse Turner wedding Monday night Included: Mrs. Ray Rouse, Mrs. Will Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Hardy, Mr, and Mrs. I P. Har day, Mr. and Mrs. Remus Rouse, Mr. and Mrs.: Joel Rouse, Misses Lena, Edna and Pattie Lou Rouse, Mrs. Alonra Rouse, Mr. DeLeon Whitfield, Miss Mamie Whitfield. Misses Julia and Irene Davis, Mr. Roland Hardy, Mayo Rouse, Misses Pearl and Magie Jones of Moss Hill, Mrs. J..T. Sutton, Mrs. Tem ple Birch, Misses Thelma and Drew Sutton, Mr.-- and Mrs. Clerence Grady and Mrs.' John Nobles, Kins ton;, Mrs. Paul Hines and son of Wilmington. , ' . .P"'-"f.r TO ENTER MUSIC CONTEST a of our t v 'I lie houleos Curved delicious re freshments after which we . ad journed to meet with Mrs..: Jasper Thomas In May. , ( Catherine Lake News Mrs. J. N. Craft, of Rlchlands, was much surprised Easter morn ing, finding a Lovely Potted Flow er placed among her . number of flowers on her front porch. The flower was given by a friend as ah 'Easter 'gift ' -f-jf-'r Mr. Garland Craft attended an Egg Hunt given by his sister, Mrs. Albert Manning, Sunday afternoon, v Mrs.' Olif Home was, the guest of Mrs. L. E. Craft Sunday. Mrs. Caroline Henderson .visited her mother Sunday. :. Mr. Walter Gurgonus and fam ily spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Albert manning. - Miss Evelyn Craft, of Rlchlands, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Aluln Mazzell. Mrs Julia Houston Laid To Rest Rose. Hill, 1 April 23. Miss Yvonne Alderman will leave on Wednesday of this week for Greens boro, whsre she will enter the high Th. -,,,in i- mi. scnooi music cuiucai in uiuno-umy- Hill school was distinctly honored ;1 ndf "nf T in having as the. commencement State Music Fest.va Miss Al; speaker, the. Honorable John ; H.idfrma' a l86,11"1 H gh Scho0' Kerr of Washington. Rep. Kerr,! aent tt"d 3L,furt,efn year? whose home is at Warrenton seem! W' r!,g,ut ,ono,rs at ed happy to be among his home ;""8 hooi piano- folks. His sincere- appreciation f or . SSfJ? 'T .f Dl8tri; the excellent "backing", especlaUy Q?. "p Werm,a1n wl" in regard to the. Agricultural Ad- Pink Hlll-Rt. 2-Aprii - lS.vOn Friday morning, April 12th, the spirit of Mrs.' Julia Houston took its flight to an upper and better world. Her maiden name was Julia. Mercer. She was married to Joe Houston and to this ' union was born eight children, , six girls and two boys, all who mourn' her loss together with fifty-eight grand children and sixty two great-grand children. - In the passing of Mrs. Houston the community has lost a friend whose counsel was timely and her advice good. She was to her hus band a good wife and to her chil dren a tender and loving mother. On Saturday at 2 p. m., her re mains were taken to Sand Hill Church where she had been a mem ber for many years. The - casket placed before the altar and fun eral services were conducted by her pastor Rev. L. E. Bryan and Rev. S. Gray. Then taken to the cemetary in the church yard she was laid to rest in presence of one of the largest gatherings seen in the oountry, being about five hundred. The 'congregation reflect ed the high esteem in which she was held. She was known to her bered them by the hundreds. Her friends as aunt JJulia and num pilgramasfe being 81 years, six months and 27 days. veial members of the Inter-J ' I.V LADY . udiate Christain Endeavor attend- In my poor cot there dwelleth not t e Pdespyterian meeting at ML C live Saturday, April 20th. ' Mr, and Mrs. Rouse of Magnolia , A lady lulled in laces v And satins fine; none such is mine But very sweet her face ia: were guests of Mr. and Mrs. sDic For Ood, when first her heart did Rouse Easter Sunday. . i ' beat , - Mrs. j. 1. wiiiiams, Mrs. D. D. Williams and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. R, Turner Sun day, April 21st. 1 Misses AUene Turner, Ruth Carr and Mrs. C. V, Holland attended church services at Rose Hill Easter Sunday. ' Mary .Elizabeth and Ross Tur ' Smiled on her face and made it sweet ' - Frank L."' Stanton. :''i'r ' " n .'.'' . ' NOTICE ' ' , minis tr a tor. of the estate of W. O. i Korhegay, deceasedr this is to rsrHfr all nNnni ha vlntr lnlm ner will spend 1 the berry, season at agalnst the 8ald estoW to present thelp. uncles Mr.-D. D. Williams. to the dersigned. duly . ? mf- PJS , , verifle n Itemised, on or before, age of strawberry pickers, the far- April-15-86 or" this notice will be mers inis secuon rear a great pleaded m of recovery, loss, if tabor can't be secured at Au lndeMed fa e8tata Thoughts For The -Home i Edited By Frank L. Goodman .... o A TRUE HOME Whenever a true wife ' comes. will please make immediate pay ment. ..,'( This 15th day of April, 1935. THADDEUS KORNEGAY ' 'Admhnistrator, Rt.-l, Seven .Springs, North Carolina May 30-6t-K. 0 - Widespread air pacts developing. n.any cut in Income tax is im- this home is alwava around . her. Tbs stars only may be. over' her probable in United States. head, the glowworm t the night cold grass may be tne only-fire at her feet; but home is yet where ever she is; and for a noble woman it stretches far around '4 Church Notice Justment program, that he has re ceived from them since going to Washington to represent the 2nd District in the National Congress. ; In the declamation and recita tion contests held at the achoov Friday . mornina'. Audrev Tvnrii.il Our club held its regular month and Cecil Stroud won out in the 'ly -meeting on April ninth at the visit relatives in Thomasvllle. ..i. : pi'-' , Miller Club Holds ; f Monthly Meeting elementary grades and Sarah Lee ;forsAlei SOJA BEANS " , FIELD PEAS ;.'; ' ,? ' ." VELVET BEANS AT RIGHT PRICES 0VM. WALKER Mt. OUve ' - Rt , home of Mrs. Ottla ' Miller. The meeting was called to order by the president' Mrs; Ashe Miller. Thirty members responded to the roll call.. Minutes of last meeting were read Plans were made to attend the County Federation at Kenans- ville on April 19th, and take part in the song contest. We also de elded to entertain our husbands at a picnic sometime In May. "Mrs. McSwain gave a very in terestlng demonstration on floor finishes and their jcare. Our House furnishing leader gave a demon. stration on wall finishes which we think will prove helpful to each of us. We had short , but in terest- YOU ARE A MEMBER of TFIIS BOARD , OF DIRECTORS INDIRECTLY- but as a member, your Interests are placed . i ' " ' . ' ' ' ' first..- Aetloa by our board Is planned to benefit the community ir...:.;:.':JiA: .' ".'.'' ')"',',' . . as a whole, whether It involves a step In the management of the ty. W are always nappy to offer you any of the faculties of , Sf.;.;v;.:i Ncrvood's Garage Varcav, N. C. ' O I A I I I AUTHORIZED pur Institution. AN INSTITUTION FOUNDED UPON PUBLIC CONFIDENCE Cranch Cnliimfr Trust Co. ' All of our accounts Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance "Corporation J RESOURCES OVER $19,000,000 v' WARSAW ' WALLACE Teachey News Items 0 Mrs. Dick McLendon entertain- ed her school mates of the Class of '31, Tuesday April 16th. Miss Geraldine Wells was the only member of the Class absent. The ones present were as follows: Mesdames Manly Teachey, Eugene Colwell, Henry Carter, Misses Louise Wells, and Willie Mae Mc Milllan. Clement High School closed Fri day, April 19th. The members of the graduating class from Teachey are as follows: Mary Elizabeth Turner, Rena Robinson, Mary Frances Wells, Hattie Turner, Vir ginia Southerland, Sarah Ellen Wells, Virginia Jackson, Osbert Fussell and C. J. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wadsworth and little daughter spent the Eas ter holidays with Mrs. Wadsworths parents at Lake Waccamaw. Mrs. Henry Wells and little daughter visited her mother at Rocky point during the Easter holidays. The children of the Baptist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools en joyed the Easter egg hunt at the Baptist Church Saturday after noon. . Miss Ruth Carr is spending the Easter holidays with her parents Mr .and Mrs. C. J. Carr. Miss Haigler, from Cameron, S. C, was the guest of, Mrs. J. L. J Wells during the Easter Holidays. Mrs. J. c. Cottle and children ents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carroll spent Easter Sunday with her parents of Turkay. It was quite a surprise to friends of Miss Sallie Southerland to hear of her marriage Saturday, April, zutn. Regular preaching services at her, better than ceiled with cedar, "m"fent Christian church or painted with vermilion, sheddteg "'" ev"y 3rd Sundy its quiet life far. for those who Tn.Jhf on turday "o else were homeless.-Ruskln , fnnd "ad, ,S"nday morn- n ' v .ni..,.., ipg and n,Sht at 11:00 a- m. and Be Your Child's Confidant ,., o, u , Always allow your child to tell 7:80 p- m Sunday scho01 each you all that has happened to in- Sunday at 2:30 p. m., except the terest or annoy while absent from 3rd Sunday at 10:00 a. m. home. Never think anything which The public is affects the happiness of your chil dren too small a matter to claim your attention. Use every means in your power to win and retain their confidence. Do not rest satis- ' , fied without some account of each ' day's joys or sorrows. It is a ,:"2M!Mt"M"t-X'-XM":"': source of great comfort to the in- CoV Tf With Flnnrava nocent child to tell all its troubles -W l. "Jill J? JOWerS to mother, and do you lend a will ing ear. For know you, that as soon as they cease to tell you all these things, they have chosen other confidents, and therein lies the danger. O Mother! This is the rock on which your son may be wrecked at-last. I charge you to set a watch upon it. Be jealous of the first signs that he is not open ing all his heart to you. (Anonymous) public is cordially invited to attend these services. W. W. SHEPARD, Pastor, A. O. BOSTIC, S. S. Supt. Herring Florist WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS TELEPHONE 68 112 N. Trianon Kinston, N. C. The Rexall One Cent i SALE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2, 3, and 4. THE REXALL STORE ONE CENT SALE IS, WITHOUT A DOUBT THE GREATEST BAKUAIN EVENT OF THE YEAR. AND OUR SALE THIS TIME SURPASSES ANY THAT WE HAVE EVER HELD. THE REXALL DRUG STORE ALONE OFFERS YOU THESE WONDERFUL BARGAINS. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR STORE EARLY IN THE SALE AND CONVINCE YOURSELF THAT YOU -CAN SAVE ONE HALF ON VOUR DRUG STORE PURCHASES. REMEMBER THE DATES, MAY 1, 2, 3, AND 4. Warsaw Drug Company The Rexall Store WARSAW; NORTH CAROLINA TOBACCO STICKS Wanted WILL PURCHASE M,000 HAND RIVEN TOBACCO STICKS AT RIGHT PRICE.' Quote Me Prices On Sticks Undelivered JOHN E; KING FARMVHXE, N. C. Or Leave Word With "Bob" Lang at the Duplin Theatre; Warsaw. USED CAWS WANfElD The increased sales of our "R&G" Used Cars the past month makes necessary an increase in our stock of late model Used Cars. We need late models all makes of Used Cars at once. The increased demand for our Reconditioned and Guaranteed ("R&G") Used Cars assures you the greatest value ever received. Your late model Used Car and a few dollars a month willake you the happy owner of a new ford V8, the world's fastest selling Automobile. Our "R&G" Used Cars are priced to sell. We have one to meet your needs. Your present Used Car will make the down payment on one of our later model Used Cars Come Today! ' . Norwood's 4 Garage PHONE 97 Warsaw, N. C.

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