l u ins . . 3 of tc-j: co: . . PEOPLE. 'Li ... nam., if. . r"" " 3 cove: DUPLIN Likk K ROOP 1 T . ' 1.1 311 I.. ::akViixe, nJc! PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY .THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1835 J. i-l.'"lL,ivM 7- t Pr. Gccrc- IIsv,Tcrd . At Kcr.ar.svilla ': - . L Larjocl Season Dr. George Howard, Professor of Education at the University of N- C. waa the principal speaKer vw laCirr - P ri fe e s Ccricrrd day evening.. He followed ul "L pjflv rWJ. fir1v theme already Bounded by R. F. - J ImTI. B. Joyner to. the class sermon when spoke :of ' Ufe.r Mr. Howard presented the three philos MhiM ilfi which were opah to every inw and tM hta reikrk , i g -t Zm1 Al Wallace Men trol your ; life.? theretore . wu you believe la the important thing In- life. ,The' robber, of toe; atory represent one line of though which Thine: ia mine. Any . thing that ia unfair to the other fca .A fc. . t , . . . at at ? ' . t .. , " " IT" 7 ' 'w 1497 CRATES Lcidinsr Prf alla'rf Walltfcl, destined te e North The Priest and 1 viU re rent the day lloMay. aecond philosophy whlcji ia P- K raST eTrid. ed to the work, Jag hye ! B,? W red, sold from tS.40 ta in una jniioBopuy. v y - Pooreat herriM Krhut from t man to the Bible that Jeaua to iSia lt tote;: .-i Tin, a DhUAiAnnv at cne t ' - . T--T,T.T., , - i..crte Of , v .V f - Hcrry Pickers 0- 6 ia tfc Strawberry e ker' niMg very acu. ? k et J'.v iera. County f-. i ?d.t,.t aa ;,lyt ;' asajstaut , rv I Cm Viam- c 'are being Berry 'growers i if Itu'p la ke fields. A ' lave. A;i . , sau.'t i i tost U i 4oe to 1 Eerrlna I -' s: t fields that Cwli i picked and ear k ted I 1 1 ' urday, reached the Bsarktt 'ay n very verrlpeMi r.; 'aa iad brtog "?.r'Mt lov r price thaa f y-.wekltlf ate. te ea'iiaae. 4 eala Ik. . beta. laade W the jf , 4litUbtihl for ntore iJl K: vry li" Stevens Arid Jclf : C Dawson May; f ELii? i;;ate Race! i -h '- Info n on -came to- our office th's .v c that jthe long expected jt- it of a candidate to c 1 SUtes Senator Jos iu.i Bailey will be forth con, 'in a few days. ;At- tlnot! i bt' officially imnounced ij t i " scat-observers are' sure 1 1 t J a a. DAwson of Klfiston v 1 e J -r ti e race against the Sen. V r.i;t.:.rttwlion is t a former ' t ' .!. a tr the State DemocraUc i..cu",ive Comfadttee. . " J " I A' o h a r-any friends in Duplin t-i... y a..a oves tne state are an-1 jtlouij.y t Utihg announcement from our- c i Henry I Stevens of Ware v. J ..f. Stevens, it ia, report- ', ed. 1 t bed considering; makin the tuJi f t Dosft time. His folow- tog over KorUt Caroma, and part icularly tn tne jrteamont and west ern r art of the state is 'unusually Strong; Mn Stevens, it is believed i wn niuKij ur) cuiuesi poi ior any one wno enters l "Also political i prognosugators a FooL The Philosophy of, theU- maritaa represents apeaker Kerry ana aivui u ,..-...., viii- Koi nhi vim-t T i J " anucm .ireBuu ueiug uiuugiiL, tog ie sactiflclar life. "If you .are ZJSSZXXTSSi n- tei -t"& tjr "cheWW ta aald, ;on-Judge M. V. Yamhill misstog the flner thlpga of fe; to3SSi cour tit fhaf Conrrrjuman Iindsav .warren Is' definitely out of the raceT a strong prooaD Iieutenant Gov- Fouitaln wilt not run. neing Drought, miaBiner rna Tinnr uiiiikb m . . ... . r win Etr ' htn vmt mieht as well be a rwor-A ."-J: V WgU Cfcyftsv holds theW nothing la known vet about what 4 back hog Oft tHe ounUtoa rooting ; Arctoe. roraer-Lltfa.. etovernor-Ehringhaus xpecU to . 'for acorns",' said, Mr. Howard; as iOO whito iladelDhuV , t' Ci? T- rtMnil do. At any rate It Is almost a sure , , he .presented the challei. to tb deliver the .4- -hot to. that .Mr.waon of , riaaa to choos Uie beaty A $4.00 to S5.00 aid some M Wgh aa l4A ' "" , Kinston witf be in the f Ight and be- The presentation of certmcatea g-S for Blakemore" while rafaaiaarwUI hoWlta'fiaals to- gin hia cajnpaign sooi.,c.,;r. ajtiu r A flab supper will be held to the for perfect aitendaicfr waa mad aioaarlea were only bringing' 13.60 ay nev, r . . w. . - r waa.au. . 1 j k1.nnn.1i iwra hut outatanning were -nrn 7t, fh. uwk mJ . oi t.-t.'ni kau kn' mmA Ar thi PivitimitK rin three who stood .' alone. ; Mildred Kest day on the Wallace market at been a ' setter' apiary man- rage to Warsaw tomorrow evening Quinn who, has not missed f Xba time of this' writing, when:fm t e li'.Sama, eitten-'lal tiigO. Te supper; is jinder the in school for. sbt yeara, Rutb Cm J0.S55 crates were sold. - ' Jaioi(gw a;lalist t ,'Stote 1 auspicea.of the, Warsaw Methodist rol Nix who has been on tbA b pcea on uw large market for lege.. I v t'.' -j '.Church. Plates wljl be 25a each; ,,. or rol eyerymonth for alx years,, Mveral days this season bave been . - .rmWmkmimimm . 1 1 1 n m n m, and Ellen, Southeriand wo-waa rec follows: April 22 $2.40 to T":r - - ' " : , scholarsbip average to,ftb high iS.40; 25. $3.00 to $3.90;-2. '$a,0tl ft-; " "Xi-d TO Nation iast' Sunday achool. 1 . . 1 Thi certificatea .of . promoUost prices are' based on the.Mlsalqnijy , .from the- Baveath. frada- to the berry. -.' ;? f . . .- j Il'gh' School' wee. presented 1 toi ''Carlot shipsaenta-ifori t -""" ' f "ty-to: boys and girls by At- Ernited State -to Ap." . t L A. Eeasley. r i I follows: N, C . ; ia niia E maa were presented to cars; Ark. 31 cars L.. 4 cars; S.J t .e mem: r of. the Senior Class c. s cars; Ariz. 1 oar; La-oaf; by SupU of fchootok X O. Bowmaa Tenn. 18 can. . . . N i mnA thaaa 1 1 tha Senior Class 'ref TYui-lr UiivmmsI n Ktbrth Pm. " ' ceivlng ttieaa- diploma were: Ciar. una, has been very heavy through land. Eivwbawt, eecner bhvctwvb, itye season. $ - 'X'-'--; t' . Voilx' AhAto. J. ft Bowman, Jr,,- Through Anril 29Ui Wallace baa 8dia. BeUe Alphin, J. B. Stroud,' shipped it cars and 68.011. cratea4 , TrandSvMcLendon andiwrwooo by truck as compared to CauaVl Mucray. t: ' -, -; v ; - 4 burn's 17 cars and 0341t nto , Dr. Ceorr e Howard the speaker by truck. The Chadburn market f tha evening was introduced by Is on the decline now while Walter- v Prof. W. V.Nftc, Mr. W also ree-f w noimng lis peax. . " from the. P. T. A. to-the school, (estimated that 7000 acre, of- thF A Gold Medal offered by the perries wui oe narveatwr for ifotsi and Pop Club of KenansvUle mercial purposes ,a thousand sere to the member of the Senior Class above the average for the past ftvv who had made .the highest average years. , The five year avraga-lai .durlnr the four years in High this state has revealed that SchooL i was awarded to Beecher crates " of berries are barve ' Ward Sitterson. Valedictorian: of from aft acre, while thiyear it ir the classi and." was .presented: to estimated that 129 crate per azrT him bv Rev. SV L. Goodman. Vice win be harvested.'. Tbto-to srr 4 President of Uje Mom and Pop Club high as compared with lasC ye T - Attorney iVA. Beasley ; made ,M only 70 crates per awriBBs4 some timely remarks on the actions. picKea, m lm. , of the , present; legislature. ; and - - According to G W. Sheffleki, their reaction on the pubUc school pervlsor of ihspectios; om tb WaV-f - . The most' touching part of the very , weU satisfied: -witb the- orapf t program was' the gathering of the this season.; With present priceai faculty and students ox ine scnoot xarmers "can com ear and .show 'In . large circle reaching around some prof it on the crop. There has , the autjltoriiim, and with teachers been very ilttie complaint, he said. an4 pupils Intermingling, and with - The season as a whole i around ,t hands Joined in one unbroken chain 12 days-earlier than it was last jthey sang softly together, "Blest year. The best part of the market . Be The Tie That Blnda." s : " - will be over by May 8th. V EDITORIAL 1 PROCESSING TAX UNDER THE AAA AS IT WILL AKIT.CT . THE FARMERS OF DUPLIN COCNTy , ', .There is vHmcik. -beta isievi''tbi iextile manufactures tit the United States to elimtoate the processing tax . oh cotton. ; which. If eliminated, will mean that the processing tax on all -other tsommodities- under- the "Agrlciiltural 'Adjustment Act 'will be abolished. ' '. ' ' ;; This, means that the expense of the administration, renUl and benefit payments on an contracts with' farmers will cease, ' unless the funds are secured from some other source, which In " all" probability can not be done. Manufacturers and dealers in . farm commodities on which there is a processing tax make the "claim- thatthe tax has taken away from "theiffl so much of .their. ! proceeds' that they are Unable to operate.' 'f' The processing tart is levied under the Agricultural Adjust ment Administration and should be and is passed on' to the ulJ : tlmate consumer of the farm products manufactured, and is" - paid by the consumer, the manufacturer and processor acting! . ,only in the capacity of a collecting agency, therefore, It has not placed any burden whatever on the manufacturer or processor. , . . i The Increase in cost, to a large extent, of all manufactured products from farm commodities is caused by the increase in the cost of labor in handling, transporting, manufacturing, and the Sale of the manufactured commodities from the farm pro ducts. Tarrifs, franchises and other means are protection for the. manufacturer, and have been in existance for many years, and; . part of which the farmers have paid for the protection f the manufacturers, and the processing tax on the raw materials of the farmer in this time of emergency aciupies the same position as the manufacturer has in the past. Farmers of North Carolina and Duplin County have ben efited to the extent that receips for farm commodities in the State have placed the state In second posilon among all of the states of the Union, being second only to the state of Texas. ' Duplin County farmers have received in 1834, or since the be ginning of the adjustment program, with the plow-up of cotton' and the closing of 'the warehouses- in 1933, more than one-half million dollars, which nearly equas the price of the entire crop; produced in 1832. Besides this, the payments received for the 1 crop itself have more than doubled In amount, therefore it Is the duty of every .farmer in Duplin County to study this ques-' tion, and -to express himself to his Congressman and Senators ' from this state, and ask for their protection in this matter. ' ERA Schools Give CrOinmfeneeinent. ThisMontfc IlIn Goiinty; To Hold Clinic ,aia i i' -ill' ii r i , n , iM Vini n 1 tii .mmy&n f ! ;...i'i-.i:. tU .'f -"ni i ii-- in iiiuM .-it ii , . " . r Santa Claus Dead : Santa Claus. Ind., April 29. Ir wia4,:itonO trying to explain to any of Jim MarUn'ajnUUun.prJmore young sters today that Santa Claus ia lead, i . For 28 years their letters; trusttnelv mailed to "Santa Cuius, N.- Pole." came to blm by the thousands at Christmas time. He tried to answer every one. - ijames F. Martin, 60-year old postmaster and patriarch of this little Homier hamlet, died yes terday after a paralytic stroke. The 75 Inhabitants of Santa Claus,' given Its name by a vil lage wit 60 years ago, said that perhaps he didn't look like San ta but he certainly lived up to the trust placed In him by chil dren all over the world, With the aid of charitable or ganizations and private citizens, Martin "tried to arrange it so they received the gifts they ask ed. . Miss .Margaret' McGowan . of, Warsaw, supervisor- of tbd t .A teachers In-this, county annoi.t ed yesterday that' a commencement. program will be put, on by the va rious, classes lir the county in the auditorium of the Kenansvil&-high scbr Friday' Bight, 1; ay 10th, at . 7:30 o'clock. The 'students .will give a program and exhibits ot 'their work wUl be on display. : v ; The colorecTERA students will give their program to the Charles , E .Perry school on, May 4t in Duplin, County tfcsre' are 26 white teachers and 14. colored who have been working with grown-up illiterates md . rnderprlyeledges and kindergarden stllentji.i Only one nursery school Is Held and that is at-Faison. Total enrollment of ERA student -among' the white and colored. Is over: 1000. .-Their schools close on May 31st. - ' '"' v '"p. i . i. ; ' -:tov! iSholar Holding: ;o Farm Passes ' FVonlno- ilajuea in vocational ; agriculture are being fceld regular- 1 ly each Thursday night at. a to- bacco barn. Ton William , Gooding's f farm! The classes, are conducted by.., Mr. Sholar, agrlcujtural' teacher at , i the B. F.. Grady chdotA, large. ". attendance Is reported each week.'-: ' Classes have been going on for the t past, six months.' They take' the form of a round table discussion and . many problems iTacingi local farmers are' discusse'd,' Problems ' such as prevention of diseases. Im proving homes, agricultural organ izations, cotton and tobacco' pon- tracts, tobacco diseases and insects and how to control them, etc., 1 Over 75 farmers hav been en- -. rolled In the Classes and- meetings ' : ,'win continue through the summer -. months .being held ' every . other week. A few meetings have been held at Oak Grove and at Outlaw's1- Bridge. ; ': p - FHA For Duplin Getting Under Way Canvassers Meet -.; The- DupHn County unit of the Federal Housing Act, under ; tne leadership of J. E. Jerrltt Is about to become a functioning organtea-j tlon. Miss Virginia Dixon has been made secretary of the association ! and will be located in the office of Prisoner Paroled V By (JovrEhTinghaiw Sheriff Williamson received no- the County Farm Agent In Kenans- - iuiiiuuo uaiuMvif' vuivBi vvhvvi.w . In the 1934 term of Duplin" Coun- vllle. 13. canvassers have been appoint ed to make a thorough canvass of this county and ascertain how many homes need repairing and what repairs should be made. A part of this group met in the com- ty Superior Court Gardner- '.Was convicted on a charge of accessory after the fact to the murder ' of ' Robert. Moore, colored, which was committed last August in Albert- missioner's room in the court 1 ""'""' - house Tuesday and heard a talk He was sentenced to a two year by chairman Jerrltt in which he term and ordered U work It out in explained the workings of tile or- , the County home. Gardner1 has ganization from national head-; been an ( unusually good prisoner,-: quarters in Washington down thru according to- officers, and has yir the local county unit. Mr. Jerritt , tually been A free man, going and gave them pointers for the canvass coming at liberty while doing his and they are expected to begin , aauy lasxs. work soon. Mrs. Sadie Martin Dies In Smith's Horse Runs 4 way 's Breaks Neck Warsaw I Frank Pickett's horse ran away Pink Hill N. C.-Jlrs. Sadie yesterday morning and broke- his neck. No not Mr. Pickett's neck but Martin, age 46, died at her home h0rse.8 neck. horsefwas in Smith's Township April 16, mtehed to rf cart and becoming following an illness of four years, frightened made a wild dasbdown v IVeaideat Franklin D. Rooseve.t PreaUeat RaaaavaH bM .hia Hreslde ehat' with the nation last SbMAy- sJgbt at'ten o'clock; Whe " flayed critic f the New . Desi. Preaidravt Roosevelt said '" IIihPV -T PJio.lii' 'Xvilta, Mrs. Ada Phelps. Randolph, J TrV'f ;1? "rtt t 1 formerly of Evanston, Illinois, one ''t-'ntaaW Tn'SI- Rnt,0lP' o' Oakland. TH,.:-W!,? .."Wl'i CaJUanua and a daughter. ; Mary t.ea weaaesaay mgni, Apru 24 a Kandoiptt . ) ? ; ';': , X "'Every prsosv to North Carolina symptoms of tuberculosis, and old who baa tuberculosis has a right Sanatori cases. .v 'v '.V-.-.'-v...';Vv. to know it, to be properly treated. . Symptoms of Tuberculosis for It and to be so supervised that Any of the following symptoms he will aoi 'communicate the dl- should make you suspicious of hav. ease to others." McBrayer. u : 'j Ing tuberculosis: ;" :-' 7 S; IwO-nunureu . auu imnwwi ... w w kcibui, mw u nreusin. , - t P ' . i ceps of tuberculosis hav been re- Lack of energy and ' endurancev'l;e borne of Mr. ind Mrs. J... L, ported to , Duplin county ueaitn Jfeeims; urea ana "runaown"; ' a.w. m wm jnto ai v-uapej Departmeiit since 1U organization, peclaliy la the afternoon or even- l.;;i,'' ailllwood.' Clifrk County, Vir Cilte r-' ber of said cases were tog. '- v.v. C-yV ':' ' iginlalt'AprU 211699" s'- d.agnosed previously but only re-, Ir appetite. Indigestion f 8y-1 ? M ItoA)lDb M iL nbrted recently. ucn IS not a popbib, ' 1- -' J J.7'.J tru picture of tuberculosis as 10 h A temperature normal or below. Faiiin 14 Wr?i? ' ' ner" cent of school children glveti normal in the morning and 89 or a- !- tl:.J:f?P.. that the great task of recovery could not be done in one day or 1 year but that It waa-definitely moving forward. Called upon: Americas people to aupport him ' m this undeiteking. ' i r 1 .T- 1 ' T To llnwil Outlaw i j ,V JRIoflUment Suriday The funeral was held at the home at 3:00, and burial at the Brock Cemetary. Mrs. Martin before her marriage was Miss Sadie Pigford. She was born-and reared near Currie, in Pender County. ' - She is, survived by her husband1 and-three children, Forrest, Es ther and Sammy, and the follow ing brothers and Bisters, Mrs. Don nie Wagstaff, of Clinton; Mrs. Joel Whaley yf Kenans vllle; Edgar the road. The cart ran up-n the side of "an enbankment, turning Kenansville Methodist Church Sunday, Ma ,5th., 1935 Sunday school . . '. . . .ld:00 A. M. Preaching ll:15 A. M. Subject: "The Faith We Need." Special invltatlonito all to wor-. ship with us. . F. B. Joyner, Pastor. "Ohi Professor", a . home talent play, will be given in the Warsaw over and trlping the horse. 1 The high school auditorium tomorrow horse - fell over' on hla head, snap- night. Proceeds,. will. go for the .ben- ping his neck 'bone eftt of the athletic association. Escaped! Convict Is Caught N ear Island Creek Tuesday Deputies Dell and Powell caught rrvu .i.aTt-. v. emx . 2. r n. - Pigford, of Teacheys; Exum Pig-' n escaped ctfnrict TuesdaV about "w,M"iS ,Z,. a.im.h. . J m.,H Pi.l?n .8Cttped ,c.n L" V1'"0:"00"1 nansville waa notified Immediately. u:au near Miana wweKe ine con- IM and pweU went : in search, vlct was Robert Morrison wh, es- N u MfeI thrf , caped from, Bear Garden- Camp in h o-ai,, ford of .Rlchlands and Claude Pig ferd bf Durham. Enterprise For Kenansville the tuberculin test reacted posl-, oove in ine arternoon or evening. 'h. Bfi. kii,. uve w same, n.eaci.u.s w - -""6- - ..-.umj, " year he ha been m road oo iei aoen uv ww r;--"v -''- .trufi. - Work to Florida The Droeram will v.n,mnr. at y Kenansville is becoming a pros perous little town these days. Mr. W.' M. Brinson is now constructing a new home on the highway to- of 'nrSS School WiU be' rto Warsaw, and it is expected ay SbTwhTtw -Jmvrttod Stofy altternooB , with ' that other homes will be going up appropriate exercises.',, -.' ... , aoon. on , the 29th , of Pender County Anrfl M-nrHoAti .vnaflA hja . bona at the same time two other negroes TWO Wallace Men attempted a get-a-way. They both i T ', T .j were shot One got at slight wound j injUfea in ,-ACCiaeni in the arm, but the other one was1' Wallace! April 30 Dave Camp so badly shot that he waa 'taken bell and MarceUus B. Pope, , Jr., to State Hospital in Ralejgh. for of Wallace who were en, route to : treatment. y. ' ia Northern market with a truck Morrison was . sentenced , -to a lo&d of strawberries, were sertous- Sanford court to & ' three War & tojured last night near Eliza- vldual has active tuberculosis, but ds mean that the sn' 5 1 " ' " :tl lihg bert Infer 1 v ' r ' vi ' '. h ei'- "-ls t ..u .. . .ii d!" ' Jual continues to obts.-' if j. j . L-uetto'the above flnii.. i t I nth 'Carolina State ant,arlum , ' e. ' 1 and 1:rs klnr"y co- nt-l e! rr a one of its f ' to r if - Koy : more is A-'h I C ;.-y, t jj v.. a KAtK Olfrv whitM thAV AM pnnfinpd Th Kr mm trananaviita mmr. term tor breaking.. Had been tft . hunitnk . ... i - y couCM-8ttng three weeks or," " "'. . ' .t.T .rr"'!" " Vim-to hTIbJt ' thi fMO-W.'Mr -. ' al -Z! ous. . : , . i a oi novemoer j34, - je.;;wiao wiu d in cnarge or k. G. r : r - , " : t . ,. ... . - - . " lu t.uoc u.c v from th i.,-,.' i Nmlly to False Wliair Albert T Outi.w nf'ir. r' ta that E. R. Penney is His. actions :1b. the community bee accurately determined, hd--,JS wc .a to ttwi?flJS; 11 " ' J,aw,,n t move wmm from; resulted in hi. being : caught. fTh cording to advtoe receiv4 by rel 'oonrul of pure. ,. , ... LtM '"r1 -t aasvllle wlU. ;deltver the, address, weaver's : Bridge here. . The mill convtet, want to.-, tha W M .mJITLm, vii mit. "ys due to t -, ' , 1. " V Little Elizabeth lordui Outtow.r'amnktvea imlto few DMa.v; -ifr Mr-: Lea dm MW 'na-aMian-rh'a '. . i ki,. : . t.. t services and burial were rf.,.rh-,fvr. M ru.. -w... . " .r, ; T' T . . 7 . " T 7 ?. ' " : . i,., ah a .I P . " . wui.-1 reuney wiu eraiv wui, iu a store - ana asKea ior iooa. Mrs, (nought to oe suriermr rrom in ilirlS ' . law MX Olive and Uneal store on the property near the rail- Long was alone at home and was ral injuries" with ttt tontfiUort .7 '-SiJ descendant of James Outlaw will road crossing oa highway 40. This very much frightened.. She gav regarded as eatremely serious' ", "1 the burial unvBil tha nuinnmuit . v.- 1 . v.i- u. r m V , . . . . . j - U1WOI I.X ""IT MVUMlKa W Wft. V.. Hi. urn fXI I tKKI mnn UIBI1 ILB WKI1L W P 1T1M. MU mmi . m . lIHLUm ,11s ior many Devotional will be lead bV Rev. Oulnn. Mr... Earlv exwif fa to in. to nnthnr lum in tha mmmiinitv .Lumu ! iin hii MnriiHnn ( .:oii!s; 1 sue,, uri"" , r' ked sput. l 'n ' -viTid by his, Abner Outlaw of Elizabeth City.) stall a grist mill also 1 i and asked for clothes. Receiving j very painful It is understood he the clothes he-' departed for, the is not critically,, injured. 7 V- TiTlTm::1