"1 J and fifty Ju- Ui"'- nsvllle Wed i . v night for 1 No. S!:'3 acting as b. .1e VJA. district com- cj.iiiUcs of Duplin, Bla- ' ' .son.','' - , ' of "the meeting were Chas. E. Brew .it of ITaredlth College, - P. Hood, Cotmw3ioner of . f -North Carolina, and Bob ci..-tril)utipg . editor' of - 5 ' . x was called together a. in the high school . ; y ."dtrict officers. A . "! 1 were present for ,si. i aesuion which wm a eeo.. J. .The program con .J of: - ' ' ' on.nins' Ode:. Invocation,, Rev. f V. C. Smith; Conferring of Dis- ' t Decrees: Boll call of officers; . . . ,nn n V. m. 'i. & Blair; aJ of tast meeting; councils; Report from r Deferred Business; New ..ens; Good of order; Address, i ui-ney P. Hood, State Treasure; Introduction of C. F. Tankereley, Jr., State Councilor, Dr. Chas. E. Krewer, Past National Councilor, ,K U. Gavin, staw uouncu , l .me Judge, ana .ouiersvBiiu - marks from e&cn; nemana, .V. karris. Field Secretary; ?Afl; t Preceding the Droeram a base I l game was piayeo on ie wauw tii. between " Roseboro anq i.ti Rowboro winning X to 0. ' At six o'clock the crowd' gath- The Bank of Magnolia moved ( ui the school cafeteria to par- back Into Its old bame In Magno tuke of a delicious barbeoue sup: Ha . Monday after yacatlpnlng la - t prepared by the KenansVUle, V- saw for the paat several mon ;0i Club and served by' the t' After the last robbery at the r "nmnti'l aufc.1 . V i , ... ...ov...,.-.y kwi . in - - ' .4w"rr' -.i. 4 in Magnolia. Cashier DaU unouao . , America; By all; Invocaed this week that the bank has 't:..n. Itev. W. C. Smith; Address of just Installed a burglar-proof safe. welcome, J. E.'Jerrlttr, Response.,- o ? , . . R, D. Johnson; Address, R. O. Max-y First of colonists begin to settle wan- Tntrnriuntian of State Cous- down la. Alaska. , cllor.'Jt. -J.' Hester, Jr.; Address, m n itv.i.wia. T stt Onnn- cllor. :. '" -1 when Schall attacks President. ..? ajmananBWaWaaBaawsBB .. av Outlaws Bridp Church Sec tion Celebrates Homecoming Y Sunday was Homeaonlng day at Outlaw's Bridge.- Among, the Bona and daughters of the community who came back ta. thectpM church tmm Athnr communities were; Mr. onH Mrs. Don Outlaw of Kmaton. lee. Mr .and Mrs. joe em . Hnno&.Htll. The primary 'and i intermediate classes gave a program appropriate for Mother's Day. A hunch of flo werswas presented to a venerable mother of the community, , Mrs. I flu Smith. . The pastor, preached , ffnhiiRna 3UT. ''4. Which 1 1 m n.pnenuw.M. elated by uoowpmo rr. ,.jt your children", but bring them : up with Christian training and in- in linn " 't A dinner, a very bountiful din- ner, was served in tne. gooa oiu for 45 minutes at wmcn ""' way. after which the crowd re-aa- repreaentaUveg were present They sembled to hear a sermon from report the most Interesting -event Rabbi Iser '"Freund of Goldsboro.; of the convenUon was ' the ' Fine The minister Introducing" Mr. Xrts FesUval on Wednesday af Freund said 'We believe here not' ternoon' with the flower show at i tntanYannmlniitlonal. but lfi.4ah' tlnilBA . " ' OlUjf m.v.-- w . in lnter-falth friendship". The 1'ibbl made a most powerful ap- laoe was elected 2nd Vice-President r il for a better understanding and of the Federation which Is conald a l'" er brotherhood.". People In ered quite an honor for the 11th t.a r,Vmmmiltv are already hoping district, i The secretary,-Mrs. C. J. t ..t Rabbi and Mrs. .Freund will . . - J- '. V. 'it tnem agnm. , . " NcwE"3 Gcrvice ToIIinston I ndent's of Duplin from War- t. r a v to Kinston vm uu ... - r - .. 1 ere "e : nk.niAtu CTr a7 5th pu on uses , ,e ay v I a J Tr,leas"d to learn that bus elgh. At the latter they were en The Queen tartalned . a i fry a- the cour- ttevllle to Kinsion v. o --- -- - 'araaw. Kenansvllle, B. energetic group and ta doing very IT k liil land Deep Run. good work.' The result of their la i of our county needed, hors Is demonstrated Iftu-e in Ken . rn , "v as bnd as any ansvilel where the local club s;-on- -i in 1 gtern Carolina, aoreu uie iiuimKut -,im with mwses ftt to the Courthouse grounds. ' itf, Clinton anu -, inn-to trav- France and . to t"?ns- I l iit tl.oy 4V0.-U.A.-I.1 ;.:i:in3Vil Vote Fcr Himself . ' a ' s ' Nope, It w a vMuIm. Bb Welle didn't ,vote"f nlsrt last week In the hewuuSvie election. One vote was cast for Bob for Mayor and the TRIES was Informed that Bob did It, and knowing that Bob Is fellow who likes a Joke we Writ It up, but he Informs us that e waa out of town all day and did not vote, we t how lit we.'.a writ that up too. The wraer be lieves that. If the tisae cornea when KenanavnhVs Mayer. J:u- my Jerrltt decide to retlro from . politics that Bob WeUs would be a mighty gooa man to sueeew him. But Capt Jimmy Can't be beat, from the standpoint of ser vice, we mean, so let s keep him In harness a long aa ! ':, . Court' H0USe Close1 Offices To Beginning Saturday May 18th ' continuing through the sumiwr j months all offices In th ourt house will close at. one o'clock for the day. Everyonehaving Business owrt hottM Saturday are rged to attend to It as early possible Saturday morning.- Bank Of Majnclia t .'. A Moves Back Home IMtllunm,mo?BJ W fill" sow and took kx?" tn c'.d , , . . o- . ' rthiora har . , cries .Shame !" Local People Attend ' Federation Kenansvllle was represented at i Wells and Misses Anna Carr and Rebecca Edgerton. They report a fine trip and vary Interesting con vention., -. ' " ' 'Mrs.-Gavin la Presldentofthe 11th District and Mfa. Wella was ft u.n. from the - Kenansvllle Club. Miss - Edgerton Is president -:"r.T!l.":-w-aai Kenansvu.e -u Club and Mlss uarr waa ntatrict. President Mrs. Gavin. - m.. .nnntinn held classes In parliamentary law every morning X waa t va.w r U.U fc.. "... . ... - T u j0hn D. Robinson of Wal Williams of Wilmington is . also- . . -in. Ji.h4.l ., flaa Ba. lirom me I becca Edgerton or Kenapsvuie w . t appointed to. act on the Courtesy 1 Committee. ' . '". I ' On Friday everyone went on- ft tour of Naga Head and Roanoke Island, ' vj-Jtlng Kitty Haws, 1Pht Memorial anu Fort Ral- - - - - A. .. th. cour tesv of tne wanieo iuo. The Junior Woman Cub of N a. i: 4. Mu.ncml7.el1 an a most Soviet seek a new accord, 'a'! "' i Fra-M'r, n i head, u w i i '""! Cfrviany.. r World ' Bank ' . ".tiO'l. Living Hci Suit ? , To Circa Free -Oa n v B'f'ist of ' next week at 1.-4 - - Theatre a three piece : fm suit w'JI be given 1 -vi chants U Eenansv" 'i J V'ehiw are co. railf;2 ' t'.a t atre In niwir-jpoc elUs '.toffur ikltura to be ttven to someone alolut4y free. All you have, to do Is to ask tor a ticket every time yo make a purchase' at One 'Of tEicse scores In the am unt of S5c Tour r ,,!i"',e den't havo to be Jit for I n but any amount you wish to apend ad (r each liiiser you are entt.le to,a eo --i whelh ent: yon to a f nlty. AM yea have -if attend a show c t. Y 't t'tween r w et y Md d - OHit the eou- pii t. a boa la the Wy of he Du, n for t t purposet ' Oa Thar- f a-.bt at.'ne V!wck one of te tickets will "be ,, nod the person-' whose aatue Is oa the ticket will get' the furniture. The holder of the ticket must be at the ahow la persoM. . 'r - " i f The pregram for' week la a very interesting one. On Mon day and Tuesday CUager Bogera and Fred Astalr will be aeea ta -The Oay Wvawee", Wedne ttnyriargaw day,wUl r shawa e' Maaauetaoer"1 wltfc Boa t i Cwlemaa, Thursday and Frl ay, you wlU' see Kay Frances. Geoi ; e Brent and Warren Wil liam la "living en Velvet'' while a'Saturday a good Westerner wlH be shown. SATURDAY 8PECIAI , At UsW M. Saturday the Management is giving an Owl Show. Tna plctaira .-Notarliia OentkeaM with Chartte , Bksk ford and Helen, Vinson, Is very good. Yon may snto aamethlng U yon do not attend the OWI. SSO at llA. '-. . : r frV-TSck. wett rteased' d grade and- Pack well pleased Strawberry Growers who Improv-, with resulU: All strswroerry growers to comply uJ".STf! Whtt from tli aanltorlum. If a either oraBjr -or srrttteiV amlChUd- Is found to have .T. B. the the Improvement of their pack ana ldocta, wU1 examine the parents grrt strswlienhavenoteaa intt In rricea recetv- aa far their berries. . ""V - Th . statements aa to the lnT creased Vrlce received vary, from lOcTo W0 per crate '.according ' to the. amount of . - . 1 1 made Where there was a notice able Improvement for any length of time, tae ' average Increased price as stated by the j growers Would vary from 25c to 75c j per crate, Certainly this paid the pro ducer. - Probably In, a few cases, .a... n .lail.p f lnofiintlnna of W markets, the grower could not see Wners na waa ut-it.w -- not believe in any case where a! grower made any Improvement and a . a. . l...Mari4B.atl ftaaafr T Ha profitable. ' ; ' - We nope that this' la only ft be-: ginning for an Improvement' 'to quality, grade' and pack, of straw- nianninr t nresent- to continue 'th.' wttrk' 'iiskt 'tM -:ta:. i " .,r. . . ; u- " " There are several growers scat - tared over different sections of thei county who have agreed ' to work and cooperate with the Agents of the Extension Service w.spaclm, in alfw clothes VoM:S: hill .mail plotsof clean them, and keep them on band;dever ,hort day ZXiT!:' will obtain at themarket only for 7 . . 'TT7 . , , . ? Alter inese iiiieicouna. hum, , this weeK. seana win wiu w n Parade" a program wmcn """"" "-v-" "'sj Oced by, the grower-will toj .peil discussion was held In which rtw shortly. 1 put on altogether by the chil- mended the Duplin work. 36.000 a- better Vi 1 Tonimi6 Gresham, Chairman otrawberries today were selling w f 8cn0,. A mtlng cmnax dulta had the privilege of attend and packlngpf strawberries, which, Welf Me Board of thla Coun- at about $4 for the Blakemore va- " " nt waa a .ung by ing these schools this year and the is on of the county's ; snoat tm- t tnat the communities In rlety and $2.60 to $3 for Mission- gt d Good shlp plan is for a larger and more vari- portant crops, and It will be to .the j -county cooperate i' with i Dr. I arles. ; Peas ranged from 40 to . ied program for the next session. interest oi airawperry. ..growers watch these projects, Z '. -VI JP. D. MATK " i ; Assistant' County Agent. j, ; a, m . Start Surf acinff , " . Of Link In No. 117 facing the 11 3-10 miles of sand and clay road between mi. ouve, and Dobbersvllle, .a link of High way No. 117, la now underway, and la expected to be completed with; in 30 days. - - ' ' About 00 men will have full-time employment on the project Work was b 5?un Monday morning, aa b iiiMita at the national re-em-p!i yment ofrice ln G.! Viboro hav ii r been coinpleted 1, f'aturday e rn n. A li ' 1 1 c nt of t i i p" ' i , i r v- trans . . t i, .fe IDATE IK HOEV ST Duplin C; acil Social. ?encies - The" Duplin- County Council Social Agencies tiet Friday night, May 10th-lit the immunity nulla ft The township, tag at Kenansvj rae townsrap- J!rSf IW from Lower 'Island Creek, on. from Rockfish, Aavw - - three.from W." Ymm' WfllfscraDe. 'two fromAlbertsoh-ahd eight from KepansvlUe. , "-. t. - j A' moat delightful, dinner was nerved by the library Assocaitlon MaA ob.i1mK tho TVillnavincr nrntr.rflm was enjoyed. ; :f j . ' MrftHaiy pQeydJcussedtnei'- , highlights from Mnr. Boat' speech 'wMch she made a the Social Ser - tbe-T. B; clinic wh! H is t he held . on, ... . v Mth -to-Jupe 13u - ueH.ittenflton - De xrfmini). nf NnrtK PimllnA Suit - " ,1""!" r. : .T" will be held In the school buildings tw0 dayg , -each town. 2S7 casea'.ol t. b. sus rtvla rP , repotted to Dr. wher infection .Z. - k. .tZi i..r j..- fennl 1 1IUUCU UMII'. UUIUlf, UV KM'"-! te, eUdld is touM to ave T. next step la to try to provide treateusnt When V asked If he - !l whlcb la being used, in i Wayne County, was a good and .safe one,; his 'answer was, "YJes, it you can! get the. patient to stay in the cot- j tage ,'and not come In contact with other members of the. family. Usu- n uiB.Miui.jr. u - allv- th nerson will be afraid at .niehC. and want to 'come Into the - m . ' v , house i If you want to use Burr . . . 4.a j , a.. - i a. ....1.1 collages, ine oeai yia.ii wuum ik to thera und of the' dwelling house." The doctor the patient will be advised to go to th hospital. - talk was given by Mr. j.' e.: jerrltt, who discussed, "A Mr n v Wells also discussed;' I ' v. Mif T iri FrirtlV cotton tU" yar urged to meet en by Rev, George W. Blount or to have secured the support, ten ... v r ilet l Ci C niay yegpective community Commit- the Methodist 'church. While the tatiyely at least, of a number of , , ,-' , ' j-ir'X-l . - teeman and make application. names of the 28 Confederate sol- fraternal and other organizations. .ft,fc& fiminti of i New rulings In regard to cotton buried in Plnecrest cemetery, ' One of Senator Grady's opponents vice Conference hcia-ia'Wiiwton-.iarcL N, C'dled' in. the U, 8, Salem recently v ' : J , ' rine Hospital at Norfolk, last night r Whirs exnialnSd his Diana for- of inlorles suffered in a colltatan W;t im where funds for.OUve-SKCtlon 8W.". r:;". Tn,.,H hv Wrt a wn.! 1V"T - . derful benefit "Mrs. N. B. made a' plea for old ; ci0thes. Her suggestlonwas that. n or community Srather . each town or community gather. (Wwte ln Mb strive to make the T. IB. clinic beneficial.. He said that 1 the clinic Is to be free, and there Should beno difficulty in getting the people to attend who need It .The.;.meeting adjourned .until. June 14th at Kenansvllle, In the Community, Building, eight o'clock P. M.'.. v.l l" ' r' '." HeaVy Wind StOmt At T Aan T.iocrlav Bowden residents had a taste of what- a real storm might be like Tuesday evening about five o'clock when an 80 mile gale mt tne com munV 'and b dbwn iuuiui.jr .. . ... of R. H. Holland, Diew tne rooi off a house belonging' to - M. V.I Orr and felled about 25 telegraph ' po,e, between Bn saw. some .naie ieu uumig me s' '-m. i ' No crops are reported damaged Glycle Hc3A.H."Graham'Qiii For - (lovernor;- Paul .GiraHy ivalie Formal Announcement Tax Exemption V'rJ Certificates To ' . . ; Go Out Soon ThekhUcaUon. 'for Tax Exemotioni Certificates are ,-being: prepare In the County of the Baptist Church, paid 1 , Agent'il office how, preparatory to; to confederate soldier, being jnt jput to each 'P.m j, w. Farrior, thlnl SUte vice . for' signature of ach cotton pro-? pgni presented a eulogy of ducer. Eacli producer who doesnot utne,,,' womBnhood, "The Un- have a contract wIM au have to jurle)1 Banner," a poem, was read make application for certificates, by preaideDt Mrs. John M. 5 or,he will hay to pay Jhe ta on.pleree Music waa furnished' by - tola cotton thta year. , ., ' ; Mesdames D. E. Best and J. E. , These application win he. ready wiUlama, and "Going Home' war t bbe aigned by about June first mngby Miss Nell Bowdea. The In- an every farmer wno nas pnwua contracts: . ( , If a Woducer-planU cotton and for any cause plows U up prior to " " r1""" T. r . " certtficates. This 1- in accordance ... . . ... .... .u.u . ?unJ. 7,.wrm.tST however, he will be anUtled to Ta-Exemptlon Certificates on hi ; permitted acres under his contract -i-.jfc.-. ... .... WiHard .YOUth Dies "v; . . . . r. ; in JNags Head urasnv ""fr. " "J , , , .Stanford, Sunday School - Norf olk. May 14 Herman Hornev" """" , of Mrs. R. H. .Horne of Wit- -Grove, Sunday School . Ma- of two autotnowlea on toe wgnway near Va t V td. N H'Uiday - - vmomiug. - " - ' 1 .1 Reynolds Delays Investigation St Thomas, Virgin Isles, May 14 A senatorial investigation into the administration of the Virgin Islands today was suddenly post- Z n LuZr poned until October. Senator Reynolds, Democrat, N. ., , , .. Am aro-" BU" -""tee. took the W"r " authority of Senator Tydlngs . umiuivBT awi arviHini. sa iiirr iuii Senate committee. Lack of time was given as the reason. The North Carolina Senator pro mised that the full Senate commit tee would come here In the fall for an exhaustive Inquiry Into charges , . . h, -.-hano-Brt hv I """""" " " i .nxnnta and oiinnAr-rara nr luiv. "HF""""" rr amnr hiii rmnun. " An Imposing array of attorneys tawatlmtora native and white .SfE, L tSed'ttai Market to Close At 12:30 For The We' Mount OUve, May 14 -x-ne Mouni close at 12:30 p. m. throughout we... ..America". scripture I remainder of the week. W. L. Ken - nedy, manager, announced.. Tthat followed was made up of a " .,.. Ta. rianlrled on because - .1'"- c . ...h anri given oy me umci 70 centa a hamper according to. .miitv rtt.h buvers being traced',. ... , , j . to refuse some offerings on account mmtoter who had faiied to prepare in contact with In Ufe, and to ad of poor quality. . jfor a meetAng of the committee Just themselves to every activity of 0 T . hiding behind the sofa while the, Ufe" ald Mi8S Bacon. RetUm FrOm Florida committee unaware of his presence The Music Class of Mrs Ed nemiunum v made some unfavorable commenta.Thlgpta gsve taree selections. Payton WhlucTanTjack Morton .bouLhlm. Hta ,o n8hH xa P 9IAn0g Serecta have Just returned jrom Florida tare-'''WBt inorida where ey , ta en rouie io m ' r- . a. v ciniiiiiawM Minrr state jney swpju - r - for a wUe. - . Uiwrence df Arabia pear death; Lawrence oi aihuw. .1 . . . I cost runs xv per own "' Individual Income-tax return, for 1932 outnumbered 1933. . . rJ uu imu ".... ' as guns boom to salute explorer: Dnm iiani vreinomna Kvra ; nome Warsaw Daughters Honor South's Heroes Wamw. Mar 14.' The James 22f tT.j.. and Jtev. k. u vocation and benediction were giv- Warsaw were read, small children placed white roses on the altar in thei, mory ,The fv of .h.v. r red and White flowers and these, aarirvt tha fin era SmP Tl UWO fal Mfi'lnP Kl UV nflP MHuIiV nonUD WU 7of aeraVna declaaed V. D. C. members In the cemetery, The service waa largely attended. ' m i " PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. p , r. u n ifi i -; w H.iuvtlte. Bundav school . , . . 18:00 V. . f. u , . . McIXNDON OUT :Ii.,1W4onl..ffa agent la able to be out again aiier hkvlng been confined to his home wlth illness for several days. Duplin Prisoner Paroled Rudolph Dixon, convicted In March In this county of larceny and sentenced to serve 4 months on the roads, waa pardoned by Governor. B&rtnghaugtMsjyeek I - JDKof F f. 11 P T . O tl Cla SSCS a g 1 1 Cl EsUUCailUIl Wa5SC5 Holds Final Exercises Here A large crowd of people from all trial. The jury was trying to de parts of the county gathered at cde the case. A cow had been re the Kenansvllle High School audi- ported stolen, killed and marketed torium Friday night to take part and the jury was hung by one con- !, the . Commencement program I 1 V... HlDD UflrMIVt MP- I ... aiTllll$CU Ujr O Gowan. director of the work in Duplin County. Each class through out the county was asked to bring an exhibit of what the pupils had been doing during the year. These exhibits were very attractive and well made, consisting mostly of - ?" SE. in clotn. across the 'front of the auditorium and nearly . along one gdie, The program opened witn the . - and Draver program Mrfan raUve 7 from play Xas "Do,., on B,mmi sofa'-iven by thei'We must train our people to e a Hng which rolled under "'T s ,. I TcsIvp. hool gave five Tha. raivnan achool rave five i ... . an t .rreaaed In their school MwnH iu wmuu uia tivc uuaa - :-BC0B1t- puve school enter- tamed the crowd with two dialog 4 . ? j , mm a1Ualva uh.mmUL and Ues. J. IK3 jiim waa m rainv vfuvo . , '.-"ui,, ar.iinl of the rauntv and to the second was a chronic complahv whltej achoola of tae fr who was auch a. burden to Ms Mr and Mrs. c- Jho was suddeniy heaied by 0 'V . The Chinquapin school had lire. , " s ''(.'...; .: v.:.:'- WET AND DRV ISSUES SEEN ' IN GOVERNORS RACE ' . , Grady Well Known IN Dl'PUN COUNTY; A NATIVE SON OF THIS COUNT-- Paul D .Grady, State Senator , from Johnston, yesterday announC'. ' ed 1iU candidacy for the Demo- , cratic nomination for Ueutenant- Oovernor. ;r Senator brady, president pro ' tempor of the 1935 Senate, was the first to make his formal entry in a race which may attract two, possibly three, other entries. He, however, has done by far the moat campaign work to aaie ana a saia probably . wUT be Senator Carl Bailey of Washington, Senator W. K Morton of Chatham pr Senator w G,, Clark of Edgecombe. It very probable that neither Sena nlTn.tor Clark doe. and he U not anxious to make a campaign. 'Moreover, the same legislative fac- Ition Is interested in ute proposea I candidacies of Senators BaUey and Horton, so only one of the three is .t1 to 5 . TM long expactea announcement ,ll:60' Cryds Hoey, prominent Shelby v .)! attoreay, for governor, was also j! ! made Tuesday. Mr. Hoey expects '':;to run, it Is beUeved,..on s dry . .10:60 :i.tfTn aa Kla nrnwl hehind him 'tproves Mm to -if an- aritont ,dry- .The first to announce toe govern or ;wms oeutenani governor n.. v legiajature, having been speaker of the House and presi- dent of the Senate. Mr. Graham ' has developed quite a bit of stren jgth, it Is said. Friends of Mr. j Graham think he wi.t make a very strong race. It is thought that he wll Iran on a wet platform, i (More on back page) I -o 10,000 men of the CCC will com bat soil erosion. trarv vote. The socalled stubborn jut v.. unin.uu w .m. kannanaH rt ha lh mall f I-.1TT1 t whom the cow was stolen who has gotten on the Jury by mistake and ne wag dumb and was unable to j get his message across. Finally he got it written and had it read and he stated that it was all a mistake that the cow had not been stolen at all. The Maysville School portrayed Mose who had stolen a cat, a roost er and some silver, and those from whom he had stolen were close on his trail. He manages to escape by getting into a barrel, kicking the ootiom out ana warning away un- ntlced; u.ui i. n.n Diatrirt the ERE school was present and Introduced to the aud- Jence. She rnade g few timely - valuate everv thine that they como piano by Mrs. Thlgpin. A bWmorous .duet was sung by Mr. a Mrs. imgpm. Thlgpin. aUtteaai mm snsra Mr mm wnn niri'i - ed the program and reported that because of the shortness of time many of the eventa of the evening - na to oe ma smnaw her annmclation of . th Work and . V.7 . .. ... WMcn cooperation oi uie leucumg iuui : worked ln the twenty six itha matarlala neMaaarw f or carrv- a. tag on the work. - a .r ! T - i 4., . 3" UN,

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