I 1 TJANSVnXE, N. C. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY THURSDAY, JUNE Oth., 19S3 NUMBER U :to Of Tobacco .Control. Program Is With Farmers To Dogin Voting Saturday; Ballots .Have .Been Mailed To Growers VOTE IS URGENT Instructions ' As JTo How To Vote Given On Saturday of this week , the tobacco growers of Duplin County, landlord and tenant, will be asked to cast their vote on the matter - of continuing the crop control pro- I gram that has been In effect dur- ing me paai year. i , - , a u . 1 , . The United States Department I J Mrs. J. N., Southerland of .WU of Agriculture under the AAA is mington,' who is Chairman of the offering its services to the farmers Mission Court Work In Wilmington of our section for another year if . they will voluntarily accept it. Us ing the Democratic form of Gov ernment in helping the farmers the 1 nnvarnmanf la lattlnc thA fn.rviw.ru i sav whether or not tney- aesire protection and help and not trying program , wui oegm ai :uu ww to force anything own their throats Mrs. Southerland as chief speak rtf thia -niintv . er. Mr. Gradv. the Dresldent of ; j i a in. i x -1 . " ln praintiMi in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Vir- ginla, the flue cured belt, will go to the. poleg Saturday and cast - their vote either for or against continuing the control program for ment is asking them, to express ttiAmaalvAa 1 In ttit mnniwr. , htw. i -ever in the event the vote is car- ried, contracU will only be made - for one year and another vote will i year-Duplin farmers voted 97 per cent for the continued control and i it is expected that the vote wul go 100 per cent in favor this year.' v The .following, letter of instruc- tion was sent out from the office .of the County Farm Agent this week: ' ' Kenansville, N. C. a I juhtf isin, jaro. '.n ' Dear-Sir; ' - r " . 'j f I am herewith, enclosing: a ballot. for you and each of your tenants, for voting on the question of con- tinulng.the tobacco contract for' . Afiked to Tlace a neck mark In the squar. on the left hand aide . i. . X. . . . f70U-ow were, prcomou junta m.miy of the ballot, If you want to vote lLou vj ce.preident. LeKoy "Tes", and . check taark on th Simmonlli secretary-Treasurer. Lu flquare on the right hand side if clle WaR, Trugteea. F. U SutUes, you wish to vote "No" .and sign' d -., Robing - fvur. fnr your name to the ballot Your tenants are-; expected to sign and vote. also. Please secure ue,c 8".u"i', " paptv am rn ,tKA. rtnlAa :' ni mall :r:.r:rr rr' " by June 29th. The poles will be' open at every voting precinct in the county on June 22nd., foe that day only. If you are an absentee contract sign er, please sign your ballot, and re- turn thnAA tf tmii .tAnnnta tr tTiAm .... . .. . . .. ana instruct memKio carry mem to the poles or mail or send them to me at Kenansville by June 29th. If we have not enclosed suffi- Local Presbytery Youngr People Display Talent, Win Wilmington Presbytery - Young People won first place by render-clai ing the best exhibition or uueni m 1 the contest held at K Davidson Toung People Conference Saturday night. Leslie Boney or miming- ton also won first place In TeniUs.Tj,0W t ocarry on, and the devoUon- TulS uonierenuo -wtu iuo kcii teenth of its kind to.be held- at Davidson College by Presbyterian Toung People of the Synod of North Carolina. : Abut 450 - young people from all parts of the state gathered for the 8 day session, be f inning June 11. Outstanding min isters and church leaders from all over the South constituted the fa culty and counsellors for the con ference. - . These Inspirational addreaes, cVvotional Bible studies ancf . unity i f purpose united these young peo !', into lastnig bonds of ifriend t i ,and sent them back to their 1 a churches determined to put t v l'fe in their respective organi ? n McMullen of Davidson was U-d president and a Wilmington '-ytery' boy, Arnold B. Rhodes .n.ky Point was elected Vice '3nt. v ,eral young people from Dup " uinty attended . this confer iThf th. ronference was ' Ing that the theme indlcat- t theme wis year .a Youth Building a New cient ballots, there will .be some extra at eacn voting place. ' i The continuance of the contract with tobacco la dependant on the vote cast, ' and it la very, ; very important that you cast your bal lot before June 29th.- ' ' - ' ' Note: If possible cast ballots in envelope (after sealing'. - ,. ; .'Yours very truly, ' t ; ' 1 " ' L. L. McLENDON, ' County Agent,,. Kenansville, N. C. ,-V Hill 11 Q '" , ''i " Special Meeting - xr I Of Auxiliary Presbyterial, will be the speaker a tthe inspirational meeting to ,be. held at Grove Presbyterian Church Monday afternoon at 4:00. The bu siness session will be held at 3:30 in the church and the inspirational tVA' CwtnKiftAWfnl Irf 'awAAfltAt A Ka present with words of ! greeting. The Falson Auxiliary have ' been extended an invitation to- meet wna me-urove Auxiliary, ana tney are expected to come ' as ' special guests. , will follow the program. .v .( ' . - n ; 1 . v ' i 4 ' . " - W sl ,- J niVerSdllSt Meet 1 . , . . . XT i , , J ' J ; The eighth annual session of the TrnivRrnaJlat Younar Peonle's Insti- tute held at Shelter Nech, near Watha in' Pender County, closed ' Sunday with a sermon by1 Dr. Har-1 ry. t,. canfield of Greensboro on i the-aubject of "Unfinished Tasks."' j IThe-Churches; of Today", , said j r? vaniieia must strive tatealiie? bucuu kims- m kiiu. kv I81". Jeus and his early follow- eJ8"; . " '".''' ,-' .,' 1 ' ' i and regulU achieved, , -. 1935 - 36 president, Maia Mary next year were outlined-aa follows: vofcBl,m . . , n.f ,ihn i Fitzgerald; 'Religious EducaUon" : . . y v- w- . steels; "Biogra- phles of Important People", Miss sauie wiwms; -ine worms unoi- cest Literature",! Dr. H. U Can. ' vwi -, field; .Sociology"1' F. U.SUtUes. " Miss" Edna" Williams will have they can unravel the mystery. Aerally destroyed.'- Tobacco was charge of the music, Mrs! W. H.1 new typewriter raji stolen out' of" Stripped completely.' Trees were Skeels will bedramatio director, 'th nchool house on e same nisrht felled and several Ught poles were .... . . .. . . . . uss Annie jiaxweii win iook ar-, ter the devotionakv Miss Lucile Ward will give lessons hi "Physical Training and First. Aid." World." Thev report that the so- Me taught them how' 10 meet and deal with their fellow men. -The Inspirational addresses set them on fire for action, and tne jueiauu utuuieis snuweu uwini al periods pointed out the Power, o h"l.,..,Kj.? I White Lake Cotf- l . n . . ference JrOStpOned ' 'J. o , Rev R. C. Clontz, director of the Presbyterian Young People's Conference held afwhlte Lake has announceA that the conference has been nostDoned on account of the infantile Daralvsis. and the future dates will be announced" at a later time. lThls conference has been at White Lake for the past six years and has always been a great sue- cess. t ., t 1 ' i) i i O 'I'' MORE BOYS TO : i. CCC CAMPS 'Twenty-one boys from , various sections of the county left Ken-, 'route for Raleigh where they will r be examined ana an mat pass wui t. - .... . was.be sent to some of the state CCC camps. EDiToni:. The farmers in the four ate' llna. South Carolina and Georgia, f 5 will between now and the 29th of ' express themselves as to whether C ; Program .to continue for the next and every tobacco' grower in Duplin c. ' cast his vote on Saturday June 22a 1 1 for the following reasons: -' f ' '' 1. The sum of 1506,000 has bee ' : Duplin County in- benefit payments and ; . . .) 2." The price of tobacco received t ' increased two hundred percent, Jumpiiia i pound in 1S32 to 30c per pound in 1934. ; 3. Rental and parity payments ' been safe Insurance policy for the far: " 'i 4a Farmers have been allowed 'tY : for the production of food and feed there' ' purchased out of the Income heretofore u, s the crops produced, ; ' . Evidence of the proof of the' soundness tt. 1 of the Control program is aeea in the pa vis j' , counts," including taxes, tia purchase "of m farm equipment, .automobiles for pleasure and business, the I ilding and repair i lng of homes that' can be seen along any i 'ghway in Duplin Coun.!. For these reasons eachand every f. jrmer should con sider very carefully, before he decides not to uas? a vote or the manner in which he will fote. ' ' .,'('" - ' I. , 'The "flexibility of the Program can end will allow the 5 production of sufficient; acres and poundage c f all crops needed ' for home and' foreign consumption at A prica ttiat will return i to' the farmer a reasonable profit on bis 'capital invested and . labor expended. yThe flexibility of the program will make al Tlowances for all those' persons who are entitled in any way to . " produce the 'crops under the contractfc::;;t..:.!. , . -V if ''the Mariners, do not vote,, the lack of? action on their re part -will not only show a lack of appreciation for what has been done fpr them but also will not give those ln authority . 3 any encouragement in their efforta to help them. r-U the Tobacco Control Act should fall at the hands, of the farmers themselves there Is strong -probability that helpful measures that have been taken, to improve th prices of other farm commodities will also fail. The Government is not trying : to thrust anything down the throat of the farmer, it is giving - the farmers of the, South the first real government help and 'protection they have 'ever had and tt i ip : to the farmers ' to do tl)elr part towards continuing the improvement. A report .made by the Brooking Institute 'a few days aTfcro. re vealed that; the high riw xrf the tobacco: ia a Power Weapon in Market ControL It revealed that tobacco manufacturers wanted the control measure to continue and praised the New Deal Agency. The report aaya that the marketing agreem t in 1933 would . have been ineffective but for the assurance c the control pro-., " v4 oramJnl3. The TtMESttrges ; co grower In Duplin Count -iwt tenant r landlord wiU cast r Ma vote Saturday for the Control Measure." - CANADY RECOVER STOLJENCAR i A tudor Chevrolet car belonging to Murphy Canady of Kenansville was 'stolen! in Clinton Thursday night whlleiMr. Canady waa v.ffc tending a picture show. : Of fleers were notified and 'efforts were made to find the. car1, : The , car reappeared in Clinton Friday af ternoon in a wrecked condition. Sampson officers refuse to isjk on - " - "-" caused tne wrecK, uiiicer, irora ... . the insurance company are expec- aiuI it i hooed that" .. ..... .... .r by a car whicn nas urea on mat corresponded with the Canady car and it Is .believed that the same nartw wm IntAmatMl In hnth r.rtliri- es. Sand on .the car seemed to be some of the sand from '. Bladen County. !''" 1 - ' Mr. Canadv ahd party had to hire a car to -bring them back! home. The' key was not left in me car oui ue uuur were u locked. - , - . ' ii ' '. tt lU MJUyuil atcaiui . T)pnflrtmpnt HntinrMl .Ueparimeni HOnoreU The Duplin, County Health De- partment was honored this month by the recognition revealed on tne front page of the June State Health BulleUn. "This BuUeUn which ia- distributed throughout the state has as iU front piece the 'picture taken at Bowden, show- Ing Dr. c. H. White ana ms assisi- ants, Mrs.' Gilbert Honeycutt and Miss Turner as the are examln- tag children. Dr. White andhia helpers have done a wonderful, piece of consrtucUve work uv the health department during; the PMtt;,lM.,orf-.:.ii(1,1i cnmrnittee year. j. j ! ANNOUNCEMENT I The Daily Vacation Bible School 'sopnsorsd by the Warsaw Metho-.tag !dist church will beein Monday morning. June the 24th at 9:00iOf 6w iieople: ZStapplicatioiis iiave, o'clock. - beea'flM i ' lowfc ta'iwrtrj Mi Luclle-Norri. from the Presbyterian Orphange is visiting Mrs. J. M. Jerritt and Caroline, jernu are puxunmg iu ieve una w . ... . . . . . . . . . 1. 1 week to spend t"- summer with I relatives in jota, . ' 3 -lnifl, North Caro flue cured tobacco the opportunity to . .e Tobacco Control -36, '37, '38. Each lould by all means r of this program , I to. the farmers of y checks. , v ; farmers has been I around 10c per this program has ot the rental land 'icing the amount t from the sale of i beneficial effects it of past due ac- and b2r . WOTWt.& Wind And Hail Storm Does Much Damage At Warsaw i Tuesday afternoon about dusk Warsaw and vicinity was visited by one of the worst wind and hall storms seen there in several years. For about an hour , rain and wind elected, defeating an old line poll raged furiously and for a while t tician and outstanding Statesman, hail fell almost in gusts. Hail ston-, before he had reached the age of es as large as hen eggs were re- 29. He will attain the constitu ported. , -. - -i I tional age of a United States Sen- The - path of the hall damage . K . ... ..'a ; isa,w .A. nA txt . ' bmi hu itto mo town. Crops in 1U path were lit- , ......... , wvaen aown. . . f h home of Frank Picket was .reported to be the worst damaged Kniiinar wuh th. w tun ntf Roof, of several Other buildings were slightly damaged.' Several automobiles were reported damag ed." , ... The community'1 was without 'lights until nearly midnight. torm touched other parts of the county but no damage was flnns TTMiiaua ll liantfu in rail waa ZaTZZ th mnlr-Hn aaT ot 016 Wake County club, for pre reported from the Pink Hill sec- t Qf organlzat4on tion. Possibility CCC Camp TOr DUDlin I . n H IN III -O Jpl-':.,!,-'. i Mr. Rag land of the State Fores try department was in. this coun ty this week looking over possibi lities of establishing a CCC camp here. - , ' . The Better ffftuoln CamDaifim """"V . Ja PrOfirreSSinfiT reports that many -Duplin Coun-; ty homes haveibeen repaired .; and painted, many new nomes ereciou without the necessity of negotiat - . - w loans which 1 Indeed gratify-; to toe committee and speaks! 'weU for the; financial conmuons. process; of - r Countytoonerf the beaeoun in tu Hiaie. ma uua wvuuit, wu -(, dicate our people are making pro- our oeonle are making; pro- r . mm nr rn. nnnrfuuiiun. ta? raXT f5tato2 J V iS aT Distres County Apply HOME SERVICE DIRECTOR TO GIVE Status Of Eligibility - DEMONSTRATION HERE NEXT WEEK,Practically Unchange DIRECTOR Miss Blythe Burnette o Young Democrats To Meet June 28th-29th ThA North rTrnllnn Train flam. , and 29. The State Executive Com mittee will be called to convene, together with the Committee on the Convention, at the Hotel Sir I Walter on Thursday evening, june 27th at 8:30 P. M. , The principal Speaker of the oc casion will be the Honorable Rush D, Holt, the "Baby" of the Senate j of West Virginia. Senator Holt is one of the most outstanding Young ' Democrats, not only in the South, 1 but in the entire country. He was ator between now and the State Onnvention. .Senator Holt has had - -- tiffins annrA In thA StenatA Office -r , -- Building assigned to him, as well as desk space in the Senate Hall, but may not be sworn in until he attains his 30th birthday, on June lOtl. XTa In aairi in tia fl nwnkflf 19th. He is said to be a speaker of rare charm, is a thorough; pro administration Democrat, and will undoubtedly have a singular ap tne Young Democrats of se State. A number of red-hot controver sies will in all probability be slated 'for deliberation. I Duplin County is expected to be well represented at, the convention. -m. ,,.U la DnifnMl.. VC fa President 'U"UHUH O ' for next year. ! MRS. BONEY FINDS JOBS, TWO Mrs. Harvey Boney, Duplin's most capable Welfare Superinten dent is continuing her splendid ef forts to get Jobs 'for people who are out of employment No Mrs. Boney is not in competition with the Relief Agencies, but the unfor tunates in our midst have learned that Mrs. Boney will not leave a stone unturned in an effort to help them. She is always sympathetic and understanding with them. Dur- ! nig the past few days, Mrs. Boney has succeeded in securing Jobs for nv people. Her of rice nw re-, Kirl8 a nome ' One of her pet cases at the present u a lamiiy at u. .uiumy Home who are victims crm'' .,. - - --- In " res- f1 ...S!?!?- .veotrMiy. , ootn very " -a f .. - . recovering from an operauon ror 1 atmendicitis. Anv one who wishes to have an unusuaUy fine boy or out the Stote, Mra. Hubert Boney, in their homelriU do waU to'of T.achey,- first vUe-prertdentjif ' sed Jrlome Owners In May Get Aid If They T rini r a no Miss Blythe Burnette, Home Service Director of the Tide Watei Power Company whichi Serves Ke- ansyille and Duplin County will conduct a demonstration in cook nig here next Thursday, June 27, j it was announced today. Miss Blythe will bold the dem onstration in the home of Mrs. N B.(Boney at four .o'clock ln the af ternoon. The subject of her dem onstration will be "Cool Cooking" as it is done on the electric range. Miss Burnette is somewhat of a newcomer to this section, having taken over the work with Tide Water only a few months ago The ladies of nenansville are look ing forward toward her coming with much Interest. It is expected, Mrs. Boney stated that, that prac tically every lady in town will at tend. An invitation is extended to all. i At 3:30, just a half hour before the demonstration, the Woman's Club will hold a short business meeting. Widows And Vete rans Of Civil War Get Checks Pension checks for 32 of Civil War Veterans, three vete rans and one Negro servant were received by the Superior Court Clerk last week. Thirty of the widows received the semi-annual Class B checks of $30 each, two received semi-annual checks of $182.50 each, and the Negro ser vant received a semi-annual check for $100. Of the three soldiers one, L. H. Pridgen died recently. He was commander, at the time of his I death, of tne Wm. J. Houston Camp of this county. His death left only one veteran actually re siding: in Dunlin Countv. he is A. R. Hicks of Faison. The other ve- teran receiving a check was W. J. Merritt of Mt. Olive. The Negro servant was Bill Stal lings who acted as body servant to Capt. John C. McMillan. SECOND TONSIL CLINIC HEBE NEXT WEEK i The second tonsil clinic will be held in Kenansville on Tuesday and I Wednesday of next week, accord-; ing to announcement made by Dr. White today. Dr. Ed Bizzell of Goldsboro will perform the opera- tiqns. Charges for the clinic will I be' $15 per patient. 300 Duplin People At Club Meeting At Carolina Beach Vnmluk. aftAMflnor MM TllaPA '.W XTnMfk Paulina THa I li ill F Carolina Beach; miles traveled. 150. More than 300 club women, their husbands and children from Duplin County attended the elev- enth district federation of home demonstration clubs at Carolina Beach,' Wednesday, June 19th., 1935. The meeting started promptly at 10 o'clock in the morning in the large casino, facing the ocean. The club women of Brunswick County were hostesses to the federation and the meeting was presided over by the president of the Brunswick County Federation. The morning session was devot- ed to reports from the counties composing; the district, namely; New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick 4-H Club Organization, was devot and Duplin. Mrs. Jake Wells, Sec- ed to awimmlng ln the surf and retary of the Duplin County Fed- eration nBd toe rt of the work done ia DuplU County during the past year. Mrs. L. D. Dail, Mrs. Fab Newklrk and Mrs. Pete Dav- isMra. Henry Parker and Mrs. Pearl Blanchard served on the .Re - i - traUon. Courtasv. Nomination , ,-. - . , , . - . - . . . j...., . .waa prominent onto women mruuKu .IIINP. 27th. FINAL Explanation Of Eligi bleCasesWill be Given Salisbury, N. u., June the 19., 1935 The attention of Duplin County home owners in distress who desire aid of the Home Own ers' Loan Corporation, was today called to the fact that under the. amendment of the HOLC Act, re cently passed by Congress, the period for filing new applications will expire at midnight, June 27tb 1935. After that date, it was sta ted by T. C. Abernethy, State Manager of the Corporation here, no application will be received from home owners who are in dis tress and who are eligible under the law for assistance, and he urg ed that all those desiring assist ance file their applications at once. j Mr. Abernethy stated that regu I latlons, as to eligibility, remain i virtually unchanged, and those de siring complete explanation of what cases are eligible may receive it either by calling at the State I Office, Post Office Building, Salis i bury, N. C, or one of the District I Offices, or by writing for full in widows j formation. . Office hours of the Corporation, for the summer, be came effective two or three weeks ago, and are from 8:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Mr. Abernethy stated that these hours have been chang ed, for the convenlece of the pub Ue,f and application ulerks wul b on hand in the State and District Offices until 5:30 and later every afternoon until the time limit for filing application expires. District Offices are located as follows: Raleigh, Charlotte, Greens uu. u, . ..Jill, t iiil nuu U1GCII.IIIC o Presbyterian Services Sunday ' GROVE: Sunday School 10:00 Preaching 11:15 Subject: "The Gospel Faces the Social World." Junior League 7:15 Vesper service 8:00 Address J. O. Bowman, Jr. Sermon Home Folks. Lets all attend. Universalist Church Notice Preaching at Outlaw's Bridge Sunday mronlng. Sermon topic: Give the Church a Chance'." ; Home Demonstration Clubs and Mrs) Catherine P. Wells, first vice- president of the District' were in- traduced from Duplin County, The number of miles traveled multiplied by the number present g.ave total of more than ten thousand miles traveled -by Duplin club members in reaching this meeting. Dinner waa served on tables In the large open lunch room just outside the casino and judging by the compactness of the crowd, more than one thousand people were gathered about the tables at one time, ' The entire afternoon, with the exceptoin of the meeting of the old and the young alike enjoyea breakerg. Fathers who had nev er seen the ocean before and chil- dren who had never .dreamed mat there could be so much water donned bath suits and played near the water's edge until time to lenv for home. Colored maids were provided for the comfort of the guests. w me trucks carrying around I memlnsr. to U,e meeting and were i imnniAiiutntMi nv numeroua auw "k,, iil with members of mobUes loaded with members of w bK which had never before seen the blue waters of the Atlantic ; .

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