. - - - kit,.. . JBy i DEVOTTJ T01-ii CSTS OF THE COIU. - -V ,n , j, PEOPLE. " r' f THE TIMES COVERS DUPLJNrLIKE-A POOF V If', .A v". ..V X-:.''?V' KENANSVILLE, N. O. Ft "L1H-IKD EVERY THURSDAY , THURSDAY, JUNE STtlk, 1SS 'VitH':1 NUMBER U ; ii - I-' .) "7 :ral Government Oiicrs Aid To Any Community Of CO POiFuLAT ION rer ent ur8ni Vl,uu?,," -. Total Ccct viii Me; Made Cy Gov;t, Duplin County ; towna thai m not haw water worKs and sewage disposed now Has ine oppuri.uuii.jr t Ltnm such throurh' the aid of .. .... v ... . ..k..ii..Ai.l.Vl. T tl to obtain such through the Federal Government. . Mr Roach,"who is with the Fed- al Health Departnu Health rtenartment. was in Kenansville this week. -,- u-.A...mmMi hnthln- ttiMann ideWare interested in the pro- position. 'O' Under the setup towns 01 BOO screamea, oui lunier raw uuuxp nonulation can Install water works beared. ' and sewage disposal at anestlmat-j; The body was sent to Teachey) !i - ;n iHbniA ed capital coat of $38,037. Of thhMdhday night- 'Funeral services .Unly .inreeaSe.S.vI. 'coUrtiatenogra .the Sixth amount 45 per cent ,oe approxl-( piately $17,600 will be an outright grant from the Federal tiOTer - went The balance will be taken care of through, a .net bona issue, twenty five years, .4 percent se rial bonds, $20,937. . t r " The annual capita) cast after de ducting the 45 per .cent grant will be $1,840. with j monthly capital charges to the eommunky of $112, 000. It is estimated that, the mon thly operating:- expense .will .be 133.00. Including the. monthly ca pital cost monthly3 ioperaUng tea rense totaU $1900.. The total i monthly revenue anticipated will 100 leaving a pet surplus .. nonUi"Vf t.A.":" .ior tldS set up tile towns of 'isville, Magnolia, Rose Hill, i villa and Pink Hill can enjoy i. i-n water Works- nad sewage u posals at very, little cosU'n fact, It is thought that if firs pre vention,, which is not included in the above. estimate,; is put ;in also the savings to the communities In fire insurance rates, over a period of 25 years will pay for the plants. ; , Kenansville s. enjoys1,? a water works and It is estimated that the sewage disposal could be installed here for about, half the above cost Falson lias recently completed its water works and sewage projects and "wding to reports from that town Lulldlng and repairing has increased considerably; installation ' of modern bathrooms and other fa cilities has resulted in.; putting- to work many people." ' ; i Johnson To Pdstoff ice ?.To Solicitors Post In the off year, of tha oft year election Duplin County politics has been rather warm. Only a short time atro the election of a new county superintendent of education kept the political, observers . and es 0f assault, using profane lang participators busy to know What uage and drunk and disorderly con was going to happen. .duct. V.. ; , jLast week lnrormauon jeaaea out that Congressman Graham Barden had recommended . . E. J.of whiskey for sale (Basnet Johnson for the job of postmaster at Wallace. rBogue" is solicitor jjor.. ipe, geoorm. w"jr . ...j -J. .i.j . , k court, navng .jwmiub, ;ww j.,eiyen ; "w i last election. Now the Question is, , with" leave. ' ' ' who wffl wioeeed 'MBoTIa.w..LMBard 'Moveharge-,:'Witbi Wm E IWeu, who'renvsecond?poasessiOT in the race last time. Frank Black- pose of sate, -was given a 60 day more of Warsaw who was also in thefieht P, J. Caudell of Waltace, a Dromlslng young attorney. It ronorted that these three are actif ivHiv after tne job ana wiieu : uio names of N. B. Boiiey of Kenans- ! . n .r 1 IX,. 1 ' vine ano ueorge n. .hy vi nw i owi mantiniiAiV it is believed ti.ut neither of these two men; would scoff at the Job. The prob - . . .iiQ, i AUDumuvu v w -" J" .v lem is beaming more complicated, on the Tobacco Oonr every day, sccordtag to thMsto .:gSJSn thlee e supposed to be on the Inside trol JWfrptult e only trouble is, though, only 1 &-Zftartt i Job and after it , e can have the Job and after it , , .,,1 nv the oeoDle In the coun- ,fXteabUbura J received by the County Agent a time come, a- rocewea JgJJ , ,xiiruuBu uoouj "- . t probably will ; o until election ' ' ' Ivlval In Progress 1 '."T-" 1 r: !.ii n.h.. mttnn anrjlications v. W M. BaKer 01 aaeoane w r a Kevivai service ... u ttl. e Presbyterian unurcn -una rure crowds are V5 v!ui!S at , night servic- a j thai niorrif " .;r is pread caph : i ie ' t t'-e fri.'siins k. , Gordon Turner Of " f, j Teachey Drowned At j Carolina Beach Sun. o - -v The body,of D.J Gordon,. 19. of Teachey who drowned - while In 5 6:80'. o'clock at .a'-place approxi- lrZran1rerlandw The body was found by a group - that bad patrolled the beach all , " a i, youth's brother, H. F ..Turner, and O . . Soe Davis. Turner drowned when. he appa . i renuy luppeu uiv i noe as horth of the bathing "e-, r-nwnB,ne;Tle S were held Tuesday. ; ; , a. , 'roDaCCO lieint? Cured. Rapidly 1 ' 1 , ' jFrom all sections of the county there Comes word to the ; TIMES office' that tobacco is being barned this week. Some sections have jd ready begun and have cured one or to fuU swing this week.t Those who havrred.oner6r more, ha-is Up ;welli and'ia . making, beautiful' tobacco. . Practically all of - the tobacco. , Practically all of - the barns In the -..nty will te,pdtin use Je " "T 7' V .. niversary of flwt clash.' ' .,1 .Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Larson of ZLj i,n,.f,iHi,w -wf,ntrt ro .Tmi. Freight loadings ire up 11.6 per.lng a'few days in Kenansville with CountyGoUrtlri Long Session , ,-'-':''' '' !- i i V i,v: DO lienor in l-asi Appear an ce Tb Juhe term of General Ctoun- 'tha'andamea Stallinga were gr. ty Court disposed of several case.; en f In a rather lengthy session. SoUd- of larceny and receiving, j torL(faTor swan song M-prostoE.lntoe, County Courts as it! 1 'reported , County Court that the solicitor Is'sleighted to be the next postmaster hnM. town ttt Wftllane. ' at his The-following cases were dlspos-' ed of by the court Youne' ' and jChancev Lamb were given a nol pros with persons from, different partamf the found; not guilty ofJleftve on charge of fornication and county received the benefits, off er whlakev - (adultery. ' " 'ed. Every thing ran exceptionally . Nelson Young were' transporting whiskey: r-Chariie Loftin was given- nol pros with leave on a charge of car rying" coiicealed, weapon, 't k k-lvaipn.awi Jiuie vuwu woio.su- en a ngi ros with leave on chare . .& go day road sentence was nan- .dad tp Lonsle Keith for possesslob TheTasa of Bwt Costln charged rivln- wer no1 P81- ' Dr. White, Duplin's Health offlc- Warsaw Wolfscrape Calypso. Fal Tne case or Bert lustra cnargeo j .j,w . l son. B. F. G.. Beulaville. Rose Hill. The case of Bert Wh bastardyas'notiprossed, i . Kena-uoore. CHWgoa Win ins - . .! v i suspended sentence-providing'!- her vwio Iwould pay the casta and remam Wr trled fordlsordery at good behavior for two years. i conduct and assault with deadly John A, Wlllams. John R. .'Mat - : , .-, .. IraisiSonf - . .- -. - . - J. 'tM Pit In DuD.immarilnr 'udii of the acUvi- javoi of the4nunud control and" .IZ . t: . ." - 49 opposed to the -program la expcted to reach 4000, .q 1 . .-i ootoiorw r.at thut - " 'lor LUJk eAClllUL kciiivi-vb , -. .pmnlet- trTi.' h. .ion ,,n nt tha nertlflcates bv -rowers in Duolln County with . " -. j,j the exception of 25 or 30 who, did not make application. " : . r , - O . .y.r .. , Q : County Agent L-X, McLendon irt Negress Died AsHus- band Reaves Town; : : . 'reaching the home of Uncle John' j, ,n KenannvlUe SOndayt 'TJtl0rBing to wnlcft nom th c0rpaeJ ( Tether - Wlinama waij-oeing- , " " . . ...Ir:: nrira a ita mtTPi act in Hnniinivi iH , " ' ,. ,,- thJ - - -r; Ii n.nM fmmdl that A ma, nra in an. t fnllnd that Ames was In ah, . Ji tiniwintitlniia jtnniUHnn .flni1 hiul. tn. tr ... .... . . ... De carnea irora ue train to me nun whinH broucrht her to Kenans- "VB wwm-- The couple were burried together In Klnston Monday. . o V :? Infantile Paralysis Reported .In (.4)Unty . , . . (f , - Reports irom the office of lV County Health Department reveal only three cases of Infantile Para lysis In the county to date; These 'cases, are ' lni the western pari; of the county,' two out from Warsaw an(j one near Magnolia. -Dr. C.-H. ,ays that it is essential to have an" early,' diagnosU for the best re .hiied to the article written by Dr. White and publlahed'ln anWlter Juehe TIMES. -tfg, WtSTONSIIf VISITORS V , ul"" , ' Tm twi. McKlnley Powers, James Powers ! and Marshall Stallings, charged with assault Not pros as to James and McKlnley Powers.' -i 1 Johnnie DeVane and ; .Lorlene A four months sentence went to. William Moore for assault - , Edwin Blzzell of Goldsboro assist Garland Williams received a nol.ed by the local doctors and nurses pros with leave for carrying a con- was In charge of the clinical work. cealed weappn'. .. - , - . ' 1 Tne Health department has on foot -Garland i-Williams and VLonnie a -movement for another cllnitf in Carroll were given a nol pros with August- r ''.u'i- leave for assault with a deadly . i. " . ,T , weapon. , r-The cases of W.,A. Prive andr W. LC Smith charged. with reckless; ; ioiii nain;r, uibibcu latins- an aut while intoxicated, r ... ludement was continued to the Oc- -J-hr. t..- - - t jtober term, i, . , - ''9Vh Chataa, cnargaa wiin as- Kiven no1 J t i THORE-ON BACK PAGE . m . nullum ties of his office during the past two year, disclose, some very in- terMW information to the farm- aw and business men in y this A..ntv Jvm throort it is seen that during the two year, tobacw . growers here received a. total of 407i497.S3 cotton growers were , ' .... nntt i paid a total of $144,903.13, while ' '1984, to June -I, '1935, A. A." A. . Payments maae tnrougn tne vaun r ... T ;, t-i, j 'I i. WAb to- Arraifs offkw from July 1. 1935 payments or cuiiwi t . wsku - mounted to J9S.10. Money paid oat in Dunlin County for clerical help . .Hminlntertnir tho cotton, tobac1 " " --o ' . co and corn-hoK protrram totaled ki aa-asijpj mv5wh t.xu $9,792.99 while committeemen for iovosM white eommittaemen for the three programs received a total iouku i DtanH inlnl iuM of $8,345.48. A grand total paid -1 to: Duplin county as a resua i -tne crop programs ui Jtu,oj,.ia. ri- mers can readily see the benefits, crop prugiaiiia ia f,.i v,w.io,, i- i - MAYOR OOr"TY'S fcAPITOLr ' ISSUED STATEMENT-ON . -PARALYSIS JEPEDEMIC V. James E. Jerri tt Mayor of , the Town of Kenansylue, In co V operation with the State Board of' Health, hereby: advises.' that our citizens, and niore espec ially the children, avoid : at tending public fathering dur-, - v Ing the time the Infantile Pa--. . ralysls Epidemic Ii sweeping: our State. . ' V , This the 2 1st daj- of June, 1985 JAMES E. Ji RRITT, Mayor Town ol Kenans vlUe. e'4 Court Stenographer A In Nc w.Berh Goldsboro, rFunen ' Qoldsboro nRiivft t wjin uinu ul j iw Bern Sat j AJt.t tu. V. '"'If'rr t r . J j " . ' . i Goldsboro, at 4 o'ol torrtTwi hv Tthhl. S -- .eauian 01 Klnston..- c Jt . lithe daughter fers.'LlDDman jjnl;imb Poster. linrll m- fttkV.. VPttTfl A-TA WhPJt flhe . ,Mfn via w , tr " " -ei i vea to wew tentto maHe ner j Judicial District f I - She; la ..survived . b two Bisters, MrA.aac Cohen, fihi. Mm. . Essie Smith of New Bern; two brothers, 'Ham- Uiawaras , ox rennesseef .' :. j . r, j.i. ana oeiis auwuus i Mf. vHTwiiyiinj and a number of relatives in Golds, boro, ' ' , .'V i !, Miss Edwards underwent an op eration at a hospitaltin New Bern a week. ago.. Her onqition remain ed critical, and 'on Saturday; her Iv , f" ' ? w lL v e Edwards. of Rocky Mount; N .J. Edwards, Thwu Lut,, -,. T'Jr. . .boro, and. Judgfr. Henry .A Grady, Clinton, undttrwhom Miss Edwirds -""'""v' number of attorneys from ayne, oaropswi aiia jjui as official cdurt- stenographer, for Tl'TS j April 27c 1931 and was 'sworn Coun on I in I on the same day by the. superior : court clerk, Jno. B. Williamson in Sampson County. 1 She was- very , ' PP among court officials and y 1 cV.ror" q SecondTonsit , , ' 6 LlmiC Held : TS U "frT '' CliniC rleld Here J o ' The second Tonsil Clinic of ;the ,' year -was held - in Kenansville this week ;oii Tuesday.Twenty i. three smooth -with no trouble- -at all. Dr . UK. WHITEv SUCCESSFUL WTTH CASE MENENGITIS m v v A er is noung tne ruptu iiutirovemeni nf the Countv-S first case of SDinal - . T7' 7 7 Meneneltin in several vears. , -n..". Hunt JoK Bethea MB. I The patient is Job Bethea, Ne - .gra, o .tbCluurtty-CtxM:-voibdsrL 7, j OUnday Mune UITlita type of tte disease-. Af Tlf W pL i ,, ,, sullul1Uu.-siu p, many instances. Th paUentj is! getting along nicely ; and expects to be completely we anq out. soon. . r, .. of the' Drosrram to this' section. " . . prices ofJ all farm ' commodities haveWn Increased considerably with tobacco leading with an;in- creaae af over 200 percent The official -report from the the County Agent'sofflce i ,as follow Report of the County Agentf. Of- y, flee on work don. from July 1, ; iQd , .t iqv ..a. ;i. a. wwn wn ww,j ' 1934 Rental paymont on iODac7 co, $8,143.75; 1934 Adjustments Pavment on Tobacco. $228,983.49 $223.98 " . . . 1934 Total Rental Payment v v sr on Cotton, $47,234.29; 1934, Total Pa rotton. 47 rity Payment on Cotton, $18,830.27i iQM Tnlil fOntal Pavmenta on 1935 Total uonon, ,x.o;. njrnwu wmi and To- lv ,v.icki v-"- - uoiHitm ire'i- i-"'"" -" bacco) $9,492.84; Payments made Edmiihd McLillin,Ne0Shcrt Dead Sunday Afternoon Near Teachey;AnomerNegro Jailed Wallace Trucksters -Injured In Maryland I Berwyii, Md., June 24 E .O. Rack ! ley, (ruck driver, and bis helpjr, B. ' J. Rivenback, both of Wallace, N. C, .were badly Injured today when their' truck collided with a parked t . HUB UU LIUC OUMIUUIC UVUWTMU The two were taken to Washing- ton hospitals where Rackley's con-1 , . . -. k , ditlon was reported as serious, Kl- Venback has a fractured lesr. diUon wa reported as serioi , venback ha. a fractured leg. I " u.0ryM, . Monday af- Postmaster Williams , . . . i 'lA NMro i 'itnvuntlnn UbUvV W1ITV1IIIV1I - o ' The Annual Convention of the N. uarouna oiaie crancu niuoniu ' Willi 3rd and AY, finatmosrax WtlKoma fmm Va. ivhi vo kuiuuvui v uummw am was ansvUle and others in this county are expectea to attend. A very Interesting program has been arranged with feature ad dresses . by C. B. Utley,' Superin tendent of Post Office Service and others from the nation's capital. , . j.:.; ,; o . . . . Ills mn Bnsiik mkj mwj if mj I OUng DemOCratS AS" fellowship with one another. A oflmkliniy T- 1olAin-k tempting dinner was spread on the MeulDling in ivaieill iawn at noon time and everyone o I enjoyed the feed. Mr. Cooper ec- The North Carolina Club of tered into all the activities with Young Democrats convened this the spirit of youth, week end in Raleigh. Delegates are ' Present for the occasion were the expected to begin pouring in the following daughters, Mrs. IX L. Capital City tonight and tomorrow Wells, Wallace; Mrs. J. D. Lark will be taken with a busy session, ins of Wilmington; Mrs. I P. Dai) - TTnlfait fltatA. Qunotnr Bu.h Tk A If. . 1 O illwIHnn Holt Of West Virginia U expected Holt of West Virginia U expected jiilti .mi ntK ,iai7T,T w i ..n rT.r ..T!" ..Y 1 ' egatlbna of Young Democrats from this county will attend, France asked to present peace able Italian terms to Ethiopia. Board Education Meet Mon. Discuss Ehlargi ng Schools The County Board of Education will meet in Kenansville Monday with school equipment as its ma- jor problem. The Board reports that the Federal Government has micaujr piuiiiioeu lue sum ui fiuu,- OOO to be used on repairing the! present school buildings, and the! Tbe General County court was contractor is now at work on the called Into special session Monday school houses in the county, mak- night to hear a case of brother tag plans for the spending of this against tMofher from the Drum money. However several of the mersvtlle community, schools of the county have out I Rudolph Price was arranged grown their capacity and additions before Judge Blanton on a charge will have, to be made to these buildings and the board is seeking federal aid in the enlarging ot these buildings. The repair funds mentioned above come as a gift and will not have to be paid back but this fund ean be used only in repair work. The board will con sider asking for a P. W. A. loan 10 cover ttlB enlarging program which will affect the schools at . - - - - . - 17 ' Chinquapin and several of the co- lored units Plana rp twine- mutu . loa unlls- r-ians are oeing maae - to start the repair work at once, , o - : The only preaching service In Kenansville on the fifth Sunday to Committeemen ' (Cotton and $2,291.85; Payments made to Com Tobacco), $6,403.99;' Payments mltteemen (Cotton and Tobacco), made to Corn-Hog Clerical - Help, $1, 080.35; Payments made to $432.00; Payments made to Corn- Hog Committeemen, $629.80; Pay- menu made $93.10; Total $315,027.37, "Z?TZh .PavniAnfai made through made for Cotton Tagging, -m - , w -my., 1934. 1933 Cotton Plow-up Checks, $20,554.89; 1933,4-Cent Advance on Option Cotton, y $29,959.39; : 1984 First v Rental Cotton Payment, $23,831.45; 1934 Rental Payment of Tobacco. $103,281.06; 1933 Price -Equalising Payment on Tobacco, $74,080 02; Payment, made to Cle- ' ' -- xical Help (Cotton and Tobacco), Dr. Zeno Spence Of Goldsboro To Speak At Bethel - . , ' 0 ; ' " i' . Dr. Zeno Spence ; of Goldsboro will peak at Bethel Church near Charity Cross Roads next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock'. : Dr: Spence will speak on Temperance and particularly anxious to have " fhlf5U-'re present possible. , : pr. Spince, It U said, baa a new v... .kik t.. ..m'mU. Uliui iam water uy " 1 Uong of;weU be reached. It ita hopedthat he will have a packed nouse to near mm. 'L. M. Cooper Passes Another Mile Stone I Mr. L. M. Cooper of Kenansville was the guest, of honor at a picnic dinner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D .U Wells of Wallace. Mr. Cooper passed his 86th birth day on 'June 23 and Is still in good health and, enjoys and is enjoyed by all that know him. The family gathered at Wallace Sunday mora of Klnston and Mrs. EUa Urftta. of Klnston and Mrs. EUa loftlit, grand- --- city to enjoy, the day. Special in vited guests included: Mr. and Mrs. U L. MiHard and children and Mrs. J. O. Temple of Kins ton. ... IJrUmerSVllle Man rp ' l icu a Ui Atiav,n. ' Qrj B T 0 t h er ' 0 of drunk and disorderly conduct, threatening to kill and assault with a 'deadly weapon upon his brother LeRoy Price. Rudolph plead guilty to drunk and disorderly conduct Prayer for judgment was continued to tbe September term of court on con dition that the defendant does not drink any intoxicants during said period and that he pay costs of the action. He was allowed to the September term to pay the costs by giving a bond of $50 for ap pearance. His brother whom he attacked-stood bis bond. win be held in the local Methodist Church Sunday evening at 8:00. The pastor. Rev. F. B. Joyner and me summer assistant, air. uari Haley will have charge of the ser- vVse -which promises to be a very inspirational one Oorn-Hog Clerical Help, $285.30; Payment, made to Corn-Hog Com mitteemen, $231.84; Total $255,- 604.65. ;t , pi': -" ' v,. ' Duplin County farmers have, by a wide margin, indicated their de sire to continue tha - program through another three years. If the vote carries through out the four Hue cured states of Virginia, N. and S. Carolina and Georgia the program will be continued for the 1936 crop and another vote will , be taken next year y to ascertain the wishes of the farmers on' the 1937 program. Crowd Negroes Play in When A Quarrel Brewed KNIFE DRAWN" One Load From Gun Instantly Killed Victim Edmund McMillin was ahot i nd killed near Teachey Sunday after noon about 4:00 by Hiram Bryant after a quarrel at the Bryant home. 'A group of colored people were gathered at the Bryant home for the afternoon and were playing and scuffling in the yard. Some drinking was going no and strife started. McMillin was asked to leave and did leave but returned in a short time. He left again and was follewed by Justice and Hiram Bryant, the latter having a double barrel shot gun In his hand. As McMillin crossed Highway 40 just at the in tersection of the Teachey t oad he met some girls, pulled out his knife and turned to face tac twe men who were chasing him As he turned Hiram shot i full load into bis left lung. He was kil'ed in stantly. Both Bryant boys left the scene at once anq officers were abel to capture Justice but Hiram escaped until Tuesday afternoon when he was brought to Kenans ville and turned over to :he offi cers by members of his family. Hi ram is being held without bond and Justice is out under bond. Duplin Reports 4 'MuWigTes-- ' In Home Repairs The Duplin County Unit of the Federal Housing at will just a bout round out its work next week. The canvassers will discon tinue their work due to a lack of money to carry the project further in that respect. The office of the secretary, which is located in the county farm agent's office, is ex pected to continue functioning for some time. As a result of the work several property owners have made appli cation for loans to repair their home and buildings, but the most gratifying report of all is the con tinual daily report of the canvas sers that Duplin County home own era are making extensive needed repairs, painting their homes and outhouses and almost changing the general appearance of their places. Chairman Jimmy Jerritt, stated yesterday. It sounds mighty good for Duplin County to know that so few have to borrow money to make the necessary repairs. o Carl Haley Speak ing In Kenansville Carl Haley, Senior year student In the School of Religion at Duke University is conducting a Teach ers Training Class in the Baptist Church in Kenansville during the week. The classes are meeting for two thirty minute periods and are being well attended by members from all the churches. Mr. Haley Is speaking on the Christian Life. He is pointing out the essentials in the Christian rel igion that should be emphasized, and .making applications1 of the principles taught. The course Is well worth while and you will want to ' attend the remaining classes. Dr. C. H. White Leaving Duplin It Is with regret that the people of the county are bidding goodbye to Dr. C. H. White who has been at the head of the Health Depart ment for the past year, and who is leaving the county Friday for a short , vacation at his home ,. in Townsviile, N. C. and at Morehead City. Dr. White win go to New York City early in July to-take1 up research work in the Polyclinic in that city. Dr. White leaves a host of friends all over tbe- coun-' ty who are very sorry to see him lAnvinsr the countv. vet everv one of whom is wishing for him fla greatest of success in bis new Jfcn- deavor. -I :p "i , r i I K 1 '

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