Grft . , ITr. i chiUri F. c.t 'y dun '.t..r, Jur. aii-d ited Dr. e Pink k::i r, Mrs. Ia.-i Saturd.? y t - C .) , in col; : a Til a t nth i tlx ire tfce i tax 1 V...1 cf t f ' ,Uat ii the ;,:ic, it ;j Uie jrieW . Uie revised X its book for v I t night, revenue J that a surplus ' J to 1300.000 would t r the 1934-S5 period. (.well, Commissioner of , extended the time ; for . of 1934-35 license taxes j Monday at midnight, sin- end of the month came on .but UtUe can be done to advance I the work of rehabutauon of farra ing and business until those charg , ed with the responsibility and au- ' thority outline a; cooperative plan ,- ' ' of worlt for both agriculture and t C ut cows . inauatry so that the work may be 1 with dia- gotten underway in an orderly i ..v horn" -and' manner. -While .'American farm- :..:,y is not dead ing ' and business is no longer, in .. the depths but is on the upgraue, ii-ndrjr and dairy it is going to require time, thought t at State College of a hdgh order and plenty or wotk inires now and then to coordinate agricultural and in ..a symptoms and dustrial plans so that they can be r these "diseases." ' ' made to. progress in a harmonious :, associate pTof essor manner and not in a faltering , man nent stated there are ner, nor in such manner as -.will eases among cows or give one a decided advantage over e other Animals which the other. - - - . - n8. , ' v - f I- will await with interest prac- - eople who think their an- tlcal suggesUons for the absorp i e afflicted with these dis- tion of the domestic farm suprlus i bora holes in the-horns ony domesUo Industry, the putting ; i the tails and fill the cut with ot idle acres to work profitably t t ' without further Increasing surplu- i"x h practices are hot only use- ses, et caetera. But I ,am for this ; , but cause the animals con- K"up of leaders, and I have auf-b.J.-rable pan. Professor Haig com Aceint confidence in Mr. Schwiet-mo'-'ed - J - ert's practicaWUty tos beUeve , he . :,en a cow is sick; hot horns would not enaorse the movement are a sign of fever and cold horns ne d not feel that it has a chan are a r,::-n of inadequate circulation ce to succeed in improving condl of the blood, he added, and thus "on on the farm, in industry nd mar.iieat some constitutional dlsor- in the, field of transportation. der that needs treatment - 1 , ' ' , v . The so-alled hoUow tail is the Potters Hill NeWS result of the animals being in a1 - Q - run-down condtUon, which, causes ' large number attended the the tail to be limp and soft. It is Advent Sunday school Convention """ "'" " "-" rrz HoUy Grove Sunday. - " Misses Inez Quinn, Ruth Edw- : ards and Eatelle Thlgpen and Men- ; sra Burris Hall, Andrew Howard, . Tom Hall, William Wbaley and Cagle Houston were-the guest of ' Misses Vendetta and Verdie Quinn I Saturday evening. ' 1 . Misses Ronnie Quinn and Es telle .Thigpen were the guest of - : Miss Inez Quinn Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Edmond Futral ho- ..flttt rock is fairly well fixed vp for the summer entertainment ol her cltizopship. we have 2 swim-, 18 1 6 1 j c " r i i i ' r,o r-' " '). 1 i i wear something if you go In). and lnt0 a ht)ie or clUlt ;, rt 7 washholes within 2 miles of the , o town halL j ..there is some . inte. - . ; - e ' ' - ','' ' ' racing, but this is not i . .flat rock allso enjoys the dis- M at preaaent. a r ' tlnktlon of owning Q hoss-shoe j,,,, mought spring up : pitcninafcoarts, 1 private tennis widitn sight of the coart, 1 baseball diamont, 3 see- tnat will be a big help t saws on the scholl grounds, 2 mar- anj we have plenty of t vel yards where marvels can be jiole. in fact, sevveml of r shot by the publlck, and a nice er cupples stay out at i sody mounting In the drug Stoar, p, m. on saddy nights, allso an ice-house. f M j gtoar is doin? f ir!y v- - . ' . I ing tne bootic;cpr9 1 4 -SXLD y. he i with sway . a run i.i hoss C plan r -ard-ju.nnet - house i , t life, :t down r young - 4iJ 8:45 t.ur licker I consideiv '.ition. be ; El t- ha. ditlon is in need of treatment, he ' pointed out,, and not the tail. PROJECTING v PROSPERITY, OUT A. CARD WELL .' ' ' Agricultural ft Industrial Agent Atlantitf Coast Line Railroad Co.. H. J. Schwietert, of Chigaco Vice President, American Railway Dev-; were the guest f Mr. and Mrs elopment Association, reporu nis Clarence Edwards Sunday. attendance at a recent con?er'XC3rmvatA:1Sra. Oscar Norrlss were of 280 meitJUiaVWomen interested the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' Roy !-' toulture, industry and science Williams Sufiday. " v j met collaborate for the pw JtIHttMav.tlrrtBtw- of developing new "industrial guest hv Beulaville last week. j kets for farms products. It was , Mr Barney Quinn went to Beu t e concensus of opinion of- those. , laville on a business ' trip Friday I . ent that u prospeniy returns afternoon. to this country (and of course t-; Mr. and Mrs. Eniis Turner were will) it must come by agricultural. -the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert expansion, it was siaiea inai un- .haley this week end. leas agriculture is prosperous trans jjr and ' Mrs. Q. I Quinn and portation, industry and commerce Mrg, Edmond Brown were the cannot become prosperous. -, , guegt of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Mur- Tne comreence appomiea a com-' phy Sunday. mittee of fifteen charged with the responsibility and authority to perfect an organization of a Na tional Council of Representatives Mrs.: Lonnie Jannan spent Sat urday night with her mother, 'Mrs. Carrie Lewis. Mr; Andrew Howard spent. Sat of Agriculture. Industry . and urday nignt wltn Mff Cagle Hous- ii:ience. iu curamengauw iiuira ton. was entertained wot we acuviues xjirs. Luther Beetle and Mrs.. Joe growing out of th-s. gathering Houston were the uest of Mrs Walter Heath Sunday afternoon. would:- 1. Result In the gradual absorp- , .with the help of the f . e. r. a, It ' uut tak i'.r. down to it friends? Vitality, i vejrger s that the i i roud of. i on our fact, f we there is some talk of getting a don't owe no dot's foopt to the dog-race track on the outskirts ot poleesman and s... .iy waggin. flat rock like they have In florldy, I : -t --yores irul.e K nnndont. mr mike-- - miKe f rK, rid. is to be hoped that We will soon . .well, mr. edditor, nov have a recker-raUon park where ing a day off and nnn-i the loafers can conger-gate Instead see yore manny flat rv of at tb9 citty hall and play checks you will enjoy our I allso cards If the w. c. t u. do not fried chickens, lce:tea, f break their games up as they done tables, we have a t on the sidewalk last year which ' county seat ought to I t was tod by the ladies aid. , we- have newerJ.eis' mtrust or priucuie. ui of bi c r Is c i.ii. -t. fy. , Cff 'I t.. , t I the it ' ! 1 S" oi-t t . ; r s a ffv d.-. .. i suffersns' rno;it f: ther. 'i..e 1 i i Vt-ry 8c"-,"' r- ! not t tl g"t o-i'v a i. L -r t ai ' : r v 'I , .'X j t in ! very i In i to bo ; y wea s to ba i fs viho dc s can hope to !-s lit fore tli J. it x '. i llJr . J t in t' e i Clark, rfd. Is pushing this enter-i coi ry t (indent. -f f t r , 1111 1 II II". " .dr) lion KeriansvilleVc Hear Talk Laot Refrigeration Dc::: 3 1 t, - - v' . QUO ' 1 1 ' ' ' i ' --i ; , V ) " , 1 ' 1 - and other delicious 6f wrts. - A most enjoyable meeting of the Attendance pri" i wore drawn; Kenansvllle Woman's , Club was by-Mrs. D. S. Vv... ciia and-Mi: held on last Thursday Afternoon In Lula Hlnson. All lad., s are looking the local club room ;.;(. The presi- forward eagerly to tne July Club dent, Miss Lula Hlnson called the. meeting at which tiiue they hope meeting to order at 3:30. "America to have a range demot raUon. -The -Beautiful" was sung by all .,".- . o r- present, with Mrs, j. u. uowman TiiK1!a TV1 f at the piano, after Which the club .UUlWyr - .. w. Collect was reported in unison. ItJ, Ar" V .1 ' Hill Cancel:: 1 Tit.-o At r Following a short business session, vh,t a splnedid "Refrigeration Demon- ' ; straUon" was given by Miss Lucy, Slagle of Wilmington, N. C, whqt ' r Is with the Home Service Depart- communication from Mnr ment of the Tide Water Power bum, , wuioiuw: Company. Miss Slagle was Intro- N. C. State Board of Charities and ducedby Mrs. N. B. Boney, chair- ,PuUc Welfare to Mrs Harvey man of the entertainment commit- Boney, County Superintendent oi ' " " ., ... t Public Welfare for Duplin County tee for the June meeting. 1 revealed the announcement c There were 19 club members and ...i,.,., , ' , 4 visitors present Proir to adjour- tEx- ment the hostesses served lemon ade and wafers, during which time jKodak Films Developed, Miss Slagle gave everyone a taste i Eight PrIntl 40c. ox oeucious Kinas oi tee cmuv which she had made in the "O. E." also some lee-DOx cake. She then presentea eacn iaay present wiui the recipe for the making of these Southcrti-Art Co. KENANSVIU.!", N. O. J-, a of much of the domestic fanTrmT a Ttrto TTI'li, lus by domestic Industry. . ,- U U:l JLiV. VY O lilUlJKxMU 2. Put idle acres to work profi- o - ,l. t : "y. ' " - ; f .The Mission Circle will meet 3. Increase the purchasing pow- Saturday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock er of the American farmer on a With Misses Sallte and Essie Mae t'. ' !e and more permanent basis Outlaw. All members are urged to 6 1 thereby.' - be present' - i 4. Increase the "demand for ma- : Mrs. W. J: 'Flowers and grand pi iactured products, thus A :;, son,! George--Falson of Mt Olive 5. Creating new work for idle , visited in the home of Mrs. Flow 1 to do, reviving American in- era brother, 3. H. Parker last Wed t i. try; restoring American labor nesday and. Thursday..' to productive enterprise; and re- little Myra Joe Maxwell of La lieving economic distress of the Grange spent last week with her I.itlon. - ' grand-parents; Mr- and Mrs. R. G. Tills is an ambiuous program MaxwelL t 1 one that; is worthy of support Miss Annie Evelyn : Nunn of V : CAMELS NEVER GET MY WIND THAT? CONVINCING EVIDENCE Of THEIR MILDNESS i YOU .COMMAND. . OUR SERVICES- WE HAVE! come to consider our part la the life of the commu nity that of a public servant The Innumerable" small services we are able to perform; the advice we mm offer regarding fi - nanclal problems; our Interest In community development; all are expressions of the part we have chosen to play to you and ' ' - ' t , ' i-. T ' "j, i. v n' 4 ' - ' " to uor community. ; W J " ' An Iiutltutlon Founed Upon Public Coulidence.' .. WALLACE ' KINSTON 1 t AT PPJC.:3 YOU CAN AI I 011D TO PAY r ; our cars at:: gcije ovri cg:ipli:tly in OUR CHOP ELL CllU XIIHY ARE PUT 1N THE MARKET.- ;- r i: . - SPENC2 AUTO - CO: -r . ir tit- Lnfirrr-?, If. C. r t "G-3" users around hi-secon-flrm facts uncovered by N. Y. Police Inspector Faurot on tils country-wide search. ii?o JIORE MILKS of j frequently T.Z'A ex - r - Ous I l eiery py. 1 GOODYFAR ' MARGIN of .scais quicker In 1 FVrnTWIST CUitU gives iA against blow- i v.v r T7 Don't tir.hU on weak tires through epeeJJnj' holiday tra.TIa Luy safety r: for cysr th3 Fourth find the many months aLeaJ. (. ... Let tia fco-v you v!.y tLa flatter, wUer, ttic!:cr , 'G-3" All-Vr't r TreaJ, v.i clostr-risreJ Ujc! ?r,-" Jr-;reri--" rinit, iarili;. -cf 1 ,-cc t frotfction that tos even its tet-22et . nxu-Ij. ' ' - Let 13 !rs you orr rrlce yo- ' ' a It costi r .1' L extra for ' i f "ra r " ' ty and cr '-Fa-ice cf tLa r.c C . . ' ' oveJ wn.r.Moua r;uT ca' 'J 'LiCw r "A my ciJAia; v - KENANSVILLE, N. C. " ' KrSAKSVOAJE'S LEAEINO GENEilL f ' C r ftnrk consists of-everylhlitg ueie' I i ' it T k!i, I' BflCt-mrot. Fertilizer and Ki t 1. a e . i, " - ' " - , , . 3 c.i xn; u UAr:r: r : ru couk : i i s i ? f .to , i IV- 4. i iy, 3 la--I ".J r i 1 N. C. 1 ll -,:i:::i, n. c. . r- I '-r . - .1 - N I.IAXVELL, Rciv : . "'- jii r,iy"C 3", ij f year

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