A COUNTRY JcAaAL .DEVOTED TO TEE INTER h E8TS OF THE COUNTRY - PEOPLE. - :iE3 ul J US IMES COVEII LIN 1 LIKE .A ROOF X. KENANSVUXE, X. C. . BUSHED EtERY THURSDAY 1 THURSDAY, JULY 11th., 19S5 NUMBER '24 - Duplin's BJeijliboring County Aids The State Conservation NEWS .VIEWS N 'J, - VlOl ;i i,y ' ' ' VvTi:-i , EDITOR iA " J . THE T Accrued Interest X)n Deposits Also Avail: 4 OFFICE In WARSAW; I&sidtotinsr In Branch PWamw! Uranch . ,7 i. raying iviasmwa : f Checks 1 " Announcement was mader last i officers ot . the Thursday." from Bank of Magnolia that at the close of business on 'July 3rd the Bank went tato liquidation. The decision ' came after, a vote vby the stock v.Mi 1 nMrh nearlv all Voted tor liquidation, according to ; a Statement OIne ui u . . y- fleers. . . K . J Officers of the institution an- nounce in this issue bf the TOMES that arrangements have been made: with the-Branch. Banking X and nnmn.n f 'wnn.w to ac- cbmodate depositors vbjr paving lonlea to be free and' independent their checks. Any one having a de- vatates-'Are we really free? tt Lou- posit In the Bank of Magnolia have sianafrte today or is, she the slave onlv to draw a abeck for .t a of the demagogue BueyLongT mount and present It to the win- How far is New yprk City free, dow of tha Branch Bank and W and to what extent s she to bon- ceive their money.- This arrange- dage to. Tammany J Are the Sou- ment was made to save the deposl- thern States free it are 'they 40a- tors trouble and uonfusion. - .. ' ves.to tradition? Philadelphia may imnimii h1 no were : made i with the Branch whereby tha of- l & 1. auiUbui Uid iiwv.ciwon, HCvV, c -y depositor wUlrecelve -every cs s.t on deposit lmmedlatelj; upon demand with all accrued interest , Rnuiofa Rank Comments Mr. J. cJiThompspn, Cashier eff th Branch Ranklnsr siid - Trust r Company In Warsaw stated., that he received the news with much regret and stood willing to aid and cooperate with the officers of the bank and its depositors In every way possible in liquidation. He sta ted further that he had found the personnel of the Bank of Magno lia,. Including the offWers, . direc tors and clerical, help to be the fi nest kind of people! and -his asso ciation, with them; since coming into Duplin had always been very iuun : Via nhuv fttfLtftd that! he thought the Bank of. Magnolia naa i fir of iiauidation la located 4ft ie" prna nas.weaaiya piuopre wave oi , m.v v i ,v - 'rT " "J Frwch auik T Warsaw Cashier. aT corrupt Republican machine" e coming year, which Include dertaklhgs 1 at hy h ve had - Tand Mr and Mrs. Home May fee have such.a Sasp-and greater emphasis Upon basketball with the fc U. f Their, success t 1 a r'r v vZ 1 ,;A,tnrtinrf . th -and tbe.addltion of boxlnfi'. wrestl. ha wwant . e ioees f liter- been a financial rock in DupiininmmTinn I55 County, 'especially during the "ing years of late and their service -to the county of an immeasurame quality and quantity. " ' ' r ." When asked about the Intentions of the Branch Bank Mr. Thomp- m in the towns of MagnoliaT mm'JJ ville and Falson. Together swlth Sat and our office, in Wallace, we wllTbe in-"position. to serve --- , " . ! ' ' ... The Branch Banking ana itus ompany came to Warsaw In 192C Company i and opened a branch, in Wallace In 5S5 cashier.: came to Warsaw In 1828. . Zl T Deposits since 1033 have increased nU!' bed. bugs, . cok it was stated, approximately five roaches, etc. - ' t rns and the Baik is now show- One women who has ing total resource. In Duplin single district meeUng toy bounty alone of well over a mil- f " f : fmlt lion dollars.. Today the Branch der that ahe mM finish palntnlg stands as the largest bank Duplin "e rooms of heMome ,that,e has ever had. t ' , . .bad started as a club project has ever naa t . , Miss Elizabeth Smith of Mag- ' Magnolia Organized 1911 ..nolia, Miss Hester Swinson of Pink The Bank of Magnolia was orga- HiU and Lehman Williams of Pink nlzed In 1911 and opened Its doors Hill filled important places on the for .business- in September of that year with J, C. Home as presi-; ent and D .U. Bridgers, casmer. :i August, 1913, H. D. Dail i ,e Cashier of the Bank and has Unued to hold that office since. ti . ijroom nas servea me as president and for the past ars H. D. Williams has been ! lent of the. institution. Pre- I directors are H. D. Williams, . . Dall, I W. Brown and P. J. ii. Employed In the bank are . and Mrs. J. N. IIorne, Mr. a being assistant cashier and 'rne bookkeeper. . e close of business - July t' e bank showed assets of nd deposits of 3218,800. sJ iwberry season pf tfxls 'i reached the peak'm 1 Amy, totaling close rfevl Fftzgerald ; Writes On The Spirit cf The 4th Poughkeepsie,,N. Y . - ' July 8th.,' 1935 V Editor.: Duplin Times: I have spent three Fourths , of July in New . York. Six year ago the noUe began, long before sun riae and Justed long after Sunset. I This year many cities forbade the r ' sale of fire crackers ,etc-Accord-, ing to the -Associated Press 'only 201 t&rsona lost their lives in the ... united States celebrating the 4th. fft : The Fourth is not yet "safe and sane", but It is better than it juaed t be. ' i ; 1 ". .4 a fit may be that som day "we shall see a "safe and ..sane Christ- begin long before Christmas ? tod continues luug lucer.. xmuua iv me that quiet, and' reverence, not loud noise becomes Christmas.- , ' ; Our fathers on July 4 th. 1776 in .fighting for the liberties that the . mother country, had taught them declared the thirteen American co- noasi. ot Demi we oiria-uwve oi our, independence; bat ' Phlladel-; &bnjmake us free lndad,ffylMr",,Bd "l"- totercolle Truly yours; .--. ; - t JOHN T. FITZGERALOUw'k Warsaw Stores Close V Triiircrfn'airlVftnri j i The merchants- of Warsaw have decided to close their stores each Thursday afternoon through July and Auguest, beginning this week. The custom of closing the stores one afternoon during the week has : been practiced in many towns In Eastern Carolina for several years. -" The reason for closing Is to give the "clerks, who have to work ev ery day during the week a half day off during the hottest part of the(beat by Muay of U)mu gy , - L f ' For June H, Dr;W. Program The subject for study during the ! -"-"i-..tnnnth WH, oIl111t.t.on. Th- foil,. rT.-"TXr i home which conteins 8 wbow. d 3 door, to, lesa than t flvedol- t,.A - '.niiulii 1. 31 .nil Diseases caused 7."". ' t W - lJ secure: help . from the FERA in building sanl- .Ltt - t hclne in program at the District meeting at Carolina Beach on June 19th. The Duplin county - delegation ; came be-'home with the coveted prize for the best attendance at the meeUng 'for women. ' , wun me elimination oi Jam je- wel Small of Jones county from the District Health Contest this district will be represented by Mis. Ruth Byrd-tf Jaagnotlfc' Mlw Byrd ;made a score of 97 at the ellmina- tlon contest in Lumberton recent- ly. Miss Byrd has all the fine qua- ltties that go to make an outstand- mg club member; namely, Leader- v , ship, personality, poise, and a truef. . . , , ... ' spirit of cooperation. , , Gigantic Zeppelin to fly hers in Errt , 'fall, .ays Eckener. 1 - During,, the moi th of June - 16 1 t 0 ,, ,.' meetings were hldfor "wmenr ,' with an alter; ' re of 387. Ten; Gasoline taxes, Federal- and new membeis, v 9 enrolled dur-- Stete, 3735,130,000 in 1934. ' BLIND- NEGRO AT KERB . . SEES AFTER 21 YEARS 'The story of how sight had been restored 'after Zl years of blindness was told by - George Albert Johnson, 38-year old Ne gro of Kerr a few days ago. . Johnson said he went blind at the: age of eight and after three major operations by a Wilming ton specialist ' his sight came back to hhn about three weeks " ' '- ' ', ' t'-.v His sight Is above normal to day and George la rejoicing and thanking bis maker for the mi racle. He says be Is ready to take his place U the world-new. along with other people who have good eyesight. Wils6n College, Ah: nounces Atmetic : Program & Coach a -U.-3.' Wilson,' July : lltht-i-Beginning with the, next school year ia Bept- ember Atlantic Christian;,. College wUl have a fuU-Ume coach who will be A. D, f 'Bud" Rose, basHet. ball mentor during the past year, former -State -College star and former Wilson high school, coach, according to an 1 announcement made today by Dr.; H. S. Hllley, President Of the CoUege. .", 8 y y-vf as head coach -were announe'ed oth- giate sports program, v- t- : - Th playing of football as an ln tercoilegiate jiport .will depend. up oa th outeome oC,.thiiewHts4b tic program during the next twoor three -Tears, it was stated In the announcement- . t . . Thenew hsad coach cam to. A ti. - i. o JoialU n tha atlilatltt lUllinw Vrtl I aatHa; lAahAua In t lMl flltllMl llll-i C .C. from a very successful, career have literally taken on new. life, as- nentor 1 or the local (Charles 'and everyone is feeling in fine spi U Coon): high school During the irtsnot legalized spirits, howev lost year he was head of the local nve, chargies with fourteen vie- lories out of sixteen tries. -t . ' o i NEW CHIEF FOR FAISON t -' Sam Howard, Faison'a chief of WlllA hfia hua MnlanaJ Mi M.A .Cs 1 O 1 ' i' TlinV linisrT FREE TYPHOID- i " - - .CLINICS TO BE HELD ..Announcement was'' made. to day that the County Health De partment will bold a free Ty phoid Clinic In the Court House beginning Saturday, : January 13th and continuing through the 20th and IWh. Hours from 9 td'll A JM. -1. t ' ,T Also free cUnlos wUl be held In all the communities in ! the counties. Watch for poster an nouncing dates, Ing the month which brings the ! total number ' of new members i Joining this year to 105, . , -, j Eleven of the' 17 clubs made' aj score of 100 during the month and an average of eight project leaders made splendid contributions. ' ( . Nine hundred and twenty miles were traveled in conducting the work, ' Thirty homes were .visited in furthering the Home, Improve- ," v vl eIu r c,ubB Bav aemntraon rpom , f Lu .Ule worK ""I611, ion - ; Mas - I. There were 47 calls at the agent's 'ato J" 'W'1'tad .J"" wtt? ,u- 8: BuUe on tne Untrai or insects were aistrtDutoaiouowmg the Agents demonstration on Household IPesU. 700 programs were printed for use ' Rev,' and T . J .L. Goodman of Kenansvli?9 ' Hince the birth of a fine bai.y . .;lj Saturday, - July 6th. Mother .id baby are doing fine. ; The ne comer is named Ca rolina Virglnn. Sr; J,'-.. H . .. "i ' r in n.;. i. How's tills fc a "believe It or UqI 5 -t ''"', . - " JIn Septet- i. r 1911,. Just 84 years ago, the I ank of Bfagnolfa ' Opened its " ot for business. On July 8, 1-5, Just eight days ago' the saine Institution closed It doors and not.led Its custom ers that t'. y - could come and 1 get It,- every Cent on', deposit with all Interest that may be ac crued. Ei:t tht mast amasing feature of the whole situation Is the fact that during Its 24" years of existence tiie Bank of Magno .lto has not foreclosed an. a sln , gift loaii exo'"" t to a few Instanc es where he foreclosure was re-, quested by 1 debtor. The Times believes this is a fete well worth mentioning, and reflects great-. Credit on the officers of the' in- ; etitutlon. ''- ,r - With the' c! ;lt of this bank ' Duplin O f loses one of Its best Insl" .S. And when" we "aaf "B:. we say lt with all since ret j t emphasis for the Bank ot S. lia SSwt! ed about us i the troubled wa ters of the economic crisis and has come' tln ough in shining co lors. Today it' goes out of ibusl- mss with a, one hundred percent record, an aeeompllshment that la envied by every business man. ' The Time? and cltlsens of Dup Inl County siand, with hats off i to the officers and directors e,f this bank and wl h for them the- ally 'tuousanfia - fSDunVir'Jt-Ul After thsviatensa dryness ot the in every f corner of Duplin are now 8'.en ( wearing broad smiles for last week the "million dollar" rain began falling. Tobacco and other crop er. v r ' o - Teachers in Duplin . County chools for the past, seven years, Who have failed to get all their payr this week were pleasantly surprised with a check covering all unpaid balances, v The Super intendent's office mailed out checks totaling $4,657.83 and cleared up every outstanding ob ligation to teachers. , .' The securing of this,; money has been brought about through the constant digging at the State officials by the County Board of Commissioners, the County Aud itor and the Superintendent of . schools. The fund secured from the tax reduction fund for the year 1931-32. Miss Ruth Pridgen of Warsaw, secretary to the Supernitendent of Education Is spending her vaca tion visiting in Massachusets. You know I just can't help but smile a little- when I think of how popular Judge Parker was with the lawyers here and Just after his first appearance, f in Duplin Rivers Johnson passed a special act through the legisla ture abolishing the May term of . Court. Judge Parker was not scheduled to preside In this coun ty during the July term. Wonder wh&t the situation will be when Judge Clauson Williams makes his debut In Kenans vllle.. Mr. and Mrs. A. I Cavenaugh of Warsaw in company with, Mr. and ' Mrs. Aunspaugh of Raleigh v. ,,,: Wll Jh " . two1 tour of Eastern United Sta- tes and Canada.: The- party mo- (tored up Atlantic States r to New York and to Montreal. From Montreal thev took a boat to Mur- ray on the St. Lawrence and up ! r10 iu-, , Rnontviiia ikim 'mile cruise. They went back . to pon aS result of stealing ah auto Montreal and from tlietr resumed and running overa man. '' their trip by motor to Nlagra! Stacy Hall, Negro, charged with Palta Dy we way Montreal and ,storebreaking!fv i ; Hamilton, Ontorlo. through the HjSn-JtegUter,? Negro, charged mountains of Northwest Pensyl- with ' housebreaking ,ln Faison; jvanla. down through the Valley tB Gettsburg and from there they 'turnl Eat to Washington City i en beaded homeward. Cav-; Jenaugh report! a very fine . trip without a- single mar, not even s fiat tire, aw did his car even get (Mora on back page) , Dept CALYPSO MAN KNOWS HIS ! FIGURES . k Paul v Barf leld of Calypso knows his figures When It com es to box-cars. The other day he was telling us how he won a box. of cigar from a friend In Calypso once When taken up on a statement that he eouM - fe member the numbers on every car of some two dozen ears side tracked near the station. J! Barf eld's friend sent someone out to take the numbers of the cars and when he returned Mr. Barfleld began to call them out Down the line he went not miss ing a single figure. His friend spoke up and said there must be a catch in It some where when Barfleld began calling out the numbers of cars parked any where down the line. His friend Anally gave up and Barfleld smoked the cigars. Warsaw Youth Suffers Critical Para- lized Spine Injury W. M. Merritt, -20, of Warsaw, is in a serious condition, having been injured in an automobile ac cident in Warsaw Saturday night. He, has a fractured spine, and la paralyzed from bis hips down. .- The automobile in which Mr. Merritt and two other young men i Were riding was in collision with una -uovcii uy a meKTV : woinan. (The (jar turned oyer and; Merritt Tucker, the driver, and Billy Pope umer young man, escaped in. Jury.-- Drivers of both cars were held under bond pending a hearing be fore a magistrate. o E. R. Penney In Wreck On 4th. Mr. E. R. Penney, accompanied by his wife and grandson, were slightly injured In a werck near Fountain's Store, July the 4th. Mr. Penney's car was sideswiped by a truck belonging to the Warsaw Ice and Fuel Company and driven by Dave Butler, a Negro. " Hold Brief Term Court, Try Jail Cases. Paralysis Cause The July term of Superior Court scheduled for the week commenc ing July 22nd, will be cut short as a result of a request from the Board of Commissioners, the countv bar and court officials. This week a petition was present ed to Judge Frank A. Daniels, and Solicitor J. A. Powers saklng that the court confine the term to the trial of jail cases, submissions and those persons bound to the court to show good behavior. The Jud ge1 and Solicitor consented to the request.. The reason given was the con tinued, spread of Inf antyle Paraly sis and an effort to discourage all public gatherings possible. Judge Frank A-. Daniels of Golds boro, emergency judge, will preside in the, absence of Judge M. V. Barnhill of Rocky Mount. ' Jail .cases to be tried are John Matthis, white, for Becret ' assault with intent to kill, Warsaw, i t iwu iuuruer eiun. nyra.uL ory- ant and Justice Bryant, Negros charged with the killing of Ed- mund McMillan, Negro, near Tea- ehey; and Hattie Isler, - Negro, - charged with murdering another Necrro in Wolfescrane. 1 Jesse Bell,' Negro, charged with ian.nv assault with hhhiv wi. , Jack Smith, Negro, storebreaking -In Teachey. Gea Washington and , Willie Hunt, NegiwS, breaking in- to the store of Pope and Company m Rose Hill. t An appeal case from the County court Negro, charged with assault with , . In Forest Fire Control Geo.Maready Drowned Near Hallsville, July 4 rteoree Mareadv. 24 year old Dunlin farmer was drowned in N.'l East" river about one mile .below, HaUtotlle last Thursday, July 4,1 about f2:00 o'clock. ' Maready, in company with Bland Rhodes, Luther (Hump) Miller and Alonfca Batta was reported to have j o been "feeling for fish" when he Jacksonville, July 8. The newly dived under a cliff and became en- organized Onslow County Farmers' tangled In roots at the bottom of a Club has Just had a meeting to fifteen foot pool. 1 hear a program on forest fire con- Maready would have been 24 1 trot by J. B. Lattay, district for years old on the 13th of this mon- ester, and F. L. Hooker, district th. He leaves a widow and one ranger. The county recently agreed Child. Also surviving is a sister, to cooperate with the state in for Mrs. Macon Kennedy of Beulaville est fire control work, four sisters and four brothers and Of the total acres in the county, his father and mother of Cravene , 480,000 acres, 181,081 acres are in county. Descendents Zef f ie Parker To Gather In W 011 n inn 0 per farm, 39.20 acres were report- Descendants and relatives of the j.e(j a woodland; 22 acres culti vat late Zef fie Parker of Sampson ed 9.40 acres in pasture; 3.82 idle; County will gather in a family re-1 and 1.22 plowable pasture. The ma union at the home of John R. Par-1 foritv of the forestry program will ker in the Oak Plains community about five miles West of Magnolia on August the eleventh, the Second Sunday. All 'relatives are asked by Mr. Parker to attend the gathering , and carry a well filled basket. Mr Inhn R Prli aloli that anyone who might travel by bus or Magnoluvaw asked to. eommuni- - cato - wltta him at Masrnolia. Rt 1 box 212 and arrangements will be made.-. o Charged With Carnal Knowledge of Girl Under Sixteen Randolph Blizzard of Glissons Township was given a hearing last Thursday by Justice of the Peace C .B. Sitterson and bound over to Superior Court under a 1750.00 , bond - for having carnal knowledge of a girl under 16 years old. The girl is Alma Summerlln. . TO THE CITIZENS OF KENANS VILLE At a recent meeting, the Ma yor 'and Board af Commission ers' passed a resolution, request ing" all Home Owners In the town to keep their premises clean and sanitary, as a special health precaution during the summer months. Done by order of the Board. C. E. QTJINN, Clerk. deadly weapon. .Demos Henderson,7 white, from Cyprus Creek, will be tried for for gery. Passed a bad check in Wal I lace. I John Gerald, Negro, assault with deadly weapon with Intent to kill. The list of jurors drawn are as follows: Leon Qulnn, G. D. Murray, G. G. Browning, L. B. Brinson, Festus Powell, R. T. Henderson, Clifton J. Brinson, Thaddeus Kornegay, But ier jones, Liewis I. ouniain, jr.. J S. Strickland, W. L. Boyette, R. S. Grady, Maury James, A. D. Brin son, R. H. Faircloth, Aaron Dall. 'jno. W. Waters, J. Alvls Powell, G. W. Batchelor, Robert Dixon, C. G. Wood. W. F. Kennedv. J. E. Drinkley, Henry Scott, D.v A. Dunn, s i. r.i'm t o uvL' Rogers, Ben. Maready, Jr., M. R. Miller, A. S. Benton, W. B. Whaley, ,S. E. Jones, .W. J. Roberts, J. D. Howard, Fennel Brown. W. D. Reg- later, U O. . Farmer, James Jones, W. A. Kivett, A. T. Britt Sammie Pipkin, J. K.Thigpen, Joa Hods- ton, C. C. Byrd, Jno T, Albritton, Carl N. Mathls. Sampson Dall, O. -W. Grady, O. O. Oriffln, Norwood den, R. W. Garner, dames Broad-j treal and Albert Atkinson. Onslow County Farm-, , er's Club Organized 93,844 ACRES , In Wodlands In Coun ty; Duplin Expected To Cooperate farm land. Of this 93,844 acres arv in woodland; while 52,668 are culti vated, 22,503 in pasture, 9,145 acres Idle, and 2,921 acres in plow able pasture. In the county are 298,919 acres in pocosin, lakes, rivers and sounds. be confined in large part to poc- cosoit areas. Following the program and busi ness, there was a barbecue. Then a three-reel picture show was en- 1 Joyed, under direction of Mr. Hook i er. showing the damage done by careless burning of woods. The new club, which holds mon yOymeeings, will meet, next in the gymnasium on August 2, when the discussion subject will be rural electrification. The club was instru mental in sponsoring the big vote recently secured in the tobacco ref erendum, when 2,521 votes were cast In favor of continuance of the control program and only one far mer voted no. The members will sponsor soon a tour to Niagara Falls and Canada. The Duplin County Board of Commissioners have taken no act ion yet regarding the matter of cooperating with the State De but partment of Conservation they are expected to do so at an early date. According to informa tion reaching the TIMES office the matter is not optional with the Board. The last legislature made it mandatory that every county In the state appropriate a certain a mount of money for this purpose. The movement is expected to get under way in this county before many weeks. : O Tobacco Allotment Cards Are Here Tobacco allotment cards, for the use of producers at the warehous es for the sale of tobacco, will be received in the County Agent's of fice during this week and will be filled out and ready for delivery prior to the opening of the border markets. All allotment cards will have the contract signer's name and se rial number, and also the maxi mum number of pounds that can be sold in 1935 under the contract. All contract signers can have as many allotment cards as they de sire for themselves and their ten ants, provided requests are put in immediately for these cards. Un less requests for more than one cards are, received before the cards are made out, only one card will be Issued under each contract. All contract signers are asked to im mediately notify the County A gent's office, if they wish more than one card. The holders- of allotment cards must, keep them and not lose, or allow them to be lost, as it will be somewhat difficult to obtain new cards in place of those lost. - At this time it is understood that there will be no sale of allot ment cards for tobacco produced over that allowed under the con tract. No one will be allowed to sell tobacco on any allotment card except the contract signer and his tenants. I - o Virginia potato strikers shoot . r v " o pay processing Ux. ' 5 ' 1 1 )) A.