ft lWj I , ' Xe" . i jii. ntJwnK', ti''' f-f 'I Uj I . Wo '.a I bv.tr. I j I J L P t)) subscribers 'Ifjfoivsv nil: '-'lISMOOYSI! ,aTJ,.'-;fffi73)lo mvf-amo3nI c .lAloT... ... ... ',... 6T.eOT,SXI? .KUOiinallODhiM, ii' i il'WaHi'ii'll 1 ifiiiiilfiiii, illiiT iiT'mi tl IniifTifiHmif i , 1 r . " "AJ , ' .n,,, i I i'jjjiv) numuii to oulav Ju njYAABinaiii'aAB 1 .(jiioTr. 0a.OH,U0!:? ,80ooitIlo'jp.lM s .ri1 m nrlt tM CI ft '.Jil a, ,.,. .Jrt.l,.. Bi!.!!" 2 .WW -a . 9V1309X uiBtaoiq1 jntioiiKuibfi si natjolg nsfrt'i ' 'IT .i, mail ljiJduoj' ortj no tial dots ' 1. .J ( m... .T7 1 oJ)?.:r to 'V"r.nTw:-f,'J,i ';:H'Hta '-"'"'S Ttr -igh, Aug. 29.-AAA. rental rhAhtaV t6 ' 'DUtillrt V f are dUrtftg-the-periHa1! uly 1, 1934 tor June bo.viwkv I'fltTto 1803,650,73, it waa an il MBa todajvi. .v gf aientm made to otter .CQWUPH. ijwctlon: Wayne 1456,049.18; ? V 0,230.0 tVf .WW ' k ' 1 ' v a t 1 m t theBe payments, diatrlbuJpa weracooiWtlftr Id "trie i .op ..jinientf programs); - are only a t of ,tbe totaTIHCTeaaiSffl -mm 0 jjiiuntiBa-jiiJji snoaauta jt Keunion: J onejs an 4r . , . ... Ilflll'i' '. - In. . , : . , , bantMt.fi jug ejifftA aa4J Bisr Five Teams 1." TKinni, miwiw p' . till iv mva rw .frncx fir niiMtinr. . . i injure j in bwiaeniJ I 9AdSHjrtl(IlillianilWooic( I l-,.TTr te College, " . . - WHo nub gj.wrt9anediqulpmen4jMAiBWh 3-i rattifwBattr'j ... i . .u i I -111 . i jirirfArrfrfCTimrtii.birnifeitvleaheTniMrifer 1 ...m i,uin ,i,ui, - Ane rlse'n pricw paid. tP.grW; 1 1 f 3&r thuir .feommolJAM r !,nylnSuiance increasea ineir , mpg jnon .ltd. and' . , iitlniind. Tlie total payniemts"no 'ritmpiwaum 1101 snj io -ollna farmBf a during the fiscal 1 ;xuKe, naviuBup nu ' ,ih!I(wjhh'toii"m rao w .1 ret KQCl A? n nrViaf- 11-1 " 1 auxAivitvi ra.vMvm Lie UFUKruiua uunuK uid vc. a- t , tue programs uunng ' Counted t l;147,290:71, W the NorttoltoUnai-jaifitswdldatfeS' who a a A rti.. h..n.MwMM,JinW orlfllJii:Wl6on -ar onaveiy, wnor wuson, ana a vis lam - selected' from 'IVil prams 'local! 0. t,i 'Jiiu local facmera, i.TCTj XMmAICaO -'BJkw - w -f Halfback LV, LiW UCBU (HIUOU. V ,i t. 1 vi'ii. . ran Charlie SlerlA&eTeViOS i backfield of Harry MontcoiIf tTAS andia i. Hutahliuir4tur. iv.M!,'? '."C ,1, i.o .xnsajnJslflf Jo HfiSIShSnSe ... nil. ..ti a. ir lonfa fn '..iDiitiiiilhiiM. i!UBni. L1" ! prdmlrpiom.or; omnldte ,?ty'ir V, 'y oWW ...... 1, wnffiroiAflVvtuo Mllbthlti aoiartlbiaino turn ocmn vni bbouji r D. J Villi 1(1 - - lifcrtT '.owiti -: f jimiTnoj. jtfi;ofi W llloT '(fit TfTl 4aiinnrr r.t acuta 3p toi is( airil anijlizldiiloaav The Grady-Outlaw claSftoWfrJ 1 .o of v&v ) iw"Mu'' 4 ttKfA Jeu aA-X) " II t r ....... Ad'eelrb IT Bery tanm who WtrtroU M4 iMtnna bV tat tsrtcty wiBlf fceottw I IIUU U'-.LIJTBWH? "I un.; " - ' 'IS .TTiJJIU ,J J "J Jin D - .... 111 J.1II I I u . irrominentr amity ; a-pwinj toaaeco, wwy nut omai( 1 oril rtJIW ton til' "wo uuunnivn oftttotatwke -its AitejidiaajUemidit4rtiij WoiriiwitwIP . l n ' 1 L . . . ft a. 1 .llk. r , - " . oct i ,v,(fiAHifH.,rtu.iaiihoi!tplnMja Inffliere iiitsadUGad M made JarlefcrpM JjiluS ui 1 9ufidy; payment, r. s j.QUJStO.aa went to Jpbaceo. growwniQn .io. hmhmi ww"b b-jw'"whuihsw rreTBn"frti ran'TTy'WfNiiemcuc'Vfr'Sj nttie1 cvdutuv-rfi.rrj kTu!sm . ers, $5,946,844ta -lfMI!J3 ipftHffir..' ' 'lamin Oradv of Waahlneton CltW.'ilr"'"1 . aoh-cbrfrnlh' th, Dr...u."V u Lottoti Qubsid .liOM flllj 'io Juo ... , 'tof'tile'v-e wWptffflaiSi aatid !&jA? em- .uoH,,,r, wnsbn!(;i.4.r,I age 70, shot allotmeA V LTTU liUIUl AMI: CSgcUyntgid loa ilfin su ill &ioo W Wi .flC3i. Liioite Ail uiiB ae wneq uie value 01 tictfl6n!''tijf ldfvlduaj. itni Kfaieell'tH"ll''hearterilng' to" 1 serve, what can be-'Qimd to tttivhh !S rf: Ti J suDsiay to no Srrara n u'l L awu hfiKii'i 'ethents u a coula be r 8i vjiot rady 'anafady. Itbr, X M. Ball- .l AjliUav ArtunavMAH In aMrMnll MiMltAAiii ' Kaon ranohicl Tka.A t,,V,'T ATUCsU A VWVA T V4. iUCIC VVQIC ' nhW.",n,, tne plan va- teiva -Tir-iaanw aj . fMimd ta ayustraerrtntadt,ih-fl .it r-a 4kriitrlr(Siri14rfM.vlscril.rlaPkwkV mm jnunUlea miUh, 4itUe at ha additinn' 'IftuiiaaKrfifomtoejHfj ,vt qui' "rtllruH An r " " 1" 1 ' 1 if if " J kiStteiivctionaJ nt ana weramaadaitawtyeari'Birt''liew'riib chiner(jB appeared aoesstwyari Bned ' bafolc At: tluei story 4a told krh4k riww in Uia frnnt VArrl nnrl F.thn .fnv . .Pnmirtr aon aeJ01MellMiptalatllaf4Ual Muow .9T.il vo.lo fis.Uo hhataadina lR.tbA.vard with a shot son of Mr. aud Mia. J. 0. Rich, F2- - ' "io'e"cw Houston, iewis u. Houston, Jr. ithaimaohineiyend'veUhiy m. nr rt A . win no tVlAAHnfT WAS 1110 yy. , , .i,,ir . , . I ti,. n ttita lei. .1 'v-i of the suDerlntenr Jt myKeflnvOiai tuntMi uoiarei.ijnio J'-"""";,,, , f. r""v ' ',vVIWfQ' a'oftibttWhi .. . . m.- mad IlllUBtTfinMl WAliaCC WRflB W1U Mnno Tno-a (', Iv-itMA H.V II. MV- v.--.mj-m wr-iwnaw.jr KIMI-"ii- j . u -t-ili-i j-A ... . .. .... mm - - lut.JHWlH.MUMIKil m.muj . " . . , . . , . .. . .. . - . . '.ItaUO XUKUm. J.l HUtlUlllllirii KI1HI RUHB V .1 . .. Iar . h., m,.v HanoMihlA JUvers AKreet rA7 aspirants ror me " mut" weU"awelt at .'el.ttK ln'fBminiBtenV' r-"mrvS?JlaM mmi; TBwn-iaimMummpcsmjmvtaTr, r - - . , .;ii.rLJa..jij tVftni ,vi, -,-t nn,Vn '...-, .i j Wmaiviaiiiwiax(armvOT3zamAai . 1 -nu iiiuura'mocJc.Kimniur inprnimn..! Johnson wboibo iwwir""" T" " . T. . v.,,,., P.ita.f.thmtetin&t aw iwminnMicwpaBjniier j. whicll. waa thoirougmHr rjfjyr-oy i-;: rrTl77. 1""!. irj Jtsrriaulturtona -''tviAVii. 15 which, was ttwotfiHilJWlb .. ' .... ym. iyu ..,... rfu aM... a nnNj'iJ, turn 1; ,.. . s ' . " i fjiner.i, .estanuar I : iwv"w - d- . izea wiin lb Ml f J i ' A- f . 3ki I rf,Y'HI w1. J.. MHkAnl 74 J 3 fwP iTTTv . i a,. j mfwi - Ainni trrariTin Tirn inoiin .-. intrriiiiii'ii . ' . ...-.. mjui -vrw v uuAM,a. lie uDmiiie a wiuiv-y.?.ky lT r.J :u. . rTT on the laat Friday in .wiatflHBuutMiAttH rfMvtmr-i ntirair i inma inn noiTnoPir L r nnrn n. i He answered auesUoasketf frbttrfi''Efan ' FaiSOIl Filling StatlWamfistWcon'BaiirVea ko . n a AfltuLrAtaa-. h. amlacta ;B8.5Htnldft,.8Wne'r? Wpendaiw'V'rtiAit'U'Ji1 J, 1?J -fermewf vofcaArLaHeulturt! i r , ,i.Ma HodtifiSii'iln charge .f ,th EwtemfitytiaiVuateriiL Jack AlHluU.fif " ? srsn-rpi. . .-. s . Jc .prdWamaourse are, also W OoSl,I .teVited' rtl'the eadtaaiitfwaloferidked .aj,.ntaown. , cause. sUy, 6 -- IL "'thWi0, homes- ie-tnvitea s wa'J4ria&l4S5S women to consultnifiqj'nw. W'rr:"" whiU. T".: K .n rassse" a.re ,wseT,- 0 JbAWA their, projects.. .J hwjww,'! i' "r'"""!.. i i,Iff wr'T"r' m. we ffign 'eKoi"tWidltoriUin rj.rt-Tirtai deddad: ital 'ttwi'-JMird! .iMMIfmm1 the pump.; - no aiinaH hrirfoisaiqjuijHe forum. ' baJlaoqWi I i W.ll,;iWI,aaW',W''w, l ii oh i ttnrmpn. Almost com-.. . -rri,.tYiir.fr nnrl p-nsollne contents. . w . rtaomnrfsslopersmeeQnaepwmrj" . . que jnnjum JWHWn iWt! FSiiles'"1 Mre "lmdky morning r5Kut'8T30:-Hnd-tlTCn killed himself. 1lYoroner's investigation by de- pUt5ooipiwr Ci y, )Sittcrsn label- Torrlnr n rfttirprt rft! ' stAtft Aids Boy Crippledn"and' widdlji" Wnewn 1n Duplin if , , 0 County, being- member of an old 'vi-arm Springs 'tlL tUelillvi m'Dttpixntltmay,uWa, said to have Tlianfrs & 6aaorara.4renJ jTJPf ,rst if1. ?' hlf Franklin D.Koosevelt, Walter K ox,! act. It is" believed By Mftn that 9 years old, is "doing fine" and is Ms acts .were' dne to . whiskey, regaining useo7s-Tep-aT-tHr: which it is rppnrted he had been hfrei.K.r, . , 'was mentally deraigned. Last December" UrB.'t' Mrs'.arWdf, .1 .familiarly td oeervnrus. Manj p' m m caed "Miss ElsajWAscnqvyn by ' very, person in uupiin id was -loved by all. For thpjvtrafft',r6w1yeart'eheftww served t..mpH nvPr tvrittiru ' practically every, person in uupun rfcm,SlJv0O,slie iecfli,vd as, ihe .Uim-; County an iwarn ,tor being tne nations Mna'r woifiMf 'ivy Walter wus selected for the treat ment. Suffering from. of aSueouhtytiNurse. jawla g,,ous- ton, Jr., better known as "Lukie" t wasvery popular among the ybung mtanWeparajjiajs,,. Waiter, said folks of Kenansville. uuKie was today h ,was -of K thank yv6u." afflicted with' barj"hearr, saYS rteHimfee mirleroiiS fhe'WdrVW tfc kllitag. in a friends since coming here, and thaU gmueiaomei tnet- lt, is Reported that his "best palisJack. MSX&n from Mrs. Farrior left her home for 'afVXT.'H.b II It vtinutm,,,,,, rr.,KS5 Walter is the son oi nim,i .,1 r, Kenansville. Sunday morning, it Is i" MrWna-'Tjflreved-H'get'Srr: FarWor's son, Mrst6rti,F6ScW)MaMe1iaV',i J9Burnteei it6:gMto the Far4or.home The boy still wears a short bracft.jajadyflMiftteapJ)) father. Hig mind on one of ni '"g", "it wniri hf! ws, was wftpdflrjhTg,Jt seems, of drink ftbteogetalpg;, better than when, had jrotten the best of him. Mrs. ft"'"" Jjnma 9Q1 iillMHJ JG kit. Hi r-AAJalalt.) AJ-r.-Li a. Little WjalieJ.iic I r . j . . . , 1111 HHPUI11H ruiiiTA , (1 nx, nr a-.i. Qervision MSaturdav Rftprnnftrf Rr-fiAMWfM"n" 6 board bfl?":'1 Hrft;rrfnAW.t u.rtiMtiandw.C. .were Mrs -mwtaoiAa(mVm a:n.iwiri nvnJ 1 lWairwAUie.-A.,-ri1o s. Farior ...children, by her first liu L,, JM-1L'IIR7Z abprdaehed the T, JT,'.Aba Hound,'. M nhtatnlnn.thA.nd.av -"'--'. . ..v .3ivJviJ1. uAl Uf oW'ahW'to'Mra.1 Farrior xVtt'ei1 qlWlrlb- ItnrtriT-'' Mt t (Wirier uiae, au nuLtuie.i9u;r. luuise. .survive. ever OKObtafl rtscordd 'sfteiv- thotdaily saiea Mr eonti-arrt'Bik1 4 ners J mdc Banla'd'1Wk)ttefct.:f - and to learn the weight'bf lifr'6dt-Jj .otr: vfu sQiq.:;i!.8fl farmer 'is toi receive ii ! ul n jft, -Hsvj.wi.TOi.JyrtajjtnfMMito6r Septal, ite W. ft, averaeennrice.iaiHii 12.ieentR eHi'ha..niJ . , Ho., tk, 1 u . t, 1 1 r 1.-7, re",-r1' Department OtfM i.-. ) ',m -'II I!.'.". 9. License ApphcatioitS 1 Iatf olrtien' ' ' Have ' BWnks ' Drivers Ucensie,' Says' : ' - - 'i!ll-'Ctata-:T'ttler; "'""" RaieiifW, sem 3rd.Appiifcatibpsi fsldr ioperiinMrJ Farrior' shot; her .nj-wltAtAiseua, vtl loadi, entermg '(-' ftmoHaactt ofJiBar vhead.TRi t' body 1 cjifi tamped over,. witb,. her head hantr- JiBgi.fiUt the door. Little, Lewis was seat,, Mr.. Far- rior)(then shptjhim) killing him in- L TliiiT K-inriWJii-.ili 6 Fresidentls Aead mm, & ve?m pat, , Mr.. Far ntly. awaros,, necame, crmci his home here durinc the hicnt ail Wa:tMen: t'o'uttSJki Aftjer searching nearby woods- legHhfiri 4tad XtsMHt. BMffpJk. Jfle-as and one neighbor's house, he uly ill at '"s. tptiieiiuy seating mmsen: in U Hiwsar seat of the 'automobile be Hftdet ' Liilrtei 1 and shootinrf . himself -n;f'..wiUttl.Mfff uu ua.Ium .uKflArttii0-ln.rf h, bA.ri.,tu . ..11 1115 luuraoi yviu nciirnuinTUUT o ...... .uuva . wi,imui. college" auareormm nere"JS5aturayt,: "vcu jurmmui -uiree nouraibutj avnu uunarvilf WBI VlWUUm ' '1M)"IWJ L.ln4fiifU .' 'WIVftMMAfflRSS. 1 . . . . .1 JttKL i'iawsrcMiiwas anativeiot .tHiekr n.n i .. .,,( ,.. .. , jla Ji.-fG.rB ianauflTMiwad -toy. -Mai , Ed Ward A.; Farrmr ; s iijTiie hfjardjof .contolsonenrSMti. InwaattstobpaaciUoeii ' - r insvllle'OB Monday Septera- Weaver, .Tha squad . . Ji"r id..TheV'aellvered to Mr. J. ed OUt WiJ reserves and 1 V-'uenJprson; W ' cbUeblor.; ? ot MphpmorbWlciftui I nrv . " . 'j v i" ,"y' - - Taair HiiiiKriuiii biiu 1110 auowkwiiwi nnn rna hlhliuh wcib uuiuvww'M - n 1 inaiwaiif '.w 4-ha iiuwHitrvu' fiotvtritr 'iii-finr .f nnnnni t-1111 1 t it. diacussing the JK0KM WaSn -wnhislen' WHhrrred WBmiitinttJnJWJnstittuai.pf awhat tW rrT, . ,IJ&$ .. m'-a-JI ' ! Puherai rvices WeW' held, for s-There waa a' roll cau 101 au tne rirtr?r " "l,v " " tthete:BdwaT A, Farrib- m th JPpPWvi seB iWBiaaw..aaMwt:, iuisbsx, , , -..,..,,. jiwinajJi urnriirf r.i; -5wri- '"i PiJiTu! marmerior:ne! tate:Hlgnwfly"Hi- i a.ira-i;s-a King twice In Grove Church classes.' This latter provision wltf ,h , ,,,atLi Pmf , . . . . , . .. .. , ,. .,, Mremmd -some -old tfmWfr'. of th.'.' Wtrojnwn ,wha, ncompietdS n'BlJr? ot,trBUUg nonoati- Ku V 'v.'.ii- rO.,-,t,n,'' T,a1Q''l,raV Rrirfttit.lMn, nngrtorhiAk nf 1834. ia assu: 1lipiJU VUWl.Jl.fMV .ww . ' 1 . . . v. ,v . ' rrHSOTerao'irave a splendid re-(of. his jlaceagatn. Letter bal' una. ,1, !i Wstm Sr&orn&g service wrf .elWl By,caacHJ mTrri-tlnrBest of a Bad Mess" and Uy would attend "spelling W'Sw&iX , wUl be rour ta&jfato aervlca , wUL Ja .'The. .the cDrry.Briiiu How mMtmm semee , wui. j xno. .aaamaaaiaMK now W-i'Tbla..and within; th t, Young Man". The League momaum ana conducuve to irop,fWUfi. others wUin. malted to ehdW rs'tnvEeS WVflUmwM5-M part.ment,lalka4eilcWRtyJajV! aloclc, nnil nil mPmiMTH O IT . ... ......... ...... t- liQJWiliit.'lS SICWT f circle are urged to DO present. ,ui uio miiinuum, me (ipmmumiy,1 Watch Text week ttf 'ffiatael? WtJfttd'ltfiS'Mi!Mffi: I i6AtvHallsyllle, Circle No. l of the , was the only0subjeUaught.ta' a euicuuiu re-ipi. J1W Jia9vrt.Ei1- Jww i rho rrinnth .nf AucuMLUTMtV'AirJrr.n while JuC Allen aealn . . . . mm. fnr.m 4 Q9K tin f n tha Draaant !ra flp.mifilWoy ttof (lWiIrf t..i-..,.ift w- . . . ..... -t. . . . Tvavuu uva, t ....... . . ., . - u t C. '! X .4 A t. sxanv Urmawiiimti4'iCM"ikdi4vi tboui .Beclsl hamBfvWW s Fsft' Be3iIHwsi,Btti!fefclu."3 The Board of CpnntyCojaajjQunimcWetoAtoe ' vice. s oub eeaiada noiilo io ,Bra'fMiittifiitfin trnanij noO ,. , -' ncrs requested that all the mpn-peptepjv .Vbeimia 10 ul , ouooo.dt - ' 9 ..io i'. . - -'Snprial TT'TTf 3B -1 y avallfible for DuplW .Countv Beu . AidavcaUBUfiioAiiaiamOaa kaDft.ailkw.a rtAl1tMW.t)a iok lfitiaiab BaaaOT(T(JBil tad h n thhtM'w.hi'iar.'wKiATr uie . itvuu. u . " h.l Lt, .teUPfl kHrah.f P ffasbhfiaprawetter. - tw whinr work has not been done, were Jost by graduation but Coa. r i i ... iiiMiCo'lNeflirtanianttKU'ne McEJv . io Mtjmsin. J aftJotlfitdiiaitanmaajaM to i ICtary, IvlUJJ.ViailU C report (PrinolpalJossM wwteujarin- i. t- uiny MackorelU. Wingfleld and Mtj. , workodfS" .MMW,ltvi-4'.Vi Ma' ieMlat' Greensboro, BflBtO,0ariW HiiuiflrJfaciiBbina Robertson, cofeaJinTXBr internal revenue In North Carolina. 'oday August-July t'1SmmtPFIIiW& ur lie owner. iioa -jiii fn B:8if8est'wa.oeTnr:set 'up' today.8' "fhe'Ipermi' may do sec rpucrai cotieciion r - Superior in, CIA i.,L.iiiiimiU)n ('. TiinaOVT VA)UTl freef JtletweeriW lana''N6vemb ' r" 'the date tiie a'cduWiri IkMi .tor- lew niil oi ?4' V ?' I .. lip J -I - AtAN A ja. K 'I , lAk '.aUa ..'..'A .WH. cat 1aK.SR4.2R in the aide. iRmVlwo lnonth8-e -34,'a-galH.. .niiliiUL-a W.1 iita.B()$e, .board isUamsjJlulH. iiri Ate m - i . ik n" wa mn tir.Tf aw An aviii a Kit.Arv I r Morniner ana J ...U ..... r -V S - 3 - If 1,,1,1'r .L .1 ..t., . . , 1-I hA. riflTAT-Tr (WHtn MT1T11 tVlAi VllKBfltl lUi MWS X-UIy U1KU, 1 YY., W Ub m.., vu.wf " ... . v . . . . ........... t...'.-.ii.JAVnAiiaAnjftiullH..i.M k V L.w.n.4. . M 1A1 COAMHviartftlllfl fkftAMint)6innJ,IWATlina.llftllrA "fir OWWMujWIIOM UimfaW"l.ui Trcinrar.-wuou urn iukimu i w t . ning rexfriMoociit'OubiauJt.jsa reauoea o. aieTnooH"ariiwi.inionii oi wi"n lech eacn Monaay nigBt'giw'J).n .i w"1 mn uubij. , p.w.iykvyoiipwinoWflsn tne jr will be hed OWertnejdaji At th? Wn'sJAXntsH T Clevela'n-lia'y 'o'AsW t will be present - rA4lOUUA3111u .UW tobacco maydb- Ipecember 16th., It was announced" considered pbssjMe. 1 ..itfi sWll ML't" RttcHWge1fi;;fcaWo'iS ' " '"1-JiJin vnBi 'i.u'.or:uxtr. aJr.iliiliia nt,cSteel 'puWtit'ni' lHsep1B)c'pUlyrotrTa.m,te bflina W J(Tg'iCiJ&v 'Tbbtffccd Tags' '"''will tVfteivb W'1prfdrteanee'''rit' 'the' -Keat' J WarMvilW 8cbi uditritm "On thcAOUsiness. ;. ntghO'l' of , aepteanboil)j.,10tiu) iXhai! auwAunfoan an addiUonal allotrrieHrTd-edv. .' 'lef'auch excess tobacco, through I 1 lloul ftlil II) t'lBDUll uriTiirT vn ptvi'j,' a two- . . . f'and' r v by T... -. . ..,, I-.... niiiftrtiw. r rr A1ru Ilril.TMiYl I , I. A.. I k 'dMI Ll W Tninir.TiNfAA , , , , UI, . ' W . TTTY1 T. JA1 " f ' 2 (1 L'l . , lil llTY 'Jl W '"k ... . 1 , r , w v , , 1 WW h,-"' H w "' t"' Aaww Jraeo-i"',-" wi tmv.wAiw' i ' '-'-' fnurse.hrc I. . ....--rVT.A . .ati , ., . i . .u-,'.iriidJUB u-.ir-jfc. iiia AnT ::.--w ..... .w . "T., j i, ..l . ... -3MOH . HiJOY ' TTOI7fv iviiijjaii'x yj iiv iia..,..' . .j . ii , . Y,Y.r..,wiM.w.4"'.if.vivY..v y'""., ...... , ,Tjum ,9in,iiY ,i!i.,;,v i i ty wftere WACC alwi9i?oU3.MiW.V . iWWjRmMentSfla'BacaXi wmbb th'ev'are tUrnWIM 'avrneht4ata-B df 'nroautfer ylhF'l" monev ord un vmA wi'iin I", co was not grown under their von Tor unusedJalitmeftwtU be mad'cbMnd' wur-caW'the,JccWa4l ttf 'rmf rnpTlniT InuHGCO BTrvWISlB . . . . ... ......- . . T.. . . . ... i . . .. ,...U n.i Vllj-imm Yifttt.Alt 11,1 hui.r.M.nuu.j...l .itj.2..1i,u. After a pre.' Mil""-- ' r ' . It iter"'!1 "PPflffip.? r' ' cr 1 rUot prefe"ssion as a trained mght her to Duplin Coun- she married Lewis C. 1919. Mr. Houston llv- IteS,"- ahd; to therrt' was twWncWltiren Mfire-ftror n H their allotments. AMUOHAO HiCUJliriMmei'Attr rate Is agreed ) If at any time the supplyTtf tb-lfor tobacco rental and benefit pay- LewllDiirU5lnvdea'hei'wal.mar- -AU Ppdufervrsiiiuil'aw aia mT .w&mvto yio-iafl tnpqj,ij w,: A.,:ii'arrlQr, or Kenann- Bxnaust!rMiriTTaOTng ipcpriP'0'ttSliaae45irj invn mmu,"Yirr.mP ;m.pnH surviveq trom ritavbBUsiiTnaddllttmwiQs rnarrlajze. Abraham . ace nix Co'ntf f K'gne'raaBi?reeI til. nAtiraitun.'t4mMBdl'aAr roducen,' bnt s? will 5 make "allot-, two children, Marg'areti1' AbrWm f :fl ym'i'V."1"' ',','J", -j jtbvjadltlonali aUotraanti -maedteli; 3ffiettta avauameoirfenlpr6a MrowottwrI MfttiiGCfiVKountree, i fment card par. 'I i!,',r'jf f jr'.Tbis 'Payment wlilJl3 deliUeuedl t CrceVaWfioW rfafei'Atoiwrjitf h bttf J3aw iaHot. ... rV , '1 ' t CuntrjtoAgent InqtM fbUf' ltf 1 i i t. e usual i urn :shler'ai check ".cttoepoat AfClce producers at the time It ia needed. . . (Mortoa jtook page) j aHRtmennlworfa .JrwrnJisqO -l'l1'tiyayi-8iJ'.tfloK.lieht1',ViarM i'Jnt'SC'tB h-sfisnirod" ti i, I County A cent's office. T e unused Henry Smith, 38- yeafe.okl Ngr of Faison was shot aadfataliy wounded on the streets there Tues. Presbyterian, Churchi in Kenansvillp Laeptennber.i at 3:00 by his pastor, twv, ,-raiU( . L. Goodman., , assisted bx Rey. R. ,p.,Fpster. , Interment ,wMmade.!ln .the( Farrjor, .cmt-try til. n.ciiaiiaviiie. Mr. Farrior was born November day morning about ldrW'fc'WocSrti 2'. 866, and is a native of Duplin By';,rV(Ur0iw JoBeph,, -white nian f'.'tbs.t..towii. Smith t.was hue had to-.. aptoldtooro . hoapiteli ii!h)eqj , hf dd, Iftter,, jJftSjephjAYa kwiged,, 'the' According I'll H -,.! to reports H 11 two Lna( been out together the night rnb-b'erore, 'Mkli Ittw' WIm Tue Mrnihgf'kda'wlketf'bp tb'mrn 6n me'tret?taHBhd',demahdd''lhat hwh throw up histonds. Ho .shot hlta ahJ the spot. .i.(ir,3 io jh.. Ai n oi ot -.tujiiui 'ill -rtra rmijlui yn 1 HereNext Week County.grly in Ufenhfl. was mar- ried .to, Mjs,s, IffyMpICinnonho $M ,Pct.?bF W...1914,. and from this union one son survives, 'Bur. Mice 'Farrior';'' of' 'ken'arisvihe; ' In 1925,1 hfr W'mflrfiefi t'o 'Mrs'. ttlsa Houston and from thtsj uhibn one son -surviveBj 'Aibraham ' age six years; n.j fiij-iiv; u, . 71 ,. -Mft"Fai'toileavear"lihe sister. Mias Jesia)Faitrieii'of Haleighi , 4,(MriFaKi)i(or(JB from the original :rtcK'.ftf KppanavlUe . apd iias long the Older residences ,as a real es tate 'deaierf and ifr 'brie tlme'Wn ed much property ffi' knef around 'Kenansvttlea Fof the past several yeara; ne naa retired from active In ll-Bli' , i 'Ml. 11 .BU'llH lining)-.- i sponsored... FAwiou ')THJ HI) ort linij; noinino l.-i vr.ort v.iTTT I ITw, Tl Yl. L t.,n artt ,irt?,(!?,flu,.aun warrior was ""bdrn"tn'Salu'da,N'. C, October 22.