-SIX " KENANSVUXE, N. ! G. PUBLISHED EVERY THCK8DAT ' ; THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th., less JTUMBEB 24 ::ii3FS -To - Meet In Raleigh holiday May Be Called Soon (From the Nevm '& Observer) Raleigh, 'Sept. -19.T-A committee of undetermined size, representing tobacco growers in , many sections of Eastern . North r Carolina, has been called to meet in Raleigh to day to consider what steps should be taken to Improve tobacco pri ces. With sub-parity prices contln - uing over the belt yesterday,, the payment Service office located in general .". dissatisfaction became Wallace In tha town of f ice building more and more apparent' - J and opened every day for those to Although; today's' meeting is" in-: register who are seeUng wo.K. tended to be a committee meeting J.r, Mrs! Southerland will nowbe in only, at which time the proposal of Kenansville on Tuesday and Thurs a great mass meeting would ': be 'day of each week. All those wish considered, there was a widespread' tog to register please call by the imnrBHBinn.that.it. wa Va mass Durtin Times office whores Mrs. . mMnir tnStftif k t Ant nipht re- porU were received that large de- .. . legations -wOiHa pe' present : iruiu some sections. ' The ' committee meeting had' been called for 2:00 o'clock. " i , -' i , Plans Proposed -The commlttee-or the, larger group if that Is what It turns out to toowill have before it tfco fol lowing suggestions, ; among others, made at local meetings held in many market towns: ? ; . 'V ' 1 seDtember 16, when ha was struck X. The declaration of a. "tobacco v automobUe Qrlven by Mr. holiday.", wltA .markets. closed Bloom of Klnstdn. The boy while a 1936 algn-up . campaign is ered a Droken Jaw bone and conducted and Other steps taken in j bruises which were an effort to bolster faltering prices. , " ,.lou. He was . carried to 2. The calling of a belt-wide mass, nm Walker HoBpltal in Wilm meetlng, wlth-,Sec'retary of Agri- , . here ne received: medical culture Wallace invited to be pre sent to hear the growers' appeal. A belt-wide effort-r a gov - eminent order- if .legal means can De iounu-rui jiuiu. uhu . , centage of the 1B3S: crop off the market t f ' 4. A formal request to secretary . Wallace that he make an unequl V vocal announcement that the ,1936 rop wm, ne. reaucea Ry,'1" --Anntnr. (Yesteraav Jv . nut' percentage. . (Yesterday J. B. Hut aoni chief of the .trtjnyJlhL of the Agricultural 'XdJustment Ad ministration, "Issrred' a atatement saying that the next crop might be cut by aa much as 35,per cent but some 'of : the growers believe A more definite; concrete statement would ; be' more ' effective on present prices. , ', Loedl Meetings BeM i eaicruay, r' "v,"v meetings Were held at Henderson l . and Sanford, ainular to the meet ing at Oxford the day before. In addition,' the governor received a t pettUon. asking that something be done, signed' by several hundred , growers of Beaufort 0)untyv,The Yesterday-mass . ;pric protest report from Durham was to the ef fect thai growers, were Decuuuug: more dlssatlf led aa prices re mained low. - The effect if any, of Hutson's statement on today .'prices ia ex- pected to i affeot the committee's de dson t-'-Tn. f'fcSud to be a heart attack. She we pari... T - only thing which can. materially affect this year's prices la the com-1 blnatlon of a poucy announcement from Washington and rapid prog-. ' resa by farmera in signing the new) contracts-. This one, wui mmcate .FHneraj rltea were held Monday ' how the 193o supply will be redws-' Afternoon at 6:00 o'clock at the ed if the' AAA; is given the Pwer hme and Interment was, in the the other will give it that power. '(Itockflab Cemetery. WALLACE NEWS ' "MrsR, li FleldpJand djaugnters Robbie and. Flora of Marlon, S. C. spend several daya in town (last ' week at guest of friends. , Mr. Hueh Carroll Newklrk and Mr. JB.Boney,pf, Wilmington j were visitors nereon ibsi . uwio- day. . . ' Miss Margaret i.Lee Herring of Clinton spent Friday in town with friends. s - J " - ' Miss Mary Elizabeth Wella ac companied Miss Margaret Farrior to, Greensboro-Thursday to (vlstt her for several days v Miss Miriam Sloan who is a mem ber of the Calypso school faculty ' spent the week end with her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Ross -Sloan. ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sharp of Wil mington speht Saturday with Old latters uncle, Dr. Cedric Zlbbon who accompanied them back to . Wilmington. , S.v Friends of Mrt. Una Potter arc porry to learn of her illness "at tho ; ;e of Dr. 3. D Robinson and ne for her a speedy recoveryi 1 'aa Anne Cavenaugh has accep ! a position in Jacksonville' as nii)er of the school faculty. j Febecca Colwell of Edenton wf(k end with her sis--, : ' : ' veil and Reemployment Office Open In Times Building Here 'lira; Earline "Southerland who la 'i charge of "the N. C. State Env Southerland will be located, There will be an opportunity to register : .... .uAH. Antra until tha middle ueru uu u ....... oi ucwyer, 1- Every one desiring work are urg I ed to register as early aa possible. I ', i ' . ..... H . . , iYouth Injured While p Crossing Road l Lofton Cottle, 13 year oia ooy .. itiinred Monday afternoon, attention and la getting along fine u.. mnnm was coming; into Wal lace and was Just a mile and a half tnm when the boy Jumped . . driven by weai eTiireu h ran hack of the car at we cross road without looking and directly in front of the approaching car. Mrs. Bloom stopped huib.., M poggible, ' fLl f J - j Boasting 32 Rooms Kinston, Sept 18 L. DUlahunt, Lenoir County commissioner, back today from Onslow County, said he "rediscovered" a 32-room mansion at Town Point which was one of the show places of the New River section many years ago. The house was in fairly good repair, be said. The approach is between rows oi plantation aurround it contains more than 2,000 riyer R a .., " stream," Dillahuna said. hou'Be u fap from maln fl few 'people outolde the on rf lu e3tlBtence. Young Girl Dies , of Heart Attack .Lr ' September , f what was had nor been feeling well ror sev- w confined to her ' 'ltkA Hrf'iv nh. . lrwlTH hv her narents M d M , Roy j0hnson and evera. Drothera and sisters. . -Or Republicans urged to run for President in coalition. Ford Sale Of Tobacco Scraps Must Conform To Contract Officers Raid Negro Home; Find Whiskey Faison, Sept. . 19 Deputy Sher iffs' Murray Byrd ' and "r Tadlock raided the home of Nathan Bell, who Uvea four miles southwest of here Sunday and found ' five-half gallons of whiskey; The officers ar rest Bell, Eliza Bell, his wife, and son. Sheriff Byrd, Duplin's fearless and efficient officer was. literally soaked) in whiskey by Eliza Bell as she .attempted to destroy a Jar of whiskey, p ':i:fJ:-?;U' ' They were tried before O. L. Tay lor, magistrate, here Sunday after noon. Bond was fixed at $250 each' for their appearance at the Octoi ber Term of Recorders Court :;! . I"' ' 'i i 0 1 ' " ) 'j-Bv : Preaching At Outlaw's Bridge " Sunday morning Sermon Topic: "Gladness at Church.1? , 7 Springs Preacher Tells of Experiences ' Seven Spring, N. C. :" Sept. 18, 1936. Editor, Duplin Times: "Here X'U raise my Ebenezer' Our hearts beat high when we sing these word' from , tbat , good old hvmn. "Come;. Thou Fount of Ev- J ery Blessing". Most of us have , known chr.rches of this name-Eben i .. :v?' fc&ci. .- "Then Samuel tooK a Btone ana set it between Mlzpeh and Shen, and called the name of the place Ebenezcr, saying 'hitherto hath the ' Lord helped us'. I Samuel 7, verse 12. While I was in Poughkeepsie, ?. Y., I was invited to preach at Eb enezer Church-Colored- Baptist. - Of the 40,000 population about 1,600 in Poughkeepsie are colored. They have two. fine churches. Baptist and Methodist They .named the Baptist church Ebenezer. Many of us with much more reason to ack nowledge God's, help than our co lored friends too Often ignore Him. We ought not to use su;, Natives over much. 1 may well use a few here, however. Of all the people that ever listened to me preach none ever listened quite so well as the congregation at Ebenezer church listened on September 1st, 1835. A minister does not know when he preaches best and when he preaches worst; but I am of the. ophion that I was at my best on the day and at the place mentioned i: Tfie miiuirtewas from 'Florida, many of the congration were from Virginia, The color of their skins, tbair courtly manners Indicated that some of them may be related to the F S". Vs. Our colored friends have done reasonably well In New York.- They nave not found the Promised Lanr' however, that many expected. Some expected the Promised Land of Golden Business Opportunity. Others expected to find the Prom ised Land of Social Equality. There ia no Jim Crow in New York; the white and colored children go to the same schools, but there is lit tle social . commingling of the ra ces. ' I hope there is a Promised Land of Business Opportunity for the colored man, but it is not in the North. I spoke to them about the great preacher of their race, John Jas per, I mentioned the Chemist, Dr. George Carver, the poet Paul Law rence Dunbar. I expressed the hope that some business genius might a n amnno- thm -nd iod thtn onward and unward irrthe econo- mic world. Truly yours, JOHN T. FITZGERALD. o Roosevelt says end of "dollar diplomacy" is proved. j Byrns says he expects a 'session in 1936. short (Farmers are warned that all to . bacco, Including scrap, that is sold from land covered by a contract, must be entered on the allotment card and warrants written for same. It would be advisable for all farmers selling scrap tobacco to any person other than warehouse men to demand that the license is sued by the Secretary of State be shown before the tobacco is sold. It will be a violation of the con tract to sell any tobacco and not have the pounds entered on the al lotment card, and unless a farmer has surplus poundage on his allot ment card, it will not, pay to Bell tobacco for less than 6c per pound. - Merchants Notice All merchants who are holding direct relief orders payable by the Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, are asked to mail the orders at once to Mr. Chatham C. Clark, in the ERA office In New Bern, for payment. , y..,t, -. . PRESIDENT J OF ; TIDE . WATER f , .,-i , - -: i :8i:!-.!S:!" ' ; - y ! I ' ' i ' ' . I ' ( , "- . I -- . , - , in '., " i -' it r I I I-1 1 ; ,v -"H iZiM iT. A.' Matthes, president and general manager of the Tide Water power company and a dynamic force in civic affairs. WHITEVILLE HAS SOLD 15 MlillGN POUNDS Whltevllle the Border Belt's "Money Market" continued its un- hmlrnn m tl nf TinUTPAQa lflt week. Even though the weather man loosed a veritable flood, mak ing . it impsosble for anyone ex cept nearby growers to reach tlK' market, 2,601,676 pounds of the: Murray Byrd, of Faison, and Dep leaf was brought to this city. This uty Sheriffs Powell and Dale ot poundage added to previous sales Kenansville came upon a still as it brought the market's total for the ' was going full blast four and a season to 15,338,430 pounds, or half miles southwest of Faison more than 3,000.000 pounds more Monday. Five negroes were seen tobacco than wis sold during the . as the officers came upon the still, 1934 season and judging from the i however none were recognized and amount of the weed that is on the , they quickly disappeared before the market today, as this report is for- i officers could place them under ar warded, at least 2,500,000 pounds I rest. Besides the 250 gallon still, more tobacco will be sold this week giving Whiteville a grand total of 18,000,000 pounds by September 20th. While Whiteville's business men and tobacconists set 20,000,000 pounds as a goal for this season very few of these men thought it would be possible for the market to make such an unheard of in crease, however, it looks now as if this figure will be reached before the market closes. Should 20,000, 000 pounds be sold here this year the Whiteville market will make the greatest gain in Its history and It will have made a record that will probably remain unbroken. Not only has the Whittville mar ket set a record for poundage this season. It has set a record for high prices. .. . high prices that have never varied since the market's opening and the fact that the aver age price for the market's sales through Friday of last week was only $1.90 per hundred less than the average price for the tobacco sold during the same period last year substantiates this statement. It is hard to place faith in the re ports of low prices and dissatisfac tion in Whiteville, however, it is not sol hard to understand. In Whiteville a tobacco grower will find six sets of warehousemen who come to this market from other belts . . . Warehousemen who are leaders on their respective mark ets, and warehousemen who are out standing in the tobacco ' world. These men all know tobacco, and ! they know how to sell it for high prices. o Meeting At Hebron' Presbyterian Church : Special Revival services will be gin at Hebron Presbyterian church Monday evening at 7:30, Rev. F. L Goodman of Kenansville will as sist the pastor. Rev. L .W. Kessler in the services. The public Is most cordially Invited to attend these services. RS END Officers Find 250 Gallon Still Monday; Still In Full Blast Faison, Sept. 19. Deputy Sheriff officers found fifteen hundred gal- I Ions of beer and 25 gallons of whiS' key. Presbyterian Services Sunday Preaching at the Kenansvillo Presbyterian Church Sunday morn ing and evening. Morning subject: "The Fore Fold Vision." Evening: "Mother." The public is invited to attend. The Auxiliary will hold its Loy alitv Program Mondav afternoon at 4:00 at Grove Church. All la dies are most cordially invited. o President Roosevelt declares the peak of emergency is past. HE FORGOT HE BRUSHED his teeth twice a day with a rationally adver tised tooth brush. . The doctor examined him twice a year. He wore rubbers when it rain ed. He slept with the windows open. He stuck to a diet with plenty of freBh vegetables. He relinquished his tonsils and traded in several wornout glands. He golfed, but never more than 18 holes. ' He never smoked, drank, or lost his temper. He did his daily dozen daily. He got it least eight hours sleep each night. The funeral will be held next Wednesday. He is survived by 18 specialists, four health insti tutes, six gymnasiums, and nu merous manufacturers of health foods and antiseptics. ' Ha had forgotten about trains at grade crossings. ;. : , - - Traffic Tidings. Tide Water Power Company Headquarters Moves Into Its New Home, Many Visitors High Grade Cotton Should Bring Premiums rvttnn nrndl-PPra arn nrceil to ill. eist that they receive from buyers a premium on cotton wb ch is a - bove the average in grade and sta- pie length. Under the present loan land price adjustment plan, it is .. . , an opportunity to get the benefit j of the premiums which are due the oremiums which are due them on the better grades and ion- o-nr otanlc lpno-tho nf nnttnn nv JIr. McLendon. Such producers will lose if they sell this cotton for the price paid for middling 7-8, o'clock tonight,the spacious doors Inch, cotton in the belief the price- of the home will be open and every adjustment payment will take carelPatron is invited to visit. As a -part of them. Under the present price of the formal opening, a speqial adjustment plan the growers will 'saIe electrical appliances iSbe recelve the difference between the 1 in conducted. Details of this fea average price at the 10 spot mar-ture re published elsewhere in this ket cn the day tney sell their cot-' edition. Visitors to the new head ton and 12 cents per pound on lint quarters will be presented flora) on their actual production not in- souvenirs. excess of their Bankhead Allot-) Included in the congratulations ment. The present plan is an im-1 received was a letter from Louis T. provement on the loan programs Moore, executive secre.ary of the for the past two yars because I chamber of commerce. Mr. Moore those programs made no provision I wrote President Fred A. Matthes for the producer of premium cotton aa follows: but this program enables the pro- "With the opening of your mod ducer to benefit, provided he in- em and splendidly equipped new sists upon the additional payments offices may we say that4 not only due him from the buyer because is your company to be ongratu- e .i I..... . I.... .1 v. . . . . i-: i . . v. . 11 r . I . . i n j ui iiie uctier proauct. rroaucers mieu, uui we umm mm iimiii I are urged to carefully follow the ton and the territory served by our i prices paid at the 10 daily spot progressive organization also are to markets, not only for 7-8 inch mid- ne felicitated. Your new home is of dling cotton, but for premiums paid , a type and nature as to be a source on grade and staple for better than i i -o niuii uuuuiiiig coiion, says Jk.Y. McLendon. o Faison Man Held For Killing Negro Faison, Sept. 19. Woodrow Jo seph, held- te ecnectio wtth-ilah- shooting and fatally wounding of Henry Smith, a negro, was tried i before Mayor Martin Tuesday. It was decided to turn the case over to Superior Court, without bond, which begins September 30th of this month. According to reports, Joseph, a nephew of Joe Joseph, a highly re- spected merchant of this commun- ity, walked up to Smith, a few weeks ago and shot Smith. Smith was carried to a hospital where his injuries proved fatal. Joseph sur- rendered to local officers imme-1 diately after the shooting, and was 1 lodged in the county jail, without bond. I Turkey Man Author Of Article In this issue of the TIMES ap pears a story "The Hollingsworths of Sampson and Duplin Counties". Thia artirlp nnnparert in Staff's Voice. The author of the article, whose name was omitted from the ! story was Claude H. Moore, of Turkey. J. L. Miller Sick fVPr Wppk FllH t "v "-cK EiIlU County Commissioner J. L Mil-1 ler was sick over me week end but is at his old job again we are glad to report. Will Rogers Preferred Home Town Paper To Ham & Eggs Everything the late Will Rogers I especially when you know the peo- said was not funny, but the things which were sweetened with humor So no matter how punk you may and tempered with philosophy will think your local newspaper is get be recorded as his best. The cow-, ting, why just take it away from boy-comedian wrote this tribute to the home-town weekly not so long before his death: "Take away myt ham, take away my eggs, even chili, but leave me my newspaper. Even if it has such purely local news as 'Jim Jones came home last night unexpected ly, and bloodshed ensued' or 'Jesse Bushyhead, our local M. D., Is having one of the best years of his career, practically speaking but they Just won't pay him when they get well' the county seat was pac ked yesterday with prominent peo- jple from out of town, attempting to renew tneir notes ana 'election ain't far off and everybody ia up for office jthat can sign an appli cation blanR.'V - :,, : ."Now all that don't aeem much news to you. But It ia newa to you I (From Wilmington News) j Wilmington, Sept. 16 The Tide Water Power company opened its I nour and anlpndldlv oniilnnpri home . j l today and hundreds of the concerns 8,000 crstomers in Wiliqngton and ' "le vitiHii iui.cu iu cuIEisi. off al a on the; progeaslve step. 1 Located in the f irst two Joprs anLba8em,ent of , th" Wr " orme, -ly know- a jtto- ual,c" """" " corner of Second and Princess- ftreet. the "ew 1uart(;r3 wH great V increase tne coiv..e.. ui u., firm's service to its patrons. "ODen nOHSe" WSS OOServeQ II) ' celebration of the move today, Frcm this morning until 9:30 , of pride to you and to your organ- ization, and a distinct credit and asset to Wilmington and the area which you serve. "Our best wishes are extended I the Tide Water Power company for I continued successful operation." Renovation Cost $30,000 About six months ago announce- ment. was matin that- the coBnon wotilcT remove to the larger "Build ing, located in the heart of the downtown district. The building is owned by the Massachusetts Mu tual Life Insurance company. Lea sing and other arrangements were carried out through the Moore-Fon viplle Rpaltv rnmnanv and aHSttlv afterwards extensive renovatidn was 8tarted wlth w A Simon Inc ,oca, genera contractori in charge. Tne c08t of the renovatkn. which has resuited in practically a new buiidingt ig approximately 30,0O0, inciuding installation of a modern otjs elevator , new entrance and other impr0Vements before the ,arger job was undertaken, j louay me power company nai one of the most modern and beau- I tiful locations in the city. Complete in every detail and with every consideration being giv en for the convenience of those served, the quarters are a model that might well be copied by other Wilmington firms. Beginning with a new business front of beautiful aimplicity, and extending through the basement and the two; floors, the renovation has been most thor- ; ougii aim speuKs wen ior ine gen Jeral contractor. 1 j A new neon sign, in the form of an inverted "T" marks the.hand- some entrance to the first oor "I tne Tide Water section. There the visitor is impressed with the beauty of the first floor interior, painted to carry out the (Continued on bark page) pie and they are your own folks. you and see how you feel. The ohl newspaper I think, is just about our biggest blessing. "So let's all read and be mer ry, for tomorrow the paper may not have enough ads to come out " o Telephones Making Progress Telephone system has been set up in Kenansville and practically all of the outside wire' has been put in place. Work has been begun on the exchange unit which will bj placed on poles between the court house and Court house annex. The line' has been completed to War saw and will be completed to Beu lavllle thia week. - '

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