1 ' , " - t . ' ' v ' ''i- ' n' - i i j t. r, 'v i - 10 ' P AGE S THE TE1ES COVERS DUPUN IIKE A ROOF KENANSVILLE, tt.'O pioj:r.3 every Thursday' (THURSDAY, OCT. 81st, 1935 I 7 '" I , Tif:Xt A6611'" ' Uwue of the v gfes totpress it -will be I i Kenansville. Only two i co"ty papers wUTbe print . : , t'? county after this week. w Uace Enterprise,, pubttsh in vailace hat been printed e pr aeveral year, The Time si in Waraaw, wae printed i ) rgaw by Ita former owner January 1935 -when It moved , jvllle andjohanged owner i. '. e present owner and pub r 1 a been to tjie newspaper t In Weldoh, Halifax Coun , since April 1931 and ; during t i year has been printing v, the 3 in his Weldon plant. ? " ' After doing' business In DupUn nty through the first ten mon of 1935 I find a much better 1 for newspaper work in this y than exiaU In Halifax and v sih the Issue of Noyember 81t I f r;ver my ' connections' with the oanoke News to Weldon and will , evote my htlre time to the Dup rn Times.- -VH'''" In adOltlon to printing the TMlElJ i renansviUe.:tay; plant wUl ? be pped to take care of any and , i h into of Job printing. We sc , your V Job printing business nromiae the same service you , received- from the TIMES guarantee satisfaction at rea ;e prices. v", v-y lh two printing' plants to Dup i County there is no longer a t un for business to the county ; S to printer to other counties v a pay no taxes to Duplin 4tnd 0 are not Interested In this ty,- except, tor what. money f can take Out. ' , i 'in now "has three weekly pa-Ti- Duplto Times, printed i nansvlUe; The Wallace Enter-, !, printed to Wallace and the v ivr Heralof printed to Clinton i t owned by a, Clinton concern. Tine TIMES is pie only paper to t' a county thtfii published its cir. ( tlon. Our oiftulation has been au ted and a copy of the audit ap s to this Issue of the TIMES, e public la cordially Invited to 1 our plant (ft KenansvlUe after' v'cmber '10UU;:;j't':';!;i"''i . I wish 'to take this opportunity t tSmnk the people of Duplin Coun ts f r their plendld cooperaUon i l support ; during the . last .ten the. which, has made possible , y permanently locating to Dup lin Bad devoting mjf entire time to the interests of our county. , - ROBERT GRADY, , Owner and fublisher. New Homes Being: s Erected In County, r. and Mrs. George Sumner of i- uulavUle are building a fine five room bunglow at the intersection , f the HallsvUle-Muddy; Creek raaA and the Hallavffle Chtaqua- i in road. Mr. Sumner has ' been Hvlpg in a rented home, but re- itiy he has bought a small farm 1 plans . to complete his home . I move to early this fall. j r. and Mrs. J. M. Sanderito have been living with Mr. rlin's father are building x a new house Just west of the Mn home and are planning a there' In. the hear future, i - ise will be a four room v attractively planned and ake a fine home. i. . h Veach of HaUsville Is ad on to his filling station and 7 rooms to stay there at t. This will be convenient to in his work and will give him mora' to tin store. s';,';--.-. ;1 R. iPenney of KenansvUle -chased land and has built e station and mill on this ,t east of the Pines Filling i r on Highway 40-24. Mr. ! Is operating his stave mill k of the service station on ; road add is planning to a home ear the highway. 1 j. Gutherle WlU operate the - i -tlon. " , - !d?y.Miller ; "avllle and Chinquapin ' tbe county will be inter a marriage last Satur i Macy Miller and : Mr. . Erinkley. The young ve quietly married to f 1 will make meir :in. Mr. Hrlnkley e cf promipe, and .a tiio' work on Jto LCenaiioville: -.Only THE CHAMPION SWEET ' POTATO ' i - , We are wondering' who Is the champion sweet potato raiser in the county. Pick out your' larg est potato and bring it to the TIMES office in' KenansvUle. One man in south Duplin raised one thatwelghted jl6 lbs,; bull that was a few -years; ago and he will have; to raise- another one like that to count In this contest. Bring your largest po tato, and put It ont display in the window .of the TIMES of- linnouhcementQf 'Agricultural Radio iTho toriaL office of the Ex tension Service has recently be gun a program of Agricultural broadcast each week day at 1:45 P. M. over sUtlon w; P. t. V. to Raleigh. This program is arranged by Mr. Eugene1 Knight and he Is receiving, the. cooperation of exten sion specialists, CoUege teachers and Research Workers of " State College along with other" Agricul tural Worker and leaders of the The present plan uses seven or eight minutes for talk by some person on an agricultural topic and the fifteen minute, program Is finished with News items of in terest ro larmers ana iarm women. As time goes on the program will be improved. It will be well worth boas time for him to listen to this program when convenient for him to do so. Tells Of Hog KUling- In France ' Mr. J. D. Evans, one -of the sol dier boys of 1918, tells of his exper ience with hog killings to France. All of toe hogs there are white and he did not ' see a black hog while there. The hog to be but chered is caught and securely tied to keep him from moving about and . then : he ' la struck ' to the throat with a long knife and the blood from the hog la caught and used to make blood pudding '(a new dish for us). After the hog to dead, straw to piled on him and set afire and the hair is burned off of the Bpper side. He is then turned and the hair to likewise burned off of the otherslde. He is then hung by his back feet as we hang a hog and while dry la gone over with a knife to take off any hair or dirt that might remain. Mr. Evans says that they get the hog to good con dition by that method but that it takes much longer than our me thod of using hot water. Play To Be Given In , , . Wallace A musical comedy "Black-Eyed Susan" will be given Friday night, November 1st at the High School Auditrlum In Wallace, sponsored by the Woman's Club and directed by Miss Myra Benson ucBurry, , ' Everyone attending will be as sured' of aa evening of fun ana en tertalnmenti There are flye Did maids and Susan manages to pro mote a husband for each of them and suddenly realizes she hasn't one for her self, so she seta out to capture an - eligible t husband. A number of attractive young ladles as chorus girls, will furnish -the music. h ' ' i ': :t:Vit 4- - ;. j 0 i li i i i'i :'J .1 To Giveince ;.: The High School IJght of the Hallowe'en, Season will be a dance given to the Qeulaville Gymnasium on Friday night, November '-1st Come and dance to the muUo of a popular orchestra, and enjoy this gala affair. A grand march with hats, noise makers, serpentine and confetti throwing. v -';:;v; mi" i e '"' ilit;' 'f -yy Smith-Thigrperi;. ; i ,iAn vent of interest, to eastern Duplin was the marriage of Miss Veadie Thigpen and David Resale Smith which took place to New bera two weeks ago. The young couple are both from Duplin Coun ty and will make their home near Sarecta, where Mr. Smith la . a auccesnful farmer, i ' : ', . E. R. A. POLICIES : . . DEFINED V KenansvUle, ,: October 28tti.-p Throughout ' the county it seems that the public; does not under stand Just how the H R. A. does funcUon. Jt has many responsibili ties, and duties of other organiza tions are often confused win, wwe of the E. KJUffKfy.W-;U:;.i. The federal government nas saia that the local governments must pay a part of th expense of local charitable aid. Therefore, on Jan uary 1, 1935 it became a poucy of the E. Ft. A- to accept only ein Dlovablo persons who are- unable to obtain local employment, suffi cient to cover the minimum indivt dual famUy budget, Thus, accord ing to the Interpretation or tne &. R, A. of federal poucies, w n. ,w responslblltty , of the local .county unlU to ; aid the unemployablea. which includes the aged ana m- firm. However, neither the local nop federal government has f undo to . adequately meet all mo ae- mands made It ; , , . ' In the past there has been mis' understanding about' eligibility for. C. C. Ci enroUmehL To be ugiwe for enlistment h young man must be: " i: Physically fit . 1 2. Unemployed,'' and his family must be on direct relief as of the date tbe application Is made. ." 8., Between seventeen and twen ty eight years of age. . 4. Unmarried.,. . : . -:;r 5. A oltixen of the United States. . a. obiltrated to dependents. : 7. Willina; to make a monthly at- lotment from his salary -to his de: indents.s?e5' 8. In possession of an rHonora ble Discharge": for re-enrollment. Federal aid for needy, 'worthy students of- high school level ; is now possible under certain condi tions. The applicant will fill out his form which will then be presented to the local relief office for appro val. In order for the local relief office to approve the application, the youth must be a member of a family which was on relief to May 1835, and which la now eligible for direct relief. i. The poUcies- concerning E. R .E. teaching have been changed since last year. In order to be eligible for E. R. E. teachinr the appU cant must be approved by the lo cal E. R, A. office. In order for local-: relief office to approve an' applicant the teacher must be a member of a family which Is eligi ble for direct relief as- of the date on which the application Is made. Mrs. $allie Millard ; Rickmon ' Mrs. Sallie Millard Rickmon died to Aaheville. while visiting re latives" there on' October 16, 1935 and was burled in Ashavllle. She was the youngest-daughter of Ric hard W. and JuUa Fryar Millard. She is survived : by one, brother, Octabis F. Millard , and several no'.oes and nephew to Oklahoma City and many relative to East ern North Carolina, i4 V Mrs.' Rickmon owned a home to Fla., but to recent year bad been making her horn with Mrs. N. J. Burt, Of DUlori, S," C.- She wac 68 iin. Rickmon will be remember- ed by the older residents of Ken- anavilla as Miss Sallle Lou Millard. who was born and raised her; Her father taught a private academy 'all these trained brains ? tney ask. to KenansvUle for about 30 years.! , 'Through life,'' the speaker de- and several of the oldest residents' of the town attended and. got .their education from his school, "Uncle Dob? Honored " - - ',-,- rf. ' M ' Tt ' Mr wniihms bt.n . md TTnni rnh: i W the guest of honor at the birthday! dinner held at the home of his son paujie D. 8. Williamson In KenansvUle , forget the - trails of adversity be Bunday, October" 27; TJnde "DbbjCotoes too strong to those to posl wiU be 79 years old October 80th. f tion to do aomethlng' abut it. A day of fellowship with a boun- Mr. ) Boat was presen byDr. tiful dinner at the noon hour was.H. B. Day. who agreed witi Presi enjoyed by over fifty friend of dent Hunter Ellington, r that he tBe f Uly :' ! -' f -: 1 needed no Introduction, f c . -..v''Vi:--;'-'-:V''v::i'rt-A''.i'V'--Mls Ullie Mat Scruggs gave f Buddie Williamson 13 and Rob-; two ' delightful . numbers v on-the ert Franklin 4, also Shared to. the Irish harp, and Felix Wheeler re honors of, the day as their birth- ported on the State Exchange Club days came to the month of October , conference to 6reensboro last week and'thelr friends were there to ce-j indicating that the State conven lebrate with them. ' . . tlon would be held to Raleigh. w, sw it w -',( vi w;. have amusea ypu... O You've laughed through his bobfes... Comes to you tiow ai aegular :? contributor W this paper. Each I week we will giv you column of Cobb's obiervafloni'on the high lights of current ovenli . . . a, column which will be full of rlb-tickltng humor . buf ft the 5 'soma tinio will V efleet Cobb's common -iente attitude toward o fast-moving world.' v '-.-' ' '.: ..:- - iff"-?, ? , Wakfc eadi week for tfus column. of Cobb's,' R. wHI bold yoo .ons i second wM tbt inununoting darity of bit comment, onlsrtals; yoo fbo atxt with lusliflhmlno bsmor. Tom Bost Scorjes v New Deal Critics (From the News tc Observer) Raleigh, Oct.1 28th- Discussing the unemployment situation before the Raleigh . Exchange Club last night, W. T. Boat, dean of capital correspondents, laid the charge of forgetfutoess of the lessons of ad versity at the door of critics of the New Deal. Portraying idleness .enforced and otherwise, to the bideousnesa of perpetuated despair, the veteran newspaperman aeciarea mim adversity of -vthe' depression Was lost upon society if it did not bring some : lasting contribution to the solution of ,the problem of idleness. And be marvelled, speaking of the efforts of the Roosevelt Adminis tration to build for solid recovery,: , "Yet, to the midst of this great est metamorphosis, you find people Condemning ': the government for taking fundamental steps to reme dy the unemployment eviir', " " Mood for Work , -National moods said Mr. Bost, are well defined. There have been the national moods of philosophy, of music, of art. Then there was a. mood ithat might be caUed speed. ' "Now it seems to be work." . And to he mood, for work, he continued, there are people to be seen and heard, who are panicky about- the opportunities for work. They see, jie' related, doctori, law yers, preachers, mechanIes;Tfarm ers, out of work and they fear that there- Is ao way, to this new so ciety to absorb those trained , and ... 4.1. ' V. ID.. 4hfW. inr Mr 'worn uiwjm w - wUltoar to languish in Idleness, or lacking in capacity to find work in 'a fiercely competitive society. . ' I , "What are we going to-do; with clared, "there is an automatic-new demand for new supplyv It is eco nomic law that society absorbs its nesr brain. So, he declared, there to hope for the greatest tragedies of uaempioy- ment the highly trained ana eon atf there must be a remedy for the greatest curse of our, day. able-bodied bands Hen-Pecked Husband Contest Drawing Much Attention; Mr. Wiliiams Leading Big Field DUPLIN CHAPTER! piiinmnsfi The Duplin County Chapter, A merican Red Cross has bad a busy year. ' Fortunately we have had no disasters, and have been free to devote our time to looking after the" Interests of our people, parti cularly our veterans. In January cf tbis year, our Chapter presented the claims of seventy-live veterans to the Hoard of Pensions, awaiting the time when these claims may be paid. Our local chapter has sent twen ty boys to the Army and Navy, thereby securing them employment and enabling them to assist theit families. We are particularly elated over the success we have had in assist ing our disabled veterans to ob tain hospital care, and in securing their pension. We have just thit month succeeded in getting the pension for a peace-time veteran who had lost his discharge, who was paralized so that be could nei ther write nor speak. He had only his discharge from a Veterans Hospital dated twenty-five years ago. and which did not bear his serial number. This information was passed on to the American Red Cross at Washington, and they delved into the old Army rec ords, located this man's number, and were thereby enabled to pres ent this veteran's claim to the Vet frans Administration, who has granted this man a pension. We are happy at all Wmes to as sist our Veterans with any prob lems , they may present. Unfortu nately we -40 not have funds on ana'igryyTtoafreW but we are never too busy to give our time to aid our Veterans. Do not hesitate to call upon us. Wc serve. Mrs. J. S. Westbrook, Publicity Chairman, Duplin County Chapter. o WALLACE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mallard and daughter, Bettie of Mooreville spent the yeek end with Mrs. A. J. Mallard. They were accompa nied home by Mr. John Mallard. Messrs. Oscar Smith, Steve Mal- lard, Joseph Carr, Roy Wilder and Dr. Cedric Zibblin spent the week end in cAapel Hill. Miss Dorothy Wells of Kenans ville spent the week end with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Graham Wells. Mrs. Kenneth Currie and small son have returned home after vis iting Mrs. Curries parents in Bur gaw. i Miss Sue Hussey of Wilmington spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Almond Carter. Messrs. George Boney and John Bob Zibblin, students at State College spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and daughter, Jean spent the week end in Wilmington. Miss Rebacca Colwell of Eden ton visited her sisters Miss Mar garet Colwell and Mrs. James Hen ry Currie over the week end. Miss Miriam Sloan, a membei of the school faculty at Calypso spent tne week end with her pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Ross - Sloan. Mis Sloan had as her guest Miss Hilda Davis of Beautancus. Miss Ruth Currie of Cherow, S. C. spent the week end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W .P. M. Currie . . Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Fields an nounce the birth of a son, born Friday, October 25 at James Wal ker Memorial hosptlal. - Mr. and Mrs. M. Liberman an nounce the birth of a daughter, born Thursday, October 24 at Ja mes Memorial Hospital, Wilming ton. Mr. Gertrude Cooper and Mrs. Henry Vann spent Monday in Ke- ansville. .Preaching Sunday . HaUsville Presbyterian Church ' Preaching at 11:00 by Mr. A. 'P. Merritt. " .' Sunday school at 10:00.' 1 ' Stanford Presbyterian Church Preaching at 8:30 by Mr. A, P. Perritt. " ' 1 ' Sunday School at 2:30; tu You are invited. ..,.., :... , BIG COIXARDS THIS FALL Mr. 3. D. Evans who Uvea between Hi'lsvlllc and Chinqua pin seems to be I ho champion collard raiser of tbe season. He has a small lot in collards all of which are about the tarns height and spread so as to make the rows seem solid. By conservative measuring. Mr. Evans says that many of thn plants will measure four feet across ar.J all are of a beauti ful green cct.or. The writer has seen many fine gardens of col lards this year, but feels that this lot Is the best that tua been seen this fall. It is a fine sight just to stop by and see these plants. Kenansville Junior Club To Sponsor Big Card Tournament Everyone wili remember, with a great deal of pleasure, the card Tournaments the Kenansville Jr. Woman's Club sponsored last Spring. They are giving anothei cf these Friday, November 8th., 1935 at 8:00 P .M. at the Kenans vUle Club House. Many tickets are being sold all over the county and a grand time Is anticipated by all Any of the following games may be played: Contract and Auction Bridge, Rummy, Set-back and Hearts. There will be prizes (or each game, and refreshments for each of you. The Hen-pecked Husband Con test will come to a close at this Card Tournament. Men, take ad- 1an pnWfcr your Selves against any last minute voting the other fellow may do to you. o Entertains At Bar becue Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Duff Kornegay and Mr. John Smith, entertained a number of their friends and re latives at a barbecue dinner at their home last Sunday. When the crowd began to gather about ten o'clock the delicious aroma of the roasting pigs was waftea to them by the balmy breeze of the beau tiful Indian summer day. About twelve o'clock however, the cue v."as announced re ady and the men folks with k 'ves, chopping block and hatchet:: soon had the tender meat in finj shape for the trays. The wome.', laden with great boxes and baskets of food and bowls of slaw and bottles of vinegar, soon had the table filled with everything one cor.'.l wish for to make a satisfying picnic lunch. There was besides the delicious barbecue large plates of sweet potatoes, plenty of cornbread for the 'cue, plates and dishes of fried chicken, sandwiches, pickles, pies and cakes and lots of other good things. Those present were: Mr .and Mrs. Ransom Kornegay and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. Erving Kornegay and children and Mr. Lamb Kor negay, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Korne gay and four children, Mr. and Mrs .George Kornegay and chil dren of near Mt. Olive, Mr. rfhd Mrs. Edgar Outlaw and family, Mrs. Lola Kcrengay and three children and Mrs. Laura Bennett and Currie Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wright Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and baby and Mrs. Lou Smith of near Outlaw's Bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hol and son, Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Her ring and baby, Mrs. B. F. Herring and son, Leland, Mr. and Mrs. Taft Herring and children, Mr. Harold Kornegay and sister Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tyndall and Misr Lottie Kornegay, Mr. Park ' Hol- I mes, Mr. Frank Kornegay and Mr. Harvey Holmes of near Mt .Olive, Mr. Julian Waller and sister, Emi ly, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family of near Woodington and Mr. and Mrs. Matf 'Quints and son and others. . o of ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Judge Beulaville announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Lamb, Satur- day, October 19th., 1935. :(:: i 'ir . . ::: Safety -congress hears alcohol blamed as death rise cause. ' " " The Hen-pecked Husband Con test, sponsored by the KenansvUle Junior Woman's Club is attract ing much attention and interest. The contest began Monday morn ing when several husbands were nominated. The Kenansville Drug Store is headquarters for the con test and everyone is asked to cast their votes early. The contest is not confined to Kenansville alone, but Includes the whole county. To date 29 candidates have been nominated from various towns in the county. Les Williams, Kcnans- vllle's Post Master, has a substan tial lead at the present writing with W. E. Belanga running sec ond and Bob Wells third. The contest will run for two weeks and the TIMES will publish the picture of the winner. To make the contest even more interesting, Walker Stevens Con ceived the idea of enlarging the sphare to include prospective hen pecked husbands. Walker started the ball rolling by nominating Fred Baars, county commissioner, and Mr. Barrs immediately retal iated by nominating Mr. Stevens. To date three prospectives have been nominated. The following candidates nave been nominated: Mr. John A. Gavin, Mr. O. P. Johnson, Dr. G. V. Gooding, Mr. Robert C. Wells, Mr. Oliver Sto kes, Mr. Norwood Boney, Judge A. J. Blanton, Mr. Less Williams, Mr. Lawten Miller (Beulavillc), Dr. J. D. Robinson ( Wallace) Mr. A. T. Outlaw, Mr. R. V. Wells, Mr. Andy Penney (Beulaville), Mr. Henry Stevens (Warsaw), Mr. J. E. Jerritt, Mr. Perry Dobson, Mr. W. E. Belanga, Mr. C. B. Sitter son, Mr. L .L. McLendon, Mr. Fai soh McGowan, Mr Tommy Gres ham (Warsaw), Mr. I. N. Hender son (Wallace) Mr. Henry West, Mr. Mosely Carr Bowden (Faison) Mr. Harvey Boney (Rose Hill), Mr. Billek Pcwell, Mr. P .D. May, Mr. William Pickett, Mr. C. K. Quinn. Prospective Hen-Pecked Hus bands nominated are. Mr. Walker Stevens (Warsaw, Mr. Fred Baars (Bowden), Mr. Glen Rollins (Warsaw). Gentlemen unless you want to win you'd better get busy and vote for the other fellow. Nominations cost 10c, votes lc each. o Celebrate Silver Wedding Anniversary Oct. 24th. A lovely social event was the reception given on Thurs day evening, October 23, by Mr. and Mrs. John E. Teachey, in ce lebration of their silver wedding anniversary. A color scheme oi Lavender and white was seen in the floral decorations and appoint ments. Dr.ring the evening appro priate music was rendered by Mrs. W. H. Hall, J. D. Jerome, an.l Mrs. L. K. Alderman. Guests were greeted by Misscn Verna Teachey and Wilma Fusscll and directed to the receiving line. In the receiving line wi.i Mr. and Mrs. Teachey were close relatives, parents of Mrs. Teachey, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Murphy, Mrs. Mollic Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tea chey, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wha ley, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Teachey, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Murphy, Mrs. T .R. Murphy, Mrs. Emma Thom pson, and Rev. P. O. Lee. Miss Annie Louise Herring di rected the guests to the gift room, where Miss Mildred Stanly presid ed over a lovely display of gifts and Misses Sara Woodward and Velma Murphy served punch. On leaving the gift room, guests wi rc given small silver bells as souve nirs and then ushered into the din ing room by Misses Dorothy Fus sell and Anna Kathenne Bland. The dining room was beautiful in the soft glow of white tapers. At the table, which, was covered by n lace cloth and centered by a love ly bowl of mixed flowers, were seated Mrs. E. G. Murray and Mrs. Horace Perry, who served ice cream and cake. Others assisting In serving this course and also nuts and mints were Misses Eunice M. Williams, Audrey Weiss Farrior, Yvoone Alderman, Stella Carr, an.l Marvin Elizabeth Fussell. On Reaving at the side entranca door nearly 150 gunsts regter"! , with Miss Jessie Murphy.- Words of parting were spoken by Ruth Murray. .'" 5 - IL " 1 - 1t ' it -a , V L 1 1 i 1 rv " o a I

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