T 4 " T T V' f CIRCULATION THE TL.IES C0yE..3 DUPLIN LIKE AJtOOF UKEAiitooF'm In Jail o VIL ON ..H ill Qltthli To -Ili'lCuIiFcrt Parents , t r turd ay local officers went h, west or waiiace, um Ueddie Bostlc at ms . l brought him and two i to t.ie County jail here. Bos- . o is charged Witn operating a t iwdy house, possession of liquor und transportation -.of Uquor. ; , ; ;j( Two younsr f -iris,- Margaret Merr onr and Kathline Garner from Wllminrton who were staying at the BosUc home, it is said, for im moral purposes, were Jailed with him at the request of Wilmington roiice. After- being requested by t.ie parents of the young girls the Wilmington police called local; of ficers to hold them. The girls were 14 and 15 years old. . Sunday their parents came for them, ; , Bostlc was . arrested about five years ago in this county but skip ped bond and dissappeared. .After being gone several months he re turned to Rocktifih. ( , This is the first arrest in Dup lin County of this nature In about - .O Our Fire Pre- !; . ventive Program Duplin County is now folly or ganized to take, care of the forest fire situation and prevent ; the treat loss of timber and property which she has had to suffer during , the past years. i ' County Forest Warden, Ralph . Miller of Beulaville, has been working- on the organization for some tune and now has everything .lined i fr any emergency that might ;. The county has been divided i i fifteen districts wit a deputy v ,uin in each -trirt who is re-j "i.lile for tae promotion agent: ..re In his district, The flowing ( -nty wardens have been t, oint? 1 1 and are equipped to hanuie the situation: . - District 1." Around Falson, t C. Lewis. ' i i ' - ; District 2. Scott's Store section, J. W .Waters. . , ( f ' -'District 3. Maxwell Mill section, i i, R. Gooding.. , . District 4. Two miles; east of Bowden, Hallie Moore. ( District 6. Between Sarecta and Highway JU, Arthur Whitfield. District 8. Smith's Township, Joe K. Miller, ' ';;-;: i ;r V:?' "-w A ' ' P ' District 7J Potter's HU1 section, : Marvin Houston. .- War-v'.Mtt-' District 8. Warsaw to Magnolia, ..' W. E. Carlton. :.' -,"i--F:.; tfnS District 9. Pobson Chapel, sec ' tion, J. H. Carr. -.r""..-.' . " District 10. Muddy 5 Creek sec tion, Chesley Williams. '?"? f v . matrix 11 West of Magnolia, ' R V. Byrd.. . 'Vs. wV"t ' District 12. Maxwell Creek to Is land Creek, Sprunt Hanchey. -' ' District 13. Cypress Creek aec tion. Two wardens, Edgar. S. Eng- lish and Lemuel jnereaay. - : District 14. BockfishTownsnip section, D. H- Blanton. t ; District : 13. Around;,. Tin .vPlty, . These deputy wardens, together ,wlth the forest warden have the po wer to arrest any person for the violation of the forest laws. They are to patrol the territory of their section and be on the lookout for 1 fires, or for any condition - that might result in a forest fire. ' Section 6137 or tne e oresi Dire 'Laws of North Carolina says in " part: The forest warden and. his deputies shell have charge of all I !:-.'':Ii Carolina" Farmers Gz: .'. 3,000,000 From AAA 072,0 CO To Duplin Farmers Rcntrl ArJ Benefit r:j;-:crtts VEIIDHOWERS Gt Li:n'3 Zlizre of , Ti e -AAA poured -almost $3. ! ' 1 Into the pockets of North x t irmers during the mon ! c J , y, August and , Septem- ' i 1 lioneflt payments to si co-oj ting to the crop t p 'rams aedbunted . i r i.7j of, the total, i I. O. Schaub, of State vt to. to $1," f:..t !l S Lor 7 C o; Here .' No Gii-fasas?,' . v Suppose the lUue chUoren In your Home siioultt wake up on thristmas morning to find that Santa had failed to visit your home. You would feel worse than the little ones, wouldn't yon? i Woi, that ia just exactly what Is going to bi pen in about 115 families in Duplin County un less, the people in the various communities take it upon them selves to see that Santa visits -t every home In the community. It would be a shame and dis grace on the good people of our county if we, 89,000 strong, let one single family go by Christ mas without some . cheer being . brought to their home. What do you think' about Itf :r'-''vi'-; 1 If you have any old clothes you can part with; especially for boys between, the ages of 8. and 14; any toys that have been dis carded, please bring them or send them to the TIMES office in VenansvUle. The TIMES wU bo glad to give, its time to aid ing. Mrs. Harvey Bohey Is distri buting these gifts to the poor of the county. ' , '' : Christ said: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these ye have done It unto me," Don't anyone hold back and say that someone else will give e . nough without my going to the troubte- to look up old things. Let's all give something that ev ery poor famiy in. our county will be made ' happy Christmas' morning. -,', THE EDITOR. CHURCH NOTICE ; - POTTERS HILX. . , There-will be preaching at Lime stone Advent Christian Churchy at Potters Hill next Saturday and Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday . School at 10 .. m. , 'The public is cordially invited to at tend all the church services. y;'-" , Q. W. SHEPARD, Pastor. PerisioiiSrrve; 5SExtended Dec 15 r Mrs.' Harvey Boney. announoed this week that the time for clos ing the Old Ago Pension survey for this county has been extended to the- 15th in order to get a more complete survey. To date 1260 ap plications have bean received. All persons over. 65 years ot age and without as much as $30 per mon th 'income are entitled to the pen sion. , J ' ' - In several communities there are J people who do not understand the. movement ana mra. duucj 4 i questnig the citizen to look out tor these persons and see that ths get their applications in. : firs fighting apparatus.1 He may arrest any one violating the For est Laws, without warrant and car ry the guilty one at once before the poper judical officer. In case of a serious fire he shall have power to summon any i male resident ' be tween the ace of 18 and 45 to si' sist in extinguishing fires and may require horses, mules or otner.pro nertv that is needed to control the rire. Any person who la physically able ana is so summoned, and who refuses to assist or allow his- pro perty to be used, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, subject to a fine of from five to fifty dollars. No action of trespass shall lie against any warden in the performance, of his duties. ::;hi:lKZ::-p:- J'-V: Next week we will have more a bout the Forest laws and more a bput the workings of the Duplin County jOrtanization.. Information ia being furnished by County For est Warden, Ralph Miller. $128,642.57, and wheat , growers $8,432.63. In addition, cotton, growers who placed .surplus tax-exemption 'cer tificates in the national ! pool re ceived $1,861.73 from ths sale of these certificates to other- grow- el ' .... The $437,904.53 in administra tive expenses went largely to pay committeemen, farmers who help administer the program locally. . - The rental -and benefit .pay ments are still flowing to the farmers, he adds ,but the amount for October and November . have not yet been tabulated. The payments are made from funds raised by the processing taxes on the commodities .cover ed by the various adjustment pro grams, '.i. .- :' -' ( Payments in Duplin, to date, have amounted to $72,735.02; . in an nxon to $u5,115.0y; in Wayne to $(2,01.76. ' KANSVIIXE, North Carolina New. License Plates i ; Go On Sale Saturday - Sale of '1936 automobile license tags will begin Saturday, Decem ber . 14. ' jt . y; :',) i,x , '.A.. . By law the sale starts usually on December 15. but at that is Sun day this year, plates will go on sale a day earlier. Plates will be sold here ; 'and from 45 branch offices. . 4 .- "At resent more than v 611,000 pairs of 1935 licenses, a record for a single .year nave oeen uwueu.y : ; : Mrs. Lena M'Gowan . Warsaw Mrs. Lena McGowah, 73, widow of RoberCW. McGowan, of Bowden, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd J: Strickland, in Warsaw: 1 She had been ill for several months. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. B, F. Joyner, of Falson Methodist church, who ws assisted by Rev. R. C. Foster, of the Warsaw Bap tist church. Interment was made in the .McGowan cemetery near Falson. Mrs. McGowan' was born and reared in Kins ton, the daught er of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hender son Nunn. She is survived by two sons, ft. W. McGowan, of Tarboro, and J. R McGowan, of Bowden; three daughters, Mrs, W. S. Korne- gay, of Bowden; Mrs. M. v. Lewis of Falson, ana Mrs. j. BincK land of Warsaw: one sister,. Mrs. Lola Edwards of Kinston and two brothers John and Tom Edwards of Kinston.;? .?.-'V.Mv'.j""vf-vj SpecialPrivaegre . . Ordered For Pupil . : Wilson, D(c. 11. - Ki R. Curtis, superintendent of ; county- schools, Monday tol4 the teachers of Mil ton King, 16-year-old Negro pupil of the Negro high school here, to let the boy go on drawing pictures Un his classes-while the other stu dents got their studies. ; , . - Milton was caught drawing pic tures during a history examination the other day by his teacher at the school, and the incident was made known to Mr. Curtis. The pictures said Mr,' Curtis, were good. So he decided it was wise to let the boy follow his bent . ... . ' 1 . J 1 O ' ' ' .... ' .Universalist Church . Notice avJ':" OUTLAWS BRIDOl! ' -fleVrWrH. Skeela of Aocky Mt. will preach Sunday at 11 A. m. , k:- CHRISTIAN HILL Col.; Edgar H. Bain will speak at 11:45 Ar M. - '!- . Rev. JOHN T. FITZGERALD. " V,;i,wt:; o rs.v Lonnie E. Newsome . , ? Near Faison, Dies Funeral services for Lonnie E. Newsome,' 66, who died Saturday, .were held from the home near Fal son Sunday afternoon. Rev. F. B. Joyner was in charge of the rites Which were attenaea Dy a urge crowd of friends and relaUves. PaUbearerg were John Warren, W. Jkraher and E. . Mr. Newsome, a a Byrd, R. H. Hobbs, c. a. xayior, m.- a. vwena native of North- amtpon county was a highly : re spected citizen of the Falson sec tion where he had resided for the past twenty-two years. He moved to Duplin from Wayne where he had resided for many years. ' 'ei o o X Phone' O O PULLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Arc Ycu Safe On ( The Hi jhway Today s A-' notalle expert recently made public these facts: As you get Into yonr car and start for your destination 100 miles av way, you have the same chance to get there alive as the boys who answered the call of the colors and i went . to .Flanders Field, had to return to Ameri ca alive. Put it negatively, you have the same chance of get ting billed in traveling 100 mil es on the highways of North CartUna as you would have if you enlisted (H the world war. That startles us, yet when we tad the facto we have to admit that it is trne; . rve:i':'-i-;.iv; I The writer had occasion to travel from Warsaw to Kenans-ville-veach evening of last week between 8:80 nd 9.00 .o'clock. Each nlrht he would meet and nass several .i ears ; and there .would' be from one to five .of these ears witn defective. . ugnu leach night .By defective. I am (not encludlrig the one weak, and one bright jight, hut the cars IJJ with one head light and no rear light We Wonder how so many of these cars manage to escape the highway partol, but ' some how they art doing It. ' ; i- We appeal to the citizens of DupOn county to- see that the car yon drive Is properly, light lied regardless of whether : the pairounan aavises a, ana mane our roads safer, s . Junior Ked Cross .Reports 100 Percent Mrj p. ; pjBlancnard,. principal of the Chinquapin school, brought his school through In flying colors in the Red Cross drive. The Junior Red Cross there reports a hundred per cent , membership. The adults have reported 40 members. The school will purchase, a First Aid kit. .- r :-f ' .,-4 i- i o : Home Wanted , The - County- Welfare Depart ment is seeking, homes for two young children One - is 5 weeks old, a bOy with blue eyes. The oth er is 4 months old boy with blue eyes. Anyone interested please no tify Mrs. Harvey Bcjtey. Dependant Children Survey To Be Made CiiW;-'' -'"'P'1'' W; " : Mrs Harvey Boney has been ask ed to make a survey in. this county of all dependant children, that is those whose father and mother bothi are dead, those whose father is dead or in prison. Also data will be secured on the blind and cripple children , in this county. Mrs. Boney stated that she would be grateful for-any names sent in. ..'' -"I' o Hamp Grady To RaleighHospital S. H. Grady of near" Kenans ville under a ' twelve months sentence for driving dnunk, was given a in aulsition hearing this week and hsent to the State hospital in Ra- leight. -. '-'-- :-- : The TIMES SUGGESTS THAT YOU SHOULD ' V. Four things you can do without: Headaches t ' v '.vWre feet". :V wasted time . . . wasted , money! How you can do without them; By ; - ', reading " the newspaper " advertisements. - For the ads can be your greatest shopping friend ; . by showing you what to buy. . . h where to buy it . .and how' much you'll have . 1 to pay. No tramping from store to store , . i . no needless worrying .'. . no wasted time. . And the ads indicate bargains Chat will save : you money! ' 1 t - Tito BnilIimeQr ;rr. "The Tims Covers Duplin like A Roof " ,..,, 1935 Cotton Es- . . . timate Is Lower Washington, Dec. 9 The 19S5 cotton crop was estimated today at 10,734,000 bales -of 600 pounds gross weight each by the Depart ment of Agriculture. . . A month ago 11,141,000 bales were forecast and last year's pro- auction was v,cksb,uuu paies. -" Ginnings of this year's ' crop to December 1 were reported by the census bureau to have totaled 9, 862,343 running to that date last year and 12,106,377 in 1933. An indicated yield of 188 pounds of lint cotton to the acre was re ported by the agriculture depart ment which estimated the area for harvest this year as 27,331,000 a cres after abandonment of 1.9 per cent of the 27,872,000 acres in cul tivation July-1, this year. - - The acre yield last year was 170.9 pounds and the 1924-83 ten year average. 177.1 pounds. The estimated production this year by states included North Ca rolina 585,000 bales. Ginnings prior to- December .1 this year-reported by the 'census bureau Included North Carolina 534,127 bales. MRS. P. BONEY IS INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT From ' The' Ctoidsboro News-Argus Mrs. Paisley Boney, Jr., of Wal lace suffered painful (bruises and shock when : the automobile in which she was riding with a color ed driver turned over on the Golds- boro Mount Olive highway near Genoa after midnight Thursday when it was struck by a car driv en by an unidentified man. Mrs. Boney, who was on her way home from a visit witn relatives and friends in Goldsboro at the time of the accident, was brought back to Goldsboro by a passing motorist and later went to a hos pital. She was still under treat ment at the Goldsboro Hospital Friday and an x-ray picture was to be taken during the day to deter mine whether a bone might have been broken in one shoulder. State Highway Patrolman Kir by was called by Mrs. Boney as soon as she was brought tack to Goldsboro and went immediately to the scene of the wreck. :J5tota1'B,ffIetors' u the addition of several ruuug, uwyromi Bnw wo ""'"I en. jy jvMiiigBjiniwBS, .n " - vy m uvuhxu urirci. ii vmi.& vw, a Chevrolet roadster, was headed north at the time of the accident. Immediately after the crash- the driver jumped from the machine and ran. Mrs. Boney told the high way patrolman. Both cars were badly damaged. y Wife Of Judge , Grady Seriously 111 Mrs. Henry A. Grady, wife of Judge Grady, is critically 111 at her home in Clinton. Mrs. Grady is suffering with Pneumonia in both sides. FOOT POISONING Amsterdam, Dec. 7 The news paper Telgraaf today published un confirmed reports that 40 persons died as a result of mass food poi soning at Tulungagung, in the Treng Galek district of Java. X 1 gBJISSsHBnlBSBjMBSBslBSSj II "' I I I It : THURSDAY, DEC.' 12th, 1988 Cotton Program Tor Three Years Changed; More Flexible, So States' Schaub WARNXNG ' ; - Charlotte, Dec 11 Drunken drivers today , were warned that It will be at least 60 days of road work Is they are con- - vlcted in the Superior Court of Judge Wilson Warlick. Announce Engage ment Of Kenans vUleGirl Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stephens of Kenans vllle, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Ruth Lee to Davis Hollingsworth of Warsaw. The wedding to take place during the Christmas holidays; . .-;,, 1 o r i State Farmer Section To Be Rotogravure In January, our STATE FARM ER SECTION, monthly agricultur al feature of Uuplin Times will appear completely in rotogravure comparable to the rotogravure sec tions of the largest metropolitan newspapers. This will permit the addition of a great many illustrations and pictures of Carolina farm life and igf individuals prominently identi fied with the farming interests of our state. In addition to changing to roto gravure, we have adopted for this section a larger size type, which will greatly Improve the readabili ty of the section. The homemakers section has been expanded to include several new features to further serve the inter ests, of our women readers. In a like manner, the news coverage of 4-H Club and Future Farmer act ivities has been expanded. In each issue of THE STATE FARMER SECTION throughout 1936, it is planned to provide a comprehen8e review- of farm ew d trjoTmnUon. I r onl nfo.cf .11 nt - r picture pares. . - - - rnr n j. fii fitSKwiiay- mt . . Attention ; Kenansville Saturday ia the closing day in the Chnatmas decorations contest. The Junior Woman's Club, spon soring the program, is offering 3 grizea to the best decorated yard i Kenansville. W. D. WUson Of Magnolia Shoots Self Through Heart Magnolia, December 10. Fune ral services for W. D. Wilson, pro minent. Magnolia citizen who com mitted suicide at his home here Friday morning about 8 o'clock by shooting himself through the heart, . were conducted from the home Saturday afternoon at 2.00 o'clock by Rev. Frank Julian of Snow Hill, Jehovah Witness min ister. Interment followed in the Magnolia cemetery. Mr. Wilson, who was oZ years or age, died almost instantly when ne fired a charge from a shotgun in to his chest, the load- penetrating the heart. No motive for his act could be ascribed by friends or re Fanners Invited Annual Meet Kenansville Proiiction Credit Associaton Here January 8th An invitation is extenaea 10 au farmers of this county to attend the annual meeting of the Kenans ville Production Credit Association at Kenansville on January 8th in the High School Auditorium, it is announced by Garland P. King, secretary of the association. The Kenansville association ser ves Duplin county and this year made loans to farmers in this coun ty totaling $117,000,000. Every farmer who borrowed hi o n e y through the association is a stock hnldor and ia expected to attend i this annual meeting of Stockhold ers which is held for the purpose or hearing a complete report on the year's work of the organization, ths election of officers and the transaction of such other .business as may come before the body. . "We will be delighted to have au farmers who are not stockhold ers also attend the meeting," Mr. King said, "in order' that they might learn of the credit service which is offered to the farmers of this section by the assclation. By means of production credit associa tions farmers have been able to re duce the--cost-of making and col lecting loans and by keeping the system on a sound basis they can obtain funds at costs vas low as those available to any other Indui try,, v'r 4 ' . NUMBER Z4 Adapt Program To s Local Conditions 5 CENTS POUND On Average Produc tion For Idle Land The new 1936-39 cotton pro gram, to be administered through cotton adjustment associations in each county, will be more flexible than the old program, according to Dean I. O. Schaub, of State col lege. The . associations, composed of growers, will be In a position to adapt the program to local condi tions and the requirements of indi vidual growers, he said. The associations will be organ ized in the next few weeks. All contracting cotton growers will be ' eligible , for membership. . ;' Under the new contracts, grow ers may adjust their 1936 crops by an' amount equal to 30 to 45 per cent of their base acreage, and re ceive adjustment payments ac cordingly. '" The rate of the payments will be five cents a pound on the average production of the land retired from cotton cultivation. The entire amount of the payment each year will be made at one time. - Payments to landlords and ten ants will be divided thus: 37 1-2 per cent to the person furnishing the land, 12 1-2 per cent to the per son furnishing workstock and e quipment, and the remaining 50 per cent distributed in the same proportion that the cotton or its proceeds is divided. A grower may terminate his con tract at the end of any contract year during the 1936-39 period. Landlords signing contracts will be required to keep on their farms the same number of tenants they had in 1935. Acreage withdrawn from cotton cultivation may be used, for soil improvement or erosion-preventing crops, pasture, fallow, forest trees, 'food and feed crops for home con sumption, or any other purpose the Secretarjj'of -Agriculture 'may pre scribe. , The new four-year contracts will be offered the growers shortly, Dean Schaub said. . . o FOREST FIRE. IN CRAVEN New Bern, Dec 7 A forest fire burned over 250 acres in the North west Creek section of Craven County Wednesday, said to have been started by fishermen. latives. He was a prominent and successful farmer, and was gene rally considered to be in indepen dent circumstances. Surviving' besides the widow, Mrs. Eila Batts Wilson, are six children,.: Francis, Ophelia, Helen, Mel va, Theresa and Donald; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Baker and Mrs Lessie Powell;' two brothers, Loen and John Wilson, all of Magnolia. Raymond Wilson of Wilson, W. H. ' Bonham of Warsaw, Henry Martin and Stanley Cassaboon of Tarboro, Henry Weber of Snow Hlil and William E. White of Van ceboro. "Interest on loans made by the' association is payable when loans are due and the borrower pays 0 per cent interest only for the time he actually has the money. Each borrower is required to take out Class B stock in the association in an amount equivalent to 5 per cent of the loan when he gets his ini tial loan and may obtain new loans without purchasing additional stock. "Thousands of farmers all over the country are now stockholders in production credit associations and are thoroughly sold on the idea of cooperative credit. We are anx ious that every farmer in this sec tion shall at least have the oppor tunity of knowing of the credit service that we offer and we cor dially invite all to our' annual meeting." The officers of the Kenansville association are: . S. V Wllkins, President. Rose Hill, North Carolina, 1 P. Wells, Vice-President, Mt. Olive, North Carolina. M. W. Sutton, Director, Seven Springs, North Carolina. v Eugene Carlton, Director, War saw, North Carolina M.' R. Bennett, Director, - Mt. Olive; North Carolina. , Lw l. It r: v