V .... -v ' .( 721 KNEW HIS XAW ; : Ail .Australian lawyer tells of a black fellow charged In a country : town with stealing, .. Bla lawyer de cided to put film on tli atand to give evidence on his own behalf. The Judge, being doubtful If he un derstood the nature of an oath, un dertook to examine him on the point. "Jacky," he said, tyon know what will happen to you If yon , tell a "My oath, boss,'' replied Jacky, "me :. go down.; below ; ' bum long time-..; .';;yi; "Quite right," repUed the Judge. "And do you know what will happen it yon teu the truth r - ''tea, bos, vW lose 'em case." Atlanta Constitution. - Betrayad an actor who made a very re spectable Income at his profession, but spent It Just as quickly, was one day buttonholed by a friend on Broadway,' .Tou ; haven't half a dollar on you, have you?" "Gosh,, replied the actor, "I haven't but who told your Saw the Propallar An elderly lady was taking her nrst airplane ride. "Now look here, young man," she said to the pilot after he got up several thousand feet, "It's too cold op here for that big electric fan so Just turn fright oaV -ANSWER QUICK I "Say, Jack, I'll give you, $5 If you'll answer a simple question right," "Done! Fire away r "Lend me a tenner, will you T' Too Ambitioaa At a concert a young lady began a song, "The autumn days have come, 10,000 leaves are falling." But .she began too high. Ten thousand," she screeched, and topped. ' "Better' start her at 0,000," sug gested an auctioneer present Ha Did It the First Tim Walter Gee, Pop, there's a man at the circus who Jumps on a uorse's back, slips underneath, catches hold of Its tall and finishes up on the horse's neck! , Dad That's easy. I did all that che first time I ever rode a horse. A Hot Ran Mrs. Ham Tour boy's a great runner. You should have seen him ourn up the track yesterday. Mrs. Haw I didn't see him run but I saw the track this morning end nothing but cinders were left Preparednese Tommy What did I learn today, teacher? Teacher Why do you ask that? , Tommy 'Cause they're going to isk me when I get home. Book-Lovar Visitor I can't understand bow your love for books brought yooV here. s - ... Prisoner It was my love for pocket-books, lady. " Ha Snored First Traveler Yob woke me out of a sound sleep. ' ' Second Traveler I bad to. The sound was too loud. ; GOOD SHOWING How's his credltr."- '' "It must be good. I understand he owes everybody money.", --v .m i't'-X .,,; ,t " :y? Po.lUve OMIta ' "Do you like codfish I - y ?! f, 'No, I don't like codfish, sod Tm glad I don't like It, . because if I did,' I'd eat It, .and I ate- the blamed stuff: ,' -::;" -l' ' AA:!, .. A- . ' OUR .COMIGv SEC iC Events tup w ATurnur ieiff IT "W " I I tP IWlMK gylgr "., -V AuHtUll tw I KAH'f HBAR KNOW E.NOU6H U 't y k what -tub ,nb:MSttUUipv. loe lit ACTORS ARE UET OTHER PBOPtE nEVfee. lU.?f ' ,e S5v W PLEASE v B SILENT fz. ; , . 4 Watara Swmwi Pataa ""''V j" 'S , FINNEY OF TOETORCE AJ- SH6'S Ibo viHUT'S IT FR6SH ANP I ACL -BOUT?. BESIDES I '( L- -..' ' J HAVE ME 7 ieiHT V-v. wmr. r wMra Mw in the Lives of Little LI. ahq 'krpw. OtaesMia OrtFiNMeV! Wm' i have -7- ARRESTTCB 2 , I n j 1 : Fresh' that IENT IMTo TrAT " PLACE TO SEMD A ? . IfeLEKSRAPH AND . , tT' ' .THAT FRKM 3rLL.,7 sriDT&h To READ IT" 1 i; Tins i. .. .. j v 1 up la a ti. i- l i t- i ruom of Ills club, a woivii-.l -l.rcsidon on his face. Soon a f c i-e In. : "Hello I" he said. "Not t ' Lome?" "No,"- murmured Koperts in t pairing tones. "I duren't TJ.I, have gone wroi ; "I'm sorry to hear that," en Id J... friend. "What's the trouble? Fer haps I can help." ' i Roberts moaned. ' "No one can- help," he replied. "At seven, o'clock I telephoned niy wife and gave her a marvelous ex cuse for not coming home. And and now I've forgotten what I said." Answers Magazine, v ; v wnor r,:s? h r V ' l 7 J J V Jt I T ! fti i v -' I , Obnoxious Football Player Look here, coach, there -are two fellows not fit to. be on our team at alt Coach (calmly)-i-Tha so? Who's the others , ik.tvi 'ill1 JSC, :- Vr. Shad Up "I - want -a ' collar, for' my -hus band," said the large woman Impa tiently....: -''yrV,':: m-;,'' "Er, yes. madam," dusked the as sistant "What size does he taker "lzer she echoed. i MH'm. I've forgotten that ;, She added I "I',nii Jane, "and the delivery boy thlnk-1 can- find out soon enoueh." quickly she- peeled off her gloves, ana neia out two large hands. "Here, measare , , these,".? she snapped. "I can Just manage to set .ucui. ruuuu mm mroac Answers Magtislne;'i.'viif ; ;C:;.i:r ifli;':;'' V- A .FaveraUe Raport i:,'-'. 'Here, boy,'1, exclaimed ' the ex cited little man as he rushed up to aKbell boy In a big hotel - "Bun up to my room and see If my umbrella is there, Hurry, now because I've" just, got five minutes to catch a tralnv"--,, f Three minutes later the boy came tripping .. down i the stairs, empty- nanaetu .'.i.. . Yes, sir,' ha .Bald. ? "It's there all tfgh.y'i.ii ;, ytr capable for :Jon::ii . The shoe dealer was engaging an assistant "Suppose," he said, "a lady customer were to remark while yon were trying to fit her, 'Don yon think one of mv. fopt'la hlmrar than the, otWr ''.What, would you ."I ahould say 'On. the contrary, madam, one is smaller' than the other. .-; k.''J.,sii'.,'!i M.v The college, professor .was gtv log the freshman a raking over the coals. . "And,", he concluded, "whes I was your age,, I, too thought I knew It all. Now, however, I've de elded I know very e.iT'V-K j ibe " frosh t knew j the answer. though. "It's certainly taken you a long time to find it out I knew It the minute 1. awyou rrCs" '"Ton say: the -. Flaps are 'going to move?" ,' - .''i .'l think. so; they, have begun to. scratch ;matchesr.on the walls." . . - k... Reason ..for Alarm . .- '.. . Brown I told my wife she need ed a new hat yesterday. w',-...- Green rYou told her that? Good gracious! .What did she sayt- : Brown Sbe said; yXan sit down quietly, dear, while I phoqe for tb doctor," f ; ht,'-. Soma PragraU' ' A"v VteltoN-Weir;. Johnny,- how are yon getting m at school? 'V S- ' ;; Johnny (aged ..seven) Fine I I ain't doing s well as some of the other boys, though. I can stand on my head, but I have td put my feet against the wait . - . . x, ... Soanda Familiar : , "Will you guarantee the unhdl- stery of this car?", demanded the prospective purchaser. -'- - i "Madam,?, replied the salesman, with dignity, "the proof of the pad' ding is the seating . :'. -j Mothar Know ., Tnung" WIfe---Pierre Is pftrfnly wonderful to me, mother. He gives me everything I ask for. Mother That merely shown., mv dir, t' nt yoti pre ot all!' for '''.j!.v,.t''r'f1r,'l'','J T W.43 CI-a Baniaon was i 1 1 1, ., ; i t the Book and o:'t t on a busy day. The door opened anJ an elderly man wearing speclucli-s and a while muffler entered hurriedly.-";, r ."'.'.'V 4"- f Setting aside his gloves and cane, and hastily scanning the1 shelves, be said: '1 have but a few mo ments tot make a selection; per haps you could assist me. Some- thin. an aMni-ls t.it . "Here are some delightful gift books," she remarked. , -- The gentleman raised a pair of surprised eyes and wonderlngly sur- veyed the gin, i i rather, than the I books. Drawing j a wallet from lk,' his Inner coat he replied." -, , Mjr?' dea young lady, your excellent choice has tempted me to take, all three." Handing Jane a card he con tinned, "please . have them sent over to Miss Adelaide Perkins, Burton street, number 78." : Thanking her he dashed ut t9 Kla Mih anil warn ornn ft. .." t.v "Snmhuloht Rnrrnrt streetl" gone for w the night on his last round i" r T r ' i i locking the store and with Miss Adelaide Perkins' gift In the hollow of her arm, the tired girl started off on her errand, ,, - Jane and her widowed mother bad lived In Edgebrook on a small In come. She attended Miss Edmonds. School for Girls as a day student and received a very thorough educa tion. In the evenings Jane worked in the town library.: Her mother passed away nd Jane had gone to i-the city. This was ber -first Christmas .Jo "be alone..4i-f'V'-' At the Perkins address the door was - opened ; by sn elderly lady. "My goodness! child I- .A package for me! Do step In." But before sbe could close the door, a: boy called'..outl!at.i.ic' "Telegram tor Fwsms,T v!:fnra-.:m"tjrM:'algV:-an -fsewll. dered. '-. HfJ?ii4--..-r' "Mercy m e,' where a ra my glasses 1" and she fumbled around lat her. ij4kiC&'-f&' Tll sign for you. If j may," said "Tes; please do dear, 'dear, where are. my glasses! Oh, here they are,' and Miss v Perkins' fine pa tient hands trembled as she opened the "-envelope, ji '."It Is from my nieces, the Bos- worth girls.! They are driving down from Hartland tomorrow afternoon and will tee here f or (tea with .me around -five.11 ", i JO ' "lour nieces 4he Bosworth girls !" exclaimed - Jane ; "not Emllle and ausau i t ny, uibj were my oeac friends at Miss Edmonds school," and , thoughts of Edgebrook f dashed : through her-' mind. The June commence- meri t Rich-' a rd 'Bosworth, the tall brother, up from the city for. the festivi ties. ."Ana! forget tomor ret torn or- I '-t-i row at five,"- called M)ss Per--k;ins as Jane was departing. .. The pert afternoon Jane helped Miss Perkins put , the finishing touches to a table set in blue china of willow pattern. ' There was the sound of a motor, then merry voices In the hall. ' Emllle, Susan, Richard, Uncle .Carroll, the elderly gentleman who .had sent' the books, . Were greeting Miss Perkins. ' . ' "Why. Jane Harrison I" easned the Bosworth girls in one breath. . Then followed, such i excited ex clamations r the bliss of . renewed friendship. . 4 J. ,. f . " .With a rustle of her Silken skirts Miss Perkins"; led the ' way to! the dining -room, f Jane sat -opposite Richard. She liked the strength, In his broad shoulders,' bis well modu lated, voice, and his clear honest .eyes. rt?;.is.'ii,vfto-'W'-'.. Richard was beaming across the table at the young woman In, the blue frock; her quaint charm, rip pling' laughter, ;the ' glance of her brown eyes and the lift pi her pret ty sbooldefa.i'.; ; CA'-.'.i, i - As the ' happy gathering, moved Into the .sitting room Jane felt the warmth of a- large hand gripping her own slim one. Looking, up, she Smiled Into Richard's firm and un derstanding face. ' . ' . Uncle Carroll, with .an approving nod,: stroked . his ' beard like a prophet and reflected upon the words of the poet: .',::,: .; .t Charms strike the slgrht . . But merit wins the auut" C W omern New- I fwrtfhL' ,iid : If i i. ui.h . i. ilien , putting in i Is Improved, i" ... . .' To remove Ik ' spilled on llni'u or paste of starch and spread over stain, dry, then brush off. ' When roasting beef very hot at first to ss- li r 1 In then . reduce heat, coo: ' ; i a a-'' j ' In arranging the labia for : r bridge luncheon you can. get ih ;m j distinctive effect by , choo: a luncheon set of that sheer cr . a l 1 linen -done. In pastel-tinted etsi)i,i. i ! ery; They are a' chante from tUe usual type of Italian linens. j. .. '; ;v:' s .'. ' Butter and sugar will cream more quickly If a few drops of warm wa ter are Sprinkled over" them. !'', i 'V:).'.V; I Bilver and gold embroidered scarfs will not tarnish when packed away If Wrapped In black-'paper,-,';!'.,'..;-.,-' kA' ', ,.;A space should be left 'wi walls of refrigerator and d. talnlng foods to allow free tlon of air.. -. This r prese.,., coous. 1 j tAuoolBUa Krpavra.' WNU Sarvlcv. dogto:is j aj Mothers read tl.'s: A eleanting dote today; a smc"? quantity tomorrow; less each Un-, until bowels need no help at ad. I . it rat t Why do people come home from a. hospital with bowels working like a : well-regulated watch? - j , - v . ' The answer Is simple, and it's the ' answer to all your bowel. worries if yon will only realize it: many doctors and hospitals use liquid laxatives. ' . . If yon knew what a doctor knows, yon would use only the liquid form. A liquid can always be takvj in gradually reduced doses. Redan i dotage it ihe teeret of ang real relij from constipation. ' ; K Ask a doctor about this. Ask yonr druggist how very popular liquid laxatives have become. They give the right kind of help, and right amount -of help. The liquid laxative generally v used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara both : -natural laxatives that can form no' habit even id children. So. try Syrup . Pepsin. Yon "just take - regulated . doses till Nature restores regularity.' s J - For sufferars from the itching,' burn ing and irritation of enema, pimples, rashes, red, rough akin, itching, bun- rag net, cnannga, cnappinei, eats, :v' burns and disfigiiring blotches, may ,sa looira py anoi ira luuwi pj awiinung vun - a. M I- Ull 4 I i J k ' Sample free. Adremi: -"Cutlcura," bept. 258, taauiea, Man 'rJt mm W W cf oaa case cj C:::': 1 hel fill Fee! er llri. t eroiDitt,tue. t) - to rntieve f- e,-. , . , - Drink fmorrowum" EI' r ' " - (Iiw.!n)riri..l Sanak 'A- Cleanse t, a I YOUR kldnevj art 1 1 Ing was'a n r i tlrtam. But I , ? j their work r in t tended f 'I ion s po'"on li j i lyien v,:,.i i ' . f! j eaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaieaaeiiu.u mn mwtmtgOf. rmmin ' -,ii,;.,-,j,

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