bid hav: , a re-saie I t3 t the u' o'rlo ' , M., on Ol i I dor Com ijt the Sus ned will, between 12X r.oon, and V.00 o'clock, P Tuesday, the 81st dy c? nr. 1935. at Ue door of V Dec rv.ui t imiiaa in Kenanaville, Dupi County, N. C. otfer for sale ana sell f.-r cash to the '-highest bidder by public auction, subject to ad - vnrA hidm orovtdea.tor by law, th nn.half. undivided Interest oi ' Dora Herring In the land In Glis- aon township, said County, convey ed by a mortgage deed dated the 18th of December, 1918, and re - corded-in Book No, 186, t page 04, of the Duplin" County regis try, and descnoea aa muuwa. 1st tract - Beginning at a , atake in little Sandy Run Bran ch, and ran N. 18.. ..19 pole , ' to a stake In said branch; thence N. s W. 4S poles ' to a stake, i. ' D. Kornegay and L T. Grady's corner; thence-S. 74 W.. .potee - 1 aa their dividing; line to a stake, ' their corner; thence a straight ' line to the beginning; containing - XI 1-J acres, more or less. 2nd. tract. - Beginning at a stake, and runs 8. 5 W. 80 poles ' to pine; thence 8. 65 W. XX poles to a stake in the eld road; thence S. M B. 9 poles to m stake; thence N. 79 W. 57 potea ' ' tip Sandy-Boa W stake; thence N. 8 W. 64 poles to stake In Kornegay's line; thence to the - 1 beginning; containing 40 acres, more or UmL&W-r-:-: 4r;-;--S".'V' v:. There Is excepted from the a-bove-descrlbed iaada tract of 11 acres conveyed by Arba Her i ring and wife to 9. JJ. Kornegay. This the 9th day of December, 1935. LEWIS KEATHLEY, Mortgagee. Albert S. Grady, , Attorney. ... Dec. 12, 19, 2$, - A. a G. . ,i i o i NOTICE OF SALE By the virtue at the power of ale contained in Deed of Trust , from a W. Brigeon and wife Cath rlne E. to B. F; Fearsall, Trustee dated Nov. 10. 1934, Book 364, " page 91, of the office of Register , of Deeds, Duplin , County, default having been made in the payment of the debt secured thereby the un dersigned will sell to the highest Nrii - " cash,, at the Courthouse r c. on Mon da.y, Jjcc AC, li'io, at ue o'clock, P. M. a tract of land situated In Island Creek Township, Duplin County, North Carolina,; described aa follows: .- ,v ;:' Adjoining the lands of Carter and HcNeUlsjeesntaining MH anrea, and more particularly de scribed In Deed of Trust here- in before mentioned. This Nov. 14, 1935. m B F. PEARSALL. . : : .- Trustee. Geo. R. Ward, Atty. Dec. 12 - 4t & R. W. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having this Jay, qualified a ad ministratrix of the estate of S. B. Pate, deceased, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to submit them to tne un - derslgned within one year from date, and all persons Indebted to aid estate to make Immediate set tlement or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. This the 1st day of November, 1935. r -. r r ; MRS. 8. B. PATE, Administratrix of the estate of 8. B. Pate. N. B. Boney, Atty. Dee. 12, : .- ; : " o NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er or sale contained in a certain mortgage deed from G. M. Hous ton and Vlnnie J, Houston, his wife to B. F. Smith, dated February 21 1927 and recorded In the office of the Register of . Deeds of Duplin County in Book No. 293 at Page No. 1. And, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby, I will sell to the highest bidder Tor -cash at the Court house door at 12:00 o'clock Noon, on Monday,, the 30th. day of December, 1935, tneAfoUowing de scribed tract or parcel of land: All that-certain. tract or par , eel of land lying- and being In the County of Duplin, In Smith Township, and the State ef Nor, th Carolina and known and de signated as followsj vir: "Said . tract ef land being a part of. . lot No. 14 sold for J. M. How ard by the Newberry Realty and ' Auction Company on February 14, 1914, Beginning at a Stake on the Cabin and Sareeta pub-: lie road, 415 feet West of the; Southeast corner of Lot No. 14 and runs N. S degrees and SO ., minute W. 1150 feet to a stake In Branch William's line, 8. 24 degrees and 00 minutes 840 feet to a stake; Thence 70. E. 213 , . feet to a stake; 8. 24 degrees and M mlnutea W. 1319 feet to a , stake on the aforementioned Ca . bin and Sareeta road, - Thence with said read Eastwardly to the beginning, and containing 16 a eres more or less.". Advertised this 26th. day of No vemN". 1P35. i -' ' h , " , .v.jriji.isTa. - -.' ' Gavin 4 Gavin, . , Attorneys. '-. ' Dec. 19 . 4t - 0.0. . 1 o-.i iiiftivj-1;.''' . , ' EXECUTORS NOTICB t The'nifrtifnfKi having quall - fled as executor of the last will and testament of Lucy S. Jolly, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim' or , debt against said estate to file the same with the said executor within . twelve months from the date or L JTS aa even draw as to whether' jjbhniue's sled will beat " Mary's loe skates, or whether Mary's ice skates will beat Johnnie's sled! Both youngsters' are busy getting the run ners of their respective snow vehicles ready for the first big snow, for the free sing of the old swlmmin' hole. And guess what? They're using their mother's spick-and-span cleans erthe safe one which is made with selsmotite to chase away-the rust and dirt, because mother says there's nothing else like It and what a polish, what a shine that selsmotite cleanser gives! Twill be an "even draw" as to who will be the winner but the children who fail to "polish up," Just bavent got a chance.. 4 , , this notice will be pleased in bar of any right, of recovery, ,: All persons Indebted to said es tate will please, make immediate settlement with, the undersigned.: This the 25tb day or November, 1935. :...:: E. F. SOOTHERLAND, Executor of the estate of Lucy S. Jolly, deceased. ItobL.WeUs, . : Attorney. i Jan. 2-6t. t. 4' '''.v.- O . NOTICB OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained, in a certain deed : of trust, dated Feb.22nd., 1935, from A. R. Stroud and wife Mary R. Stroud, to Robert . C. weua, Trustee, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, in Book 864. at page 324, a default having, been made, .in the payment of the' note secured,, thereby and this holder of the note, having requested, me to sell, , the lands therein conveyed and herein described, I will' sell to the highest Udder for cash, at the Court House Door, in Kenanavllle, N. C, on, Monday, January, ; 13th., iao, n the hour or 12 O'clock, ( Noon, the followinsr described! tracts or parcels of land, tying and being in Kenansville ' Township, Duplih County, State of North Ca rolina and bounded and described as follows: a FIRST TRACT: Bounded on the north by the A. R. Stroud home tract; on the south by D. M. Jolly land, on the east' by Bettie Kornegay, and on the west by Stephen; Kornegay, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the north side ef the T. J. Klnaon mil bounds, formerly Edward Pearsau, mill bounds, four poles from the be ginning corner of the original tract, and, running the' old line north 60 east 71 poles to a dead red -oak, the old corner,1 thence south 47 east 70 poles to a stake near the .public road, thence, pa ralleU with the Kenans vllie road south 81 west 148 poles to a stake four poles from the eld : comer at or near the edge of the T. J. Kinnon mill dam; thence north 62 west 88 poles to a take, thence north 72, east 47 poles to a stake, thence north 16 west. 74 poles to the begin ning, containing 45 acres, more or less, excepting 17 5-8 aerea of land which has heretofore been conveyed as will fuXy appear by reference to the. Duplin Countv Registry. , , SECOND TRACT. Bounded on the north by the Grove. Swamp, on the east by the lands of Joel . Whaley, on the south by the pubr lie road and 'the lands of P. W. .Bouse and others: - ; Beginning at a stake on the north run of the Grove Swamp, Joel Whaley corner; thence as the said Whaley line south 27 MAXWELL'S "s MEAL ' , MAKES BREAD GOOD TO THE i . last crumb:, : ASK FOR IT AT YOrR LEAWNJK UROCEB - ' VES ITS WATER GROUND ' ' PUT CP AND GUARANTEED BV : , MAJCVELL'S-MILL H. D. MAXWELL, Proprietor f PINK 1VSVL : ..'e" X .' . . ' J r . k( east S4S8 feet to a stake, Wha- . ley's, corner near his residence on the road; tlienoe with the said road . south 72 78 -1-8 west 284 feet' to' a stake, corneV of lot number 1, thence north 14 1-8 west 1924 feet to a stake at the edge of the mud land in Grove Swamp,, thence with the line of tot number 1 north 20 west 1776 - feet to Iho norl h run of . the Grove Swamp at the corner ef lot number 1 thence-down the said run as it meanders to the beginning i containing . 47 ; 1-2 acres more or less. 1 ' - R. C. WELLS, Trustee Gavin and Gavin, Attorneys. ; " ' ' ' ' Dec. 12, 19, 26, Jan. 2 ' :.,;. : i 'b. ' n ' i..--.:...-. " :- notice: of sale I Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Cicero canton to A. r. Stroud and regis tared in the Public Registry of Duplin County, in Book 277 at Page 144, and default having been made in the notes secured thereby, the .undersigned mortgagees - and transferers will sell to the high est , bidder for cash on , Mondav. the 12th. day- of January ,'1936, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court- jAjp Painful Yroutjlo: hi Helped By Cardui Why do so many women take Car dui for the. relief of functional pains at monthly times? The answer is that they want results such as Mrs. Herbert W. Hunt, of Hallsville, Texas, describes. She writes: "My health wasn't good. I suffered from cramp- int. My pain would be wo lntena It would nausuto me. I would jut drag around, to tlugslih and "tfo-leM.' Mr mother de cided to fire me CarduL I began to mend. That tired, aluggUh feeling was gone and the pains disappeared. I can't praise Car. did toe highly because I know It helped me." ... it Cardui does not help you, onsnlt a phyatehta. 1 JOHN M. JJTTLE Black and Little WINSTON'S High Class Jewelers ? ; : 130 N.' Queen St', 5 Kodak Films Developed, Eight Ey- posure Rom and Eight Prints 40c. Southern Art Co. ' , t KENANSVILLE, N. C. 'mm 1 1 " - - RouteNo.3 n't! ! i 3 !. , . 1 , to n T ' ,. S. . . 1' A ily 1. i to Ue I acres - fj a t ; t U Hil ' - '', i I II Adverb 1 L...S 1 JA. dav of ru cember, li. .i. i A. R. STKOUD, Mortvagee, WALTER . STKOUD, - ; k - ) Transferee, BEN STROUD, , " ' . 1 ..Transferee, ' . RUDOLPH KC -iVKQAT, ' " ".. V I 'r'B nofflKAA Gavin and Gavin,. Attorneys. . '' , . Dec. 12, 19, 26, 3vC 2 " NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION HaVinS- (lliallflBd OB: IrimlnlatM- 1.1 1A UI . U1B ,HUTI .1 fur WttMMH Stroud, deceased. . Into rt rrnniin County. North tCaralinn. thU I. tn uuiuy an persona having claims a- uie eacaie or saia deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Seven Snrinr W n All A, lu. fore the Eleventh, day of Decem ber, 1936, or this .notice will be pleaded In bar -of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please, make ; immediate pay- This Eleventh'day of December. 1935., ' , DELIA STROUD, ' ' ' Administrix. of the Estate of Warren Stroud," Deceased. ' Gavin & Gavin, r-.-t , Attorneys. j ' ' Dec. -12, 19, 26j Jan 2, 8, 16-t i JLL; lllkU lilt? ; i NEW CHEVROLET the best of ally. . Y 'v - . i t - " ' ; ' iLJf ' .-S- -V--v'V '.' i - d ;'jeMT- 1 . . J .';:.:v.j:'.i..i.-' f - w ' 4:, yCl,: - mmtei di tun trortr sedan - i -r j - - . , i , , .- .v , 1 ' - J " V T k-7 r -3 H , nrrsAui:3 lzazis - . and nocHml dped .. 1 , CCLID rJT.-:3i ene-vleoe a,..-.a 'awa i:.v, , . " t 1 v - crown of Baoujr, is fortress of sselr " - i"- -' - 4 .j . . J Sa.d m-J W.&MaA y' ::'o Lm,w. nrirae.";:.' e sae'heifsafrtMde6r all ? :;. "''" " -I . ' 1 to P aroaiaa aVMntf easier aaef athr j ' . - , J Li', i i mry i i j . tne. New j ..ui ii hi t io local et'iir , 1 ' r 10. 'ii e i '1 ' llH'lil e rn ir, Kev. K. 'rJ meeting ii'ih. Mrs. Ilur- a BiHietary, t f,K Ut'"s from 1 ( vou 'iln, I e l'H" 1 C .UK ii. Airs. .J. B. Blair of Vv n i e tt.ucuHsed the need of re- Oui.f.andirnr gueRts were Mrs. F. 3. Love of v. iliiiington; ex-Confer-fice C.-.i ir; it,is. H. J. Faison, Confurnce Vice-President;-Mrs. F. B. Mclunna nf nnlilithnrn rnnf.n. ence Trpusurer; Mrs. Walter Pat ten of Wilmington, Conference Se cretary; Mrs. Floyd Johnson of Wilmington, - Secretary of Wil- unSsr-Senicr Dan- quet Ileld Fri. Niht FAISON -. The Main Hall on the first f!oor of thn TPnlann- HllrV. School bullfUnC- DIM a IralM ' n 0 . u uvvuu . UL beauty last Friday night, the oc- i uoiiig yio annual Danquet ff-lven tn tha .tlAnlnra Vv two. t.. 0 . v uu- niorsk ChriHlrnnji nnlnm . green predominated; holly wreaths tuiuraeu me waus. A large Christ mas tree hrilllantlv Ilirhiod ,ii. colored electric llfi-hta atnmt In Ik. middle of the entrance hall. Shad- ea noor lamps cast a soft glow ov er tha manv tahtoa nmnararl (n. - - f- t . W the guesU. In the middle of each table stood a . small red pot in which was a lovely poinsettia. , The menu. CArrin nrs maH hiis. grapefruit cocktail; chicken salad aauuwiunes, cracaers, coiree,- jel lo. cream anil tnlra .tvia.. ' w AMU .arvia were miniature Christmas horns. , au program was as roilows: Toastmistress, peorgiana Hines; Toast to Seniors, Hazel Warren; Response, Sam Lewis; Toast f to Guest, Edna Taylor; Response, Mrs. A H. Wltherinirton: Toast to School, Edna Newaome; Response, : f t t'r,, ai t jf ; -j , d' , r "I KNEW, ' v i ,h- t . . v j w r ''jswtP1' i;i".'t T" eyesonitjXnatuusbeautuulneyr'- v iw:r i hvm t 7D v.a ' : ,, "It"80goodJookingt so ' : tSnf) SO thrillinfr tfl f?riVA exPen8ive--that I can readily under- V - ' ,tal?,1 o many people prefer it to all . r ; v - . v . ra . 7 Just vha Chevrolet says it k-t&e ony- - . complete low-miced carvvt'itur nil own. tliin. t J complete low-priced car - simiwu, ; ( 'I'm certainly glad I bought one. It suits v:i--"-3 - - 1 perfectly I think you.vW like it better, ?-v TZT - ; ' v . M. rr . ? - . ' ' . , x ; D1C too. : CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. " New Greatly Reduced I ,f fl.u.iLC. ti:.:e tjiykixt mji( ThelmfiiumdngoottinGM.ChUtary. Compan ChevnlH't lou dehoend price. 4 . - LTr t Now t' t t burcnu (.f pc . ) Nor . i c ;ii nuUMun i .. t about t' .: v I : 1 I rond ' ' i,i i , Noi h ciu. . a. h iu i in. rapidly. One road on whli h work should start tliis fall end v !-!i h should . e completed not laior than en. -iy spnng: la hard - surfacing the one from, Warsaw south through Mag nolia, Rose Hill and Teacheys, -The particular time element In volved in the case of this road a rlses out of the large shipments of truck from the section it will serve. Some of the shipments go by rail, some have been going ' in recent years by motor truck. Strawberries and some of the other fragile farm products of the it" 7 rum HIGHEST CASH F.. r FOR CHICKENS ii . i BEAUTANCUS ' the moment I laiil n. t comfortable, bo safe .-urifViniit lwmif tlia sfe giving all good-things V - a?5 A - i: !,.;. m- ,- j-1""-. aft DETROIT, MICH. . , CZZZZZZZZ'z'z V ..;.;.!; M4rwe lM,iai'iarbei. - . t'r- JPHteieaw la nu ., J a,4l Vif I me t - in coiiai.. 0 J the n Carolina v hard surfut- kjii U . , ' 1.. A W... New and IV- l fitV'-lw Vo.- -r CALL si.'JLk ' 1m I... -' SEVEN I AND EGGC .'!...' i ? m- BT ' : i. 5 V new bees ct r. : beeiw nmhru,bi. ti, oHd ' 'I laiCij-ccrrTrtr"" " d. 1

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