3 COVIL.J i, UIi: L - a nc and ) a ri for : ;..lincd steam doctor's VOLUME 4 - UwDA gE3. Iv37 . v , .', - ' . ..... . i ' Ji "'jV ' -'' ' 'ji--r-i'rii.'-;-. . " hoe!?.:: :3. arc:;'. :"? ?-vv. u.fo,. . "i' -r". i to . . . j : , f ' . ..... - -- i il. . - . r . ' . i i ' 1 v -I '.1:3 3 0 en-row .j :s hear a com i l"r:i ' :3 far comer about a lieavy curden on " : Ilrcn's chi!dren,but f i l ..: : . . i. Aid whtf-tf should :rry? The men df that gene- t: .11 find more and better V: -n we for shifting the bur? j f.-tnre generations, :The ' tie debt will never really i ri ir oa. monev can be 1 fcr refunding existing" wt.,i8 we go n stream . . ew York Times row . i.rvard with a proposal for 'l-ir? the stately figure of ' ' tasaytcihir:: 3 it yoid jrYa.c?' -3 f in cc 3 1"! t ri"r ts ever ; ' 3 C'T f "T f 1 i i a f.rf at -riy ,tq 1 r to Cat ; f -7 tv, sool frii Cl- r- " ,' eircat:;ai -'-"3 ia ths 'LUei 3 TZl-'a A ( . Jimond County. To do ill ret be araissto say the . for from all indications Ur. 1 3, jprincipal cf ,tlt8 risrbe '. 1, .' f reccersjici, V grHt :i v .K'ay cf'jaaliiVv ' I V -?srttoities,f frtf . ' fi '. ,'T" itikci'-.cnt'r'!;.::?' i:f rb'it 't7C;3 .ti c.-:i f . realm of educatisa. -Ifcn-. ilia i education " ; ; -authorities 11 1 be intensely interested in ; tiLereb their task con .3 rrade lighter and the possi ty cf success should be made re real., .. . . ?l V" . ' With the cecity billTracticary j eral AssenlZy t 3 vote.tp have l: - ay relict that it is a fcr-.! cmcsica that aij'-irir- c; ..ti.-.s cf eyne sitly Easrssn. Ien::r ar.d Onslow are. already selling :;egaiizeoV m: nor. " . w'i' ' The bill permits each county to vote on the question and if car ried, to set up A. B. C. stores. Any township, however, opting such may prevent a store ton per ing set up in its territory incept the ccuuty ieat v 4 -, -7h?n , aslced this, morning, rii aiW; W J. X. Hiller: of .the .Dun lin County Commissioners said it was too early , to say wnen wupim r- T" i tA?,n UO "Sr -. tv3 L-,ter jet. j:r. HHer : ' 3 l:zt r t to .trirg' t W ,tn U it iJ finiJy 'cdmted la the " - li e r 7 reavy ii'i Xvery r r trnA ms'J,tr'"aSV. ii r' -ova t,-.. .1 s !if Are we j to t""t c-r vch'.to legalize a evil,l: -l.'taia cne ,bf the most f":. jxe&pons to hu r7i K.iritv?'ill a. vote for le- -lircl llcr ure the situation Kij v?c;;r-?1 it Tedy is With 1 2ctif"--r Ecatt-rci t.ircx'znoux commence, work scon on' his' new home. .The sight is beins- cleared away, located on the Warsaw-Ke-nansville highway about ,two wi les out of JS.enansvuie. , , ' -, question involves prowtns pzsp s-.auia c'-' i in ' JJiuva. 'j ' pr-'e: fiver v,ftiot;ly, and ccnstvy.There on ha co-.tv feti.l '-415' 1 i&i everv- sus ot us f ia a cry voie Stnn' bicti hftv rftcentlv been placed at ,3 intersections in Ken- ansviue ana autoists. wno ignore them are subiect to arrest. At the intersection of highvy. and. ll at J. uxunu s store signs nave been placed approaching the inter section from the court' house, from Beulaville and ' from Pink Hill. -s. r: At the intersection of state highway 24 and U.' S. 117 in the Eaathern :edge of i ; Kenansville signs have been placed on '.117 drlv in?, from Tin City towards Warsaw in front of Page's Service Station; Jtfav&g the rear of Page's service. station .traveuiw: towaras Yauace and about in front ; pf ; Brinsou's store" entering Kenansville ifrom Warsaw.: Ia other words the drtvr er must sfbp at thcihieey 4n tersection in every direction .ex- Warsaw, f rom Kenansjie to tTin City and from Tin City to Kenans- ville.(One has also; qeeu piacea at tne intersectioa ;v?nere we ;.enr sects the'h,ajd .furjace liirqnt'oJ, Patrolman ; Pierce stated "that .1if law .TOill.bi enforced.. Tester- dav he made 4 arrests for failure to observe these1 signs, 4 Frances II. G. Mann of Baleigh, Ge neral Manager of the State's : K ii two largest farm co-opera-1 : fives, who addressed a meet ing k of farmers in 'f! Wallace Friday, February 12th i -(, v ,-. A drboro : .'ciirncy Dates . V : ' C OITCrOUO, Feb. ' 18 The " . - t.i Annual Ten 1 County - v." prions of Champions" Bas ' ..IL-.Il Tournament, conducted by 3 T7r-rff County Memorial Com - . ; 1 r'.IL-g', v.m le LelJ the and. 13th of March, Cl3rcro. - " , ' "' is t"'""""ar?.?7it is ce cf the : Carolina. stamp outvthe tr?ffic,jaud improve conditions' as. ther are t' Knowing that adjoining counties sell it, l-l-t:t;bsitlrets'V!;,?und u ile-if .,fct our ' mii5t,- knowing cir swaraps, and knowing '.' Itnat we-':faced;witi'-tre.wo:ift increase is ua yaic, ac wc jusu f ied in lesralizine the traffic in Duplin ana reaping: the profit in stead of letting the bootlegger pocket all ? And finally when we come to the bottom of the whole matter can we legislate a moral n npstion ? f!n.n we teach " temner- ance when the law forbids the le A We read of the ' increase in farWcy.ja jour 5ountry:Sit is rnAiwstiiMr note thftt in Den- xances i ,rwjfm ..--- --. ttH , Af Jiv.rf.kOm XnUok mar wnere iarnwrs are.wie mu TLTt ITiitrft and Wm. Horne Of An-'."".. yv""-- ?T?-TT-r T Jeggers and by noon of the follov in? day the liquor had all been disposed of .and presumably con sumed; ; k i''! . ' .'T' , We wonder how much of this is vrnnv tm in everv community in! gal use of a thing? Temperance is Puplin', County. Our ctcss is;,that treyville were arrested rand fined r? Getting Jacfc to.tfie jiauor jaues 8Z:wi'U,cwbai4 whiskey capital is tW good earth and tjieir was hauled into Hose Jiiu v lasj equipmeni;; -vjmu v www Sunday during church hour, dis- are tne seeas. iney piani ana iue M.nUi.mmi TinaoiMv A . hnot-' f ertilizers and sunulies " they use: The . farmers of Duplin and Sampson Counties ? shipped two car loads of hogs last week from ; Warsaw, A total of 27,424 pounds of hogs were shipped to a packing . .nTirorn fn Baltimore. The nrodu- cers ' were well pleased with the sale and we have had several re quests ,to continue this ; coopera- v iiw menod of marketing' hogs, It is ,qur jplan to continue thujas, long as tne iarmers waiii it. t That -proper thinningof tte forest land can be made'a valuable project on the farms in Buplin County was demonstrated - very dearly by several of the leading, farmers last week. Mr. B. H, Pa ge, Assistant H Extension ? Forester, along with the help and fine co operation of the following' farm- m bti fTiAir Tiei?hbors. helned us put ou six actual thinning demon- Stranons lasi; wees u;w vwukj . With'the following iarmers: w. Kilpatrick, Bose Hill; B. P. Bum-1 . merlin, Mt olive; a. jr.. uuuaw,., Seven Springs; raui uuuaw, oev-- 0n Springs ; LOW a.ornegay, w sir saw : and J. F. Williams, Warsaw. ' A small plot on eaeh iarm was, actually thinnea; the wood cut, pi- 1 led and measured, and the trees left standing were counea. ' An , average of 18 cords of wood per acre was cut . ana . wm , xrees . per i acre left to produce more wood and timber. 1 ' " Ur. Joe Wood of Boute 2, Wal lace,' and Mr. 0. ! 1. .Holland J of Kenansville,1 B. F. D., nave made plans to set an acre of -Black Xo cust trees for the purpose of pro ducing fence posts. As far as any .... Am ' arailaVtla 4iosa ' am :. ....... , ... .-:-V -.."!'. IICUIUIU LlC1..4WkMJ.,-..V4v.., .. ; m.ZxA Ai'n V a! tkmi 'A. mm nwrtn Art ft TITO- ' selves ;M" W Cou?' At-.;' . :j ..ii. 4V1,.; ,x rm. 4.. m' i miim trnffl inn lit 11UC V1CCB W wmsiMV44i1wji State JIursery and will only cost $3.00 per thousand, which will be , nnnorii fn tot an siftTft' Ahese men will receive $5.00 in Soil Building 'ilTorth ' Carolina snendinr rn excess farmers - are of 4 $40,000.- 000 a yeat forfertflizers S-'aiid a if :they would insist Upon high analysis plant xooa oi jeuowh qna- litv Tt. rostft hut as much to fix and tranport sand, as it does real plant f pou . IT-. 4 it Is now' at a scant 4 ner cent. Truly, Denmark points the way. f'A iriim)iin nf tliAir Pavmonta frnm the 1H37 Soil Lon more important that' they receive a jusi price lor vucir iuusucu.iiw- ducts.fe-: '' cr-tj c ) ti: ty c. ;::s - .ana t3 f: .-..i-g coun- s to t tcr: -lenior, en. LaBlin. amn- Jcrcs, Lecomoe, wuson I !:r and Wayne.. v - If ens cf the above counties I:c3 net send representatives, any cci"ty ct'ier- than those ; named . j 4-J t,.0.c. - '!. 11 3 1 3 ysV tournament was won j ; iilihll, Johnston County, ' - i 5 car end ths girls' by Seven " TJs-pra C.r,:r.tv. Both of .. v --r- , fce tack to ae- :en:hips.v-ii".t;, r.1 1 thswin Ccll . - ". . : 'i the modified use, not abstejjance. -We pray you, each and everyone, think hard and soundly on these questions.- -;--, . - " . .. t . , r Our board of county commission ers met last week with a represent tative-of the State Highway com mission and practically uemanaea some additional t equipment for road, ' maintenance, 'U Dupljn ? has been discriminated against in fi vor of adjoining; counties. xne members went to Baleigh to take it up wither. Waynick and short ly after" a hearing was requested by him f or au engineer. The eh pineer: as nsual. wanted to satisfy us with promises, but left Kenans ville literally with 'demands land the"resultiv.?A.i:f i A lAttov wna rereived .'from Chairman Waynick tiais week stat itiff that DnDlin will receive an additional motor grader and light truck and : creation ot a new roaa district in the county which would reduce mileage in each of the pre sent existing districts, "v the traffio is normally; heavy ev-( erywhere except in ' communities Mf PinV "Rill and Bichlands. In fact we have been informed that areas near these two are .almost cleaned of bootleggers.; : teans vxJ. 1 Mci tr: Belative to the five county com missioners proposal it has? ; been suggested that as an alternative the ihree ' member board as we now nave it uc uuiituucuvuv election of members r be put on rntoiftTi Tmii sft that onlv one member be elected " every two TTii rnnlrt ; easilv be done with three but would hardly hej wafitieal with five members. As Ah TitTfLIn Tim h a. we sug CTAsad tinnr ; rti tne iMmocranc tli five commissioner plan, but the rotation idea sounds ' .1.. ml., .-..i!.. v i-. very gooa aiso. ajic- nurawuu iu which is the better of the two... Five commissioners from five dis tricts would certainly give the county better representation while it would increase the' cost of gov ernment, : and - political battles. The three member board on a ro tation system would not increase county overhead and would : tend iui4ivi - --"r i to reduce tne amouni ci pouueax ....... . . - i uuuvmcs caw wvviw' ub b. ) ClIMiia XAX VUG iUUU 4 44 4k V4VUV4U T.Tiss ITftlen Hunt of llagnolia. tomsr ; teacher in: the : Calypso To nav fancv nrices for plant ing seed is not enour . The wise f armei- sees to it that he gets what he pays for by buying only seed of .known ana aaapxea ori gin; . ' . these trees. We would like very much to Jee other farmers follow . these two leaders in this fine jnco iect. '' . "' ' Pines may be secured in the sa me manner and the same payment ' will be given in connection with , k the soil program. For further in-; formation you may see your Coun-' i (Continued on back page) " Robbers Of Magnolia Bank Escape ? With Five. Uther Uesperadoes Seven heavilv armed, desueiate Bob. Smith, convicted murderers, convicts are still being sought in ; c. Frederick Yeager, Norfolk sa- Wnrth CaTolma after there ' sen sational escape '"from - Caledonia Prison farm in : Halifax County Monday. Included among the sev en are Clark York and A. W. Pe tit: who were V? arrested in - this county, June 12th,v 1934 for rob fe-cracker, Ralph Page of Drexel life termer, Wm. Payne, .High Point, bank robber and J. W. Tur-1 ner, alias Jack Borden, Marion, 'obbew.;'?...'i.v i '-. After pulling guns on guards, berv o fthe Bank of Magnolia. ! locking them into closets, arming Thev were convicted and sentenc eo. in me j iuv iitiu ui uuui i. u office. Cr-ly schc:l r 1 T :eived a . tie wnnM he for one commissioner instead 6f three; The Times be lievea "that the -tscnle should have the best rcrresentation possible lit v." themselves heavily with guns and, changing clothes they forced two emards to accomnanv them. - fled KenansvifleivPrioritoj that time guards to accompany themv fled ( (Petit was'coniiected with a- ro from in a pick-up, the Bank of - Magnolia convicted and . sentenced to y the pen. He escaped later witn: iorx and the two robbed the bankFol lowingittiat convictioU ; Petit es caped again but was soon, caught. York, a 35 year - old "Mount Airy man was serving a total of : 75 ?eaTs for murder and robbery and 'etit, of Charleston S. C. was serv ing a long term "for bank rob bery.',- ; " : 7 Other " escapers Ilcnday were tmrk. Thev had cnt all telenhOne connections and it was not known, until a; guard could drive twelve miles to Halifax to send out war nings. The trail led thru- Halifax Nash, Edgecombe, Franklin, J ohn stori, Harneft, , Cumberland and Moore counties v where it was' lost. The two guards were , re-', leased at Vass in Moore county. No trace of the convicts had been found as' we go to press to day.;;.'.; ; - ; l V,

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