is to I .1 1: ia tcl? 3 crl are very un- :;al. TLs Exten A. i3 not cnly inter- -rirl trcm tne ' ; L -tlrcn ti.3 proper " 1 ctizzI ty these pest. o Preside G -y t-cusan: Duplin County Democrats gath ered here last Thursday mgnt and participated in the nation y these Fest. wid Democratic victory" Dinner. .13 cf cellars ,TtT e. . i,;v,0 f ihe m J. l I lirUl V -&-U U bC V LMM a.' Csmty; nans are ainner presiucu i;a T2 to get Hr. George 23.1 A. Barden made the principal ao Hrt -cat in. Eodent flrp. Around' one hundred Demo ircn Ctat3 College, , to Lrats from ail sections of the I za cut in Wis .cam- -, vOT. rpwpspnta- AirPB will hp wuuigr, -D' . . hives wrom Pender County .ana invhiuui I . In the meantime, those several homesteaders ; from i rcsted in such a cam- drelea eathered and ate DarDecr WEAVER'S BRIDGE NAMED FOR- PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE; NAME CANNOT BE CHANGED In-1892, General James B. Wea of Iowa, was the Populist nom inee for President of the .United States, and I heard him mane a srach', duru that campign in a hi; grove belo U contact the County hread al,a siaw at the tune of U ;cS.'Aee,,t 7 peIplit;Ectti?tSecaMe.Itf. . v ' r -nartv close to 51&0., -n cf Dunlin and Sam- Ait " . . m n.J.i. -tier shipped 3 carloads Henry ttevens, xuiiuu, Warsaw nonaay, ana .ccsni ;(fcst w ,niun, Txcincers received ap Catts, Taisca, Ecbtrt Grady, Ken- da cf live weight ship-Uri Jcia Eostic of Eeulaville and ; aahi r-nnnpTa- t-a-b X7fl'p.r of ' Wallace. . Dinner. 3 cf this ; kind held this was terved by the Junior Woman s tie swine growers, xir. uud ci i.enansyjuc. ; ;; At sevea-tniny me crowa uc r n it!iftT in the only "Eoosc- lb .... ... ii. i i Ri. rrr3 vl t:;--l v." r, v. t ' '. As a ,r, no ai c : C; ;it 'irir.axv toT ed' on i- -r cai" ryow Pres ent to say few Vwoijls. Host im- xtzzive amcng tne speakers were debates iron i eMeriea wno ex- rrcssel their deep appreciauon w Presilsnt Eoosevclt ; who made Penderlea possible and to Hon. riroltm ' '.TZ&Aenj thi man who is respensible for the continuation of the project., : -..v. . -. . l- am Turlington of Warsaw, you all know him, was ; very much in the limelight. W was , saia - dj iTlsr.--Extension-h Ewine t. from State College Cta- i tsre and helped in cr.i irradin' the hogs. Tjrit:! 7 E:-nci to be well r-"3- ez:i tl ' - ' -J,i r 'C0;erat:v3 f tyi' 1 -I ,cn';ru l. c ::zziiz this sale. t :rs cf rrlia . XJounty -j their permanent zrtiis year. The t3-.Cffic3v Ls helped . .ers who are working lircs over-';,andv.plar.tms: 3. These pastures will oov : til of -79 acres of -land, : cess cf planting : t pastures 1 ta in the near future, and j is a great need for more and flip, p.onntv. ' It ' is a fine .thins if every I about half an hour defending Pre r in the county, could have at i indent-jJtoosevelt'ainst mai'.y - s-rll plot set aside for a 'personal attacks that have bee -3 iJt order to help feed the J made against him recentlj - be 7 cow. which should be on (cause of the Supreme urU Edi- ra;. V ? - tonal aoie:..tter..vei-niB,-8ay,.uii. Graham isaraen maae ine oesi speech ! have ever heard him ma ke and presented President Boose; velt and convinced his hearers of the sincereness -of lie president more than any speaker f have ev er heard)..1, "I am not ashamed of being pre At the last meeting of Duplin County Commissioners they pass ed a r solution to change the namf nf w Tver's Bridge" to "Picketti Brilz .".rincetherhavRbeenin-l f rme q by5mg-iway vomnussioner V. yr.k tnat .tneynaa no -sucn right and "the"name could notbe changed unless they took tne mat ter before the entire State -Highway Commission and get their ap proval, L ' All Xaob wcuk a laaub v iuw we inquired jf ; any one, knew just where . eattr's Bridgegot itsnir mei the fcllowiig letter viwuLt ceivedthieektVj:';: Wilmington, N. C.: March1 8th.. 1937 Mr. Bobert Grady, Editor Duplin County Times : Kenansviiie, a, u. . v-r.;? insrinGr to Cant. John C." :T-,iMilla it Teacheys. - I am quite 'positive that this bridge was named for General Weaver. That was my understanding at the tim i was livintT'at Sarecta,at that time about four miles from "Weaver's Bridge". ' '-..., Ornvpr was elected prudent that year lor his second term. He was first elected Presi- Aa-n in 1SR1 aTlrf WM DV President Harrison in ; woo, ana ed seven carioaas tip Hpfptitp.d Harrison aeain ; in ; ; Yours very truly, - ; it. w. UXtAiii. We have been further told by Duplin Farmers Laying Tue Duplin and Lenoir county farm ers will probably lay mbre - than 100,000" feet of tile this year to protect their fields from excessive wctncsSt' ,vv": 'v- ,; ' " , - This was the estimate made by H.' M. Ellis, assistant extension agricultural engineer ; 1 at State -mIIpo-p; jiftPT eroincr into those counties . to give uie-iaymg uwu-4 onstrations. ' - 1: - - a f put wppVs ao hp. met with" Lenoir - and Duplin county farm- ers to give ae-uoiiuTwwo, -uw.& anrvpvt fur drains.' and help ax-. range for co-operative tile purchase es m carioaa lots. ? Lenoir farmen bought three carloads totaling some 15,000 feet and impiin xarmers nave pureua- amouuuug innifi 3S.000 feet. A few days ago he conducted, more demonstrations and . .found -such increased, interest in drain- - age that he felt safe in estimating another eight carloads would be in uupun cvuaty, in Lenoir county." lit.' VC: SIC iUAsi Myw" ""i.riUl u uc-uviow.iv, - . of lirst "bndge ' was ;constructea ; bv i veyed tale lines, graaea tne tue hii."iftU:lii tile, "blinded" .-ir;A-- TiVptt; TMkiYaiiiiA iW9'vtii rfla-fcthe joints and built concrete struc r v ft -rtv t. lL: . v-J- atrnnv . snnnnrtprs of now tne oriage came 10 oe hjuhwi wi6-mv n ------, as "Weaver Bridge.'? . , r James Bt Weaver. r 1T vav.r tianer I ; that the name Negro Chfld Killed Wednesday When He Ran Into A Passing Car An 8 jeatold .1 ' many xnai Dam wws utv ia-1 , . , , cractertnavnenaaever ucu. "- T" "'A Congressman jsaraen spoxe 101 ly - xiuea - w euneauay u lchuvuu son of Nick' Ha-Ung' down the road; some on each -Impost instant- sitte' oi me roaa. duquu ty ! thp p.pnter to avom nittinc mem when he' ran into the front fender of a car driven by Walter Stroud. The accident occurred aoout one mile West of Weaver's , Bridge. ZZZD 1IECEC3AEY - . : ron PH0HTABLE CE0P I tie best sweet potato, seed . ret n.J al next fall and r yen will get better prices -r crop.'" 'v'. ''r'i.'v, "S i seei not, only produces ; ; :;lis per acre, it also Isce : good ; quality, pota t t command Jtop prices,' ; . P. 7atson, extension hor laist ; at 'State ;: Collc-e. fffi h. rear growedrV slicdi give : r J ;-ll:a to quality than tQ Sevreal negro children were walk-! Stroud of all blame. and as he passed between the groups young Hawes suddenly darted across the road, running in to the front fender 01 ; stroua s cat" An investigation exonorated .a Girls Take County Tournament v- p3rd. as a bfe crop ii ii -'jrssrset ana :-oniy,: we pctat:-:3 will trigoci prices. A I ::ycr recently toldVatson he v-: i r ', rsnta more a basket for rainier nti in; the finals when BeulavUle-took the? championship from' them by one point, For more complete story seeJEtose Hill sec The -county 'high school basket ttnii TiYTiiTnpY! rfliYip to ft close in 4; -ifiTittfaR jfttri T fftrf ! ncit? Wairartf A-oronasmm f Monday ashamed of the great victory Pre-1 night when the .Bose Hill , boys Tnnnoalf laaA fliA Ttpmnnrui'. .fa4-a1 "R 17 ftrnrlv hovS f OT the tic Party to" he said. "A few years .championship. Bose Hill girls were! tion. factcra ? Wnrth llnToli na was l J 1 1 111 ;'" ' ' ' n nt lrn nwn in Washington City : . : . ' i :. aihh rr-t v t n i s Till ,Tr C M buttTday itis'known, even if we HENK I Ity JMID 0 f IV",? do not nave great monopoue ,01 wealth'', he said. Climaxing the program, Mrs. J.' D. Eobinson ' of Wallace . moved that the meeting go on record as opposing Senator Tydings Victory a2- pstatces than for the, Wtion Judge Ab Blanton ad-tjo 1:.7 quality potatps most dressed the chair from the rear of iF PLEURISY, COURT- ADJOURNS Judge Sinclair of Fayettevflle, j .. 4.r wiilri term At Sll- pericr Court hfire Monday and ad- ournea j.u;aun.jr riday due to the suaaen niness acre last r;eve .:r:-2 yiell p : 3 U tutls. ; ;, ccnt3 ncre on the basket '3 potatoes- wc'all bring. nore per. : acre, Watson 'Vh n tall, he ccntin- f--:l , pr: lies a i. . v. j AiAMnAmf i TTotirv Stpvpns . of Warsaw. ths Elanton. style and UteraCylIr; Stevens asentt an scouted a and . amen an. style and UteraCy! Mr;" Stevens wastnexen wiui an , second to the motion .acute attack of Pluracy while in dirg it by adding , that the court ; room; and w taken tc Senator Jcdah Eailsy be instruct ed that "he kfiep himself; m vas ictcn, ITew York or some dar:r-.-tla infernal place until he cca'J represent the pecple cf ITarth Ca iclina' nai support tis Tredlcst, :r r :t t:3 f::t u t!:3 crowd rrt'i C his Tiattia In Warsaw.vHe 18 im proving rapidly and is xpecteaxt be out in a'fewaays' Mr. Stevens -was appearing on the case of McGowen vs Davis whi- ch was tne iirst case caucu day. Jude Sinclair returned Fn The last demonstration in Dup lin county was attended by Do innindin? five farm acents from adjoining countieSr Some 30 - larmers wiiccii ( onstration in Lenoir county. Kl - Ellis ' commented that good' .-. drainage is necessary in low, swampy areas to carry off, the ex- cess water and tile drains give mu- ' ch better results than open ditch- , es. .. . - I To Our Readers Again we must apologize for Wpinor ifttp. Last week we explained ' , I that mechanical ( trouble in the 1 shop forced us to'come out on Sa turday and mis weexs wemca- . dous increase in advertising line- f ollowine last week's upset in . . , f Hp hnn forced us late aeain.- I When a large break in advertising . . printing shop must be in first class order to enable us to issue. otf tihi& Wehope yod will bear ; v . with us and probably in another week we will be caught up. Its just - like getting behina witn a utxie cash. Once you get behind it takes t j , a long time to catch up. And inci- - 1 dentally we are oaouy oemna in; cash; It about five hundred of you . ' v subscribers would . remit your re-; newals during the next thirty days r - ' vnn WUUIU 11UL UC UUU UUV each, and we would be in i Give us a break won't i Thanks? $500. you? IWall ace Ladies In New York Jury List County Court April 5th., 1937 ,t . J, H. Teachey, A.'K;4 Mobley, 'onerator arnf--- 't? . t V,ati J vr Wil. 'fftT the Curlev Ton Beauty Shoppe liams; & VBlount, D. MTurn- and-JIrS; Delia Ballard, owner cf . er Virrie Davis, Walter J. Brown, Ballard's Beauty Salon are spend &SS w, JoneS,V. ing this ;week;iii Hew4 York City. Williams, D. F, - Boonev G- attending the International Beau-. Brown, M. D. Woodward, Jeremiah !ty Convention. On-their return day. Jud-e Smclairreturnean- waTe your davmcmir- and adjeurned courtle yamea iv. t .tvlish coif. I lay noming. I Easser, j- . fure. Watch; for, their ads soon, to V