' r COVERS DUPLIN LIKE A; 1100 ::iTJiir;;yt; - , - ..tzjzzdj&zz marches, 1937, gnxArrmu; n. c. ,.tif?; - 'HDisri:. i.liiiilLd r-'.::3 O jr.rs cr- : a i3 sens fclis .Pi IP " -d He-a Of D::'. Bar, r " ' "I 1 2 CLY district bar association , : 'I ia Eenansville last Fn ' ron. and elected - L. A. 7, dean of tie Baplin Bar i -tiring vice-president .cf the ,;-.ioa , as president ' for the year.-';- ' ia D. 7arlick of Jacksonville president, 1 presided over "trs held l in the copxt ii t?e afternoon. Icayirj it Lowe, the raenoers ca " t!i erPer the heal" ".:tylrJdi?,.8itst TrLicIi rcf tricf talis trers . ;ise Orady actixj w tcast r. ri ' HA , , V "r Cecity t?jLs"chc2ea for : t J Cp t-2 pa- , tocretsxy-trsasirer Utm- ;1 fc3 esetnitiTe ccmttee T?rrs: Cccrr .E. ward, -2. Ussery E. Taisca, Clia 7. rtilrs, Jacissa 1 U. Crawfcxd, Jr., Kirston; jl Wallace cf Kiastca was ;tcd dktrict cotH t " jrcurhcut the '- ceetias, bnei A most 'serious effesse has been committed by scae1 ' cae. Daring the recent term cf ccart it Was revealed that a certain jzfent docket in the clerk cf court's of fice had been mutilated. Upon the discovery, the Ez;Iia .County bar was called let session and a com mittee appcintci to make an imed iate inveite ration and report ,to Judge Sinclair, 1 presiding Clerk cf Court, R V Wells, in vestigated the matter and report- in turn .was made to Judge Sin- follows! r ;CiniK'S STATEMEHT 4"In tls matter of ; North Carolina Delegation In Washington 4 if J! 4 i 1 r.: i 4 v , i .1 i - 14 l!iry A. Crady, , vs. J. C. .Brown, ar.1 wife, James . Brown, Frank Uirter ana wile, wait a. uaner, R.r.1 Frank Carter. Guardian ad- Lta, cf Cudia A.'.Carter...v)'.- "To recsrs. I A. rcasley, . Ti Jihma.kerl Ccarrs E. Ward. att:rzeys trrcii:tci by His Eaacr II. A, ljzzlzix. jucse : prcsiarg, ti rawr.t:ata th records in the cfrice cf the Clerk of Eaperlor C"t ia the; above.enutled.ac tia'; ' "; ; - 'J? , s Z'j ettc-tlca was'called.to this r l - ' I . L. c-'',"n en Teh I tcana taat pages 4-a jn iajc uarouna aeiegano m our jwanu- ket lio. p caa peea remoyea irom at vongress in wasxungwn. . xma kUC UWVA) 4V IfCUIjg ..w w u WWII, yutiUB hmuwuui e as a sewed r bound book, I then 'sent to the TBIE3 by Hon, Ora looked in Index to Judgements to j ham Ju iBardeit pongressman from ...'jr;''j7-ir- al 1 ' 1 ' f '""'I . r"v," .rcvacai. um; - o, wnB '4,xm, ana propeny uwwi i 'i trcre mad2ty7s--0radi which showed the! judgement was . i Towers, llajor George h. rccorded in Judgement Docket no. r, Altctt 9. Uraay, uecxge ( 5, page - 1 then looked y tor le. r Er -XTallace, Civers D.th containinsr the orieinsi ; .;3a, Ely J. rerry,John QanB vpapW.-ji?! the 'case-?; tad'ltinaing i 1 i Xurlirgton,; L. A Beaseiey , 0e- ottn original ,r - Is the welcome-- f -rs' 1 jadgement ; was not in samei I ::tlzsi were' ertcz-cd by Judge then looked th r Minute' Booket 1 : :a of Ke-ansviUe and W'ooataliiaiittiuitt 2 cf Einstsn. r-WJi f rebruary vTem,1910, and i found I . . . . . ... .- a ' the judgement in question proper ly recorded in full in the Minute Docket' rebruarT Term. .iv, uBes i3-201 a conv of said judgement " as taken .from the Ilinute Doczett as nerexo awacnea marked : Mbit:::-:-! rnnn Oil liiC t JUCJLh WO J I V - VM nin i luckv in havins Mr. Bar- den to represent us'. He ii a hard working congressman , and when matters, pertarningj :.to xhisdistrict come np he rolls up bis sleeve and goes id work.' Fenderlea is operat ing today; mainly as a result of Mr. Bardenfs efforts. The. Warsaw ntna fl ft . Tsnlt of . Mr. Barden's personally getting behind the mat-. ter. It is expectett that additional Federal money will soon be spent in Duplin: County as a result of Mr. Barden getting behind things. Our congressman is a hundred per : ' cent Boosevelt man; and the Times is a hundred pet cent for Barden. ' from the Minute - Dockett and i otherwise, '; and recorded ana in- ; dexed in the proper recoras , n "Bectfullv subnutted, this letn day oijKiarcn, juwMi ', - 7' .Birm 'tip"- Tz'lia ,THE RELIABILITY AND I ,! A, J .J 4" 1 f 1 (Bvy.W.JIcWWEH) t Th Scirof tlpor nrnintv .farmers:, this received 2300 'checks total- .la prcgrsm.'tfhis arsunt 1 -;;;cats appreximately. half of t Hi exr:.:-l to be. revived iitlii county with ia the next x ryn, 1C37, J d a cdpytrf ts judgement made which! -cer tec05aep1?- ft of the two departments so as to TAwrt tn the affect. ; v duplication of work and ex- m. .L. i JonAtrATTr tDQtt first' J -4. on-md 'HmA 1TT1- made, and an ihvestigatioa begun p,. . service to the public. ; ! only certain parts of the record v North Carolina held a distinct nan t nopn mnmaieu. 'Jicdwccu. wv aHvanraim tat lis iuxiucas vj first inveatiaration and the second, -onntvr cron acreage: informa- tame record was inrcner aesuvjf- ; ricnltural Adjustment progrwns. COtsJl W pJ r r """fTT' i ! selves, by the tax listtaker, is the ucsk, pmc&est uo caeapese uicui odTof collecting such' basics and ooasixucave iacxs. xne vwx iiss- a, ihg ! machinery K offers tiur only a , . -practical and economical means for ';''?- Th T8 Tears' exoenence in col- - .C lestmg these crop acreage reports s ' Ms largely: ;lU),ieiiminaxett me ,,' suspidons of farmers of harmful v , : - -purposes or results; (2) awaken-u a If ... ' ... ". ' . ' PL A. l.r c:crr:rating with the Tederal i 1 it. i Xii riEEts caverir,r the teriod :i7,UW , iQIfl inft famA tlat this j-tmsnt war prcpeny as to all defendants named in the title p- f . " i . -i TirrV15' 1S37. mv ntten tica was raia called to this caste and especially with.reteremce found tzat or torn: Index inti) nn A-f 1T-A V . . . . 1 . . - tf. W V B . - WW. WW . " ' : ty. w u wcatva-js, . &oA ti,e istter."B" which w'- c- 1 -?! P. v-..----.. - .7- " . .. ana Plete that the total record was not destroyea , ana, w wiuu&v vo " Tbi offense is serious and car ries a heavy penalty. The party committing the offense, isuooseu- -l T.j-r' Vf this irewifrsrer i r:::z3 the index: ana X c ir r"sJ,..-,;b.e tad removed -' zzz h7t:i2 bock; containing ; A. T. CrtiiV i.ci-xer w j.-. : Jlli;,S2:crts - 1. -... ' a.v Ko fAwnshiu tax list-ta kers,,has: ntteo xnem iv . farm relief program, and especial ly has this exoereince and infor mation been fortunate for the pre- sent AAA dou uon-eryauwu s I- AAtWWll I ' T- T MM ni W. II Br. . MBAUUt' t Mr II I. M. Heves that a T thorough investiga; ing such farm reports; 3) lar-j VU Tllili.H.V mpw I v . markable degrees n 1 1 ;v. . ; : ;: ; ; Sometimes .farmers may be an- ; , -naveA hv the' xtrA tronble of toa- y . king crop, reports when they give fj V in vineix tax usia. - ai, cu ier hii . , when you conaider the tremendous ; f-t value pf . these reports .aren't they 1 v : a aa a, A a . f ': " N f every j ever the Thtp ' worth, 44 just a little extra time and, estimates of the Crop. :AlbMSijt --? c-"-r ,."m- Jar?!- E. Crown. 1 and an' entire -TlCi C, ::V.?f T:;t:: - : fea- ,fe.vi--1 r nanea cf the 5 The Auxiliary Officers Training - 1 i a a" . 1 ' to I .a - A. iiraay "1 and'! f!l!Ssi will 'meet tSrionV Church in 'tis to Yc'rriias at 2:00 J'J.'r'H 3 ci t i wcrx , i-v nOUSeKeepiliK! Baa aiuwB t: .' r. , " v - ----- . mSactaring and business mana- ' estimates, are made Jy averaging, A d "r .-.!!! i i . -..Atlanta thft rptinrts from thousands of far- .. . cement, ""wyuwo,-,.-.'- 1 a i jiv MiVa anl7 mers.v Bv: toKinaf ; the -averasre of v .i Tney mnsi xnow or must pw - z t-'- "r7.Ti; ri"r - ' . Jzni -. wi.a. fjintipr psHmfttfl littift too mnp.li ; .t ." gainst compcuiiun, .uw wucu w : - - "r-IIt I ; mm iwvpiuvA' rv v "pp... wwv .vp.. i It has been found that although -' the estimate of one man may be v 1 v wrong, tne average oi many csti- 1h r t1- t7ot!c ' will t3 ' Tut ncn-taxaie ana nou-cuu-. - w I ,V ' . 5V 1 Y? ;.r i-ilative farm information collected 'Kates is almost sure to "hitclocs ; A1; v V.) . tacWcS from'iJ farmers them-! i ' (Continued cn lack.page) . ' . - 4 ' . ' -1