I'S SALE. 7-I-4T- D. & S. j i i C. l- i M I c ! cf i j c .. f "1 doe.l ; tit wti.;.- t r?e C u . ' I 0:ster u' i C.ty, Nortl -It Laving been " cut of the in ' v said deed i .. . r has de - b ..i-slgaed ex- t r cl s!e and sell 1 -Ly conveyed as -i-f 1 ' deed in trust " 1 i undersigned ' .ru-le will sell at nub i to tie I 'hest bidder ! o'clock noon on the "ii. lC:.7,'t ;the 3. door ia lie City ; of V Enplin j , County, . 1 r. i; the. following deik ! 1 rid premises; with the s taereon, to-wit; i ! u tie towfr of Warsaw ',. State of North . 1 Lonnded as follows: at the Northeast Hank Eoad Street 1 and runs thence J est 38 feet to a . j I". Fonvielle'i line; e v. II 1 r line North 78-34 I in fect to a stake; thence ; i u i-4 zt KJieet to a ' n - ";ad Street; a tunning .Ji Flank Boad i. i ILrth 83 1-2 West 100 f. 1) a stake the Beginning pal 1; LoLng the , same property ccr "yci to the said W. L. Cooper ly ' td of B. C. Cole and Luice P. C his wife, duly recorded ' in i a Futile Ecgistry of t Duplin Ci"-y in Tick 2C0 page 19. i r t L 1 nr wcsxirs akc ovcxi NOiyrzAUusc - SlfS . -3 market's W-.flr j tnJ DflA. TOO c J r: Y.lem-.s, B. C. Vick and wife, 2va H Vivk made and executed a certain doed of trust to the Cea " a Tank and ,, Trust Company, Trustee for bearer, dated October 1 1827 and recorded in Book i at page 353 in the office of "s Eegister of Deeds for Duplin County, North Carolina, to secure certain indebtedness, aad, Whereas, on account of the in ability and refusel of said Central Lank and . Trust Company. Trus tee, to act the undersigned, pur suant to and in compliance , with the provisions of ;' said deed of trust has been appointed Succes sor Trustee under said deed of trust, by an instrument in writing recorded in Book 336, at page 686 in the office of the '.Register of Deeds for Duplin County, North Carolina, and. - . Whereas; default having been made in the payment of - the ; in debtedness secured by said deed of irusi, ana tnenoiaer nas aemana- ed that the the undersigned exer cise said power of sale and - sell the property thereby conveyed as provided in said deed in trust, and, Xheref ore, the -undersigned ' Sue cesser Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at 12 o'clock Noon on the 5th day of July, 1937,, at "the Court House door in the city of Kenansville, ' '. Duplin 'H County, North Carolina, the U following described land and premises with the improvement thereon, to-wit: Situate, lying and being in the Town of Warsaw, County of Du plin and State of North Carolina, to-witKV - BllGnraiNO at the llrtene::0'x-s;aeBVM..lJl 7,, w I Streets .and runs N." 15 -1-2 W. along the Western edge-of Pine Street 220 1-2 feet to a stake in the edge of Pine1 .'Street; thenoe S. 74 1-2 W. 87 feet to a stake: thence S. 15 1-2East 220 1-2 feet to a stake at the edge of Pollock out r DAD j ' I t's mothsVa lot to watch and worry -OVt IfM hcalih of Hist familv. But ! mother's worr! about the) family hair problems ere ended, now thai Fom-ol it hero to help. Foimol is a re fcamtng oil shampoo, super, non-irritating to tne mojj ;r t" Li. ronvol teles drab, sickly - cni leaves it thorough! clean J Cowing wish vibrant hCJth, its amazing 2-fold power td -c! takes young hair and keeps il ' hair and r.-.les it look youngl J o little c-: o Cong way. As ;-!or 53c sizs. Or, mite tor o gen.' " 3 TOc to cov t oacking and postage. t9 , ... tttatmtntt E0TIC2 C7 113 By virtue of the authority con tained in that certain i 1 t trust executed on the t .'a.'d y d December, 1S23, by Ville H. I 'r ray and Isabella Hurray, to I : 1 ern Loan and Insurance - 7, Trustee, and recorded in de ol' e of the Eegister of Deeds for I. lin County, N. C, in book 80 J, page 273, default having been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 15th. day of July, 1837, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door of Duplin County. N. C, offer for sale at publia auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following de scribed property. '' ss . , 'All those certain lands situated ia Eockfish : Township, Duplin County, N. C, and bounded on the North fay Mary C. Wells: on the West by. H. Wells;', on the South by W. . Wells; and on the West by Mary C. Wells; and beginning1 at a stooping horn beam tree on the run of Eockfish Creek Mary C. Well's corner and runs with her lint; N. 74 1-2 degrees E. 155 poles to a stake in the mill road 3L Wells and Mary J. Wells corner; thence along the Mill Soad 6. 18 degrees E. 37 poles to a ditch; thence S. 70 degrees W. 50 poles; thence S. 40 degrees W. 16 poles ; thence N. 88 degrees W. 30 poles I to a sweet gum tree: thence 8. 40 degrees W. 36 1-2 poles to a small' black gum on the run of Eockfish Creek; thence up the run N. 81 1-21 degrees, W. 49 poles to a turn of said creek; thence N. 9 degrees W. 23 poles; thence N. 68 1-2 degrees poles; N. 72 degrees X 111" weustowa and bossaed as lol- poles: N. 27 degrees W. 11 l-2wws: icsinung at a stake on poles to place of beginning, con- Mid road and, runs tlfsce Coutl taining 46 acres, more or less. Be- 71 1Z East C37 feet to a stake; ing the same land conveyed to W. thence South 5 East i:3 feet to S. Pierce by deed of B. J. Turner stake; thence J. E. r. e't Lie and wife, dated May 31st., 1919 and recorded in book 207, page 275, ' public Begiatry of ' Dublin County. N. C, to which reference is hereby made for further descrip tion. The above - lands will be sold subject to all taxes now dne andi'MS. A deposit of five per cent of the amount bid will be required to the successful bidder 'at the hour of tale. -i - nii:i "This , notice dated rand posted wis ifttu aay 01 June, J37 , Southern Loan and Insurance'' Co, Trustee, - - j ' t , . " By W0ETH and H0BNEB. ' - ' Attornevs. Elisabeth City, N. C. 7-8-4t W. and H. . NOTICE OP SALE . - By virtue of the authority bon- tained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 6th. day of December, 1934, by W, H. Scott ana wife, ; Suby Bpear ' Scott, to Southern Loan and Insurance Company, Trustee, and recorded in the office i of the Eegister of needs for Duplin County, N. C, in 000k 384, page 223, default hav ing been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the under signed Trustee will, on the 15th. day of July. 1937,. at 12:00 o'clock, soon, at the Court House' door of Duplin County, N. C, bf-' icr jor sate at puouo auction to the highest bidder tor cash, the following described property, v All those certain lands contain. ing, 71 acres, more or less, situat ed on the Publio ) Road, about 8 miles from the town: of Eenans - ville, in Glisson's Township, Dup lin t'ounty, n. vH and bounded on the North by the lands of Dr. J. F. Uaxwell; on the East by the lands of W.. G. Xemegay and Northeast Elver; on the South by the lands of L. L. Alphine ; on the West by the public road; and be ginning at a large blackinim on the West bank of the Northeast Biver, Dr. J. F. Harwell's corner, and runs with his line S. C3 de grees W. 215 poles to a sle en tne Jtast eC-e of tlte Tullo r; i his corner : t' -ce with s " 1 r ' S. 23 1 --jH, 5p'" itiac h f '! t I: I' v . s r.i tcf f:?ep:rc.-.t(!; 1 Iterer-l li!. 'J I LLt at tie tflr a s s . . ' - Si's Bt" s &-t& "J tr'.ci tL's ir t j f sz-i, l.:7, ...a JL it:J Ltsuronca Co., Ttttfitce. , - ' , .Zit-raej " hl c:ty, v. c. 7-8-4t-7arn - , ' i' i EC C7SALS . ' .-. .... ...... .-'.l , !:"ta of power ' i ia tie vzi:t j 1 "..a of err t err.te4 ty D. .:, CL.se 1. Cl- : Under asi by and authority v signed Trustee I tain Eeei tf 1 ' P. Sellers av 1 v lers, to H. U. C Jr., Trs:s,. on November -15, I. 1 tsi dJy recorded im tie Is f tie E "is- ter of Beeda cf J 1 Ci.y In Book 837 p-e 11, l,: lav ing been m&is in ta i;aeat of the indclteiacas tiirLLy secured, the tindersiei Tre;t;e wia ofjer for sale asi sc!l far cash to the biggest bidder at tie Courtiouse - aoor u .enansvue, a. 0. oa the 19th day of ffslj, I":7, at or a- bout the hour cf 12:C3 o'clock Noon the foSowk; desaribei tracts or parcels of land: Tract No. l.v Known as the E. W. Wells tra; of knd on the leading front T. B. v. North 47 1-2 West 14C3 feet to a stake by the Tana ro&i; tlence North 11 l-2Xast 112 L.t to tie beginning, containing by survey of F. L, Potter, surveyor r ' on the 5th day of October, i: 8-10 CTtl to the same more or . 2nd tract: : Knew as the I n ma E. Xolpaiiick hoce t 1 Lt i the town of Teaclry arl l.zzl-i as follows: Eeginnk; at a If on the corner of Paje and Street; and runs Lorti 13 1 . West 120 feet to stake; tl" -t South 74 1-2 West 873 feet to a stake;, thence South 15 1-2. T 120 poles to a stake: thence r - .i 74 1-2 East 878 feet to a stake tie beginning corner, and contaiilrj 11 acres, to be the same more or less at per survey made bv JUL Potter, surveyor oa the PJt day of A deposit of ID per cent will be required of the successful -bid'sr as a good faith d.-o&It ' Advertised this tie ISA day of June, M37. f tft v . . H. W. CCr3. Jr.. Trustee Bobert C. Wells, Attorney " 7-iO-4t-.U,W. -.u By power of sale ia a cert mortgage from T "hf.itr abeth Smith axl t.l :i ii C. 1. Parker, reoori 1 in I -k 1 ! page 396, Er- iiry tf I - voiuiij, ut uuaers - ' 11 r to the &het tiuJer fr 1 the courthouse door ia IL County on July 23, 1S27, a t" the following tracts cf 1 liil plia County, described ia s imorBSe: First Tract. Bon 1 oa a- , ' by lands of Scott I by lands of Eeet f by lands of lis. 1 and oa west by 1 -Howard, con! ' 2 moreorli'i. Second T Panther, I low tie k poles to a t t'-'-at r 1 m-1 s'- ' , mi tf ; ri i t i . Ca f ir- t 1 s 3 i 1 1 a ' to tJ t 'if J; , 7-13 ; '-' 1 as administra--m 'tit E. L I j cf -uflia Cot-' " 1, t 's is to nc' rf j I .t.' 7 clams s'. ' 1 s cf s 1 &ccased to ex- a ta t i un'wr-ncl at T " Tit'i Carolina, on or t: et tTU yof June, 1C33 or iL't 1 ills nil be plcaLj ia tar cf tleir recovery. All persons iatted to said estate will please make immediate .faynent. ; ' This iZA day cf June 1037. iimsainiLEs, OIXSDC2A K3IXE3, ; Administrators. ' A. J. ESanton, Attorney. , Eenansvule, N. C, ' 8-5-8t-U3. - V -.y,;:' AErSTEATOB'8 NOTICE Eavirg qualified as administra tor of tie estate of Arnold J. Scott Iaoefl!!fl.. Utc of Ihn.in Const' and the Ute of North ;' Carolina, this is to notify all persons faav- irj claim agsinst the " estate . of ti e said deceased to exhibit them to the sadenigned at Kenansville "3. C, oa or before July 2nd, 19 Z or tils notice will be pleaded ia' bar cf thnir wmmwatv.' AH persons indebted to said tate wa please make .. immediate payment.' 1 This July 2nd, 1837. VAXC2 B. GAVIN. Admisistrator of Estate of Arnold 9. C-rtt 8-Ct-Ta. 4 t . f:'. lb ::atteto) VWllUt 1 V 0 people from Duplin s Counties attended the awj t. . j fy at Bear Marsh Taptlts Cluiv-j wnday. The mornir; session was given over to 1 A'four-fu!d program. The ?nnbes, the B. A.'s and the G. A's ,ea- rave a special education al' and i . pirirg program The "r.i i' 1 was a semoa by Sup-en-i-' t Zil'jian of Mills r-"e, v ' 1 t-'"'-,:t a stirring aad lt"Jt s. . - U j nicssase. . ' 1 i't.U Co.a was given to ' re marts si "it tie rast history1 of the c' "t 14 it the oldest of lathe county. iicre u 1 . ........ - I y a nuMet hole made I by J " t r' -t from a gun of a civ l v t:l. e? t ' r fun r es be was : ap J ts t ling from the - ' "r.lway. A c i ... r ' with the t 1 1 Ll'oa was serr lttl.. . A t 5 T 1 r 1 , portrsyir t- J 1 .1 BO fid ; i ' -1 ty tie y z t" aTi.rr.ja sc In. 3 v as fjroLiri by c ...tie ,tle - church - 5 Izzi. Eev. J. f - rjr'tw,cf the - t cf tie .Uiact i y e aTicrnooa spcak ' :i a strorg aermc t t rer-" ta nt 3 1 'I ! L .. 1 ... .'a c t. .rue 1 If r tif.nJalll- a 1 . s given to Lib omr ... r tj r ll.'s f ive t vo " "t 3rtuni- t s to 1 es. llA, i e vas t-ain-j id JeAiih r "-I,, j, e1 s co3 he was educated ia l;. ;o. Vs best schools. Cod used tlis to prepare hiat for his taslctQ ;' -r . Vfhat use then was the bondage in Xgypt. During the f rosperons days they were, satisfied wjih Go shen and were unwwij to be led back to Canaan. The - oppression and bondage madf them willing to leave Iypt and follow. , lie leaaer.oacK to - uanaan. it was she stirring up of the eajrle nest Moses failed in his first attempt to deliver his people because ne t M m - W m ... f - ran aaeaa 01 uoa. lie kiiltd an ry?tian who was oppressing . a Hebrew. later he tried to settle a fight between two Hebrews, but lie failed and the people were not ready to follow. Hoses was run ning ahead"of God. God must spend anotlar fjrty years pre. v. ing mm lor the task. That will be es-'our theme next week. r k God wiJ hear the calls of men today and will answer in his own way. It is aot ours, to solve . the problems of today, but to be will- ing to be used by God to bring a-j oout tne solution of the . whole problem, God has His plan. Lets not run eahead of God. . HALLSVILLE uJll F.IIET ' ; a The men of the church at Halls ville will meet in their tegular regular monthly, meeting, next Sunday evening at 8:00 at the EaUsville Presbyterian Church. Bpecial messages will be brontrht by guest speakers'. Walter Miller will have charge of the program. All men of the communitv ore in vited to attend the meeting.. . JACESON-VANN The Presbyterian, Manse was the scene of a quiet wedding last fat. evening when Hiss Bessie Tjb J 1. a uauuicr 01 l.is , Annie vann, 01 iaison, became the bride of Jimmie Jackson, l son of ITr. and Ilrs: J.1 H Jackson, " of KennnsviHe. . . lie marriace vows were taken in Cie presence of just a few close friends. The young couple will mtt their home in Asheboro. N. 1; GOCrAN . VISITS CC2 FATHLPl A Bev. F. X. Goodman Mt T.Tnn. isj tot his home in Virginia to "7 nd the week with his father 1L0 Irs been seriously ill at tfs -.e near Lexirton. He plans 1 3 I -a to I "a home here in time r.,r services aest Sunday.,; - - Q.Z. . C school s'. seciiiy Z''s a i . 1: . I e 1 1 t r j t' e i 1: I "i .' cuiiont . Anawr I'd. ke tnz' , 3 ii lloymfiiis f i J 1 1 Guest: 1 I 3. L : 1 j. 1 u lose her oIJ-f 1 I "fli 1 she gets ffianU a; 1 J,ivei ; 1' jobt . - " Answer To. 2: ?' e dies 1 The wa'S tie er I vl ployed are r uJ I i 1 3 "r V-:.llc- it f.tlji : . C curity Toard. XI'-. v - ? ; ? 'ern'i..v.s the awo .t(ff eiVi.s she v ill rerci.e comes el'uille. T.l;"s c future ei. ;!oymer.t 1 " e reaches C3, win le ai:..J ti ; a;e 'recci i from t e to ' such waj;cs are arr .J. ; Cu'-lion No. 3: I a.a a Sili teacher and I am about to tala position as a counselor in a I . vately operated summer cr ". I I come under the Social Ec'turifv ActT v Answer No. 3: You do. You must get a Social Security Ae count number. Application sic ' 1 be made on Form C3-5. TLis t 1 be f,?t at any p;:t olLi e or i i your nearebt EockJ T cu. ly I 1 of.'ice. Keep your a rount cn.l but give your number to yox:r t. -ployer. He will r.eci tie r - -' r to make required reports to t' Treasury Eepartment, wlL'i , charged with ci"cct- lve t j levied under tl.e Socll -.: Act. Do not lose your c :1 I" orLse your number and joi v.l not need to carry your car J ' you. ' . Question No. 4. I run a mill aU eirploy tor -.1 dcrstd'nd tie jci.J Z . . . r " i only to t' lt or more e.. . ' 2 T 0 en Answer To. 4: Yea a ployer covered by tie you sltuuld Lave ri e icuilC ,tion nn:i ' .r, ; Form L" 4, a.J y. thrt e h of your Social Security I t 1 a r uiion I 1. 3 vn of r - q L 1 ta ' t 1 , i 1 ' 1 t j f "! to rny t' t, f , t r n a t e ctor of I ' :i r . "hf I r -n " . C -t tl.'s fjr ,i tjr cf I.. to. you v 1 c.'l ft t i J - J " p ' 1 oa ; IV i i j J (la.",! Jne'

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