1 . ,- 1 I f 4 I" i -h ! I t . r I y ta v. - - - ' -!,a;n, ol nicut last FiiJay. I a f- w days Circle Ko. 2 of the Presbyterian , . r. t.il llrs. H. F. Woman's Auxiliary met ilonJay . . . ) afternoon with Mrs. W. T. Ilines. - Ivrd is spending this' Mrs. A. H. Witherington conduct- i i .lives on a house .ea xne aevouonm mia. . Ina Peach . I. C. Precythe, Sr.', is the r 1 ,r daughters, Mrs. Mo j aal His. Haywood long in this week. &ud Urs.-X.'-iAk" Saunders Earl Saunders visited friends hail nhanre -of the pro gram. Refreshments were ' served at the close of the meeting. Circle No. 1 met Monday af ter noon with Miss Sallie.HUL Mrs. Frank -Faison had charge of the program and Mrs. F. W. Oakes eaj?j 1 a j "os.ic ft v.Le I.' " last Thursday aiLjrnoon. o..a pniovinsr tLe water a most bounti ful supper was spread. - Mrs, J. J. Cubons, Huss iiettie Gibbons and Joyce Gibbons, Jr., of Wilson visited relatives in Faison last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eobert Kirkland of Littleton Dr. Gordon Smith of Thomasville and Dr. and Mrs. Frank "Smith of Warsaw were in :;.V '.' ir (' V Y-,V " ",TV ". - Tobacco Selling High " V t, , ; , s h. ,'l , ' ' I ' , ' . " in.' ' . ' , WHITE VILLE , j 1. .y 1. 1 i.. i ( cf . u I , . J l'i Llt.luC,I .uuliMl Ai.uni' Li. t wctk-t.li J. I,:;, ? IT,utha Taican and Ks. I. II. Huus entertains! at a lovely four course luncheon last inuay at the home of Mies liaison. It was in honor of their cousins. Jlrs. Winifred Faison Holt and Kiss Francis Faison of, Eirmin;ham, Ala. Guests enjoying the delight ful occasion were:' Mrs. J. E. Fai son, Mrs. J. K. Morton, Mrs. JL I. Hj, .Mia u.iUA.a, iu.xa, v. oTiti TWrioi Vnih VaUnn MrS. f!. L. Veatherly, Mrs. W. L. nicks, and Eev. and Mrs. I, w. we vane. E i 8. -Graver of the School of Religion of Duke University, be gan Cokeshury Class at the Me thodist Churoh on Sunday evening. i. i tin i xne course oeing taugm is acu gidn, Its Mission and Meaning.'V MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED r "f' Most Satisfactory Opening in Many Years BRING YOUR NEXT LOAD TO 1 - I - I . i , for Top Market Prices Moore and Daniel, Owners and Proprietors Friends have received the , fol lowing 'announcement: . :: ' - " ' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fletcher Pepper announce the marriage of. their sister, jnargaret am rarun, in Mr TVlnutnA Ratidolnh "Cod- wise, Tuesday the third of August, ..... . . 1 J-.S L-J nineteen nunurea nnu uiuijt-bcv- en, in the City of Washington, f a Wiss Parkins is the niece of the late C. S. Hines .She has been a frequent visitor in Faison, and a host of relatives and friends have received the announcement i her marriage with the . keenest inter est. Thev will ' be at home after the tenth of August at Gaithers- burg, Jnaryiana. , " t - nrxn madcu Miss Abbie Vause of Summerlin Cross Road spent the day in the home of Hilda Davis Sunday. ; Miss Wilma Dixon of Greenville was home last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dixon. - Mrs. . Johnnie Prideen spent last Wednesday with Miss Nellie Sasser of Thunder swamp. ; Miss Anna Brock,' of Warsaw, is spending this week with relatives ihere. '" ' '" I .Rev, and Mrs. W. R. Stephens and dansrhter. Laura Gordon, and their guest Mrs. Freeman from Charlotte spent awhile with Miss ' ' I.J. I l-l' I it v,J same sk or even v. : i. r, a t lit. and Kr8. Libby Ijxi, A. s-t 4, ft fine boy ba by. - Hiss Annie House of Calypso, visited in tLe L-ie of Krs. J, E. Swinson Cunday afternoon. 1 Th E.inrpm Cjrititv will meet in the iLoxse ol xanme urn swin- son nert C.tnrdav afternoon Auar 14 At 3 :C!) o'clock. Cone all the members will attend and have a wonderful program. SAYSSHCHT COU?X2 WILL, ;, BRLTG RESULTS , s j h ill A. "CUbS woik lA 1 .,. -"cmakirg and -fiiv- J t.. iiJit at the Short Course 1 : automatically converted te ie- T,rniiio' rtp(n-atps into leaucro. in such a ways the Ehort Cour 9 reaches practically every club memoer eiuicr uucuujr . rectly." Earrill stated that tne course, which tracked all attendance rec ords this year, was one of the most successful ever held. Nearly 850 girls and boys from 85 counti es were enrolled. 4 . " . TJ. TL irarrill. F.tsAn 4-S Clnh leader, is f th oninion that the uuinence ol tne recent snort 7 V. weie s. 1 i I ner3. won aj, 'Ji viilaii ret' i Whi-Jck, i Karuerile C--. , I ty, were sr.;3 i . ' The In:lam C onstration t'n, c Eiate, will rep1 r lina at the rial... 1 Columbus, Chio, tLis I. Wew officers of the State orfjan- ization for 1937-38 are: Elease Johnson, Cumberland County, pre iflmt Wurvin Warren. Iredell County, . vice-president ; ' Carlton Mock, Davidson County, secretary , e & aim jiuuisu , . IKmeatone. is provii!2 i County, historian. ,wt Hove. T. A banner was given the , were ionj Vvnntv onnnMl for makinc the best county record. Anson and Stanly were secona , ana vnuu. Course held at State College for Bethware Club in Cleveland Coun County. Where , these n. were not used on the fara t' B. Jones, he secured no c!;v:r. fl .t , . - , , , . ' v . , )" -''., . ' '' .: 1 "' ' ' ' ' " ' 1 i I - 1,1 - " ... -j n I . f - ' t i ' 5 " " ' f . u , ! 1 THE OLD RELIABLE 1 - , ..II - ' r 7'. .JL M - Best Opening In History Of Market OFFICIAL FIGURES: ?! 894,374 Pounds For $237,662,03 AVERAGE $26.57 ; -No Guess W6rk - Nothing Estimated 1 Not A Basket fleeted; f I BRING YOUR TOBACCO TO k .i .v.. 1 ", ; .. , m - ' ; Vi'll Like the Way FAIRMONT Warehousemen pull and push to get 2 HHi Dollar for Each and Every Basket of tobarcco Uitcred tor 2ale. FAmr-ONT TOBACCO BOARD of TRADE , TH)2 We are glad to say to our friends in Dupim and adjoining counties that our OPENING SALE AUGUST 10th was the most satisfactory that wfe have ever had in all our many years m the Warehouse business. We did not have a tag turned during the entire day; , f 4 . . We want to invite you to come to see us, and :V" promise you the best in warehouse service that can be had. . V'"t.V 'r -t' tf With Walter Carter and Joe Pell locking after f ,your interests, backed up by W. J Loyill and A. : A. Fowles, two of the best known sabsmanag- ers, you can rest assured that you 'will ba well . taken care or. t: , j, - 1 4 .-,$.-, " ' . t BIG BRICK is one of the largest and best liaht , . fid warehouses in the Belt And remember FAIRT.IONT leads all Border Markets in pounds and averages. v 1 -i If ' n3 ' J 1 ' . t ( ....... f v p 1 ." . J.V.LcvCl, 1. v 1 v 1 ' A. A ForId J.A.I . TIT 2