-r ;;l J pnrp i L JL3 ' 1 VnVi ' llr r J t 3 I 1 V "i i 1m ... ;t i j J. i l. ... 1 l.i I : y t Mors t Ji . m lami it'll ' re. Uz - A t : Tam k, - -I :er:--J,i , j ,tlt " we ; Hisscy, f-i 1 t it siaee, J 3 ' " V .J V. 11--2 S3 u i At a two-day session of , the Eastern Baptist Association - held in. the -Warsaw Baptist , Church, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Faison W. HcGowen, of Kenansville,' presided as Modera tor. Mr. HcGowen has served-the Association M.modeiratW for the "''? ' past several years. In addition'to his Church" activities, Mr. McOow en is 'prominently affiliated with Masonic,' Junior Order, and other fraternal organizations, t Furthermore,- he is the popular and effi cient Auditor .of Duplin - County. Altogether, he is one of Duplin County's most useful citizens.' ;. ) PRINCIPALS IN RAPE CASE PARADE EMOTIONS AT TRIAL In Mrs. Clara Stanley Coo, who I. II II 11 I T V I n I was' raped by three negroes near vuvii i i -i nk 11 i 3L B. Williams suffered an. at tack with his kidneys Wednesday afternoon. Ee is reported to be up j ana aoing niceiy, i Supt. 0. P. Johnson is leaving Friday afternoon for Oxford, where he will spend the night with his brother and attend the" Duke-Tennessee homecoming football game Saturday. Mr. Johnson is an' alum nus of Duke. . N. IL EXITH " V - ' 'District Organisation Director, of the North Carolina Farm Bur eatf who is assisting County Agri cultural leaders in the drive - for membership in the Farm Bureau. $L&tG2 CROWDS ?,MPTI3Tiv,: T, WARSAW .2 '.sy son .4 aJL ki J. At-. .1 M 1 '1? i itVV ! T 3 ? t. It 11 it 1 1' V rt ! - --9 C ! i I s;v:i : " 1 1 i v "i ci.: r tf t " Cx t" srs w.i so ) if A s w-i ' " . ta s j i i i. i "1 L's vcl'a t r t I t si s tf tat. ; v .3, a- lt'lt-r Ij I-.L-J -e tack 'Z I r ' s s'.e ,'L3e s-e ri 7 he t cf tel. tr.': l'i'-tol 1 dresser drav.cT,.t 1 i'-ot ? throu tie Lead; f.inj y. : . ;, .. ?. ceased til t'?en a T"'i ' tLe commsiilty ia v. '.It 1 fj masy years, ri t i in FreemcrrT it t : 1 Lcfe ITa. CI, C " i I, l..:3, was sJ ; IJ;s, l"?y II, . r,i; Jated with ' V , n . liiEoveiUsri:,.' 5 services were cc t cemetery at C. s sdsy afiernoon, t J I ich. asi he was Ccr- i with ILuonic 1 1 T?-- diesateaj .'-alternates,' ' ; r ' r;rd the Warsaw 1 f r the one hun- esual meeting of t. i ;"t Association s." n t' s L. " '-ised Tuesday t... ' - A txo-C. ,4 ram was K- -1 Vc !aesJay evening. ; . C:.. r I.! 1 fr the ensuing fear sit .T.- - morning's' ' ses s'sa were: F..'.l! Cawen, mod dt; ti?. J. Herman Barnes, ,;.e-r;"- ?, and C. L Bobin sia, C ", 1 rarer, all. incum bents t.l : JL?:3L - - - Tcrics ;-'I daring-k-the mectl-t we- -: r ,Iipious litera ture, tha C. .iive Program, ! . "i ( mete), Sunday C V.. . Temperance,' U. U. TT, V.. 3 Missions, Home 1 1 :;es, r;r: i L'Isdons, Chris- Eiic-at,-, - : u.t Training COIUNITY' MEETINGS FOR ; FARHIERS OF COUNTY 7:30 P. M. ' Pour young lawyers were sworn in before the court ' this week. Monday Judge Grady administer ed the oath to Grady Mercer s of Beulaville, Early Clifford Sander son, of Chinquapin, and Hubert Everett Phillips of-uear Warsaw. Mr. Mercer is located at Beulaville for practice. Mr. Phillips has lo cated in Kenansville and? Mr. Sanderson will locate in Kenans ville or Wallace. - . Kenansville,'. . Oct. 7. Judge Henry A. Grady, conducting Supe rior Court in Kenansville 'tiiis week, pronounced the death sen tence on the three negroes who attacked Mrs. Clara Stanley Coe on the night of August 18, Thurs day morning before a crowd esti mated at 2,500, after a jury had deliberated for only 30 minutes before returning a verdict of guil ty oi rape. t- Thecase came up yesterday morning, and the selection of a special jury took the entire morn ing, oi the IK5 men summoned, 114 were questioned before a jury could be -assembled. State's evidence was completed Wednesday afternoon, forming a damning case against the defend- of terror in her eyes on having to ants, Apson Outlaw, Sylvester Out- recall the horrors of her etperi- law, and Lonnie Gardner. The ence, Jdrs. Coe told the judge and i victim. Mrs. Coe, was the first jury : of the . negroes accosting I witness to take the stand. She tore her and her companion, forcing, her handkerchief . between her her .to get in the car with them',; nervous fingers as she talked ii, s and later all three of them at-1 broken voice and told the who! -; ; tacking her and leaving her on a story of the attack. Her ory wja Pink. Hill on the night of August 18th, walked down an aisle made through the'. 2,500 people who jammed the courthouse in Ken ansville Wednesday to see her at tackers tried for their .. lives for the crime. r r ', Mrs. Coe was nervous and very much upset when she first took the witness stand at the begin ning of the trial, but she gained composure' hear the end of her story, and Was able to tell clear ly what had taken place, Bhud- deringly, and with an expression AUTO WRECKS PJULROAD IN V: ACCIDENT Poy H. Purcell, paten medicine distributor of Wilmington, turned his car over and wrecked it Tues- the .road in the edge f Goshen Swamp, between Pink Hill and Kenansville, and hit a . railroad track, breaking one of the rails in two and bending it back. ; - Purcell stated that he met an j Community meetisitsv been arranged throughout the county to last for two weeks by the Coun ty Agent and the Assistant Agent, in cooperation with the officers and direcon of the DupliB Cqunty Farm Bureau.; Bach- oommunity meeting will be held ia the local school building and will begin at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Farmers .thru out the county are being urged to attend the meeting olosest to them. give Dnplin , e f This series of 1 meetings will give supun County tanners v an v Walter Thompson Britt of Tur key was administered the oath to day and will locate in Clinton, it Is reported. -, - 4)stinasiWW'iBJams, i very an xious for Kenansville to make a good showing next week when Na tional Air Mail Week is observed. He would like for eyerybody to mail via air mail. It will be in teresting to send your letters, by air mail land compare the time re quired for delivery with that of regular train schedule. lonely road. When the penalty Mrs. Coe and her father bad demanded the death .penalty' had been passedj on the negroes, they immediately left the courtroom in search of peace and solitude. JZ rLthSZ fense failed to place any witness previously said that he hoped to,- M ... a dot., w trips to Jforthi r. rrrTlzf T supported by the other witnesses for the state, almost completing j the impregnable array of evidence before court adjourned for the, fcy- : ' ; Work was resumed on the case Thursday morning,' when the de- Mrs. Oliver Stokes of Kenans ville, who has been seriously ill and? several times at the point of J 1.1- i : . . i i ii 1 automobile with rery jopportunity to learn the. details, lyrThis week sheas ghts and was blinded, cluing him J of the proposed surplus control RMe to take a trin to Wilmington to run off tne road, wnen ne n (legislation .plan wnich ;is - beingl0.f11erwtlt The TIMES make two more trips to JTorth Carolina from" his home in Flor-ida-one to the trial of the at tackers of his daughter, and the other to Baleigh to see them kill ed. But Mr. Stanley was not the only father to appear in the courtroom Thursday morning. Af ter the whites of three pairs of eyes had rolled up to look at the judge as he pronounced the deat sentence, a tearful old negro, A bram Outlaw, walked down before (Continued on Back Page) orosstiest The car turned over its top. y ''.''V. ' ' L. A. "Price,' who lives nearby, ITsicx t i I.:,-.'.. ;J Eelief, , brought him to Kenansville, where XLe f,ZjwLj j - -ors were pre-. Dr. 6. Y. Gooding,, gave him first scut: ev. E, A. i -He, Bev. J. L.1 aid treatment. Dr. Gooding, Gil Tvntrt, lev. J. I rsan Barnes,' bert HoneyouttV and Cart Newton Iflv. 7. Ei-' i, EeT. H. G.J carried him to Wilmington, where rrr'tt, IT. E. V. 1 .Hum, Lev, J. It. r -' Tvr. T. It. King, Eev. J. r. t -U. y, It. E. C. Chamblee, Tov. V. II lassett, Eev. Alfred 1?X r. L. L. Johnson. T' e fv" srir rLVJZ r ministers ail " ,1ir;Llf 1 nc"' were pre-w-t: T A. - J. Lurtn,' taste Tv" ') I . "it durrh of Y.IIb i ..a, If. V. r. Vslters, pas t r ef tie Warsaw Kethodist t:j.r.i; Tev.'r IIIu rancycutt, riv. C. A. r ' -rch of 'Baleigh, T r. J.. 1 g. I .-r, Tastor of the i. A. i .J 17. the railroad, belonging to the At- sponsored by the - Farm Bureau las Plywood Co., it broke one of . Federation,'' stated " Lewis -. W. the rails and nprooted ' several Outlaw, President of the Duplin he was placed in. James .Walker HocDital for an Z-Bay of the head to find a possible fracture of the skulL The only apparent injuries were lacerations about ' the head and face and bruises on loth legs. - - Jr - Purcell and his wife, according County Farm Bureau. Mr. Outlaw alio stated that I expected to attend the majority of the meetings. This meeting will rive an ounortunity for old mem bers in the Farm Bureau to renew their membership, and new mem ben are being solicited for the Farm Bureau. v Hprth Carolina-Farm ; Bureau has sent N. M. Smith, District Or ganication Director, to the county to assist in the explanation of ti legislation and to promote the membership drive. .The Farm Bu nan has recently been making ra te statements made .to Gilbert 'pid progress in Southeastern Honeycutt, have just recovered ( Carolina under the leadership of from injuries received in an autolH. M. Smith, and Duplin County accident neat SavannslL ' Georgia, l farmers are expected to join in recently. 4 arers were W. it. c. ti- t TT - ' , i - ; - i 1 Outlaw, Thad Korne- .LlSt MOndaV V M A VUfJUhWisi AiCOD'l .!, sjv, : t ti t" e r""-:t Orthanage of t Korne -y, H. D. i-ax-I'tajor Eiiton. .rvived by his wife, T V s, dauj;Lter of Sirs. . j by a previous tos.:A- in Ezd ' "".Uiams, son of Asiley f and dead in I'j. iateu!avCIet . Cust of his dth n. - i. county corooner, t'.e tese, ' r-T ttt 1 ty I'-- wmn i C -l r tr t a: I.. v -tttl rv. r, s ev-r i IV. . - e r I ii i; inagaman, ""riTtenient of the . ' 1 at Y?inston-Sal- II Brewer, Presi "I'.i Ciulcje, Ealeigh, y of T '-chanan, . J. I '-ti, I .v. K. D. . :r. L. L. 1 vLjr, Eev. rail, and Eev. J. B. - i wfsoseof the best ' 1. lie saimons am :r& of the finest '.i f -.m i t x i -11 tie several tie associa- i over lest fk. The Countv Board of ? Commis sioners met in Kenansville Mon day, October 4 to attend to routine business, xney reoewea w"'; munication stetingtbat, Governor Knsv had issued an order li ans wer to a reqnest of the Board-eall- ing far a one-week special term oi criminal court for Duplin County, bcrmirg on Kovember 1, 1937, wi a JuJje Luther! Easilton pre sUing. 1. 1. v- V, , , ' their fight for surplus control leg islation. ' . v , , Duplin County farmers are re ponding to the call for the Farm Bureau for membership, and there is considerable enthusiasm among Duplin County farmers for Sur plus Control .Legislation. The Ev- ep-Kormal Granary Plan is being uuoussed at the series of commun ity meetings and the majority of xarmers iavor this plan as a perm anent National rarm- Program. vupiin t'ounty leaders have Wishes Mrs. covery. Stokes a speedy re- Wednesday and Thursday saw the largest crowd in Kenansville in many years. The large crowd reminded one f the Old Soldiers' Beunions of former years. Before night,. Wednesday, one could not buy an ice cream cone, a fountain or bottle coca-cola in town, it was said. A Pat on the Back For Duplin Times The staff of The Duplin Tim es is justly proud of one parti cular result of the trial of Mrs. Clara Stanley Coe's attackers. One hundred and twenty-five men were summoned for jury duty for the case. Of this num ber about 90 per cent, in reply to questions af to what - they knew about the case, stated that they read about it in The Dup lin Times. Of the other ten per cent only one man mentioned another paper. - Baseball fans are listening to the World 8eries these Aay. Matt fit the Duplin County fans are Wolf SCraDe Asl& nnllinv for th Knw Ynrt Giaiifoi.. V T.?T rr"?110 but were given a big surprise Wednesday when pitcher, mighty Carl Hubbell was knocked out in the sixth inning. The New York Tanks took the opening' game bj an 8 to 1 score. And atraia Thurs day the Tanks toppled the Giants over by anootner 8 to.l score. Looks like only a four game se ries. v i -v Killis Barber' 27-year-old man, of this county, died in the Bich lands jail Saturday night. A cor oners jury said he died from an overdose of alcohol, or in other words too much whiskey. ' J Dont' forget to renew your sub senption to The TIMES. Only ta th ttmks. oniv a NAt x:. alii A. X :- - - .buuiv uiue t w get as . v cub ,uw menusrs at te goal or ti month free for a year's renewal. County Farm Bureau, . Kcrric jay Heme . tun am rasas ' avuuy mvmm . , a- J, ' Koala, the living "TedSf Bear, I Kerr li the best loved ol all Australian I animals and may b seen In parks gy J i . ie c 1 1 ore t;aoe or w. , rt J-'snt resident near the c I'd Is a tu t-wi'i 'f tO i is til "t i a." , fV- . . oi iur, BMUUI ' Pve p'T 's In ' i. ' r ir G. of several years s 1 i torjht recently by y-ars the old 1 ry one of Just mail 'your dollar direct to the office or give it to B. S. Gra dy in Albertson or Miss Buth Mur ray in Bosehill. v . ; Mrs. Kenneth Fussell of Bow den has returned to her home aft er an appendicitis operation. ' . Dr. B, Health doctor, is attending the A. merican Publio Health Associa tion in Eew York City, For New High School Building The county board of education met Monday morning in regular session., t, Routine . business was looked after and a delegation front Wolf scrape was heard. A A dozen or more men appeared requesting that the board do some thing about giving Wolfscrape a high school. They, were informed that there was no money available. The county could not issue bonds without vote of the people. There is no money available from the state nor from the Federal Govern ment, ' -f V , . . ' At one time the peonlftof Wolf- scrape toted against a high school when it would necessitate dn in crease in their taxes. ' They were also informed that the State Department. of Educa tion were opposed to the proposed scnoii as it would result in two ot- her high schools in the county sro- I. Carr, Duplin County ing off the accredited list the new school would not be on the accredited list and another high school would seriously suffer. In other words it would r"' the tween the lawyers for the prose- cution and fjr ihe' aefense the attorneys pleas were left off and the judge proceeded to charge the jury. At 10:30 Thursday morning' the jury filed into the jury room,' and thirty minutes later returned, to report its verdict of guilty. Judge urady immediately pro nounced sentence, ordering that the defendants be taken to state prison in Baleigh, and held in the quarters for capital' offenders un til Friday, December 17th, between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, when th shall be put to death in the leth al gas chamber. The state's evidence centered a round the testimony of Mrs. Coe and the confession of two of the negroes, Apsom. Outlaw and Lon nie Gardener, which agreed with the tsory told by Mrs. Coe. Attorn eys for the state were State Pros ecuting Attorney Jim Powers, and Rivers Johnson, also J. T. Gresh- am, Jr., who were retained by ti plaintiff to assist him. The def ense based the case for the defen dants on their supposition of in nocence, claiming that there was no proof that the negroes had at tacked the woman, or if they had, that there was no proof that it was against her will. ' Attorneys E. C. Wells, Eobcrt West, and Norwood Boney were appointed by the state, and reluc tantly acted as the defense attoru (Continued on Back Page) Rosehill Grocery Merchant Jailed - ! Carlton - Scott, grocery mer chant of Rosehill was lodged in jail Monday when officers took him in Wallace. Scott is alleged to have gone to the home of a negro, by the, name of Carr, living a few miles from Bosehill Monday morning to col lect a bilL The Negro did not pay Soott, and it is said Scott pulled out a pistol and fired at the Ne gro three times. . One bullet hit his left hand and a second bullet struck him on the left chest. The third bullet missed. Carr was not seriously injured. ' - , . Scott, it is said, was heavily under the influence of liquor; He was brought to Kenansville and , jailed. later released on bond. Af ter an attempt to run away he was jailed. Later he was released on 1 bond. After an attempt to run a Way he was again jailed and will be tried Friday on chars of as L A. :-1 l I cf r r - 1 f'-iZ-J of tie ..un 3 1 V ci a v,LJl& ' - ' I tout to kH