GE7AS3V1LLE, North Carolina. t n ' jt. I of : cd Cli 2 i r ...7 . T c . I"" . Li "7 " .during the year in the Vacation A i Church Schools, the Young Teo ' ( i 'T)AY Plei1 w01'18-1 the Leadership x T (Training Department. ' " ' Bev. J. W. Jliller spoke during the afternoon session, on the "Will of God." We need to recognize that 'God has a plan and that He will We should in e "re was a universal need aw LIrth because of the 7 of sin. and that the -carry out that plan. x was the only way to i then be willing to find His will t'x Ve dont need a new and strive to make if ours. When , bat the same old message we do that, it brings satisfaction s preached "Ye must be1 to our lives ana inspires' us to sin." It is our duty as ai service. The angels do SHis will clscJi to hold before the. world, (gladly,, quickly and submissively, and we should do the same. If we will see Hit will, it will bring happiness, success, courage, ', and feis s the only way. Rev. B. H. Foole was then elect ed moderator for the session. There was a full enrollment of members for the meeting. Eev. A. D. P. Gil t ' m 1 1 J Presbytery voted in favor of has ivit returned from China and) yederal Council, but left the gave first hand information on questi(m 0f changes in the Con- the situatlion. You wu lind ex- fesgion catechism and - the wacts irom ms. aioress m i,f; (kmunission on Ministers Worit to cial article in tLii issue of thej(ld interim committees to report at a later meeting. The question f the number of stated meetings assigned to Hiram 8. Grady, "And' scribed and conveyed In a uocu. default having been madi in the dated the 20th day of August, 18- payment of tne dem tnempy se-i 74, irom James ii. ' xurner ana oared: The undersigned will sell wife, to William Grady; Begister- at the Conrt-House door, Kenans- ed in book No 28, page Ho. 639, ville, Duplin County, North Caro- in the Begister's of Duplin Coun- lina, On Thursday tne ltttn, aay ty. tXfi -V,, QIwT?r of November, 1937, at the hour of A (10 per cent) deposit will be lT.w.E.ruhari of Pink Kill will be discussed at ??Tkn? Aid. .X for required oTthe 4hert bidder as the evwence ox good ian. approval of God. - ' c The evening serivoe of Tuesday mATlV Tl Tl ftMianiail ti Amiiaii.' of the Annuity campaign wW l K I01 was encouraging. The report on re-1 Chinllken snoke at the devotional period regular states meeting next spring. . e&seslay mornirj on Evangel-1 . Bev. C. H. Storey, D. D- preach ism.. He warned of &e danger of ed a powerful sermon on the putting emphasis elsewhere in our "Bighteonsness of God," the doc ministry. Jesus' command was to trinal sermon for the session. Bev. preach, and by the follishnesl of. Prank Hall, was appointed to preaching, men are saved. ' preach the sermon at .the i next i The Home Mission report was ( meeting of presbytery. : encouraging with all fields filled Presbytery accepted the invita except one, and the work ; better tion of Flora UaoDonald College to than ever before. Dr. Wilson spoke meet there in joint session; with in the interest of the work. - (Fayette ville and Orange Presbyte All colleges had glowing reports ry next spring. The adjourned of record attendance. Flora Mao- meeting will be held in Wallace iwnaid college win launch a on sot. ou at nam. campaign to secure $250,000 ; en dowment during the coming year. r . GCTO-Z? 23rd C 'JVr.OlET PRESENTS THE I ' ' f jMta Mrfir I n n r-jn r p looking, MwMN r.:2 c. 3 c 7 lcv r:c2 r. sat c:::ss ycu tiw t:r.vrsT most r.c2:.;:j f.:c-T u?-to-dati i.'.otcjno advantages r- ' j nearest Chevrolet dealer and. inspect the finest . ( - ' '.v. motor car Chevrolet hat ever produced the new Chevroloj for 138 iA ear that it complete. " To tee and drive tbia anurt, dashing year it to know ok'S o oAomI sojtft o C&svrojet v. . to. own it bto MT6 snoney" aQ waya . . i because, , , again in- iya as tor mi yeara, wo wnTmei ; ' trade-maik is A iymool o Mwsnjs. . s , 'i - c CBIVaOLIT SfOTOB DIVISION - " CmmrU Mtmrj Smm CniMU , twd v. fa...s y w- - .mmmtmmmrmrmwm. A Cmmm Jim I rfc Shoo owifcl so' for Of THE BUPEBIOB C0UBT SOBTH CAB0IJNA DUPIJJf COUilTY BESSIE aUIBH C0ST0N VS. ' . WHJJLUC JAMES C0ST0H HOTICE euh tfl the htohett biddu. following described tract land,' Advertised this the 18th, day of situated in Kenansvuie iwnimp, vexooer, m&i. Duplin County, North CaroJna. . .First national Bank of Kington Lying and being in the County ' Hiram S. Grady, Assignee. ' - ' of Duplin, on Bryney and Smith's Wm. E. Powell,' Attorney. -branches, adjoining the lands oi Oc?. 21-28, Nov. 4-11, it . ' the late Bichard Miller, deceased, r: . Felix H. Grady and others Bound-: NOTICE OF UOBTGAGEE'S SALE : ed as follows,-Beginning at a I OF LAND : stake on tne beaa , oi jjryney, t branch, John H. Pearsall and Jas. H, Turners corner, an runs By virtue of authority contain- thence with Turner's line Vto a ed in a certain mortgage deed exe Poplar in Smith's branch, A. H. cuted by Mo D. Newkirk and wife Grady's line; Thence down fee run Mary B. Newkirk to J.-M. Alder- of Smith's branch to n Poplar, the 'man dated the 1st day of March among corner oetween a. ura-1 ivw, and recorded in Book ZZb, dy and Wuliam Grady; Xnence page 407 Begistry of Duplin Coun- N. 33 1-2 E. 67 poles to a stake .ty; default having been made in The defendant above named win take notice that an action en- in Bryney branch, also divid ing corner between these parties; Thence up Bryney branch ,to the beginning, - containing , 31 acres, more or; less; It being a part of. a tract formerly owned by Owen Ouy, deceased; Which said tract is described in a deed from A. J. , Grady et al to William Grady, i "i dated the SSni Hnv at Anrfll 1887. titled as above has' been com-1 rtered in the ' Benster's menced in the Superior Court ofotioe jjnpiin County, Shook Duplin County, North Carolina, HK 25 -at page j0t 420. by the plaintiff te secure a divorce one other tract lying in on the ground of adultry; and the ront f William Grady's house. woritf t flMft iMo fmm uwnt uss lorear' : defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County at the Court house in Eenansville, North Carolina on et before the 12th day of November, 1937, and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint. This October 12th, 1937. B. Y.WELLS, . ' - Clerk Superior Court. Nov. ll-4t-J. T. G. ock body fcrkwi ef ADMINISTBATOB'S NOTICE adjoining the. lands of WUiam Grady, J. H. Pearsall and others, and bounded as follows; Begin ning at the corner at the head of Bryney branch, known as tfce Guy and Miller corner; Thence- with said William Grady's line " about West 276-and 4-7 yards to ' a the payment of the indebtedness -thereby secured, I will sell :: at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in Duplin County, on the 22nd day of November 1937; at , twelve o'clock, noon, the follow ing described tract of land, to-wit : Beginning at a stake in N. E. Prong, Joseph Alderman mill br-s ' anch Willard road and' runs thence S. 65 1-2 west 54 poles to a stake to N. W. prong of said branch about N. 30 west 20 poles -to a stake; thence north 76 1-2 , west 36 poles to a small holly tree in said branch; thence north 18 1-2 west 34 poles to Peterson's corner; thence Peterson's line north 73 east 73 poles to a stake, the said road; thence said road south 30 3-4 east 28 poles; thence said road continued south 23 east stake; Thence about -Nontft 70 J 35 "poles to beginning, containing yards to a stake; Thence about 29 1-2 acres, more or less. East 276 & 4-7 yards to a stake This the 20th day of October 19- on J,. XL : Fearsall's v line; Thence with said line about South u yaros to tne beginning, oon 37. Mrs. Lila Ezzell, Administrator, of J. M. Alderman, deceased. m- W MV "H9 VWIA7 - T tainine 4 acres, more or less, and A. J. Blanton, Attorney. being the same tract of land de-104- 4, 11, 4t coablaolloa ol ewr, ceaoay u4 4pn4 obOHy. oly on MAsra oi tuxv i owr n 1 1 I' ( ): l K I L I: li f i Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Charles Burn ard Page deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to tne unaer slgned at his home on or before the 22 day of Oct., 1938, which is twelve months from the day of the first nublication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded-in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This October 18th, 1937. H. J. PAGE Administrator of the Estate of Charles Barnard Page. Deceased. P. D. Herring, Atty. Not. 25-Ct. Pd. -a " . ,.B...... . ' --"-'"" B ii ii .. , - - . MSB ' -NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain morteace executed by S. H, Grady and wife, Emma Grady, To The First National Bank of Kin- ton. dated the 25th. day of Jann I ary, 1929, which said mortgage is . duly recorded in the office of the 'Begister of Deeds of Duplin Coun ty, in book No. 304, at page No. 261; And said mortgage and note securing tame having been duly FOR NUMBER 1 FUEL OIL Immediate Service N CALL 218-6 Waasaw, N. C. C. D. BURNETTE ; American Oil Distributor EADS P" '.7. .. I MONDAY SALE 1,164,078 POUNDS AVERAGED $32.41 Grrdfcr Grades Prices Are Still Hchc On The Rcclqr Mount Tobacco Market . .We Advise r.T-r'iciiiYcu Friends About The Sales They Made on Tftj liczlrj IZzJzA Tcbacco LbrkciCcltcr'SlO Load Ycui'Tcbacco and Sell In Roclty Mount Where - s. v ,., . . if i Yc i Yr i ii-: I no 1 1 rnccs ai ui 1 in:c3. L-;i! 2U- TCL'ACC0.K0V IT4 RGCIIY LIOUNT;':" XMl& J ,f: