i::7 ' This th;' 20th day of Aujnst, 1337. i ' C. P. Administrator of the estate'-of lira. Ora II, KcAr- (thur. " 4 Bobert C. Wells, Attorney.' ' v ; -9-23-30-10-7-14-21. K. . 1 C? ATKESISTEATIOII qialif 1 as AcUinistra 3 r.;t s ,f W. C. Willi :ed, lute of Duplin , is to notify all per- ' claims against me to exhibit them to " i on or before Oct 1 i, or this notice will ' 1 ix bar of their recov 1 .ons indebted to ' said t i j 'ease make immediate ' sijKMors puBiiCATioar NOBTH CAEOUMA , ' ' . . DUPLIN COUNTY v GOLDIA M. WIILLSJ13 - , MABIOH N.- WHXIAK3 ' . NOTICE -, -' The defendant above named will taVm until that ftA ftCtlOQ entitl ed as above has been commenced the Clerk of Superior Court of Dup- County, North Uarouna, lor me plaintiff to, secure an absolute di- ... .noin.f Aftfeniliuit on g), " - WW I fULVv BfliiPii ' ; MIMIMI llfAVfl I . Ji - 1 i 4na WIM niiniiniiai.mi,xfj.j. grounds OI .wg jrcoiv n. oo A 11 18.6t.Uii,n ari mt th said defendant 3 X, All A. . . , -1 - t : -- "I , ' - , , twill lurfhef take notice that he is i- ; required to, appear in the office ol ; - ,the Clerk Superior Court of Dup- '. : ' Jnm.nt ; :r Inn rnnnttt.nn the 23rd day t Oo- , V Itober, 1937 and answer or demur Ty power of sale in two certain complaint in said action or I aeeas ijtuiu w. - - xne piainuu win JiJAj . w m . E. Hagood, Trustee, the 5 one , for relief demanded in i October , iao, an led in Book 386 page 604, Beg .try of Duplin County, and the other dated may vt, "u ' el ii t r tf tVIr recovery. 'i r- .,g i.. ins Ur t-le v 1 please m..-8 i- -"ie t-" -e3t. ' ILlS tlie Cu JX ttay OI Bcpiemuei, - ... . 31 J. VTZiLLl, AirriUi.-traior. Gavin & Cavla, Attorneys. r Kov. 46t. - . f - 3 C.'..ber 11, 137, . ' T it THOMAS, and B. A. WILLIAMS corded in Book 397, page 823, said Eegistry, default having, been maAa in tii TMvment of the notes secured in each of them, and the owner of the notes laving request ed the exercise of the power of The undersigned Trustee, , will ell to the highest Didder ior casn at the courthouse door in Duplin aid nfm.nlA.nt. s This ie:22nd day of Septem ber, 1937. H ,- ' -' a, v. wjullui, Clerk Superior Court 10-244tBjO.W. ABKDriSTItATOX'S NOTICE ACImTEATOE'S NOTICE Ttt Tmrtpxsinietl havinsr auali- fied as adminiiitrator of the estate Af TaIii, R. MitnhfilL late of Dup lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons; navmg iahn arainst the estate of the oit flwwanAfl in exhibit them to the undersigned at jteuiavuie, a. 0., on or Deiore tne xnia uaj wi UmbinW' 1038 . or this notice I will be pleaded in bar of their re covery.' All " persons inueuvcu w said estate wiu piease maae uo This the 29th day of Septemoer, 1937. '- " ' T ' a n mmnan 'x Administrator of the estate of John 6. Mitchell. Nor. 4 6t 0. B. K. pd. Having this day qualified as Administrator, of the Estate, of A. n -MMdlAton. deceased, late of " it v.. a 1037 at Thmlin ronntv. ; North CaroliiUL 12 wfffCffl described in said trus. ueeay u iui... ---, ... i irr 1.1. iamaKi4s. iAAAaaAfl 4a vnihit ' tnATll tA 1110 Quinn-rucGowen Cempemy. 1 QUALITY tTTmS ' - LOW I- "1 - FUNEEAL EEL-TOES AKBTJLANCE SEEVICIS '- Agent Duplin Burial Association Day: 144-1; Night: 2S3-1 268-1; l Iff. a .ri 'L 0,.-. , i " ExcLusnrs enrra cainra " . . OKTT23 ' Served Steamed, Fried, Stewed . -osiLiif faen ' ' Take Some Baw Oysters Home , 'V With Ton. , FEICE3 VESY EEAS05AELE " I- 1 t V, ' Feb. 1,V, -'';v''f ., v - . J' , OOOOOOCCCOC3, i. ci a I it oi-t tf 1 Tko n cf Gccd w i.. . 4 r ! It lr.opt i- . yiULARD V iilSTi-. Z1Z , v ; Hiway U,- Sear B; F. Crady School ' . - COLD BEES, ICE CEEAM, CCrT KUKES A E1S0S313 ' . j Heavy ft Fancy Cxoceriei ; y ,1 : 1 -ti . -TEXACO G!3 A OIL ' V' r 4 - CUE3 ETiVICE t waesaw; ...... .... .- - D iM fc1 L..tuu,iita, 1-3 8 ' BetfCa, in. a : f B E.D AtS '; Ikibitcn, N. C. . AiiLuliiiicc Service I Call FhcnCvS '.:.:cr Payer r" " 3 TtTinlin Ronntv. North Carolina, known v as the '" Ashley Williams Farm, described as touows. a nliihtt fhem to the undersigned at his office on or be? fore the nam aay i oeptemuci First Tract. Beginning. ai sxaKe.Aooo, m um in run of Muddy Creek, 5th corn-j ed in bar of their recovery All per er lot number 3, thenoe north 75 .sons indebd to -said estate will west to stake on main road, near Ashley William garden, , thence with center of said road northw ardly to his comer, new, pn the old line, near William Thomas ho ne then the old line to an ash and elm stump at the mouth - of Sooty Branch, tnen down canai oi Muddy Creek to beginning, con taining 19 acres mote or. less. . Second Tract, Adjoining the lands of William Thomas on th north I. S. Thomas on the east O. C. Wflkins on the south and J tiImu make immediate navment. This the 8th day oi sepiemper, STEPHENS, Administrator of A. B. Uiddleto. 9-23-30;10-14-28 I NOTICE Having qualified before - the Clerk of the Superior uoun ox vu nlin flnnntv as administrator of T W. Whalev. deceased, this is to vi . w. nuuiH wi . v.w ' " ' . , . J. Cottle on west, containing 1C? .notify all persons indeDtea to saiu . acres, more or less Reference being had -'to r sai trust deeds for - description. Thif October 4, 1937.- ; - L. E. HAGOOD, Trustee. ? Oci 714-21-28, Nov.,4,5t. LAB. , " y NOTICE By power of sale in a certain trust deed from Cyrus Lanier and vi ife to L.E. Hagood Trustee, and r -corded ill Book 386, page 46, Registry of Duplin County, : de fault having been made in the r ymeit of ii the-a notes secured thereby, and . reqnew having been r ade by the owner of said debt tliat the power of sale be exercis- ea. ' - ' ,, The undersigned trustee . will f 11 to the highest bidder for cash fie Courthouse door in Duplin aaty .on November 8,. 1937;,at 1 o'clock, noon, the'tract.of land j described therein, in Duplin -ty, North ' ' Carolina, ' east ' f ie town of Faison, ' and ; des 1 as follows: Beginning on run of GosheU at the divid-r-mer between 8allie F. Hill ,lin Sprunt HOI, in the lands . E. HilL thence said divid e south 70 west' 210 : poles Jce. thence said line south t 120 poles to a stake on on Kenansville road r long v said ' public road 3 1-2 west 106 poles to a mer of lot number ' 10, Itlrthe line of; said lot : east 385 poles to a stake mn of ' Goshen, '; thenoe 1 run to the, beginning, ? 213 acres, more or less, re sold to Mattie Edens j sold to Mattie ; Ed 14,1937. . r.. HASOOD, Trustee. . Tov. 4,5t. LAB. , mint iA make immediate pay ment. AH persons having claims against the said estate will pre sent the same to the undersign ed on or before September 30, 19 38or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 30th September, 1937. V , - L.E. HAGOOD, Administrator. Nov. 4. 6fe LAB. TjASrt. 'DIXON m (D)ASH IS NOW DEFENSELESS A6AJNST 'THE' TWO GIANT ADOSIANS BUT , DASH HAS ONE. THING- LEFT 'A PUNCH 'here s one thing-" YOU FORGOT. QUICK AS A FLASH Th OTHER ONE HAS PASH IN ' A VISE-LIKE C-RIP -m tug wiirii.CEVTIAM tJASH DRIVES A TERRIFIC RIGHT; I SHALL NOW TEAkyOU TO BITS .-YOU ARE Kl EARTH DEVIL THE ADOSJAN HOLDS LAi.H HELPLCS5 IN ONE' G-FCCAT ARM - V i r TUPlVi IS CtNki Or1" CVU SHIPS I SHALL TAKE TO "fT.'T.EN I SHALL END VOU ir 'miry uwzmit yHttr: "0 THE' I 3HroeC EWE'S KtDMAPS? EVEVJ - Ttmstea, rr. oet riley smeaks o - ; 1HE ftWQsm' AMD CM THE" , . Cffnig HIM TP-1HE PCAW FIKISH!! NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDEE DEED OF TEUST, ' , '.Jvy-ai:.?y..-V ' By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust from C. H. Hollman to " A. A. Joseph, Trustee dated October 29, 1929, urn. wiiorded in the office of the Register of ; Deeds" for ; Duplin f.nnB ' TJnrih CftroHntL in Book 1 315 'at page 359, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, the said A.A. Joseph, rjtiui'witt'-tf .M:W ' clockja:v4t Monday, -October 25, 1937, -at Ihe; Courthouse door' in Kenansville, North Carolina,-offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, that certain land conveyed by said deed of trust and describ ed as followst-.;';'-1 i v , Situate in the Town of Calypso, Thinlin Conntv. and beine lot No 12 as shown on plat of land form crlit Awned At Thomas Pieford as Tirvcvpfl ana niaiiea y v. ocvma, Civil Engineer, which plat is re corded in the plllce oi tne iugisier of Deeds for ,. Duplin County in Kotik 9.1 A At nape 167. And said plat, said deed ' of trust and re cords are Hereby expressly reierrea to and' mado part hereof for purposes of better description of saia lav. , . iVThis th 22nd day of Septem ber, 1937. v : v 4 , A A Trustee. D. C. Humphrey, Attorney. 9-23-30- Oct. 7, 14, 21. 6L fl.CH. 1 . - s?!?Jr ..( - " -- " --T ' -' "i 7 ' ' - - . LB i u i i lp c-.i r. j" ..coy. ..-.i JiiLJ.'.c':i;r c-rs' ' J : ; By M. T. Elrrsd " TO V- M.M. L.C .V 77 D.T3A7- 13 TO CbTEVCM WTH Ml? By s ! f." VrDMAtIKl3 MV aTt?B9.. .N I it-M3Un.U FJD OUT MCA WHAT MISTWCU TOO MADE, WHEN CW TBIEO TO t3XK,UP HAIN&T MB. I T (4 Lr V t ik . t:T3 NOTICE TITied as ad 's of Urs. cJ, not- 'f 1 rcrsons ' r 4-te Iv h i r ."' e ., r Eaving aTiii'itered on tLe I )' tate of J. 1" ' ' tliia is to noiJ til i 3 1 i-j cIiiiTS e" 1 1 5 t 1 f " ) ru-'t i i- c1 . t -1 ' (MP mi 'I TT I H I irlfi - iT i ?,."t fSftRK FROM A eiACVSMM AVl'i,' I '" TED AfKStR tn-me mouth or A'SY-ttAfii, ' r-fr... nmBUiatn. 9a;., ICE? CCEfiM COKIS WAS MftD? . ATTfUH voPL0'6 Fair 'IVJ' ST. LOUiS 1 :.- - r I, ' ' " s , i ' " ' - ih ,rocow.cn .. - . V'turnv vena m iwys OH, 7"CY WONT C f fNUUUTf TO TWW CKLtSTlHL ?! 'f 5 LiuT IW VA(TIHl ' Ml )CrT Ullini Ula .' STHWhhi W5 . ' 6 V i 1 V-'r EX tr 'u.lhB SMOKE T jsiD Tiw yoMi i smoke 3)' L-l l liv LL k ; nK " 1' YOL) HPSVE SOMC i .J j :..." . It .i. i.- f vwk jwi" fc ij' wx T t jvrr r,. 'U tv,3 cr.:)C ll-J-r o 1 Ii'1- ( CTDOTDTr ,